HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-11, Page 8I THINK THIS OVER NE'tiBitit TiIII:TEEN. A gentleman from. t, Seel:ate:Iowlan town woe neem:!;' on a business tvir) to 'retont+a, and in reintaay with to Toron- to friend, went otit to make some 9131311 purchhsee ot grersottal nies'eities. The Torontot.inn Esr{;fieetcd that while in the city the W t;,7t•+rne:e should m alta ltargow Wad more elaborate purehac,en, in fact should rU.. )Iy hill ueede for eeme time to —Gay Brea Minstrels (grew a large Come. The Westerner refused empheat• crowd to the Wioahnm opera house on scally to buy more than oulliefant for his irnturtlirate needs. IID said they 11ad merchants in his home town who had been inciuoed to invest capital by the prospect for local busintse; teat he himself Was holding a posiiian there (in an a dneetio^al institution) that wno made possible only by the settling in the iv -mediate vicinity of a number of bnsiuese men and, firinera, and that he 'would be unjest t•) the iateroats of his neighbors, hie town and himceilt, unless he confined his !minimises, ail far as possible, to his own locality. If that is tin, 'Western spirit, it is not difiloult to ncee rstand the phenomenal growth of the c:u";tr, and the ontbnsi- tom the Westeruore feel for their towns. It is refreshing to hear one of them ex- patiate on the !write of hie piece of red. demo. Possibly wo have not heard the. name before, for they are making towns rapidly out that way jest now; but we ;shall not he likely to forget it in the future, after listening to this rapid fire eloquence and seeing his infeoticns en- thusla,m. Yon can smile at him volubil- ity, but we can tell you, friends, that in the intense local eatriotiem of the Wset• erners lies the secret of the country's marvelioue growth and preeperity. What a change there would be in WinaLam of all our citizens were im- bued with a similar spirit. How the place wonld thrive if all the residents of gingham would take as much inter- eet in the welfare of our town as that Westerner does in his. But as a matter ot foot what do we find? I; in net only that many Wingham people spend money when away from brume for things they might have obtained here before leaving, but they deliberately defer supplying their wants until they go away. Some indeed send their money by mail and receive the goods by ex• press, under the mistaken impression that theycan save a few cents by s0 do ing. How our Westerner would soorn tt-•A little sou of Mr, F. W. Angus NOTI was somewhat injured the other day by I the explosion of a "fog signal" which he found on the railwaytrackNotice is bei(a,y elven , holt. pursuant, L —Thee.as Darwin aerod awayay at his bouuo in Settforrh on Monday. He had reached the great ago of 100 years, two ruonths ontl two data, and up to a short the full f all t ! 60 n po aloe o s s time ego bald his faculties. lit n11rue, for :lien, Women and 01111 dren ln• every wanted style, size and Cleric rf Avt by His Honour the County 1 t. (' , of the Dunt. (, Y 11 tax t( tlo l at the Town of Wit the 1 n dao oY 1Voretnbta (. e !Deli, noon, to hear never •1 earn plaints or err(ai the Voters List of the 011 1,a t O for l.. ( AA persons having bu a rti f it ad to att. red at the imt(d, Win glum. P. nye width, W.1 GREER. 1.'riloy evenitlg last. The show woo a very good one, but hardly up to hot year. ?4r. Cory Baer, a former Wing - ham young man, tools his part well as one of the end men aid playing the part at the old lady in the concluding act. —At the repent graduation exeroiso1 eft Grace Hospital, Toronto, wo note that a prize was. awarded by the Super- intendent et the Hospital, to Mies Jean Wilson, of Wingham, for profiolency, obtaining in her second -year examina- tion 100 per cent in seine subjeets. Miss \ytleon is to be congratulated on her success. .