HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-11, Page 5Mil WIN tx.1..i41 ; TIMES, IVVQVEMBER 11 u
StanfieId's UHderwear111!
is what you require.
Guaranteed ab s o lutely
Your money back if a
. garment proves other-
Complete range of sizes
in the different lines in
stock now,
Come and see them.
Undelrw r'
McGee 0. Ca it,pbe1l
The Messrs. A. Nicholson & Son of
rBelgrave are negotiating for the pur-
chase of the Teeswater lime kilns. They
are at work burning a teat kiln to aBoer-
Iain if the rook is of good quality. If
it proves eatietaotory, a deal will likely
be made. The Nicholsons are experi-
enced lime burners, having been in the
business at Belgrave the past eight
.years.—Teeswater News.
Do You Get Bilious?
This trouble arises from torpidity of
.the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr.
'Hamilton's Pills. They stir up the
liver, rid the system of bile, tone the
stomach, give appetite and sound diges-
tion, if yon feel drowsy and bad temper-
ed, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you
at once,—taken at night you're well by
morning. Don't be afraid of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, they are mild—don't
gripe or nauseate. They' just "oure"
.—that's all.
Council met as per adjournment on
.Cot, 26th. Members all present; Reeve
Medd in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved on motion of Wilson and
The Treasurer's statement showing a
balance on hand of $476,93 was reoeived
and filed on motion of Thompson and
Aitoheson. -'
Dr. Jamieson waited on council re
Mrs. Spencer, who had been sent to
Wingham Hospital for an operation,
asking the Board to pay expenses. A
hill of $36.00 for room and attendance
was ordered paid and the Reeve to bring
the matter before the County Council
on motion of Thompson and Aitoheson.
Cheques to the amount of $421,00
were issued for payment of acoounte
;passed by the Board.
Cloonoil adjourned to meet on Nov.
19th at 10 o'ofouk.
Wo are this week called upon to re•
cord the death of Mrs. Jas. Howe, of the
12th concession of Culross. Her death
occurred on the night of October 28th,
after a prolonged illueae from interned
oanoer. Mrs. Howe was a daughter of
the late William MoKagne, who died at
her home on August 30113, and a sister
of Messrs. John and William MoKague,
of Teeswater. She was 60 yeara of age.
While working in the Ament factory
Tuesday afternoon of last week, Allan
Lamont had the misfortune to have the
first finger of his left hand caught in the
shaper with the result that it was taken
off at the second jatnt, in an instant.
He will be off duty for some time prob-
On Sunday afternoon, October 31st,
Harry Mercer died, after an extended
illness from dropsy, aged 34 years. The
funeral took place from the Methodist
Church Tneaday afternoon, Nov. 2nd.
Rev. E, G. Powell conducted an appro.
priate service and the Canadian Order
of Foresters also took part at the
cemetery. The Court put a beautiful
wreath on the casket. Harry had lived
in Brussels for a good many years and
was an industrious young man. He was
On Sunday afternoon, October 241h,
the death angel entered the home of
Rev, Ellis Garrow, Pittsburg, Pa., and
summoned to the unseen world the
spirit of Thomas W. Tait, unole to Mrs
Garrow. Mr. Tait was born in Mill.
brook, Ont., was 66 years of age, was
married 33 years ago to Mite Mary
Neever, who with one son survive him.
Bright's disease was the cause of his
death. Mr. Tait will be remembered by
some of the Brussels people, having re -
aided here some years ago, and was a
brother to the late John Tait, who died
in Clay Center, Kansas, only six months
Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock, former
residents here, who for the past two
years have resided near Montreal, have
returned to this part to live, having
taken np their residence in one of A.
Hardisty'e houses.
Mise Phoebe Densmore has returned
from en extended trip to the West, have
ing been away four months. She
reports having a splendid time. Dur-
ing her stay she attended the Ae.Y.•P.
Exposition at Seattle, and visited at
Vancouver, Calgary, St. Paul, Spokane
and nonny other planes of interest. The
wonderful scenery of the Rook r Moun-
tains partioularly impreesed her.
Jas. McElroy, of Killarney, Mane is
visiting friends in Blyth and Morris.
Harvey Bentley, of East Wawanosh,
has taken a position in the store of
Poppleetone & Gardiner.
I4epeotor D. Robb, of Brussels, made
hie regular visit to our public school last
week and found evidences of progress
under the efficient staff,
Loveless Johnston and wife, who have
heen worthy residents, of 131yth, will
remove to Blind River, Algoma, where
Mr, Johnston has taken a position.
