HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 2Was All Ran
,,�rte� elerlIe4115 Lbs.
•'. ,iO Ile NOW Weighs 1$5.
Mrs. M. Mc aann,Delee Junction, N.B,,
writes: ---".l wish to tell you what Mil -
burn's Hurt and Nerve Pills lave done
for me, Three years ago I was so run
demi, I could not cls my own work. I
went to a dcetor, and he told mo I had
heart trouble and that my nerves were all
unstrung. I took his medicine, as Let
ordered lee to do, but it did me no-good.
I then started to take Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one
blx before I started to feel letter, so I
continued their ire until I had taken
several boxes, and I am now strong and
well. and able to do my own work When
I commenced taking your bills '1 weighed
125 pounds, and now weigh 145 and have
givcat birth to a lovely young daughter,
which was a happy thing in the family.
When 1 commenced taking Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, I could not go
upst airs without resting before I got to
the ton. I can now go up without any
trou'tic. "
The price of Milburn's heart and Nerve
Pills is 50 cents per hon, or 3 bones for
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
recei'it of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limfted, Toronto, Out.{
By inetruotion of the Hon. Minister of
Aerieulturo a distribution is being made
Ode section of samples of superior sorts
of grain and potatoes to Canadian far•
mere for the improvement of seed. The
stook for distribution has been teemed
mainly from the Experimental Farms at
Vidian head, Seek., Brandon, Man. and
Ottawa, Oat, The samples ooneiet of
oats, spring wheat, barley, peas, Iudian
0 ern (for ensilage only), and potatoes.
The quantity of oats sent is 4 lbs., and
sod of wheat of barley 5 lbs., snmoient
in eaoh case to sow one twentieth of an
sore. The samples of Indian corn, peas
and potatoes weigh 8 lbs ea.h. A. Tiara
thy of eaoh of the following varieties
bete been eeoured for this distribution:-
OATe.-Banner, Abundance, Danish
'aloud, Ride Awake, White Giant,
Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo-all
white varieties
WIIEA'r.-Red varieties: Red Fife
(beardless), Marquis, Stanley and
Chelsea (early beardies.) Preston, Huron
acid P: ingle'e Champlain (early bearded).
Whiee verietlee: White Fife (oeard-
lesa) Bobs (early beardless)
BARLEY -Six-rowed: Mensury,
Odeesa, and Mansfield. Two -route.::
I ivinotbte, Standwell, and Qanatlian
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisoments accepted lip
to noon Wednesday of eaoh weak.
H.. B.ELLIOTT, PiTiLIe11 1t atm paO 'tUUETOP
Canada's revenue is heading for the
hundred million mark this year. It is
practically certain that the high water
mark of two years ago of ninety-six
millions will be passed. Daring the
first eight mouths of the fiscal year the
onetoms revenue totalled $39,110 567,
which is an increase of t8141,328.
During the month of November the
collections totalled $5.092, 761, being an
increase of $1,302,708 Canada's total
revenue last year, customs, and from all
other sources, was eighty-five and a
half millions. At the present rate of
increase in onstoms revenue that item
alone will almost span the difference
between last year's figures and the hon•
dred million mark, and nearly all the
other amerces of revenue are also show-
ing increases.
sorts: Angel of
•Arthur and Golden
(for ensilage). -Early
Midnight, Compton's
TUE WINGRAM '1'llif1 , DFCM113ERZ 9, 1909
What helps produce that perfect balance of bass and
treble in the Mason and Risch Piano
Early and Lm„ fellow. Deter varieties:
Selected Learning, E trly Mastodon, and
White Cap Yellow Dent
POTATOES. -Early varieties: Roches-
ter Rose, and Irish Cobbler. Medium
to late varieties: Gold Coin, Carman
No. 1, and Money Maker. The later
varieties, are as a rule, more prodnotive
than the earlier kinds, •
Oily one sample can be sent to eaoh
applicant, hence if an individual re-
ceives a sample of oats he cannot also
receive one of wheat, barley, peas,
Indian Corn or potatoes. Applications
on printed cards or sheets, or lists of
names from one individual, or appiioa-
ttons for more than ane sample for one
household, cannot be entertained. The
samples will be sent free of charge
through the mail.
