Capital Stock (all paid up) ,, . , $3,983,700.00
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $5.355,223.91
Total Assets, 4 f * . . • • • * . $57,000,000.00
T314 VVIDttitIAM TIKES, D=NBER 9, 1999
6016.1•11•11••••60•660•160.16k •••**,.,.***'•••••••**^,....".." ---
Benefits of Sunshine.
mmimmi....40.4.00.w.pwrompro invaluable to
• Bushiess 8r Shorthand
• Resident and Mail Courses
catalogues Free
4 J. W. Westervelt. J V. Westcrvelt, Jr., CA „
Pcincipal. ViPrncipL
13RANC aEs AND AGENrS throughout Canada and the 4,4
4 Ti* British Museum possesses n chair
—the throne of Queen Ilatasu—whioh
was in use some 3 500 years ago.
-United States,
Savings Department. g
II. Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00
and upwards.
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at
lowest rate of interest. 4
-. 4
t 4
WII‘TeTIAM Bnateca—Corner John and Josephine Streets.
W. R. GEIKIE, Manager. 1
t R. VallarroNa, Solicitor, 4
__ ..
a • "60`,$;
The Opening and Maintrrinixag of a
Savings Bank Account is a duty that
everyone owes, both to themselves
and -to those dependent on them.
your Savings Account Solicited.
-4!rea' ....ssesat'aleettet segalearioreesaesestat eassete lase Wee' a es' ;
e see eosa ash.' estetteastate egettein set s at es. -nate 1, ett;
Every Farmer
Its Wonderful Power in Curing
Sick Cattle and .COliclry Horses
blokes "Her 'Sinus)" Worth
Its weight in Geld.
The stockman or fanner that doesn't
enow of the thousand and oue Door of
Nonaline" around tee stable, has a
*rent deal to len). ''Wbs, I wouldn't
thuds of locking toy stnble door at bight
without knowing I /lad A MO:Mil
Five Chinese Government schools are
teaching railway engineering and a
sixth will probably establish a course,
se" re3 riCt aalt X .
The Kind You Han Always Bough?
3ears the
An alloy of iron and thorium, when
lightly struck like a flint, gives eff very
bright sparks, which set shavings on
A number of women enrolled at the
universities of Germany the past bum-
mer was 1,441, au brorease of 333 ever
the previous year.
Bees were unknown to the Indians,
but they were brought over from Eng-
land only a few years after the landing
of the pilgrim fathers.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Net vine& ou hand I saw )b get v.
ciezen teoteiee st time xi= my et"• conditions are about the name as tn
Riot. America, varies from 44 per cent. daring
•••••• "To cure °Olio, the entire number of hours the sun
shines for a year above the horizon,
down to as low as 28. Lc ndon fogs are
the worst of any city in the world,
There the foggy days during the three
months of December, January and Feb-
ruary have increased from 18 to 31 dur-
ing the lain fifty years german scien-
tists have discovered that the rise and
decline of the death rate is in general
accord with the decrease or increase of
the hours of sunshine.—Exchange.
Now that more attention ie paid to
healthful environment, and same the
battle is waged with growing energy
isgAinOt tuberauloeis, physioians and eta
dents of mind science feel that the prob.
tern of purer air for the residents of
cities leas become one of prime import.
twee. Statistics gathered from regular
observation extended over long periods
show 120W little sunshine falls to the lot
of people living in industrial Mies. The
average amount in German cities, where
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all diseases put to-
gether, and until tbe last few years was
supposee to be inonrable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a
local disease and presoribed local reme-
dies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced incur-
able. Science has proven catarrh to be
a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Gure, manufaetured by F. J
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
oonstitutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and muttons surfaces of the sys-
tem. They offer one handed dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
Addrese: F. J CHENEY & Co, Toledo,
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for conga
indieestion and
bad stomach in a
horse or cow there
is no remedy on
earth in the same
cerise as 'Xenia
lige.' Last sum-
mer I had e. $250
hems th et got the scours, and I would
have lost hint if I hadn't been able to
ewe him Nerviline. 1 poured a full
bottle of Net -fame In a pint of water
down his throat ad saved his life. I
know of neighbors who haye sewed
many heads of valuable stook, strioken
with maim just by using Nay iline, It
is «-malty good as a rub on liniment,
and .I know from my experience that
for man or beast, internally or exter-
nally, 'Nerviline' is worth a dollar a
James E MoOnllongb,
Stock Breeder, etc.