They went to St. Marys fora short visit
before going North. H. Colesky, of
Zurich, succeeds Mr. Johnston at the
Charlesworth hardware store. We with
the ontgoer's success and weloome the
Have You Bronchial Catarrh?
It is easily recognized by the dry
oongh and hoarseness. Not difficult to
our with Catarrhozone as Mr. Xavier
Babin, of River Oapalin, Que., proved.
"No one could enffer from Bronchitis
more than I did, I had a hard hooking
oongh that caused me great pain. • My
throat was hoarse and I had great dis-
tress in my chest. Catarrhozone reach-
ed the sore spots and gave immediate
relief. Since using it I have not had a
single attack," Every physician who
is asked about Catarrhozone says it is a
sure oure,—so will you if you try it.
Sold everywhere, 26o. and $1 00.
One )actorniy rye
No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select
the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying
this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber-
eliberately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick
to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for
throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. f. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Why try this thing, that thing, for your constipation? Why not stick to the good
old reliable family laxative—Ayer's Pills? .Ask your doctor if he approves this advice.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7,
Turnberry and East Wawanosh, for the
month of October. The pupils were ex-
amined in History, Geography, Arith•
metio and Composition. Total 400.
Jr. IV.—James Carrie 246, Fred Mo-
Oreight 149*.
Sr. III. — Alice Godkin
Carrie 270, Eliza Norman
Hookeridge 70*.
Jr. III.—Elsie Stewart 301, Wilfred
Jacques 135*, Earl MoOreight 111.
Jr. II,—Lila McDonald.
Sr. I.—Carl Lott.
Jr. I•—James Stapleton, Minnie Mc-
Oreight, Maurice Stapleton.
Those marked * were absent for some
Jarvis H. Stokes, who has taken up
land near Maple Creek in tho West,
was visiting here. Ile lett for England
last week to visit at the parental home
and was ticketed by 'W. H. Kerr, Allan
Ltne Agent, Brussels, on the eteatnship
Teetotal), which sailed from Montreal
on Friday. Mr. Stokes will bo book in
the course of a few mouths,.
331, Leah
188, Bella
There is no other medicine for little
ones as eafe as B sby's Own Tablets,
inial effdote,
.are 'stomach
eatroy worms,
revonting deadly
fevers anti bring
rough paialeasly.tt
eaver, S'rskstohewan
eays:—"I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for my little one in
oases of colds, stomach and bowel trou-
bles, and other minor ailments and have
never known them to fail in speedily
restoring the ohild's health, I think
there is no medioine for babies like the
Tablets " Sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medioine Co., Broosville,
Prof, i)oronwond
the well - known Hair Goods
Artist, will visit Wingham
Friay,Nov. 26
During this visit he will be show-
ing latest Parisian and New Yorlt
styles. You are particularly in-
of these creatio sand try on
Vol- Gentlemen who are bald. Is a head cover-
ing, far superior in both style and durability
to any other manufactured. At the present
day over 9000 of these are in use throughout
Canada and the United States. Gall and have
free demonstration.
or so sure, in its boue
These Tablets speedily
and bowel troubles,
break up golds, thus
croup, allay Riniel
the little teeth
Mrs. 0, A
Landing, S
On Friday, October 22nd, the death
of Daniel McNain, aged oightyaix
years, occurred at the family residence,
lot 15, concession 13, Ashfield. Decea-
sed was born in Ireland and oame to
Canada in 1845, He settled in Ingersoll,
where he lived for a number of yeas
and was united in marriage. to Mary
Brown. They moved to the township
of Ashfield fifty-one years ago and with
the exception of five years, which they
spent in Huron, they had resided there
ever since. The union was blessed with
a family of two sons and two daughters,
they being Samuel and James, who
reside at home; Mrs. Hugh Pritohard, of
Lucknow, and Mrs. James Bradley, of
Ashfield. These with the sorrowing
wife survive.
Have You Stomach Trouble?
When you wake up with headache
and bad Sante in the mouth, something
to settle the stomach is needed, That
dull, heavy feeling must be lifted and
appetite must be created. Get a tomb•
ler of water, some sugar and then pour
in a stiff dose of Nerviline. You'll feel
tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline in-
vigorates, braces. tones. puts vim and
snap into your movements, You'll be
fitted for a hard day's work by taking
Nerviline — nothing better. Large
bottle, 25o. everywhere,
G7.60 The Critical Age.
