HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-02, Page 2Blood Was Rad.
Prom impure blood cornea Pimples,.
Boas. ''leers, Tumors, Abseasscc, Fester-
gores, hashes, Constipation, Hewl-
ett, etc.
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
reoving every trace of impure morbid
matter from the system by using
Mrs, Fred. Biggs, Kingston, Ont.,
writes:--" I was completely run down,
u:w blood wa•a out of order, :trill I used to
pet so week 1 would be compelled to stay
in bed for weeks ata time. I could not
eat, was hale wad den.; every one thou glat
I was going into eoneumption, 1 tried
everything e Edi different doctors until a
friend advieze tee ;o use Burdock Mood
Bitters. I did not have cne bottle
used whoa y appetite began to improve.
I u ed si' ,.otties. I gained ten pounds
in two weeks. When I began to tale it
I only weighed ninety-three pounds. It
just seemed to pull me from the grove :re I
never expected to be strong isg'rin- I
will tell every sufferer of your wonderful
For Gale by all dealers.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont.
Ntldoe of changes most be left at this
Orae not liter than n atnrday noon.
The copy for changes must bo left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertic'ein ntr accepted up
to noon Wednesday of erxoh week.
ITN A I fill 11 1 r Era.
H. It.$LLIOTT, PvsLrsmmn AND Prurnal Too
&ties Emma Magoon Post, though
blind, suweeesrully manages the tele-
phone exchange it North English, Iowa.
The exchange serves over 300 snbscrib•
ers, AU of the bell signals have been
made to differ in tone, and she is able
to distinguish each of the forty-five bells
by its peonliar tone and the voices of
men. women and children whom the
Oace again has Premier McBride
swept British Colombia, and his victor,'
may be styled a triumphant one. In
Vancouver and Victoria the straight
tickets were elected. T1r. John Oliver,
the Liberal leader, has been defeated in
beth Delta and Victoria, and Mr. Stew-
art. Henderson has fallen in Yale before
the Premier, who aleo ran in that oon-
The following good edition is from an
exchange: -"Why should Christmas be
mutilated to 'Xmas' any more than
Christine to 'Klan' or Oh_istianity to
'Xianity'? Yet there are Iarge nnmbers
of people who will do it during the next
few weeks. There is nothing to be said
in its favor except brevity and this is
secured at the expense of reverence.
Write the word Christmas in full even
if it takes a second or two longer to do
In fifteen years the annual value of
Ontario's field crops has been advanced
from $102,000,000 to $156,000,000, the
annual value of live stook marketed and
slaughtered from $34,000,000 to $63,000,-
000, and the valve of the live stock left
on the farm from $116,000,000 to $186,-
000,000. This has been accomplished in
face of the exodus to the cities and to
the West, and in spite of the shortage
of agricultural laborers. No account is
here taken of the growing output of our
orchards and daisies. These splendid
results have been attained with a gospel
which au yet has. reached effectively
only a comparatively small minority of 1
oar farmsre. It is only reasonable to
expect that, as the work is extended to
ever -widening circles, the rural Ontario
may be greatly augmented, in which
growing benefits the urban communities
cannot help but share. --Toronto News.
Sore epees on the .necks of iterates are
often caused by the mans being too
heavy. Thia the mane out when it
works wider the collar.
�uiw •--t e Cum ;
wet then be Ieas weak futi90 and
ca + mrlptadn En later life.
Dee you ever think of it in this ceay7
It is the Ice; lected sough and cold
teat leads to the drea.2ful lung die -
rave sooner or later. From repeated
attacks the lunges are weakened and
tie re cornet pnet:MOM#: or eon ur:ntioa
with their dreadfully fatal remits.
