HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-18, Page 6TEM WINWLAAM MMES, NUVE tBER IS, 1909
A Live Daily Paper Will Fut
NNA Money in Your Pocket.
-with The Toronto. Daily
`;V Star's accurate daily mari;et
reports you could sell yotir
grain and live stock at top-
notch pricer., half a cent extra
on just ,+,o bushels of wheat or
oats would pa; a year's subscrip-
tion. c;;c, a hundred ;idred weir lit cn a
dozen hogs would cover three years'
Don't yon, deiiei:elin_* oil weekly reports,
or daily reports that are old when you
get them --miss top prices by at least
that much several tunes a year?
?alines sires Mrket Reports 12 to 18
Moos Eix iter Than the Uorning Papers
Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very
day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of
Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important
cities, These are the same quotations that the next
morning's dailies publish -12 to 18 hours later.
4i L.5 A YEAR
This Paper and The Toronto Daily Star
together for One Year, $2.20. Guar-
anteed Fountain Pen given for 50c.
added to above subscription prices.
ellielrear txa+teetreatWattOlt ei
Being sorry for others is often a mild
form of boasting.
It is better to have many good friendo
than a geed many friends.
A man e onid weigh 26 pounds for
every foot of hie height.
Eyelet embroidery hsa more or lase
taken the piece of net for blouses.
Constipation and headache.
Mrs. R Morrow,'Braoebridge, Ont.,
writes: "For years I was troubled al-
most constantly with conetipatiou and
never got anytbiug to do me the lasting
good that bas been obtained from Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Not only
have they cured oonetipation but have
also entirely cured the headaches from
which I used to suffer terribly and have
improved my health in every way."
Pall lace gently, opening the mesh
with Om left hand as you iron with the
Two dogs can draw a sleigh carry-
ing 250 lbs. a distance of 20 miles in five
hours. •
Bean tee. _, �yThe Kind You Have Always Bought
Glutting onions, turnip and carrots
across the fibre makes them more tender
when cooked.
AU embroideries and colored gar-
ments should be ironed ,on the wrong
aide whenever possible.
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr.A, W. Chase
ivlediitne Co„ Toronto and Buffalo
At the first American Bent only six
cities reported a population of approxi -
Mately $,000 inhabitants. Compared
with this number in 1900 there were 286
cities and towns in the same area having
a population of 8,000 or more.
A Simple 'Treatment that Will Make
It Truly Fascinating, Walton
McKlbbon Guarantees It.
Nowadays every up-to-date woman
has radiant hair.
What a foolish creature a woman
wonid be if "rhe lost the opportunity to
add to her iattractione.
Yet in Cattaia to.day there are
lautldreda of thousands of women
With harsh, faded, characterless hair
who do not make any attempt to int -
prove it.
Pads most women have beatitiful
hair and to Canada all women who tale
Parisian Sagee have lustrous an luxur-
aunt hair.
And any woman reader of the TIMES
otrn have attraotive and ins€rouvt hair in
til few days' time by using this great hair
rejurenator, Parisian Sage.
Walton Molibbon sells a large bottle
l'or b0 rents and he guarantees it to
banlah dandruff, atop falling hair and
tithing scalp In tiro weeks or money
a*Liis a Hage its an Idea hair tonio,
mot it oky tut greasy.
It a man is both had and worthless
there isn't much hope for him.
A man is exonsable for boasting that
he never had 000asion to visit a denttet.
Bears the ; The Kind Youu Have
Always Bought
$%pnature � =ic- % st�mf I j/J ,
Iron rust stains should be washtd in
oxalic acid melted in hot water. Rinse
with pure water and a touch of am-
The total taxes to be collected. in How-
iok for the current year is $25,862,04; in
the western division $14,092 88 and in
the eastern, $11,769.16.
Omnibuses were invented in Paris so
far back as 1662, but did not come into
use till 1827. They were introduced
into London in 1829.
Fifty 3 ears' experience of an Old :Nurse
the prescription of one of the beat fe-
male physicians and nnrseo in the
United States,and has been need for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolio. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenteefive
Dente a bottle,
An ostrich's egg, which weighs about
three pounds, is equal in bulk to about
thirty hens' eggs, and is amply suf-
fieient to provide a meal for ten men,
At a place near Brigue, in the Dor-
dogne, the fossilized skeleton of a
human being has been unearthed and
experts declare that the remains are
about 20,000 years old at least.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature o
When the Ontario Legislature meets
again it is said an attempt will be made
to alter the law with respeot to the
standard weight of bread, An effort
will, it is asserted, be put forth to
have the legislation, passed as a result
of the interest taken by Mr. W. K. Mo -
Naught, M. P. P., in the gueation, so
amended that the 20 ounce loaf will no
longer be the standard, The proposal is
that bread Should be sold by the pound
and that the pound loaf should be the
standard loaf.