You will not regret using Nerviline—
but sea you.. get it and not something
else, 25o. per bottle, or five for $100, at
all dealers, or The Oatarrhozone Com'
pany, Kingston, Oet.
In the tjuitad States 10.000 persons
are murdered every year. In Germany
only about 500 persons die from crimes
of violence in a year, and in Great
Britain about the same number.
Our own roses are never quite as fair Andrew H. Mylne, of Dunnville, lost
as our neighbor's cabbages. his life in a fire that destroyed his dwell -
Mrs. Cameron Brown, a daughter of ing.
Hon Geo, W. Ross, died at Windsor. Recent experiments seem to indioate
that bees have the homing instinct like
The Mysterious Nerves. the pigeon.
How like electricity is the mysterious
nerve foroe which courses through the
body controlling the movement of every
musole and the working of every organ.
The secret of keeping the marvellous
nervous system in health and victor is
I ound in the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food, and great blood builder and nerve
Pessimism is usually another name
for habitual introspection.
The sting of a sorrow lasts only as
long as we refuse to be sweetened by
CS -IL SES Ms Ca Va. ofk. . •
Bests the The Kind You Have Always Bought
" of
member of the Georgia Legislature
Introduced it bill to penalize the playing
of baseball or football at any Scheel or
college chartered in that state.
Prbfessor Pazatirek, originator of the
manned bad taste in Wurtemburg be-
lieves every art museum should have
attached to it, as a matter of course,
a collection of horrible examples.
Burdock Blood Bitters.
John Smith shot and killed W. Mtn
Dreary near Rathwell, Man , in mistake
for a deer.
Bees sometimes fly two nines from
the hive and find their way back wiele.
out difficulty,
The presence of headache nearly always
tells us that there is another disease
which, although vie may not lie aware of
it, is still exerting its baneful influence,
and Ti it) awaiting an opportunity to
assert iti;elf
Burdwk Blood 13itter3 has, for years,
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
an d guaranteed
eurefor each and
every f or m of
itching, bleeding
a n d protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
Your neighbors about it. Yon can use it and
get your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all
Sealers EDUANSOX. BATES & Co., Toronto.
• ••*••••••411.**
A spiritualistic medium came to a
house and claimed to be able to locate
lost friends. The residents had an old
horse which they had sold years before
and the old lady wanted to know where
he was. She began: "We had a very
good friend, who always did our work
He passed from us several years ago,
and the last we heard of him was that
he was in Los Angeles," The medium
made a few mysterious motions, knock-
ing on the table, and then said: "Your
friend is in Los Angeles, and is married
to a rioh young woman."
Governments of the Federated States
of Germany are considering the intro-
duction of a land tax of the "unearned
increment " The measure is expeoted
to raise $5 000 000 annually. It is held
that such a tax would rest heavily on
land owners in mates, but lightly on
country distriote, where values increase
very slowly, if at all
Ca .41. Ea rLI Co 2M X -A. •
Bears the Thu Kind You Have Always Boa
Charles H. Stover was sentenced at
Woodstock to five years in Kingston
Penitentiary for bringing stolen goods
into Canada.
The submarine cables of the world
oo ver a total of 278,208 miles, distribut-
ed among 2,0e3 cables. Three.fourths
of this total mileage is owned by private
Last year more than 32,000 children
were taught to swim at the London
public schools.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Take a Cold Seriously.