I;ecau se it is i,rcpaeed from finesse,
turpentine end other siuin1e lee, won -
dr rfully eireetire iegreaTh.nts, D.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine is particularly suitable as a treat -
recut for children's ec,tighs and colds,
n b- _ _
, , O'1C,,I..m3 and even �' � •o
cough yields to the itfuenee of ties
great latedie'ife,
Idrs. Jelin Chesney Innerkip, Ont.,
writes: "Dr. Chaim 'e Syrup of Lie-
The papers snpportiug the Oatetio
Government $ave a habit of belittling
the abilities of Hon. A. G. MacKst+,
Ie ,ier of the Ontario Opposition The
t :Hewing front the Hamileen Herald
(raiz psadent) thowe the opinion which
is eetertainea of him where prejudice
does not becloud the vision:
"IG is evident that J. A. Maodonald's
refusal to accept the. Liberal nomination
for the proviueiel bye -election in North
M€:idireex has disappointed many Liber.
alh Mr. Macdonald is one of the ubtest
1public spe&trers in Canada, a mail Of
I much aggresetve force of oheraoter, a
man of principle, too, and one in whoa;
the p+Tie would have ooufidenoe.
D eubtless many Liberals hoped that it
it' entered the L'gitiature he would
soon talt:e his place ea leader of the little
base of Liberals there, and that ao
• onunte for their disappointment, How-
ever, Mr Mao'1ouaid one easily be par-
dosled for deehuin„ to nndertake the
ardaona and arid task of lending. As it
i9, we Canaot understand why there
should be any dissatisfaction with Mr.
teatK is'e work as leafier of the Oppose
tion, Ie ability he is head and sboul•
dere above any of his foliowere, as good
a speaker as there is in the Melee, and
a ascii-atm who has made ne actions
mnisteltes. It is not etesoKay's fault that
the Government is so strong and the
Opposition se weak,"
Recently we heard a gentleman com-
plaining about the fine new post of ee
Kincardine had. The complainer seem-
ed to think that it was an extravagance
on the part of the Liberal government.
We would point out that there were
very few such complaints made while
the Conservatives were in power, for
they didn't seem to have the proper idea
of conducting that branch of the govern-
ment snooessfully. Canada's pastmast-
er•geueral year after year had to report
a deficit and that deficit averaged $800 -
000 per annum as long as the Conserva-
tives were in power. In 1896 the net
revenne of the department was $1,971,-
093 and the expenditure $3,752,805, Sir
Velum Blalock was the first postmast-
er general ander the Lanrieradminietra-
tion and he began to look into the causes
of the deficit. Ia the third yearot his ad-
ministration the deficit was almost
wiped oat, but then came the reduction
of Canadian and imperial letter poetaee
from three to two cents. This had been
rejeoted by the Conservative govern-
ment as a fiaanoiel imp aeibility, How-
ever Sir Wm. Unlock was a business
man and the metiirods he adopted showed
the soundness of his judgment as the
following table will show.
Deficit Surplus
1896 $781,102.19
1897 586,539 92
1898 47,602 30
1899 398,917 69
1900 461,661 87
1901 416,183.99
1902 $ 5,109.14
1903 , - 395,268.11
1904 304,783 90
1905 490,844 89
19071906 1,011,765 31
1908 I,101,826.24
1909 809,637.53
These figures are given in the report
of Postmaster General Lemieux, for the
year ending Maroh 31st, just issued.
During the year poet ofiioes increased
in number 656, postal note offices' 680,
money order offices 196, and savings
bank offices 18. Besides these inereases
2,034 miles were added to the extent of
the system over which mails are carried
by railway while the number of miles
whtoh mails have been carried by rail-
way and water routes and ordinary land
routes is greater by 1.312,073 miles than
the previous year. The estimated
increase in the number of lettere and
postcards sent during the year is 19,805,-
000 or 4 per cent more than in 1908.
This growth has entailed an increase
of $586456 66 in expenditure as compar.
ed with 1908, but in spite of tide and the
faet that in August of Iast year the rate
on drop letters in cities was reduced on
half, there was a surplus trent the oper.
ation of the service amennting to $809,.
257,53 Free delivery was extended
daring the year to eight cities, five of
which are in Ontario.
