HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 4TO ADVERTISERS of changes must be left art this oe not later than Saturday neon. -must h eft Rn e 1 he copy for ohe� g ct later than Monday evening. nal advertisements accepted np to noon Wednesday of each week. SaTABI+I13i )tD leis TR VANUA TIES. H .,lino+IAT'l',PuarxsaallAND PRot'R1Kxott °CHZiI1sDA X , IlE0 1 8 111% 9, 1999 . NOTES AND COMMENTS Prof, Augue estimates that Niagara Palls pan produce 6,000,000 horse power iu eleotricat energy. Mrs. Dronillnrd of Welker vflle eat her olothieg on fire in resonidg her add from an explosion of gasoline, and, rushing from the house, plengtd into the lake. She turn returned and put ,he fire out, Rev. '.0. Davidson of Belot, who has been holding special services in Winni- pAg was turned back at the border on his wag henna via the United: States and compelled to return to Winnipeg to have Mere filled out ehowing he would not be an nadeairable citizen of the Repub- lio. The bye election in North adtldlesex on Monday rehnited in the retnrn to the Provincial UJnee ot J. W. Doyle, the Conservative candidate, by a majority of 96 ever W. J Mitchell, the Liberal. 'The O5tawa J,inrnal says, at:d very properly so, that Sir Oliver Mowat was u man any nation should deli,iht to honor. But. streuge to say, while he was living Toe Joaroal always opposed hie policy.—Brookville Recorder. Business is 'improving in all parts of Canada and as an evidence of this fact take into consideration that the revenue of the Dominion is inoreastng at the tate of about fifteen million dollars a year, wording to' the last financial statement. Singeton's memorial to Sir Oliver owat will take the form ot a tuber. outer hospital. Coupled with a com- mendable pub.ie spirit in thea honoring tee memory of a brilliant son, there le sound judgement in the seleotiotl of the type of memorial A hospital is more lasting than bronze and more useful titan granite.—Brantford Expositor. The writ for Dafferin calls for nomin- ations Deo. 15 and polling Deo. 22. John R. Gillespie, druggist, of Orange- ville, has issued an address to the eleo- tors of Dnfferin, asking for support as candidate for the Commons in the bye - election. Mr. Gillespie divided the con veution against Dr, Barr on the last oocasiou. John Best, a fanner of Mal- mnr township,' has issued a similar manifesto. The compilation of the reports of the several departments of the Ontario Government is proceeding as fast as pos- sible. The printing will be rushed im- mediately after the holidays. The Legislature is to be called, if the present arrangement holds good, on January 26 or 26. The purpose of the Government is to get through this session by the Easter holidays, giving the members the opportunity of spending Good Friday, Match 25th, free from legislative worries. THE WINGH&M TIMES, DECEMBER 9, 1509 . - i2WMl The People's Popular Store - Wingham, Ont. TOWN 0`r WINGNRM Two fated blasting aooldents occur- red at Cobalt Last week On Wednes- day a Hungarian who pioked into some loose powder in the McKinley Darragh none wee instantly killed, and a ma- chine man working otose by was in. jnted. On the same day a dynamite explosion in the Nipissieg mine iustant- ly killed Alfred Silvila and seriously in- jured A11#,n Carswell and Wm. Ifekka. It fa thought that their candles came iu contact with the powder. By -Law No A By - Law to prohibit the saleby retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of the Town cf Wingham. THERE IS BUT ONE Every farmer . should -know that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, bogs, ete., is a fair one, flow can he knew this ti ha does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without hie business paper? There is but one farmers' business and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 4910 right by, aubiseribing. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wiugham enacts as fo,lows: 1. That the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented, or other inuutaetured hquurs is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, ins or other house or niece of public entertainment in the s. id municipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of publio entertainment in the said municipality. 