HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 5Smart Overcoats and Suits FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN We specialize in these lines, therefore we know we can serve you best both in QUALITY and STYLE. We make a study of the clothing business, and our customers get the benefit with regard to PRICE, which is a secondary consideration. Our prices are no higher than anywhere. The WEAR is what counts and HARD WEAR is certainly where our clothing is a success. We guarantee satisfaction and WE WANT YOUR TRADE. .mss.,... �, McGee a Ca,., ..��► � 11 CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Balm W4WANoSH. Mrs. J. Brooks, of Bluevalo, was ' visiting for a wook with Mrs. Geo, Tisdale. R. H. Anderson reoeived a cable from • •Johannesburg on Friday evening, stet- ing that hie sister -in -lave, Mra. Wm. Anderson, of that plaoe, had died of pneumonia. Mrs. Anderson will be remembered by a largecirole of friends, as Adr, and Mre. Anderson and family spent several months in our vicinity at the time of the uprising in South i a b BLUCV4 E. The following from the Whitby GA, zetto refers to the death, of the father of Mrs. (Rev) W. J. West, of tbie Placer -- Uro of the old guard of Whitby's chi: zene paeead away, in the dea-h 011 Welt- n3eday, of James g^/al Gordon. A native Soot, he way} born In Forfershire en Jan. 18, 1$30, With hie father sad older members of the family landed at `9flitlte to On: tied a month later set- tled oli ilio lily ticj@ Igrm, whish for many yeare afterwar'tlif lyes the et•erdan hoineetead, Studying law hi Vivente from 1852 to 1857, the following vMr Mr. Gordon began the praotioe of his profession in Whitby, and so continued until 1899. Though Bueoes8ful in his chosen oaliibg, Ms early experience on 'Y`t14 t'1'lfitrElAOt TXM S, DFCRUB R a 1.9ua the !erne ever influenced him along agrionitural lines, and no one in this aplendid farming oonnrry excelled him in the production of the float fruits that grow—apples, pears, plums and grapee. Indeed, his intensive culture of the 'few aoree about hie house on Byron Street South was" during a long', period of years one of the show places of South Ontario, He wai facile prin• ceps in the cultivation of fine fruits, and of late Mr. Gordon has enjoyed the retirement from hie 1aw practice, whilst Living in the residence on the corner of Colborne and King Streets, opposite the Whitby Collegiate Institute, and one of the many properties that his commend- able activities in house building brought into exietenoe, Mr. Gordon was a fem• one chess player in his earlier life. Mrs Gordon waft Miss Victoria Pentland, eldest daughter of the late Rev, John Pentland, one of the earliest of the nonmbents of the church of England t Whitby, Mr. Gordon was a Pres- yterian and . a life-long Liberal. Mrs. Gordon and the following sons and daughters survive. The sous are Mesers, .Paul, of Toronto, and Adam, of Cleve- land; the daughters are Mrs. George Newton, of North Bay; Mrs. Hall, of Detroit, and Mrs. West of Blnevale, Africa. A gift of $(50,000 for a new gymnas- ium has bean promieed to McGill Uoi- vereity by an anonymous friend. • 44444444444444444444444♦+ 0++• 4444444itv44444444444444 D. BELL'S Music Ernporium . :+[•144♦+44444444+44+++44+ We keep all the Iatest Music, as well as Musical Instruments, consisting of • MOUTH ORGANS, CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, ACCORDEONS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS, ' * TALKING MACHINES, ORCANS and PIANOS. • + • + + •4 • .