HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-02, Page 5Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out -doors and a plain, nourishing diet are all good and helpful, but the most important of all is. Scott's Emulsion It is the standard treat- ment prescribed by phy- sicians all over the world for this dread disease. It is the ideal food -medi- cine to heal the lungs and build up the wasting body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Bond 100„ name of paper and title ad. for our beautiful Bavivas Bank and Child's $ketch.Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny, SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St., West, Toronto, Ont. l Smart Overcoats and Suits FOR MEN, BOYS ANO CHILDREN We specialize in these lines, therefore we know we can serve you best both in QUALITY and STYLE. We make a study of the clothing business, and our customers get the benefit with regard to PRICE, which is a secondary consideration. Our prices are no higher than anywhere. The WEAR is what counts and HARD WEAR is certainly where our clothing is a success. We guarantee satisfaction and WE WANT YOUR TRADE. McGee O. CeLmpbcll CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. roDEATOIL The Goderich, evaporator wan totally •destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon, The factory was owned by D. F, Ham - link and was in full operation. The fire broke out at 4.30 p. m„ and gained headway so rapidly that the employees could not get their wraps. It is said the gasoline exploded. Invented Safe Headache Cure, Away with headaohea, be done with dizziness, bad stomach and biliousness, A pure has been found --use 1)r. Hamel. ton's Pills and enjoy the health they so eurely bring, Nothing but healthful vegetable extraote in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They oleanse and purify the whole system, aot as a perfect tonio. Safe for children, girls, women and men. Sold in 25o. boxes by all dealers. 1li,INLOSS. The Grim Reaper claimed an old and highly respected resident of Kinloss township, Thursday, Nov. 18th, when Donald MacLeod, of the 5th Couoes• Bion, passed away in his 77th year. . He was born in Orwell, P. E. Island, Oct. 20112, 1832, and moved 10 Kinloss in 1867, where he purchased •the farm on whioh he resided .up to the time of his death. ' He is survived by 'his wife, four eons and two daughters, the sons being, A. B. of Luoknow, Alex. of Teeswater, •.Rev. W. C. of Port Elgin, Ont., and Donald at home. The daughters are Mrs. MacLennan of Oloveland, Ohio, and Mrs, Gardam of Port Elgin. a11,ANBROOH. -Shortly after midnight on Wednes• •'day of last week Louis MoNiohol paid ' Nature's debt at the home of his brother, George • MoNiohol, who lives West of Oranbrook. Deceased had been in failing health for several years, being afflicted with a combination of • ailments. He was born in South East. hope, Perth Co., and was married over • 40 years ago to Mies May Traoheell, who predeceased him by' 9 years. Mr. Mo. Nichol made hie home at his brother's here for a couple of years. He was in his 71st year and was a Presbyterian in religion and a- Liberal in politics. Wanted! WOMEN AND GIRLS Wanted as machine operators and for other factory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us. THE Cliolon Knitting Col Limited. CLINTON, ONT. ouhltoss, Mr. James Whytook, of the 6th line, has bought the Boyd farm 11/ miles south of town. We understand the Price is $6,500 and possession to be taken next M:,roh. Mr. Whytook has Graded his own farm to Mr. Stanley Heminway for the old Hemingway homestead. Mr. Whytock is now offering this farm for sale. BLIJEVALE Oatmeal exchanged for oats, FRANK R. HowsoN, Wingham. John Manns has returned from the West. He was accompanied. by his sister, MEI, Anderson, Christmas