HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 3rSmsesimensmeseeemeorrommum t\\ \$? ry�ryi r�44,(4 NQ. et Says the Miller; CCB WXNKI4M TIMES, DECEMBER 9, 1909 "My wife bakes witth' CREAM OF THE WEST FLOOR ! That's a pretty good sign" isn't it? I'm the Miller of " CREAM or THE WEST,' and I know how it's made. If I didn't know r.- ` Cream of the WestFlour to be the best on earth, I certainly wouldn't allow my wife to use it" would I? Well, then" won't you give' CREAM OF THE WEST' a trial -for your own sake?" The Campbell Milling Co., Lipiited Toronto oily Cruse • p FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. FIG CURE CONSTIPATION Rheumatism and all Blood Disease, The great Kidney and Liver Pill. 25c. box at all leading drug stores, or by mail from THEE SCOBELL DRUG Co,, St. Catharines, Ontario. At all drug stores. F Nox a Cold in One Day Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all Lung Trouble. None just as good. At all leading drug stores, 25c and 50e bottles. Manufactured by the Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. At all drug stores. Vital Tablas The great Brain and Nerve Food Cure Tired Brain, Strengthen the Nerves, Purity the Blood, Cure Rheumatism and all Nervous Diseases. If you are tired, run down, no ambition, try a box of Vital,' 50e box, or 6 for $2.50. For sale at McKibbon'sadrug store, or by mail from the Scobell Drug Co,, St. Catharines, Ont. ODE FOR SAINT ANDREW'S DAY. As year on year wi' gniokenin' round Brings Andrew's honored day, When Soots the Booial board surround And greetings kind Convey ; Then hearts wax warm wi'. patriot pride As song and toast Combine, To tell how heroes force defied In days o' auld lang Syne. Ohl joy to meet with kindred heart, Wr kindred mind converse, When lips their mutual thoughts impart, And mutual hopes express; Then donne John Tamson's worthy bairns A while Choir tether's rax, To leave their weighty, grave concerns And Dare a recess tak's. Blew safe, ye wintry winds o' Time, Here's some has braved ye long. lioht, ye snows o' age sublime, Whaar reverened. looks belong; And may a merry, youthful bend Through future Andrew's Days Beep bright the fame o' that dear land We're here this night to prates. -Wm. Deeruoss, Qinoinatti, 0., in Scot- tish -American. The Hospital for COkONT O.., Sick Children TORONT:;T THIS APPEL ISTOYOU! REMEMBER That Every Sick Child in Ontario Whose Par - ants Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat- ment is Treated Free. The Hospital for Sick Children had last year in its cots and beds 1,155 patients - 383 of these were from 267 places in the Province. Sixty- five per cent. were children of poor people who could not afford to pay. Since its organiza- tion the Institution awn mans TOOT CASES has treated 15,613 • DT Children ; 11,550 of these unable to pay and were treated free. If you know of any child in your neighborhood w h o is sick or has any deformity send the satme of the parent to the Secretary. The Hospital for Sick Children is not a local but a great Provincial Charity for the sick child of the poor man in xny ooINo HOMi'i ix AWEEr: part of Ontario has same claim upon its help as the child who1ives within the 'shadow of its walls in Toronto. Th ere were 69 cases of Club Fet t treated i n areagAciiNci n i'A'k7ENT. the 1Tospi- b4last year and 07 had perfect correction. REWOR1 amen Just think of it -Your money can help tine Hospital to do the good work of straightening the crooked limbs and club het of little children. I'leamo help us. !'lease Sent Contributions) to J. /tows ifttsbarteon. Chairman, or to Douglass TJavtdalon, +. •Trs e., This 14natpltM iferMak Childeara College •t.,Toronto. Fast friends should be slow to believe ill of eaoh other. Dillion, the Montreal murderer, has been fouud to be insane. Mr. William Boyce's ten -year-old son was drowned in Maple Lake, north of Halibur ton. Contractors on the new Parliament buildings at Regina kept their men at work on Sunday. If a man thinks a great deal of his wife, he gets lots of nine things for her when she is sick, which he eats him- self. rr My baby had a rash some- g,. thing like eczema.. It caused the child great pain and made it very restless and ill. The rash spread very quickly, and I was at a loss what to do next, for all the remedies I tried failed to give the little one ease. A friend strongly advised me to try Zam-Buk, and I did. That proved good and gave the baby ease very quickly. I went on with the treatment, and by the time the third box as used, all traces of the rash had gone." So says Mrs. J. Reesor, of Aurora, and scores of mothers could,, make practically the same statement. If your child suffers from teeth- ing rash, eczema, chafing, or any of the numerous skin troubles to which young children are victims, apply Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk has the great merit of being pure. When you put an ointment on to your child's akin it finally gets into the blood through the pores just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach. So don't yon see how important it is the balm should be pure ? Zam-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. It contains no animal fat, no mineral coloring, no poisonous, burning antiseptic. It soothes quickly, and heals surely. Send us lc. stamp and we will mail you trial box free. Zam-Buk is a cure for eczema, ulcers, blood poisoning, abcesscs, cuts,burns,coldsores, etc. Wherever the skin is injured or dis- eased Zam•Buk will give ease and will h aL All druggists and stores, go cents bos, or for price from Za,n-Buk Cs., Tor- onto. 3 for $i.us. EST FPIEND'OfelOTHERAND:BABY .