Applications should be addressed to
the D.rector of Experimental Farms,
Ottawa, and may be sent in any time
from the 1st of December to the 15th of
February, atter which the lists will be
closed, so that the samples asked for
may be sent out in good time for Bow-
ing. Applioanta should mention the
variety they prefer, with a second
sort as an alternative. Applications will
be filled in the order in which they are
received, so long as the supply of seed
lasts. Farmers are advised to apply
early to avoid possible disappointment.
Those applying for Indian corn or
potatoes should bear in mind that the
corn is not venally distributed until
April, and that potatoes cannot be mail-
ed until danger from frost in transit is
over. No postage is required on mail
matter addressed to the Central Experi-
mental Farm, Ottawa.
Direetar of Experimental Farms.
A report dealing with 'trade between
Canada and foreign countries outside
the United States, United Kingdom and
France and Germany, shows that im-
ports from Japan last year totalled
$1,989,917, a slight increase, while ex-
ports were 8756,000, a deorease of $15,000.
Esparta to Italy were $1,620,773, and
imports $757,732. China, imports $640,-
651, exports $1,022,555 Newfoundland,
imports $1 629,289, exports $3,552,293,
the latter is substantial inorease. British
West Indies, exports $2,549,043, a million
inorease; imports, $7,387,056, inorease
$400,000. Belgium, imports $1,851,000,
a decrease of $401,000, exports $3,927,-
446, Same as last year, Austria-Hungary
an increase of $300,000, while the smaller
cunntrie5 trade was about stationary.
In all things it ie better to hope than
despair, -Goethe.
The man who does his best seldom
has to look for a job.
Oar principles are simply our habits
of thinking.
Yon cannot hide your vices under
advertisements of your virtues.
Little individual kindnesses make the
way for universal love.
The people whb raise the row in a
chinch seldom raise the revenue.
It's only when our virtues are lone -
setae that they feel like boasting.
Training a child in orderliness may be
Oedema a men in righteonenees.
Alt treatments failed for three long
yearn --Coro complete with OR.
Mrs. Lint:, 12 Walker St., Halifax,
N. S., writes: "After three years of
miserable torture and sleepless nights
with. terrible eczema, and after trying
over n dozen remedies without obtain-
ing anything but slight temporary relief,
I have been perfectly and entirely
et'ed by Dr. C'hase's Ointment. After
i i "cn of this
1 ior fourth ;x 1 eats
the third u
grand ointment 1 obtained relief, and
a few boxes were sufficient to make ;x
thiorOngh cure. It is six months since
I Boas freed of this wretched skin dis•
return of
and AS there baa. beenno u
rale d t e
the trouble I eonsider the Lure s: perm-
anent one."
1~ueli cures lire not brought about by
imitations and -substitutes for Dr.
(snow's Ointment. It is therefore
necessary for you to be eertain that the
ertrait and signature of A. W. (:hale,
M. I)., the famous feeeipt Look author,
are nn the box you buy. 60 eta. a box,
at all dealers or ls'llmsnaon, hates & Co.,
Toronto. Write for 1 free ropy of
I1re (hllee'a Recipes.
HE even scale of the Mason and Risch piano will appeal to
any critical musician. As you pass from one note to another,
from the bass to the treble, there is no change in the tone purity.
Each note is clear, sweet and full.
,son and Risch
The piano with a soul
This is due to exact mathematical and accoustical
principles on which our overstrung scale is constructed.
We have secured a depth, richness and purity of tone
throughout the entire register of the Mason and
Risch piano which is not equaled in any other in-
Mail us this coupon to -day and we'll send
you an illustrated booklet which explains
in detail why the Mason and Risch is
the best piano for your home.