2. That the vote of the electors of the said by- law the Deputy Returning OIHc©s hen rein - after named on Monday the third day of January, one thousa,.d nine hundred and ten, commencing at nine o'clock in the moentng er- noon at theundermentionedve 1places thathe ais to say: 1n Ward 1 at William Johnston's Tailor Shop, Josephine Street, by John FGroves, Deputy Returning Of ser, and William .1. Haines Poll Clerk, to Ward 2 at William Gannett's 1 mast Office, Josephine street, by Tho..:s Deans,' Deputy Returning Officer, Cu. Alexander Alderson Poll Clerk In Ward 3 at the 'rows Hall .v Anson Du1- ning 001 r, and Albert A crippled wife lay in bed for et the ree days, unable to move, by the hoe husband's dead body at Dnndaa. The discovery of the woolen's horrible plight was made when a tradesman went to the house and found Michael Cronin dead in bed, with his wile lying beside him. She is paralyzed and bed- ridden and when the husband died on Sunday week she could do nothing. She was bordering on starvation ween dis- covered. NEWS NOTES. Fire in McGregor & Reid's plumbing establishment at Peterboro' did damage estimated at $8,000. A woman at Flint, Mioh., lived for forty-five days without any other food than lemon juice and water. An Apology? A London journal says that a lively discussion once to place in a town council in the north of England, One thing led to another till one of the disputants gave another the tie direct. The insulted party rushed forward, and the pair clinched. At that mo- ment the first man exclaimed, "I re. Iterate that you are a liar!" To the astonishment of every one, the aggriev ed party let go his hold. "Oh, well,' be said, "in that case I accept the apology. If a man says he reiterates, that is all any gentleman can ask." He did not understand why the bystand- ers laughed, but the fight was off. Eva Mary Embleton, a seven-year-old Port Hope girl, died whtle undergoing an operation under ohlorform. The Liberal census at Ottawa discus- sed the naval programme, and practically agreed upon its main features. Western Presbyterians will send; ten delegates to' world's Missionary Confer- ence to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland. matte, Deputy Retu J. Fleming Poll Oler . In Ward 4 at Albe Bell's ouse, Josephine Street. by C. 'Nelso Grit •, Deputy Return- ing Officer, and Toh • W. *441d. Poll Clerk. 3. That on the firs d+ of January. A. D 1010, at the Town - a 1, in the said Town of Wingham, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon the Mayor shall appoint in writkg, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the Votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons iuterrated in and desirous of promoting the passing of this by-law, and a like number on behalf of the Persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this by-law. 4, That the clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham shall attend at his office in the Town Hall of the said Town of Wingham at the hour of eleven o'clock hi the forenoon on Tuesday the fourth day of January A. D. 1910, to euro up the number of votes given for and against this b, -law. 3. This by-law shall come into force and take effect as from the first day of May next after the final passing thereof. Dated at the Town Hall at the Town of Wingham this sixth day 'of December' A. D. 1939 ldve Stock markets. Toronto, Dec. 7.—The receipts at the Western Cattle yards today were 116 oars, containing 2,050 cattle, 800 sheep and lambs, 360 hogs and 150 calves. Oomparatively, this run was small, and a large quantity of the stook offered was of inferior quality. Prioes were nevertheless well main- tained ter cattle of any quality, and in some institicee the margin of quotations was even a little higher. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs, $560 $575 5 00 5 25 3 75 4 00 325 360 4 25 4 50 Miss Senate Taylor, an aged woman, was burned to death in the fire that de stroyed the Central Hotel at Hunting- don, Que. Choice Medium Bulla Light Cows Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up' 00 3 50 wards Stockers choice 3 00 4 00 " bulls 1 50 2 00 Bntohers'— Picked 5 00 5 50 Medium.... 4 25 4 50 Cows.... , ... 2 50 3 26 Bulls 3 75 4 00 Hogs-- 7 76 Best Lights 0 00 7 50 Sheep— Export ewes 2 75 Bucks.... 2 50 Culla .- 2 50 Spring Lambe each.- 5 60 Calves, each . , .. 3 00 A. committee of the House, has been formed on motion et iffy Wilfrid Laurier to revise the rntee with a view of ex- pediting proceedings. 'With the sudden dip in temperature which has ueonrred come reporte of a dangerous shortage of fuel in some lo - optima in the West. A Fr ch Canadian named Margni was fel z53 t., death 60 ini es northwest of 1iaatnern $tte. Il.r wait ltairllk•rt wood when the toed upset ou hitu, probably kr.rekt„g hint unconscious }ii was it ilceneeteader coming teem Quebec last yt ar. Mayor. Clerk. NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Town of Wingham and which will be finally passed by the said Council lin the event of the assent of the electors being obtained there. o. as provided by "The Liquor License Act" and amendments thereto,) after one month from the first publication thereof in the ` Wingliam *mugs," the date of which first publication was the ninth day of December A. D. 1909, and that at the hour, day and planes therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be Heid. 3 00 3 GO 3 00 6 00 6 75 J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. W IN&HAllM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Deo. 8th, 1909. Flor r per 100 lbs..,. 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ........ 1 04 to 1 05 Oats, 0 36 to 0 37 Baxley 0 50 to 0 50 Peas .....,.,. 0 85 to 0 85 Butter dairy ,,,. ,--. 0 23 to 0 24 030 to 030 250 to 250 11 00 to 13 00 030 to 035 020 to 020 7 75 to 7 75 010 to 010 0 10 to 0 10 010 to 010 015 to 015 Eggs per dos Wood per oord Hay, per ton. Potatoes, per bushel, Lard Live Hogs, per owt Chickens, per Ib Docks, per lb Geese, per lb Tu. keys, per lb BY LAW 110. 15, 1909 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE Township of Turnberry CHRISTMAS STAMPS Iddritrial accidents ocourriog to 489 in,:ivldtsi Work people in 0 .nada dnr- ing the month of O^tober were reported the Department of Labor. Of these, 146 were fatal. and 293 resulted in serious injuries. T +venty six railway employees were killed and 44 injured, A ptieet in the far north found a rerrelver in the possee'iot of 11 kimos whi'th they aatd t hay !rad obtained froth a -whim ouse" that h'id descended trete, the sky ad ttenredned white men. It is thought this "white hotted" May hiev,t been Andre's balloon. Ilio Eskt' ro,ott soy t.7e white man all died. `sonese. Morey, need 81, of Norwalk, Gots, hiet bis neck broken by beteg thrown agawet th,' side of a barn. Ile lien elope begin kept to d rechnirig pots. freswith hie htit'i held riutld, and bis fbytdcian arnamnet.at that the vers' brae tra ba balsoon t) go aromas that Morey' Christmas AN 0 New Year Excursions I Between all stations in C.tnadtr, naso to Detroit, Port Ho -on, Mich , Bob felo Black R iok, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N Y. AT SINGLE FARC Good going Deo 24t3 and 25th, 1909. Returning until Deo 27th, 1909. Also good going Deo. 31st, 1909 and Jan, let, 1910. Returning until Jan. 3rd, 1910. AT FARE AND ONE TEIIRD Good going Deo 21st to Deo. 25th inclusive Returning until Jan. 5th, 1910. Also good going Deo. 281h, 1909, to Jen. 1st. 1910. Returning .,ntii Jan, 6th, 1910. • For tickets and further information oall on W. Henry. Depot Agent or address J. D. MoDonald; D. P. A., Toronto. A By - Law to prohibit the sale of liquor in the T o w n s hi p of Tarnberry. HELP CANADA'S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES The Municipal Council of the Township of Turnberry hereby enacts as follows: -- 1. That the sale by retail of spirituous, fer- mented or other manufactured Liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or