+ Parties sdesirous sof making a Christmas or NewYe ar, s g .i ft wiIi •• find one of the above instruments very suitable: Remember, there is + •+ no risk at all in 'buying here. If the machine or instrument is not all + .. we claim for it, or is not satisfactory to you in every respect, you may + return it to -u14; aiid we will refund your money." + "+ Every instrument and machine strictly high grade and artistic •I'' throughout, and will satisfy the most exacting musician, besides being ae. an object of beauty and design. •4 •'• .,+ Opposite Skating Rink +44 4•4•••••••••••••••}44+44. r Two large warerooms, and an immense stock to choose from, + AT THE VERY , LOWEST 'PRICES. + ++++++++4++t+++++4+4+4++ D. B • ELL The annual meeting of the Blaev Cheese and Butter Co. was held in Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, December The meeting was called to order by president, Mr. James Elliot, who ga A short address on the business of past year and the prospects of the feta The Secretary read the minntea of 1 annual meeting, whioh were adopt The annual report was read by t auditor, Mr. James F. Hooper and of disonssion was adopted. Mr. S. Pa was reappointed salesman and M James F. Hooper was reappoint auditor. A delegate, Mr. Kofgen, fro Port Huron Creamery, addressed t meeting re the shipment Of cream Port Huron Creamery, offering at pr ent market rate 30 oents per Ib. butt t and said d thesots ro were P P that t arket would go a great deal highs oved by Mr. Isbister, seconded by M rider/ion, that a special meeting e patrons and shareholders be held s hall on the 17th day of Deo. next 0 p. m. and that all patrons and she dere be notified by card as early sable, to take into consideration th tter of shipping our cream to Po ron Creamery..—Carried, Mr. Ro on, Dairy Inspector from Wester sedation, addressed the meeting o oare of all utensils used in nankinseparating cream and stated tha separator that would not separat am up to a test of 30% did not desery name of a separator and etrongl commended that all cream should b crated to test trom 259 to 30� o re. A low tested Dream was onl ng away for nothing a large quantic skim milk, whish should be fed a e as the drawer got nothing fo wing it, The creamery got nothin handling it, as there is no butter i skim milk and also that its bean in the cream it hurt the quality o butter made and compelled th er maker to churn the cream at a er temperature than it should be rned at. He also gave a number of of Iessons on the business of dairy and mixed farming. Moved by Mr. tor, seconded by Mr. R. Maxwell, we pass a vote of thanks to the two kers, that have given ns a great of information on dairying.—Oar- The president presented the vote hanks to the two speakers. Mr. neon repfaed for himself and Mr. ell for the vote of thanks given, ed by James Henderson, seconded r, 'abider, that the present Board ireotors, except L. H, Bosman, be looted on the Board of Directors for and that Wm MaxwelI be elected o Board in plaoe of Mr. Bosman. tried. Moved by Mr. Wm, J. erson, seconded by Mr. Jos. Robb, the president be authorized to sell f the old cheese making plant at as a price as he can {ret for it.—Car- Moved in amendment by Mr. h, seconded by Mr, T. M. Hander - hat the old cheese plant be sold by on at next ,peoial meeting --Lost. ourned to meet in same onn the 17th day of December next 0p.m. JOHN BURGESS, Secretary. Oatmeal exohanged for oats. FRANK. R.:I#owSON, Wingham. ale the 3. the ve the re. est ed. he ter nl r. ed m he to es• er he r. r. of in at re - AB e rt n n g t e e y e r y r g n f e f a m M Re th thi 1.3 hol pos ma Hu int As the and any + ore the + rec sap mo givi of hom dra for the left the butt high ohu obje ing Iebis that calee pied, of t Robi Kolg MOP by M of D reel 1910, th —to Oa Hend that any o pied. good Smit eon, t arleti Meeti place at 1.8 WINGHAM, ONT. 44+++++++++++++++++++++++. VVVVVVVVVVWWVWVyWyYVYV VVWNeVVVVVWMIVVVVVVVWVVV 'J ,,Uhristmas KNOX New Year New Store —New 1 Goods i ___.........1 THE .PLACE TO B YOUR ChristmaVPresents 1 la Having moved into a large!' store, opposite the .Brunswick Hotel, we have a larger stock than ever to i ,choose from. Call and see our large s and new stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. fins Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specially slotAMAMAWIAMAMMANN1MA MMAMMAA! 