The Mason and Risch
Piano Co., Limited,
32 West King' St.
and RISC
Send me your illus-
trated booklet explain-
ing the reasons why I
should own a Mason and
Risch piano. This in no way
obligates me to purchase.
Town of Wingham
BY-LAW fl0. 1909
A By Law for the issue of debentures
of the Town of Wingham to the
amount of $6000 00 for the purpose
of improving tale present water-
works system of the said Town and
for proouring a supply of pure water
for domestic purposed,
Whereas the Municipal Coattail of the Oor-
poretion of the Team of Wingham deem it ex-
pedient and necessary that the present Water-
works system should, be improved and that
the ratepayers and residents of the Town
should be supplied with pate water for domes -
tie purposes.
And whereas the said Municipal Council
have, through their Iingineo', Wm. Mahlon
Canis, procured estimates of the cost of
the improvements refe'red to, and the in
stalling of a system of pare water for the pun -
nose aforesaid, which e'.tiinates are appended
hereto, marked Schedule "A", and which
amount, in the whole, to $6000.00.
And whereas it will be necessary to issue
debentures of the said town of Wingham for
the said sum of $0000.00, as hereinafter pro-
vided, which sum is the debt intended to be
created by this by-law, the proceeds of said
debentures, to be applied to the said purpose
and no other.
.And whereas the total amount required by
''The Municipal Act," to be raised annually by
special rate for paying the said debt and in-
terest, as hereina ter provided, is $471. 50.
And whereas the amount of the whole rate-
able property of the said Town of Windham
aoaording to the last revised asssesment roll
thereof is 1778,052 00.
And whereas the amount of the existing de-
benture debt of the said Municipality, ex-
clusive of local improvements eeoured by
special rates and assessments, is the sum of
$140,728.54, whereof there is nothing in arrears
of principal or interest.
Therefore the MunioiUnl Council of the Cor-
poration of the Town of Wingham enacts
as follows:
1. The sum of $8000 00 shall be expended by
the Town of Wingham in improving the
present waterworks system of the said Town
and in procuring pure water for domestic par -
2 For the purposes aforesaid the Mayor of
the said Town of WIngham shall cause de-
bentures of the said Town to be issued to the
amount of 16000 00, which said debentures
shall not be less thou 5100 each, Such de-
bentures shall be sealed with the seal of the
Corporation of the Town of Wingham and
shall be signed by the Mayor or other acting
head of the Corporation and also by the
Treasurer thereof.
3. The said debentures shall bear date on
the first day of April A. D. 1810, and
shall be issued on the day of the date thereof,
and shall be made payable in twenty years
from the said date, at the office of to Treas-
urer, for the time being, of the said Town of
Wingham, and shall have attached to them
coupons for the payment of interest.
4. The said debentures shall bear intereSt at
the rate of four and one-half per cent. per
annum, from the date thereof, and said inter-
est shall be paid annually at the office of the
said Treasurer on the first day of April
in each and every year during the
currency thereof.
5. During the currency of said debentures
or any of them there shall be raised annually
by special rate on all the ratable property of
the said Town of Wingham the sum of $270.00
for the payment of interest on said debentures,
and the sum of $201 50, for the purpose of
creating a sinking fund for the payment of
the debt hereby secured, making in all the
sum of $471 50, to be raised annually by special
rate as aforesaid, during each of said twenty
BAr'rlax Ouuaos t3abbatli services M
11 a ne and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at
2:80 g m. General prayer meeting
on NVednesday evenings, Rev, W.
1, Steeyes, pastor. B. Y. P. U, meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m. 79.D Perugia,
S.S. Superintendent.
MSTHODI$T OUuROB-Sabbath aervioea
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at
2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
L Rutledge, D,D pastor. F. 13nohan-
an, J.S. Superintendent.
PREsB?TERIAI'T QgA$CH-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday eveninge. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor. Ar. A. J. Irvin, S.S.
Sr, PsmL'si OiwnoH, EPIsoor4L-Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m.
Sunday School at 2;80p m. Rev, O. E.
