HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-18, Page 1THE WINGHAM. TIMES.
Farmers, Attention
Feed a good stock tonic now
and give your cattle a good start.
We are agents for
Give us a call. Bring along
your own recipes for Condition
Powder. We use only the best
drugs and mix them well.
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
One year ago, Mr. George
Wakeman was earningabout
$100 per year as farm aborer.
Now he is earning at the rate
of 8002 per year.
Six months' training at our
Business College made the dif-
ference. Was it a good invest-
ment? He thinks so. His
address is New Osgoode, Sask,
Four Courses :
Enter any time. Individual
= Write for particulars.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Purchased Ch
Mr. Chas. J. Rintoi
nosh, Me purchased
at the north end of
from Mr. Ohne, S. R
is possession. The
every day and Mr.
satisfaction to all p
pping Mill.
1, of East Wawa•
he chopping mill
Josephine street
ntoul and is now
mill will be run
intoul guarantees
rows of the mill.
Good general servant girl wanted,
Apply to Box A, Twee office.
Christie's Grocery
Golden Opinions of
Quality & Flavour
The catchy flavour of our Teas
have brought about splendid results,
just as we expected they would. Our
latest Blends have hit the mark, and
still greater sales are what we antici-
We're looking for YOUR tea business,
New Fruits, etc.
Don't leave your Fruit -baying till
the last. We advise /getting them
now. We bought tide best ou the
Dates Raisins Peels
Figs Currants Prunes
Mince Meat Shelled Nuts
Chinaware ?
Sewers fo
Kincardine Cons
mit a by-law to t
ary providing for
Kincardine, as th
has had its share
the Council is
means of putting
sanitary oonditio
both Wingham
payers carry the 1
At Christmas time there's always
a rush, and there isn't the same time
to pick and choose. Why not come
along now and get what you want
and put it away ?
We'll Save You Money
If You BUY NOW !
cil will likely sub.
ratepayers in Jann-
e, system of sewerage.
case in Wingham,
f typhoid fever and
ndeavoring to adopt
he town in a better
We hope to see
nd Kincardine rater
Beet family flour, "Gold Star" $2.75.
FRANK R. Howson'.
The Horn)
The Home Journ
women and is the b
zine of the kind
made arrangements
Wingham TIMES
women cannot affoi
journal as it is fill
It also has a deet
home life. The S
its new and enlari
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8.
"A Cra
Judging by the r
for the presentatio
Crazy Idea," by m
ham Y. M. 0, A., i
tomorrow (Friday)
be a large attendan
being held in the hal
is expected those tak
good account of the
footlights. As the
about two•and.a-hal
able to oommenoe s
patrons are requeste
possible. Doors ope
e Journal.
1 is a magazine for
at Canadian Maga-
ublished. We have
to give it with the
r $1.60. Canadian
to be without this
of news for them.
influence over the
ptember number in
ed form is not stir -
passed. Order at once with the TIMES,
DINNER SETS -97 pieces. $8.00
$10, $12. WORTTI MORE MON1'.Y.
TEA SETS -Fine China. $3.751 s;
TOILET SETS -10 pieces. From
At any rate, yott oome and be the
judge of these values for yearaelves,
Fon SALE. -A good serviceable mare
and oolt for sale. Apply to Taos, FELLS.
Ross Crane,
Ross Crane, the
next attraotion in
tainments, under
Westminster Gu
went 'will be h
House on Monday
29th. The admiesio
ha World -Herald s
Compound of wit
toonist, olaymodel
and philosopher -a
field." The admis
served seats at 35c
of hall will open
store at 2 o'oloc
h for reserved seats
of the drama, "A
bers of the Wing -
the opera hoose
vetting, there will
Rehearsals are
this week, and it
ng part will give a
selves before the
play will occupy
hours, it is desir-
rp at 8 o'olook, and
to be on time if
FoR SALE, -Hous: and furniture and
about % acres of and, and a stable.
