HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-02, Page 1• THE WINGHAM TI1VIES VOL! XXN.VIIL.-NQ. 073. WINGHA.M, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBE ` , 1999, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VINOL THE GREAT TONIC It contains the extractives of Cod Liver 011 and Peptonised Iron in solution in the finest wine, OLD PEOPLE WOMEN CHILDREN And everyone not feeling in fighting trim needs it. "We guarantee every bottle to do good or refund your money." Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST if5aodonald Block, 'Hingham. $9,62 One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about 1100 per.year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of 1002 per year. Six Months' training at our Business College made the dif- ference. Was it a good invest- ment? Re thinks so. His address is New Osgoodo, Sask. Four Courses : P1tErAfATORY COlnatr RCiAL 6TENOGRAPBE TELEGILAPHY .Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Write. for partioulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEo. SPOTT'ON, Principal Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY IS CHRISTIl1AS AND YbiT'VE STILL SOME BUYING TO DO. WHY NOT DO IT NOW? THOSE CURRANTS AND RAISINS We've demonstrated already that finer quality than what we're offering can't be had. Cheap currants and raisins are dear in the end at any price. TRITE ECONOMY MEANS GETTING T'IIE BEST Currants, choice selected, Ib. 10c Eaieins, none better, 8 lbs. for 250 Seeded Raisins, the best only, 1 lb. package - 100 All kinds Peels, Figs, etc. CRANBERRIES. Buys them now and put away. . They'll keep, Yon, never set eyes on finer quality. Per quart 15c. EVERYEODY LIKES GOOD TEAS And that's What we give you. Our black teas are all that we claim for them and we're con- fident that Used AlwaysUsed std A Y CHINAWARE GALORE Pomo 101. Wingham Greenhouses CARNATIONS CHRYSANTHEMUMS FLORAL DESIGNS T. C, GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Auctio On Wednesday, Reid of lot 85, oono wanosil, will hold a sale of farm sto householdfurnitnr ing ap farming an sold. John Purv1 Sales, eoember 8th, B. J. salon 12, East Wa- unreserved auction implements and . Mr. Reid is Kiva everything mast be auctioneer. WANTED,—A g •od general servant, no washing. Apply to Mets. P. FISHER, Post Office. L. O. L. The Deoetuber L O. L. No. 794, Orange Ha11 on F week. Besides business, there eonferrirg of deg Officers for the e elected. ' Every sibly do so, is ex this meeting, Meeting. eeting of Wingham will be held in the idey evening of this e regular routine 11 be initiation and ees upon candidates, ring year will also be ember, who oan pos. oted to be present at Fon SALE.—House and furniture and about '% acres of land, and a stable. Apply w GRIERsoN, Wingham. Shootin Last Saturday Marshall, restdina with a nasty ao shooting and plea gun on bis right on the gun when going through It was necessary r y! and Mr. Marsha bed for some tint Accident. fternoon Mr. David near Belmore, met ident, He was out d the muzzle of his oot and was leaning di ed, sohar the shot g . MarshaIl's big toe. to amputate the toe I will be confined to • Storm Jute horse blanket, gnaran• teed, at $1.'75 is the best value in Wing. ham. Get one at Taos. Row's.' Gradua The graduati tion with the Wingham Geni piaoe in the Tc evening, Deo. c delivered by son resident clergy o interspersed wi The two gradual Baer — will be diplomas and mE the ceremony 1 gale obligation, graduating nu All are cordial' ing Exercises. g exercises in conne0. Graining School of the ral Hospital will take n Hall on Thursday h. Addresses will ,be of the physicians and the town, and will be h musical selections. s—Misses Fowler and presented with their dale. A unique part of the Florence Nightie. - which is taken by the es during the evening - invited to attended. WANTED. •— Marsh hay, free from thistles, for packing furniture. At WALsIR & CLEGG'S upholstering