HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-02, Page 61
The Most Interesting Daily
The `Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features
for Women.
There are the daily Home Pages—the daily instalment
of a good story—tl:a Social and Personal columns—the
illustrated daily Fashion Hints.
But the ":....tar's" strongest appeal to the wide-awake
woman is the unusually interesting way in which it presents
the news of all the world, day by day.
There is not a dry line in it—yet it is not sensational
or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean, wholesome,
well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's
worth reading about.
Subseribf now and take advantage of our present rate of
$L50 A Year
This paper and "Toronto Dail, Star" together for one year -42.20.
Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices.
Toronlo Daily Star
erre .ier evert
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Did it ever occur to yon that book
worms were awfnlbores.
When a man is compelled to eat his.
appetite is quickly satisfied.
Could Not veep this secret.
"Six months ago I was cured of piles
by the use of Dr, Chase's Ointment,"
writes Mr. G. A. Swayze, Copenhagen,
Elgin Co-. Ont "I had been afflicted
for over thirty years and tried all sorts
of treatments in vain, so I was surprised
and delighted to be cured. I don't ore
for publicity but would like to tell
every one suffering from piles about
Dr. Chase's Ointment."
A man usually drops his prosperous
look when a bill collector calls.
Potatoes, after being steeped in sul-
phuric aoid and pressed hard, make ex.
cellent billiard balls.
'Pears the The Kind You Have Always BONA
The electric blower for hot air fur-
naces has been successfully used for the
heating of buildings.
A woman headed the examination list
of medical students in Paris hospitals,
beating all male competitors.
Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
MRs. Wrestow's SOOTHING SYRUP 18
the preeoription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
years with never•failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child; it rests the mother. Twentyfive
cents a bottle.
The street fakir reaps a golden harm
est every time he faces a crowd that
wants something for nothing.
Troubled With
Backache For
Years. Now Com.
pietoly Cured
By The 'Use Of
11r�. W. C. Doerr. 13 Brighton St.,
Lonlon Ont.,1 r to .
• t s°•••--uI
t is with
von • t 0
Ale t tt ^ that I thanky for the good
;mem i)n't:t'e Kidney Pitta have done me.
Have been troubled with backache for
years. Nothing helped rite until a friend
brought idle a box of your Kidney !'ills.
I began to take thein and took four barren,
an 1 stat triad to say that I am cured en-
tirely and can do ,t11 my own work and
fel aw good as I nerd to before taken sick.
stn positive I)oan's Kidney Pills arra
and I advise
you claim them to be,
el} kidney sufierere to give theist a fair
Let Moan's 'Kidney Pills do for you
what they have done for thousands of
others. They eure all forms of kidney
trouble, and they cure to stay euted.
Price, :I4) cents per bee or 3 boxes for
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of prier, l;y 'P$e T. Milburn Co.,
Limited. Toronto, Ont.
When cederintgepeeify "Doan'L."
nosiness & Shorthand
Archie McLachlan was committed for
trial at Uxbridge for the murder of his
108 Nox a Cold.
Household economy is something a
man preaches and expects Ms wife to
Two young women employed by
moneylenders at Montreal pleaded
guilty to a charge of usury, and will be
sentenced on Saturday.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalvcnes Free
J. W. Wootcrvelt, J, \fir, Westervelt, Jr., C.A.,
Principal. Vicc«Principal,
A Toulon workman named Bronier
went out sbootina iu the woods. For a
joke he hid b'hied the Ioliai o and im-
itated the ory of a bird. Another
hunter fired at the spot whence the
sound came and killed Brouter.
Woodstock board of education refused
permission to the literary society of the.
Collegiate Institute to hold a dance in
oonneotion with en entertainment, and
the most strenuous amusement allowed
was the usual promenades
Fig Pills Oars Constipation
It is fewer than forty years ago that
the Oanedi®n West shipped out its first
grain. On the Bingle day of November
1, 1909, from Port Arthur there were
shipped 1.416,636 bushels of grate —
wheat, 894,022 bnshe}a; tlix, 231,537
bushels; oats, 251,259; barley, 23,818.
For the financial.year of ten months
just closed the Provincial railway tax-
ation realized $416,036.
Salvia will grow Hair.
A flume of the power 'plant at Winni-
peg was carried away and as a result the
pity was in darkness for a time.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages.
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c. blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or Edmanson, Bates & 00., Toronto.
A freight train ran into a stook train
at Moose Jaw. Two stockmen, named
Oliver and Bolton, were killed and
about twenty-five head of cattle.
Mr. James Kerr was killed and Mr. A.
