HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-25, Page 5TIlkl late ati n141kf TIME, NOVEMBER R; 25 18U.
Smart Overcoats and
We specialize in these lines, therefore we
know we can serve you best both in QUALITY
and STYLE. We make a study of the clothing
business, and our customers get the benefit
with regard to PRICE, which is a secondary
consideration. Our prices are no higher than
anywhere. The WEAR is what counts and
HARD WEAR is certainly where our clothing
is a success.
We guarantee satisfaction and WE WANT
Anniversary services were held in
• the Methodist Church on Sunday last,
Rev. Mr. Jones, of Auburn, preached at
',both morning and evening service,
The anniversary of the Presbyterian
-reboreh has been announced for the first
:Sabbath in December. Rev, G. M.
.Dann, a former pastor, will preach
morning and evening. On Monday
night a tea meeting will be held in the
'basement of the ohuroh which has re-
scently been renovated and Mr. Dann
will deliver a lecture. Wingham choir
.will furnish the mnsio.
To Move sir a Cold.
Cough mixtures "dope" a oold—but
-don't cure. Above all else, keep the
•bowels regular and stimulate the elem.
-bating organs. More valuable than
any cough syrup are Dr, Hamilton's
:fills. They clear the system of every
• trace of cold—the dull headache, aching
limbs and cough disappear, Take the
Tills before retiring, they work while
'you sleep, and by morning your oold is
'broken and passes quickly away. A11
dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills in 25 at.
Mr. Louis Blake Duff, of Welland,
son of Mr. R. N. Duff, of this plaoe was
• elected by acclamation on Saturday last
.as President of the Ontario Hockey
The annual statement of the Blnevale
Cheese and Butter Co. has been printed.
On the year's business there was an
overdraft of $109 05, but the company is
in a good position financially, having
assets of $4020.00 and liabilities of, only
:$273.06. The amount of cream received
during the season was 240.313 lbs ; am-
-leant of butter made, 72,954 lbs.; aver-
age lbs. of cream to ib. of batter,
:3 294/1000; average price 22 30/100o, per
lb; number of patrons 207. The annual
meeting of the company will be held in
the Foresters' hall, on Friday afternoon,
'December 3rd, at 1,30 o'clock. Ladies
are invited to attend. A locators on
"The Separation and Care of Cream,"
and Other -dairy interests will be deliver-
ed by an Instructor from the Agrionl-
tnral College, Guelph.
Wanted as machine
operators and for
other factory work.
Good wages and
steady employment.
Write us.
t:CIinIon Knitting Cop
The new manse will soon be ready
for occupation.
We are sorry to record the death of
Robert Drummond, a former well
known resident, who passed away at
Toronto, where he was also buried,
Miss M, Floody, who was called to
Toronto on account of the illness of her
brother, Ed. Fioody, is expected home
soon, as he is reported to be gaining his
former health.
Dr. Wilford and wife, who loft here
about a month ago, sailed from Van-
couver on the Empress of India and
have arrived in Yokohama safe and
$19,170.69 is the total Tax Collector
Proctor has to account for in his work
in Morris this year.. Not quite as large
an amount as last year, but a large
amount to handle just the same.
T. S. and Mrs. Brandon and family
have removed to Wingham for the time
being, Mr. Brandon was the owner of
the farm, wbioh he sold recently, for 48
years and it is hard to part with old
A. J. Bensley and bride left BlnevaIe
station, Saturday 13th inst., for Manito-
waning, Manitoulin Island, where the
former has aeonred a situation. We
wish them happiness and prosperity in
their new home.
Aro You Sleepless, Nervous?
Two horrors crowded into one life—
the product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one cure
for this terrible condition—plenty of
food—but mind you, food properly
digested; that's the difficulty, to im-
prove the digestive power of the stem.
sale. Get rioh nutritious blood,
strengthen the system and drive out
':ins,—then comes vitality, endur-
ance, power. Ferrozone does all tbis
and more, it makes sick. people well,
weak people strong, changes "nerves
and insomnia into robust •health. Take
Ferrozone and health is yours, 50 clno
at all dealers.
