HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-02, Page 41 1 a r Tk1J WINGUTAM TIMES, DECEMBER G, 1909 TO ADVERTISERS at ohangesTmulit be left at this 9 not later than Sntc;r.:ay neon. 'bet oopy for changes roost e left flOt later than Monday Ks -c ring. gavial advortisemente accepted up kso noon Wednesday of each weer E ''ABL,ISI-1Ft) 1641 J� 13 \ IN 11,01 TIMES. B.BLIAOTT, PuBLIsnkB ANU Pnornmv,o 'EURSDAY. BECE1IBER 2 1900 NOTES AND COMME-NTS Mr. Ma1ealm, Liberal, was ole-cted :n 13irtle by et mnj')rity of 163 Thi; is than first elenr)on in whioh the Roblin Gov- ernment has failed to get wh' t i: went i; after. Prr,viau4 to this Co':errv.tivrs in Matatoba were congi t red itopreg- nab°e, in bye eliot?ons especially. No Canadian worthy of his cit'z •n ship could have been other rhrn rtsh am - 4 of his country if the Governan.ent at :'Ottawa had followed the course sug.. gested by the leaders of tin O"position in P;arllaceenr and .;kret d re rtelay the ratiiioatioac of the Proven treaty bacause of Or) action of the United States is passing th.a irasimuw and minimum clause in the Payne tariff b,11 -Same o Reformer. The total immigration into Canada for October was 17,301. KR compared with 9,089 hi October of last year ; 8 032 arrived at ocean porta, an increase of 78 per cent, and 9 269 from the United States; an increase of 103 per Dent, as compared with the same mouth of last year. The total immigration for seven months,, April TO October inclusive, was 188.234, as compared with 109 566 for the same mouths of last year ; an in- orease of 26 per cent, The new Court or Appeal for British • Columbia has been constituted by the 't appointment of Mr. J. A Macdonald, 1 ex Liberal leader in Britieb Columbia, 1.t as Chief Justice; Mr. W. A. G•aIliher, ex.M. P., and Judges Archer Martin and P. A. E. Irving, who aro promoted 1 from the Supreme Court of the Province. Chief Justice Macdonald is an old Huron oonnty boy who was educated at Stratford and Toronto. He practiced in -1 t Toronto as a member of the firm of Cook, `' Wallace & Macdonald, but removed to : Roseland in 1896. He wee elected to the .} Legislature in 1003, and was soon after ' chosen leader of the Liberals in the House, Mr. Macdonald is a nephew of Dr. P. Macdonald, formerly of Wing - ham. y Mayor Oliver, of Toronto, the other day told a representative of the press that had he not been elected chief ex- ecutive in the Queen City his finances would to -day make a showing of some $20,000 better than they do. In other 1 words, had he spent his time looking `after his own business instead of that of the public, he would be in much more affluent circumstances than he is - at the Dresent time, Therefore he will not again seek election. In this conneo- tion it must be remembered that in Toronto the ocoupant of the Mayor's chair is paid a salary, a etipend such as • Would be considered princely in any oo• ` pupation in a town. In about the same ratio the town and township oonncilloc s d! stand to lose in a material way. Time /4.wIticb otherwise would be devoted to thinterests givefreely to pueirblic concernsown, meotingthey nsnaIlfry witht a fgreat crmen- �dation,deal themore striotnresitiOcisfmtenthan beingcomof the ost thonghtlees kind. Their main re- r'ward is a consciousness of having evinced y¢, willingness to dieoharge the full duties '' ,,of citizenship. -Renfrew Mercury. Live Stock Markets. • Toronto, Nov. 29 - Union Stork arde.-There was a light run, trade cod, and prices firm et this market to lay. The receipts were 44 oars, with 765 feed of cattle, 1,035 sheep and lambs, and 17 calves. Of the cattle a -offering there were abont ten loads of 'export, the halaoce being botcher cattle, *With a few feeders and stockers. The following are the quotations: .cls rtera' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Ohome $5 50 $5 85 Medium 5 00 5 25 Balls 3 75 4 10 Light 3 25 3 50 Oowa 4 25 4 50 eeders-- beat 1000 pounds and np- wards 3 00 3 50 St" bullsers hoice 3 00 4 00 it 1 50 200 etchers'-• Picked . 