HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-25, Page 3TIIE WXNGR4M TIMES, NOVEMBER 25, 1009 Says the Miller No. 4 "There must be some good reason why nearly every CREAM OF THE WEST' Fleur, wine housewife prefer* irk because Y turn out About a barrel every minute of every twenty-four hour,. That sounds gopd for "CREAM QF THE WEST.' doesn't it? And ft's made At the "Model Mill; too." The Campbell Mitltnr Qompany, Lioalted Toronto FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. FIS IIS mail from THE SCOII) LI, DRUG CO., St, Catharines, CURE CONSTIPATION. Rheumatism and all 131 and Liver Pill. 25c. d Disease. The great Kidney ox at all leading drug stores, or by ntario, At all drug stores. Nox old in One Day Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all Lung Trouble, None just as good. At all leading drug stores, 25c and 50c bottles. Manufactured by the Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. At all drug stores, 1)1 1 t a a. ets The great Brain and Nerve Food Cure Tired Brain, Strengthen the Nerves, Purity the Blood, Cure Rheumatism and all Nervous Diseases. If you are tired, run down, no ambition, try a box of Vital, 50e box, or 6 for 82.50. For sale at McKibbon's drug store, or by mail from the Scobell Drug Co., Si. Catharines, Out. Make sure your new ranee has e, steel oven, and "Pandora" name- plate on the door. Go, at once, to nearest McClary Agency and pick out size desired. at5 uicAer- aver Fare/ Pandora has a sheet steel oven, because steel is more sensitive to heat --absorbs it faster -- than cast iron does. Pandora oven thus heats .quicker --less time required to get oven ready for the baking --which also means less fuel - 11 expense. , . FOR SALE BY 3. G. STEWART & CO., WINGHAM. Y I , CORN ;SYRUP Give it To Your Children "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for children but for everyone --and it is used by everyone. It is a table delicacy which should be in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets which all healthy children and most adults have. Used home, it saves trouble in the snaking up of delicious desserts and other good things to eat. "ertowN 13RANf SYRUP" stands for the highest possible purity its table syrup. It is prepared in a clean wholesome manner from the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious decor as of fine honey and rich cream. 'hese ,are strong reasons why you should insist on having "CROWN BRAND SYRUP". Yew de.let limit for you in 2, 5,10 and 2015 Alt -tisk tinir with lift -oft 1k1. The Edivardsbarg Starch Co,, Llrnited ESTABLISHED 1858. c.o9 Weries t CARDINA70crit, OMMcea t MON'DR AIr, TORONTO & intAN'TI'Oit'O LEGAL QUESTIONS, 3. A. M., Wingham,-Qn,-Who entitled to vote on a local option law? (2) Is there to bean oath adm ietered, and what is it? Ane. --Sent# 24, of the Liquor License Act of 19 sub-seo. 4 says: -"In Daae three-fifths the 'electors' voting on such ByL approve of the 'same the Council she within six weeks thereafter, finally p auoh by-law," etc. Sub.seo, 6 says: "In case such bylaw does not recei the approval of at least three fifths the electors voting thereon, the Conn shall not pass the same, and no by -la for the same shall be submitted to t municipal electors before the date polling Per the third auntie! eleotion members of the donnoii, shall thereaft be held." Sub see. 6 says: -"No Iaw passed under the provisions of th 'motion shall be repealed by the Comopassing the same until after a byla for that purpose has been submitted the electors and approved by three-fift of the electors voting thereon," T meaning of the word "electore" is d fined by seotioa 2 of the Consolidate Municipal Aot of 1903, as follows: "Eleotors shall mean the persons e titled, for the time being, to vote any Municipal election, or in respoot o any by-law, resolution or question i the municipality, ward, polling sub division, or police 'village, as the Das may be." Section 86 of the same Ao says: -."The right of voting at munioip al elections shall belong to the followln persons, being men or unmarried wome or widows of the full age of twenty -on years, and subjects of hie Majesty, b birth or naturalization, and being rate to the amount hereinafter provided o the revised assessment roll of the muni oipality; (1) All persona, whether rest dent or not, who are in their own right or whose wives are at the date of th election, freeholders of the municipality (2) All residents of the municipality who have resided therein for one month be- fore the election, and who are, or whose wives are, at the date of the election, tenants