A gloom was cast over the whole
neighborhood on Thursday, Nov. 11th,
when it became known that one of the
pioneers had passed away in the person
of Mary Campbell, wife of Malcolm
Maokenzie, Kinloss. She was born on
the Island of Eigg, Inverness, Sootland,
in 1834. When quite young, she came
to ()amide, where she has singe made
her home. In 1860 she was married to
Malcolm Mackenzie and moved to the
present homestead, where she lived for
half a century. She was known far
and wide for her generous hospitality,
and never failing kindness. Many a
weary stranger found food and shelter
by her fireside and was cheered by her
bright words of comfort. Her every
thought was for the good of others
and her devout Ohristlan life was an
example to all who came in contact
with her uplifting infinenoo. Ae a
wife and mother she was peerless, and
will be sorely missed by her aged hue -
band and family, three sons and three
daaglitere, Donald, Jack and Gilbert,
Annie, Flora and Sadie, to whom the
empathy of the whole community is
or Coughs and Colds
Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some
chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just
these cases—Ayerts Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows
all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine
can evert take the place of your doctor. Keep in close
touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully.
No alcohol -in this cough medicine. J. c, Ayet Ceti ,loW ft Meisx.
Ayer'aSugati•caated. Alt vegetable. Act directly on the liver. Gently lata,•
love. nose, only one pill. $old for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about them.
The meetings under the anaptoes of
South Brune Farmers' Iustitute will be
held in the Foresters' Hall, Bellmore, on
Saturday afternoon and evening, Nov-
ember 27th. The meetings commence
at 2 p. M. and 7 80 p. m. and will be ad-
dressed by G. Carlow, of Warkworth,
and We. Woelerd, of Forest, Ur. Car•
low's subjects are: "Feed, acre and
management of the herd"; "Predioetion
of Weeds" and "Corn Growing for the
Silo." In the evening he will speak on
t1Agrioultnral Education," Mrs. Woe -
lard has a variety of anbjeota to speak
on, all of which are interesting and in.
atruotive. Mrs. Woolard will address
a meeting for the Indies only, and to
the evening will join the public meeting.
All are cordially invited to attend these
Ward Caldbiok has arrived home from
the West to spend the winter,
Charles Lake is spending the winter
at home after ieaviug the West,
Wm. Moses has pnahased the 100-aore
farm of S. Oaldkiok. Mr, Celdbink
intends locating in the West,
Revival meetings are held in Roe's
ahnrch this week. Miss Tombs of
Gorrie will help in the song service,
The Women's Institute will have an
oyster supper in the hall on the evening
of Deo. 30th. Farther particulars will
be given later.
Wm. Moses' team ran away in Brus-
sels Iast week and had a bad smash.
The two front wheels were torn off and
the wagon box dumped on the bridge.
The telephone men are around aur
village now. Quite a number of far -
mere on the 2ad line have the wire now
to their homes. All we require now is
an electric railway from Seatorth to
The annual meeting in Victoria Hall
was held on the 18th. Tenders were
reoeiyed for caretaker of the Hall for
;text year. Mr, Mason of Wingham
preached in the hall on Sunday last.
His singing especially is very muoh en-
1e Your Cheat "Whoezy?"
Tightness and wheezing means your
trouble is deep-seated. To delay is
dangerous. Inflammation must be
drawn oat at once. Rub the throat and
chest with Nerviline and put on a New
viltne Porous Plaster. Relief comes in
an hour. The counter -irritant effeot of
the plaster relieves the tightness and
strain, draws out the soreness, eases the
pain The penetrating qualities of Ner-
viline enable it to soak to the very core
of the trouble and yon experience a
feeling of warmth and relief that proves
the danger is past. For weak chest,
sore throat and tendency to golds, the
Nerviline Treatment beats all others,
try it.
Council met as per adjournment on
Nov. 19, Members all present; Reeve
Medd in the chair; minutes of last
meeting confirmed as read on motion of
Thompson and Aitoheson,
The Treasurer's statement showing
balance on hand of $198 34 was filed on
motion of Thompson and Aitoheson.
Mr. Porter waited on Council asking
them to pass a by-law, allowing the
Goderioh Telephone Co, to erect poles
and wires on the highways of the muni•
oipality. A by-law was passed granting
the request.
Jas. Ramage waited on Council re
John Bonner, who was sick at his plane
with typhoid fever. Nothing was done
in the matter for the present until the
board found out the circumstances of
the family.
The account of Dr. Gunn, Drs.
Jamieson and Macdonald re operation
for Mrs. Spencer was Ieft over for con-
A number of accounts were passed
and cheques issued for payment of same.
Connell adjourned to meet on Deo,
16th at 10 ('crook,
W. S. Mctnosrna Clerk.
Peter Steward, Lot 9, Con, 14, passed
away on Tuesday of last week, in his
44th year. He had not been in good
health for some time.
Angus Campbell, oon. 11, Grey, was
the first to ship a oar load of sugar
beets from Ethel station to the Berlin
Sugar Beet Company. They were a
good orop.