Tree practice is the order of the day. Methodist entertainment is to be on Wednesday evening, Deo. 22nd, and Presbyterian on Friday evening 24th. The annual meeting of the Binevale Cheese and Butter Co., Limited, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Bine- vale, on Friday, Deoember 3rd, at 1.30 o'clock p. m,, for the election of Dir. eotors and the transaction of any other business that may be brought before the meeting. Ladies are invited to at. tend. A lecture on "The separation and Dare of Dream" and other dairy interests, will be delivered by an in. struotor from Agricultural College, Gnelph. Do You Peel Used tfp? You're discouraged and played out- soaroety enough energy to think and less to work on. The reason? Yea are run down, blood is thin, netves are like Indian rubber, not like steel as they ought to be. Use Ferrozone and the tired feeling will go—it can't stay be- cauee rich nutritious blood and the bod- ily vigor Ferrozope makes, crowds out weakness of every kind. Use Fez'. rozono and you'll feel like a fighting king—full of energy --filled up with am. bition—ever ready to work. No strengh- ening tonin so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Ferrozone in 50 et. boxes. LOWER WINGHAM. The following is the report for S. S. No. 11, Turnberry, for the month of November. The subjects examined were Spelling, History, Arithmetic and Literature. Those absent from one or more exams. marked *. Sr. IV.—Alfred Lookridge 78*. Jr, IV.—Minnie Saunders 365, Jessie Carrie 825, Alvin Groves 223, Willie Shrigley 28* Sr. III. — Susie Sheriff 307, Vernon Allenby 801, Myrtle Lookridge 286. Jr. III.—Frances Lookridge 284, Min - area Mercer, 268, hose Forsyth 218*, Ethel Finlay 89*. Jr. IL—Willie Anglin 143*, Roy For. syth 134*, Mary Austin 186*, Ernest Johnston 54*, Winnie Ransom 53*, Ray- mond ()router 82*, Pt. IL—Olive Groves 257, Grace Cal- houn 205, Sammie Lookridge 28*. Sr. Pt. 1.—Willie Finley 100, 'Tommy Oruikehank 80, Earl Hart 80, Gordo Groves 70, Howard Finley, Russel Fin- ley, Frank Icing, May Hart, jr. Pt. I —Tommy Lookridge, Gordon McGregor, Lizzie Ornikehank, Maynie Finlay, Donald Oleghorn, Margaret Linklator. M. WALsrr,'teaoher. Does Not Stimuiate i Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it. There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You.have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative. We wish you would ask your doctor about this. lIe knows. Trust him. Do as he says, r Auerdo Lotaet M'.rsf. What are Ayer's Pilts7 Liver Plus. Haw long have they been sold? Nearly sixty :years, Do doctors retodlmend these? Ask your own doctor gild find otth Turf w11VGrLULM Tams, nEcEgaititi_ 1ptl3 Is itassis % George Muldoon disposed of his im"r pried heavy draught stallion, "Soot land's Hope," t0 John Galbraith, of Brussels, for the tidy sum of $2,000, He is a fine animal and we wish the nevi purchaser success with him, Samuel Cobblediok, for over lit years a resident of Exeter, died at his home Thursday morning, lith lust., At the age of 87 years, 11. months, The cause of death was senile decay, the overmaster- ing influence of old age. Deoeased was the father of Rev. G, H, Qobbiediolt, B. D., of Quebec, formerly of Brussels, After a Short illness of 11 days, Ernie Fox, beloved wife of Jas. B. Stretton, departed this life at her home in Cal- gary, Alta , on Sunday, 14th nit,, at the early age of 23 years and 24 days. Blood poisoning was the capes of her demise following a . miscarriage. De- ceased went West 2;2 years ago and en- joyed the esteem of a wide oirale of friends. She was a faithful member of the English church and is survived by her husband and a little son 18 months old. Beautiful floral wreaths were piec- ed upon the casket by an Association of which Mr, Stretton is a member, by the Chosen