—The Toronto News has attained a first position among Canadian daily newspapers, through ito extensive newo cervine, interesting cartoono and sauc editorial comment. Tho TINES has sac• ceeded in closing a clubbing arrange- ment with The News, under which the two papero may be procured by sub• scribers to the TIMES, for one year for $2.130. such sordid parsimony. Now, ie it not possible for each ono of us to emulate that spirit of solidarity— that wholesome loyalty to our own people, to our town cared to ourselves? Can wo not Dee that in so doing we will not only help onr neighbors but will materially help ourselves. It would en- large our business and our social life. It would oleo increase our self-respect, It is a mistake to think you save any- thing nything by acting in a contrary way. As a matter of fact you, can supply your needs in Wingham just as economically as in any place in Canada, even in the large places where it coasts more to do buoinese, ,where taxes ate greater and where the core of living in higher, with consequent higher prices for labor and help of all kindo. Let us get together and see if we can- not give Wingham a new impetus. It would mean a new expansion to oar town if each individual member of the oomnaanity would resolve to henceforth do all his or her shopping right here in Wingham. For twenty lour years Bapo-Croeolono liar been extensively use(: fir all form, of throat and bronchial trouhlos. All Druggists. --The advertising Department of the Grand Trunk Railway System are now in receipt of complete figures as to the general attendance at the Alaska -Yukon - Pacific Exposition at Seattle the peat summer. Tho total number of people who visited the Grand Trunk building was 205,527. The exhibit is now on its way to Oanada and the Oompany are preparing their plans and exhibit for the International Exhibition at Brussels which will be held next year. The Grand Trunk will erect a handsome building at this exhibition which will be equal to any they have constructed for the exhibitions in the pr -et, MINOR LOCALS. PERSONAL. • TUJ1 WINO -1114M. TIMI S, NOVEMBER 11, 1409 ti ''Vit a C'rnrt will 1)o fano 1 ut.,rs' Li+t dge or the (.'runty n, (t tl ( i tee 'gown hum, on Monday, l909, at rho hoar of nit determine the •) and omissions in dcipality of Wing. less at the ( oaxt are aid time and mace. tlam 4th, 1909. IB I'1:ti11r.ON, Tawix of Wingham. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. r otice is hereby given pursuant to 11.240. 18:`7, Chap. 129, tiro ;is, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Patrick Troy, Into ret the Township of Kinloss, in the County of ru t e, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of .luly, A... 1). 409. are required to tend by post prepaid or to deliver to 11. v oostonc, :solicitor for the Executors, on or before the lst day of ()eceulbor, A.b.1909, their 22(2x45, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their (•laims end tho n,(tna•e of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the I;xecntor;a will proceed to distribute the asr,:..ts of the deceased among the parties en - 'Utica thereto, having regard only to the claims of which thcv shall then have notice. Dated this 2nd day of November, Alt 1309. K VANc4TONE, Winghatn P. 0. Solicitor for Executors, E. SMITH BANKER wax GIIADIC, • OI4TARIO. Farunees who want money to bey horses, cattle, or hogitto feed for market, eau have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoountod for tradesmen, mer- chants er ai.;ente, on favorable terms, Loans on real estate at the lowest rano going. Miss May Moore is visiting with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. R. Vanstone was is Toronto for two days this week. Dr. P. Macdonald, of London was calling ou Windham friends on Wo..- nesday. Mr. Gurney of Elora was visiting for a few days with his syn, Mr. W. H. Gurney, Dr. T. Chisholm, 11I. P,, left this week to be present at the opening of Parlia- ment, which takes place to -day. Mrs. Ohms. Ewing and little son, Don- ald, of Goderieh, were visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. A. J. Malcolm. Mr. T. Hall, editor of the Advance, accompanied by Mrs. Hall, will leave shortly to spend several months with their son in California. The trip is being made in the hope of benefitting Mrs. Hall's health, which has not been very good of late. The Times joins with their many friends in wishing them a pleasant sojourn in the land of fruit, flowers and sunshine, and treats that the object of the visit may, be fully accomplished. —Thursday, November 11. —Listowel milkmen have raised the price of milk to 24c per gallon, --Quiet in town these days. Farmers are busy with the apples and mote. —Division Court will be held in Wingham on Thursday of next week. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, 0. O. F., on Friday evening of this week. —The regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Monday evening. —His Majeoty King Edward 'tiII, celebrated his sixty-eighth birthday on Wednesday. Long live the King! —Deliver your old fowl ate G. T. R. station early on Friday. V. x"Z. Van - h otman is shipping a car load that day. —Wingham is again almost tree from aorione illness. We wish all those who are still conflbed to their homes a speedy and complete recovery. --"A Crazy Idea" in the Winghatn opera house next Friday evening. 'plan of hall opens at McKibbon's drug store on Monday afternoon. —The customs collections at Goderlch have its ontports shown a substan- tial ineroz'x^e so far this year over last. For tho month Jost past, as compar- ed with October DOS, the inorease is exceptionally large. The figures are: October, 1005, $8,251.40; October, 100% $8;621 61. —.The Robson Mercantile Co. make the announcement in our advertising oolulmns that they purpose leaving Wlttgham betore Christmas and Will hold !t big clearing sale, commencing on Tsz' Idly. There will be sa+ring prloes ou dry goods, clothing, gents' furnish - t C. N. Grirfin GENERAL AGENT iHSUARB Ft RE LIFE AcccIr'nor PLATE GLASS WEATHER WEAT Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Maleolm's Grocery. BOHti. SPOTroN.—Ill Windham, on October 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spotton; a daughter. Gaovi2s.—In Winglxam, on the Gth inst., to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Groves; a daughter. MoEAy,—In Teeswater, on Nov, Ord, to Mr. and bars. Adam McKay: adaughter, MoseROCE.--In Wroxeter, on October 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mogrove; a daughter. DLARBILID LANK AN—Melir:Vso.) —At the Church of the Sacred Heart, Wingham, on the 27th ult., by Rev. Father Laurendeau, Mi83 Mary K., daughter of Mrs. John McKinnon, of Turn - berry, to Mr. Walter John Lannan, of Godo• rich. DIED Howr.—In Cuirass, on October 25th, Mrs. John Howe, aged 09 years. G AR1ite:s.--In Morris, on the 4th inst, Francis Caarniss, aged 82 years,1 month and 12 days. Moitonn. — In Erus1els, on October 31st Harry Mercer, formerly of Wingham, aged 34 years. TEACHER WTED. Teacher for H. to. 8, East Wawonosh, Huron county, sec rl•rlass professional pre- ferred: duties to commeneo January 3rd, 1910. Apply, stating salary and exppe rience, to J. W. ,BONE, Marnoch, Ont. CATTLE ESTRAY. Strayed from the premises of the nn. dersigned, about October 15th, one Red Yearling Steer and one Red Yearling Heifer. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received by W, J. HENDERSON, Box 55, Winghana (Junction). CLOVER THRESHERS. DO YOUR CEEANING with the VACUUM CLEAN Cleans carpet on the floors, and will also clean thoroughly, mattresses, curtains, upholster- ed furniture, etc., with very little or no labor. Ask about it at O. SHER I' & CO.'s HARDWARE. Phone 16. WaIeL1_ FarmerV. The undersigned has purchased a plover threshing otitilt and renal gists farmers having plover to thresh to send in their names and addresses at onoe. T. W. rIOIKELL, Box 806, Wingham, Ont. l alt; "' : ' "i" ' " 'i" ' ' To come and make arrangements for de- livering your cull apples, the price is 25c and 3oc, get your name on the list of those who will bring them in when you can't do anything else. Having se- cured a warmer work- room we will peel them all. BROWN & WILFORD i9 3'++++3'3!4eirl !seek t3'3:3±felolrH33;3x3' 4- 3• IRoyal Grocery I 3. 3. 4. 4. to Having enlarged our store we are now in a position to display our GOODS and our custom- ers will always find that we keep nothing but the I best on our shelves. tion paid " 1 attention Specla to our TEAS, COFFEES and GROCERIES. 