HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-19, Page 2�­n k e row w. irov Y Leailng 01 .:t6nt ir, 06 0111, 91* Y Rvv- Ne., n".., 'e e," R :l 2­1­ �-W-heth,r, P up 'ino*ed W rlill N e and Thi I A' J . Re 'T� 7 7� 7, 9 PC Pop CjO�NAOA,. Price& hAVo,'ro*-Y� -S fallen' e h whethCr ddle o N -ye,�r �H,q�iliours` List iQ 'A ;Lpne�� is not"136ifig turned o4eri If -2, r we could get a- p6mon is.. bette, Qd - ent, oil; disAtIn-' �q f Sir 'eor 1�4 sgreem The, premoniti�n G Mo*,al of, hjS�'6j'� Iter -'t-'bY'tbQ ge� n tons, —lliisi bpiiii.T �tlrred.11p ament'and 6z� viii deb MIN M rearle* ixi� the� Qrder Of St. Xi d by' f 11, ace bet�pee� France and'. 4nd St, George'. q QWS r 114 , . L ­ .][K r " , , r , " Cbi6f Medfral turally te�m he. - And,A ng. t ipork, thq.1igk. �os 8 e shotild'ha" 7GIML ri r, I 'Of it' fl tjOjl,-w4rIIijig the publiq lon re he dO1X,­asP9j; Com he that:1,60 Maily tim, throt;gh a.str64fm,6f money. com einov4.1 of qii�; n'g Pii� 'of opera 'the 'r, it 1,115 f d gained 1103ts Of rjendS­ d oils for man sempo, for:, 14 'a L CPU C 4re�,benig Perforixied in j43)n9WI,d, 4, rbing sur U3' Of it still a: pi�sr�ona grata in, the Capital pf p Sjr 0 lqt, Tas re§ S� ithers 'th e, , t 1 -1 L - I �1. ing i)f A­�Oify,o Lba- lgm­ and it,is:;,entir I Cal in Evqry� xe� ., 9, ail da 5: �ihat thef6uhWn� Of 'iAW 04 4 ae rk its, 1.7 'erfo"med ou,,O'out, pid inig, "oppi-It oil Ili PL , r sire to' p eAsure at hiYCon.: Devil's Wand a rid,'Trinidadi th6­6jj'dreu,&,�1'R'lr to q?�. PRr. ulana, "r'�Ices, 4jficet he,. I ft ftil il ml� Fled ConV'&,SL �f �F 6 ha�,� succeeded in �ealling Tijni�- with- dignity of, 11 eL-, h llyr, �e4 'b (lad, within x now Acita mod #dinlrab S h diffe.r" In! If 0 1 onref. i�qbod�y- liawvs -,exactly, Wh t Oi no�e­ The, �4 IS aIjr t. f ' ' r' " . � I --t� .. t6 ha k the�,'meh to" *h, -nee le CeJ%re strictly It is rather surpiiSl�igr'jt�­ ta ve aplied 'with,. and 'since'U6 recent deci-', Ian o cia that Ah I Call. Priv been useful:to qii sion Ir the be- :'caqae of, death in thio, 'United Statea. noL�l 'to be, thAj th Qj� . 'be. e, rench 0 n y years terouS. j_WaS Suj-' vernmentl&, not.trou oxmy, or sixteen out' f twt Go war prioc r, r ye',aipS bier�. furt,h& effori k: 77W bac e cur 'Tier', ]PE j& In f1j;e: othe fod tu nWn.' 'for t e Ca*enna I h Y14 first Last,, yeai and goi eral t I lt*;Js� '&I*�aII4 U oms li stAtlent h that they Should 'not �rir -'clean surgica remova bo to adoija6bile 'ac cl&i� that a turn to, TrinidLad is 'Ahere- f'r thd ', -r r France" d6fita :which -is, per of' these, ma-98'eLS of j h .. ................ re"fitedL.�ith th�- pi-oblerri. eitherl L Whig -PtAndard".