Height of vigor is past—nature's
power slowing down—vitality ebbing
away, endurance decreasing. Stop the
progress of decay, tone up the weakened
nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring
body—prepare for the crisis. Best
means for rebuilding is found in Ferro -
zone; it brightens up the whole being,
imparts power, strength, vigor. Old
age is pushed back twenty years, the
reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim
and new life established. You'll try
Ferrozone, 50o. at all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby, of
Wroxeter, have moved their household
goods to their eon's place near Glenan-
an, where they intend to reside in the
The 100 store farm on the uth lino
owned by George Brown, of B.rustie1
has been sold, the price 'being scene
thing over $3,000,
The Traetees of S. S. No. 2, Norris
hew re-engaged Miss Annie E Mo.
Gowan for next year at the same salary,
v;z , $425, She is a good teaoher.
In the orchard of Mrs. S. Fear, 8th
line, a small limb 7?s inohos long, had
no lose than 10 good sized apples upon
it. They were of the Northern Spy
variety. It was certainly a great Drop.
Allan Adams, whose farm is west of
Brussels, has been i11 with appendioitie
but is making a good recovery we are
pleased to state.
The twin babies of Alcx, Nichol have
been ill with whooping cough. One
has a touch of pneumonia. Mre. Nichol
is still at Olinton hospital. Site is able
to Bit up and will soon be able to return
home we hope.
Will. Moses has returned home from li
an extended trip West. He worked
over a mouth at Clair, Sask„ and after-
wards visited friends in Edmonton,
Iuisfail, Portege•le•Prairie and Win-
nipeg. Reports gaud orops throughout
the West.
The Council met pursuant to adjourn•
meat on Nov. lat. Members all present,
the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed.
A communication was handed in by
Mr. T. S, Brandon, stating that he had
now severed his connection with the
the township of Morris and he therefore
tendered his resignation as Treasurer of
the municipality.
Moved by Mr, Shortreed, seconded by
Mr. MoOracken, that whilst we regret
Mr. Brandon's resignation of the office,
the same be accepted as soon as the
audit can take place.—Carried.
A oo,umuuioation was received from
Mr. A. T. Cole, requesting a tile culvert
across his approach to roadway.
On motion of Johnston and Wilkinson
the matter was left in the Reeve's
On motion of Wilkinson and John-
ston, the Clerk was instructed to notify
the Auditors to meet and audit the
Treasurer's accounts up to date. Audit
to take place not later than the 12th
On motion of Messrs. McCracken
and Shortreed, Mr. Arthur Shaw was
appointed Treasurer at a salary of $100
per annum, on furnishing satisfaotory
security for the due performance of the
duties of said office.
Accounts were ordered to bo paid as
follows: — Isaac Brown, concrete tile,
$15; Howiok Iasnrenae Oo,, payment on
hall, $1.00; W. MoMiehael, digging
ditch, $29.40; P. Rutledge digging ditch,
$30 40; A. Pollock, gravel, $3 71; Jas.
Gibson, gravel, $11.80; Jas. Cruikshank,
gravel, $1.75, D. W. Campbell, repair-
ing bridge, $1; Annie McMillan, gravel,
$4 34; R. Wightman, gravel, 35c; W.
Craig, balance making oement tile,
$13.59; Geo. Pierce, gravel and wood,
$8.40; Wm. Cunningham, drawing
grader and drawing water, $7; J. Craig,
shovelling gravel, $1; Jas. A. Bell, en-
gineering and inepeoting bridge $20,25;
J. Nivins, Municipality's share of Mc-
Caughey drain, $4; J. T. Moaaughey,
municipality's share of Nivin's dram,
$27,89; Ab. Taylor, digging drain on 9th
line, $3 75; W. Kearney, operating grad-
er, $2; H, J. Manning, repairing oalvert,
$1; N. A. Taylor, selecting jurors, $4;
W. Clark, selecting jurors, $4; John
Watson, selecting jurors, $4; Norman !,
Ooiciough, drawing plank and putting
top on bridge, $2; J. H. Shortreed,
drawing gravel, 50o ; Bell Telephone Co.,
services, 50o; Jas Miohie, digging drain,
$1 50; D. Witherspoon, part payment on
bridge, $1,000; W. MoOracken, drawing
tile and putting in culvert, $2 60; J G.
Emigh, Matthews' garnishee for 1908,
On motion of Shortreed and Johnston
the Council then adjourned to meet
again on the 22nd day of November at
10 o'clock a. m.