in the municipality; (3) AU resi- dents of the municipality at the date of election who are rated on the last recite.ed assessment roll thereof in respect of "income" from some trade or profession of not Iess than $400, and who have re- ceived such income during the twelve months .before the date of the final xevidion and oorreotion of the assess• moot roll; (4) All residents of the Municipality at the date of the election Who etre "farmers' sons" and have re. sided in the munioipatity on the farm of their father or mother for twelve months next, prior to the date of the final re• vision and correction of the assessment roll," etc. Tor further particulars you wilt breve to read the statutes referred to and write to the Clerk of the muni. oipality, are by- in- on yin- on 06, ofw a 11, a88 ve of oil w he of of er b is it w to hs he e- d n - at f • • • n 8 g e y d e 0 CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Brollchltist Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money bask. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MCIU I3BON. THE INDIANS PAW. What the White Men Charted There For Killing One Donkey. In "Rerolnlsceoees of Old Times In Tennessee" a story is told of the good faltb and boner of it party of Chicica saw Indians. White Minting one fa11 they shot a donkey, mistaking the creature for a wild animal. They sold the hide. and It tinselly came to the bands of John Barites In Lipton, When the Calckasstws returned tc the region of Lipton for their annual hunt the next fall Barnes invited then( to a shooting match, the prize to be the skin of a very rare animal. Thirty braves appeared at the con• test, andd one of thea( won the prize. When be saw the sidle he turned It over and said: "fila, hat Me kill ben:. Me shunt him:, Seel" And be voluted to the fetal bullet bole. Then Barnes told them that they bad killed a donkey, a very useful animal. but be was sure that they had done it by mistake, believing it to be a wild animal The Indians listened attentively to the white (non's words and thea eon salted together a few minutes. • #,molly they separated, each brave going to his pony. unhitching biro and leading hitt to the spot where a gang of white sten stood. Barnes in the midst of thein Then one of the Indians spoke: "We sorry we hill donkey, We think he belong to the woods. WP tind bins in cane. We thinly him wild. We sor rye Now we pay, We mite no white man's boss, pony, matting of white man. We buuest. ties have pontes that's all, Take pay." And be too. tioned to the long tine of ponies, held by their owners. "How many?" asked Barnes, "White man Foy," returned the In• dian; "take plenty," The honor of the red then was not equaled by the white men, for, be it recorded to their shame. they tool; from the Cbickasawe thirty -eve ponies to pay for the a(•(•idental killing; of ODE donkey. AN AFRICAN RAILWAY. The Way It Was Described by ar Educated Native. C. J. Phillips, business agent it Uganda of tbe Chores: Missionary so• elety, throws light upon the tvorkings of the native mind by quoting a re markable letter in wbieb a native member of the katikiro's (prime minis• ten's) party gives a description of the Uganda railway. "My friend, 1 can tell you tbe Euro peens have done a marvelous thing tc stake the railway and the trains. They fasten ten or tifleeit houses together and attacb them to a tireptace wbict is as big as 1111 etepbaut, and the road it goes on Is as smooth as the stem of a plantain. It gees as fast as a steal. low flying, and everything you see nut. side flits past you like a spark from a tire. If it were to drop off one of the bridges not oue in it would be saved for it goes dreadfully qult•k. The hili: it passes are as high as those of Koki. and they have bridged over great s'al leys which are as deep as that you see when you loop from tbe top "f Sami• rembo. so deep that you cannot see tbf bottom when you are going orer then(.' Later there follows a deset•iprfon of a ship: "It is as deep as our two sto rigid hoose and as wide as the king': road in Mango, and it Is as long as from the katikiro's fence to the gate' of the kiug's liolosure. It has three call poles in it and a big throat, out 01 which smoke comes. which is as widr: as the new drum 10 the enure!) at Na• mirembo, The rooms in It go dowc three stories, and the boards of these cannot describe to you, for such have not been seen before. There Is a lot of metal work about them, too, but these also I cannot describe, for it is so fine. There are ebildren on boatel and a flock of sheep and pliices to wash in attached