Ontario leads all the provinces in the
number of post offices aid the amount
Of bnsinese done. There are now 3,694
post offices in operation in this province,
the number of letters posted last year
being 187,043,000, of pettoarde 26.005,-
000, of registered letters 4 085,000, and
t free letters 9 068,000. Quebec comes
second with 2,269 post Obits, and $0,-
04.000 letter!, 6.400,(A)0 pott canoe,
,016,000 registered letters, and 1,675,000
res letters posted. Nova Scotia Is third
n number of peetoffioes with New
rnaswlck, Seskatchewetti, lldanitoba,
lberta, BritIth Clolnlnbia, Prince Ed-
tverd Island end Yulron in the order
arced. Tee total btimber of post offices
the D
ominion on March 31st was
2,479. During the year there were
posted In ell the IDonminion 414 801,000
ttF1n 2
� 18
, 040Cts
, post tds 9
, 000
glittered letters, and 18,685,000 free
Iters, Of the letters posted, 91 108
re, seat to the dead letter branch not
ink prepaid, Or one in, 4.647. The
omit of medley remitted by money
lardera and postal notes last year was
7,740,411! 84, its moored with $ft,. b
reed d and 'Turpentines cured ray little 1
girl of whooping cough when the doe-
had e
my t
en her e u
l; and sines theta P en
tlw�ayr keep it in tee house as a treat- re
lttr'nt for cough's and colds. It is the le
I11Vt rredleinh _• ht•hW „rn { Yf
fre ie no getting reeled d bt9'.:• tc:es be
*5 this. 'I)r ('hesets Setep be
Line/we -& Tnrpertiae, 25 els. a 1�r.t- aan
st 311 dcalert, oft kldinrnson, Bates
Tftkl WING TIMES, DEOIi MBEI1, , 1909
The iron plate of the Mason and.
Risch piano is designed to give the
greatest strength and rigidity
WE have reduced the
construction of
the iron plate in the
Mason and Risch piano
to an exact science. We
have secured a design
which distributes the
great strain of the strings
equally over the plate.
No part is given a great-
er strain than another,
and each section is
braced to hold the strain perfectly rigid.
The Mason and Risch iron plate is cast in math-
ematically accurate moulds from finest quality iron.
Mason and Risch
,The piano with a soul
We have secured the greatest strength and per-
fect rigidity in our iron plate, and by our method of
placing it in the case there is absolutely no vibration
from it to conflict with the pure, resonant, singing
tone of the instrument.
Every one of i;he exclusive features of the
Mason and Risch piano have been tested
by thirty-two years of actual use and found
perfect. We know you would be interested lulISCR
in the story of the construction of our P ANO co,
instrument. Mail us this coupon to- LTORONTO
dayand we'll sendyou an illustrated / "
Send me your illus.
booklet which explains all these / trated booklet exptain-
ing• the reasons why I
features and proves why the Mason should own a Mason and
and Risch is the best piano for Risch piano. This in no way
obibgates me to purchase.
your home.
The Mason and Risch
Piano Co., Limited,
32 West King St.,
Name .
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course.
Salient Points in the Lesson for Sunday, .Dee. 2,
Given in a Series of Questions by„
Rev. ifs'. Linscott.
31 tistered in accordance with the Copyright Act. i .
Paul on the Grace of Giving. II Cor.
Golden Text -Remember the words
of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is
more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts xx:35.
Are these words in the Golden
Text quoted from Jesus, hyper-
bolical, that is, a rhetorical over-
statement, or is it literally true,
that it is more blessed to give than
to receive, and if so, why? (This
question must be answered in writ-
ing by members of the club )
Verses 1 6 -Is it according to ani-
mal nature, or to average human nee
tura, to give to othere ontaide of kith
and king
Is giving Iiberaily, intelligently and
systematically, to religion and charity,
always a "grace," that is, an inellnation
Divinely imparted?
What is the relation between giving
and loving?
If we are in need or "affliotion" our-
selves, will the grace of giving Mill
operate in us, if our hearts are right?