On Wednesday evening of last week
an interesting event took plane at the
residence of Mr. Russel Harris, when
the teachers and scholars of Turnberry
and Howiok Sabbath School presented
to him the gift of an arm chair, previous
to which Mr. Longley gave an interest-
ing report of the prooeedingti, of the
Provincial Sabbath sohool convention
held in West Toronto on the 26th of
October and following days, and to
whioh he was sent as a delegate from
the above named school. The follow-
ing is a copy of the addreso read to
Mr. Harris:—
arris:—Dear Sir,—We, the undersigned mem-
bers and friends of the Howiok and
Tnrnberry Sabbath school are met to-
gether this evening to express our grati-
fication that our sohool has well main-
tained the attendance of teachers and
scholars under your superintendenoy,
and their interest in its connection nn.
abated, and whioh by the Divine blessing
augurs well for its future continuance
and prosperity. We remember with
feelings of gratification and pleasure,
that on the retirement of the late
Superintendent, with becoming diffi-
dence of your powers and ability to
make so sudden a rise from junior
teacher to the important and responsible
Office of Superintendent, and in the
absence of any other candidate, trusting
to Divine help and eupport, you assumed
the office to which you were unanimous-
ly elected. We desire to present you
with arm chair as a token of our appre-
ciation and good will, and trust you
may view the Spiritual progress and
prosperity of the sohool under you as
Mr. Harris briefly responded, express-
ing the pleasure he felt in hoeing Bo
many friends assembled on the ocoae-
sion, who had honored him by the
address they had given hint and the
useful gift they had presented.
Wei.. Green of lot 25, con. C. Turn -
berry, has sold his farm to Alex.
Wright, from near Lakelet. The trans•
action took piece on October 23rd. Mr.
Green has taken over Mr. Wright's
farm, and will move there in the near
Remember—One Day Only
On Wednesday, 27th ult , at 10 o'clock
a. m , in the Church of the Saored
Heart, Wingham, Rev. Father Lauren -
dean performed the ceremony which
united in the bonds of matrimony Mies
Mary K. McKinnon, of Turnberry, and
Mr. Walter John Lannan, of Goderich.
The bride was becomingly attiredin a
handaome Princess gown, with hat to
match and carried g bouquet of pink
and white chrysanthemums. She was
attended by her sister. Miss Catherine,
who wore blue broadcloth, with hat to
match. Mr. Thomas Lannan, of Ash-
field, ooutiin of the groom, acted as
groomsman. Owing to the illness of a
sister of the bride, the affair was a very
quiet ono. After the ceremony the
Wedding party and guests+ assembled at
the home of the bride's sister, bare.
Robert Sproal, Wingham, where a
Sumptuous repast was oujeyed. A
number of useful and beautiful presents
gave evidence of the esteem in which
the bride and groom are held. The
groom's gift to the bride was a hand-
some gold wetoh, and to the bridesmaid
it brooch Set with pearls. Mr, and Mrs.
Lannan left on the afternoon train for a
short wedding trip to London, Detroit
and other Dittoes. The bride's travelling
suit was of blue breadolbth. They will
shortly tette up their residence itt Goder-
ioh, where they Will have the Boat wieh-
es of numerous friends.
Tho Dorenwend Co, of Toronto, Lirnited
We are busy selling
Reason ? Come and
DO YOU KNOW we carry the largest stock of Coats and Furs ?
Seldom outside of the large city stores do you find such an assort.,
went of READY-TO-WEAR garments. Buying in LARGE
CUSTOMERS get the benefit, buying the RIGHT
We are selling Furs of reliable
Every Far must be perfect in
every detail to give proper satis-
The styles must be those that
Dame Fashion cape correct.
The fit and finish must be
Ladies' Coats.
BIG STOOK to ohoose from.
In counting our Coats for Ladies,
Misses' and Ohildren'a wear, we
found we had One Hnndre:t and
Seventy -Five Ooats. This means
ennaiderable selling. Oar Ceoe -
Cur PRICES aro reducing the
quantity daily. Move quick and
get one,
Ladies' Heavy Coats.
See our Pony Oloth Ooats. Lined throughout. Some at special
prices .. .... $9.00 and $10.00
Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with Sable Collar. Gond length.
Broadcloth shell—a very warm and stylish Gnat. 0 ar pricpa
are ... $20.00 and $25.00
Ladies' Far•Lined Coate—All kinds in stock, at special prices.
See oar Marmot Lined Coat, with Sable Collar; full length.
