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The Wingham Times, 1909-11-18, Page 8
Tktt.'.' W1NGLIA.M TIMES, NOVEMBER 18, 1'Jt39 THINK THIS OVER NUMBER FOURTEEN. So many people who have thought. that mere bigneee ie in itself a fact that would enable mail order houses to com- vvete successfully with local merchants, 'Weald de well to consider that there is ;another aide to blgnese, that in many ways it ie a handioap and adds materi- ally to the expense of handling even the smallest order that is received. To the persica who is really lntereeted iu get. tbeg at the facts of the case, we would say -compare the expense of the nail order howls item by item, per cent. by Iter cant., with those of the ,nerohant in Wingham, and you may be helped to realize what that other side of bigness mature, Take Into consideration the infinite amount of details necessary for handling even the smallest orders re- oeived by these large concerns. Trace the orders through the hands of mail. openers, cashiers, obeckons, packers, more checkers, billers, more checkers, shippers, teamsters, express and railroad companies, claim departments, more oheokers, and so on. Consider what happens in a Wingham store when a purchase is made and make your own comparisons. The local merchant aims to make a fair profit on hie goods. 1)o yon really think the mail order houses are in business for any other purpose than to make a profit? Of course, we realize that there is a difference in capital running up into the millions and that running into the thousands only, but do not forget that the millions are operating over the entire country from Halifax to Vancouver, and that thousands are concentrated right here in Wingham. Do not forget that bigness brings difficulties as well as advantages, and at a certain point the difficulties overshadow the advantages. •--•-Turuberry Council will meet in the 001E2.1. Clerk's office atBluevale, next Monday. Nirnors1rr. In wingham, on Novemb© , 19th. to Air. and Mrd. Wm. 1\ieholyan; A -Tbe Tibias and, Weekly Globe to daughter. January 1st, 19111, to new subscribers for $1.60. -The TIMES can give clubbing rates with any newspaper or magazine. Read advt. in another column. -Mr. Robert Knox is this week mov- ing hie stock of jewellery,, etattonery, etc., to his new store in the Beaver block. -The annual meeting of the North Heron Liberal Association will be held in Wing,':am on the third Tuesday of December. ---Read the inlets. in this Wingham merchants are always prepar- ed repayed to give, their customers good goods at fair prices. -Mrs. Griffin, of Pleasant Valley, is a patient in the Hospital, under the ea' e of Dr. Margaret Calder, As Mrs. Griffin is nearly 80 years of age and ill with pneumonia, her condition is very serious. -The annual convention of the On- tario Women's Institute will be held in Massey Hall, at Guelpb, on December 8th and 9th. The speakers will be Dr. MaoMurohy, Dr. Backus and a number of Institute officers. ie sae. VIOR1iTON--iu Morrie, on November Otii, to Per. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton ; a daughter.. 144I:-11, Wroxeter, ou November 10th, to Mi and Mrs. uavled Rae: adaughter. Cr,oANL1 -IU Toronto, on (etober 30th, to Dir. and Mrs 10. 11. Cloakey (formerly of Mor- ris); a daughter. MARRIED MCDONAG1--Ross --At Toronto, on October 20th. by Rev. t hancelloi' Burwash, of Victoria University, Miss M. Annie Boss to Rev. 1)r. Wm. McDonagh, of Toronto, late of Stratford, DIED Rooms mt. - an Wingham, on November 14th, Annie Stein, relict of the late Charles Robinson, aged 94 years, 6 months and 25 days. Mr. James Ross has sold, 50,CCO shares of his coat stook so the syndicate which is arranging the merger with the Steel Company. -Miss V. Davidson of Wingham, bus been engaged as principal of the vil- lage school for 1910. Miss Davidson ie now teaobing in Ripley and oomes ly recommended, She holds a profes- sional Senior Leaving certifioate.