Apply to GRIERSON Wingham.
he Cartoonist.
artoonist will be the
the series of enter -
the auspices of the
d. The entertain -
'id in the Opera
evening, November
is 25o. The Oma.
ye: -"Ross Crane I
d versatility -oar-
:. , pianist, humorist
. a master in every
ion is 25o., with re -
and 50o. The plan
at McKibbon's drug
p. m., on Monday
Killed on
The annual repos
railway oommissio
ing the year ending
persona were kille
injured on railway
proportions were:
26; injured, 227; e
injured, 769; other
injured, 205. Th
killed eighteen pass
47; the Grand Truu
injured 111; the
killed one and injar
P. R, killed 120 em
158; the Grand Tr
injured 269; the
killed seven and inj
Michigan Central
injured 142.
of the board of
re states that dur•
March 31st last, 438
, and 1,201 were
in Canada. The
Passengers killed,
ployee killed, 191;
arsons killed, 231;
Canadian Paoiflo
ngers and injured
killed three and
anadian Northern
d eight. The C.
oyes, and injured
nk killed 46 and
anadian Northern
red 170, and the
illed three and
SPECIAL BARG IN -Fine farm on
Bluevale road. = pply to Ritchie &
Local 0 •
The last day
local option petit
Nov. let, and as
coming municipal
164 municipalities
on local option.
vote on new by -la •
thirty-flve towns,
ated villages, maki
nine urban mun
will also take pl
WANTED -Young men to learn stove -
mounting; also a number of laboring
men. Highest wages paid. WESTERN
FOUNDRY Co., Wingham.
tion Votes.
or filing mandatory
one was on Monday,
result, at the forth-
leotions in January,
in Ontario will vote
he places that will
include two cities,
forty-two inoorpor-
g a total of seventy.
.ipalities. Contests
ce in eighty-five
Accident t
Mr. Wm. Sneet
L. H. & B. passen
accident on Mond
have resulted mor
running out from
and when near S
down the steps an
while it was go
Some of the passe
notified the crew
stopped. It was f
had sustained a
was otherwise bra
A St. Marys phys
injuries, putting
his head. He are
ing train, and it
days before he w
his position. It
injuries were not
Death of M
On Thursday mor
of Mrs. John Meek
occurred at the fa
ham street. Mrs.
sufferer for several
death was unexp
name was Minnie
before her mania
towel. Deceased
Methodist ohuroh
esteemed. Besid
leaves two small o
have the sympath
--Kincardine Repo
a cousin of the edit
ing last the death
m, aged 43 years,
ily residence, Dnr-
soklem had been a
onths past but her
oted. Her maiden
Amy and she was,
, a resident of Lis.
as a member of the
and a woman highly
the husband she
Idren, all o1 whom
of the community,
ter. Deceased was
r of the TIMES.
Investigate and
Art covering in
Prof. Dorenwend'
now worn on eve
olasen in all stat
particular :strnctu
perfect; m light a
adjusted to the
just M your own
man look ten yea
prOteOtion you ge
Neuralgia, etc.
the Brunswick 1f'
bei 26th.
, brakeman on the
er train, met with an
whioh might easily
seriously. He was
ndon to Stratford,
Marys he slipped
fell from the train
ng around a curve.
gers saw him fall and
and the train was
and that Mr. Sneath
ad scalp wound and
ed about the body.
Ian attended to his
number of stitches in
ed home on the even.
11 probably be a few
be able to resume
a fortunate that his
ore serious.
Voters' list coo
Council Chamber o1
with Judge Doyle p
number of appeals
about two hours,
were added to the 1
were struck off, Th
of other changes
names from one wart
ist Court.
was held in the
Monday afternoon
eliding, The large
ere disposed of in
Sixtyfive names
t and fifty-three
re were a number
ade, transferring
to another.
To RENT -A good seven -roomed house
in good locality. Apply at TIMES office.
Mr. Jas. Anderson,
this week purchase
win's 150•sore farm,
6111 concession of M
son will move his fa
Mr, Irwin is takin
house in town, but
trip to the West i
Irwin will hold an an
and implements on M
f this town, has
Mr. Samuel Ir.
ing lot 6, in the
ris. Mr. Ander-
ily to the farm.