`, .. ten'.Nvorks 4, miracle n �n ailing' Ines liarbouring the*,qT alloiN Tr Oda d a Jurn ilofi3Of 6e.,opela;1o4' r even Ad mtinue Can& Isn 'Lomber In rItal arge propqr. the object! 0 a now -4 re --,aYiatrIX, of ceivine t4i .01audits'af London crowd$ Amy. Johnson, pIng :Outstgnding I , ., r , r ' " r " sThe conque:st� this desirable After': 'Without , An Th ndlcl-'Pelrsla�� sp4.e- -1W.O air bir �et ea;nnot Dj t A.' uf- it'Is be achieved home from Cape Town. decided' to' test jete,,,we see, the.1 s, Ur.'r'ou ' 19. 40]rgeti A det�r�inod effort,�'as, in- th�y tak it, 'a and' easy S tt iea ivhetUq At' Switzerl and,� The whole situation n b dhii ged ope, ha a n' -inaiie,in-eyery, important AUSt 1k, No' The,b6st - ni�di6al o , py , lion 'IS a l)rL,­ since t e conces qq4 was t ce sent 4n avor 'of: resery L Ing the opery kRedu s to; -Raije� U -B 'att nooli in �iht field one in. ose, dd imagin6d. a sitila- ene... t - imp6rt�nt - * ­ i , Canada to'. poinni, h Li�e E M *kt War%-' End' �tlj)n for .-caseq 341 VvIi ioh oap6ur nio. it"Ilyuch­'S��k- P Te in Davii,'Cup I , r . 1. tolmr'do ag jan to ti e demandis of. Brit! can li� Srho'�Vn Camer'prai'i of a �wo'rl, oil combi. e de- p6la-, , Yaly.----;-Fi teen subina df,' Sim rinq3r t r It t r b qd-y- liberatoly. r4eitricung-.oll-,,..-Pr�ductioii, sh 911, t f dent.of t e C4nadian e arm, S_, O.M lveii". w 0 h i000�, poiten hen the. 'ti -r Thero­* Shah s 66ilten ),wA­Tenn1ja -in- the apnouric ..ralse f000 ncmiori­of thos is, An theL wil, L g. full I soej#tJ6nj' lias� declared Canada, wi, e -ou that, 11fiela is not -b. tiC L I , L . ' : - : fhe� Arti iq sa, vage-�rrew-- As soon: as 604 e a cut, erIcAn *th, n any. ? out a-, ndL.Walt.) I,' case if all the d;e: M niI4 16ided OXPIO' AVr S Cill 'tl* -h "rec, i g� f, I d riny A avy. an' D Men!& H ' rt , . om. eannot�` stan N 4 A f!..W Shah az6vision 6f, y fifils; undiA­Yout e teriiis ':Z()Pe Of yers,.Can',,be oun pprokpa Agns Oif jh'� fr;m'th�'rh�id of- AnL,�Aj�reasi��.-]"fi.-' co665' � - 11 ; , r' " e unde rwat�r C, 0. and it is'we f r L US'to, P 11�mlllion dolla$a: tocid ' f co n. we, niust If. sitisfaciory a f d. Nest Ont, he 19 'entitled to. t'. -wait jrijht' t ti "wh 7�yer�61d lyi,, 'Meldram. said: h6 �undfts the Th 116�; bet*i4n� St'�. ri ier, Plmt�l L forur players w 0:'Lrepresent' Lnt�'64sto and' Th6 are W �-::'BiWsh: did ;n! a me on r y ' Of.L' CanadA U o slash' from nts, to. start work- e�cry. nation, w re' �br6ught *�erland rOin roma . L � 4aaTr year Tvlaxd h t at t a'. r a ji Gr`e` v h ell e oil L j�naj A, . �DT.