Jeaktns, B, A.., B. D., Rector ; Ed.
Nash, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E.
Robinson, assistant Superintendent,
SALvATzos Alum -Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 7 p m en Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OPPIoE--Office hours from 8a m
to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
Purim LIBRAsx-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott,
The Canadian farmer is sometimes
slow to adopt an idea, earning for
him, the Ottawa Journal thinks, the
title of the hard-headed farmer, but
it also points out that when once he
becomes convinced of the troth of a
new idea there ie no man, nor class
of men, who will so quickly get into
line with modern progress. It cites this
in proof:
The history of the good roads move-
ment about Ottawa shows that the
farmers of Eastern Ontario need more
convincing but less urging than is usual.
ly considered necessary.
Seven years ago the Ottnwa Valley
Journal at great el:pense organized a
good roads train, and in twelve different
sections of Eastern Ontario twelve miles
of good roads were built as an experi-
mental demonstration.
For a while it looked as if the seed so
sown had fallen by the wayside. But
the farmers watched these experiment-
ally bnilt roads, noted their durability,
observed how little their maintenance
cost, and saw daily what a saving of
time and horseflesh even these few miles
And now OarIeton has decided to de
vote $300.000 to good roads; on Satur-
day Leeds and Grenville decided to de-
vote a similar sum to good made; Rus-
sel and Presoctt have engineers at work,
and a bylaw that will Undoubtedly
carry will be submitted to the county
council in January.
In fact, every single county in which
the Ottawa Valley Journal's "good
roads" trait built a mile of road, has
taken up the good roads movement and
atensiv I with
cin into 11 e yr and w e
the belief that geed roads ttre u paying
an investment as any into which a ooun.
ty may put its money.
The Canadian farmer hi beginning to
believe that good roads pay, that they
iI meati dollars in his pocket, and hia bank
account, and 0n09 this idea in which
the farmers about Ottawa are noar
leading exponents, becomes Unques-
tionably accepted in Canada, there will
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course.
Salient Points in the Lesson for Susliiiay, Dec. 12,
Given in a Series of Questions by.
Rev. Dr. Linscott.
'(R3Zistered in accordance with the Copyright Act.)
PAUL'S LAST WORDS -II Tim. iv:1.18.
Golden Text -For me to live is Christ,
and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21.
Verses 1-2 -When a minister in au-
thority gives instructions to a devoted
minister under him, concerning the
work to whish he is appointed, are hie
words more or less effectual if he calla
God to witness? Why or why not?
What precisely did Paul mean by
'Preach the Word?"
What, if any, reason is there to be-
lieve that preaching or its equivalent
can never be "out of season?" '
Why is the duty to preach and to
practice truth, honesty, love, and the
presence of God never out of season?
Wby is every man under vital oblige•
tion to be on the gni vive to promote
the temporal and eternal interests of his
Verses 3.I. -What Is the minimum
of Christian faith necessary for
"sound doctrine" and salvation/
(This question must be answered in
writing by members of the club.)
Wby is it that burglars, counterfeiters,
gamblers, liars, driukers, and other bad
men, and Women, often persuade them•
selves that they are right?
When men do not believe in the
supernatural, that is, God, prayer, im-
mortality, rewards and pnnisbments
after death, etc., give your reason for
your belief whether it is, or not, it re-
sult of some moral defect in their lives?
Votse 5 -What are the chanties of
snwaese, in any calllan, for a man whd
will watch, snffe'r, work, and demon.
Orate hie fetthfnlnses?
Verse 6.-Whioh is the more desirable
time, the clay of ono's birth or the day
n . dt-atband telt?
bfbe's h.
Hary did Paul at this time know,
that the day of his departure was est
Verse 7.- What can you say for
or Neatest the th0or
that the better
the marl the less he thinks of himself?
Sato Pant YOU as to whether Peel
was );uiity of boastlnlf hart,, or whether
it was but au honest statement that he
had "fought a good fight," and that he
had kept the faith"?