5 00 5 30 ffi Medinral....... 3 75 4 25 ows..... , .. 2 50 3 25 i� lis ' 3 75 400 '" fit ......... 7 65 IAghts 0 00 7 40 eep_ port ewes...,....,2 75 3 00 awks, 2 50 3 GO 'Orilla .. 2 50 300 ring Lambs each.. 5 50 0 00 es. each . , .. 300 6 75 WXNGrXAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Dco ist, 1909 r per 100 lbs.... ,,... 2 75 to 3 25 Wheat ,....... 1 07 to 1 07 to, 0 36 to 0 37 Bey .... ...... 0 50 to 0 60 .,,, 0 89 to 0 8+9 dairy ,.,, ,....,., 0 23 to 0 24 dos .030to030 per oord........,. 250to260! . , per ton . , .,1I 00 to 13 001 ° , per bushel, 0 30 to 0 30 0 20 to 0 201 OM per owt. 7 40 to 7 45 1toias, per ib 0 10 to 0 101 s, leer lb 0 10 to 0 10, pole lb. . 0 10 to 0 0Vis, per lb ... 0 15 to 0 15 r News Fro the co►Hive Mans We positively close our doors on December 27th, and bid good - bye to Wingham. We have enjoyed very much our short stay here, but other interests force us to go. $6 O f'. F0 WORTH of STOCK TSD CLEAR We are not going to consider for a moment the wholesale cost, nor yet what they cost us. We must SELL ! SELL ! I SELL ! ! We confess that the stock is not complete, but what is here you can carry away at the most un -heard -of reductions. DON'T l3I A GIIUNIP Surely you are not married to any store in Town. • If so, you had better get a DIVORCE. If you have produce to sell, sell it for cash, and that cash will get double the value here. Read A Few of These Items Ladies' Furs 3 Black Astrachan Coats, regular price $40.00 each. Sale price $18.70. 4 Black Astrachan Coats, regular price $35.00. Sale price $13.70 1 Black Lamb Coat, regular price $50.00. Sale price $20.70. 1 Seal and Grey Lamb Caperine, regular price $14 50. Sale price $5.70. 2 Seal and Thibet Caperit es, regu- lar price 69.00 each. Sale price $3.70. 1 German Otter Stole, regular price 615.00. Sale price $6.70. 1 Seal Stole, regular price $7.00 Sale price $2.70. 1 Set Grey Fos Muff and Ruff, regular price 818.00. Sale price $7.70. 1 Set White Fox Muff and Ruff, regular price $15 00. Sale price $6.70. 1 only Mink Muff, regular price 634.00. Sale price $11.70. Men's ,Wear. 15 pairs Standwater Calfskin (lined) - Mitts, regular price $1.00. Sale price 63c per pair. 19 pairs Horsehide Mitts (lined) re- gular price 75c. Sale price 49c per pair. 18 pairs Mule and Iiog Skin Mitts (lined) regular price 50e. Sale price 35c per pair. 125 Stiff and Soft felt Hats, regular up to 62,50. Sale price 45c each. 500 Linen Collars, all sizes and styles, regular 15c and 20c each Sale price 7c or 4 for 25c. GO Colored Gingham Shirts, regular 75c each. Sale price 29c. 70 Colored Gingham Shirts, regular 61.00 each. Sale price 45c. 50 pairs Men's Black Cashmere ', Hose, regular 50e pair Sale price 29c. 1 only Canadian Otter Collar, reg. price 625.00. Sale price $11.50 1 only Canadian Otter Collar, reg. price 622.00. Sale price $9.50 Overcoats. 7 Heavy Freize Ulsters, regular price 610.00. Sale price $4.70. 3 Heavy Tweed UIsters, regular price 67.00. Sale price $3.00. 10 Tweed Overcoats, good style, regular 615.00. Sale price $7.90. 11 Youth's Ulsters and Tweed Over- coats, regular 68.00. Sale price $3.90. 8 Boys' Frieze Ulsters, regular 65.00. Sale price $2.45. Dress Goods, regular price 61,50 per yard. Sale price 79c. Dress Goods, regular price $1.25 per yard. Sale price 65c. Dress Goods, regular price, 50c and 75c per yard Sale price 29c. 15 Men's Scotch Tweed Suit Lengths, regular 67,00. $3.39. 