Tuesday of Inst week Jno. B. Smith,
a well kuown resident or the 3rd ouu.,
for the past 60 years, left for.Oanning,
Oxford Cos, where he pnrpoees making
his home. He rook a oar toad of stock,
implements and household effeote with
him for hie farm.
The appeal case of Marsh vs. Grey
Townuhip camp up for hearing at 1'ur-
Onto and was argued by 1Sairtsters
Vanetone and Proudfoot ter the re-
spective sides. Decision was given iu
favor Of the townahlp but they will litive
to pay their abare of the costs. Reeve
.Fraser and Deputy Reeve Grant were in
Jno, And Mrs, McKinnon and little'
daughter have been visiting at the
tormer'19 parental home, 8th con. The
I visitors live in the hustling cit,; of Fort
William, whioh they oonetder to be well
in the rave for large growth and do.
velopment. Mr, McKinnon will aeoom-
pony his wife and baby girl to Motitk'eal l
before returning WestvvArd,
Or. Williams' Pink Pills Gine He
gularity and Good Health.
Every women at some time needs n
tonic At epeaial times unusual de.
mends are made upon her strength.
Where these are added to the worry
and hard work which falls to her lot,
weakness will result unreel the bleed le
fortified to ;meet the straiu.
Weak women Rod in Dr, Williams'
Pink; Pills the toric exactly suited to
their needs. Moaf, of the ills with
which they suffer are due to blood-
leesnees—a condition which the Pills
readily cure, These Pilte save the girl
wlio eaters into womanhood in a blood.
lase oondltiou from years of misery, and.
afford prompt MA permanent relief to
the woman who la bloodiest], and there
ford weak. Mrs. 'R. Fisher, Coates
Mills, N. B , says: "Sometime ago my
system was in a very anaemia condition
as the result of an internal nemarrhage
caused by an accident Tb',gli I had
the services of a skilled ' motor for a
time, I did not reoove my strength,
and gradually I gre so weak that I
conk' not no any •onse-work. As I
seemed to gr. • s :artily weaker I be.
came much die ... raged, for previous to
my accident had always been a
healthy woman. About this time I re.
ceived a pamphlet telling me of the
strengthening powers of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I procured a box at onoe
and began using them, when they were
gone I got three boxes more, and by
the time I had used these I found my-
self somewhat stronger and my appetite
mach better. Before I began the Pills
I could scarcely walk up stairs, and
could do no work at all, Now after
taking three boxes I was able to walk
oat in the open air. I kept on with the
Piffle, and after Heine six boxes was de-
lighted to find that I could again attend
to my household affairs. I took two
more boxes of the Pills, and I felt that
I was as well as ever I had been, and
equal to any kind of exertion. I have
since reaommended Dr. Wittiama'
Pink Pills to Mende with beneficial
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or will be sent by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor
$2.50 by The Dc, Williams' Medicine
Co , Brookville, Ont,
At 11 80 o,olook Wednesday morning,
Nov. 17th, Miss Myrtle L. Howson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Howson
of town, became the bride of Mr. Albert
L. Strome. The marriage took plane at
the home of tho btide's parents and was
conducted by Rev. D. Wardrope. The
bride was given away by her father.
She wore a gown of cram voile over
taffeta silk and oarried a bouquet of
cream roses. Her going away dress was
navy blue broadcloth with hat to match.
The bride and groom were unattended
and during the ceremony stood under a
bell decorated with carnations and
ferns, Little Lsvergae Brooklebank, a
cousin of the bride, was flower girl, A
number of pretty gifts decorated the
present table. The groom's gift was a
pearl wishbone crescent. After the
enjoyment of a wedding breakfast the
young maple left by the afternoon train
for Toronto, Buffalo and other places.
On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 11th,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Lyman
M. Dougherty, Stouffville, York Coun-
ty, their eldest daughter, Ethel Gert-
rude, was married to Mr. Peter Arkell,
of Teeswater, Ont. The service was
conducted by the Rev. Robert Barbour,
of St. James Presbyterian ohuroh.
Mies Vandowater, of Mount Albert,
played the wedding march, The bride,
who was given away by her father,
looked beautiful in amethyst satin. She
oarried a large bouquet of bridal roses,
The dining room was beautifully decor.
aced with chrysanthemums and the tea
table with chrysanthemums and lilies of
the valley. Mr. and Mrs, Arkell left on
the eight o'olook train for Michigan
where they expect to spend some time
before settling in their home at Tees.