Mr. Anderson's
nrposes taking a
the spring. Mr.
tion bale of stook
nday, Nov.. 29th.
Storm Jute horse blanket, guaran-
teed, at $1.75 is the beet value in Wing -
ham. Get one at Tilos. KEW'S.
Women's In
The regular monthl
Wingham branch of
Institute will be hel
hall 01I Thursday,INov
Subjeots for discussion
1 cod vain() and how to
J. W. Billie; "Oonrtes
ners in the home," by
In Addition it will be
or not a delegate will b
convention. Ladies.00r
(Mrs ) M. I. Gill
WANTED. -A good servant girl wanted
by Mrs. (Dr.) P. Macdonald. Apply by
letter to 854 Richmond street, London.
Good wages will be paid.
Rural Tele
Last week at God
known as the Gode
Company was pro
This company expel
Colborne, Ashfiel
Wawanosh, Hallel
ships. Huron Doli
share of rural t
companies operati
Wingham, Clint
Brussels, Wroxet
North Huron Tel
very successful se
phone on this co
operation on the
now there are six
lines with conneo
vale, Belgrave,
Augustine. Man
built next seaso
years nearly all t
trict will have tel
ho are Bald,
see for yourself the
ige and Toupees.
Patent Toupees are
90,000 heads by all
OM of life. In this
o the ventilation in
a feather; is securely
cad; can be combed
hair; they make any
younger, besides the
from Catarrh, 'Colds,
all and see them at
tel on Friday, Novem-
meeting of the
the Women's
in the C. 0. F.
25th, at 2.30 p.m.
-"Apples: Their
repare," by Mrs.
and good man-
ta. W. J. Carrie.
ieoided whether
sent to Guelph
ally invited to
hone Co.
rich what is to be
ich Rural Telephone
isionally organized.
its to operate lines in
, East and Weet
t and Goderioh town-
nty will have her full
lephone lines, with
g out of Goderich,
, Seeforth, Zurich,
r and Gerrie. The
phone Co. has had a
son. The first tele-
any's lines was in
t of September and
subscribers on the
on at Belmore, Blue-
hitechurch and St.
new linea will be
and before many
farmers in this die.
spie, Satre ary.
Fon SALE. -Two olive one a fresh
miloh oow. Also ontehorse-a three-
year-old driver. H. E. IseRD & Co.
We oall.speoial attention this week
to our excellent clubbing offers 'with
the leading newspapers and periodi-
cals, a list of which will be found on
page 3, As an inducement to new
rubsoribers, we will give the TIMES
with any of the large weekly papers,
from now until January, 1911, at the
yearly rate quoted. Send your orders
to the Tines office.
Post Office
Papers wanted
Amount, $
Death of
Mr. George H, 1
Mr. George H. Pe
of the Pedlar Peop
awe, died Mondn
General Hospital ii
monis. Deceased
years of age, leaves
child. His parent
survive. He was
glioan Church, a
Conservative. D
of Mr. W. R. Gi
Mr. and Mrs. Ge
for Oshawa to alt
Lighting PI t Paying,
The Wingham eleo io light 'plant is
having a very sucoe sful year. The
debenture on the pus hese price of the
plant came due on Tuesday and the
debenture for the i provements made
last year will be duo on December let,
and after providing or all expenses for
the year these two debentures will be
paid in full. This i a good showing for
the ten months rev nue. The depart.
ment should show good balance at the
end of the year.
glove and mitt
leather geode.
prides paid. P
Wingham Tanne
girls, to learn the
eking, and work on
11 new linea; Rood
er free. Apply at
An Insp
The beautiful
among the enbso
Herald and Week y Star," of Mon
wins the admlrat on of all wh
It is so vastly sup 'um pan. d
ring Picture,
Before buying your horse blankets
and robes mall and see our large stock.