{j '.S',+ tit:•,,''+', I, ., A�l ,4%i ii i ei•,4'K h} 4•. mE WORLDS GREATEST HEALER DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Successors to DDS. KENNEDY & KERGAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Lacesses and indiscretions are the cause of more sorrow and suffering than all other diseases combined We see the victims of vicious Habits on every hand• the sallow, f[mpled face, dark circled eyes, stooping orm, stunted development. bashful, melon. cholic countenance and timid bearing pro• claim to all the world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment positive- l' cures all weak men by overcoming and zf removing tate effects of former indiscretions and exereses. It stops all drains and quickly restores thovtctlmto what nature intended .-- a healthy and happy man with physical, roan. tel and nerve power complete, 1"1 „1111 For over 2Oyears Dre. K. &'K. have 10,0^,1131 treated with the greatest success IIe x ` 61�"s.uaeeiisi l� p„I,i Pl diseases of men nd women. ,V.-61' a If you .have any secret disease that is a 0A worry destablishedai hu is answholdanotconsult ave to rt FA old experiment on y us �� �r^;'� NV'e gnarianteeto euro NERVOUS BMW.' ' a BLOOD DISEASES, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Consult*, 11otl Fres. If unable to call, write for a ated in Our own OsageBuilding. question Blank for Home Treatment. DRsi(ENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. THE CEMENT MERGER. The Cement' Merger bass already put up the price of cement from 20 to 50 Cents a barrel, varying according to the locality requiring it. Assuming that the merger has only scoured three quarters of the existing plauts, this gives a produotlon of 2 621 970 barrels, based on last y ear's figures. .If the average of the inorease ie taken, namely 65 Dents a barrel, they will be making an extra profit of $917 690, which is equal to near- ly 4,3/1 per cent, on the oommon stook, and as, wording din r c r g to the prospects, the profits already provided 4 per Dent, for the same stook (after paying interest and setting aside sihklug fund far bonds and preferred stook), the stookholders already are likely to get 8% per gent, Who is to pay this splenoid dividend on all the money -and water -in the Canada Gement Co ? Why not only every municipality,- and thus every tax payer - but every farmer who builds a foundation for bis barn, a sidewalk to his house, or a silo for his cattle. Every mau who adopts the modern system of building will be taxed to pay dividends on the Gement Merger. There is hardly apy commercial pro- duct so universally needed in the deve - opment of Canada, and the Merger will thus take toll and retard the progress of the country. - Canadian Municipal Journal. SAME OLD ADVICE. Do your Christmas shopping early, for the clerks are human, too, and it makes them sbre and surly, and it makes them sour and blue, when the mob Comes in a -whooping jnst before the day arrivee; when the orowde Come in a -snooping for the bargains of their lives. Buy a raw- hide for the teacher and his Bout will cease to moan; for the loved and loving preacher buy a nioe new megaphone; bay a lid for Sister Miele, and a gun for Brother Frank, and a pair of skates for Granny, and a kite for uncle Hank. Try to make this Christmas sunny, joy - one as a day in May; loosen np and blow your money, in the good old-fashioned way. Press into the hurly-burly, where the Christmas shoppers go; blow your wealth, but blew it early -give the weary Clerks a show I It's our thought- lessness that smothers all the little good we do; we're forgetful of the others who their heavy tasks pursue; better let the ohildren clamor vainly at old Santa's doors, than to bring more katzenjammer to the tired folks in the stores. Buy the ohildren nioe red autos, buy a monkey on a stick, sugar mounts and candy grottoes, gumdrops that will make them sink; buy them dolls with dresses curly, buy them wooden bears that dance; blow yourself, but do it early -give the weary Clerks a chance; l -Walt Mason in The Star. -.---�--- A BRUCE MAN'S GREAT IDEA There is no limit to the enterpriza from the typical man from Bruoe Oonn ty. He oan be found in almost any part of the English speaking world, and he is always engaged in some profitable oalling that no one else has thought of. A few years ago a Bruce County lad went west with a harvesters excnreion and decided to settle in Southern Alberta. He made one discovery that other people had made but which no one had thought of turning into a000unt. It was that in the =afield air of the foothills:there is no such malady among horses as "the heaves." On farther in- vestigation he discovered that the air of the region was such that a horse Could not maintain an attack of heaves even if he wanted to. Now in old Ontario this malady is a purse whioh the average farmer never fathomed. He only knows that it is a sort of asthma which turns an otherwise dooile beast into a roaring and unpleasant nuisance, unfits him for hard work and opts down his value by about three-fourths. A poor old plug with a Chronic attack of the heaves is so pathetic, an object that farmers have been known to shoot a horse in his prime who became so afflicted, The Bruce man was strnok with a fine idea. Horses were needed in Southern Albertaland commanded a high figure. So'he wrote east to his brother on the old place at home to buy all the afliioted animals that he oonld pick up for a paltry figure. The brother had no dif. floulty in gathering together a Carload. On arrival at High River they were turned out to grass. Iu a few weeks all the roaring had Ceased and the horses were fat and frisky. They sold for four times the price they had cost in Ontario and the Bruce lad laid foundation which threatens to make him one of the big men of the west.