HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-18, Page 5.;. �ianfieltUisid! rwear111 is what you require. Guaranteed a b s o lutely unshrirlkable. Your money back if a garment proves. other wise. Complete range in the different stock now. of sizes lines in Come and see them. McGee ra Ce►.m bell EAST W t WANOSl3. The young people of S. S„ No, 9, will hold an entertainment in the salmi room on Friday eveuiug, December 17th, commencing at 8 o'eloak, A good program of dialognee, readings, ranks - tions, duetts, quartettes, drills, etc„ is being prepared, and those who attend may be assured of a pleasant time. The pride of admission will be 15 cents (and 10 cents. Just the Medicine You Need. Your Dolor is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, In just one night you'll notice a differ- once, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better. Yon will gain in strength, have a clear com- plexion, experience the joy of robust health. To tone, purify and enliven the eiystem there is nothing like Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. 25 ots. at all dealers, SLYTS No postmaster appointment has been made yet, as enooeseor to the late D. B, McKinnon, Miss Fannie Mason is in charge assisted, by Miss B. Taylor, The young ladies attend to the work in tirat•olaes style. On October 14th, Allan Lindsay, who 'removed from Blyth nine years ago, ,died near Portage•la-Prairie. Last -month he and his family took typhoid lever. Mr. Lindsay passed away after a month's illness. The bereaved will be .sympathised with in their sorrow. The regular monthly Horse Fairs at Blyth will be resumed this season as in •the past. There will be five of them, .commencing Tuesday,, Nov. 30th, and continuing on January 4th; February slat; March. Let, and March 29th, the day being the Tuesday before the let Rriday in each month and two days before Brussels Fair. B1.1EIEVALE. Mr. Louie Blake Duff, of Welland, an old Blnevale boy, son of Mr. R. N. Duff, of this plane, is a candidate for the presidency of the Ontario Hookey As- sociation and will likely be elected to that plane by acclamation. Mr. Duff is now honorary president of the Western Football Association and has been first vioe•president of the Ontario Hockey Association in which he has always taken a deep interest. His many old friends here will be pleased to congratulate him on his election. JAMESTOWN. Mrs. Arch. Robertson, of Wingham, was visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days, Norman Mulligan and Henry Skinli are home again from the West, being out there since last Spring. They in- tend going baok again in the Spring. Miss Bella McMillan, of Hamilton, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Jessie Straohan, for two weeks. This was not Miss MoMillan's first visit to this local- ity and we hope to have the pleasure of welcoming her beak again. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. J. D. Miller, on Thursday, Nov. 25th, 'at 2.80 p. m. Mrs. J. Ontt will give a paper on "The evils of fault-finding" and Miss M, Snell will give a talk on' "bow to serve a dinner." These will no doubt be very interesting and a large attend- ance is requested. Frank Cherry, a wealthy farmer of Prince Albert, Sask., was arrested at the instance of his son, on the charge of neglecting to provide medical attend- ance for his little daughter, who is suffering from a badly fractured leg. Ayer9s STOPS FALLING' HAIR DESTROYS DANDRUFF m V g {.. r AN ELEGANT DRESSING MAKES HAIR GROW Ingredients: Sulphur. Glycerin. Guinin. Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. Ask your doctor if there is anything injurious here. Ask him also if there is not genuine merit here. Does n •Yt Color the Hair J. C. Ara:, ComrA!is, Low,+l1, Ttaxi. Issamemser atm TR ANSPORMAr'101VS SIVITCLIE 3 POMPADOURS CL isetoet'.O1DItLS COMING of Dorceiid OF TORONTO t • o well. known Hair Goods Artist, will visit Wingham at BRUNSWICK HOTEL riday, Nov. 26 During this visit he will be show• ing latest Parisian and New York styles. You aro particularly in- vited td tall, inspect and try one any of these creations, The E O.RENWEND SANI ARY PATENT TOUPEE The Dorsowend 05 Xb Co 103.1 For Gentlemen who are bald, ie n head ewer• ing, far superior in both style and durability to any other maunfaotured. At the present dap over 90,000 of these are in neo throughout Canada and the United States, (:all and halve free demonstration. 