fac- tory. The Rai The annual rep railway commies during the year en 438 persons were injured on railwa proportions were: injured, 227; e injured, 769; oth injured, 205. T killed eighteen 47; the Grand injured 111; t killed one rind I killed 120 amp the Grand Tru 269; the Cana and injured 170 tral killod thre ways Toll. rt of the board of nerd states that ing March 31st Iast, illed and 1,201 were s in Canada. The assengers killed, 26; Ioyeea killed, 101; petering killed, 281; e Canadian Pacific assengers and injured rank killed three and e Canadian Northern urea 8. The C. P. R. gees and injured 158; killed 46 and injured ion Northern killed 7 and the Michigan Oen- nd injured 142, Fort SLE. near Blnevale. smaller farm in chofoe 100 -sore farm Would exchange !or ood locality. Racal= & CosINs, Keep it a ut bf the Paper. "Keep it Ott of the paper" is the ory whioh the ocal newspaper publish- er hears. To • bilge often goats con- siderable, thou Is the party who makes the request the • km the granting scarcely Worth saying "thank you" for. A newspaper is . peonliar thing in the public's eye. The news.gatherer is stormed et be, use he gets hold of one item and is a used because he does not get another. Young men as well aa older persons, perform acts whioh be• come legitien to items for publication and then rn h toh c e n aet awe Elle pp Office and beg the • ]tor to keep it Ont of the newspaper. The next day they con - detail the me paper for not having published me other Hera that perhaps has been , sided off in the seine way. Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on, page 8. Scholarship f r Huron County. Mr. 3, I, Carte , of Sarnia, effete for competition by he pupils of the 0o1- legiate Institute and High Schoch of the County of ton five. scholarships valued at $100, 80, $60, $40 and $20 respectively, Th a soholarships are to be awarded to th a candidates obtain- ing the highest ggregate marks on Upper Sobool sub sots at the midenm- mer examinations Home made bred it. NSR. HowsoN, High Schoo The High So has been re.orga last the election with the foliowint dent, W. F. Va W. McKee; lst Ritchie ; 2nd • Vi, Ewen; Secretary Treasurer, H. Li era, Miss G. K Exeoutive—Form H. LIoyd; Form Geo. Moffat; Fori A." Kneohtel; Fo Geo. Howson. Literary Society, col Literary Society ized and on Tuesday of officers was held, results: --Hon. Presi- Stone; President, 0. toe -president, Miss M. ie -president, P, Bac- , R. J. Gallagher; Mater; Press Report. nnedy, J. Mitchell, IV, Mies Jewett, R. II, Miss G. Stewart, II, Miss A. Geddes, I, Miss B, Sweatt, SANT KRACIi.— Rubber made. Bn be • est Snag -Proof . em at W. J. GREER's. Temperance The Woman's A peranoe and Moral held an entbusiasti day evening of this the number of abon The following cffia —President, Miss Vice -President, M Vioe•Preeident, M Vioe•President, Mr mothers, wives and terested in tempera are cordially invite meeting of the Aux' the C. 0. F. hall, Deo. 7th, at 8 o'alo Mrs. F. Sparli Organization. iliary of the Tem- eform Association meeting on Tues - week, Ladies to fifty were present. s were appointed: K. M. Fisher; let . Alex. Roes; 2nd, a. A. Simmons; 3rd . John Wilson. All sisters who are' hi- e and moral reform; to attend the next tars to be held in Tuesday evening, k. Homuth, Secretary, NoT1oE.—If the party who Io • a' vaI- uable article of jewelery i, he town ha1l, Wingham, a • out N. • ember 12th, will apply to the u, ersigned, prove urges, the artiole ownership, and pa will be returned. GEO. ALLEN, chief Constable. Concer The second of t under the auspices Guild of St. An Church was held Monday evening 1 as large an atten for, but the entert interesting and en tion was Roes Ora modeller in (slay, strated his remar chalk and Olay -- finishing touch he a representation o or typical scene. too—for he taike contained coneid certainly an artist Course. series of concerts f the Westminster ewe' Presbyterian the opera house on st. There