� ex.pensea., n g Nkilth'this ezid'in y ere an wh riftij is discussin te ejth� le C Of g of, his yr rig as�Stinbied- b h iew B -Ita!lnvllle,.�,GI16L*rt..N4niis ­Ld er Se q en th ASca, "kfiluing i�iy propriety g %ng -Ad' to �,4js -7,as. saved' 'y Dr" q- -� 7,4- --d- Cu :h J7 , n*, a I I , ng� Stu n. 6�lrabill oi� POL . I aye -no &4jn It rt' the. Co'u' es*ute rjyj t I it. f ...... a'a th '�a o' Canada, sure y would rettr� nning U�jj a e;,. grea popu ari y., o r6�ji;diat, ing 'j, Of n a era" or, re, VI S They- sank ­&zq _of -1-ta N tion, increases "ov, 'n year r, t e ptese P, .England ��the L 14"t -e ­ I�Slbjt T o -Un ted' Siat�s an&; Cuba, prq- -Ic e a e.-contempa'ted. for. e T'S L proVe$ sman and a (Lqnn. ither allie�& merchant sh-1 0 w c, svigeoi to 11166 - j. fOl "to et th aV h4 1 la 4e �tifik ng I ed iate rtraent of The, ro" r akri,- vt ow e pa en eir a ad ent4ed��in j.fi� ei��endftdres' ai Th' ir own.. ir�Ie came. Th' Iiiiiilkiii�+�adi- Improvement"" erl clau, ito and, tr kll� nt ed' I th t" di "I'l ar.. the' I Y,oper the- Age- rced-eco-- ti hat. �th "hetiA . is­gqv-- + fir�at'r Se*jan for the, ep. nomy o icy', to, em Prin''ce,ofr P 21:10fit9s of* the''.current- financial- ie�r but-Ahe doctor subs�'qif,6n: th4. s' from:,13ritish 'Ne'w'� Openedr".." t "IF h pouncd rr,ka JU by" the .'Counci an ought Ao, ei 'V.Atient 6h&u14;, bo, nearly threer tim An ne mp oyllnent out 'i3o of JIM, und epartment, ondon.," Tb P h CreaSQr that' Finance,., C�r run&in'. Lillaba'to"t e4tew, in fore get 4 .1 per cent., Niagara a �6nt.---mC�n is, -a ver ried �'that fli,� un-' ted for" is -116 speec �%§S`e Ae", thiLu p TM, Sarnia h days Orin y ijid better 'kfi*N�n as -St. i�ts�; a ays that swoungeim nt in t 0 'niefit ris�s 'jjk� thd', bo L rtin ' d4mOffid'jis appro nevk, d�, I'd s"n ian zt&ertisemenit' 11' lid opei the amoVil Olailable f6jr;thIs Y an a ah e Ae new . 4uaft�r Ape L in ica ing of tr" presion. The:! cottozi er0p; a arpiy� a QwLa:hce tatil. �d' jkDgS foi� 'tiona�l ar, na plant which,h,6� ien',cofiipleti here. sI in' oin Al ls­big�g'er .-A alre"y bol baiiiador�,Ri rld onsifiuW g" '�n 'b' Am 0 emerg-�nqy, VdJUJI_ At of the $feq uget.,' .'for: abipmont. 'ta37. SeMce 4 In- an',addte�ss AtAhe openi. k per, ce re en6odrafgin &I MaIdWe h so:%& J.., Tone� pr6siddn"t, of,,t e nft int th 9,4uld'be t 1-d' b h To ombo,,Ja he woid aiij a regAotion or:, a 111tj 19::: -1 4how how,the. was.,the first" h constxu(:t�On thfte 'ot st, � pe in.