Judge Winchester, of Toronto, is a
terror to evil -doers. Ile is particularly
levers on women amanitas, and at the
recent sessions in Toronto said he was
glad the Dominion Government had
given him power to give the lath to men
who aesanited women and inflicted bod-
ily- harm. In addition to various terms
of imprisonment, three were sentenced
to 00 lashes each. Women aesa+altera
ate Usually physical cowards, and the
oat-o'-nine.taits will; do more to serve et
a deterrent front wife beating and ludo.
*out assault than* a terns fit prison.
At a place called Kotron on tiro
Frene i ivory coast of A€rico, the natives
believe that to eat or destroy a turtle
would mean death to the guilty one or
sickness in hie family.
itee .E .. >;. S eXt 4 XL X dee,.
Moors tete
The Kind You Have Always BUD.
Two sags of (;=corpse L'ttiek, a Russian
J -W, were burned to death at Berlin,
Oat„ rad a third ti'ae very serionrly
burned. They were looked up in the
ligase dada„ their pe.reute' abeonoe,
and fire broke out,
The horse bas a smaller etomsoh pro.
portion ite1y than any other animal, be -
canoe the horse was created for speed.
Had he the ruminating stomach of the
ox, he would be quite uafttn1 for the
labor: whiob he now performs.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the dieeased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cnre deafness,
and that is by oonetitutlonal remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tabo. When this tube is
inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness 18 the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tnbe restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine oases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in.
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We Witt give Oue Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by ca-
tarrh) that eaunot be oared by Hall's
Catarrh Onre. Send for ciroulars, free.
F. J. ()HENRY & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hail'o Family Pills for con-
Sea -bathing causes many diseases of
the ear. Cotton should be put in the
ear when it is the intention to submerge
the head.
The Bylaw to raise the sum of $3500.00
on debentures of the Village of Luck -
now for the purpose of completing the
new municipal building, was carried by
a very large majority, the vote being,
146 and 30 against.
For Baby's Skin Troubles.
There are times in the life of nearly
every child when Dr. Chase's Ointment
proves itself a blessing. The tender
skin chafes and is irritated by the cloth-
ing, Oftentimes baby eczema develops
from this very cause. In a dozen ways
Dr. Chase's Ointment can be need to
sooth and heal the skin and prevent suf-
fering of the little one. No treatment
is so well spited for this purpose and
none is so entirely satisfactory.
Dies for a prosposed five -pent piece
bearing the head of .George Washing,
ton, to take the place of the coin now
in circulation, have been prepared by
the Philadelphia Mint. If the Govern-
ment adopts this coin, it will be the
first in authorized oircu]ation to bear
the head of the first President of the
His Friend Said
" Ii' They Don't }Ielp or
Cure Your I Will Stand
Tho Price."
Mr. J. B. Rusk,
+ Liver $ Orangeville, Ont.,
-4- Comp -4- pepsin and Liver
laint + writes: "I had been
�` Cured. + troubled with Dys-
Complaint andtried
many different re-
medies but obtained little or no benefit. A
friend advised me to give your Lasa -Liver
Pills a trial, but I told him I had tried so
many"cure alis" that I was tired paying
out money for things giving me no benefit.
He said,' If they don't help, or cure you,
I will stand the price.' So seeing his faith
in the Pills, I bought two vials, and I was
not deceived, for they were the best I ever
used. They gave relief which has had a
more lasting effect than any medicine
I have ever used, and the beauty about
them is, they are small and easy to take.
I believe them to be the best medicine
for Liver Trouble there is to be found."
Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at
all dealers, or will be sent direct by mail
on receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
6`Nerviline" Cures
And Here Is the Proof --,A, Solemn
Statement From a Four -years'
Cripple, Who Says "Nerviline:"
Did It,
I I had lived through lay sgfferinge
another year it would have been a mir-
acle." Tills is elle opening sentence of
the decla;atiun made by Mr. J. Eeoles
St.iairee, member of one ot, rho best
keewn fanarlies for twenty miles round
Sydney. "I%ly bends were drawn out of
shape, even, my fingers were gnarled
and orcoked—racy lateness, seltl'oees and
inability to get .about ell showed thi
havoc Rh"umatisna ruade wivh lay
"""° boalttr. Tho bleeping
of it all is that I have
heard of Nerviline,
and now I am able
to tell a' d advise
others how they
may get well, tto.
4 1-2
]Yly system was so weakened that 1 ha
to build up with good tonio, so I too
Ferrezone at meals. Bat I never stop
ped rubbing on Nerviiine—it bad a ma
gin inflaenue on any stiff, paiuful joints
and bottle after bottle was rubbed o
tins painful parte. Nerviline cured me
I am well to day—have ben well fo
4tl years."
You also can oars rheumatism, lain
bago, sciatica, neuralgia or any pato o
stiffness in the mantes or joints—to d
o use Nerviline. Don't let your drug
(hist substitute. Qat Nerviline only
arge bottles, 25o , ter five for $1 00; sol
verywhere, or The Catarrhortne CO.
Kingston, Ont.