Prices down to rook bottom.
ioturo, "The Soul's
w being distributed
hers to the "Family
ee it.
erent to
, that one
the ordinary pre
wonders how th
great weekly pap
free with a year'
Soul's Awakenin
all ready for fro
place on the wall
Dominion. Any
Will be much the
sent now for a y
'Family Herald
Montreal, will b
picture free.
crowd ahead of
an enormous d
mean missing t
pub • . ere of that
oan afford to give it
aubeoription. "The
' is 19 by 24 inches,
ng and fit to 000npy a
of any home in the
oma possessing a copy
etter for it. A. dollar
ar's snbaoription to the
and Weekly Star," of
ing you a copy of the
o not wait until the
on is too big. There is
mend, and delay may
in great treat.
Help to Wid
During the pe
money has been r
nese men and t
factories whioh w
of Mrs. Clark an
children. Mayor
Spotton solicited
the business me
the Salvation Ar
able sum, The
the bank and no
months as requ-
not slow in doin
deserving case.
w and Family.
week ooneiderable
iced from the busi.
e workmen in the
11 be used in support
her family of six
Gregory and Coons.
he subscriptions from
and the members of
y seoured a oonsider-
oney will be planed in
d during the winter
ed. Winghamites are
the right thing in a
r. Pedlar.
edlar, only son of
lar, sen., President
e, Limited, of Osh-
morning at the
Toronto, of pneu-
who was thirty-six
a widow and one
and two sisters also
member of the An.
d in politics was a
ceased was a brother
tie of this town, and
tie left on Tuesday
nd the funeral.
You CAN'T BE HAPPY if your feet ache.
Dr. Reed's Cnehion Shoe is the easiest
shoe on earth. See them at
Olympia Lad
The Olympia
the first of a eerie
ringed for by th
appeared in St.
Wednesday eveni
were greeted by
thoroughly enjo
gram rendered,
which were ren
a treat not often
audience, the vo
blending beautifu
was perfeot. Mis
also won great pr
have every reaso
on the sncoess of
The foliowin
Man., Register o
marriage of a for
ham young ma
guests including
and Neepawa alt
which took plan
Wm, Keating,
Nov. 10th, when
was united in in
Robertson, of N
of Silver Creek,
wore a princess
trimmed with
She wore a wre
and carried a bo
lilies of the vel
by Miss Louise
wore a princess
and carried a b
oarnationa. T
by Mr. Harry
After oongratul
feast, the happy
The bride's go
blew( satin of
peoially handao
the bride being
with pearie; to
set in pearls; t
pin sot in pearl
bar pin set in p
trip, Mr. and
tendered a 'rem
Mr. T. 0. Rob
es' Quartette.
adies' Quartette, in
of five concerts ar-
Westminster Guild,
ndrews' Church on
g of last week. They
large audience who
ed the excellent pro -
The plantation songs,
red in costume, were
njoyed by a Wingham
nes of the quartette
ly, while the harmony
Brown as a violinist
ise. Those in charge
to be congratulated
he first concert of the
The Physical Tra ning Institute, held
in Stratford Y, M. 0. A. last Friday,
was attended by a good representation
of the counties of Huroa and Bruce
and a most into ' ting and profitable
day's discussion is sported, The main
theme of the de • s. program was the
various forme of •,ysieal exeroises and
games that can be arried on in a large
room without t,: use of gymnastio
apparatus. Each one who attended,
took away with , im a good stock 01
ideas and snggeeti ; ns and a good list of
physical aotivitiewhioh they will try
to work out in the physical departments
of the local assooi. tions during the com-
ing winter. It is xpeoted that similar
institutes will be held later on for the
Religions, Educe tonal and Social de-
partments of the ' ork.
The work done •y the Huron Oonnty
Y. M. 0. A. fro.. the 1st of January to
the let of Nove...er is given as follows:
1,-A Boys' D:partment of 22 mem-
bers in Wingha•. put upon a working
2.-A new As:ooiation organized in
3-A most s•ooeseful convention in
Wingham, atten.ed by 62 County delta
in the West.
from the Neepawa,
Nov. lith refers to the
er well-known Wing.