-, f6f a ��-4s Of so��Iled expressed �� e view t at- 'e ng,,r ptopos *&, . jifi6 r, 1 1. yi. 7. eir . J" g t6 S!Irp:us iestimony eigt' per: cent, '6W, d" 'I. �d- export '0 Cob in OrIg1n; 1 to hito be bi6aAcas every Friday AFok . ail iviiiidrls "Parchi6i. the� world, the semn." Th' crop ast e'ven 'effbit, to ip tete St. P,�"O uld. q0,Q9r0t' as� 3 us pal '-I anr ual the de"red As . the faith of. t IA .0n`- ' i ft, Short fre,co pany 1 8, -the succes*s of the Qfli�', j ralt seetmida �6 , ca r' p , eWn senow a tribute'.6f,. fish' t h � a - - Ast there is: effect'i on rall- filture, on4fture wo.. b nia, ci rus, Gm of, in c6opera, ing, hi I- equipment ff been' and mi`s tO'th 66 -joiL W 0 0 1 heyrii4ije, inse inery,,an( e vernor; o :Ce�. rough� newspaper., aidvorti6�6'g� hav�� Wp4Nt 6f� ftn u D. Q.V se� 0 ed� niost�,"Of it_ uf IIIS Man aeLtiareo J'a qual y, is ! Carrie In PrIC �d and, eq p ppqrea The tribute I tlwi-o ."or d ns c- tha n,. d Crib.:. Y" Caiiadii, --With �tl Toni S: an uresque,proceski6n; ut,thrj�6*ye'a,r.:tIj. Y. it of, S et ef cOmpan th. the t Fn'j n&'fronj ussia, Maldi4lan A A -otor ;kt4rtain brand: a -p mca raining--ceiitt.663., af wil h 'refoig' Im -ti6j oil -An s r n .1p assa or ia, forange &=4 - unAln nAnner a 1*h b oil tC g a has,'. ed $I,2*,W,0 'ffi I' "�- �-d r a , real, enceL." "t., CI ,gep sa �11.9 POII SaInjoh,and' drab;-,cahned in' Britiali thro" id, 'we pqyl el .any 0 wres t S 0 I� da asomelt U VO an gooi.,out of the thir en a gin. t XaMp 'gTet HeL stressed the urg. irchasing Power. O. -the Masses this Islans ountain' i jpro*tint the _U?jeIjI_ Are Wing� u'n 0 ea' bi g The PC LOW PhilligirnionIC L ' - ' - - ' -1 ad ' ' at�Ouglltt, tol bei 161. T1.,jde . ­- ' `� -1 1 ­ ka, Siberid', Y W'4M 'ji �'ot r quiNni"ters `.,,Ae3*' ifiirO t , t -em; pro -he I r Our prqqen sys. in 1roin, 'a British kjo�jjnte jh J:']��n. to, to bei ng --Vi a menta de- tiolli. s, :In '' t Woy Mill �bysi4l- 'an4 Ge 16" Ile , , d . , , 'd.�i " the Thanles reenm�-A',,, ic in CIM consuinp. ifii4 Oniuw*tion' db viQ1ld. h4 of the "aiches di .6 all y. xpress cor er an, Imes., or pg,. the'i. up 'n U vo un* pure azing tia..recent y orga I antim& W TO b Sir, T� The Express a nounces there is An- Civ�i' ie n, o 'Beec ni,,' t e b . .. " , h" ' " ' ... . !r t the,: same: Ay. tiD. 'Prosper C IiA h tau .'T'he'Smoke ot as, of Gray' l4alr­ P'oVpr rebe ved'.Lby Other sii!IpmeTit, of" *lor n gIVe �M" or asses- at. pr to r n way,over.' T w. Od-1166 ft ocordinkto:the.� British- 'drdy �tiiille­ a lu . Grpy haij a pT Wo. en agein. Here, Dr. Icliard' tthia fiuttkC Degaw�� A h'. 