May' "deep poverty," great "joy" and
ri0h "liberality" be in the same life,
and it each a combination menial or
Tbere was great poverty and suf-
fering arnong the Chrietiatis at Jeru-
salem, and the liberality of the poor
churches at 4lacedonte to relieve their
need is what Paul here refers to; eono
tract the evil at Jerusalem, with the
resultant good grace of giving developed
at Macedonia, end say which is the
greater; that is, did the result do as-
smuch good, ar exceed the evil dorso by
the cause? ,
Titus, it womb eppsar, was appointed
10 present to the Oorintblanb the need
of the Jerusalem Christians, to take
ups collection and to develop in them
284,569.41 in 1908 The balance to the
credit 01 depositors in the 1,102 post
office savings X» haum
! last
12,278,600 07 at compered wit'! the year
preceding, 'being e44.100,484,21.
We fat% to see why any one should
retie ate objection 10 .ehib ar any town
needing a poet bMoe as bad as Rinear..
din di
d hay"
to tin
K the depart -
13 paying' its way as above demon-
strated. Good business methods wiener -
&1T bring results and that is what *
Liberal Poetlnatter General received
Placing it board: on the top of barb
wire fenoes will Mate 1128137 veterinary
the grace of giving; why is there no
work more noble, or duty more im-
perative, than for ministers and teachers
to teach the people the duty and joy of
Verses 7, 8 -Paul apparently as-
sumes that a person may abound "in
faith and utterance, and knowledge, *
* * * and in * * * * love," and not
abound in the grace of giving; but is he
right, for how can enoh a thing be
Paul states that he did not nrge the j
grace of giving by "commandment"
is it therefore any less the duty, and
privilege of every Christian, rich and
poor, to abound in this grace?
Verse 9 -What should be the supreme
motive, and what is the greatest induce-
ment to give liberally?
What is the chief grape in the re-
splendent character of Jesus?
Did the giving of Jeans of himself,
and all he had for as, imply permanent
poverty for him, or was it the surest
way to all that great wealth is supposed
to stand for?
Why does giving of all kinds finally
result In getting more of that whioh we
give, than would be possible if we keep
it? (think of money, love, knowledge,
experience, en0ouragement, eto.)
Verses 10, II ---What is the differ-
ence in promising a enbsoription to
religion or benevolence and not paying
it, and not paying your grocer or baker?
Verses 12 14 -What is the proportion
of one income whioh the Bible de-
mands of ns, as a minimum?
What are some of the many advant-
ages of the tithing system?
Verse 15 -What reason Is there to
believe that if we give systematically to
God's cause that we ourselves shall
never lack?
Lesson for Sunday, Deo. 12111, 1909.
Pete's Lost Words. II. Tim. iv:148.
The Morris Packing Oompeny of Ohi-
cago, owns a teem of Olydedaleb that
show rig
n -come
petition and is the champion of Bog -
land, Scotland, Otenede end She United
t Croup, toughs and Co* or
Meaty back. Sold and tom:deed -by
BAPTIST Qllgsoit--Sabbath servioes t
12 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool
2:30_p en. General prayer meetit
on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
E. Sleeves, pastor. B. Y. P. U. mee
Monday eveninge $ p.m. W.D Prtngl
13.S. Superintendent.
MarUQI3 ST Qsnritos-Sabbath servio
at 11 >t m and 7 p m= Sunday 13ohool
2:80 p m, Epworth. League every Mo:
day evening. General prayer meetir
on Wednesday evenings, Rev. Y"
L. Rutledge, D,D , pastor, F. Bache:
an, S.S. Superintendent.
PsaserczarAN Orman -Sabbath se
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sundt
School at 2;30 p m. General pray
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Re
D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.
ST. PAUL'S Oat71io8, Einsoower.--Sa
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p I
Sunday Sohopl at 2:30 p m. Rev. Q.
Jeakius, B, A., 13. D., Reotor ; F
Nash, 'S- S. Superintendent ; Thos.