The possibilities of every oold are
dreadful to contemplate. Bronchitis,
pneumonia, consumption usually begin
with a simple cold. Why not fight the
cold from the start and ensure success
by using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine, It allays inflamma-
tion, keeps the cough free and loose and
proteots the bronchial tubes and lungs
from danger.
The people who patronize the cata.
logne houses are those who sit down
in their homes and deliberate over the
advertising matter that reaohee their
fireside. Why not give them something
fresh every week through the columns
of The Teems to deliberate over and
induce them to spend their money they
send away in their home town? More
sales are made through printers' Ink in
the home circles than in all the business
establishments in the world.
The one hundredth anniversary of the
Bothwell Savings bank, the first bank
to take small deposits and pay cumula-
tive interest on them, is to be cele-
brated in Scotland in May, 1910. This
bank had its origin with one Henry
Duman, a Presbyterian minister of
Dumfrieshire, and a friend of Thomas
Ca. lisle. His purpose was to induce the
mass of the people of bis time to realize
the value of a little savinge which could
be put by from time to time.
"I think the little one is going to bear
a resemblance to his father." "Well,"
answered Mr. Reaper, "if that is the
case I hope the ohild will learn to bear
it with patience and courage."—Wash-
ington Star. •
Mrs. Catherine Nicholson, for many
years a resident of Teeswater, but for
the poet ten years an inmate of the
county House of Refuge, died at that
institution on Nov. 18th. She was 80
years of age (some say 84 or 85) and had
been on the sick list for some time.
The final appraisement of the estate
of the late E. H. Harriman, as complet-
ed in Orange County pate it at $149,-
000,000. The estate is made up of
railroad stooks and bonds, principally
Union Paolfio and Southern Pacific:, and
zeal estate.
Fifty *years' experience of an Old Nurse
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male physioians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
yearn with never-fraling success by
millions of mothers for their ohildren.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarehoets, griping in the bowels, and.
wind collo. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
mite a bottle.
Over four miles of the C. N. R. line
to connect Toronto and Ottawa is grad.
ed, between Trenton and Brighton, and
smell army of men is at work in Dar.
ham coutity on other parts of the road.
It is predicted that the line will bo open
in a year. '
A political office in a Mall town in
Iowa was vrieant., The office paid two
hundred and fifty dollars a year, and
there was keen competition for it. The
been curing all kinds of lieadachoA,
D• eEzekiel Hicks,
'11 n1 ive it a trial we are sure it mocratca
ic' ndidate,
was a shrewd old fellow, and a neat
campaign fund was turned over to him.
TO the astonishment of all, however, he
Wag defeated. "I can't account for it,"
said one of the Democratic leaders
gloomily. "With that meter, we
!tumid have won. How did you lay it
out, Ezekiel?" "Well," mkt EZekiel
alOwly, pulling his whiskers, ,,yer see,
that office only pe two hundred and
fiftysdollars itYear salary, an' 1 didn't
see no sense in priyire nine hundred
dollars oul to get the office, so I jut
Wright m little ottek4sou baked..
will do for yell what it has done for thou-
sands of others.
++++++++ Mrs, Sohn Connors,
1 t + Burlington NS'
Iteadache t' ot
to + writes:---" I have been
',. + co, .i..mtion-10- tr'Otibled With head-
+ + for a long time. After
44-4-aseas+-4-4- trying difierent does
tors' medicine a friend
*eked me to try Burdock Blood Bitters.
I find I Son eompletely cured after haviog
take* three bottle. I can safely wom.
mond i4 to all."
For sale by all dasitts.
lelartufootxred only 'by The T. Milbank
THE COST of a single day's
baking — the material, fuel,.
time and labor—and consider
that it is all wasted if the
baking is a failure?
Is it economy, then, to use a
flour of uncertain quality when.
a few cents more will buy
—a flour that you can depend
upon to produce light, crisp and
wholesome bread or pastry?