-Ford- wiohlRecord. -Speaking of Ross Crane, who will appear in the Opera House on Mon- day evening, November 291h, the St. Louis Globe -Democrat, says: - "A maeter•hand with tbe crayons, a clever modeler in the clay, and his musical take -offs were original and exceedingly funny." And while considering bigness, do not forget this point: There are approxi- mately twenty thousand retail stores in Canada doing a business, of say, ten thousand dollare a year eaoh. That makes a total business of two hundred and fifty million dollars. All the mail order houses in the oonntry are not doing a tithe of that business. Do you think the manufacturer or wholesaler is going to sacrifice his interest in that two hundred and fifty million dollar business by selling cheaper to mail order houses than he does to the local mer- chant? Would it pay him to do so, even if he could? As a matter of fact he Cannot do so, because he gives the low- est possible pride to the regular trade. Do you think the looal store elephant is going to be swallowed by the mail order ilea? FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper. r Good farmers rely on it. For price see our clubbing offer. TEACHER WANTED. KINQ'S FOR 13ARGAIIYS I W E WANT YOUR TRAPS Teacher for S. S. No. 8, East Wawanosh, Huron county, second-class professional pre. (erred; duties to commence January 3rd, 1919. Apply, stating salary and experience to J. W. BONE, Marnoch, Ont. For twenty-i:our years Vapo-ereaolene has been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles. All Druggists. -Recently we sent out a large num- ber of aoconnts for subscription to the TIMES. In a good many oases the per- sons owing have responded, for whioh they have our hearty thanks. We would ask others who have received accounts to remit as soon as possible. Money is needed to run a newspaper.. -Miss Mina Currie, a High Sohool pupil and daughter of ex -Warden John T. Currie, was taken suddenly ill with aoute appendicitis last week. She was removed to the Hospital and operated on by Drs. Kennedy and Calder. She is progressing satisfactorily since the operation and the doctors now consider her out of danger. It is undoubtedly true that some mail order houses offer certain leaders at less than cost in order to attract orders for other goods at something more than regular prices. It would not pay to send for the cheap article alone, so you make up an order. If you bought the same line throughout from your local dealer, you would save money on the transaction. And so we say, BUY AT HOME. No mail order house has any interest in the little red school houses in your district. Not one of them ever helped you. in distress or let an account stand over till after harvest or pay day, What one of them has ever contributed a cent to our churohes, or helped make better roads in or around Wingham? Does the owner of mail order houses ever meet you in churoh or at lodge? Do they increase the value of a our pro - petty or your farm? Is there anything else besides dollars in this world? If so, make your dollare help those other things and spend your money in Wing - ham, MINOR LOCALS. CATTLE ESTRAY. Strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned, about Ootober 15th, one Red Yearling Steer and one Red Yearling Heif:r. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received by W. J. HENDERSON, Box 65, Wingham (Junction). CLOVER THRESHERS. The undersigned has purchased a otover threshing outfit and requests farmers having otover to thresh to send in their names and addresses at once. T. W. PIOKELL, Box 805, Wingham, Ont. -Realizing that the women of Ontario represent a large proportion of the newspaper reading public, The Toronto News determined some years ago to. produce a daily page devoted to Women. superior to that of any other paper published in Canada. Those of oar women readers who do not read "Vogue" page daily and the "Furbelows and Fancies" page on Saturday are missing a rare treat. The Tineas bas olosed a clubbing arrangement, under whioh readers of TIMES can procure the TIMES a nd The Toronto News for $2.30. --Thursday, November 18. -Five weeks from Saturday will be Christmas. -Annual Scottish ooneert on Friday evening, January 7th. -The :Wits t0 January est, 1911 to new snbseribore for $1.00. --Dull, disagreeable weather makes business rather quiet in town. -D. E. McDonald shipped a car load of hogs to Toronto on Monday. -Mrs. Henry Pearen of Tnrnberry, is a patient in the Wingham 'Hospital. -"A Crazy Idea," in the Wingham opera house, to -morrow (Friday) night. --Jessie Alexander, well known to Winghamites, will take part in the Scottish concert on Friday evening, Jannary 7th. ---Mr. Jar. Begley liar ito far recovered from his recent illness, as to be able to sit rap, and looks forward to soon being able to leave the Hospital. -in a fire in a coal mine at Cherry, I11., orf Saturday, three hundred miners met death, leaving a thousand orphan children and two hundred widows. -'Phe friends of Mr. into Wright, jr., "Wiwi* ill' in the Iloapital will be pleaded so know that his condition is favorable and that he is progressing satisfactorily. -Mears. Brown Aird Wilford of the "Wiugbion apple evaporator have been (orate] to quit