was not nee se was hoped inment was unique, oyable. The attrae. e, the cartoonist and who amply demon - able ability with the few strokes, with a and there, produced some familiar figure His quaint sayings, most of the time— able humor. He is n his profeselon. A sale of wor painted china, em Xmas novelties, w two doors south o Photo gallery, on —afternoons and and 11th, oonsistin of hand- roide e. mens and I be in the store Armstrong & Co's iday and Saturday, veninge, Deo. 10th Death of Another of the of Wingham pass evening ie. the per at his home on M had been in de years and a bad retire on Mond mediate remise 0 born in Siotla wife and family four years ago, broke where then three yen last thirty year of Wiagbam. years engaged sash and door years has lived of reciting dispo circle of friends straightforward nese dealings, Ptesbyterian ai He is survived l i VIZ; oil r den v Wm. Watt. WI Toronto; (Bell Holstein. The ('Thursday) of the Wingham ohn Watt. Id pioneer residents d away on Monday on of Mr. John Watt, hie street, Mr, Watt cote health for some all when preparing to evening was the im- death. Deceased was d and came with hie to thio eonntry thirty. settling first in Pem- reinained one year, in iiarriston and the he bas been a resident e wag for a number of in the planing mill, nsineos, but for some tired. He was a new !tion, but made a large Who always found him nd honest in all bast - In religion he was a in politics a Liberal, y his widow and four John WOO, 111 illnk b a , gham; (Ina) Mrs. Burt, ) Mrs. Wm, Salton, uneral taicea, place this rnoon at 2,80 a'olock to enietery. . The Scottie! o A )l arrengementa ( for the :tunnel Scott i the auspioee of Ca of Scotland, to be house on Friday eve The followipg talent" Jesaie Alexander, humorons recitals; head, tenor; Harr comedian and char mimes . McDonald. and Piper MoPon Estelle Griffin, as pi should give patro concert an excellen tainment. Jessie A been a favorite audience and it is s was here. Mr. Hol Toronto's best ten Bennett is a well. entertainer. Keep the Soottish concert Concert. re now complete h oonoert, under Caledonia, Sons eld in the opera ing, January 7th. as been engaged: u dramatic and Redferne Rollins - Bennett, singing oter impersonator; Highland dancing ld, with Miss E. eat. These artists of this popular evening's enter. sander has always ith a Wingham me years since she nsbead is glassed as r singer and Harry mown and popular anuary 7111 open for LEGGINGS I LEGGINGS! ' '1,' right kind for Men and Boys, o 1 1.25 per pair. Big value, See ern W. J. GREER. Change of leers. The Enron Ponitr Association and the looal branch comb ed for the meet- ing last night, to tr sect business in oonneotion with th coming show. There was a large a tendance. Presi- dent H. E. Rorke, ho has held the chair for two years resigned, After some deliberation, . 0. Kaufman accepted the office, his required the election of a Secreta y and Treasurer, which was accepted y Mr. F. B. Hall and Thos. Manag n, reapeotively. The dates of the s ow, whioh were formerly placed Jan 4th, 5th and 6th were changed to Ja . 17th. 18111, 19111 and 20111, owing to u voidable oiroum- stances. The books f the Association relating to the past ow, were accept- ed. The local office are entering up- on their new office with a zeal and every effort will be ade to make their coming show an nprecedented eno- oess.—Olinten New re.'" Applications for and Treasurer of t will be received b to Monday, Deoem e posit- % , of Clerk To , of Wingham undersigned up r 6111, at 6 p. m. Toros, 9REOOR7, Mayor. Coming D camber 8th. The Appollo Qai • tette and Bell Ring- ers is offered in re.,'onee to a persistent call from the mos experienced and dis- criminating COM • ittees for a company of strictly high class musicians ,arid entertainers, oa•.ble of pnttin. 