HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-25, Page 88 T1ir, WXNt71HAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 25, t1U9 MINOR LOCALS. w -Do your Christmas buying early Med get first choice. ---Turkeye'..are selling at 32 onto per Ida. in New York City. -"Ulnae Chane. the Cartoonist, iu the °sere, bowie next Monday evening. -Huron. County Council will meet at Goderioh on Tuesday, December 2ih. -Read the advts. in the Titins They will 15613iat you in saving do'Inra, -A new pipe organ is being installed In the Methodist Qhuroh at Lucknow. -"A Crazy Idea" will be repeated in the opera house on Friday evening of this week. --Keep in mind the annual Scottish Ooneert to be held on Friday evening. January 7th. --Mr, Geo. Mason conducted the ser. vice in Victoria Hall at Jatneetown on Sunday evening last. --Mrs. M. Vansickle has moved her household effects to Seaforth, where she intends residing in future, -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. PERSONAL. Mr. J. J, Cunningham is away on a bueinees trip to Winnipeg. Mrs. Mark Gra'r, of Stratford, visiting with old Mande in town. Xre. Jas. Hislop, of Stratford, ievieit• ing with her cousin, Mrs. H. B. Elliott. Mr, Thos. Bell, of Southampton was calling ou old Wingham friends thie week. Mr. 0. Sanders, of the Exeter Advo• mate, is spending a few daye with friends in Turnberry. Miss Alice Coad left on Wednesday morning for Elmwood, where she has secured a good situation. Mr. F. H. Walley was at Ingersoll Deet week, attending the funeral of his wether, Mre. G. W. Walley. ' Mrs. and Mre. D. J. Small, of Grand Rapids, Mieb., were visiting with the former'e mother fora few days. Mrs. John MoOool spent a few days of the past week in Stratford, visiting with Dara, John Terriff, who is not in good health. We regret to learn that Mr. Terriff, whose illness we reported a few weeks ago, still continues very low. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hall left on Mon- day afternoon for California, where they will spend the winter months. The 'Vitae wishes them a safe trip and a pleasant sojourn in the sunny eolith, and. hopes they may return home fully restor- ed to good health. For twenty-four years Vapo-Oresoiene leas been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles. All Druggists, -The city papers report that more gain fell during Sunday and Monday than during the whole of the month of Ootober. -John MaoVioar, ter years a well. known railway coatraotor at Goderioh, died at the home of his son in Toronto, on Saturday, aged 69 years. -Mr. D. Bell has a new advt. in thie issue. Mr. Bell has a large stook of uaheet music and all kinds of musical. instruments. Read his advt. -W. Ramsay, B, A., Principal of the ?,,ietowel High Sohool, is leaving at the end of the year for Regina, where he takes a position at a high salary, -Do your Ohriatmaa shopping now when the merohants are able to show you a fuIi range of goods. Wingham merchants can give extra good bargains. -Mr. Geo. Spotton delivered an ad. dress on "Ireland," under the auspices of the Young Men's Bible Glass, in the Presbyterian Church at Lucknow on Mopday evening. -Mr. R. R. McLeod, late manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Lucknow, and foruteriy of Wingham, has severed his connection with the bank and is think• ing of going West, -Mr. Benjamin Scott had the fore- finger of Iia left hand severed at the second joint, by a machine whioh he was working at Walker & Clegg's upholstering factory on Saturday last, -Mr. J. W. Hewer has had an up-to- date bath -room put in his barber shop. Mr. Hewer is bound to have everything up to the mark and this new improve - anent will be appreciated by matey of our townspeople. -The young people of the town held a very successful ball in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening last. The London Harpers furnished the rnueio and there were a large number of people present from neighboring places. -Mr. Murray Wilson and Miss Belle Wilson entertained a large number of friends at their home in Turnberry on Tuesday evening. The Iatge oompany Spent a very pleasant evening in card playing and dancing and will not soon forget the kindness of host and hostess. -A Wingham lady lost a purse on Sunday evening whioh contained a sum of money and some valuable papers. Luckily the purse was found. early Monday morning by Mr. Thos. Deane, Who, on enquiry at the post office, found the name of the woman and the purse was promptly handed to the lady. -It has