0. Jones badly injured by an explosion
of gas while they were filling marine
buoys at Parry Sound,
Vital Tablets make Rich Blood,
Canada's trade for October was $62,-
417,614, an increase of $5,189,061 com-
pared with Ootober of last year. Im-
ports for the month totalled $31,473,060,
an increase of $3,814,600. Exports a-
mounted to $27,250,759, an increase of
nearly a million.
A well known and respected farmer,
owner of one of the beet farms in Oxford
county, has gone to the House of Refuge
at Woodstook,where he proposes to spend
the winter, because he hada quarrel with
his wife, and decided that he eenld not
peaeeably live at home.
It was thought for some time after
fir h1 h broke ont
event that the o w e b o e
the ve
in the colliery at Cherry, ill., had de.
strayed the3lives of all the three hun-
dred miners entombed at the time. On
Saturday, however, twenty of those
thought to be dead were rescued, while
still alive, bub very faint from seven
days fasting. .
During the two onths ending withh
October, 2,337,000 bus. Of oats from the
Western Provinces arrives at lower lake
ports, nearly a third of the amount be-
ing ,hippedtdGoderloh alone, le very
oonsiderablelquantity of these oats must
be going into consumption here in On.
Milo, end this will ham a considerable
effect in keeping the oat of stook feed.
ing down to a reasonable limit.
�. a']COXLx.ESt..
Bears the The Kind You }lave Always Bough?
of .
When yon want an article of mer-
chandise buy it of a reputable home
dealer, that the profit may remain to
enrioh the community. Send your
money abroad only for what you cannot
purchase at home, Home talent, home
labor, home industry, home capital, and
home pleasures are things to be fostered,
encouraged and patronized.
Dying of Cholera
Local Physician Says Thousands
Dying in Europe Can be Saved
With Proper Medicine.
What is it that keeps down cholera,
cramps, ants summer complaints in Am.
erioa? Ask guy tractor or hue druggttt
and be will tell you •'Nrrvitine." Just
fauoy a thousand hottl. s are sold every
year to people who use Nerviline for
stomach disorder, cremes, fl•ttulenoe,
and eumwer ootnplaiut. For fifty years
to most Canadian homes no other patio
relieving me dome bat Nerviline is kept.
Nothing cures the aohes, pains and ekok-
ness of the entire famay as quickly as
Parisian Sage, the Hair Grower, is
Now Sold la Canada on Money
Back Plan.
It's a mighty good thing for the
women of Canada that Parisian Sage
can now be obtained in every town of
No preparation for the hair has done
so much to atop falling hair and eradi
oate dandruff and make women's hair
beautital as Parisian Sage.
Parisian Sage is the only certain
destroyer of the dandruff microbe which
is the cause of 97 per cent of hair
These pernicious, persistent and de-
$truotive little devils thrive on the or•
dinary hair tonios.
Pari kin Sage is such an extraordi-
nary and quick acting rejuvenator
that Walton McKibben, who is the
agent in Wiogbam guarantees it to cure
dandruff, stop tailing hair and itching
scalp in two weeks or money back.
It is a magnificent dressing for
women, who desire luxuriant, lustrous
Bair that compels admiration
And a large bottle of Parisian Sage
caste only 50 cents at Walton MCKiln
bon's and all over Canada.
"As far back as I
can remember, at
least 50 years ago,
there was never a
time 'hat our house
was wflhout 'Nervi
line.' la the sum-
mer time, when the
children eat green
apples and got siok with diarrhoea and
cramps, it was Nerviline that cured
them. My father used Nerviline fre-
geently to care gas on his stomach and
acute indigestion. There are but few
minor ailments that Nerviline does not
mare, and I know of no wedioine so use-
ful; in foot, so indispensable around the
home as Nerviline."
This letter, written by •Mrs. N. C.
Butcher, a well known resident in Bat-
tersea, shows the high opinion enter-
tained of Nerviline by those who have
used it constantly for nearly half a
You'll never regret using Nerviline.
Get it today, keep it on hand for an
accident or midden case of sickness in
your home. Refuse anything else offer-
ed you instead of Nerviline. 25o. per
bottle, or five for $1 00. All dealers, or
The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Oat,
In Winnipeg on Nov. 150h, Alex. Mo.
Kenzie departed this life and on the 17th
was laid to rest in the oemetery there.
The deceased was well known in Kin-
cardine and vicinity having lived in the
town before going west about three
years ago. the cause of death was due
to cancer. Mr. McKenzie was of a joval
disposition and his many friends here
will be sorry to hear of his passing
C! .4%.15 61' Ci rCt. X .G►.. •
Bears the , The Kind You Have Always Relight
a of
Evidence was given at the investiga-
tion of the aooident to the steamer Em.
press of Ireland, to show that she struck
some object like a sunken wreck.