't 6 ca B ggra cans -of' recip lentist, ij used 'by a ger e-volume'of-vageh"we t. is niany years n'.' ng 'S .6 for es. it, refer to '8tidk,JW the the L O�Y' , .. L ) Y'a,ing, SnIff I ., - , a., oU th t I I U h' ih A, xng;, sugges s Dr. 111iarn �A; irillelo -icatd Rdegia'as t Li :coun gh I*kke& ind -alg, reduce e : emand fOj goods ayid. orchestira'was, heard oil th4 �Easterii' Cana a: the C a the pt', b6 due entirely birtim a, Y11 U";, �y of oriffizi, but, the plaim n S:, 1c;r -e.m- er�,Per aps:�U ts witz, y- gnioke. th h cw ore. hb Ven Uring P il aiid exchAzij "11 in filing ballet *as PreL t pefthagen' roSpc iidn, ed in iQ.o Jabela e Yr in jhe: rt ;eW' W ago" and t 41". q)ii4e oil'. Lib 'tjjjj�68 rftt, Biltain1he amoun-t-6f coal -'Ohi W" i f. iqekS` King', 6�4. e io: esleyift'iUn VeMty rML QUeen-V nma`rl� tte d6i'd 't S I . Rellne OR' at': distril) - ed ;1 wo of idn�b d enijstry,pi41�issojr zki6�may' be, re. i6: 6mi3 of, L, ilit - i Our 00fri*eSpondentamho. at- seiia a L 'I Ck. 'd, pe au",- ey helent jo �b'rehasg th,& g6oda-piroduced -ange or Provine n exe I&WS'. jof. Jhe; I' sponsi L padrt r. TbaCout 'h' esp Stjejw -6 ij6s 'Itt. - anqar.,�­�. oA) an,, says Dr. Ham er: ed, Por ret heced4 L ese malAdiesiiche ex0l even if 'qf;. Th 'ted -0tt9L*iL' By -but a SuAt- t eit, ni-kifali ies. bke�alcs of h' t, i� influenza. ge, d i 5, ke t6fai A 'R : 66vVerillinent' Id trdb, ifn6d� i'are qu e egider . I COU. as tty 'r" lb , 4'. � I Ahe Dom nloiL 01ibe .1 - ence he -,.Ott4wa., 0ohthiti4d ..ext -A stAhe fisherm oJ .13 0: ri OT foj�ggji p dric" aCI( minion, , se ng vap , o " s, I . n thei a mpspheTe.t o. -indtances 0 ttawa a nU L V ritati 'r ming eonpo�i o At:. the, Prol ast; week by zell 00 d do wha owr �aild If thi poiAttoij is be�c& tL 0 'the Maritime' - do. e since t otbiw"A. earth4ttake �'qf ILI nt*nsit�r: affL regis red, pr ted I �hcand 1sh alerp wor ers nd 'employes: of uld -136' no industria, 'natl&p� and �siqw the, -Iof a, Ong6r' libOrts", wor d's, iftarke a ing.-,wn ac, Usso im, emor q- At that,'h-6194 3 ra4r powers thi i, law On Paiis" growing, L,L n, Ve th''o Shine, M 1, a burb-,' W, -hi t Om t a Victor, A:, Ish'oes' was mi T., krawberry; pa tah' sar" dr -i izen IS �!iot difficult to for.6tell the'. debacle :gapill t 01,94130 ii is en i . ' e epiep; rb was, 2�9 0 �W 'h 1C ' MUS jynWU e,preSea t era h t if th o' �d drebi and, the MP Orion Fi� Ia y, PWW Or toy of Sea I U .1lurn .Prox agains ris ap wor 4�15 bii* : Ma repord -donti er W" �ch'4ashion, dictates r. 4ecre arya vo 69. go nl� ed.7�_ �thur The' nued, . I ! exceptionally., nlild and 'sull#Y* R .0. for 1%-h6urA:,' nary ;h erneAloinal quAr I Q W necessary part'r,of,'Fa$6 'S Ti Se �thq - n am a' r of IF izrop6. aYs me doubtsr.."" to i n atibn in d which. sta. s6r nd nieftf"'h aid;' 'Should gal O�Aggm h his, 'Romance On!' omw It 'a RICA N A nL vocaition men- vfbid III h 4 Wa''y -Out ofr the' M� ffinal -�, came., -;�ould'. lie pew N641ii RW 01' dIfficulty. of, dp tiOn Slmipje� ch&rity is ay 0 viowk Y Iivat vor Turin hzik mado h quar-� Cer of : 718 Ion, 'f iza on, of, an Italian enouglt.,' R6,membiran the orgot� tars � or org, I all . 