HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-25, Page 44 TO AUVEFITlSERS isle of chan-geee must be lett at tine *Moe not later than. Satvaday roou. The 00 Y for °henget, =list be loft not later than Monday evening-. OMual advertisements aocopted up to 3400u Weaueeday of each week. ixtiTlaBLISm D 187J T WtNBAN TIMES. a.EIL14IO',2T.Insurssuum ANDY'Rar?RI£TOR TUU1 SDscr, NOtEITBE& 25. 1909. 0.4404444.444 COW TESTING ASSOCIATIONS. To what alaes does each of your dairy oovee beba,,,;a? .c. business men bends his energese towerds mailing every dol- lar expanded earn as much Sas it possibly ran, Prom some ()moor records re- ceived from membracs of cow testing associations it would sem that Many gown are net expeoted to earn anyshiug above the bare east of feed from now till )next ,print:;. Bat here and there are cows in another clam eltegether, giving AB high as 750 lbs. milk•auel 23 The. fat in October, not freshly calved cows but cows that freshened in April er May, Supposing the ordinary faotory patron dividea his costs into jest two olnsses, those that pay, and those that do not pay. Ie he even then in a position to pleas each cow nuerringle ? Has ho . rewords to show how mach mina cr fat each cow gives month by mouth, and how much her feed costs? Such reoords are not only very easily kept, but are invaluable ire determining which cows are paying the best profit and which are just on the pension list. With this in- formation at hand it -will be but a natural step to let one or two go off to the butcher, thereby saving unprofitable labour, while the grain they would have consumed may be used in further de- velopment of those that are naturally fitted for turning it economically into milk and batter fat, Keep reoords, keep no drones, but keep only such cows au prove themselves by the records to be in the top °lege, producing plenty of milk from. n reasonable amount of suitable feed. Ottawa, November, 1909 C. F. W. The London, Ont., City Council will ask the Lieutenaut•Governor to de- clare the population to be 50,000 so that a vote on Sunday cars may be taken. To brood over besetting sin strength- ens the hold of that sin upon the heart. The wise way to win the viotory over suob a sin is to "exeonte a flank move- ment" upon it and defeat it by filling the mind with noble thoughts, unselfish interests and honorable aooupatioue and pleasures. This is an excellent advice given in the Epistle to the Hebrews; "Let as iay aside the sin which doth so easily beset us• "-Ohristian Observer. Night Classes. Ambitions young people who wish to "learn while they earn," may do so by attending night olaness at the Winaham Business College. Each student is in- structed privately by painstaking, sym- pathetic teachers. Yon may enter no shatter what your education. Ask for information, Phones 104 and 86. 1$ve Stock Markets. Toronto, Nov, 23 -City Cattle Mar- ket -Trade was brisk and prioea firm at this market to -day, There was a moderately heavy run, comprising over ninety cars of stook all told. Dealers and buyers were on hand early, and lon er before noon business was practically ever, with everything offering cleaned up, Prices show no materiel changes from last week, though anything ohoice is very firm. Total receipts were 90 care, with 1,610 head of battle, 1,750 sheep and Iambs, 260 hogs, and 100 oalvea. The following are the quotations; Exporters' cattle- Per 100 Ibe. Choice ... . .......... 135 50 $5 75 Medium 5 00 5 25 Balls 3 75 4 t,0 Light 3 25 3 50 Cows 4 25 4 50 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and np- warda 3 00 3 50 Stockers choice 3 GO 4 00 hnlis 1 50 2 00 Bntchera'- Picked 5 00 5;30 Medium. , . , , 3 75 4 25 Cows...... - . 2 30 3 25 Bulls 3 75 4 00 Flogs -- Best.......,.. 7 65 Lighte 0 00 7 40 Sheep--- Beport owes .... 2 '75 3 GO Backs.....,.. 