We call our day 24 hours, but it is
eally 23 home, 56 minutes, 5 seconds,
Frederick Peterson, a colored man,
was stabbed in the head at a dance in
Hamilton, and Charles Smith bas been
rrested on a charge of committing the
Warden Henry officially confirmed
he appointment of George H. Reed,
rinoipai of Matkham High Sobool, to
ho position of inspector oe public
ohoots in South York in sacoeseion to
he late Mr, Potheringham. The ap-
ointment carries with it a salary of
oma `51600. Mr. Reed is a former reei-
ent of Kincardine,
James Thielman, for the lest tan
ears head" waiter at DeImonico's, in
Now York City, and before that a wait -
r in the same restaurant since 1872,
aved and invested his tips so wisely
hat ou his death recently he left an
state valved at $500,000. This became
nown when his widow applied for let -
ere of administration in default of a
A Wisconsin woman in her seventy-
inth year has entered the Ohio state
nivereity for the regular collegiate
nurse, She says that she will study
sychology and literature especially,
nd that she has planned a course of
tudy that will help keep her occupied
tail she reached her ninetieth birth -
ay. By that tithe she hopes to be
repared to live.
Enraged because he said she had tried
o take his sweetheart away from him,
George A. Neilson, a young man living
t 737 King Street west, shot and seri-
usly injured Esther Hazen, of 15 Hen-
erson St., Toronto, on Thursday night.
hree shots were fired and one has been
ooated in the girl's left arm, but one
n her hip and another in her right
houlder could not be reached. Neilson
as arrested shortly after the shooting
A report on corn growing has been
issued by the department of agriculture.
The report contains an article on corn
growing in Ontario by Prof. O. A.
Zavitz, of the Ontario Agricultural
College, in which he pointe out that
there are 533,433 acres devoted to corn
growing in the provinoe; of this acreage
more than one half is IOcated in the
Counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex,
Elgin, Lambton and Oxford. Essex and
Kent produce the greatest quantities Of
Dorn for husking, and Oxford -and Mid-
dlesex the greatest amount for the silo,
The market value of the Dorn Drop in
Essex and Kent, according to the latest
report, was $3,200,556 in 1007.
A passenger steamer was held up au
Lake Ede by a Oanadiaa Clastame offl.
car, and a warmth searcher, and a lot of
women from Leamington, Kingsville
and Pdlee Island were asked to pay
duties on goods bought by them in De.
troit during the excursion they were on.
One woman had three pairs of shoee and
a suit she was ?asking to smuggle over.
Altogether the donee oolleoted amount-
ed to $100.
A dairyman down in Michigan• found
tbat llis oows were returning him $40
per year for $28 worth of feed. He be-
gan to study the situation, which led
him to a obange of methods. More
palatable foods were provided, a silo
was built, he grew corn for fodder and
silage, and fed his cows regularly and
all they would eat. The omit of feed in-
creased the first year to $38,47, to $39
the next, and to $41 the last year, but
bis returns had also increaeed proper.
tiorietely ; $90 16 per cow the first year,
$92 70 the second year and $100 16 the
last year.
Signals of Distress
Wingham People Should Know How
to Read and Heal Them.
Siok kidneys give many signals of
The seorotions are dark, contain a
Passages are frequent, scanty, pain -
Backache is constant day and night.
Heahaohes and dizzy spells are fre-
The weakened kidneys need quick
Don't delay 1 Use a splendid kidney
Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick kid -
neve, baokaohes, and urivary disorders
Wingham evidence proves this state-
R. Leary of Minnie St., Wingham,
Ont., says; "My baok had been weak
and tender and a severe, grinding pain
would entail me across the kidney region
if I would stoop over or lift anything.
The kidney secretions had beoome un-
usually irregular and frequent• and the
urine was highly oolored and filled with
brick dust sediment. I had tried sever-
al different kidney remedies but found
none of them to benefit nee. I learned
of Booth's Kidney Pilie through an
advertisment and procuring a box at
Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmacy, I com-
moueed their nee. I was soon convin-
ced, however of their wonderful cura-
tive merits. My baok soon strengthen-
ed and the pains and tenderness left it.
Tho kidney seoretions were reduced to
normal and the urine cleared. Booth's
Kidney Pills are a fine and reliable re-
medy and I will always reoommend
them." Sold by dealers. Price 50
rents. Tho R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort
Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
1, Rise early, retire early and fill
your day with work.
2. Water and bread maintain life;
pure air and sunshine are indispensable
to health.
3. Frugality and sobriety form the
beat elixir of longevity.
4, Cleanliness prevents rust; the
best•oared-for machines last the
5. Enough sleep repairs waste and
strengthens; too muoh Bleep softens
and enfeebles,
6. To be sensibly dressed is to give
freedom to one's movement and enough
warmth to be proteoted from sudden
ohangee of temperature,
7. A clean and cheerful house makes
a happy home.
8. The mind is refreshed and invigor-
ated by distraotion and amusement;
but abuse of them leads to dissipation
and dissipation to viae.
9. Cheerfulness makes love of life
and love o1 life is half of health. On
the contrary, sadness and discourage-
ment hasten old age.
10. Do you gain your living 'by your
intelleot? Then do not allow your
arms and lege to grow stiff. Do you
earn your bread by your piok-axe? Do
not forget to outtivate your mind and
enlarge your thought.