3' J. Malcolm Phone 54. Produce Wanted. KING'S FOR BARGAINS ! WE WANT TOUR TRADE KING'S Waragkkiarn,°s Fur Store The largest and best range of Furs ever shown in Wingham-- p eople coning forger disterces every day to see these goods—to Sent' is to 131117. GENTS'—The best $50 Coon Coat in town—come in and see it—a complete range of' Calf, Deg and Wallaby Coats in stock, LADIES'—I+ur•Lined Coats, Fur Coats, Cloth Coats with Fur Collar, Ruffs. Muffs, Stoles, etc., in abundance ---all from the best waiters. • inderwear An excellent range in the best brands. Watson's for worsen and child- ren is unexcelled „..0•%°314" UNDERWEAR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS—Another shipment of this line just to hand and they ate beauties. Call and inspect I them, WANTED—Large quantities Roll Butter 24c, Fresh Eggs 30c, Dried Apples 6c, and any quantity White Beans and Feathers. We want large quantities dry picked Fowl of all kinds, highest prices—No. 1 Turkeys 15e. GOOD GOODS axe. Mira ()HEAP PRICES z;lbsoowe ac anoirsoowiQ0ffir iooiot0 aseeeeeaapas eea•aeaseaeaes a.r HIGH-CLASS GOODS •• In the following seasonable lines, at very. reasonable prices, • p 3 ou are cordially invited to visit D. M. Gordon's store. Take • te u .1. to :... the goods rernfn11ir nein well the prices, seri . - • • • • • pCloth and Fur Coats e co and all other fur wraps, Wool Shawls, Neck Scarfs, Toques, a • ta Mitts, Gloves, Fur Gauntlets. 0 69 Penman's and Watson's Fine Underwear. e They are the best. R it we mill be satisfied with the result. teNewest and Most Stylish Dress Goods gy in all the popular shadcs. Men's Overcoats and Fur Coats. so Look for quality and prices right here. o 61 Rubbers and Overshoes. A g Best of Underwear V) In light, medium and heavy. Lots in o o and boys. • Everything in Groceries fresh, new and' the best. • a We want your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. Present price s • for apples 6xc per ib. fa • : M. GORDONJ 80114040,00900•11•0e0ISSS$00 Seeewct••sro•••00141•64111•00 • • 0 • • every size for girls e • • STOCK FOR SALE. Clearview stock of Herefords and Shrop' shires are offered for sale, consisting of 0220 yearlinglbull, hear ram ofeLloyf choice Jones breed- ing, and a number of ram la H sT, riesPERright., t. UE Wingham P. O. CENRAL STRATFORD, :Senna.. Has the reputation of being the best praotioal training sohool in Canada. Thorough coarses have prodttoed re. stilts. Business men say our gradu- ates are the best and they apply to no for office help. Our graduates succeed as none other. Three de- partments. --y Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Enter at onoe. Write now for our free oataloguli. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN • PRINCXPAt,S. Port Arthur shippers are protesting because one of the elevators is not oper- ated on Sunday. G' AND TRIM SYs EM California Mexico Florida The Land of Flowers, Trutt and Sanhine, Excellent service via Chicago.. "Low Tourist Rates." For tiokets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address d'. D. McDonald, 1). P, A., Toronto. Big Bargain Men's Patent Shoes Not All Sizes In Each Kind— ownwasonemmatuor But All Sizes In The Lot PERFECT SHOES IN EVERY PARTICULAR. REGULAR $4..5o AND $5 oa PER PAIR For $3.20 per fair. ON EXHIBITION IN" SOUTH WINDOW. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. AGENTS meeirZ FOR LADIES sNOB1 "Victoria" Shoes for ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for men. ti'VNYVVVVVVIrrifirrt71/10,,V, (2' la< 2" q► 2" et MEN'S FUR COATS.—In Coon, Calfskin, Dog, etc. These are q g stock and prices right. When in town looking for 10, Coats, ' try us. s LADIES' FUR JACIKETS.—It will pay you to see these. 1? 4"," V ftrIvirrY.IFTVWSWV!ITSYVVYRIVON s new Fur Q Men's and Boys' Overcoats 41 Newest styles, fine quality, prices from $5.00 to $18.00. i 4 4 from .t 14 4 4 Underwear. We carry a fine assortment of Ladies' Underwear, 25c to $1.50 each. Children's from 15e upwards. Men's and Boys' Fleece -Lined, all sizes. Stanfield's and Penman's Underwear for men. itkamomessomma st Blankets and Sheep`®nes PI let Pure Wool Blankets, made from our own wool at Wroxeter. ' 1. a,; Nothing to equal then!. se Flannelette Blankets, in 1214, 11/4. and 10/4, from $1.00 4 D to $1.60. ra.' Wool Sheeting, made from pure wool at Wroxeter. Z '3 Carpets, Rugs,' Lineleums, Z Lace Curtains. 1 Furnishings i t , Don't forget, we keep a complete range of House to choose from, and prices to suit. Olt Groceries. a Sugar $4.90 per 100 lbs. (cash). Pure Clover Honey in 2 ib. and 5 ib, tins, Bee Hive Corn Syrup. Flour, Feed and Grain always on hand. Goods delivered to E. and part of town. EBring along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry (dry piekdd), ►: ann.lrlpri poultry 3e less. POTATOES WANTED. T. A. MILLSI PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. jilt;A' flat itiAli giaAAVIZAAASAA XICAAAAAAANIAAA" AINA'i AAAA4