2 50 3 CO Guile ................. 2 50 3 00 Spring Lambe each.. 5 50 6 00 Calves. each ... 3 00 6 75 W INGTrAM MARKET ttlsrrosr is Wingham, Nov, 24th, 1909 For r per 100Ibs.... 2 75 to 3 25 F0.11Wheat «. ,..... 1 05 to 1 08 Bate ,«.......... 0 36 to 0 37 Barley ..,...... «.....,. 0 50 to 0 50 Peas 0 M) to 0 0 Batter*delay ..,. », 0 233 to 0 25 E ge per don ....». 0 30 to 030 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50' 1114, per tori 10 00 to 12 00 Potato e, I.erbnghel, 0 30 to 0 85 Lard.. « - . 0 20 to 0 20 Live Doge, ler cwt. 7 40 to 7 40 Chiokenf, per 1h.......,,0 10 to 0 10 T►reieka, per lb 0 10 to 0 10 Geese, per lb.... , , . 0 10 to 0 10 Tnt� keys, per lb.... .... , 0 15 to 0 15 TFtb] WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 25, 1909 erimmoimmemommusmimmiiimmumnpmeamioniummiiiimitaismomm Wingham, Ont. News From the Bee Hive We positively close our doors on December 27th, and bid good bye to Wingham. We have enjoyed very much our short stay here, but other interests force us to go. $6,000.00 WORTH of STOCK TO CLEAR We are not gging to consider for a moment the wholesale cost, nor yet what they cost us. We must SELL ! SELL! 1 SELL ! ! We confess that the stock is not complete, but what is here you can carry away at the most un -heard -of reductions. DON'T BE A GIIUNIP Surely you are not married to any store in Town. If so, you had better get a DIVORCE. - If you have produce to sell, sell it for ash, and that cash will get double the v, e here. Read A Few of These Items Ladies' Furs 3 Black Astrachan Coats, regular price $40.00 each. Sale price $18.70. 4 Blaek Astrachan Coats, regular price $35.00. Sale price $13.70 1 Black Lamb Coat, regular price $50.00, Sale price $20.70. 1 Seal and Grey Lamb Caperine, regular price $14 50. Sale price $5.70. 2 Seal and Tbibet Caperines, regu- lar price $9.00 each. Sale price $3.70. 1 German Otter Stole, regular price $15.00. Sale price $6.70. 1 Seal Stole, regular price $7.00 Sale price $2.70. 1 Set Grey Four Muff and Ralf, regular price $18.00. Sale price $7.70. 1 Set White Fox Muff and Ruff, regular price $15.00. Sale price $6.70. 1 only Mink Muff, regular price $34.00. Sale price $11.70. 0 Men's Wear. 15 pairs Standwater Calfskin (lined) Mitts, regular price $1.00. Sale price 63c per pair. 19 pairs Horsehide Mitts (lined) re- gular price 75c. Sale price 49c per pair. 18 pairs Mule and Hog Skin Mitts (lined) regular price 50c. Sale price 35c per pair. 125 Stiff and Soft Felt Hats, regular up to $2,50. Sale price 45c each. 500 Linen Collars, all sizes and styles, regular 15e and 20e each Sale price 7c or 4 for 25c. 80 Colored Gingham Shirts, regular 75e each. Sale price 29c. 70 Colored Gingham Shirts, regular $1.00 each. Sale price 45c. 50 pairs Men's Black Cashmere x. Bose, regular 50e pair Sale price 29c. 1 only Canadian Otter Collar, reg. price 8825.00. Sale price $11.50 1 only Canadian Otter Collar, reg. price $22.00. Sale price $9.50 Overcoats. 7 Heavy Freize Ulsters, regular price $10.00. Sale price $4,70. 3 Heavy Tweed UIstters, regular price $7,00. Sale price $3.00. 10 . Tweed Overeoats, good style, regular $15.00. Sale price $7.90. 11 Youth's UIsters and Tweed Over- coats, regular $$.00. Sale price $3.90. 8 Boys' Frieze $5,00. Sale price $2.45. Ulsters, regular Dress Goods, regular price 51.50 per yard. Sale price 79c. Dress Goods, regular price 51,25 per yard. Sale price 65c. Dress Goods, regular price, 50e and 75e per yard Sale price 29c. 15 Men's Scotch Tweed Suit Lengths, regular $7.00. Sale price $3.39. 