'on a program of grea variety and superior quality. A oare nt consider:, on of the personnel of Isom .a•,, their long and snocessful one:; •xperienoe, the instrumentation which includes legiti- mate instrume , s only) in solos and splendid ensemb : work, the vocal seleo- tions, readings, to., will convinoe the thoughtful that he Appollo Quintette and Bell Ringe a will attract large audiences and ~lease them greatily. The press of man of the hest lyceum cities of this mu try uniformly attest the splendid satisf ation given by their entertainments to owded houses. This refined company of ntertainers will ap- pear in the opera • ouse, Wingham, on Wednesday evening December 8th, un- der the auspices o the .Westminster Guild. General ad.•isslon, 25o.; reserv- ed seats, 35o, and 5 to. Plan of hall at McKibben's drag tore, Friday Dee oomber 3rd at 2 p. m Before buying yo • horse blankets and robes call and se: our large stook. Prices down to rook bottom. Trios, KEW. The Annu. t Meeting. The annual mee •ing of the Ontario Agriouitural and xperimentai 'anion will be held in the n ntario Agricultural College at Guelph n Deoember Gth, 7th and 8th. Mr. 0. . Zavitz, the Satire - they of the Union writing the TIAIEs Saye:—"When we :tasted the co.operd. tive experimental work in Ontario, twenty -tour years : go, we believed it to be a move in the fight direotion. AI- thongh it was oo ,. menoed in a very small way, there being only a dozen experimenters the st year, it has grad- ually inoteesed in extont and in in- fluence from that ; Imo fotward. We now have hundred of men throughout Ontario who have .uooesefully oouduot. ed the eo-opetativ experiments on their own farms from fl e to ten, twelve, or fourteen years. a is impossible to `esti- ivate the inflame of thio work in over.. flowing the Agr .ultnral Oollege with students, in br" ging twenty-five or thirty thoesend farmera 10farmers Vielt the College annnall in doubling the out. put of the Ontar o farms in the past six- teen years, and • the betterviehtof both the farmers an the forme of Ontati0. Those who attend the annual tweeting Will reoel*e i0 hearty weloorne." CLUBBING OFFERS. We sail epeoial attention this week to our exoellent clubbing offers with the leading newspapers and periodi- oals, a list of which will be found on page 3. As an inducement to new subaoribera, we will give the Tn aS with any of the large weekly papers, from now until January, 1011, et the yearly rate quoted. Send your orders to the Tates oflloe, Main Post OMoe, Papers wanted Amount, $ CHUR•H NOTES. Prof. C. E. ,Tea : ins, of London, con- ducted the servio :sin SL Paul's church on Sunday last. Communion seoe will be held in St. Andrew's Presb erian Church, on Sun- day morning, De ember 19th,and not on December 5th, as was announced in our last issue. Rev. Thos. Co ing, pastor of Drayton Methodist Ohnr •h, died on Sunday. He was Presiden • of the Hamilton Con- ference last yeaand was for forty years in the ministry. The young in olase of the M enjoyed a socia parlors on Tnesd: gave a very in recent Sunday West Toronto a wards added to evening. There present. Rev, E. Feasan Methodist olerg his late siesidenoe, Nov. 26. Dece• paralytic stroke evening. Mr. F country at an ee. and for 40 years in the Methodic years he was loos ferenoe, and had Sarnia for the 1 deceased was a o sant, of this tow. • of Dr. W. J. Price's hodist Sunday Sohool time in the aural' y evening. Dr. Priori :resting report of the ohool convention in d refreshments after - the enjoyment of the were about thirty , a well-known retired •• an, passed away at in Sarnia, on Friday, ed suffered from a he previous Monday ssant came to this y age from England, an active minister Church. For some d in the London con - been living retired in t twelve years. The main of Mr, Wm. Fes- ,: Rev. J. R. enndy, D. D., of St. Thomas, a forma pastor of Wingham Methodist Char. • , will be the presoher on the oocaeion •f the anniversary ser- vioes of the o urch to be held next Sunday, 5th ins . The church officials are asking for a liberal offering from the congregation