Is God hard to please, or is it possible
for an ordinary, honest Christian to
please God in all things, and to have
the ooneoiousness that he is so pleasing
Verse 8. -Was the Drown of righteous-
ness that Paul was going to receive, a
gift of grace, or a reward for merit, and
will it be the same ease with all the
What will be the nature of the re-
ward which awaits the Christian atter
Verses 9.12. -Is it a sign of weakness
or strength, and Why, when a Christian
craves human company and friendship?
What is the moral quality of a man
who forsakes his friend when he is in
Are friendships rare, or plentiful,
which remain Steadfast, and true alike
in prosperity and adversity, through
evil and good report, and how do you
characterize Snoh it friendship?
Verse 18. -Upon whloh will a normal
right thinker put the emphasis, on
thinge for the body, mind or spirit, and
Taking Patina "cloak" to represent
thinge for the body. his "books" the
mind, his "parohments" the spirit,
please say what proportion *of the
thought and energy is spent, by the
Average community, upon these things
Verses 14.15 -Is there any reason to
believe that *Teens would have prayed
that a bad man may be rewarded ac-
cording to his works?
What should
be the attitude 01o
a d
a o
%lean toward those who speak evil of
Verses 1816-What
W at effects ought the
0 00.0 oration of friends, e
i d and the
P ,
opposition of enetnies, have upon the
work of a true and determined man?
Lesson for Sunday, December 19th,
1909.-.-1 eview. '
be little fatnre complaint heard about
tho poor quality of the country roads,
The Ottawa Valley journal is it Nerd -
Weekly farmers' edition of that paper.
It is to be oongratulated on the fact that
its enterprise Is bearing fruit, though
like bread oaat upon the waters it did.
not return for many days.
1S ruetasWWD
The Times Office, Beaver Black
TEsiMs or Sunscitrrrumi-51.00 per annum its
advance, 51.50 if not so paid. No paper dieoon-
tinned tin all arrears are. paid, except as the
option of the publisher.
ADVERTISING R&TEs. -• Legal and other
casualadvortisements 10a per NonparielHue tor
first insertion, Bo per hue for eaoh snbsequent
Advertisements in local polumna are charged
10 qts. per hue for firat insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale
or to Rent, and similar, 51,00 for first three
weeks, and 25 oente for eaoh subsequent in-
Oot Tn&OT RAMP --The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods :-
sPAex, 1 YR, 8 no. 8 no. 11(0.
Ons0olumn.-.- $70,00 840.00 522.50 $8.00
Half Column....., ... -. 40.00 25.00 15.00 8.00.
quarterOolmmn., ....... 20.00 12.60 7.50 8.06
Ono Inch 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without specific direottona
will be inserted tin forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advanoe.
THE Jos DSPenTMENT is atooked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county far turning ont iirat oleos work. Large
type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, eto,, and the latest styles of
choice fano? type for tha finer nlasses of Print-
ing, H. B. ELLIOTT,
Proprietor and Publisher
TOWN OOUNOIL---Thomas Gregory,
Mayor; • Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ;
Geo. Spotton, J, W. MoSibbon, H. B,
Elliott, William Bone, Dr. Robert
O. Redmond, and V. R, Vanuorman.
Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor,
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh month at 8 o'clock.
HIGH SCHOOL Bo&iw.- W. F. Van -
Stone (chairman), 3, A. Morton, John
Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J. Howson,
John A. MaLearn Frank Baohanan,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A, Omens,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
(ohairman), G. 0. Manners, H.E. Isard,
A. E. Lloyd, W. D Pringle, Wm. Moore,
Theo. Hall, C.'N. Griffin, Seoretary,
John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B.
Ferguson. Meetings seoond Tuesday
evening in eaoh month.
lor, B.A,, principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A.,
olassioal master; J. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematical master ; Miss M. J..