been found that the $12,500 voted for the installation of the Lis. towel electric light plant has been con- siderably exceeded. Ali estimate will tLorefore be made of the amount re. (mired to Complete the plant, inoluding the coal Shed, and a by-law to raise the amount by debenture will be prepared for the next meeting of the council. -At the Y. M. C. A. outertahiment last Friday evening some little incon- venience was caused to a number of bona tide holders of reserved seat tick- ets, by parties who had purchased tiekets froth those who were selling them, and bad thein marked without the know. ledge of the holder of the plan of the hall Tbb committee regret that any In- oonwenienoe Was tensed, but 1t will he seen that the fault was not theirs. hose of our readers, who are in. trrestetl in financial and commercial guotatione will be wive to subscribe for The Toronto News. Its f1naneial and eomnrreial rage is accurate And Com• plete and gives tho closing quotations and Males of the day's market in Toron- to, Montreal, °hiaago, New York, Liverpool and London, The Tiixns has closed a clubbing arrangement, under which readers of the TIMES can procure the T1ti1>t and the Tomtit() News for $2 W. e stores building of the depart. Of Militia at Ottawa WAM burned, Iat o1 KlItiie. equipment. Lose t *,000. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE. Smiling, happy, healthy little ones are found in every home where B :y's Own Tablets are used. An oco =tonal dose regulates the stomach a bow- els and keeps little ones w: , or will speedily restore health f sickness comae unexpectedly. A. any mother who has lased this dioine "for her children and she wir tell you there is nothing else so safe and sure. Mrs. N, Paquin, St. Wenceslas, Que., says: - "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for most of the little ailments of childhood and have not known them to fail. Froth my own experience I can recom- mend them to all mothers." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Our Mission Here. [Walt Mason.J We're sent into this world to Iabor, and do our stunts the best we oan; to lend a hand to friend and neighbor, and help along the needy man. We're west- ing time when we are roasting the foes aoross whose path we've run; we are not here for idle boasting of sordid triumphs we have won, We're here to make our hest endeavor, but not that we may board and save, and pile the plunder up forever, till we are piled into the grave; we are not here for ostentation, to ride in yachts and motor oars; we're only here to earn salvation, and hew a path- way to the stars. Each man is here to help another, to give, where charity is due; and to all men to be a brother, and and to the Lord a servant true. And so, when we are filled with yearning to tack of things we've done today, to boast of wealth that we are earning, of wealth that we have laid away, let's think about thie thing of living, and what life's for -and whence -and why; let's think about the wealth we're giv- ing -it's better for us when we die! soz�x. PAnRow.—In Wingham, on the 19th inst„ to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sparrow; a son, hrARILIED SILLTCK- T'IELD.—At the MethOdist parson- age, Wingham, In the evening of Nov. Oth, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Mr. John SiJiick to :dies Rose Field, both of Lower Wingham, EEvsLEY—BERRY.—Toronto, on Nov, let, by Rev. T. T. Reddit, Mr, A. J. Bensley, to Miss Florence Berry, both of Morris. DIED Fox, beloved wife of; James B Nov,ettob, aged 24 years, STEwART.—In Grey, on Nov. 10th, Peter Stewart, in his 44th year, Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right directi7n toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 with hypo phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds furnished tis- sues, and makes rich blood. FOR SALE SHY ALT' 1)1t0GGIbTs Seed Hr., name- of rarer and MIN ad. for anti 1reaatffal Basins* Bonk and (lhiid'a Skctth•1iwk. Each banes contains a (food Ludt 1?eanr. scofr & BOWNE i2lt WslitaK o e Str.efr We*t "reroute, tidy. 4 FARM PROFITS ., May be largely increased by knowing the exact gondition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. Thisis precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper, " Good farmers rely on it. Fcr price see our dubbing ower. TEACHER WANTED, Tencher for 5. S. No 8, East Wawauosh, B uron county, seroud•olses professional pro- f erred. ro•ferred; duties to commence January 3rd, 1910 .Apply, stating salary and experience