The best Canadian wheat, the most
modern mills, and the most skilled
millers, all combine to give
oy i �iisehkFior
those baking qualities which make it
the choice of discriminating housewives
everywhere. Give Royal Household a
fair trial and you will never go back to
other brands. Your grocer will get it
for you if you insist.
i:iaiaa' biles Co., Limited, I :i'eaL
TENTY YEARS ADj Items from the "Times earlhe fyles.
Local History of
(From the TIMES of Nov. 15, 1889 )
The remains of a young man named
John Taylor, whose people live in
Howiok, arrived here from Denver,
Colorado, on Wednesday.
There died in Wingham, on Friday
last, Annie Maddox, wife of Mr. John
Martin, lately of Lucknow. Mrs. Mar-
tin had been sink for some months, and
was in her 44th year.
Mr. (Mattes being unable to comply
with the conditions, his purchase of the
chair factory was not completed, and
tenders were asked for it. On Wednes-
day the tenders were opened, and the
tender of Mr. Wm. Button, of Tees.
water, at $2,700, he assuming the mort-
gage of the town of $5,000, was accep-
The firm of Messrs, J. Brennan & Co.
dissolved by mutual consent, on Mon-
day last; Mr. John Brennan retiring,
In another column we chronicle the
death of Mrs, Alexander Walker. Dr.
Walker will be remembered by many in
Wingham, He taught the Lower
Wingham school with acceptance for
years, and afterwards studied his pro-
fession with Dr. Wm. Ridd, of this
Mr. Geo. McKenzie shipped a oar load
of bale hay to Toronto, on Tuesday, per
Considerable grain • in Doming into
Mr, Jas. Shaw shipped a oar load of
lambs to Black Rook, N.Y., on Friday
last, per G. T. R.
Lamont,— la Wingham, on the 8th
snot., the wife of Mr. Malcolm Lamont t.
a son.
Robertson,—In East Wawanoah, on
10th inst., Ohristian Robertson, daugh-
ter of Mr. Arohibald Roberton, aged 19
years and 9 months,
Martin.—In Wingham, on the 8th
inst., Annie Maddox, beloved wife of
Mr. John Martin, (late of Luoknow,)
aged 43 years and 9 months.
Tubercular deposits were discovered
by Dan Knapp, butcher for Scone beef -
ring, in one of the animals killed by
him this fall, Of course the diseased
meat was destroyed and the owner had
to supply another carcass. This is the
firet instance ile this locality of tuber-
oulosis being discovered by a beefring
butcher. Dr. Bone informs ne that
from 3 to 4 per cent. of the cattle slaugh-
tered at abattoirs are diseased, not in.
eluding the lumpjaw animals which are
not brought to the market. From 12 to
15 per Dent. of hogs are diseased. That
is almost enough to make a man a
Dowieite. There is a strong feeling in
Toronto for a city abattoire where all
animals for city consumption would be
slaughtered tinder inspection. Since the
exhibit of diseased meats at Toronto
Pair the abattoir trade in Toronto
Into increased fully one third,-Oheeley
Raw Furs and Skins
of all kinds of
We Guarantee Honest Assort-
ment, Highest Market Prices
and Quick returns.
Send for our 19094910 PRICE LIST
134 et 136 ric011I St., noatresi.
Have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption,
or ulcer, or eczemous patch which, hidden from the gaze of
others, yet causes you hours and hours of pain and incon-
venience 4 Piave you tried this, and that, and the other
remedy in vain, and are you feeling disheartened and dis-
is-couraged.7 If so read the following instances of Zam.•
Bak's Tiea1ing power, and apply it to your case:
"I had en ulcerated leg for several years. The ulcers spread all round the limb,
which was swollen to nearly twice its normal aizo. Several doctere treated me.
One enggested amputation. None did me any good, Zam-Buk healed the sores!"
So says Mrs. (Iilmour, of Princess St., Kingston. Or, read this t
" :tty mother tried many things for abscesses and eruption*, but in vain. In
gain -Bak she found a complete aura." So says Miss A. Coggin, of Wapella (Sask.).
.offerors from these Hidden Skin Troubles"
of any maitre
each experiences as this. Lam-I3uk is seen at its best when applied to cases Which
have defied ordinary treatment. Write for trial box, and teat it
it at our expense
Send this coupon
end 10 etam to
ZanW ttk co.. Tor-
onto, with tame of
this patter, free
trial bot will bet
hailed you,
Over and over again Zam-Buk has per-
formed a mired. of heating when applied to
sores and skin injuries which have refused
to heal under any other form of treatment.
Why not let it heal your trouble? Immedi-
ately Zam.l3uk is applied to a sore or wound
or diseased portion of flesh it commences its
orae 'n two directiong. It anoints the ex-
r+lr t nd its antiseptic properties prevent
any. +erms and bacilli from creating trouble.
n the lterbalessonces and juices so finely
purified and concentrated, penetrate the
subjacent layers and stimulate the weakened
or diseased cells to active, healthy operation.