buying apples for this ]tem na. Thr, supply was far larger than Sim l rind] Units. PERSONAL - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. :Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.SO. 1897, Ohap. 120, Sec. 33, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Patrick Troy, late of the T iwnship of Kinloss, in the County of Druce, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of .Tuly, A. D. 1909, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 1st day of December, A.D. 1009, their navies, addressed and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certlded, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 2nd day of November, A.D. 1909. R VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0.. Solicitor for Executors. A. E. SMITH BANKER Mr. Alvie A. Fleming left last week for Toronto, where he has secured a situation. Mr. Alex. Davidson has returned home from the Went, where he spent several weeks. Miss Hattie Love has returned home after several weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. C. Ewing, at Goderioh. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Friendship, of Teeewater were visiting for a few days with their daughter, Mrs. H. Allen. Mre. Geo. C. Hanna attended the meetings of the Woman's Baptist For- eign Missionary Society at London last week. Mr. W. W. Inglis, of St. Louie, Mo., a former well-known resident of Wing hale, was calling on old friends in town for a few days. PROMPTITUDE. W1NGUAnl, - ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. KING'S Wingham's Fur House Never before have we had such excellent business in Our Fur Department Careful buying and the best value in selling have•brought these good results. Conte alongand see our line of FURS, and if in need of anything in this line we have it. LADIES'. -Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, Collars, Fur Coats, Fur -Lined Coats, Cloth Coats with' Fur Collars, etc., at prices to suit everybody. GENTS'. -Coon Coats, Dog Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Fur Caps, Cloth Caps, etc., in abundance. The best $50.00 Coon Coat in town -come and see it. Underwear The best brands and weaves in Men's, Women's, and Children's. See our leader -Lady's Vest, 20c. C. N. Griffin I Everything complete for Fall and Winter -Blankets, Yarns and all heavy goods. WANTED 12 Large quantities Beans, Feathers, Onions, Potatoes, etc. Roll Butter ?4c, Fresh Eggs 3oc. We want a car of Dried Apples by Dec. 1st -7c. supipassamsmaassuststasslaWoolmw 1 1 GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. C HEAP PRIOE$ GENERAL AGENT FIRE \ tic nk* LIFE iiisurance PLATE GLASS j , WEATHER iv"'/' Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. More promptitude in the every day things of life is a quality which is much needed in the present day. No matter where you turn, ybu will find the man who is always et little late. Fie gets up a few minutes late in the morning, arrives *. little late at the of - floe, anti on throughout the whole day ho is unable to catch up and is therefore always lagging behind. It is a little thing as things go and yet it oftentimes means a great deal, What is more aggravating to the man who is always on time than to have to wAit on sneh a straggler? Does it not seam strange, that in order to get a quorum at most of the meetings these days, the hour has to be set at 7.30 if the mooting is actual- ly to commence at 8 o'clock? It is a sad state of steaks and yet it is the MOO. The gveetion presents itself, is it wise to pander to this growing evil? Would it not be better to set the hour at eight o'clock and commence promptly on tine? is it not time to reverse the order of things? Why not, during the owning days pall the meetings at the most desir- able time and . mens promptly? Office over Malcoim's Grocery. Royal • d• 4 4. 4, 4. Grocery Having enlarged our store we are now in a position to display our GOODS and our custom - ors will always s rad that we keep nothing but the best on our shelves. Special attention paid to our TEAS, COFFEES and GROCERIES'. •11016•••••1D•Q)•0®••••••••®•• 110000••6110••Si11f)•••••••••4 1 FOR HIGH-CLASS GOODS a In tbe following seasonable lines, at very„ reasonable prices, • 6 you are cordially invited to visit D. M. Gordon's store. Take r a time to inspect the goods carefully, note well the prices, and I is we will be satisfied with the result. • • s Newest and Most Stylish Dress Goods • in all the popular shades. • a • Cloth and Fur Coats •• • and all other fur wraps. Wool Shawls, Neck Scarfs, Toques,• • Mitts, Gloves, Fur Gauntlets. - •- lo•Penman's and Watson's Fine Underwear. • • They are the best. • • Men's Overcoats and Fur Coats. • Look for quality and prices right here. : Rubbers and Overshoes. • w Best of Underwear • In light, medium and heavy. Lets in every size for •e and boys. •• Everything in Groceries fresh, new and the best, 0 • • • • • • girls •• 0 • iWe want your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. Present price • • for apples 6le per lb. •• • •• ID. •f1 ®���•v• - • 1,.