Passengers on the top of a motor -
omnibus at Charing Cross recently were
nuable to descend for half an hour un-
til the stairs and hand -rail, which had
been smashed in a collision, had been
temporarily repaired.
During this year four new oases of
leprosy were discovered in Canada.
They were dealt with the Act respecting
leprosy. Two of the cases, which were
found in New Brunswick, were remov-
ed to the Lazaretto at Tracadie, in that
province. The two . other oases were
Chinese, one fonud in Manitoba, the
other in British Columbia. They had
been score time ip Canada before the
disease appeared.
On Tuesday evening, Nov. 23rd, the
Baptist parsonage, Goderioh, was the
scene of a quiet wedding, when Rev.
G. R. Jones united John E. Ferguson
and Miss Mabel Baker, of Goderich.
Tho groom is a son of Mr. Robert
Bachantin Ferguson, chief of police at
Walkerton. and is foreman of the rattan
department of the Goderioh wheel rigs
factory. The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Baker, of Stanley Town.
Archie lrtol,auohlin was arraigned at
Uxbridge on a charge of murdering his
wife. Prof, Ellts swore that the woman's
etomaoh ooutained about a grain of
Jasste Wilson went t0 sleep in the
Anglican ohurob in Walkerton, and was
looked in. When she worse up every.
body was gone and people were gone
to bed, She raised a window to jump
out, and while getting out, her dress
caught and held the ohild in mid-
air, neither in the ohuroh nor on the
ground. Her screama brought a neigh•
bor and the Towu Constable, and they
rescued her from the unpleasant posi-
An easbange says: On October 12th,
1859, snow fell in Western Ontario and
remained on the ground, Daring the
six months of snow there were no thaws
and the ground kept dry. When the
people wanted potatoes they would go
out and dig down in the snow till an end
of a drill was found. Then they would
follow the drill and dig them out. In
the spring all the roots that remained in
the ground all winter were dry and
fresh as in the fall before.
An indication of the advance whioh
the Canadian west has made in a quar-
ter of a century comes from Calgary.
When the first white child was born in
Calgary twentyfive years ago, the town
authorities endowed the little stranger
with a twenty-five foot lot, Having
reached the age of twenty-five years,
the pioneer baby recently sold this
presentation lot. It brought $720 a
frontage toot, or $18,000 for the pro.
A very quiet wedding was solemnized
Wednesday morning, Nov. 24th, by
Rev. Father McRae, of St. Peter's
Church, Goderich, the contracting par-
ties being Miss Jean Young, of Loyal,
and Herbert Lamprey, of Goderioh
Township. The bride, who was attired
in a brown traveling snit, with fors and
a hat to match, was assisted by her
sister, Miss Eliza, while Ernest Young
acted as groomsman, After the oere-
mcny the happy couple left on the 7,15
train for Toronto and other cities.
They Help Your Stomach Out
And Save You a World of
A stomach that cannot digest a good
meal 15 certainly a sore trial. It has
been responsible for almost everything
in the way of human misery, up to
The ouble in most cases s is that the
stomach and older digestive organs
lack vigor. Not enough h of the gor g juices
necessary to digestion are secreted, nor
does the stomach work up the food
The worst of it is that there is not
sufficient nourishment taken out of the
food to restore the system's vigor, and
the trouble goes from bad to worse.
The stomach. needs help.
"Little Digesters" meet the need
exactly. One "Little Digester" after
each meal will ensure perfect digestion,
provided, of course, that the food is
good and wholesome.
"Little Digesters" are guaranteed
to etre Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or
your money will be refunded.
ase at your drhgggist's, er by mail
from the +Coletsian 112edfcine Co.,Toronto,
Prevention is Worth While.
When von consider the risk to life,
the expense, the anxiety, which is in-
volved in au attack of appendicitis and
a surgical operation, it is certainly
worth while to avoid it by keeping the
liver and bowels regular by using Dr.
Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. Doctors
are now unanimously of the opinion
that appendicitis comes from a negleot
to keep the liver and bowels in health-
ful condition.
Since the Dutch philosopher Leen.
wenhoek discovered that the pupa of
the flea was sometimes preyed upon by
the larvae of a mite, it has been well
known that various small insects have
their external parasites.
Nine times in ten stomach derange-
ments are responsible for sallow mom-
plexton, dull eyes and thin body.