Baird, B. A., teaoher of English and
Moderns; Mies Anderson, fifth, teaoher
PUa mo SoaooL Tna.oxans.-Joseph
Stalker, Principal. Mise Brook,
MissReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Mies Commingle, and Mise
BOARD 09' HEALTH --Thos. Gregory,
(ohairman), 0. 3. ,beading, Abner
Oosene, .Wm. Fessant. J. B. Ferguson
Seoretary; Dr- 3. R Macdonald,
Medical HealthOfficer.
0. This by-law shall take effect from and
after the final passing thereof.
7. The votes of the electors of the said Town
of Wingham shall be taken on this by-law at
the following times and places, that is to say,
on Monday the 8rd day of January A. D. 1910,
beginning at a'ne o'clock of the forenoon and
continutug till five o'clock of the afternoon of
the same day,by the following Deputy
Returning Offiers and Poll Clerks, namely:
In Ward 1, at William Johnston's tailor shop
on Josephine street, by John Groves, Deputy
Returning Officer, and William J. Haines, Poll
Inward 2, att+Wliliam Gannett's implement
office, Josephine street, by Ja'i Alex. Morton,
Deputy Returning Officer, and Alexander
Alderson, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 8, at the Town Hall, by Anson
Dolma e, Deputy Returning Officer, and
Alfred J. Fleming, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 4, at Albert Belt's House, Josephine
street, by C. N Griffin, Deputy Returning
Officer, and John *W. Dodd, Poll Clerk.
8. On Saturday the first day of January A.
D. 1910, the Mayor of the said Town shall at-
tend at the Town Hall in the said Town at
eleven o'clock in the frrenoon to appoint per-
sons to attend at the various polling places
aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the
votes by the clerk on nelialf of the persons
interested in, and promoting or opposing the
passing of this by-law, respectively.
9, The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven
o'clock of the forenoon of Tuesday, the
fourth day of January A. D. 1910, to sum up
the number of votes given for and against
this by-law.
Dated at the Town Hall, at the Town of
Wingham, this 29th day of November, A.D. 1909.
, Mayor,
Being an estimate of the expenditure refer-
red to in the foregoing by-law.
2 Artesian Wells, 8 inches in diameter, $1840.00
A r Pump and nonuect)on 444.00
Air Compressor, connected with Elec-
tric Motor.. 756 00
Receiver 100.00
Addition to Pump Rouse 400 00
Concrete Reservoir , , ... 512.00
Connection with existing mains 200.00
Three stage Centrifugal Pump, capa-
city 500 gallons per minute, con-
nected to Eleotrio Motor 1160.00
TransmissionLine fromEleetric Power
House to Waterworks Station..., 486 00
Contingencies. 668 00
Total $6000,00
Take notice that the above la a true copy of
a proposed by-law which hes been taken into
consideration and which will be finally passed
by the Connell of the Municipality of the Town
of Wingham (in the event of the assent of the
electors being obtained thereto) after ono
month from the first publication thereof in
the Wingltam TiMss, the date of which publi-
cation was the 2nd day of December A, D. 1909,
and the votes of the electors of the said Muni-
cipalitywill he taken thereon on the day and
at the hours and places therein fixed.
Town Hall, Wingham, November 291h. 1909.
J. B. FERGUeON, Clerk•
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Wingham propose to submit to the ratenayers
of the said town for their assent a by-law to
authorize the said Connell to borrow the sum
of 50000.00, for the purpose of improving the
present waterWorke system of the said Town
and to procure a supply of pure water for
domestic, purposes.
The following is an estimate of the Costs of
the proposed waterworks improvements and
he procuring of ore water for i do
t e d0 nos ur•
P gP htii
poses made for the said Town by Wm, Mahlon
Davis, 0. E.