Friends Commit, to which Mrs. Stretton belonged and by Mrs. George and Sons, warm friends. The remains, accompanied by Mr. Stretton, were brought to Brussels for interment. Don't Neglect Your Cough. Yon may dislike taking medioine— but coughs are best cured without melt. oine. The modern treatment is "Ca. tarrhozone"--it isn't a drug—it's a heal- ing vapor, fn]1 of pine essenoee and heal. ing balsams, It spreads over the sur- faces that are weak and sore from coughing. Every spot that's congested is healed, irritation is soothed away, phlegm and secretions are cleaned oat, and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cored. Nothing so quick, so sure, so pleasant as Oatarrhozone. In 25 et. and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. --moo.--- ROWIOH, On Monday afternoon, Nov. 22nd, John Spanks passed away at the resi- dence of bis son-in-law, Wm, Mee sr., at the age of 89 years, 3 months and 12 days. A few years ago Mr. Spinks fell on the ioe and injured his leg and he has gone on crotches ever since that time. Ile gradually failed and was not able to go around lately, He has been an esteemed resident of Fordwioh and this township for many years. Mrs. Adam Soott fell down stairs fracturing her skull and otherwise in- juring herself and passed away on Monday afternoon, Nov.. 22nd, being nnooneoioua up to the last. She had just returned from a trip to the West to visit her sons at Elva, Man„ and had visited her sister at Bolton, and arrived at Fordwioh on the previous Saturday night. The late Mrs. Soott was born in the township of Esse, Simooe county. In the year 1862 she settled on a farm near Lakelet with her husband, where they lived until three years ago when they retired to Fordwioh. Her husband predeceased her on May 19112, 1909. She leaves a grown up fatally of five sons and it daughter to mourn the loss of a loving mother. Of the family George, Robert and John are in Manitoba, Wil- Iiam and Adam are on the homestead near Lakelet, and the daughter, Mrs, George Soott resides near Galt. Mrs. Scott was a consistent member of the Methodist Ohnroh, Deceased was in her 65th year and was a woman of a cheerful and kindly disposition, an obliging neighbor and a Ioving mother. EAST WAWANOSH. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANS R. HowsoN, Wingham. Miss Mary Clark, who has been the effioient teaoher in S. S. No. 6, East Wawanoeh, for several years, has re• signed her position and the trustees have engaged her sister. Miss Lillian, for next year, This means a vacancy in the Loohalsh school, whioh is now in charge of Miss Lillian Clark. One of the pioneers of East Wawa - nosh passed away on Thursday, Nov. 18th, in the person of John McClinton, at the age of 81 years and 9 months. Deceased had been in his usual health until a oonple of days before his death. Me Was born in the County of Antrim, Iceland, and when about 20 years of age came to this country, living first in Hamilton and in 1860 he came to East Wawanoeh and settled on the farm on which ho died. He was a cultured Ohrtetian gentleman, and as snoh wield• ed an influence for good wherever he was known. Ile taught school tor 85 years, 17 of whioh were spent in One school in Hallett township. His wife predeceased him 8 years ago, and since then he has resided with his only son, John H. MoOlinton. Besides the eon. 8 daughters oaourn the lots of a kind and affeotionate father. They area—Mrs Jim. MoDoweii, Mrs. Robt. MoDowell and Mrs, ltobt. Henry, of East Wawa - nosh; Aire Jno.Armon; of Wingham; Mrs Jas. '1I •Ips, Colorado; Mfrs, Jas. Armour, Saskatoon; Mrs. ir. Y, Morrish, Of Goderich, and Mrs, Wm, MoDowell. of Dakota. Doomed was is consistent and loyal member of Westfield Metho- dist church, lana the pastor, Rev. A. E. .Tones, condnoted the e funeral, which was very