It is the stomach that supplies nour-
ishing blood to the muscles, the nerves,
and skin. If the stomach is healthy,
plenty of nutritious matter will be ab-
sorbed by the blood. If it is not healthy,
the food will ferment, and pass along
through the bowels, furnishing so little
nutritious matter that the blood becomes
impoverished, and the glow of health
If you suffer from nervousness, sick
headaohe, belching of gas, sour taste in
the, month, heaviness after eating, or
any other miserable stomach disturb.
mace, you need Mi•o•ba, and the sooner
you get it the quicker you will be
healthier and happier.
It will relieve any distressed stomach
condition almost immediately. It will
owe if used according to directions.
Walton McKibben sells it for 60 cents a
large box, and he thinks enough of it to
guarantee it to cure indigestion.
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Ludwig Diement of the 4th Concession
of Carrick, which was celebrated on
Tuesday of last week, marks an epoch
in their lives, which oalls .forth the
hearty congratulations of their n'iany
friends. Fifty years ago Ludwig Diem-
ert and Mary Ann Lafranoe stood be-
fore the altar of the Deemerton R. C.
ohuroh, took the marriage vows, and
were made man and wife. ' The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Father
Lauihnber. This week they came back
to renew their vows, Rev. A. 0. Montag,
the pastor of the ohuroh, delivering an
address very appropriate to the occa-
sion. Mr. and Mrs. David Fortney,who
stood up with them fifty years ago, were
present again to perform a similar duty,
as was also Mr. Joseph Schultheis, who
was also present at the marriage cere-
mony fifty years ago.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all diseases put to-
gether, and until the had few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a
local disease and presoxlbed local reme-
dies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced incur-
able. Soienoo has proven catarrh to be
a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
oonetitntional oure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys-
tem. They offer one hundred dollars
for any came it fails to cure. Send for
oiroulars and testimonials,
Address: F. J. OBExnY & CO, Toledo,
Sold by Druggists, '750.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
Mrs. S. J. Guthrie and her daughter
Clara, were arrested on a charge of per-
jury in connection with the Barrie fire
inquest. bir. Guthrie gave bail for
Thirty lives and 216 seriously injured
is the tollthat football has levied upon
the people of the 'United States this
season, The thirty deaths include 8
college players. 20 high school boys and
two members of athletic olnbs. The
injuries were divided among 171 college
men, 48 high school players and five
dthletio clubs, Twentyflve coffered
internal injuries, "nineteen dislooelted
ankles, nineteen oonouision of the brain,
and nineteen fractured ribs, Fifteen
legs and nine arms were broken, while
twelve dollar bones were °reeked, 'There
were fifteen oases of torn ligaments and
thirteen fractured shoulders,
Twenty-five years ago it was difficult
to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at
any price.
People didn't want it—they were using soft,
winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for•
But hard wheat flour was persistently
pushed. The women tried it and succeeded
with it,—to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite:
for Pastry as well as for Bread.
Ojllve's Royal
is hard wheat flour at its best—milled by modern
methods, retaining all of the good of
the wheat. It is without an equal for
every kind of baking in which flour
is used. 16
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limile, Montreal.
Local History of the early 80s.
Items from the "Times" fyles.
(From the Teems of Nov. 29, 1889 )
Mr. Wm. Clegg shipped per G. T, R.,
on Monday and Tuesday, five oar loads
of peas to Portland and three to Wood.
Quite a number of our townspeople
attended the funeral of Mrs. John
Gentles, at Kincardine, oa Sunday last,
A special train was run up from here by
the Grand Trunk.
Messrs. Bowles & His000ks are adver-
tising a great dissolution sale of their
entire stook, at cost except groceries.
Messrs. MoLean & Son, a few days
ago, purchased Mr, J. J. Anderson's
saw mill, stave factory, shingle mill and
cooper shop, together with about four
acres of land and one house, at a good
Mr. Wm. Batton, of the chair factory,
has formed n partnership with Mr. Wm,
Feseant, of Teeswater, who will move
to Wingham in a short time.
Mr, R. C. Sperling shipped by 0. P. R.
this week, two oar loads of peas to Bos-
ton, one oar of barley to Arthur and one
oar of oats to Ottawa.
Messrs. Elder & Clegg shipped a car
load of oatmeal to Montreal this week.
It is not what one eats but what he
digests that strengthens and invigorates.
Heavy, offensive breath, oold feet,
siok headache, and other kindred din-
eases, have their cause in constipation.
An apple and a glass of water taken at
bed time regularly will keep the bowels
in good condition.
The use of hot water is one of the
surest methods of relieving pain. This
inoludes the use of steam and hot foot
baths,hot water pack or fomentations
and the dry heat of the hot water hot
There is nothing better for a woman
with a poor complexion than plenty of
wholesome vegetables, such as onions,
lettuce, celery and carrots, and fruits,
especially apples, grapes and oranges.