These cells then put forth their " Building"
rodu t
and replace p o sce th
layer with fresh and healthy tissue.ouBy
degrees the whole diseased surface is thus
re laced by new healthy skin.
In this way Zam.Buk cures cots, b,srns,
bruises, ulcera, abscesses, itch, eczema
eruptions, pustules, scurry, Balt rheum,
bloodpoison, and other forms of skin trouble.
Zein-lituk alae cures piles, varicose ulcers,
eta. All druggists and stores sell at 60e per
box, or from Zara -Bak Co., Toronto, for
price. 6 boxes Ce.50.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.1
Being sorry for others is often a mild
form of boasting.
It is better to have many good friendo
than a geed many friends.
A man e onid weigh 26 pounds for
every foot of hie height.
Eyelet embroidery hsa more or lase
taken the piece of net for blouses.
Constipation and headache.
Mrs. R Morrow,'Braoebridge, Ont.,
writes: "For years I was troubled al-
most constantly with conetipatiou and
never got anytbiug to do me the lasting
good that bas been obtained from Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Not only
have they cured oonetipation but have
also entirely cured the headaches from
which I used to suffer terribly and have
improved my health in every way."
Pall lace gently, opening the mesh
with Om left hand as you iron with the
Two dogs can draw a sleigh carry-
ing 250 lbs. a distance of 20 miles in five
hours. •
Bean tee. _, �yThe Kind You Have Always Bought
Glutting onions, turnip and carrots
across the fibre makes them more tender
when cooked.
AU embroideries and colored gar-
ments should be ironed ,on the wrong
aide whenever possible.
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr.A, W. Chase
ivlediitne Co„ Toronto and Buffalo
At the first American Bent only six
cities reported a population of approxi -
Mately $,000 inhabitants. Compared
with this number in 1900 there were 286
cities and towns in the same area having
a population of 8,000 or more.
A Simple 'Treatment that Will Make
It Truly Fascinating, Walton
McKlbbon Guarantees It.
Nowadays every up-to-date woman
has radiant hair.
What a foolish creature a woman
wonid be if "rhe lost the opportunity to
add to her iattractione.
Yet in Cattaia to.day there are
lautldreda of thousands of women
With harsh, faded, characterless hair
who do not make any attempt to int -
prove it.
Pads most women have beatitiful
hair and to Canada all women who tale
Parisian Sagee have lustrous an luxur-
aunt hair.
And any woman reader of the TIMES
otrn have attraotive and ins€rouvt hair in
til few days' time by using this great hair
rejurenator, Parisian Sage.
Walton Molibbon sells a large bottle
l'or b0 rents and he guarantees it to
banlah dandruff, atop falling hair and
tithing scalp In tiro weeks or money
a*Liis a Hage its an Idea hair tonio,
mot it oky tut greasy.
It a man is both had and worthless
there isn't much hope for him.
A man is exonsable for boasting that
he never had 000asion to visit a denttet.
Bears the ; The Kind Youu Have
Always Bought
$%pnature � =ic- % st�mf I j/J ,
Iron rust stains should be washtd in
oxalic acid melted in hot water. Rinse
with pure water and a touch of am-
The total taxes to be collected. in How-
iok for the current year is $25,862,04; in
the western division $14,092 88 and in
the eastern, $11,769.16.
Omnibuses were invented in Paris so
far back as 1662, but did not come into
use till 1827. They were introduced
into London in 1829.
Fifty 3 ears' experience of an Old :Nurse
the prescription of one of the beat fe-
male physicians and nnrseo in the
United States,and has been need for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolio. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenteefive
Dente a bottle,
An ostrich's egg, which weighs about
three pounds, is equal in bulk to about
thirty hens' eggs, and is amply suf-
fieient to provide a meal for ten men,
At a place near Brigue, in the Dor-
dogne, the fossilized skeleton of a
human being has been unearthed and
experts declare that the remains are
about 20,000 years old at least.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature o
When the Ontario Legislature meets
again it is said an attempt will be made
to alter the law with respeot to the
standard weight of bread, An effort
will, it is asserted, be put forth to
have the legislation, passed as a result
of the interest taken by Mr. W. K. Mo -
Naught, M. P. P., in the gueation, so
amended that the 20 ounce loaf will no
longer be the standard, The proposal is
that bread Should be sold by the pound
and that the pound loaf should be the
standard loaf.
Judge Winchester, of Toronto, is a
terror to evil -doers. Ile is particularly
levers on women amanitas, and at the
recent sessions in Toronto said he was
glad the Dominion Government had
given him power to give the lath to men
who aesanited women and inflicted bod-
ily- harm. In addition to various terms
of imprisonment, three were sentenced
to 00 lashes each. Women aesa+altera
ate Usually physical cowards, and the
oat-o'-nine.taits will; do more to serve et
a deterrent front wife beating and ludo.
*out assault than* a terns fit prison.
At a place called Kotron on tiro
Frene i ivory coast of A€rico, the natives
believe that to eat or destroy a turtle
would mean death to the guilty one or
sickness in hie family.
itee .E .. >;. S eXt 4 XL X dee,.