1 i TIM IYAN&lt&M; TRU% NOVEMBER 18 Iyu4 aux Laos, A wedding reception Tuesday after- noon of last week, at the home of Mrs. Fred Wooks, 2nd line, was in comma - den with the marriage of Miss Carrie Eirnewein, a sister of Mrs. Weeks, to Mr, John Favor, both of Formosa, Tile marriage took place in the R. 0 church, Formosa, Father Gehl oifioiating, • Mom, Township Connoil met at Ethel on Monday. There were 880 names attaohed to the Ta00al Option petition. Special servioes began at Roe's ohnroh last Sabbath. Mise Toombs, of Toronto, is assisting the pastor in these aervioee. Voter's Islet Court will not be held in the Township this year as no appeals were entered and the printed list bas been certified to by Jadge Doyle. _,Te Last week john Lowe and A, Bishop were away on a trip to Haldineand County. They expeoted to bring back a oar load of young cattle for axle by anotion. Dow to Gain In Weight. Yon know yon are too thin—yon eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, Dolor is bad, strength seems exhausted. It's not hard to get fat, Yon must eat more, digest more, exeroise more, Try Ferrozone and evatoh your appetite grow It turns all yon eat into nutriment and building material --fills your veins with riob, red blood—gives youambition and vigor. For a tissue badder, a fattening tonlo, one that restores permanently, there is nothing to compare with Ferrozone. Try it and see, 50 cis. at all dealers. B R 7SSELs. Brussels Oreamery may run all Win- ter if satisfactory arrangements can be made. 10 oars of sugar beets were loaded last week at Brussels station for Berlin faotory. The many friends of Druggist Fox will be sorry to hear that he is far from well and necessarily absent from his drug store. Mr. Deadman, who is well known to most of ne, will assist during his absence. Last week the Y. M. 0. A. took pos- session of the large room in the Post block, over J, J. Gilpin's shop, where they will make their headquarters for a while. The W. C. T. U., will also hold their meetings there. Entrance at front hall door. Are Your Children "Croupy?" This trouble is deadly—must be stop. ped quickly, nothing is so sure as the Nerviiine Treatment. Give it internal- ly, rub it on the throat and chest and then put on a Nerviline Porous fleeter. The marvelous power of Nerviline, both as a liniment and in Plaster form, will surprise yon. For sore throat, coughs, colds and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch., Large bottles 25 ots. eaoh, Nerviline Plasters same pride, at all dealers or N. C, Polson & 0o;, Kingston, Ont, eng firs sal No gag tea soh n has mel Bra sold effi his the him wet left eon had last Reim Man Mr, and who year Af Fran resid Ewa ,bon 2. EtigI Ostia Afte ridge Detr in th amon farm right politi era a thou daugh borne MORRIS. he trustees of S. S. No. 6 have re• aged Miss Carrie McCracken for the t 6 months of 1910 at an increase of ary. She will have to attend the mai next Fall, hence the short en• ement, Miss MoOraoken is a good ober and gets along. well in the col. x•Oonnoillor Arthur Shaw, 1st Iine, been appointed Treasurer of Morris nioipality as successor to T. R. ndon, who reoently resigned, having his farm, Mr. Shaw will make an dent and trustworthy official and aognaintanoe with the township and residents of it will be of value to . The salary is el00,00, est week Thos, and Mrs. Russell, 1 known residents of the 6th Iine, for an extended visit with their at Saginaw, Mich. The latter the miefortnne to , bury his wife Summer, so his mother will of. te as housekeeper while there. y old friends in Mortis will wish and. Mrs. Russell a 'pleasant stay a sate return to their old home re they have spent a good many 0. ter two years of failing health, cis Garnies, an old and respected ent of Morris, passed peacefully y on Thursday morning, Nov. 4th, t 4 o'oloek at his home, lot 12, can. Ile was born in Grimsby, Lincoln, and, Sept, 24, 1827, and Dame to da in 1854, settling in laesex Comity, r two years he was united in mar - to Miss Mary Alan Holloway in cit and removed to Morrie Township 0 same year. Mr. Gernies was g the first pioneers, settling on the on which he died. Re was an np ohristian man, a Methofist, and in es a Liberal. Beid eea five broth. nd one sister, there remain to rn his demise, his oged Wife, five tern And five eons, vizi—Mrs, Os. Algoma; Mrs, F. Brewer, bits. J, Remember—One Day only J. Sellers, John, Charles, Martin and Rneben, of Morris; William, Ida and • Lillian, at home. The fnnerai took O Toroutoy Limitedplace as Saturday, Nov, 6th, to 81ne�*lsie 1 cemetery', Thr; earflaps were oondtteted GE STREET by iter. Azdrewo, paster of deeeated, Scolt's Emulsion is a wonderful food -medi- cine for all ages of man- kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and well—will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter, FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this n,1. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Onilo's Sketch -Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Pouuy. SCOTT & tOWNE 126 Wellington Street, West Toronto, Ont Poreow ioir. Friends and neighbors were eurpriaed on Tuesday morning, Nov. Oth, to hear of the death of Mrs. Jas. Rowe at her home in Fordwioh, from pneumonia, which she contracted from a cold. It was thought she might recover, belt on Monday evening she was taken worse and in spite of all skill and love could do, she passed away. The deceased was born in West Gwillimbury town- ship, county of Situcoe, on May let, 1852, and was married to Mr. ,T, Rowe in 1873 After living in West Gwillim- bury for three years they moved to Toronto, where they resided for one year. In 1877 they moved to Fordwioh, where the family have airiest resided. Besides her bereaved husband Mrs. Rowe leaves to survive her two sons and five daughters. LISTOW EL. Evangelistic servioes have been held nightly during the last two weeks in Knox Church by the Rev, Morden, of St, Mary's. Large attendance hay met the efforts of the reverend gentle- man, who, in addition to being an ex• oellent speaker, has the happy faculty of being able to impress his audience with the force and truth of his words. Mesh good hat been derived from this series of serviceefrom all, appearances. One case was heard in the police (mnrt Saturday morning, when William Bell, charged with brutal wife•beating while intoxicated, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' hard labor in central prison, Bell is an old offender, and has been repeatedly fined, and in one oast) imprisoned for the same offence. Magistrate Terhune In passing judgment added a few words of good, wholesome advice, admonishing the con• victed to use liquor less freely on the expiration of his sentence. Why Liquid Catarrh Eemedlea Fail, They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat and entirely fail to Dare. Only by cleansing the air passages by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No oom• bination of Antiseptics is so successful as Oatarrhozone. In breathing it, you send the richest pine balsams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out. hoarseness, ooughiug and hacking are cured. For a permanent mere for catarrh, nothing equals Catarrhozone, 25 ate. and $L00 at all dealers, • Rev. Mr. Glaseford of Guelph has an- nonnoed his acceptance of the Field. Secretaryship of the Ontario Sunday School Association. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy and Mr. 0. U. Hays 95010 that they know nothing of the plans 01 the Toronto Terminal that us now applying for a charter at Ottawa Chief Jastioe Dubuc of Manitoba, who ie retiring. was presented with a chair by the Provincial Government, and with a portrait of himself by the Winnipeg leer. _.._ lletabli,hed 1879 FOR WHOOPING CGUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS, URONCHITIS, SORE ifaROAT, CATARRH. bIPHrlf:RzA Vaporized Crekolene mops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup cam not exist where f:reso)ene it used, 1t beta directly on nese and throat, tanking breathing easy to the Case of colds, soothes the sere throat and atopy the cough. kis a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Creso,etit is a powerful germicide, actingboth ase curative and a preventive itt contagious diseased. Creaolcae'k beat recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. Ler Sole by All Druggists pilosrta bkle Cresalbne Antiseptic Throat Tebiels, Mantle and rritated soothingthreat, forlOcthe. teeming, Miles •co., Limited, Agents, Mon. treat, Canada. toe Gdf SW hale DO YOUR SHARE. Have yon ever noticed, in pawing near the railway traoke how the Ioco- motives when running light, with no oars to impede • their progress, sewn to sell along so gracefully and so easily, and yet with mighty power which seems to say, "We have oot:gncred and will conquer." Dili you ever think that the same la true of human loco- motives? It is very easy for those who shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of soma one more will. Ing, to go around with a olzeerfal conn- tenanoe and light heart, and easily Dome out, apparently head In the vitae of life, I3at, after all, is eagle a char- acter to be admired? Is there not sentething far more admirable in the one who patiently bears his own bur. dens and probably part of some one oleo's, even thoagh the cloud of toil, sometimes not unmixed with anxious thought, may hang heavy upon hi brow. While we are prone to admire fetid envy the lighthearted and gay, who seem to have no troubles and no aux• iety, should we not remember that what one 'shirks, some one else has to do? Then, there is the engine which palls nothing bat empty cars. Many hang a bluff of being very busy, and of great service to humanity, but in reality, there is little in it. If their lives were to be extinguished, the world would miss them very little. All honor to the man who taking his share of the load, bravely plods onward, even though the smite may not `always be he evidence, A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR ALL CHILDREN. Baby's Own Tablets are absolutely safe, This medicine is as good for the new born babe as the well grown child. It contains no opiate or poisonone stuff. The mother who gives this medicine to her child has the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that these statements are true. This is worth something to every mother, for Baby's Own Tablets is the only medioine that is sold under such a guarantee, The Tablets mere snob