HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-11, Page 307'7 u TUX WINGI$t#.M TIMES, NOYENIUR 12, 1900 Says Mlle Miller; the ,b°'whop ins ours town told me that , Creamof the West' Flour wax the strongest doggone Manitoba flour he ever baked, it wee OBI that first called me the Flour Wizard, and even, up to the time of his death he wax kind of suspicious that I put something is the flour to i take it eo powerful, strong, •' But Bill was wrong there. + Cream of the West flour is made from: the best wheat, and #s 1rength is the result of Model Mill Methods," Thee Campbell Millin; 0o,, Limited Toronto POR SALrE BY KERR & LiIRD ..14, ••a i.. , WINGHAM. OUR DEBT TO MOTHER. Maty a mother literally gives her life for her ohild. In health watohing over it by day and hoar by hoar, in 'dolmen never leaving its badeide, watching every breath it drawn, the Child is every moment under the pro - tooting wing of mother love. That is a pathetio little Story that domes from West Virginia, Mrs, Grace Smith, of Beverly, had been watching for weary hours at the bedside of her dog child. She was poor, and must not only oars for the little oae, but earn enough for support. She remained up all night with the child and withont closing her eyes, went to work at dawn and spent all the morning laboring at the wash tub. Then she went out in the heat of the day to pick blackberries and walk. 1 laminated by a love and refined by a sacrifice thet makes it more beautiful than the glowing check of the vain young woman who races through the world with no thought except for her own beauty and her own pleasure. Parents do not mind making these sacrifices. They are made every day in a of permits e a tlson 0theirschildrenand he is perhaps the best proof that human nater°, in spite of its many faults and ehortcom. ings, is as a whole, wholesome and good. Bat the' parents de have a right to expect from their children some ap. prat:dation and the least and girls can give isdevotion and con sideration and the love that means more to father and mother than all else. "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is an nttgratefnl ohild?" a fresh young girl say, she would not care for innate or fiowere, chivies .or sails down the bay. And she rubes off. never giving her another thought. Children take al a matter of 000rse the constant devotion of their parent, and are often impatient that they can not give thein more. Many a mother has toiled and striven for long years to rear her daughter into a charming, at. tractive woman, only to find that the girl does not appreciate and oan hard- ly conceive the eaoritoee made for Ler. Perhaps the little girl for whom the patient woman worked herself to death might grow up to be ashamed of the fact that her mother ever worked at a wash tub or plotted biaokberriee to sup- port her Soots. The wrinkled face of a mother is 11. ed several miles to town. When she reached the Store she fell to the floor exhausted and died before the could be restored to ootsoioasnees. They said she hod literally worked herself to death. How many mothers there are who have given their yonth and beauty and good looks and health and strength -have spent it all for their children? .And then when the Hues of care mark their faces with wrinkles and their hair is streaked with gray, how many are rewarded by the devotion and care of diose far who they have clone so much? Not as many as there should be. "Bat mother is so old," you hear oo on top of the stove. bakes ova r same tine You can cook over ev_ cry pot -hole and bake in Pandora oven at same time -and get Lerfect results. That's because cooking draft is also balein, draft. Flues are so constructed that heat passes direct under ever pot -hole and around oven twice before passing up chimney. No wasted heat -instead fuel does double duty, saving Pandora, owners both time and money. 10 Would you not like to be a, Pandora owner? FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART iFe 00., W NI GI3AM. YOUR L I T 1 ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT r'J9lil58o afflicted desire with alllytBlood attention of D all to cure for these complaintsn'Xhele guaranteed ex- cuse for any person having a clisfi ured face from eruptions and blotches. I\o matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific. sons in the and aneutralize rothe system. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated eases enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. Wedo business on Dertvee. plan -Pay yo havOnly y for 1 d eti fel C n suit ns Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quteldy our remedies will remove all evidences of disease. finder the infh:emm 1 of the New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged. glands aro reduced, fallen out hair grows to again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the vtetina realizes It new life has opened up to Lint. YOU CAN ARRANGC TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED - CONSULTATION PPM Send for Booklet on blseaee,, of bits "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to tali, write fora Question List for itenie Treatment DRS. KNNE Y & Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St,, Detroit, Mich. INFLUENCE OF ENV4RONMENT" Paper Read by Mrs. John Wilson at a Recent Meeting of the Wingharn Branch Women's institute. Madam President and Ladies, - The subject I have chosen to br fore yon this afternoon for dittoes "The Influence of Environment. looking up the meaning of the "InBaenoe," I find it is a flow upon; a power whose operation leen; it; physio,, the effect prodno material bodies by the eeoret for mature, of light and heat; in m the effect of troth on the mind, acting on the heart or effetetione; straining power of love or syrup effects produced by individual oh er, 800181 'auk, weath, spiritual, power acting ou the heart or These are some of the meanie inf nonce. Ara meeting of the Amerioan Association recently held iu Se Dr. Phelan, of Kingston, read a in which he delivered his conviction inimoraI plays, picture exhibitipas literature are responsible for rano the Crime that fills our prisons. T things have an evil iofinence ou y minds and turn them in the we vice and crime, As a penitentiary p Man, Dr. Phelan has had epeoial op tunity to know whereof he speaks. Environment is whatever enoompa nes surroundings. Some one has said, "We make wn environment," This is true t twin extent. I am sure you zee with me when I say .among y t of friends you would rather oniti e associating with the one who riably looks at the bright side of d sees something good in every d is oontented with her 'sphere in I an the one who is continually 00 lulus about the weather, 'her heal e neighbors, her position in life, eto t was his environment that inflame hu Wesley: He saw his fellow m ing in sin and ignorance around hi in the fear of God and love of owman, be claimed the world parish and went forth to preach a ob. Be established schools, dietrib literature, formed mothers' me s. dispensaries, savings banks, te /me sacieties and many .more thin the uplifting of his fellow creature infinence and benefits of which w enjoying to day; for it is said n Wesley he was one hundred yea ad of his time, hen there is Lincoln. Many of th ore have had articles about that gre good man, whose Centenary w braced recently. He was born 1 urity in the most object poverty,an he rose to the highest position i and. Ile was a atannoh teetotalle time when drinking, emokin °hewing were worse, if possible now. It is recorded that the onl oe he ever gave his sons was, "Don' k; don't smoke; don't chew; don' r; I never did, Fear Go love your fellowman." Lincoln' once held his mantra' together at i. oritioal time. Ile liberated, by wn hand without a bill passing nee, millions of slaves. Hie entre greatly helped to form our Dominion of Cenade, and it had a influence on the European cone - also. ming to bur own times, we find er poor boy born in poverty and de - tion, The influence of his environ, flitted his soul with longing for thimigs; with great difficulty he sed an ednoatton and now he is On and spoken of as a Motu, a 'ver, and a deliverer of his people. teaching them that up from the shop, the mine, the farm, the , must their deliverance dome, by own exertions, and not by any nota stature; and in this work Booker shington hat a noble Helpmate in wife, Abraham Lincoln and r T. "Washington prove that there lily' in mathat oa n n rise above eonditione of environment, and anhood is wester of advents stir. age. No mea or Wotnart of the est sort oats teeny be strong, pure cod, without the world being for it, Without some body' being and comforted by the very exist. that godliest.etTeot on vegetation 11 very Mark+ ing be- aten if/ " In word ing In ie tin- ed an dee of Drab:, force oon- athy; Arad- divine lite. gs of Prison attle, paper that and h of hese °nig y of hysi- por. ssea Our 0 a will our vete in. life ODA ifs, m• th, ced en m. hie for nd et. m• gs 8, e of rs e at as n d n r g y d a to 0 der ag Its th VA an an th Ala th 1 Jo Iry So fell his tea ted ing per for the are Joh she T pap and oelr obso yet