Are You Subject to Colds?
Then don't load your stomach with
cough syrups. Send healing medication
through the nostres—send it into the
passages that are eubjsot to oolde and
catarrh Easy to do this with Catarrh -
ozone, which cures a cold in ten
minutes, Even' to the lungs goes the
healing vapor of Oatarrhozone—all
through the bronchial tebes, nostrils
and atr pessagee—every where a ;,racy
of disease remains will Oatarrhozane
follow. You'll not have cnlds, nor will
you t+ufrsr from sniftiae, bronchitic or
throat tronbes if Oetarrnczents is teed,
Get it today, 25o, and $100 at all
'Established 1879
AO -Mem, CotlenS, I3RONCRITis, SORT+
nanoAT, CATARRH, n1r3TSi:,RtA
Vnporited Crenolone stops the paroxyame of
Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can-
not ox,et tvherc Cresoleae is used. It mots
directly on nose and throat, making breathing
entry in the case of colds, soothe* the son)
throat and 81055 the cough. Itis a boon to
antra: era 01 Asthma.
Ceenclenc is a powerful >:ermio;de, seting heats
a a curative and a preventive in contegie:.s
dis a3 A. Creaa:ene's test reeommeadatioQ la
its thirty years of nucccsslut use,
E'or sat br A tt i)rq;gistt
Send Postai fir 1h-
scriptiva Ilooklet
Creaolanb Aotileptic
Throat Tablets, simple
mad soothing lot the
irritated throat, leo.
Looming, Miles Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mon.
treat, Canada. job
B Ittiss>Itrae.
The telephone wiring staff is here in
connection with the new municipal
syatem and will rush the work along
and get the installing" done, Business
is expected to opetz with 220 phones
which should iinxreaSe a hundred or
Last week FI It. Brewer disposed of
his oommedions and comfortable briek
residence, corner of Turnberry and
Queen streets, Brussels, to John Gal.
braith, horse buyer, for the sant of
$2,000. The purchaser gets possession
before the end of the month.
A, telegram was received on Mouday,
Nov. 16th, by W. F. Stretton from his
brother, ,Tal, 13., of Calgary, containing
the sad inform'tiou that the letter's
wife had passed away on Sunday, The
remains were brought to Brnesels for
interment. Deceased's maiden nano.
was Effie Pox, of Orauhrook, and she
was married about 31/ years ago, leav-
ing shortly attar, with he; husband, for
the West. One son was born to them.
Mrs. Stratton was only 24 years of age
and was a bright induetrioas woman
whose demise will be regretted,
During the past few months a number
of noticeable improvements have been
made at the American Hotel by proprie-
tor James. The arched driveway at the
North side of the hones was traneform-
ed into a commodious office for the nae
of the guests and travelling public and
is well fitted up with light, heat and
heavy oak fnrniitare. Just behind this
room is a modern lavatory and cldstt,
supplied with abundance of water by a
new windmill. A aeptio tank has also
been put in, making the improvements
quite complete. Mr. James purohased
20 feet from J. Leckie, who owned the
corner lot where the Caraegie Library
buildiughas been ereoted, for a roadway
into the hotel yard.
Toronto Saturday Night.
Toronto Saturday Night has been
enlarged to a thirty.two page paper,
divided into two sections of sixteen
pages each. The first section will deal
with manly things from a manly point
of view, while the second sixteen pages
will be devoted to women, embraoing
all topics of interest to womankind, A
lady of experience and ability has been
engaged to take charge of this seotion
The enlarging of the paper to thirty.two
pages will admit of many new depart.
menta not hitherto incorporated in Tor-
onto Saturday Night, while the old
departments will in no wise be changed,
as we judge and we hope rightly, that,
as now conducted, they meet the re-
quirements of the reading public. Both
eeotiona will be fully illustrated, while
the different new departments, such aa
"City and Country Homes," "Fashions
for Women," "Ideas in Dress" (for
men), will be written by experts and
will, like the entire paper, be fully illus.
traced. Send for a sample copy. The
subscription price is $3 per year, pest
Minutes of Connell meetiag held in
the Clerk's office, Eluevale, on Monday,
Nov. 22. Members of Council all pres-
ent; the Reeve in the chair, The
minutes of last meeting were read and ,0
adopted on motion of Messrs. McMichael •
and Rutherford.
A petition from the ratepayers of
Turnberry, sufficiently signed, was laid
before the Council praying for the sub- +
mission of the local option act to the 4
electors of the municipality at the +
municipal election on Jan. 3, 1910.