to J. W. BORE, Marnoch, Oat. STOCK FOR SALE. Olearview stock of Herefords and Shrop' shires are offered for sale, consisting of one yearling bull, and a number of choice females; also one two•shear ram of Llovd-Jones breed- ing, and a number of ram lambs Prices right. H. T. PERDUE, Wingham P. O. CLOVER THRESHERS. The undersigned has purchased a clover threshing outfit and requests farmers having clover to thresh to send in their names and addresses at once, T. W. PIDEELL, Box 805, Wingham, Oat. MEETING OF HUHO LINTY COUN The Council of the Corporation bf the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich. on Tuesday the 7th day of December, at 3 o'clock p, m. A11 accounts for settlement must be placed with the Clerk ou or before the above date. Dated Roc. 24th, 1909. W. LANE, Clerk. NOTICE. The annual meeting of th lnevale Cheese and Batter Fantory o , will be held in the Foresters' Ha , Blnevale, on Friday, December 3rd at 1.50 o'clock p. m., for the eleo 0 of Direotore and the transaotion o any other business that may be brought before the meeting. By order, JOHN BURGESS, secretary. P. S. The ladies are invited to attend. A. lecture on the care of cream and separation of cream from milk, and other dairy interests will be given by an instructor from the Agricultural College, Guelph. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby 'ven pursuant td R.SO. 1897, Chap, 129, Seo. that all persons having claims against the Ea ate of Patrick Troy, late of the Township of inloss, in the County of nruce, fernier, deceas 'd, who died on or about the 23rd day of July, D. 1009, are required to send by post pr paid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor or the Executors, on or before the let day of eember, A.D.1909, their names, addresses an descriptions and a full statement of partiou re of their claims and the nature of the se irity (if any) held by them duly certified, a that after the said day the Bxeeutors will p oceed to distribute the assets of the decease among the parties en- titled thereto, having egard only to the claims of which they shall t n have notice. Dated this 2nd day November, A.D. 1900. R VAN STONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for Executors. /alai THAL 1 /lrll/'la i ,TRATroF;o. oa! Has the reputation of being the best practical training school in Canada. Thorough courses have produced re- sults. Business men say oar gradu- ates are the best and they apply to us for office help. Our graduates succeed as none other. Three de- partments.- Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Enter at once. 'Write now for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINOIPA.LS. +*4... !3S3iit+f��F:3�'b3�+++4,,44 + 4 , • Royal Grocery rirriroraWrierarrani .1. NOW IS THE i TIME FOR :. NEW RAISINS + NEW CURRANTS 3 NEW DATES NEW FIGS 4. NEW PRUNES NEW PEELS • SHELL NUTS t and everything ready for Christmas baking.4. + • Call and see our fruit before buying. J. Malcolm .r. Phone 04, I'rofinoe Wanted. 1 XING'S FOR BAR(AfNS l 1 W E WANT YQiJR TRADE KING'S Wingharra's Fur House Never before have we had such excellent business in Our Furl Department Careful bu) ing and the best value in selling have brought these good results. Come along and see our line of FURS, and if in need of anything in this line we have it. LADIES'.—Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, Collars, Fur Coats, Fur -Lined Coats, Cloth Coats with Fur Collars, etc., at prices to suit everybody. GENTS', ---Coon Coats, Dog Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Fur Caps, Cloth Caps, etc„ in abundance. The best $5o.00 Coon Coat in town --come and see it. Underwear 1 The best brands and weaves in Men's, Women's, and Children's. See our leader—Lady's Vest, 2oc. Every t Ping complete for Fall and Winter—Blankets, Yarns and all heavy goo ds. WANTED Large quantities Beans, Feathers, Onions,. Potatoes, etc. Roll Butter 24c, Fresh Eggs 30c. We want a car of Dried Apples by Dec. 1st -7c. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. ()HEAP PRICES •••ssaseess•seeeesssseesss s•••••s•••••••••M••s••s•••• FOR HIGH-CLASS GOODS aIn the following seasonable lines, at very„ reasonable prices, you are cordially invited to visit D. M. Gordon's store. Take O time to infpect the, goods carefully, note well the prices, and s we will be satisfied with the result. • Newest and Most Stylish Dress Goods s in all the popular shades. • a Cloth and Fur Coats • and all other fur wraps. Wool Shawls, Neck Scarfs, Toques, ✓ Mitts, Gloves, Fur Gauntlets. Penman's and Watson's Fine Underwear. 