said other niicipalitof y,iblic entertainment and the sale thereof in the sept by wholesale, is and shall be proh' ited in every shop or place in the said M icipality. other than a house of public ante ainment. h of the said 2. That the vote oft a Elector 'township of Turnberry will b• taken on the by-law by the Deputy Returni .. Officers here- inafter named on the third d: ; of January one thousand nine hundred an• ten commencing at nine o'clock in the morn g and continuing until five o'clock in th afternoon at the undermentioned p : ces t , at is to say :— Polling Division o, in the School House, Wingham Town P ot " illiam S. Ring, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Division No. 2 in the Township Clerk's Office Bluevale, John W. Ring, Leputy Returning Officer. Polling Livision No. 3 in School House, Sec- tion No. 9, Herbert Hennings, Deputy Return- ing Officer, Polling Division No, 4 in School House, Sec- tion No, 3, Robert S. Muir, Deputy Returning Officer. 8 That on the twenty-seventh day of Dec- ember A. D. 1909, the Reeve of the said Town- ship shall attend at the Clerk's Office, Bluevale in the said Township at ten o'clock in the fore- noon to appoint persons to attend at the final umming up of the vaforesaid the Clerkt ton behalf of the persons interested in and desir OM of + romoting or opposing the passing of this by-law respectively. 4 That the Jerk of the said Township of Tarnberry shall attend at the said t lerk's Office, Bluevale at the hour of ten o'clnek in the forenoon on the fourth day of January A. D. 1910, to sum upthe number of votes given for and against this hylnw. u, This by-lawshell comeinto operation -and firstfdayle1 Shay te ffafter theafinal passing thereof Fated at the Tawnshin Clerk's Office, Blue - vale. in the .township of Turnberry this glad day of November A. D. 1909 anted Girls wanted for newest, brightest, cleanest and 1.151 up-to-date blouse and bite - wear factory in anada. Work consis s +' sewing Ladies' wais Girls ex- perienced on ower sewing machines pre erred, but be• ginners will be taught, Comfortable quarters, steady work, good wages. The Star Whitewear Mfg. Coy BERLIN ONT.1 J RDAV go' Lad Agents $cine i, adios',Homo � Journal. Journal ����,iMG! 1 d re ratGe FewOnly a Days s for Shopping Between now and Christmas. Shop early a i e thebetter splendid d served s andab# ttr r satiyousfied. at Late shopping is not satisfactory. Come p rY and Here's it llyt of a few of the for y linesathat s Gifts. o carry, that are suitable R LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN FO DIES Funs.--Scarfs, Stoles, Throwovers, Muffs, Gauntlets, etc, HAND BAGS.—Imitation and Real Seal and Alligator, brown and black at 25e to 0 .00 a each. PARas0LS.—Handsome, serviceable Parasols suitable for Christmas Presents, $f$3.00 Zea, 25c. FRILLING,— The pewest styles in Frilling, .g frills put up in a pretty box, price~f 30e, 35e, and 50e, Fancy Fcillings by the yard at l0c to 15e a frill. LINEN, --Table Cloths, Napkins, Stand Covers, Drapes, Doylies, etc. HANDKERCHIEFS,—A big stock of plain and fancy Linen and Muslin Handkerchiefs.. RII313ONL,--Pta.in Colors, Dresden, Holly, etc., all widths. Coals.—A splendid assortment of Fancy Combs, Barettes, etc., at low prices. New Hat Pins, Sash Pins, Belt Pins, Blouse Pinq, Brooches. Low priced. New Faney Collars, Ties, Belts, Motor Scarfs, Clouds, Gloves, Mitts, Cushion Tops, handsome Rugs. Chenille and Damask Curtains, Table Covers and Stand. Covers. HE net proceeds frotn stamps sold wall be used for the extension of the work of the Muskokft Free Hospital for Consumptives. The avail- able beds were trebled as the i e'ult of last year's Stamp Campaign. BUY TIIEM. USE TIIEM. IIELP TIIE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BAST INVEST11II:NT Y011 EVER, MATE. ONE CENT EACH. Not a mingle patient has ever been ,refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her inability to pay. EVERY STAMP SOLI I9 A ,BULLET IN THIS WAI1I AUI±i AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. If not on ale in your. town, write 7, S. Ilonemsorr, Sec.