Moors tete
The Kind You Have Always BUD.
Two sags of (;=corpse L'ttiek, a Russian
J -W, were burned to death at Berlin,
Oat„ rad a third ti'ae very serionrly
burned. They were looked up in the
ligase dada„ their pe.reute' abeonoe,
and fire broke out,
The horse bas a smaller etomsoh pro.
portion ite1y than any other animal, be -
canoe the horse was created for speed.
Had he the ruminating stomach of the
ox, he would be quite uafttn1 for the
labor: whiob he now performs.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the dieeased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cnre deafness,
and that is by oonetitutlonal remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tabo. When this tube is
inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness 18 the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tnbe restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine oases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in.
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We Witt give Oue Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by ca-
tarrh) that eaunot be oared by Hall's
Catarrh Onre. Send for ciroulars, free.
F. J. ()HENRY & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hail'o Family Pills for con-
Sea -bathing causes many diseases of
the ear. Cotton should be put in the
ear when it is the intention to submerge
the head.
The Bylaw to raise the sum of $3500.00
on debentures of the Village of Luck -
now for the purpose of completing the
new municipal building, was carried by
a very large majority, the vote being,
146 and 30 against.
For Baby's Skin Troubles.
There are times in the life of nearly
every child when Dr. Chase's Ointment
proves itself a blessing. The tender
skin chafes and is irritated by the cloth-
ing, Oftentimes baby eczema develops
from this very cause. In a dozen ways
Dr. Chase's Ointment can be need to
sooth and heal the skin and prevent suf-
fering of the little one. No treatment
is so well spited for this purpose and
none is so entirely satisfactory.
Dies for a prosposed five -pent piece
bearing the head of .George Washing,
ton, to take the place of the coin now
in circulation, have been prepared by
the Philadelphia Mint. If the Govern-
ment adopts this coin, it will be the
first in authorized oircu]ation to bear
the head of the first President of the
His Friend Said
" Ii' They Don't }Ielp or
Cure Your I Will Stand
Tho Price."
Mr. J. B. Rusk,
+ Liver $ Orangeville, Ont.,
-4- Comp -4- pepsin and Liver
laint + writes: "I had been
�` Cured. + troubled with Dys-
Complaint andtried
many different re-
medies but obtained little or no benefit. A
friend advised me to give your Lasa -Liver
Pills a trial, but I told him I had tried so
many"cure alis" that I was tired paying
out money for things giving me no benefit.
He said,' If they don't help, or cure you,
I will stand the price.' So seeing his faith
in the Pills, I bought two vials, and I was
not deceived, for they were the best I ever
used. They gave relief which has had a
more lasting effect than any medicine
I have ever used, and the beauty about
them is, they are small and easy to take.
I believe them to be the best medicine
for Liver Trouble there is to be found."
Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at
all dealers, or will be sent direct by mail
on receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
6`Nerviline" Cures
And Here Is the Proof --,A, Solemn
Statement From a Four -years'
Cripple, Who Says "Nerviline:"
Did It,
I I had lived through lay sgfferinge
another year it would have been a mir-
acle." Tills is elle opening sentence of
the decla;atiun made by Mr. J. Eeoles
St.iairee, member of one ot, rho best
keewn fanarlies for twenty miles round
Sydney. "I%ly bends were drawn out of
shape, even, my fingers were gnarled
and orcoked—racy lateness, seltl'oees and
inability to get .about ell showed thi
havoc Rh"umatisna ruade wivh lay
"""° boalttr. Tho bleeping
of it all is that I have
heard of Nerviline,
and now I am able
to tell a' d advise
others how they
may get well, tto.
4 1-2
]Yly system was so weakened that 1 ha
to build up with good tonio, so I too
Ferrezone at meals. Bat I never stop
ped rubbing on Nerviiine—it bad a ma
gin inflaenue on any stiff, paiuful joints
and bottle after bottle was rubbed o
tins painful parte. Nerviline cured me
I am well to day—have ben well fo
4tl years."
You also can oars rheumatism, lain
bago, sciatica, neuralgia or any pato o
stiffness in the mantes or joints—to d
o use Nerviline. Don't let your drug
(hist substitute. Qat Nerviline only
arge bottles, 25o , ter five for $1 00; sol
verywhere, or The Catarrhortne CO.
Kingston, Ont.
We call our day 24 hours, but it is
eally 23 home, 56 minutes, 5 seconds,
Frederick Peterson, a colored man,
was stabbed in the head at a dance in
Hamilton, and Charles Smith bas been
rrested on a charge of committing the
Warden Henry officially confirmed
he appointment of George H. Reed,
rinoipai of Matkham High Sobool, to
ho position of inspector oe public
ohoots in South York in sacoeseion to
he late Mr, Potheringham. The ap-
ointment carries with it a salary of
oma `51600. Mr. Reed is a former reei-
ent of Kincardine,
James Thielman, for the lest tan
ears head" waiter at DeImonico's, in
Now York City, and before that a wait -
r in the same restaurant since 1872,
aved and invested his tips so wisely
hat ou his death recently he left an
state valved at $500,000. This became
nown when his widow applied for let -
ere of administration in default of a
A Wisconsin woman in her seventy-
inth year has entered the Ohio state
nivereity for the regular collegiate
nurse, She says that she will study
sychology and literature especially,
nd that she has planned a course of
tudy that will help keep her occupied
tail she reached her ninetieth birth -
ay. By that tithe she hopes to be
repared to live.