9 They are the best. Men's Overcoats and Fur Coats. Look for quality and prices right Isere. • Rubbers and Overshoes. • Best of Underwear • In light, medium and heavy. Lots in every size for a and boys. • a Everything in Groceries fresh, new and the best. • a We want your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. Present price s a for apples 67c per Ib. • w • • • • • •a # ii ssss•e•Osseessasssssss•ss0 110•01110••#sss••••••ss•##ss • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • ;Li girls M. GORDO N.: 0 s 4+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++4+4+++++++++++++ D. BELL'S Music Ernporiurn ♦+ ++++++++++++44++++++♦+++ We keep all the latest bf.usic, as well consisting o MOUTH ORGANS, CO ERTINAS, GUITARS, ACCORDEONS, NDOLINS VIOLINS, , TALKING MACH ES, ORCANS and PIANOS. + Iusical Instruments, Parties desirous of making a Christmas or New Year's gift will find one of the above instruments very suitable. Remember, there is + no risk at all in buying here. If the machine or instrument fa not all iwe claim for it, or is not satisfactory to you in every respect, you may return it to Iis, and we will refund your money. Every instrument and machine strictly high grade and artistie throughout, and will satisfy the most exacting musielan, besides being X an object of beauty and design. + Two large wsrorooms, and an immense stock to choose from, AT TIME VERY LOWEST i'1tr0LS. ++++++.+++4++++++4+4+++4+ Opposite Skating Rink BELL' r r 'W/NG1 AM, ONT. We Have Them The New Thing in Rubbers K n awn as " DOUBLE DUCK," the very best stub - proof Rubbers made. And notwithstanding the fact that Rubbers are 2(i% higher than one year ago, we bought before the advance, and are selling. THIS SEASON'S RUBBERS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES Very . Special Legging Prices. Our own make — best heavy grain -- can't -pull-out, un- breakable hooks—sewed with extra heavy thread, and if they rip we will SEW FREE OF CHARGE. MEN'S $1.45 AND BOYS' $1,25 PER PAIR Also a cheaper line—our own make—same hooks, etc, MEN'S $1.25 AND BOYS' $1,00 PER PAIR. Irmorslar STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. MONIMINIMMINIMMIrir WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. AGENTS ZseetWA FOR LADIES --s1/oe) "Victoria" Shoes for ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for rnen. 1 wtr9W"iY97/.V.,I:'Y.p►.'f/111/''Ye1'9V9:4 vww't"e ► AGENTS FOR ' BUTTERICR N. ▪ FASHIONS FURS I ► • BLANKETS AND SHEETING. AGENTS FOR THE DELINEATOR MEN'S FUR COATS. In Coon. Calfskin and Dogakin, etc. These prices right. MEN'S BLACK BEAVER COATS. With Astrican lining, with robber interlining, with genuine Otter Dollar. These make a warm coat, also stylish. LADIES' FUR COATS. , It will pay you to see them. When in town looking for good coats, TRY US. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS. New styles, fine quality, with college collars. are good stook and 4 4 4 1 1 German 1 3 fltr 4 4 4 4 3 UNDERWEAR. Our new stock of Stanfield's Underwear for men just arrived. Heavy weight at old prices. Turnbull's high-grade Underwear for Women from 25o to $1.50. r' Children's Underwear from 15o upwards, Pure Wool Blankets, nothing to equal them, made from Union Blankets, all sizes and prioe. Flannelette Blankets, in all sizes, from $1.00 to $1.60. s Pure Wool Sheeting, double and single fold, E UNDERSKIRTS. .�. lug our own wool. i• A few Morden Underskirts left, come and get something for your mosey, priced ranging from $1.25 to $2.50, SPECIALS. Women's, Boys' and Children's Hose, regular 35o for 25o. Underwear, Men's Union, regular 75o for 600. Honey in the comb, 20o a lb,, in 2 lb. tins 30o. Raisins, good, 5 lbs for 25o. Sugar $4,00 per 100 lbs, 20 lbs for $1,00, cash. (Guaranteed pure cane,) The Delineator Free To anyone subsoribin forthe Delineator, y gthe fashion author- ity of the world for the year 1910, beginning with January isene we will give the December 1909 this year free, In every issue200 illustrations of new style orbationa by the world's greatest authorities, Mise Olara E. Siincos, New 'York's greatest dressmaker, writes =exclusive pogo for the Delineator each month. This offer of thirteen issues of the Delineator for $1,50 Is good for the present, We may be obliged to withdraw it at any time. .10..60,..,... Potatoes Wanted. Dried Apples 7c, Eggs 30c. Bring along your poultry, highest prices paid. NI Aft 'PHONE 89. MILLS . WI `GEAivr, .ONT. . �i�s