0 A W en, is nio b6;eWr eii t, zho tight sehiix 0 ear. 'An&,othit di nitAi't s"6f'bit7' tern con4 e enoU g 1. etosity in, sh fig, hin and a j e,�., narehist ese are a �in 1spPn 0 CoMill in r ew . J. raq . the -9 outhci�n-kalV Th� -U d' sable. A :S 18 tit :th H with the'. bo mb A� e Are no enough N ne W..A. Y* k. or Ing,, on ew-, Or d fty i� to Brig ton, -or V ' hi� 46D doni, su r acto &nstitute., -The'gr&ter t66d­js in T, th , real, a - .03 rid -p6oha etipi(A m IT Y. ow wit'and n: Public at i �w� aP101? lon�gegt eTotriq, powe tie t i1i. M. coveTI 1119. UP---�do*n,,Ae6p he may be; attaihatle bitily A B is by SO , - wofriodr'becad, , 110. iftinks.6.1m -a, ritain. b War. Debts. t4, list 0 SeX iiippoialr. '� So I ndie�tes' Prof aoo& to,, A� Wo years -in 'to 11 xr-Wfids, of :A.11 d166 :,a *1 ind Wation, 1 5 J)eginning to p6ceivi) win w runs coehiultatiov c' pletion',And, now' �kes Brijhthj c4litr fj C , ti"al, njaja�jj ,th, -�,ro ihust t h -10 , Urw*TSMMTlg I inora� a, subtib'. of Und ' -the me 40 grea q anpa 'th EIjj;6pe, just Int"tea V16w, of affairs. et reldtjjDIjjr wi ftt'tWhetg College, he '*e in:ft; *Ojjd whf�h AlWd so 'Aid n 'h 4ri) greAt dU two many caift� :of -man d ut6fl lr6ni the hietr6p6lbv t Ing n rom. d a ioJW..o On ey haye�`-- t watdri ng, i's paiti, of Eur ilttture, . I L t opo'to but, ijbin ofii* no*, perski I y or anliel, Tfi, i­ Ior. ou;; kfiow, nec6i r is It call t �,Attrtet thio' opposite Ch is , ime ust,,sik dibdip in,6 ary oman, ,cx� Th tj t man make*L, en h'to `do-�er same'tr 710 nub took i CompIcte 'whic'-fio ii n6t '&a6o*q*tW,'by` n unroini i f tt ng C difflottle art f 'If D1C4ei!3Nafn'of L�ts &rb' too the, Sl lahi Xind ot' 11311! " nTh 6, Kiiflattoq." " " : R lt4y, to Promolte The.locusta an -nag gov, aYor, w ero I 66 be .11 men And ilrig by GH&r' in Ah,6' Canarl, Thl� fakii Po"ble oSecu re ft6h monoey onatiorAl orgAigzation t4ii to � trak.i ti' *01 n on W en� 4D or Vtetsion, becA' " '& 1 1. &Vertior 461 �tho Won& statiorW ir r of 'a d copl cS To �,des,�isa hoorY -in to, liav'o the or, list,; an Jr e -cu . tUilif t iil6ht bcttw4h, the Young, Agr ne n Wilb, Thc tov,�Lge war� AMdried d in , g*2 Kate: ftli,, a'bfg. succoafk II, , ­ ' `h do Ofttat anif th6 It6y&],'A66� 119 M r� . locqO nl�q, proceeding. ug� h itl Oki i oupg at do6S 'all( b olly� In -6 "ageL of, iA� and Ali re e' r 1)4�ejl bt 'for 6,V aIf