Enraged because he said she had tried
o take his sweetheart away from him,
George A. Neilson, a young man living
t 737 King Street west, shot and seri-
usly injured Esther Hazen, of 15 Hen-
erson St., Toronto, on Thursday night.
hree shots were fired and one has been
ooated in the girl's left arm, but one
n her hip and another in her right
houlder could not be reached. Neilson
as arrested shortly after the shooting
A report on corn growing has been
issued by the department of agriculture.
The report contains an article on corn
growing in Ontario by Prof. O. A.
Zavitz, of the Ontario Agricultural
College, in which he pointe out that
there are 533,433 acres devoted to corn
growing in the provinoe; of this acreage
more than one half is IOcated in the
Counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex,
Elgin, Lambton and Oxford. Essex and
Kent produce the greatest quantities Of
Dorn for husking, and Oxford -and Mid-
dlesex the greatest amount for the silo,
The market value of the Dorn Drop in
Essex and Kent, according to the latest
report, was $3,200,556 in 1007.
A passenger steamer was held up au
Lake Ede by a Oanadiaa Clastame offl.
car, and a warmth searcher, and a lot of
women from Leamington, Kingsville
and Pdlee Island were asked to pay
duties on goods bought by them in De.
troit during the excursion they were on.
One woman had three pairs of shoee and
a suit she was ?asking to smuggle over.
Altogether the donee oolleoted amount-
ed to $100.
A dairyman down in Michigan• found
tbat llis oows were returning him $40
per year for $28 worth of feed. He be-
gan to study the situation, which led
him to a obange of methods. More
palatable foods were provided, a silo
was built, he grew corn for fodder and
silage, and fed his cows regularly and
all they would eat. The omit of feed in-
creased the first year to $38,47, to $39
the next, and to $41 the last year, but
bis returns had also increaeed proper.
tiorietely ; $90 16 per cow the first year,
$92 70 the second year and $100 16 the
last year.
Signals of Distress
Wingham People Should Know How
to Read and Heal Them.
Siok kidneys give many signals of
The seorotions are dark, contain a
Passages are frequent, scanty, pain -
Backache is constant day and night.
Heahaohes and dizzy spells are fre-
The weakened kidneys need quick
Don't delay 1 Use a splendid kidney
Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick kid -
neve, baokaohes, and urivary disorders
Wingham evidence proves this state-
R. Leary of Minnie St., Wingham,
Ont., says; "My baok had been weak
and tender and a severe, grinding pain
would entail me across the kidney region
if I would stoop over or lift anything.
The kidney secretions had beoome un-
usually irregular and frequent• and the
urine was highly oolored and filled with
brick dust sediment. I had tried sever-
al different kidney remedies but found
none of them to benefit nee. I learned
of Booth's Kidney Pilie through an
advertisment and procuring a box at
Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmacy, I com-
moueed their nee. I was soon convin-
ced, however of their wonderful cura-
tive merits. My baok soon strengthen-
ed and the pains and tenderness left it.
Tho kidney seoretions were reduced to
normal and the urine cleared. Booth's
Kidney Pills are a fine and reliable re-
medy and I will always reoommend
them." Sold by dealers. Price 50
rents. Tho R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort
Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
1, Rise early, retire early and fill
your day with work.
2. Water and bread maintain life;
pure air and sunshine are indispensable
to health.
3. Frugality and sobriety form the
beat elixir of longevity.
4, Cleanliness prevents rust; the
best•oared-for machines last the
5. Enough sleep repairs waste and
strengthens; too muoh Bleep softens
and enfeebles,
6. To be sensibly dressed is to give
freedom to one's movement and enough
warmth to be proteoted from sudden
ohangee of temperature,
7. A clean and cheerful house makes
a happy home.
8. The mind is refreshed and invigor-
ated by distraotion and amusement;
but abuse of them leads to dissipation
and dissipation to viae.
9. Cheerfulness makes love of life
and love o1 life is half of health. On
the contrary, sadness and discourage-
ment hasten old age.
10. Do you gain your living 'by your
intelleot? Then do not allow your
arms and lege to grow stiff. Do you
earn your bread by your piok-axe? Do
not forget to outtivate your mind and
enlarge your thought.
The best Canadian wheat, the most
modern mills, and the most skilled
millers, all combine to give
oy i �iisehkFior
those baking qualities which make it
the choice of discriminating housewives
everywhere. Give Royal Household a
fair trial and you will never go back to
other brands. Your grocer will get it
for you if you insist.
i:iaiaa' biles Co., Limited, I :i'eaL
TENTY YEARS ADj Items from the "Times earlhe fyles.