to every place where a chief sleeps, such as even our kin_ bas' never possessed." -London Strand Magazine. Old Book Terms, The words folio, quarto, octavo. dao• deeimo and the like have almost if not quite lost their original meanie:;. Al first tbey bad reference only to the number of leaves Into which the sheets used in snaking the becks were folded Thus if these sheets were folded once so as to form two leaves or four page: the hook. teas called a folio; If the sheets were folded twice so as to forty four leaves the book was called a quarto; if they were folded four times so as to form eight leaves the book was called an octavo. and so on. Penitence. "I suppose you're sorry now?" asked the prison visitor, according to the Philadelphia Ledger. The young man who had stolen $17; 000 and spent it in sixteen weeks sighed through the bars, "Oh, yes," he answered, "I tried to cot too much of a splurge. The money ought to have Iasted me a week longer." Just Suits Hien • Friend -Why do you encourage these woman's suffrage meetings? Surely you don't approve of them. Husband -Approve? With ail my heart! I can come home as Iate as I like now with{ out finding my wife ee; hoino to ask questions. No Chance. "I think it's wrong for a instrried man to gamble," "It's worse than wrong. It's idiotic. Itis wife gives him fits if he loses and confiscates the proceeds if lie wins." `the htessednese or misery Of old age Is often but the extract of Our 1155( life. -De . 51stietre. . . FARM L,ASQB AND WAGES.. • The report of the eau of industries published by the emetic government, has the following to say on farm labor and wages: "There hes been a sufficiency of oral• nary farm help, but trot class agricul- tural hands are as scarce as ever. Hata vest wages ranged froth $t to $2 a day with board, $t.25 and $1,00 being most frequeutly given; monthly rates varied from $15 to $35 with board, acoordiug to experience. More tried men are being hired by the year, with house, although improved meals:any is rendering farm• ars more independent of help outside of the fomiiy. "November returns wore summed up as follows: There was a stifldeienoy of farm labor in all parte of the Province, except when the roots of harvesting made a temporary shortage. In fact, the large number of applicants for farm labor this season leo a majority of our correspondents to the conclusion that the rate of wages was more likely to fall than to rise, The quality of meet of the labor offering was not up to tbe stand. ard, but capable men were yet mnoli in demand. Many farmers are now de- pending on improved, machinery end an interchange of work with their neigh- bors to meet the Iabor situation, The problem of getting adequate female help in the farm household is as yet unsolved, domestih servants being sower than ever." ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Sear Signature of See Pflc.SEmlle Wrapper Below. f Very smell and as satyr to_take-as:mare FOR MUCK. FOR DIIEINESS. FOR R)LIOU$NESS. FOR,,TORPID LIVER. FORCONSTIPATION FDR $ALLOY/ SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OILWIIINJ UUs,NAV, NATVnt. p Cents I p' Vegelalrle,.,.i...r CURE SICK HEADACHE, The important Man. Yon know the man of kingly air? Yon run across hint anywhere. He seems to think his hat a drown; he talks as though he handed down most alt the wisdom that the seers have gathered in a thousand years. His dignity is most sublime; to joke about him is a crime, and when you meet biro it is wise to Iift your hat and close your eyes; and it would please him if you'd just.lie down and grovel in the dust, That is the wisest course, I say, but I'm a feeble- minded j ey, and whop I meet the swelled•up man, I jolly him the beat I can; I would to him the fact recall that be's but mortal after all. He's naught but bones and lege and trunk, and longs and lights and kindred junk: he breathes the time old germy air that's breathed by hobos everywhere. And when he dies, as die he must, he'll make as cheap a grade of dust as any Richard Roe in town; the monument that holds him down may tell his glories for a while, but folks will read it with a smile, and say: "'That dead one mast have thought that he was Donnie on the spot, when he was on this earthly shore; I never heard of him before," -Walt Mason in The Star, Troubled With Constipation Fop' Years. Any irregularity of the bowels is al- ways dangerous to your health and a:iould be correeted at once for if this is nal done constipation and all sorts of se saes are liable to attack you. '.Iiiburn's Lasa -Liver Pills cure Con- stipation and all