- Saturday Night. Buenos Ayres has the finest opera house in the western hemisphere. It Dost $10,000,000. OME1 OiStors N W-rO'ME) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, 13roncllitis0 Croats, Coughs and Colds, or money back, Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MclUl3l3ON. MAKE SCHOOLS ATTRACTIVE. (The Canadian Farm.) Much is said and written about beautifying the home. What of the who is and the school grounds where most of She children spend the better part of th 1 day? Is as much oonoern evinced in making them beautiful and atirautive as in decorating the hove? Salmi buildings in themselves are not usually ettraotsvo. In the country, at least, economy Counts for most in the erectiu:, of the 8010,,1 hotisn, Su loog as provision p is made for keeping the ohildren warm in winter and protected from the elements, the average trustee considers hie duty sone. Bat a school and its surruuudings should mean more than this. It is the place where oharao tern are moulded, where impressions are grounded that will off' Ct the future man or woman. The school, therefore, should mean more to the abild than a plane to learn "reading, writing and arithmetic." Why should there not be a garden in every school ground in the o.uctry? A little bit of ground for each pupil to look after, to oultivate, to plant seeds in, to watch them grow, to pinok the Sowers when in bloom, would do much to implant in the child a love of nature and of Country life. This is one way of directing the boy to the farm rather than to the city to earn a livelihood ABSOLUTE SECURITY. • Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of See Pae -Simile Wrapper Below. Derr email and as easy to.tane as auge' FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIL FOR -THE COMPLEXION GI N.IINII1 MUSTHAVL jia 11/CUP... rarely Tegotable. r.P.. CARTERS LITTLE IVER P_I LLS. ' G 25IBS maw. nowt ai..45-375.7.1 CURE SICK HEADACHE. HOME REMEDIES. Here is an unfailing Cure for oroup, whioh gives gaiok results. Ude raw linseed oil given in one half teaspoon doses or whole teaspoon if the ohild is choking very badly. In the first stages of croup, the maces is loosened and parried off through the bowels. For a cold make a syrup of horehound. Take a package, or if the herb is at hand use a good double handful. Pat it on to boil in a quart of water and let it simmer for.abont an hour; strain; add 1 cup sugar to the liquid and boil down till there is only about a pint. Give a tablespoon of this syrup as often as coughing is annoying. It may be taken as often as every half hour, and is per- fectly hariizless. This remedy not only relieves the Dough, but ants on the pores, kidneys, etc., to remove the Cause. Use Care when taking it to avoid sudden changes of temperature. If it is a child that has a cold put him to bed, as a oold breaks up twice as quickly if the patient can be kept in bed. Grown people Can't always go to bed for every little ailment, but then they oan throw off sickness better than oan ohildren, A. Cold is often a very serious matter with a little Child and should never be allowed to run on. NOM Alabka has 4,000 miles of waterways navigable for steamers, of which about 2,700 miles are included in the Yukon River and its tributaries. 'iffere d Terrible Pains From Her Kidney's For Nine Months. For Backache, Lame or Vteak rack - one of the commonest and most distressing ,ymptoms of kidney inaction, there is no remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and giving perfect Comfort. A medicine that strengthens the kid- neys so that they are enabled to extract toe poisonous uric acid from the blood and prevent the chief cause of Rheuma- tism. Mr. Dougald A. Melsaac, Broad Cove 13an.:s, V.S. writes;, --a I was troubled with my kidneys for nine nionths, and suffered with such terrible pains across the small of my back all the time that I could hardly get around. After taking two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills 1 began to feel better, and by the time 1 had taken three I was eoinpletely cured." Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25, all dealers or maied direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, "Toronto, Ont. "ry:ten ordering specify "Doan's," HILL - GROWN T Tea grown at an elevation of 5,000 feet and ulpwar where soil and climate combine to give that deeligl* ful fragrance and delicious flavor, is used in 11 LADA" Its purity and strength make it much more economical to use than other teas. AAAAA AAAAAAAAJ AAAAAAAAA now.AMnn•vvo V►evrowtis Am jCOAL COAL COAL. SCR ANTON i..OAlr, We are sole agents for the celebrated Cl ' , which has no equal. Also the best grades of amithing, Cannel and domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a Lu full stook of (DreaeedoDOEdR, SHINGLES, LATH c Cedar Posts, Barrels, ete. 1 r.- Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. '1a iiii, A. McLean Residence Phone No. 55. Moe, No. 64. Mi11, No. 44. 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If he er a • We could extend this 1 t pap ormagazine yon want is not in w the list, tali at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices f n the i paper you want. We Club with al the leading newspapers and =cochlea When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will. Isecure snoh premiums when ordering through tis, same as orderiag direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to enbscribers, and are STRICTLY CAM IN ADVANCi;, Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMIS OPrICE, 7temelliellealThIMPOSIONIsio MIA**85 WINGITAM, ONTARIO,.