in 'rder to wipe out some indebtedness o • account of necessary repairs and imp ovements to the church and parsonage, nd a generous response is hoped for. a n Monday evening, 6th inst., a, tea•m:eting will be hold, tea served in the =ohool room from 6 to 8 o'clock, and a ' cod programme will be given afterwars in t.: auditorium. T • RENT oR an acre and t two-storey bri pure hard an Geo. MOKENZ SELL,—with or without ree-quarters of land—a k house, eight rooms, soft water. Apply 10 NORTHER HOCKEY LEAGUE. A meetin:, of the Northern. League was held in almerston on Nov. 291h. H. C. McLe n and C. G. VanStone represented " ingham, The local team le in Distriot o. 1 and opens the season here with L, know the first week in January. Th: Districts are: —No. 1— Lucknow, Lis•.•wel, Palmeraton, Harris - ton, Mt. Forst, Wingham. No. 2— Chesley, Han ver, Paisley Walkerton, Durham. Officers of th Northern League are:— lion, Pres., D Coleman, Palmeraton; Pres., T. Rol,, Lnoknow; 'Vice -Pres., P. Jackson, II • rriston; Secretary, Geo, Hay, Listowel; Tress., 0, E. Ellis, ltit. Forest. Exec tive-0. H, Lavelle, Derham; 0. ' mita, Walkerton; 0. Ooppinge, Han 'ver ; 11. 0. McLean, Wingham; 0, f rumen, Paisley; W. Lustry, Ohesley: Hockey an Wingham. The ohampio • : of the Northern Leegno have org.•ized for the coming season, with the f thawing ofileers:--- Hon. president Dr, J. P. Kennedy. Pion. Viva-presi. eat—.R. Clegg. President --O. b: VaiStone. 1st Vioe-preside t ---L. Hinkley. 2nd'Vioe.presid tat—D. Davies. Secretary --.T. anon McKibben. Treasurer --•'VP. Sinclair. .Manager --D. belay. Patrons—Dr. ..1. Irwin, (deo. Spot- ton,A.H. Mu rove, M. L. r ovD, A., y� r Chisholm, M JJ. Kennedy, J. E. MoGniro, S. NV Orr, F. Johnston. Prospects a good for an A 1 team and there wit no doubt be some interest- ing games in District No. 1 of the Northern League this season. SPECIAL COU MEETiNg, A epeoial meet! » g of the council was held on Monday evening with all the members present except Conn. Reti mond, The proposed ydew, providing for the extension of t e waterworks system ea as to secure a supply of water for domeatio purposes as given two read - bap and on motto. of Coutts. Bone and McKibben was or, ered to be pnbiiehed in four Isanes of t, Wingham Ttntsn. J. B. Ferguson endered• his resigua- tion as Clerk and reasurer of the town, to take effeot at the end of this year, and on motion o Connie Elliott and Bone the resignati, • was aooepted and it was ordered th • t applioations for the position be receive + ap to Monday, De- cember 6th, The people of Wi gham will be sorry to hear that the to n is losing a good official in the remo :1 of Mr. Ferguson. He has been Clerk 'r some twenty-six years and for a n tuber of years bee held the combined ..oe of Clerk and Treasurer. That he has made a good official goes without eying. He is well posted in municipal law, always had hie work well in han : and was always ready and willing to g ve any informa- tion concerning the to ^ n's affairs. The Thies; along with •itizens generally regrets his leaving "T Ingham and all will wish him many y:ars of happiness in his new home in Oa ifornia. The waterworks by aw read at Mon- day night's meeting . nd 'on which the, ratepayers of Wingh: in will vote, on the 3rd of January at, is practically the same one as w s submitted some months ago. It provi es for the sinking of artesian wells, the enlarging of the present power house, the installiug of an eleotric motor, et.. By extending the $G,000 to be raise • if the ratepayers approve of the by-law Wingham should have a good system o waterworks for domestic purposes. ' teatan wella have given satisfaction in Li towel and Mount Forest and hey fur , ished sufficient water for both fire p • teotion and do- mestic use. With t " spawn we see no reason why Wing • am should not have sufficient water for all purposes and there would be no eed of using river water. The system, however, can be so