1! IAANAIVIAWAA R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer One door north of King'%, Opposite Brunswick Hotel, *01 • B RCSSRLS. The Ament feotory will finish nutting their large stook of heeding to another week. They have been decayed by the wet weather. Mrs. Thnell and on, James, *who were in the West on a holiday trip, have arrived back to town. They had ah enjoyable time. A meeting of the Directete of Vast Huron F.trthere' Institute wee held in the Conon Ohamber, Bruseete, nn Saturday of lett week, to draft program for next series of meetings. Last week the Standard Datnit i'noved ttoroes the Street to the Smith block where they may be found until, the al- terations and improvements In their former place of business are ootPleted. The cut stone for the new front ie bare and work will begird tit once, ,'fudging by the plan, up'to•date premises ratty be expected when the work is oomplett.d. 73ELGXLAVE. Mr. Robert Birmingham, organizer for the Orange Order, will visit this 11 pane on Wednesday evening, Dec ,m ,er alta plnosP o the fecal r«.140, sac tlt, and deliver All address 1tnQpr tl;;i B.rrningbars f° a good epsaker, and will up d0Tibt have something of interest t'i all, not only to Orangemen, but to the general pnblio. Ail are invited, Another of the pioneer residents of Ode section passed away on Saturday last in the person of Mitry Brownridge, relict of the late Abraham Praetor, Deceased was in her 84s1t year and was held in high esteem by a large parole of friefdl. The funeral teak plane on Monday afterh•?on from the voidance( of her eon In-law, ,u,Tr, 'Thos,-Seendrett, to Baandon cemetery. t'revent Tttktag a coat Often you oowe home, old and abiveft': Ing —fest are wet, throat is peva, chest a Mae Anre. A bad old is jest beginuin;f. Pat a Nerviline Porous Plaster on your ohest, rub your throat with Nerviliue and take a stiff doss of Nerviliue in hot water. Thie preveete a chill and checks the cold instantly. NI remedies so uee- fn1 in the home, ea sure t3 prevent seri- ous illness as Nerviline and Nerviliue Plasters. Sold by all dealers, leoeaoh, but be sure you get the genuine, and re- fuse any mnbatitate. Oatmeal Exchanged' for oats, FRANic R. HOWSON, Wingnam, A new brick residence will be erected next seaman by Goo F. htoOall, 8th line, on hie 100 acre farm. Next meeting of Township Council will be heti on Wednesday 15th inet., the statutory date. Morris debentures for the Smith drain sold at a premium of $133.00 to Brent, Noxon & Oo., Toronto. Debentures amounted to $4,277,55, Messrs, Connolly & Nicholson, drain contractors,• are askiug the township ()outwit to pay a claim of $100 for delay caused in their work on the Granby drain by Grand Trunk railway obstrnc- tion. Oo0noil is making engairies into the ogse. . ---•►--...... r.v ,r•: Going Into Consumption? When your throat rattles, your lungs and chest ere sore, your throat is stuffed with oold—don't tear oousumption—use Oatarrbozoue end get wen. It clears the throat, cares hoeing, relieves tight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubas To clear away Catarrh or the nose nothing oonld be batter. Catarrh - 'ozone is Nature's own remedy,—it hale and soothes—cures every form of throat, lung or bronchial trouble. Prescribed by many specialists us - ands every day.and . 25o.and P$1 00 atd by e all dealers, , BLYTH. There were no appeals concerning the Voters' Vet in Blyth hence Judge Doyle ratified the printed list. James me Ross, of Edmonton, was called to the parental home in Blyth owing to the illness of his father, Thos Ross, who has boon a resident of this looality for many years. Mr. Ross is reported es Somewhat improved. We are glad to welcome to BIyth Jas. Onming and :amily, of East Wawanosh, who have. taken up residence in the oomfortable and commodious home of the late Dr: (larder. It is rumored that Mr. Chiming has purchased the property and we hope the report is true as it wonld make the farnily a splendid home, Defeated by Dr. Hamilton. ICI no way is health so meyaoed as by constipation. It leads to indigestion, insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills. Ordinary remedies fail—they relieve -- don't cure. The worst case is defeated and cared quickly by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kidneys and liver, keeps the pores of the skin open. You'll never have stomach trouble, yellow com- plexion or headaches if you nee Dr. Hamilton's Pilin. They are a perfect eystem tonio. 