largely attended. Six grandsons ttoted as pallbearers, viz: -- William, John, Alva and Marvin McDowell, Maitland Henry and Elwin Taylor* mecums. Olttnral.exchanged for Data. Pais. R IJowsoi, Wingham, Mrs. J. A. Lever. of Flesherton, visiting her another, Mre, J. manning Mrs. John Manning was palled to Forest awing to the illness and sat, (pent death of her Sister-in./ow, M J. L. Lloyd.. Henry and Mrs, Mothers are getti comfortably settled in their eommo ous home oa the first line of Morr One evening a number of neighbo dropped in on the newly mare oonple and gave them a kitchen tlho er. A very pleasant evening w spent. The annual (Tiristmas Tree Wettedmeat in oonneotion with the Sande School at Sunshine will be held o Wednesday evening, Deo, 22nd, The Council met pursuant to adjourn meat on Nov. 22nd. Members all pre apt, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes last meeting read and passed, On motion 82 Johnston and Wilklnse the tender of Brent. Ninon & Co., fo the Smith .drain debentures at a prem ium of $133 was sooepted, Amount o debentures $4,277 35. Messrs, Connelly and Nioholson pre seated it bill claiming $100 on amoralof delay on Granby drain caused by ob struotion on the G. T. Railway. Moved by McOraoken, seconded b Wilkinson, that we take n0 action. a present but investigate the matter, Carried. The auditors reported having examin ed the Treasurer's books up to date an found the same correct their report be ing as follows:— To the members of the Council and ratepayers of the Township of Morris:— We wish to express our appreoiaticn of neat and satisfactory manner in which the Treasurer's books have been kept, and thank Win for his kind and obliging manner and for bis willingness to ex- plain and also add that he has honestly, honorably and faithfully performed the duties of Treasurer of the Township of Morris, for the past twenty years, and now since he has seen fit to resign his offioe and remove from our midst we express our regret at the loss of a fellow oh citizen enas Mr. Brandon,. and hope that in his declining years he may ecjoy peace and happiness wherever his lot may be oast. R. JOHNSTON 1 Auditors. P. MCNABB Mr, Shaw presented hie bonds as Treasurer and on motion of MoCraoken and Wilkinson, the sante was accepted as satisfactory. Deputy Returning oMcers and Poll Clerks were appointed as follows:— Div. No. 1, W. C. Laidlaw and D. Laidlaw; Div. No. 2, G. F. MoOall and Jas. Kernaghan ; Div. No. 3, Wm. Fergie • son and John McGill; Div. No. 4, Thos. Miller and A. Taylor; Div, No. 5, Wm. Elston and John Perdue; Div, No. 6• Silas Johnston and Jae, Peacock. Accounts were paid as follows:•—.Doff & Stewart. material and work, $32.60; W. MoMiohael, filling at bridge, $22.00; W. MoMiohael, putting in Dement cul- vert, $3.25; P. Rutledge. ditch and cul. vert $13; Wm. Salter, gravel, $2.80; Wm, Craig, moving moulds, $3; W. Corbett, drawing tile, 51.50; J. Michie, putting in tile, $5; Connelly & Nichol- son, balance of contract on Granby drain,$197 ; Mary Milla,farm bridge Rns- sol drain $15; P. McNabb, auditors fees, $8; R. Johnston, auditors fees, $8; T. S. Brandon, Treasurer's salary, $90: R. Young, gravel, $1.05; R. Johnston, Mnnloipality's share of ditch, $7; J. Conites, filling at Stone School bridge, 3140. By Laws No. 12 and 13 were duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned to inset again on Deo. 15th as per Statute. W. OLARK, Clerk. Ni{ ie M t, se. re. ng di. is, re ed w- ae n• y n s• of ?<1 r f t• • • t • d • Any Weakness in Your Back? Sometimes you experience pain and weakness without much suffering. Later on the pain will surely come. The trouble can be stopped now by rubbing on Nerviline—rub it in deeply over the spine, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare on from an attack of Lamhago, which is the outcome of neglected pain in the book or side. For all masoular pains, strain(' and weak. nese, Poison's Nerviline and Nerviline Mestere have no equal, Refuse sub. stitates. 