2 Artesian We'1s, 8 inches in diameter. 51340.00
1 Air Pump and connection 444.00
Air Compressor, cOnneeted with Elec-
tric Motor ,,,...-. 76000
Receiver 100.00
Addition to PIMP oHo n
Concrete Reservir
and Pump Bouae512.00
Connection with existing mains 200 00
Three stage Centrifugal Pump, capa-
city 500 gallons ner minute, son -
fleeted to EleetrieMotor 1150.00
Transmission Line from RIM tic Power
Add for contingencies 0068et 0
Total x0000.00
'Dated, TeWn Hall, 'Wingham, November
29th, 1000. J. B, Zi'11iRCittSON, Clerk,
for a reliable Local Salesman repre-
"Canada's Oldest and Greatest
T P KENNEDY, M. D., M.O.P. S. 0.
eJi a Member of the British Medical Aesoota-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Speofai
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child;
ren. Offiee hours -1 to 4 p. m. t 7 to 0 p, m.
in Wingham and adjoining country.
You will find there is a good demand
for nursery Stook on account of the
high prices that growers have realized
on their fruit this season.
Oar salesmen are turning in big bust.
nese to us this year. Be one of them
and earn good wages through the winter
Territory reserved. Pay weekly.
Free sample outfit, etc.
Write for particulars,
Foothill Nurseries
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
and anyone having live stook or Other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
oironlation tells and it will Im strange indeed if
you do not gets customer. We can't guarantee
that yon will sell because you may ask more
for the artiole or stook than it le worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMfte and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
eaoh as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the TIMER
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will Save people the tremble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or aendour next work of this kind to the
1'Rang MMlAaulii
linyenesending eteh and deecrititiontnay
quIOk)r' aeoertaln ()snarl( opin)on free Ir lather an
Invention is probablyb sten} 10. 0rnmuntea.
tlonsetrlot�Voonatientfat. NR BOd onPatente
Gent free. oideet tame,' for eocnring Patens.
Patonte taken thouagh Mnnn & 00. reaelee
iyeciathake, L thout,Wbaive,lath°
Sciertt.ftc ,lnmerkran,
yr„,i, d50me1T elle itrated llreelily. Largest sir•
ellen. of wy oetentl#o ;Onrnel, Terme for
uuanade, s.7)i,mtallear,poetage p?epald, goldan USW by
1!f N CO 11111bookay; Newyork
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Offioe-Maodonald Blook, over W.MoKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
L. R. CI. P. London,
Office, with Dr. Chisholm,
Honor Graduate of 'Toronto University,
Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
and Surgeons,
Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested.
Glasse' properly fitted.
01.1,10E -With Dr. Kennedy.
',fits Hours -8 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m.
Private and Company funds to loan at loweat
rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Office, Beaver Block, Wingham
E. L. DICKINSON Drumm Howes
Ormolu Meyer Block, Wingham.
Doctor of Dental Sugary of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Macdonald Blook, Wingham.
W. 3. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of 'Uni-
wrsity 9f Toronto.
Moe ; Beaver Blook,
That J. 5, Jerome, Dentist
is is making beautiful sets of
ssa�a teeth for eight dollars, and
inserting the Patent Airchamber. All
work guaranteed.
Office in Chisholm Blook, Wingham.
Wingham General Hospital
(Linder Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians, RAVES FOR PATIENTS--
(whichlnolnde board and nursing), $3.50
to $15,00 per week according to location
of room. For further information,
Miss 3. E. WELSH,
Box 228, Wingham Ont.
6.40 8.m.,., 8.80p n2
Toronto &Eait11.09m8.45m2.40Sincardine.,11,&7 a.m..2.08m0.15pm.m,
Anu,1aKincardine .8.40 a,m.100m
2.40 p,nit,
London.... ....11.54 a.m.. - 7.65p.m,
Palmerston - , ..., 10.80 a.01,
Toronto & East.......... 2.08 p.m..., 0.15 P.m..W. HENIYY, Agent, Wingham.
.TRAiNs 'a L 1
vE ironToronto and East ........ 8.87 soh". 810 p.m.
Teeswater 1.00 p.tn....10,24 p.tn.
Teeswater..A1rRi91t lvenom6.87 alit,..., 8,10 p.m.
Toronto and, iEast�..�-1,00 p.m., "10.24
T. H. MBAR, A eat Win a
g ith m