the I at a and than advi drin SWIM and intla most his o gong roan own great tries 00 anoth grads meet better obtai looked 1 law gl Be it Work their of lege Wa his Book() is nobi hostile that nt rotlndl htlmbl and g better helped time of The ed by the 1aflaonoe of env! la 'or example, take plants same seedbed; plant eotne who is riQh, the eituatiop !avertible 'thine and raoietnre, and you have perfection; while the other planted on a poor soil in. a cold place, will be slanted and of ferior quality, whether flow vegetables. I had a very strik Wagon of this last winter. band end I visited Guelph dori time of the winter fair and co Of the Women's reetitute. W shown tbroigh the oonservatorl groenllonees, I notioed in one greenhouses a patch of beans. rows near the middle of the house strong, well grown plants just re busk into bloom, but as we got end of the benoh, they were le leu ad'4 feed, until the fact row only just coming through the "Are they differept varieties of be I asked, "Or were they planted a !Brent tunes?" "They are the variety and were planted on the day, but the end of the bench le o and that niakea the difference," wet answer. Ouoe upon a time a Iittle boy Wok. Ile lied a. very miserable, home. A little friend took hi Sower --e. pot plant. They thong meet be put in the window to get I Then they thought if the pane it a against were washed it would let light in. When it was washed it the other panes look so dirty that washed all the windows. Then o things looked so dirty when the 1 shone an that one thing after Imo was °leaped, till at last through influence of that little flower what once a dirty home became clean comfortable. I was working in my garden one a mer day, when a lady called. walked around the garden. She mired the flowers and said, "When have a garden like this, it gives a ob to the passerby " This was a n thought to me and I pass it on. member, when we are arranging a oaring for our garden we are not o benefitting and making our own ho pretty but also giving oheer to t passer-by. It is very pleasant to m every month and get new ideas for o work and enjoy a social hour togetb blit le this all we can or ought to d Is there not somethings we, as nlembe of the Women's Institute, can do t the improvement of our surrounding especially just now when there is ranch talk about the unsanitary oond tion of aur Town? We no doubt are considered, and. are, good boueekeepers and bomekeeeers, yet I know there is a yearning to help those we see need helping, The Christ - like desire toward our friends in not that we may get something from them, that they may be of use to ns, but that in some way we may be a blessing to them and do them good. Yet how CaO we do it? How oan we get in teach with oar neighbors? It ie a very deli- cate matter and requires tact, for many would resent the least interference with their manalt: ment or mode of living. I have thought that eaoh member of this Institute might iefluen;e some one to make the Town more beautiful and sanitary. O'ten you can gain an in- flames by accepting a favour. Remora- ber, our great Teacher did many* of His great works as He passed by, and a great reformation was the result of His asking for a drink of water at a wayside well. In passing along 12 you sec any. one trying to making a garden and grow a few things, ask what. variety of potatoes or onions they are growing; anyone is pleased to have notice taken of their work, and if you have them yon might offer a few plants or seeds of flowers or vegetables, There is a say- ing, that, "If each before his own door swept the village would be clean," but if they will not do this we have good laws that must be enforced for theach peblio's good. Let ewoman here remember she has an infinence, and in tbetgreat moral question which is to be voted on in our Town seen, may we all nee that influence on the side of right. Let me oonolade with the words of that good man, Dean Farrar. "Remem- ber that if that the opportunities for from the r0 the soil for sun. will coon, plants, shady very !r'4 era or ng ulna• My has. ng the nveution e were ee and of the The first , were ady to tq the e8 and wits soil ens?" t air IAMB BMA older e the took dirty m a h1 it IOC toed more made they ther ight ther the was and am• We ad - you eel ew Re. nd my me be set' ur er, o? rs or 8, BO Suffered Terrible Pains From "Kir Kidneys 1l'or Nino Months. For Backache, Lame or Weak Back - one of the commonest and most distressing symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no remedy equal to I)oan's Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, tWitelles and twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and giving perfect comfort. A medicine that strengthens the kid- neys so that they are enabled to extract the poisonous uric acid from the blood and prevent the chief cause of ltheunia- tisnt. Mr. i)ougald A. MVlclsaac, Broad Cove Banks, N.S., writes: -"I was troubled with ny kidneys for nine months, and suffered with such terrible pains across the small of lay back all the tithe that I could hardly get around. After taking two boxes of Doan's Kidney fills I began to feel better, and by the time I had taken three I was completely mired." great deeds sbould never .00ino to yon, the opportanity for good deeds is re, newed for you day by day`," ONLY A SMILE. Only 4 Bmlle that was given me But On the crowded street of My addend heart, Like a Budder' eunbealn ray, The shadow of doubt hugs over me. And the burden of pia I bore, And the voice of hope X could not hear, Tho' I listened o'er and o'er. But there oame a rift lo the crowd about And a face that I knew passed by, And the aIle I caught wets brighter to ape Than the blue of lenmrnar sky; For it gave me bank the sunshine. And it scattered each sombre thought, And my hears re joioed in the kindly warmth Which that kindly ensile had brought. 4-4-44444.41,44.44.-4.44 ECZEMA AND PILES CURED MAGISTRA TE AND SCHOOL COM- MISSIONER HEALED EY • ZAM•BUK. Zam•Bnk by its healing power has earned the armee of men and women in the bigheet atatione 01 life. One of the latest prominent gentlemen to speak highly in Zun Butt'. favor is Mir. 0 E Seaford. Sanford ieeaJustice eton,ugof he Peace for the ooanty, and a member of the Board of School Commissioners He is oleo deaoon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. county it would bed�dif cult a too find na man more widely known and more high. ly respected. Some time baok he had occasion to test Zam•bake and here is his op WOO of thi- great barna. Re says: bad a patch of ecz>ma on my ank :, which had been there for over tw. , ty years! aometimea also the dteeaee ' gild break out ou my shoulders. I had taken Solution of araeni., h. - applied various ointments, and tr':. ai1 torts of things to obtain a cure, ,nt in vain. Zam•Bnk unlike ail else I tried, provers highly satiefaotory, and cured the ailment. itching p les,,always icascured eed Znk for them completely also 1 take comfort in helping my brother man, and if the publioatiou of my experience of Zan. Buk will lead other sufferer, to try it, I should be glad For the care of piles of akin disenane, I know of nothing to equal Zam•Buk " Zara Buk also cares burns, cats, ulcers, blocs( poisoning, ringworm, scalp sores, °happed hands, oold sores. and all skin injnries and diseases. Rubbed well on to the chest in case of cold it relieves the tilzhtnes, and aching. All draggiste and stores sell at e0c. box, or post free from Zem•hak Oo , Toronto, for pride, 3 b:lxes for $1 25. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's OViust Lloar Signature of See Pac-Simito Wrapper Below. V.ori ema31 end us easy to take its oagar. CARTER'S 1TTLE IVER i 0113 HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR,;COilP10 LIVER. 'OVONST1PATION I:OR,SALLOWSKIN: FOR THE COMPLEXION RriCe .f ?e17 i1Yt t t,itabie.rau," 'e^`I R edr+i ze ants Pnt�ly'`Pe 2URE SICK HEADACHC. A SIGN OF GROWTH. Figures are proverbially as dry as dust, but they have wonderful tales to tell to those who nam interpret them aright. One, at least, of these tales is found in the anneal report of the Postmaator•Geueral. It is the fact that 656 new post offices were opened during the fiscal year cloned in March. That, without boasting, says he Montreal Herald, oan be desorib• d as progressing appreciably. Alao hat to serve the people who sent and °oeived tenets two thousand miles of itherto unused railway were used. t is almost in vain that they tell us he figures abort itomatead entries nd immigration, These things do not eize the intaginttion. A few people ore or a few people lest, out there n the boundless prairie, what mat. ere Huta poet office, that is differ• nt, A portofdoe means et oomninn- y, for a post Oleo it a molal eon. re, a plane to wbioh people go With emit dont impulse and with tinfoil.g regularity. It is the protoplasm of e nation, about which all human root centres, continnonsl,y. And in a ear there were dee nei#' once. That lis the story. e t r 11 1 a e m 0 t e it tr n in th to y Price 50 cents per hex, or 3 for $1.25 te all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of yr Ttree