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION Armes -Service at 7 and 1
a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, an
every evening during the week at
o'oloek at the lemmata,
POST Oregon -Office hours from 8a
to 6;80 p me. Open to box holders fro:
7 a m. to 9 p m, P. fisher, postmaste
PUBLIC LIssARY-•Library and fre
reading room in the Town Hall, w
be open every afternoon from 2 t
5:30 o'olook, and every evening from
to 9:80 O'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott
Tows' Cotneoze-Thomas Gregory
Mayor; Dr. A. 3, Irwin, Reeve
Geo. Spotton, 3. W. MaKibbon, H. B
Elliott, William Bone, Dc. Reber
0. Redmond, end V. R. Vannorma
Qoanoillors; J, B. Ferguson, Olerk an
Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor
Board meets first Monday evening
each month at 8 o'olook.
Stone (chairman), J. A. Morton, Joh
Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. 3. Howson
John A. McLean, Frank Baohanan
Dudley Holmes, seoretary, A. Casein
treasurer. Board meets second Monde.
evening in each month.
PUBLIC, SoHooL BOARD. -Ales. Ross
(chairman), G. 0, Mtnaers, H.E, Isard;
A. E. Lloyd, W. D Priugle, Wm. Moore
Theo. Hall, C. N. Griffin, secretary
John F. Groves; Treasurer, J, B
Ferguson. Meetings seoond Tnesda3
evening in eaoh month.
lor, B.A„ principal; 3.0. Smith, B.A.
classical master; 3. G. Workman, B.A.
mathematical master ; Miss &t. J
Baird, B. A., Weedier of English an
Moderns; Mise Anderson, firth teacher
Stalker, Prinoipal, Miss Brook
MissReynoids, Miss Farquharson, ASis
Wilson, Miss Cummings, end Mise
BOARD OF HEALTH -.Thos. Gregory
(ohairman), 0, J. Reading, .Abner
Oosens, Wm. Feseant. 3. B. Fergusoi
Seoretary; Dr. 3. R Macdonald
Medical Health Officer.
for a reliable Local Salesman repre-
"`Canada's Oldest and Greatest
in Wingham and adjoining ooantry.
You will find there is a good demand
for nursery Stook on account of the
high prides that growers have realized
on their fruit this seaman.
Oar salesmen are turning in big busi-
ness to as this year. Be one of them
and earn good wages through the winter
Territory reserved. Pay weekly.
Free sample outfit, ole.
Write for particulars.
Foothill Nurseries
and anyone having live stook Or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Trios. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
PM do not get a customer.'` We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for ISa article or stook than it is worth. Send
yourlaadvertisement disito theof your retook andd rother
Orders for the insertion of advertieementa
aneh as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Trine
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates Will be quoted on application. Leave
orsendyonr next work of this kind to the
to YEAfS'
Ots1CI S
COOrklettssl &lc.
Aft sending e
yy skate): h and desert
pate aeo,►etetn our
0 to ',nether
pini het
Y fry helm an
/even/tontobie.o is ' Probably i. iept oo Pat ass
tiota,reeemienst airarf tfor on
mit area tOill iambi secs
Patents rakes through Mona tt MISS
Portalpattaa,wnhottL sge,lot
oa �t
7i x�ysarpasesa A�Peh4
E81'A137ZI$$3D 1872
st Tim WIN6110 TINES.
IA --AT-
31 she Times OEjlce, Beaver Bios)
1- Tans or 13trnsoBflTiox-41,40 per annum!
advance, *1.60 if not so pate. No paper d.Ieoon
�g tinned till all arreare ars. paid, except at th
option 01 the publisher.
1- AD%a$Trstxo RATas, -. L,egaI and othe
casual advertisements loo per Nonpariel lino f q
first insertion, 80 per lana for well anleseetle;t
' insertion.
y Adeertisemento ite looal oolmmns are char*
tr 10 ets, per line for first. insertion, :and 5 cent
r per line for esoh snbsegaxent insertion.
I, or to Kent a d simiilarr, ents of r $100' forffirst rthre
weeks, and 26 cents for *aoh subsequent in
t- sertion.