:-"More than fifty
elatives from Glendale
ded a pretty wedding
at the home of Mr,
sash, on Wednesday
is daughter, Margaret,
rriage to Mr. Jas. G.
pawn, Rev. Mr. King,
officiating. The bride
dress of silk and net
pplique and ribbon,
h of orange blossoms
net of white roses and
y. She was attended
nee, of Minnedosa, who
rens of white silk mull,
net of pink roses and
groom was supported
edges, of Mikado, Sask.
tions and the wedding
pair left for Winnipeg.
ng away dress waa of
h. The gifts were es
e, that of the groom to
handsome bracelet set
he bridesmaid, a brooch
the groomsman a tie
and to the organist, a
aria, On their return
re. Robertson will be
ption at the home of
rtson, 2 miles south of
To RENT. Two story briok house,
eight rooms, pure hard water and soft
water. Apply to GED. MCKENZIE.
Rolled Oats, Standard Oatmeal, Cream
of Wheat, etc. FRANK R. HowsoN.
Wingham Ho
At a recent meetit
of the Wingham H
officers were electd
year: -President, R
dent, L. W. Hanf
Vanstone; Treaties'
Committees were a
-Property-W. H.
son, V,S., Wm.
W. Hanson, Dr. K
I+'inanoe-L. W.
Redmond, Dr. A.
tion was nnanimon
ing the hearty than
the Superintendent
the faithful and
which they have di
duties devolving n
trying period throe
just passed.
4.-$1,600 to
of $1,800 raised
5.-85 week-ni
ducted by the y
with average atte
6.-18 Sunday
sacred song, wit
7.-17 young
at leading Bible
8.-29 Evangeli
rd this year's budget
ht Bible Classes, con -
ung men themselves,
dance of 19.
fternoon meetings of
an average of 226
en have made a start
,ic meetings, with an
average of 226 pr; sent.
9 -35 men and boys deoided to begin
the Christian life.
10.-40 young
personal evangeli
11.-42 eduoat
bates, practical
councils, eduoat
average of 24.
12,-24 special
toasts and parlor
of 30.
13.-42 physioa
taking part.
14.-2 athletic
tries respectively
15 -9 public
chiefly Y. M. 0.
220 present.
16.-16 attend
Camp in July.
17. -Up to dat
homes in Huron
lowed by oorresp
a practical way i
have gone as etre
ital Board.
of the Directors
pital the following
for the ensuing
{ Clegg; Vioe•Presi-
n; Secretary, R.
r, Dr. A. J. Irwin.
pointed as follows:
Green, John Wil-
essant. House -L.
nnedy, R. Vanstone.
anson, Dr. R. 0.
Irwin. A resole.-
ly adopted, extend-
s of the Board to
and her staff for
ffioient manner in
charged the onerous
on them during the
th which they have
RUBBERS for Men, Women and Chil-
dren, in every wanted style, size and
width. W. 3', GREER.
Death of Mr
The death took pl
Sunday afternoon I
relict of the late
after about two
fever. The demote
ter of Mr. John St
she was born in Ea
her marriage to
moved West and
years. Mr. Robin
nine years ago.
large oirole of fri
deep regret•of he
a particularly sad
son, Leonard, ni
winless, the sym
as will her three el
The brothers and
Stein, Aahfield ;
James Stein, of Sal
Stein, of North Da
of liiucardine; M
of East Wawano
Mrs. Jas, Pardon,
The funeral too
afternoon from th
Rantoul In Bast W
ham cemetery.
en are committed to
nal evenings at de-
alks, mock municipal
e addresses, with an
, Robinson.
ce in Wingham on
et of Annie Stein,
Charles Robinson,
weeks illness with
d lady was a (laugh -
in of this town and
t Wawanosh. After
Mr. Robinson they
ivod there for some
on passed away some
re. Robinson had a
nds who heard with
death. Her death is
ne as aha leaves one
years of age, who
thy of many friends,
tere and six brothers.
ieters are :-Andrew
Albert, Robert and
tatohewan; William
ota, and John Stein,
. Ohas. J. Rintoul,
h; Mrs. Wm. and
if West Wawanosh.
place on Tnosdey
residence of Mr.
anosh to the Wing -
evenings at banquets,
ames, with an average
events; average of 22
meets; 36 and 38 en-
ntertainments, talent
, ; with an average of
d the 10.days Boys'
60 young men leaving
county have been fol-
ndence and helped in
places to which they
DAINTY MODE is the name of the best
light Rubber for Ladies and Gents.