Price , ... $35.00
Rat Lined Coat— Fine quality Broadcloth shell ; deep Sable
Collar; regular sixty dollar coat, our close cut price.. $50.00
Established 1879
Vaporized Cresolenc stops the paroxysms of
whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can•
not exist where Crcaolene it used. It acts
directly on nose and throat, tnaking breathing
easy in the case of colds, soothes the Bare
throat and stops the cough. Itis a boon to
sufferers of Asthma.
Cresolenc is a powerful germicide, actind bath
CIA a curative and a preventive in Conta1i0t:5
dioceses. Cresolene'a best recommendation is
its thirty years of successful use.
Per bale by All InurAtets
S.nd Postal }'or ne-
SCr7f71'it'8 7laolaet
Crcaolene Antiseptic
Throat Tobicta, aitrplc
and soothing for tite
irritated throat, lac.
Leeming,Miles Co.,
i:bnited, Agents, Mon-
treal, Canada. 3•-8
W, Claim, Clerk.
4++++++++++++++++++++++++4 M+++++++++++++++++++++44+♦
4 v.
Rig . Sale m Boys Srnts'i
• 25 Boys' Suits to be sold at $3.39.
i For the next week only. First hero, first choice. Don't forget the price. r
Mothers, bring along your boys and get them a nice Winter Suit. o
♦ - 0 4
♦ 4
By the death of an excellent roadster
3.year old oolt, Arch. McLean, 16th
con., was the loser of possibly $150.
A petition asking for the eubmiesion
of a Local Option By -Law at next
Munioipal election baa been placed in
the Clerk's hands.
Oliver Turnbull, 155th oon., wan away
to the West with a oar load of fine
Leicester cheep which he disposed of to
the ranchers. ' He got back last week.
A telegram was received conveying
the sad intelligence that Mies Bella
Sifters, formerly of the 15th can., hid
died in Washington state, where she
was engaged as a school teacher. It is
11 yearn since the Sillars family re.
moved from Grey township. They
were related to the John Hislop family
and wore living at Wapote, Wash
Miss Sillars was a fine young woman
whose demise will be greatly regretted
o COON, DOG- AND FUR - LINED, Best value in town. o
Selling at last year's prices.
4 _.
s MEN'S HEAVY MITTS.— Here is the place to buy your a
Winter Mitts in Leather and Wool, for Men and Boys. Keep warm i
♦ this winter. 4
e NEGLIGEE SHIRTS.— 10 dozen Negligee Shirts, in pleated :
fronts and fancy stripes ; all sizes ; special at 60c. 4
• WORKING SHIRTS.—We have in stock heavy good lines of e
o Working Shirts for the fall trade, in black and white stripes, well
o made, in good large sizes.
o LADIES' READY-MADE COATS—In blat:k, navy and green, 4
o which are the leading colors in our Fall Coats We have been doing •
a big business in this line. New styles. corning in each week ; we
• would like to help you choose your style fur this winter. Prices •
o range from $6.50 to $'20.00. •
• LADIES' SKIRTS.—In blue, green and black, Newest styles +;
in pleated effects, trimmed with jet buttons ; we always try to give
o satisfaction in this line. •
FALL DRESS GOODS.— Our Dress Goods department has
been brightened with many new pieces of winter fabrics, If you are ox
•• wanting a Suit or Dress, have a look through this department, t
• .*m..-
Port krihnr Cleft/lee have plena pre•
pared for a haudsomv cut stone cath:'.
Jan E.tnwar 1. who is said to Move a
wife livit,g let Marla() county, watt shot
and probably fatally wounded while at
tempting to escape from a Detroit con-
stable wino had errs sted him on a charge
of bigamy.
Furs of the finest quality ! Our standard of mereh,ndiee sloes a
Z not permit of the slightest deceptioa in Fars ; we guarantee to give .+
4 absolutely the best value for your money, with every po_slt;le advent,. 4-
• tage as regards style and quality ; we can demonstrate to your entire .•.
satisfaction that it pays to BUY FURS AT HOME, instead Of sending Z
• away. In buying here you know precisely who you are dealing with •
o and the responsibility back of the selling. The Furs we offer have t.
o •been selected with extreme care, to give lasting service, and will w
4' retain their' good looks from season to season. ,++yi
+ n 1.•'•.. ..-. 'e.au.l '.0
wi1.40 Ati 1W\..,5 . . ,.8. . T
kinds of Fowl and Potatoes. I
a Highest prices paid for all
++4++++4++444+++++$++$+++' +4++++++++++$+++44444+4*+r,