L, onrratees for. theins rrttionlof advertisement
e for specified periods:-
!. sPAos. I'rrt. 6 go. 8 Ho. lame
1. OneQolmmn....,--,-$70.00 *40.00 *22.60 $5.
Half Column---.,-,,,•. 40,00 25.00 15.00 0.
I QnarterOolunan,-., - 20.00 12.60 7.50 B.
dOne Inch -- ...-.,..,.. 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.2
Advertisements without speoifla direotion,
8 will be Inserted till forbid end oharged aogord
ingly. Transient advertisements must be pair
for in advance,
D. Tea Toa DIPAttTnninT 19 stocked with as
0 extensive assortment of all requisites for print
!, ing, affording facilities not equalled in th,
oountyfor turning out first olass work. Larg,
e type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post
Dere, Hand 131115, ole,, and the latest styles o
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print
7 ing.
, Proprietor and Publisher
C- PMet bNED thM. e British Medica Assooia•
tion. Gold Medallist in Mediolne. Special
tattention paid to diseases of Women and Child,
ran. Offloe hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 0 p. m.
Ciente* Street
Wingham, Ontario.
, Physician, Surgeon, etc.
y Drug Moe -Macdonald Store. Night calls Block,over
at thhe o ce
' jr'tB. BORT. 0. REDMOND, At. R.O. S. (Eng)
t L L.13.0. P. London.
Offioe, With Dr. Chisholm,
1 Licentiate aofaOntario f Conlegnof Physicians
and Surgeons.
Lr, nd Throat. Syens thoroughltested .
Glasses properly fitted,
, OKr10E-With Dr. Kennedy,
1 •'ince Hours -3 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m.
ds to loan at lowest
rateofinterest.e and mmortgapany gess,, town and farm
property Ooe, eaver Bht leak, sold.
21 •
Wingham, Oat.
13. L. DXaKnesON DuDLIsv HoLmns
Mosav To LOAM.
Qarmms: Meyer Block, '0/Ingham.
ARTHIIR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of DentalSnrgeryof **Pennsylvania
Dental College and Lioenttate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. (Moe
in Macdonald Blook, Wingham.
W 3. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Surgeonsnof Ontario, Rand Graduuatef of Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Office ; Beaver Block.
immb That J. S, Jerome, Dentist
ataxia* oeanttfxi eats of
teeth' for eight dollars, and
inserting the Patent Airohamber. All
work guaranteed.
Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham,
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. BaauttfulIy fur-
niahed. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS, -
(which include board and nursing), $3,50
to $15.00 per week according to boat€on
of room. For further information,
Miss 3. E. WELSH,
SBaa 223,1 Wingham One,
London TRAINS L1IAva Volt
2.40 a.m..-, 8.86p in
Toronto &East 11.08 a.nt.. 6.45 a.m., - 2,40p,,n,
Kinoardine..11.57 tem... 1.08 pm-- 0.15p.m
Alumni' ni erten
Kincardine-.,5.4ea.m-II.00ems- -, 940 p,m,
London .......,11.51 a.m-:, 7.85 .m,
Palmeratnn ., ...-...... 10.80 amt.
Toronto & /fast.. 2.08 pan... 0.16 .
W'.1313NRY, Agent, Wisighaanen.
"4ANAD1AIt PAOx1w RAILQq & ,
Toronto and $ {rke L.. 5.3sr CM..... 9.111
Teeserater _........,....thou1.00 pan --10:2! pain,
TeesWater,...... ...1.Sla.m...,- 5,le p.1n.
Toronto and I$ast l.Q0 p,m -10.2# p,rn,
T, R. 888M7sh. ditbnt.Wintmharii,
' • ' Coleridge's frnagretatiott.- -- '"'
From s early youth Coleridge B
In a world of books and dreams, yet
lits favorite walk seems to have boss
the Strand, the last place in the world'
for a poet to lose himself in reverie„,
As he strolled down the street he in,
agined himself swimming the Hello -
pont, the feat of which other poetl4
had written and which the poet Byrore
was to accomplish later. Once Whilst
the mind of Coleridge was thus fart
from the busy Strand be absently;'
thrust iris hands before bite in the
manner of one swlmming. Suddenly;
one band came in contact with a gen-'
Newell's pocket.