See them at W. J. GREER'S
The Presbytery o1
at Walton on Thurs
when Rev. R. A. L
ted as pastor of the'
The Presbyterial
North Kinloss, Be
have been united nr
will offer a salary o1
the charge being no
Rev. J. J. Hastie
Belgrave Presbyter
anied by Mrs. Hest
Canada from Austr
Vancouver, B. 0.
Maitland will meet
ay, December 2nd,
tndy will be induo-
Pelton Presbyterian
congregations of
vie and Riversdale
er one charge and
$1,000 to a pastor,
formerly pastor of
,n Church, aocomp-
e,have returned to
iia and are now in
yon well, look well and wear
well, are the best in the end.
They cost no more than the
other kind, if you go to the
right place for them. Wo
have a tine stock of
in Tweeds, Worsteds and
Cheviots, and we make them
up in the latest styles and
use the best trimmings.
The Cold
is near, and an OVERCOAT
is a necessity. Come in and
see our Meltons, Cheviots,
Beavers and 'Friezes. Yon
will look dressy in one of
our make.
may be had from us in Fur
Caps, Fur Co11aes and Neck
Scarfs. The prices are an
The Balance
of our Men's Furnishings
must go -Bats, Caps, Shirts,
Collars, Ties, etc.
Miss Sperling
And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
garten, Pupils prepared for Oonserva-
tory exams., both in Theory and Plano,
For information as to rates, tuition,
oto., apply at her home, Minnie street.
Rev. E. A. Fear, .f Exeter, conducted
the services in the '+ ethodist Church on
Sunday and pre.ahed two excellent
sermons. Rev. D . Rutledge took Mr.
Fear's pulpit wor- at Exeter.
Anniversary s .rvioes in conneotion
with the Wingh.m Methodist Church
will be held on .nnday and Monday,
December lith : nd Gth. Rev, J. R.
Gandy, D. D., o. St. Thomas, a former
pastor, will be he preacher for the
occasion, and o Monday evening a
supper and enter= inment will be held.
Rev. II. R. H . ne, Sooretary of the
Upper Canada I' ligione Tract and
Book Sooiety, Qom .led the pulpit of St
Andrew's Church ,n Sunday evening,
Mr. Borne gave a ery interesting talk
oa the good wor , being done by this
society among the sailors and lumber-
men. He solicit;d contributions for
this very worthy ork.
The Leading Shoe Store
Night Classes.
Ambitions young people who wish to
"learn while they earn," mey do so by
attending night cisme at the Wingham
Business College, Bach student is in
atrncted privately' by painstaking, em-
pathetic teachere. You may enter no
matter what your education. Ask for
information, Phones 104 and 86.
U -lW - f1
:•'-'•-r''''''- :
For " Shoes of Quality," Madam,
turn your feet this way.
We go to the Best Makers of Wo-
men's Shoes and select the HEST
Shoes they know how to,, u1')ke.
We offer our trade all the new
creations, as last as they ate mmenu-
$2,50, $3.00, $3,50 or $4.00
Same prices you have heard before
but not the same Shoes or Shoe
Quality you have met with before,
For Dress Functions, we have
'ries, Pumps, Strap Sandals, Slip.
pars, etc. --S1.75, .3, v3.60 to $3,00.
Handsomest and daintiest models
that ever dressed a Woman's foot.
Bat come, tee, Madain-con.,, see!
Bole ream: Salter ma Trio, fun Um. for
Mtn, Hagar nna w5, pies,
'Shoed fee Women.