arranged, that s•onld the occasion ever demand it, riv:r water could be turned in the mains at the time of a large fire. This don le syetem should give no better insurance rates as we will have the two solar es of poweet--the present pumps and n electric motor, The debentures wil run for twenty years and the annus cost for interest and sinking fund wi l be $471.50. The waterworks at the p •sent time is. more than paying its w: y and with pure water in the mains t , e revenue ehould be increased snffici:,• tly so that there will be no extra ohs ge in the general taxation. The by -1: w is published in another column oft is issue. Ratepay- ers should real it ea efully and consider the question before .• arking their ballots on January 3rd ne The Best Every parent the family happy Xmas gift the be Soul's Awakening Family Herald an Montreal. Otte do year's snbsorlption weeklies and a co picture. Every ho ter of both the pa dollar sent now picture before Chri never regret it. hristmas Gift. 110 wishes to make should order tiful picture " givQQn w We .as e "The "The Star" of :sr wilfpay a whole to that best of all y of the beautiful e will be the bet- e and picture. A ill bring yon the mac and you will WANTED-70rng '• en to learn stove- motinting; also a .umber of laboring men. Highest wages paid, WESTERN FOUNDRY Co., Wingham. HIGH CLASS CTURE COURSE. Wingham is t• bo congratulated on the personnel of its lecture coarse. I tpeak from Mewl , to knowledge . en I say every num.:r is high ade, and same of the num :rs are .: recognized standard la their rasps •e lines. .Particularly i •h' •rhe of the Apollo Qulntette which owes on the 8th of December, I h e hoard them repeat- edly and regal. . them as the premier concert co man, of the L yoonm They are mns' Tans --real rnnsioiano-- grednates of the leading conservatories. They are vers •Ile also—exceptionally se --with the ::raatility whioh results from real talon mixed with muoh bard labor and const U�re:etico, Five Artists thems i ate they are -and the pie who hear them ate due to enjoy th . treat of their lives. Mr. Well* ha the reparation. of being the geeateat no'elty banjo player in the world. When Messrs. Wells, Holmes and Smith appear en trio you will say you r a sol mach trio before. Mr. never saw e, Wella ltweiarhar about 300 lbs. and 14 0 ft. 4 in„ Mr. Holmes weigh" about 230 lbs. and Mr. Smith 200 'be., and every pound of it all le umnsioel. .11osS CnAr m, CLOTHES PTL4T FIT you well, look well and wear well, are the best in the end. They cost no more than the other kind, if you go to the right plaee for them. We have a lino stock of Suitings in Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in the Iatest styles and use the best trimmings. The Cold Weather is near, and an OVERCOAT is a necessity. Come in and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers and Friezes, You will look dressy in one of our make. Excellent Values may be had from us in Fur Caps, Fur Collars and Neck Scarfs. The prices are an attraction, The Balance of our Men's Furnishings. must go—Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, ete. ROBTI MaXWELL Miss Sparling GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kinder- garten. Pupils prepared for Conserva- tory exams., both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7th. For information as to rates, tuition, eto,, apply at her home, Minnie street, EVE RY BO Dr S RUBBERS it E WE OFFER our trade nothing but the Best Quality Rub - berg — Rubbers met .give lasting service. We count inferior Rubbers as wholly worthless aid we always bar them from our stuck. MEN'S 31,11J1ER11 RS Men's Storni Rttb ern Toe R b ars b n b . and. Sole Rubbers -80e. OOe to $1 'WOMEN'S i VMDEM$ Storm tubbchrs, Toe Rabbi rs, San- ds , olda , etc. Cuban no Low heels, title. C15e 75e CIEULDIVE 'S RtRI1lEfM Storm Itnbbera. /net the thing for saw:0l wear. All sizes. .3... uc 410e. ISO , W. J. GR EER R E T11.' StirUfE MAN'. it