It is made from selected hard
wheat, milled by a most modern
p roly.
s which guarantees absolute..pu
Royal Household Flour doest
not vary in quality — does not:
disappoint. 3.'7'
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., LliCied, Montreal..
Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Canker
Sore Mouth Cured by Mi 0 na
Siok headaches are caused by indi-
gestion and a general disturbed condi.
tion of the stomach.
Cure the indigestion, and the head-
aohe, nausea, heartburn, sour stomach,
and that "all in" feeling will vauish,
Mi-o-na tablets will cure indigestion
or any other stomach trouble. They
will relieve almost instantly. Walton
McKibben bas so much faith in them
that he will give you your money back
if they don't.
Mi-o-na cures by making the stomach
strong enough to produce enough gestrio
juices to digest all the food you want to
eat. It promptly puts new life and en-
ergy into the overworked and played.
ont walls of the stomach.
Use Minne for a week, and yon
can eat what you want any time you
want it, and take pleasure in doing it.
Your blood will be richer, redder,
purer after taking Mi o-na, and it only
costs 50 cents a large box.
l'tank Oke, St. Thomas, Ont.' says:
"My wife was troubled withindiges-
tion for a number of years. We tried
a number of preparations to no effeot.
Finally she began to use Mi-o-na and
has been entirely relieved of all these
troubles, I can confidentially recom-
mend Mao-na."
New York has an out•of-work pop.
ulation of 200,000 men and women.
The feat that such a condition exists
in a single centre of a country that
boasts of its abundant opportunity for
all men, lead to the suspicion that
either the boast is false or that some
people have been sucoesaful in corner-
ing opportunity.
4. ache and constipation
Ce., Limited, Tomato, Oitt.
Walton membou Will Refund if
Parisian Sage Doesn't Banish
Busy at her washtub, Mrs. Mary Win-
der of Beverley, N. J.; who was behind
in her week's washing, was peevish,
with the letter carrier when he arrived
the other morning, because he wanted
her to sign a paper. The old colored
woman forgot that she had a friend in
Congress, who had been working a long
time to get her a widow's pension, she
being the reliot of Oept. James Winder,
a hero of the Union troops in the civil
war, The letter carrier stood his ground
and with meth grumbling Mammy Win-
der dried her hands and made her mark.
When she opened the envelope she
found $980 back pension and a guarantee
of $16 a month for as long as she lives.
She is over seventy years old."
(From the Timm of Nov. 29, 1889.)
Local History of the early 805.
1 Items from the "Times" fyles.
Mr. Jas. Burgess has opened a harness
making and repair shop in the Royal
Block, next to 13], (1. Clark's tailor shop.
Messrs. Gray, Young & Sperling ship-
ped. six oar loads of salt this week, three
going by C. P. R. and three by G. T. R.
Mr, H. W. O. Meyer, of this town,
along with 47 other members of the
Ontario bar, has been created a Queen's
Counsel by the Dominion Government.
Mies Jennie Cargill, of the teaohing
staff of the public school is attending
the Model School examinations at Clin-
ton,' this week.
Miss Maggie Cargill took the prize for
penmanship offered by Mr. Cadman,
who has obnduoted a writing class here
for some time. •
Mr. A Kelly, who is in his 85th year,
a wonderful example of octogenarian
vigor, mentally and physically. He fre•
quently walks into town, is active as a
man of sixty, and does not use glasses
even for the smallest print and takes an
active interest in matters generally.
Mr. R. 0. Sperling is shipping a great
deal of poultry to the Montreal and
Toronto markete. He is paying the
highest prices in otieh for all kinds of
We have had quite a spell of weather
Mr. Miller's bill to abolish race -track
betting was discussed in the Commons
and referred to a special committee.
The six•year•old daughter of Mr. Wil-
liam Coutts was burned to death at Max-
well by setting fire to her clothing.