25o. at all dealers. WIDET,ECHURCH. The following is the report of White- church sohool for the month of Novena bei. Remit of weekly examinations. Total 400. IV Glass.—Lillian Longman 311, Johnston Conn 291, Mabel Olarke 266, Charlie Gillespie 238. Olive Teriffe 171;, Jane Kennedy 119, Edith Campbell 88 Sr. III.—Wiiiiam Henry 355, Marjorie Harrison 288, Greta Fox 245, Alex, Kennedy 237, Lulla Conn 222, Ona Mo- Olenaahan 148, Lavine Carrick 70. Jr ,III—Fiorettoe Kennedy 211, Edith Olarke 2('9. Harold Tbompeon 39 Sr II—Fro.n!> Roes 347, Jamieson Pettypiece 824. Charles Taylor 283, Annie Rintonl 272, Mabel Garton 2$4. Alba Fox 139, George Rintonl 134, David 1 Goodson 49. Jr II —Willie Kennedy 254. Willie J Johnston 224. R. s9 Taylor 187, Etta Rintoul 180, Milton Garton 153, Oscar Oasemore 137. John Kennedy 98, James' Orr, Alex, Lnnkhart, Sr. Pert II 'I oral 300. Angne' Ms- I Kay 258, Marian Oasemore 254, Winnt• fred Holmes 247, Mabel Johnston 220.1 Mabel Molatoeh 148, Jr. Part II. Total 300 Flora Rose 234, Kethleen Teriffe 229, Maude Conn 228, Harold Sperling 143, Roy Tbompeon. Sr. rate I.—Evelyn Garton, Melvin Or.. Jr, Part x, ---Richard Pettgpteoe, Enema Garton. Tsabel Fox, Note John. stun, Ernest Oaseinore, Annie Carraok. Part I A—Irate Taylor. E MUBGROVE, Teeoher. is the rsNElM liGLOVES GLOVE the standard for thirty-five years. There are thousands of so -Galled "just as good" Emulsions, but they are not ---they are. simply imi- iris ??ich re astat good as thea�riginaneverx. They are like thin milk— SCOTT'S is thick like a heavy cream. If you want it thin, do it yourself—with water -- but dont buy it thin. FOB SALE IfY ALL DRUGGISTS Send DUs,. name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and child's Sketch -Rook, Euca bank contains a Good Luck Penny, SCOTT do BOWNE 126 Wellington Street, West Toronto, Qat, 0tttneil exolianized for oats. FRANK R. Howso:,, Wingham, The Ooanoll met at Belgrave, on Nov. 22nd, pnrenant to adjournment; mem- bers all present; tniuutes of last meeting read and passed Andrew Porter, of Goderich, on be- half of the Goderich Raral Telephone Company, Limited, was present asking permission to erect polFs and wires on the highways of the mantolnality. The request was greeted, and By Law No. 17, 1909, oonfirming the same was duly road and passed, By Lew No. 18, 1909, appointing plaoe of nomination, places of eleotion, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Olerka was read and passed. The following aceoants were present - e3 and ordered to be paid:—Oorporatien of Blyth, township share of hall rent, Division Oonrt purposes, 1909, $7 50; E 0. Faoe, restating and tnrniehing profile for the North Branch Hallahan Drain, $7.50; W. P, Hallahan, halanoe nn oontraot South Brauoh Hallahan I+ Drain, $28.67; John T. Coultes, widen- ing road at E iward'a bridge, con. 6, and repairing culvert, non. 9, $17; Gordon Johnston, gravelling western boundary, $42; Jeremiah Parks, inspecting gravel- ling on western boundary, $1 87; Daniel Martiu, plank and work, on western boundary, $3.25; Robert Shiell, material and repairing rin fi grid ge on river, cola 10, $13; Wm. Robertson, Wingham, repair- ing road grader, $1; J. T. Holmen, Whitechuroh, repairs for road grader, $1 70; The Municipal World. ballot box and other supplies, $4 28; F. G. Todd, St Helena, 1,4.40 ft. of tamarao plonk, $31 68; J. A. McLean, Wingharrt, 540 ft. tamarao plank, $11 88; Wm, J. Dobie, nnderbrushiog on non, 2, $29.05; W. F Vanstone, 13 yards of gravel, $1.30; Peter Mason, furnishing tile and putting in outlet, sideline 80 and 31. non. 9, $7. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, December 15th next at 10 o'clock a. m. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Olerk. Thin as a hail, are You? Every day spending as molt energy es you: make—it the balance gees a little further, well, you get thinner. Oa the danger line to -day, tomorrow may be too late! Better nee Ferrozone, it builds up—a little gain the first week, but the gain keeps growiug. Next week, not quite so thin. Keep right on, lots of fat won't hurt at alt, Your blood is en- riched, cheeks grow rosy, your heart and nerves grow strong and you don't tire so quickly. Joyous robust health, a Mutely frame and a cheerful mind—all these none with Ferrozone. You'll try it, only 500, at all &stere. Two young women, agents of Tolman, Misuse Tenn) Davenay and Josephine Lnmonrenx, were fined five liunrired dollars eaoh at Montreal for praotising usury. Established 1874 FOR wi%oOPING coml. CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIx wrienS A Vaporized Cresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can- not exist where Cresolene is used. It cera directly on nose and throat, making breathing easy in the coac of colds, soothes the sore throat end stops the cough. Itis it boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresolene is a powerful ,ertoieide, acting both as a curative and a preventive in contagious diseases. Crtsolene's be t recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. Vor Sale by All 11raggists Send Postal for De- scriptive Booklet Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets, simple and soothing for the irritated throat, 10c. tceming, Miles Co., Limited, Agents, Mon' tical, Canada. .,8 seterw...,e v , �..,..rwz•oa- ..... _- .,,. The Doctor's eras Qtesion "How are your bowels?"*.Thus is gcnee.•asly the first quest tion the doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish liver means. He knows what a long list of distressing corn. plaints result from constipation. He knows that headaches, bilious attacks, indigestion, impure blood, and general debility are often promptly relieved by a good liver pill. We wish you would talk with your own doctor about this subject. Ask him at the same time if he approves of Ayer's Pills. Do as he says. A.,.. .,u - .r C .4 tier tiurell, GLOVES Men, choose your Winter G6ves and Mitts out of this lot! Having bought manufacturer's samples of Cloves aril Mitts at a rate on the dollar, we have put them on sale at wholesale prices and less, in order to clear out quickly. Style, quality and comfort for the least money here. MEN'S MI PTS.—Men's Working Mittens, blaek with mule face, warm lining, 50e quality for 40c MEN'S SILK LINED GLOVES, ---Fine quality Mocha, all sizes, nice for Christmas present, regular price $1.50, our cut price $1,00 Men's No. 1 quality Brown Mocha Gloves, seamless wool lining regular value $2 00, sale $1.50 Men's English Kid Gloves with patent fastener on cuff, wool lined, $2.00 quality, our price.. ,jersey .. $1,50 Men's Napa Tan Gloves, a good driving glove, will stand the wet, regular price $1,25 and $1.50, cut price... , .. , , , . $1.00 MEN'S FUR -LINED KID GLOVES.—In tan shade, all sizes, regular value $2.50, on sale $1,75 Men's Fur -Lined Mocha Gloves, lined with best fur, good value at $3.00, our price62.00 PRICES SO LOW that those who come t3 look will buy quickly "IL E. ISAFCOI 4+++++++4+444444+++4+++4++ •4++++++++++4+++♦4+++++++4 IHanna's StoreI 4, e WS NNW •i437 It nalat v' • 4 •HAVE A LOOK + 4 d.• + Buy your Furs from the old reliable Fur House, where • • you will always get good satisfaction, We• • •guarantee our Furs, • 4• +• 4' MEN. --'-Coot[ Coats, CoatC Dog Fur Collars 4+-' • Fur Caps. + LADIES'.—Fur-Lined Coats, Muffs, Ruffs and a 4+, Stoles. ' + 44 4 !. •Who Wants to buy Christmas Z + + 4- ••• Presents ? For Gentlemen we have Fancy Mufflers, Gloves, • • sShirts, etc. Ties, Umbrellas, Fancy •4, • For Ladies we have Fancy Belts, Neckwear, i Waists, Jabots, Handkerchiefs, etc, • •_ • 4• • y Boys' �a +, • I ir ilf ■ves+i+r... ... 4.+ • • • On sale this week, all new, no old styles, college • + c liar, sale price $6 &g •• + • A Special for Girls. •+ + 1 z light high-class Tailored Coats, with military + collars, reg. $r r,od for $8 39. + !` Z GROCERIES. + 4. • Have you made your Christmas cake? We have d a good stock of Fresh Groceries—everything you require + for your Christmas flaking. t • • • 4 coJ 4l+4+1iiF•' + 4 • WANTED.—Fowl, Potatoes, and Produce. AA AAAAAAAAAAAt11AAAAAA+MtrlAAft � HANNA PHONE 70, •$4++++++4+4'44+4++4++.+4+4 ++++444444++S4