by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, oronto, Ont. After a mon has said grace ata meal, Whea ordering specify "neon's." o0u a time is required for those around the table to become comfortable again. BULK TEA LOSES FLAV It not only lose* flavor but it takes on new onus, kerosene, molasses, .onions, coffee, soap, etc., to nothing of its exposure to sun, dust, - dirt and air, To overcome this is sold only in sealed lead packets -- never in hulk hrw4+Nir4eAe01/1AAAAAAfteswAIeM►r,AA ewnMw eetee setrq,aralowe COAL COAL COAL. We are Bole agents for the celebrated which has no equal Also the best grades SCRANTON hiug, ( �' '.'' domostio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, 1 stntthtug, Oannni ant a ways on hand I:11=4 LUMBER SHINGLES , LATH 1 km" Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. ''moi J• AilticLean Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No, 64. Mill, No. 44 vvVVVVVVVwV,,,wwwVwwVw wVv1/VVV11vwwVVVVVV1001._- (Dressed or undressed) I Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc;. aosiossosse ••••••mesesee a e•!osseese•••••••••dt••••• • ▪ cJLUB i, • • ' Y RATESI. • • to a FCO. 1909 - 10. ste•o toinammanaimititti sois co11 • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • O 0 a • 0 • w • • • • • • +++++++++++ R• •1. 4. +i• d• 4 +1• 4. +I• • ad The above priced include postage on American publications dress in Canada. If the Ttnlzs is to be sent to an Anlerfcanl fddreee add • so cents for postage, and where American pnbiieatione ,add are to be • American addresses a reduction will be made in price, sent to • We could extend thfe list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not in ff Z the list, call at this of ace, or drop a card and we will give you prices en the paper you. want. We olub with all the loading newspapers and rnallazittee. When premiums ate given with any of above papers, eubsoribere Will secure finch prelniume when ordering through us, arae tits' ordering direct from publiahere, These low rates mean a eoneiderable saving to etibsorihers, and are ST1:tItJTInt CASH IN ADVANOB. Send rein1ttancefi by postal tete . w office Or express money order, addressing spost so The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below: as for any of the following publications : • Times and Daily Globe • Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World ' ` 4'10 41 Times and Toronto Daily News,. . ...... . ..... . 3.10 :' Times' and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser 2.30 •: Times and Toronto Saturday. Night , 2.85 '� Times and Weekly Globe . ` "' " 2.35 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1'60 Times and Family Harald and WeeklyStar 1'60 Times and Canadian .Farm (weekly)11,60 • Times and Weekly Witness 11,80 • Times and London Free Press (weekly) 11.880 �_ Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.6Q • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide 1,70 •: 2.35 Times and Northern Messenger, 2 35 •' Times and Farmers' Advocate �. 2.35 lei We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Horne Magazine. Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster 2.25 +►; ... . 2.25 v Times and Presbyterian and Westminster, 4444 3i25 d! Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) 2.40 •, Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)+ .. Times and Sabbath Beading, New York .. , . , .... 2.90 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 1 85 • Michig, 4444 2.15 ;► TTimesunes andand R'oman's HFaromemer Conlpanioa ..........2 25 Times and Country Gentleman . 2.60 Times and Delineator Times and Roston Cooking School Magazine 1.95 s4. : Times and Green's Fruit Grower .3. Times and Good Housekeeping 2 30 Times and McCaIl's Magazine 1.70 ;* Times and American Illustrated Magazine.... 2,30 Times and American Boy Magazine.... 1,90 Times and What to Eat • 1,90 Times and Business Man's Magazine 215 Times and Cosmopolitan 2 15 Times and Ladies' Home Journal.,. 2:4'27:005: 75 • Times and Saturday Evening Post.. 2.75 'H Times and Success 222:3. "5 +•l• Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine 40 aF Times and Munsey's Magazine ... . ............ . 221:,E Times and Vick's Magazine - I Times and Home Herald TimeS and Travel Magazine...... Times andPractical Farmer * ' 2.105 .E Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.60 4' Times and Designer Times and Everybody's.,.,......,. 2.80 I 1.75 Times and Western Rome Monthly, Winnipeg,,1.60 Times and Canadian Pictorial .... 4444... 1.60 i. +!+ TIMES OP ' fl GB A 1lI, ONTARIO, sl•t111s 1k 1 11 lil rlll4.10