Detroit, Nov. 30.—"Hello kid!" was
the salutation thrown at 80 -year-old
Humphrey Qainion, farmer, from Sea.
forth, Ont., by a young woman at Gra.
tiot avenue and Beaubien street, early
Monday evening.
Humphrey, who is feeble and fully
looks his age, didn't approve of the
young wornan's familiarity and told her
"I don't know you, young lady," he
said severely, "and I ain't in the habit
of picking up with women folks on the
"That's all right, dad," said the girl,
who was dressed in along pony coat and
pioture hat, And then to the old farm-
er's great einbarrassment, she threw her
arms around him and hugged him.
"Go away young woman," said Hum-
phrey in great indignation. "I've got a
wife and grown-up children baok in
Seaforth, Ont., and I can'thave Bich
goin's ob."
The young woman, however, hugged
the farmer tighter and then with a glad.
some peal of laughter, loosened her
hold, booked away and waved her hand.
"Bye.bye, dad," elle said gaily, "see
yon again some time."
Right away Quinion became suspic-
ious and "frisked" himeelf. He found
that a roll of $50 in bills, which had
reposed in an inside pocket before he
met the girl, had dicappeared. Also
missing was a new pine, which ha had
bought to replace an old corn cob pipe
which he had smoked for years,
"And to think that she even took any
pipe," said the old man at police head-
quarters Tuesday morning. "She only
left me one cent to my name, and now
I have got to go back to my old pipe.
It is said that locomotives kill every
year more than five thousand persons
while they are walking ort the track,
where few of them have any right to be,
Railways should not be used as foot-
paths any more than footpaths should be
used by locomotives.
A beat physielan who acts as examin-
er for an accident insurance company
said that he has to be watchful in order
to keep the companies he represents
from being 'totting" on accident claims.
"A man was itt my office," he said.
"who said that he hid fallen front a
street oar. I examined his arm; and
divest( there were a few braises on it,
it didn't appear to be badly hurt."
"How high otin you raise it?" I eon.
tinned, end. he answered by raising his
Pretty strong teak, perhaps you'll
say, but it's honest talk, every word of
it, because if Walton McHibbon was
not absolutely eertain; if he did not
know from actual results obtained
he could not make such a generous
Parisian Sage, which can now be
obtained in every town in Canada, is
alio guaranteed to Stop falling hair and
itchiag scalp.
batting hair dressing that makes hair arm, with apparent difficulty, until his It's my first visit to Detroit in 25 years.
It the ideal, delightful, rejuve.
grow in abundance. EstaiSi0.11 Sage is hatid wes a few inches above his head," 1 thought I would come up to see veleat
a prime favorite with women. beeenee "Pretty bad' 1commented. 'Now show the town looked like and, my, but may.
it asps the hair brilliant and fencing. Me how high you could raise it, before be it ham% grown Mime 1 SW it last.
i tide occident happened.' 'He lifted it told that young woman to go away and
daring the past week—snow, freezing,
rain and now the indioations are that
we will lose whet little snow we have.
Mr. Thos. Gregory has oomnaenoed.
the buying of pork, and large quantitiea.
of dressed hogs are being brought in.
He is paying the highest market price.
On Thursday he shipped a car load per
G. TR.
On Wednesday last, Dr. Macdonald,
assisted by Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, and
Drs. Tamlyn, Towler and Meldrum, of
this town, amputated Mr. Walter
Sloan's left leg about half way between..
the instep and knee.
A. number of the employees of Mr.
Thos. Bell have formed a brass band, to
be called Bell's Brass Band. Mr. Bell
contributed $50 towards the purchase of
instruments, it is said. The instruments
have been received and the members of
the band are diligently praotising ander
the leadership of Mr. S. Merrifield.
They will make their first publio appear-
ance at the carnival at the roller rink ou
the 12th inst.
Prootor.—Ia Morris, on the 3rd inst.,
Mary Ellen, only daughter of Mr. Chas.
Proctor, aged 7 months and 20 days.