'Mary GilI, aged fifteen, and her brother Daniel, aged thirteen, were drowned while skating on Sparrow Lake. Established 1879 IOR WHOOPING COUG6. CROUP. ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE' IOR0AT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Veporixed 'Creeolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup Mtn - hot east where Creaolene is used. It ems directly on note And throat, nuking breathing easy in the Cate di colds, soothes the tore throat and stops tho cough. It is r boon to sufferers of Asthma. Creaofene it a powerful germicide, acting both as a curative and a preventive in Contagious diseesee. Cresolcne's best recommendation is Its thirty years of successful use, rot Oslo by All Druggists Send yoga tor De- ales Stec seriptive .booklet G 1(o Creaotcae A fisc- is I n ! 1 p Throat 1'eblets, sirupte and soothing for the irritated throat, 10e. Leeming, Miles Co.. Limited, Agent*, Mon - treed, CAnada, Sod PROGRAMME FOR THE WINTER FAIR, GUELPH, DEOE MBER 6-10, 1009. .A. special feature in connection with the lectures to be delivered et the Win. ter Fair this year is the discussion of proper types to be sought for In the breeding of the various pure breeds of live stock. Animals will be used for illustraiion purposes and the disouselons will be of a practical nature of benefit to the farmer who is trying to improve his grade stook as well as to the breeder of pore -bred •animals. The question of profitable feeding, as dsatt with in the Dairy Cattle and Poultry sessions, will be of interest to all in these times when feed is so expensive. A general subject of special value will be -Under-drain. ing." Prof. W. H. Day will explain the conditions under which it is advis• able to under -drain, the prinoiples to ba followed is laying out a plan and the materials and appliances which should be used. The following is a synopsis of the subjects to be taken up at the different sessions. On Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 7112, there will be the session for poultry with addresses on 'Profitable Production of Poultry on the Farm" by Pref. Graham, Guelph, "Poultry Feeds and Feeding" by Mise Mary Yates. Guelph, and 'Fireless Brooders" by J. W. Clark, Oaineville, The session for Dairy Cattle will be on Wednesday morning beginning at 9 80 a. m. "Lees. ening the Cost of Milk Production" will be discussed by Prof. Dean, Guelph and the "Breed Type of Ayrshires, Hol- steins and Jerseys" will be taken up separately by Messrs. A. Hume, R. S. Stevenson and R. Reid, respectively. Wednesday afternoon at 1,30 Prof. W. 11 Day will take up the question of "Under -draining" and at 3.30 there will be addresses on the "Breed Type of Snorthorns" by Robert Miller and ''Herefords, Aberdeen -Angus and Gal. towage' by Prof. G. E Day. On Wed- nesday evening at 7 30 there will be a public meeting in the City Hall at whioh addresses will be delivered by prominent mea and a musical program will be rendered. Thursday morning will be taken up by addresses on the "Breed Type of Clydesdales, Shires, Hackneys, Thoroughbreds, Standard - Breda and Ponies." These will be die. cussed in the order named by Wm. Smith, John Gardhouse, Dr. Grange, Dr. J. H, Reed, Dr. Routledge and Robert Miller. On Thursday afternoon at 1,30 "Breed Type of Sheep" will be taken up. Shropshires and Uotswolde by Robert Miller, Souttldowns by Lt. - Col. MoEwen, Dorset(' by R. H. Hard. ing, Leioesters by A. W. Smith and Oxfords, Lincolns, Hampshires' and Suffolks by Prof. Arkell. On Thursday afternoon at 3 30 Prof. G. E, Day will disease the "Breed Type of the Different Breeds of Swine." On Thursday