10 Men's Scotch Tweed Suit Lengths, regular 610.00. Sale price $4.70. The ROBSON MERCANTILE C WINGHAM, ONT. The People's Popular Store Wingham, Ont. Agents Ladies' Home Journal eutterns. KERR ta BIRD i L. Agents Ladies' Homo Journal. EVERY COOK SHOULD USE " Cream of the West" Flour You are sure to have first-class Bread if you use first-class Flour. We guarantee r, Cream of the West." We carry a full line of the VERY CHOICEST Fruits, .Peels, Nuts, Etc. The very best New Valencia Raisins, clean fruit, 3 lbs. for 25c. Seeded Raisins, extra large, new fruit --- something better than you usually get ; 1 lb. packages lac to 15c each. Seedless Raisins (Sultanas), clean fruit, 3 lbs for 25c. Extra Select Re -Cleaned Currants, 2' to 3 lbs for 25c. Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, very best quality. Large quantity just arrived. Enongh for all who come. • PEELS -The best quality Drained Peel, Lemon, Orange and Citron -and the price is no higher than you pay for inferior goods. New Dates, best quality, in hulk and in package. New Figs, very fine quality, large pressed table fruit. New Table Raisin:, Clusters, fine large fruit, 20C lb. Mince Meat, best quality, ioc lb. or ioc package. Icing Sugar, white or pink. Cocoanut. Extracts. Jelly Powder. Gelatine. Sweetened and Unsweetened Chocolate. Pure Spices. Pure Cream Tartar. Pure Baking Powder. FARMERS! We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hard Wood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, etc. Dried Apples must be good color and well dried. Poultry must be fat and dry picked to get the best price. Aylmeryears. Town Council has decided to the water and Iight plant. de- stroyed by the explosion some weeks David Raspinsky, found guilty at Montreal of assaulting little girls, was sent to the penitentiary for fifteen He is sixty-five years old. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRAM, - ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to bay horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER i gtTAMA Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Insurance Office over Malcolm's Grocery. GRANDI.lUf.RSYI EM GUELPH $2.20 RETURN December 4th to 10th inclusive, Return limit Dec. 13th. Account "ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FAIR," CHICAGO $14.20 RETURN November 28, 29, 30, December 1, 5, and 6th. Return limit Deo. 12th Account "LIVE STOOK EXPOSI- TION," Above rates apply from Wingham. Proportionate rates from all points in Ontario. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve THE 10. 110 OP BRANCHES ► DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO Capital Stock (all paid up) $3,983,700.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $5.355,223.91 Total Assets, $57,000,000.00 AND AGENTS throughout Canada and United . States. 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 the 1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 11. I. 4 Si.avings Department. 10 Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of 61.00 ' t and upwards. 0 Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at 0. CWINOHAM BRANCH -Corner John and Josephine Streets. lowest rate of interest. P. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A 4 4 W. R. GEIKIE, Manager. t ANA. AdAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Total assets of over thirty million dollars are entrusted to the custody of the Tank of Hamilton. Your Savings Account Solicited. ^-r.4` t 1 Samuel McCaughey Was accidentally shot and killed by his son in Otillia townclip, Messrs. Mitchell of Parkhill (Liberal) and Doyle of McGillivray (Conservative) were nominated to the Legislature in �....,....�...�..• , 11 North Middlesex, For tickets and further information oall on W. Henry. Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A,, Toronto. LLw The Ilanxilten City Connoil has finally determined to snake a contract with the 13ydro.eleotric Oommiseion. Rural Dean Reeves of Brandon has resigned, owing to differences with Archbishop Matheson,