Oornyn.— In Turnberry, on the 2nd.
inst., Ellenor, wife of Mr. William
Oornyn, aged 50 years,
Available, Beds in the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives Increased Three -Fold as a Result of.
Last Year's Sale of Christmas Stamps. The Number:
Can Be Doubled This Year If Everyone Will Help.
lag, is daintily perfumed and not I
leave Me alone, but she wouldn't, and
now my money's gone. 1 think could
identify the money, bet 1 don't know
Whether I would know the girl or not."
sticky or greet Y.
The price for a large bottle be only
BO oente at Walton. McKibben's, who
guarantee,' it. sad. everywhere, or
tilted, all chargee prepaid, by the
Canadian makere, Giroux Mfg. Co.,
Vert Erie, oat.
easily then away up in the It, end it
wesn't mita I begafl to laugh that he
realized that he had exposed himself.
Ile cleared out in a hurry them"—
teuirrille COurier.JOurrial.
STIMULATED by Tuberculosis that would bring hope
the success of a and joy and gladness to thousands of
yearago theNational homes and communities in all parts of '
Sanitarium Associa- Canada.
tion have made large The stamp of 1909 is more beautiful '
preparations for the than that of a year ago. ' The design
sale tai nro.oftheo of 1009-10,
iCoho rtonseis as shawn in this article, but printed
in red and green, and is of same size •
sued on behalf of the as the regular government postage
Muskoka Free Hos- stamp. •
pivteas.lfor Consump- This Christmas stamp will not carry
ti •
any kind of /nail, but any kind of mail
Nearly $0,.000.00 was netted from wili carry it—and carry too the happy
last year's sale, making it possible for Season's Greetings from sender to re -
the trustees to increase the available ceiver. The stamps will he done up in
ba ge de s offo rfinf Levet ep aae
ti nt syearago t
from a no aver-oneenvelopes of ten, twenty-five, fifty and '
one hundred for ordinary selling, and.
hundred and forty, the accommodation large users will be supplied in span -
to -day. tities. The price for ten or for one
The trustees are hopeful that they thousand is a cent each.
may bring the accommodation up to The banks, departmental stores,
300 beds as the outcome of this 'year's drug stores, book and stationery
sale of this little one cent messenger stores and many other stores will sell '
Of hope and healing. them. Women's clubs, church organi-
The Christmas Stamp, as a means of zations, bible classes and Sunday
fighting the dread white plague, had schools, public schools, and many
its origin in Denmark in 1904, the sale other organizations an individuals
from which has financed a hospital for will help this year as last year.
consumptives in that country. The There would seem to be tio reason
isdeeeaiewtyasettatkheenunnpitbedy stltiactReeedinCirmoss
help in forining an. army of willing
why everybody everywhere natty not .
and interest has grown each year, workers to sell these stamps all over
A year ago a Christmas stamp of the Dominion. The Muskoka Free
special design was put in circulation Hospital for Consumptives is in the
by the Muskoka Free Hospital for fullest sense a national institution
Con aumptivea with the success already caring for patients from every pro -
indicated in this article. vines in Canada.
The price of the individual stamp is The first issue of the stamp for this
only one cent, but what, wonderful year is one million, and these will be
things can be accomplished by so tiny put into circulation immediately, but
an instrument. There is no weason there can hardly bo any reason why
why everyone who *writes a letter, the issue should not be increased
addresses a postcard, nutils a, news. many times over before Christmas.
paper or parcel from this day out The direction of the sale of Christ-
ahould not use one of these stamps. mac Stamps is itt the hands of Mr. J.
The educational value of the Wimp S. Robertson, Sec, -Treasurer, National
appearing on every piece of mail mat- Sanitarium Association, 817 King
ter would. be enormous. One can Street,West, Toronto, who will give
prompt reply to any enquiriee regard.
ing the stamp.
hardly figure up the material results.
The polite are looking far the woman. it would mean e,routing of the enemy