•.a•.•.•sa.a.•11•.•.•.•e• 111168s••e•••••oe•e•e••s•••11 A. d. Malcolm .. Phone 54. Produce Wanted. ONE OF THE MOST MISERABLE THINGS WE KNOW OF, IS .. COLD FEET.. To be troubled with cold feet is not only unpleasant, butis positively dangerous to.. the health. The remedy is so simple that no one need suffer, and the cost is insignificant. Cosy Foot Warmers are the remedy - cheap, neat and comfortable. FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR MEN AND BOYS And do not forget THE KIDDIES LADIES ! Take a look at these in our North Window : or, better still, come in" and see. WILLIE & CO. THE SHOE STORE. AGENTS .cG FOR LADIES 3HOE'1 "Victoria" Shoes for ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for xnen. i STOCK FOR SALE. . Clearview stock of Herefords and Shrop- shires are offered for sale, consisting of one yearling bull, and a number of choice females: also one two -shear ram of Lloyd -Jones breed- ing, and a number of ram lambbs1, P icBessDUEriight. H.Wingham P. O. CENTRAL :- NT., aTf1A'ga'� OttH .0 Ilas the repntationaof being the best praotloal training school in Canada. Thorough courses have ptoduoed re- sults. Business men say our grade- rates are the best and they apply to tie for office help. Our graduates succeed as none other. Three de- partments.- Commercial,' e-partments...,Commercial,' Shorthand and Telegraphy. Enter at once, Write now for our Iran catalogue. EL110TT & 'MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. ivvv i®X*l'1Y'e VVI 3 MVrYy1,C'vVv ti* rv®VvaINNYVVVYVVVVYVNI TEST 1 44 4 4 mama 411i eto. These are good stook and The C. P. R., the Aliens and several leading British ship building firms have arranged to oonstruot a dry dook at Levis. U AND TRUNK St's EM California Mexic� Florida The Land of Flowers, Frttit and Whine. Excellent service via Chicago. "Low Tourist Rates." le AGENTS FOR I F.uRs. 1 AGENTS FOR BUTTERICIi THE se le FASHIONS DELINEATOR et C MEN'S FUR COATS. a. In Coon, Calfskin and Dogskin, Ile prices right. ' Iv. MEN'S BLACK BEAVER COATS. Otter Collar. These make a warm coat, also stylish. ' ;II, For tickets and farther information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A,, Toronto. With Aetrioan lining, with robber interlining, with genuine German ,j LADIES' FUR COATS. • 4 ► It will pay you to see them, When in town looking for good fur 41)40 scale, TRY US. 4 t MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS. 4 New styles, fine quality, with college collars. 4 UNDERWEAR. 011 Our new stook of Stanfield's Underwear for men jest arrived. Heavy weight at old prices. r Turnbull's high-grade Underwear for Women from 250 to $1.50. s Children's Underwear from 15o upwards. 1 O BLANKETS AND SHEETING. �► ' Pure Wool Blankets, nothing to equal them, made from our own wool. a Union Blankets, all sizes and pride. S• q Flannelette Blankets, in all siees, from $1.00 to $1.60. 1104 Pure Wool Sheeting, double and single fold. UNDERSKIRTS. A A few Moreen Underskirts left, come and get something for your , y► money, prices ranging from $1,25 to $2.50, SPECIALS. Women's, Boys' and Children's Hose, regular 35o for 25o. Underwear, Men's Union, regular 75o for 600. Honey in the oomb, 20o a lb., in 2 lb, tins 300. Raisins, good, 6 lbs for 25o. Sugar $4.90 per 100 lin, 20 lbs for $1.00, cash. (Guaranteed pure oane.) se E c The Delineator Free To anyone subscribing for the Delineator, the fashion author- p. ity of the world for the year 1910, beginning with January issue we will give the December 1909 the year ear free. In every ila ieette 200 illustrations of new style creations by the world's 114 greatest authorities. Mise Clara E. Simoox, New York's s. greatest dressmaker, writes an exolneive page for the Delineator sitl each month. This offer of thirteen issues of the Delineator for $1,50 le good for the present, We may be obliged to withdraw it at any time. Potatoes Wanted. Dried Apples 7c, Eggs 30c. Bring along your poultry, highest prices paid. a Amf MILLSI PHONE 89. ' 'WINGHAM, ONT. r� Iihi►A"A it i$b" C A ►/iA�Ai, Ii 4MAwwi4►Ai+l4144 "' l ,A i'i�A4141:I;,0