iStomach, leeeer and 3oarl eo:.ipinints. Henry Pearce, 40 Standish Ave., Owen Sound, Ont,, writes:---" Raving :t • .i troubled for years with constipation, a::.1 trying various so-called remedies es:t:ah aid inc no good whatever, I was e 5reied-el $o try :Mfilburn's taxa -Liver 'Pins. I have found them most bene. dei .1; they art, indeed, a. splendid pill, seed i can ;leartily recommend thea( to all ,,.wse who suffer from constipation." Pre e 1,15 cents a vial or 5 for 81.00 at eel t. n, or sent direet on receipt er t,:r ii.o'1'. Milburn Co., Limited, i ...... ., flat. THE NATIVE PURITY AND FRAGRANCE OF 11 LAD TEAis preserved by the use of sealed leas packets. Black, Mixed . or Natural Green + MM/od1AAAMMAAAItiI+lln, rnir, COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of amitbtng, Cannel and Q domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on baud. Weoarry4 fnllatUokOf11)a LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH er Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. 1 { Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs, i i J. A NlVIcLeanl Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No 64. Mill, No. 44 VVtIWVVWYIIVNVVVNfVV1/VVNVvV VyNIVVVVyt/VWIWVe/1iVtAWVM1FVi( •assssseesssssssssss•s••ser c ••sl•••••ssrssssses rssrrt+ossc • CLU BING •• • • • • • • • • • • • RATES I • • I909 - 10. • • • a AP w Ifingfizzammesseufammili m a The Tilos will receive subscriptions at the rates below f for any of the following publications • P • • •• • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • +44+++++++414 4* 44 4. t• +. Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 3,10 Times and Toronto Daily News„ 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2,85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2,35 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.60 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.80 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,60 Times and Weekly Witness 1,85 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,70 Times and World Wide 2.20 Times and Northern Messenger.... ... 1.35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2,35 . We epeoially xecommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Presbyterian 2,25 Times and Westminster 2,25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3,25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... .. 2.40 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1,95 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1 85 Times and Michigan Farmer ..... .. 2.15 Times and Woman's Home Companion .... ... 2,25 Times and Country Gentleman 2.60 Times and Delineator 2,95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1,95 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 Times and Good Housekeeping 2 30 Times and McCall's Magazine 1,70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine2.30 Times and American Boy Magazine .. , 1.90 Times and What to Eat 1.90 Times and Business Man's Magazine.... , . , ...... 2.15 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.15 Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.75 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.75 -Times and Success . , ...... , 2.25 Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2.40 Times and McClure's Magazine 2,40 Times and Munscy's Magazine 2,50 Times and Vick's Magazine 1,110 m Times and Home Herald 2.60 Times and Travel Magazine .... .... 2.25 Times and Practical Farmer, 2.10 Times and $oma Journal, Toronto 1.60 • Times and Designer , • 1.75 , , Times and Everybody's.... 2.80 Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...-. . 1 CO Times and Canadian Pictorial . , 1.60 ammemeseerellseenareheolemoimererminoweromemes The above prices include postage on American publioatiolts to any • address in Canada, If the Tmxns is to be sent to an American address, add 60 cents for postage, and where American publications ore to be sent to p American addresses a reduction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices on the paper you want. We olab with all the leading newspapers and magazines, When premiums are given with any of above papers, enbecribere will • ,acute 'Mole premiums when ordering threngh tis, sante as orderit:ft direct • from publishers. • These low rates mean a considerable saving to eubseribere, and are STRICTLY CASH fl' ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal mite, post office or express money order, Addressing • tel•ityel;tsYkll sbRtttMiiAeires.00 TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAU, ONTARIO. sRas$tdt