Local History of
(From the TIMES of Nov. 15, 1889 )
The remains of a young man named
John Taylor, whose people live in
Howiok, arrived here from Denver,
Colorado, on Wednesday.
There died in Wingham, on Friday
last, Annie Maddox, wife of Mr. John
Martin, lately of Lucknow. Mrs. Mar-
tin had been sink for some months, and
was in her 44th year.
Mr. (Mattes being unable to comply
with the conditions, his purchase of the
chair factory was not completed, and
tenders were asked for it. On Wednes-
day the tenders were opened, and the
tender of Mr. Wm. Button, of Tees.
water, at $2,700, he assuming the mort-
gage of the town of $5,000, was accep-
The firm of Messrs, J. Brennan & Co.
dissolved by mutual consent, on Mon-
day last; Mr. John Brennan retiring,
In another column we chronicle the
death of Mrs, Alexander Walker. Dr.
Walker will be remembered by many in
Wingham, He taught the Lower
Wingham school with acceptance for
years, and afterwards studied his pro-
fession with Dr. Wm. Ridd, of this
Mr. Geo. McKenzie shipped a oar load
of bale hay to Toronto, on Tuesday, per
Considerable grain • in Doming into
Mr, Jas. Shaw shipped a oar load of
lambs to Black Rook, N.Y., on Friday
last, per G. T. R.
Lamont,— la Wingham, on the 8th
snot., the wife of Mr. Malcolm Lamont t.
a son.
Robertson,—In East Wawanoah, on
10th inst., Ohristian Robertson, daugh-
ter of Mr. Arohibald Roberton, aged 19
years and 9 months,
Martin.—In Wingham, on the 8th
inst., Annie Maddox, beloved wife of
Mr. John Martin, (late of Luoknow,)
aged 43 years and 9 months.
Tubercular deposits were discovered
by Dan Knapp, butcher for Scone beef -
ring, in one of the animals killed by
him this fall, Of course the diseased
meat was destroyed and the owner had
to supply another carcass. This is the
firet instance ile this locality of tuber-
oulosis being discovered by a beefring
butcher. Dr. Bone informs ne that
from 3 to 4 per cent. of the cattle slaugh-
tered at abattoirs are diseased, not in.
eluding the lumpjaw animals which are
not brought to the market. From 12 to
15 per Dent. of hogs are diseased. That
is almost enough to make a man a
Dowieite. There is a strong feeling in
Toronto for a city abattoire where all
animals for city consumption would be
slaughtered tinder inspection. Since the
exhibit of diseased meats at Toronto
Pair the abattoir trade in Toronto
Into increased fully one third,-Oheeley
Raw Furs and Skins
of all kinds of
We Guarantee Honest Assort-
ment, Highest Market Prices
and Quick returns.
Send for our 19094910 PRICE LIST
134 et 136 ric011I St., noatresi.
Have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption,
or ulcer, or eczemous patch which, hidden from the gaze of
others, yet causes you hours and hours of pain and incon-
venience 4 Piave you tried this, and that, and the other
remedy in vain, and are you feeling disheartened and dis-
is-couraged.7 If so read the following instances of Zam.•
Bak's Tiea1ing power, and apply it to your case:
"I had en ulcerated leg for several years. The ulcers spread all round the limb,
which was swollen to nearly twice its normal aizo. Several doctere treated me.
One enggested amputation. None did me any good, Zam-Buk healed the sores!"
So says Mrs. (Iilmour, of Princess St., Kingston. Or, read this t
" :tty mother tried many things for abscesses and eruption*, but in vain. In
gain -Bak she found a complete aura." So says Miss A. Coggin, of Wapella (Sask.).
.offerors from these Hidden Skin Troubles"
of any maitre
each experiences as this. Lam-I3uk is seen at its best when applied to cases Which
have defied ordinary treatment. Write for trial box, and teat it
it at our expense
Send this coupon
end 10 etam to
ZanW ttk co.. Tor-
onto, with tame of
this patter, free
trial bot will bet
hailed you,
Over and over again Zam-Buk has per-
formed a mired. of heating when applied to
sores and skin injuries which have refused
to heal under any other form of treatment.
Why not let it heal your trouble? Immedi-
ately Zam.l3uk is applied to a sore or wound
or diseased portion of flesh it commences its
orae 'n two directiong. It anoints the ex-
r+lr t nd its antiseptic properties prevent
any. +erms and bacilli from creating trouble.
n the lterbalessonces and juices so finely
purified and concentrated, penetrate the
subjacent layers and stimulate the weakened
or diseased cells to active, healthy operation.
These cells then put forth their " Building"
rodu t
and replace p o sce th
layer with fresh and healthy tissue.ouBy
degrees the whole diseased surface is thus
re laced by new healthy skin.
In this way Zam.Buk cures cots, b,srns,
bruises, ulcera, abscesses, itch, eczema
eruptions, pustules, scurry, Balt rheum,
bloodpoison, and other forms of skin trouble.
Zein-lituk alae cures piles, varicose ulcers,
eta. All druggists and stores sell at 60e per
box, or from Zara -Bak Co., Toronto, for
price. 6 boxes Ce.50.