The gentleman. thinking to capture
a thief, seized the band and exclaimed:
"What: So young and so wicked!"
He accused the poor, poetic boy of at;
attempt at pocket picking.
With some fright and a few team
the boy explained. and we can Imag-
ine that words did not fail him villa
was to become the most brilliant talk-
acker of his age. The gentleman was de-
lighted with. Coleridge's imagination!,
which could turn the Strand into the
Hellespont. The intelligence of the
young Leander made the stranger In-
quire into Coleridge's tastes, and when
he found the boy liked books he open-
ed for hint a subscription at the circa.
Eating library in Cheapside.-iVestniin-
Sier Gazette,
The Facetious Traveler.
"Flow did you like Pittsburg?"
"It soots me."
"Do you think Boston is a great
"It has bean."
"Did you find Philadelphia the place
of sleep they say it is?"
"Not for me. Everybody else snored
so loud I couldn't."
"Is Washington a good place to live
^1iow did you find Chicago'?"
"Didn't have to. It was there when
I arrived,"
"How were the mountains back of
"How did they treat you in New
"All the time."
"Well, I'm glad to see you're back."
"How does it look?"
"How does what look?"
"My back. I've never seen it."
it was then tbat the assault took
place, but the court on hearing the evi-
vidence decided that it was justifiable----
An Organ Recital.
A dozen or more women bad Bath-
ed at it bome on Walnut street to at.
tend a business meeting of a society
to which they belonged. Before they
commenced to talk business one of the
women had to tell everybody about
her recovery from a recent operation
for appendicitis. After she got through
It reminded another of an operation
she bad gone through a few years ago
for the same thing. and it took some
time to tell about it. That reminded
a third of an operation she had once
gone through. and when she finished
telling it another of the visitors start-
tarted to tell her experience on the oper-
ating table.
At this moment a quiet tithe wom-
an in one corner of the room arose to
"I thought," she explained to her,
hostess. "that this was to have been it
business meeting, but It seems to bean
organ recital.", •
The Key of Death.
The "key of death" is apparently i1
Iarge key which is shown among the
weapons at the arsenal at Venice. It
was invented by Tibaldo, who, disap-
pointed in love, designed this instra-
ment for the destruction of his rival.
The key is so constructed that the
handle may be turned around, reveal-
ing a small spring, which being press.
ed a very fine needle is driven with
considerable'foroe from the other end.
This needle is so very fine that tithe
flesh closes over the wound immediate-
ly, leaving no mark, but the death of
the victim is almost instantaneous.
Strong Paper.
A single United States treasury note
measures three and one-eighth inches
in width and seven and one-quarter
Inches in length. It wilt sustain with-
out breaking lengthwise a weight of
forty-one pounds, crosswise a weight
of ninety-one pounds. The notes run
four to a sheet, a sheet being eight and
one-quarter inches wide by thirteen
and one-half inches long. One of these
sheets lengthwise will suspend 108
pout ds end crosswise 177 pounds.
"See here, you, sir!" cried her father
"Didn't I tell you never to tinter my
house again?"
"No, sir, you didn't," replied the per-
sistent suitor. "You said not to 'cross
your threshold,' so I climbed in the
window." --Exchange.
Than He WOutdri't Have It.
"Flow much of an income do yell
think you could live on comfortably?"
"IC think I eorild manage to be very
comfortable on about $10,000 a yeast'
Until my wife found out that I wail
getting that Much."
Hotel Clerk•--Jttst sign yottr Visine„
please. The other guestst would like
"Don't yon try to hurry pie, young
man. 1 don't never sign nothin' that
l ain't toad earefuity."--LffA.
Only a dreatner asks time and tide tot
wait tort him *ben be alight "head's'
them off, sell time for mOneytl .
toak�tide turn a 122111 sir