ail- ments as indigestion, oolio, constipation, diarrhoea and teething troubles, destroy worms, breaks up colds and thus prevent deadly croup Sold by 'medicine deal. ers or by mail at 25 Dents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medioine Oo„ Brock- ville, Ont. THE CHRISTMAS BURDEN. This is the time when you ought to take thonght for the other man. Tho way to do it is not to take advantage of him. The matter of advantage is not obviously one of money, though it amounts to that in the long run, Hours of eervioe mean money ultimately to the individual, whether it shows in dollars or strength. Yon can serve your fellow man now by not taking undue advantage of him in the matter of time. When it comes to the rush days—and they are begin- ning now—it will be an easy matter to take advantage of a great many people, for nearly all of us serve, some one or some many. Don't overwork your em- ployees. Don't overwork the shop people. Don't throw useless burdens upon your friends or your servants. They will have enough to do. Be ,good-natur- ed. Be courteous. And remember that what you give now will help to make a merry Christmas for the other person. That thought ought to help make a merry one for yourself.—Tho Delinea• tor for December. A HAND SHAKE. Collier's Weekly recently had an ar- ticle on Senator Cox which contained the following very significant story of the first experience in ohnroh going at Peterborough. "The first Sunday in the neve town he went to the English ohnroh, for his people were Anglicans, and he had been bronght up in this faith, It was a very cold little chnrmb, but he was very lone• ly, and he went back again the next Sunday. Nobody took bim by the band and called bim brother or friend, or said he was glad to see him, and asked him his name and whom he was work- ing for; and how mnoh he was making. So the third Sunday night he carried bis loneliness to another church, the Methodist. The service may have seem- ed strange and article to him, but after it was over there was a oonple Of men to grip the boy by the hand and make him welcome and ask bim to come back, He came baok, and he has been going back ever since. Cox's adherence to the church of his father could have been bought for a handshake and a cheerful word; but it fell ont that °von this enrrenoy Wait scarce at the moment, and he panned into the Methodist fold whioh has hem fitted to the extent of howiand9 of ,.odors thereby" The lesson to be drawn from the above is quite eppetent and can be ap plied with excellent effect by more than ono church. Robert Wilson, G. T. it., engineer, was fired itt by some nnkttawn roan while -tanning his engine through Booth'It yard at OttaWA. ISARD'S FOR LADIES' COATS AND FURS We are busy selling COATS and FURS Reason ? Come and see. stock of Coats and Furs do you find Buell an assort- ment Buying in LARGE YOU KNOW we earry the largest Seldom outside of the Large city stores ment of READY•TO-WEA.R garments. QUANTITIES, we get the LOWEST PKICE, p CUSTOMERS get the benefit, buying the RIGILT (*00DS at CLOSE -CUT PRICES FURS. S Ladies' Coats. We are selling Furs of reliable quality. Every Far must be perfect in every detail to give proper satie. faction. The styles meet be those that Dame Fashion Dells correct. The fit and finish mast be perfection. SIIMIONIOmmoIWMOIpo BIG STOOK to choose from. In counting oar Coate for Ladies, Misses' and Children's wear, we found we had One Handfeed and Seventy•Flve Coats. This mean$ considerable selling. Our CLose, CUT PRICES are reducing the quantity daily. Move quick and get one. Ladies' Heavy Coats. See our Pony Cloth Coats, Lined throughout. Some at special prices .. $9.00 and $10.00 Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with Seycble Collar, Gond length. Broadcloth shell --a very warm add stylish Dont. Oar prices are and $25.00 Ladies' FtneLined Coats—All kinds in stock, at special prices. See oar Marmotfull Iength. 835.00 Rat Lined Coat—Fine quality Broadcloth ,shell ; deep Sable close ant price.. $50,00 1 $20,00 Lined post with Sable Collar; Price Ool1ar, regular sixty dollar coat our I INSPECTION INVITED. H. E. ISARD& .„,„s.�..----- 44444444444444444144044444 *444444444004♦444444444444 '► 4 ♦ JHanna's ; ,.._t.. : tit .ri,o. ; $ 4., 4.: I . 30Ladies' 4 On sale. In Blues, Blacks and Browns. ♦ • • Regular $5.5o to $6.5o.• Sale price, - $3 69. 4 4 4. WATCH FOR WINDOW DISPLAY-. 41 t• ♦ a • «: 20•Men's + 4 4• 4 On sale Regular $~2.00 to $r4 00. •4 • 4 • • Sale price, ea - $S.88. • •. s ♦ •i 25 Boys' Suits 4 • s + On sate. Regular ;K.ao to $5. rel • Sale price, Stire ewsi • • • s ▪ $3.39 MEN'S ODD • • • PANTS + ♦ • and + 4. 2 BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS I 4s • We give the best value for your Produce. e 4 i 4,.j +1• 4 4 4. Potatoes, Fowl, White Beans and all kinds Uf It Produce taken. irkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+RAitt, ,MAAAA +4 • M IHANNA &CO i PItON1: 70. .++++++++:+t+++.+44++++++++++