even- ing at the Seed session, the addresses will be, "Best Types of Ensilage Oorn for the Various Stock Raising Distriots of Ontario" by Prof, Grisdale; "Obser- rations and Conclusions from. the work in Judging Seed Exhibits at the Winter Fair" by Prof. Buchanan; "The Seed Oottrol Aot and the Farmers" by T. G Raynor. There will also be some short addressee giving practical lessons Obtain- ed by the Judges from the work in judging the fields of standing grain in Ontario during the past summer. The judging of the different classes of live stook will take place at the fol- lowing times: Borges -255 entries. Tuesday, 7.15 p. in ; Wednesday, 3 00 p. en.; Tours day, 1.30 p. m. and 8 30 p. m„ Friday, 10.00 a, in. and 1 80 p. m. Beef Cattle -135 entries, Tuesday, 2 p. m. ; Wednesday, 9 30 a, m., continued till finished. Sheep -460 entries, Tuesday, 2 p m Wednesday, 10 a. m. continued till finished. Swine -250 entries, Baoon Hogs, Tuesday, 2 p. m ; other otassea, Wed. nesday, 10 a. m. Poultry -4,500 entries, Tuesday 8 a m. Single fare on all railways. air Mr. Baxendale, Manager of the PaOifi0 Oable Board, is in Montreal trying to arrange with the 0. P R. to carry the Paoiflo Cable Company's business across Canada. Sir Richard 0 trtwright stated in the Senare latit week thea the Government desires to ('come she ratification of the French treaty before the (7hrietmae holidays. Aoun lad ^f` If y employed in a Pitts• berg departmental attire contracted leproby from a false switoh 'winch she' had been wearing. There is now a 'bate i FOR LADIES' COATS AND FURS We are busy selling COATS and FURS Reason ? Come and see. D0 YOU KNOW we carry the largest stock of Coats and Furs ? Seldom outside of the large city stores do you find such an assort. went of READY-'r'O.WEAR garments. Buying in LARGE QUANTITIES, we get the LOWEST PRICE. OUR CUSTOMERS get the benefit, buying the RIGI1T (ROODS at CLOSE -CUT PRICES FURS. We are selling Furs of reliable quality, Every Far must be perfect in every detail to give proper sada. faction. The styles mast be those that Dame Fashion Dills correct. The fit a.td finish must be perfection. Ladies' Coats. BIG STOOK to choose from. In counting oar Coate for Ladies, Misses' and Obildren's wear, we found we had One Hundred and Seventy -Five goats. This means considerable selling. Oar Omen, CUT PEIOES are reducing the quantity daily. Move quick and get One. Ladies' Heavy Coats. Sea our Pony Cloth Coats. Lined throughout. Some at apPcial prioes .. $9.00 and $10.00 Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with Sable Collar, Gond length, Broadoloth shell—a vary warm and stylish onat. Orr price; are $20.00 and $25.00 Ladies' Far -Lined Coate—Ail kinds in stock, at special prices. See our Marmot Lined Ooat, with Sable Collar; full lens+h. Price $35.00 Rat Lined Coat— Fine qaality Broadcloth shell ; deep Sable Collar; regular sixty dollar coat, our close out price.. $50.00 INSPECTION INVITED. H. E. ISARD & CO.i Aim •+++•++++•♦+++++4+4+4.++4,++ •••++♦+++•••••1+4++••••••• • + i41 llanna ,. = -- i Irfi�Y� h 30 Ladies';+, • Skirts + WI •'e +• On sale. In Blues, Blacks and Browns. ,,�.. • Regular $5.50 to $6.5o. • • • Sale price, - $3.69. . + + ♦ WATCHFOR WINDOW DISPLAY. 4 + + + 20 Men's Suits +++ ++ • •4. + On sale Regular $12.00 to $14.00. Sale price, - + • • • " $8.88. • • + • • • • . 25 boys' Suits • • • + • s • w • On sale, Regular SS,00 • Sale price, to $5.50. $3e39. • • + r + • • + • • and + + + MEN'S ODD PANTS • EOY°S' BLOOMER PANTS • • + • • • We give the best value for your Produce. • • + Potatoes, Fowl, White Beans and all kinds of • • w Produce taken. AMAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAMINA • + ftIANNACO.i • • • PBONE 70. en ia158 hair of even' sort la Pittsburg, 4 4 .4, 414.4$$x +++++ :41.++.+•44,44+ +++++++++++++++