10 Wen's Scotch Tweed Suit Lengths, regular $10.00. Sale price $4.70. The ROBSON MERCANTILE CO, CO WINGHAM, ONT. The People's Popular Store Agents Ladies' Homo Journal Nstterne, AgentsKERS `'�BIRD Ladies' flame Journal. • EVERY COOK SHOULD USE "Cream of , the West" Flour You are sure to have first-class Bread if you use first-class Flour. We guarantee " Cream of the West." We carry a full line of the VERY CHOICEST Fruits, Peels, Nuts, Etc. The very best New Valencia Raisins, clean fruit,+3 lbs. for 25c. Seeded Raisins, extra large, new fruit -- something better than you usually get ; r lb. packages roc to 15c each. Seedless Raisins (Sultanas), clean fruit, 3 lbs for 25c. Extra Select Re -Cleaned Currants, 2x• to 3 Ibs for 25c. Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, very best quality. Large quantity just arrived, Enongh for all who come. PEELS -The best quality Drained Peel, Lemon, Orange and Citron -and the price is no higher than you pay for inferior goods. New Dates, best quality, in bulk and in package. New Figs, very fine quality, large pressed table fruit: New Table Raisins, Clusters, fine large fruit, 20C Ib. Mince Meat, best quality, roc Ib. or roc package. Icing Sugar, white or pink. Cocoanut. Extracts. Jelly Powder. Gelatine. Sweetened and Unsweetened Chocolate. • Pure Spices. Pure Cream Tartar. Pure Baking Powder. FARMERS! We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hard Wood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, etc. Dried Applel must be good color and well dried, Poultry must be fat arid dry picked to get the best price. higniarm10111111110.1M111111111MMINIMICIERIMMEMBIESSOMUIENINEINIIIIIKIIIIIIIIMIIMMONIMMUMMINidi i 1 William M. Sane, a Normal school pupil at Stratford, was drowned in the Y. M. 0. A. swimming tank. Mr. W. 0. Sealey, M. P. for Went- worth, speaking to the Boston Canadian Club. deolered that the Payne tariff bill instead of harming Canada had proved en excellent advertisement. A. E. SMITH BANKER R'INGHAL♦i, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER ctorle Insurance eaPow Coupled with a REALESTATE and MONEY LOANING BuSineSS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. GUELPH $2.20 RETURN December 4th to 10th inclusive, Return limit Deo. 13th, Aoconnt "ONTARIO PROVINOIAL PAIR." amnimompormhonoWorsda CHICAGO $14.20 RETURN Novetnber 28, 29, 80, December 1, 5, and Gth. Return limit Deo. 1201 Arloount "LIV7a STOCK EXPOSI- TION." Above rates apply from VVingham. Proportionate rates from all pointe in Ontario. For tiekete and further information Dail on W. Henry,. Depot Agent or address 3. D. MoDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. vvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvyvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvi vvvvvvyvvv. :THE DOMINION BANK ► ► t BRANCHES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. ► HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO 1 Capital Stock (all paid up) $3,983,700.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $5.355,223.91 Total Assets, over... ...... $53,497,976.07 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED :Ni 4 Savings Department. s Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits and upwards. CFarmers' received. of $1.00 Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGHAM BRANCH --Corner John and Josephine Streets. R. Y ANSTONE, Solicitor. kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALALAAAAA W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. 4 4 w AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA AAA The Sense of Security against t o M lin o lr r o w• should be ample incen' five to sa'v-e to -day. Frauds en meroha»ts amounting to $25,000 were unearthed at Grand Palle, N. E. One Toronto house and one in Mitchell are interested, Willtam A. Ayoup, e. Syrian, has been tweeted In oonneotion With the care. Two mien from Victoria Harbor, Phil DrOlet and Fred Doe, were aging dyne - Mite to kill fish, when their stook ea- ploded. Drolet was blown to pieces and Doe was drowned, their boat being shattered.