Rutherford—Kelly —That By'Law +
No. 15, 1909, for the prohibition of the •
sale of spirituous or tormented liquors 4.
by retail in this mnaicipality under the•
local option aot be provisionally adopt •
ed. —Carried. •4
Also a petition was laid before the 4
cannonby •a deputation of ratepayers of •
the township of Turnberry, asking to +
have a new union school section formed 0
from the existing school sections of +
Turnberry and Culross. +
Wheeler — MoMiahael. — That the +
prayer of said petition be granted.—Cd, +
Also a petition from the Single Tax +
Association praying to have a petition •
signed to the Legiesative .Assembly or e
Ontario fo: an amendment to the •
Assessment Act to give Oounoils'power +
to assess improvements lower than +
lands. -1011 ed. 4
Kelly---Rutherford—That By -Law No.
14, 1909, be pasaed for the holding of a 4
public meeting of the electors of the i
mnzicipality in the Foresters' Hall, +
Blaevale, on Monday, the 27th day of •
Deo, next, for the nomination of oandi •
dates for the offices of Reeve and Conn- i
More to serve in the Plunicipal Cooncil +
for the year 1910.—Ce:rried. 4
The following toc:snnts were passed 2
and orders on Trope. issued : Theo, Hall, +
printing, $4.00; richt. Yeo, bonding +
We drain, $7 10; George Gannett, +
hvoshing on 13 line. 52.25; Jnmee Orr, •
repeirinaoul 'ett, $l 00; Richard Hooke- +
I ridge, Ring drain, 498.75; Hugh Mo• +
Merton, rt.paftinir bridge, $5.00; Hugh +
McKinnon, gravelling and gravel, •
$11,90; Wm Elliott, tile, $3 05; Wm . +
J, Miller, the culvt rt on 13 line, $3,50;
,john ;41.13 • en, r vehiuh outvarta. 52 40; +
*Id] t Ur.i:iah, gtttvfi p: d graeesiing,
t.; e4; P.:,I,t1t Hewson, graveling, 4
4 60; John Smith, riamagos, $1 00; ;
Paul Powell. pert eatery, $50 00; Jamoe
Nichol, inspecting Ring drain, $1,00
McMichael Wbesier. -n- That this * +�!
meeting On
me tl d now adjourn to m"
$ Jset in the 4 HANNA ec, co
Clerk's Office, I3luevale, en Monday, s iC'IIUN 1. 70,
We are busy selling
Reason ? Come and
DO YOU KNOW we carry the largest stock of Coats and Furs ?
Seldom outside of the large city stores do you find such an assort-
ment of READY-T'O•WDAR garments. Buying in LARGE
CUSTOMERS get the benefit, buying the RIGHT
We are selling Furs of reliable
Every Far must be perfect in
every detail to give proper satis-
The styles must be those that
Dame Fashion palls correct,
The fit and finish must be
Ladies' Coats.
$IG STOCK to choose from.
In counting our Coats for Ladies,
Misses' and Children's wear, we
found we had One Hngdred and
Seventy -Five Coate, This means
considerable selling. Oar Coosa -
Coe Pierces are reducing the
quantity daily. Move quick and
get ane, '
Ladies' Heavy Coats.
See our Pany Cloth Coats. Lined throughout. Some at .special
prices .. $9.00 and $10.00
Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with Sable Collar. Good length.
Broadoloth shell—a very warm and stylish coat. Oar prices
ars $20.00 and $25,00
Ladies' Far -Lined Ooats—Ali kinds in stock, at special prices.
See our Marmot Lined Coat, with Sable Collar; full /eve,Pride . $35.00
Rat Lined Coat— Fine quality Broadcloth shell ; deep Sable
Collar; regular sixty dollar coat, our close oat price.. $50.00
H. E. ISARD & CO.1
44+4♦0+4414444♦4404+++444+ a+++++0+♦♦+0++♦+♦+4444+44+
+4. •
s ������(��ldi1�{, ��Arsastr� for
30 Ladies' Skirts
On sale. In Blues, Blacks and Browns.
Regular $5.5o to $6,5o.
Sale price, - $3.69.
20 Men's Suits
On sale Regular $12.oO to $I4.00.
price, -
OYS' Suits
On sale. Regular $5.00 to $5.5o.
Sale price, - - $3.39.
.-...�... �»..d '...,,
We give th
best value for your Produce.
Potatoes, Fowl, White Beans and all kinds of
Produce taken.
Dee, 15, test at 10 o'eleek a. in. -0d,
r ;
JOIIN BUIRG'Et;,`,, Olerk,