Bananas and fruit full of small seeds
are not so healthful and are generally
Hunters an �---
Best Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
RawFurs and Skins
r/rAsL1,NED p'I3
Ohl old reliable Firm of the
Fur Trade.
v34 odd 136 Main St. 1•lontreeL
Ask (order Free 19909.1910 Price List
Ten shoe travellers were at the Bruns-
wick one day last week.
Messrs C. D. Emmett and D. Stewart
shipped a oar load of cattle to Niagara
Falls 011 Monday.
Mr. Jas. Fax, Toronto's noted humor-
ous vocalist, bas been secured to assist
at Miss MoHardy's concert on the 6th of
Messrs. Hastings & Ritchie are putting
a chopping etone in their order mill on
Josephine street, south.
Mr. J. J. Anderson sold a residence a
few days ago to Mr. Campbell Hanna
and one to Mr. John Barber, of West
Wawanosh. He also sold three lots to
Mr. S. B. Webb, one to Mr' John Hanna
and one to Mr, John Elder.. Mr. Ander-
son has thus readily disposed of his -
property in town.
King.—At Wingham, on the 24th^
inst., the wife of Mr. George E. King;
a son.
Martin.—In Morris, on the 26th inst.
the wife of Mr. Wm. Martin; a son.
Smeitzer.—In Wingham, on the 22nd
inst., John Smeltzer, aged 56 years, 9
months and 12 days.
Available Beds in the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives Increased Three -'Fold as a Result of
Last Year's Sale of Christmas Stamps. The Number
Can Be Doubled This Year If Everyone Will Help.
the success of a
year ago the National,
Sanitarium Associa-
tion have made large
preparations for the
sale of the Christmas
Stamp of 1909-10, is-
sued on behalf of the
Muskoka Free hos-
pital for Consump-
Nearly $6,000.00 was netted from
last year's sale, making it possible for
the trustees to increase the available
beds for needy patients from an aver-
age of fifty-five a year ago to one
hundred and forty, the accommodation
to -day.
The trustees are hopeful that they
may bring the accommodation up to
300 beds as the outcome of this year's
sale of this little one cent messenger
of hope and healing.
The Christmas Stamp, as a means of
fighting the dread white plague, had
its origin in Denmark in 1904, the sale
from which has financed a hospital for
t country. consumptives in that county . The
idea was taken up Bed Cross
Society of the United the States in 1907,
and interest has grown each year,
A year ago a Christmas stamp of
special design was put in circulation
by the Muskoka. Free Hospital for
Consumptives with the success already
indicated in this article.
The price of the individual stamp is
only one cent, but what wonderful
things can be accomplished by so tiny
an instrument. Therm is no reason
why everyone who writes a letter,
addresses a postcard, snails a news-
paper or parcel from this day out
should not use one of these stamps.
The educational value of the stamp
appearing on every piece of nail mat
ter would be enormous, One can
hardly figure up the material results.
It Would mean a routing of the enemy
Tuberculosis that would bring hope
and joy and gladness to thousands of
homes and communities in all parts of
The stamp of 1900 is more beautiful
than that of a year ago. The design,
is as shown in this article, but printed
in red and green, and is of same size
as the regular government postage
This Christmas stamp will not carry
any kind of mail, but any kind of mail
will carry it—and carry too the happy
Season's Greetings from sender to re-
ceiver. The stamps will bo done up in
envelopes of ten, twenty-five, fifty and
one hundred for ordinary selling,.and
large users will be supplied in quan-
tities. The price for ten or for one
thousand is a cent each.
The banks, 'departmental stores,
drug stores, book and stationery
stores and many other stores will sell
them. Women's clubs, church organi-
zations, bible classes and Sunday
schools, public schools, and many
other organizations and individuals
will help this year as last year.
There would seem s to be
s no reason
why everybody everywhere may not
help in forming an. army of 'willing.
workers to sell these stamps all over
the Dominion. The Muskoka Free ,
Hospital for Consumptives is in the
fullest sense a national institution,
caring for patients from every pro-
vince in Canada.
The first issue of the stamp for this
year 18 one million, and these will be •
put into circulation immediately, but
there can hardly be any reason wiry
the issue should not he increased
many times over before Christmas.
The direction of the sale of Christ.
teas Stamps is in the hands of Mr. J.
S. Robertson, Sec. -Treasurer, National'
Sanitarium Association, 317 King
Street, West, Toronto, who will give,
Irompt,reply to Any enquiries regard.
ng the stamp.