-Treas. National Sanitarium Assoeiatioti, :47 Zing t81. W., Toronto. All infortnation fnrn- ished and stamps mailed promptly on receipt of coder. Reeve. Clerk. NOTICE. 'Telte notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been tares into consideration by the htu„icipal Council of th.- 9'own,4ip or'1urnhorry and which will he finally passed by the said Council in ,-vent of the «scent of the blectors being obtained thereto after one month fronithe pubiieation thereof in the winghee, 'Pons and •Advenee Hews npers the elate of which publication A e 1009, and at thehoar,oay food pineas thereein ed for taking the votes of the Monte s the polio will he head JOHN E11110E4fa, clerk, A Winnipeg deputation arrived at Ot•. tatvet to ask for $2 600 000 for the Selkirk Centennial Exposition. ; Stephen 111,18, fencer, (of Brent County. was charged Saturday with tiring ri bullet thtangh .a window in a roam occupled by Mrs. Postis, an aged resident of FeirflPld Plains, The woman ooanpiee part of Collins' house, and, it ie alleged, annoying taction Were meed to dispossess her. DollsOoils.ollss,..all sizes and prices • SHOES. A pair of good Boots or Shoes make a very sensible Christmas Gift, We have a large stock of the best quality for Men, Women and Children. Handsome Patent Colt Boots for Men and Women.• Fine Dongoia ICid Boots and Shoes in black and chocolate for girls and children. CUT GLASS. Real Cut Glass Bowls, Water Bottles, Jugs, Vases, Celery Trays, Spoon Holders, Salts Peppers, Sugar and Cream Sets, Tumblers, Oil Bottles, Knife Rests, Olive Bowls, Bon Bon Dishes, Special low prices on Cat Glass this month. PREMIUMS. Don't lose sight of the fact that We GIVE AWAY FREE a lot of Fancy Plates, Caps and Saucers, Water Sets, Jardineres, Lamps, Cold Meat Platters, Chocolate Pots, Biscuit Jars, Bread and Butter Plates, Salad Bowls, etc., etc. Come in and see these goods. mom, GENTS' FURNISHINGS New Ties, correct styles and colors 25e to 50e, New Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves and Mitts wool or fur•lined Kid and Mocha, Suits, Shirts, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Caff Links, Tie Pins, Scarf Pins, Mufflers' newest styles, Parses, Pocket Books, eta. ' and ete. FARMERS. --IC will pay you to bring your Produce to this store. We want Batter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, Dried. Apples, Poultry dry picked, Hard Wood, Oats, Tallow, etc. Red Ticket Sale. IN TIME OF NEED. There have been great special sales the past year, in all lines. But .. NOW WE now when the goods are needed, all sales have ce COME—the first Sale for two years --the only -ar-Out Furniture Sale ewer put on in. Wingham. We ha - gone through our large and well -assorted stook and sla ghtered prices all to nothing! A chance of a lifeti „e ' buy Christens Gifts ! What about a Sideboard, Bat : , Parlor Suite, Bedroom Suite, Tables, Chairs, t'ancy Rockers? Best selection ever shown.ifi town ;.come and look at the Red Tags Conches, worth $10 00, selling for , . , , $7.50 Rlokers, vworhh $4.00, selling for 2.75 Dressers and Stands, worth $22 00, for -18.00 Buffet, worth $43.00, selling for .... 36.00 M1 Wei ask is for you to prove our Sale by looking at the values. All goods marked in plain figures. No C'1 C•/1 A pleasure to show ,you through. All goods delivered free of charge. WLKER'S Furniture and Undertaking 1 Ct✓,� 1rf idSSSi`T vS . er&S vSvSvS5 :S W. G. PATTERSON The GREAT WATCH DOCTOR Is goin to remain in Wingham WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF ' •4E SWELLE T GOODS ever shown in Wingham, suitable for Christmas Gifts which we are going to sell at prices that you cannot get them for elsewhere. Call in before you buy or send away for goods and see if we haven't got just what you want. You can get the newest and best goods and save money by buying here. W. G. PATTERSON OPPOSITE QI1 JEWELER Na HOTEL WINGIIAM, ONT. t,'9 �P n ;n n �! n n 41r n! .^r .�:.�,. !a � � n n n r�� �i o��l�S�,S�St�”�Sf.�f�St,SfyS�f�;',5,�5,.5<'.,5'�,�5, �.�51.,5t�S, S�,S�.5��.5,�S��n.