HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-11, Page 1THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XX VIII. NO, 1970, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i I, 1909, Farmers, Aloution .[:aced tr, good stook tonic now and give your cattle a good start. We are agents for HESS. STOCK FOOD ROYAL PURPLE FOOD INTERNATIONAL FOOD HACKNEY HERBAGEUM Give us a call. Bring along your own recipes for Condition Powder. We use only the best drugs and, mix them well, -.,-..110o...... ...., Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST riiaodouald Block, Wingham, $971 LLB - 1-- ese I can 1 -- Con csa ter C.= h-• One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of $962 pur year. Se llgtraining at our Was it a good invest- ment? He thinks so. His address is New Osgoode, Sask. Four Courses: PKEPARATORY cOBEIXERCIAL aTLNOGRATIRT TELEGEApRY Enter any time. Indi,dduaI Instruction, Write for particulars. WINGHAM $USINESS COLLEGE GEO, SPOTTON, Principal IIBMIRMIJO C'gRISTIE'S GROCERY Nothing Like OoodTeas TRY OUR BLACKS We're aiming at selling you the best Teas possible to he had and We've Got Them. IOur present stook Was bought after the most oareful test. ing. There's (stow[ TY, STRE11G7•11 and PLA.vOUR in every ounce. The blends consist of Teas from India, China and Ceylon and as we put them together our. I selves we known exactly what 1 they are 30c, 40c, and 50c per Ib. NOW FOR CHOICE FRUITS CURRANTS We've never had a finer sample. They're large and olean and have got the right currant flavour. RAISINS PERLB. 10e The quality is superb, and we're confident they'll please yon S LBS FOR 25e The finest quality, fruit that money can buy ARE HERE. OUR DINNER SETS We'll maks it worth your while to buy neve rather then Ieal►e it over till neater Ohrittmee. They're all the latest, 97 pleoe Dinner Sets Spot Cash Bargains 1$8,00 Si 0.00 and $12.00 WANTED Choice Rutter, Ptah Eggs, Iland.pioked Beane, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, etc. PHONn 101, Wingham Greenhouses CARNATIONS CHRYSANTHEMUMS FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers 25th Wedding Mr. and Biro, E. berry, celebrated th of their wedding on 28th. A number of t ed at their home in tl pleasant time was spr Orals' many friendr many more years of Anniversary. . Orvis, of Tarn. 25th anniversary Pharsday. October ieir friends gather. e evening when a t. Mr. and Dire will wish them PPy Wed 0, life, SPECIAL B.ROAIN-F a farm on Blnevale road. App to Ritchie ee Ooeens. FOR SALE, -A good serviceable mere and oolt for sale. Apply to Tiros, FELLS, Will Soon Res We are pleased to thnt Dr. J. R. Maod seriously ill for som proving and expects tioe here iu the con two. Dr. Hutahieo to town yesterday Dr. Macdonald's able to return to to me Practice. report this week nald, who has been weeks' is now ira- te resume hie prao. e of a month or , of London, came d will look after aotioe until be is n. Good general servant girl wanted, Apply to Box A; TIMES office. "A Cra Friday evening ember 19th -is the tion in the Wing? the famous drama, members of the W The plan opens a drag store on Mon p. m, The prioe Dents; reserved seat 15 cents, y Idea." f next week -Nov ate of the presents, bw opera house, of 'A Crazy Idea," by ngham Y. M. 0. A. J. W. MOKibbon's ly next at 2 o'clock of admission is 25 , 35 cents; children, Best family flour, "Gold Star" $2.75. FRANK: R. Howto . Women's The annual meet Auxiliary of St. Pa at the home of Mrs. Thursday afternoo officers were oleo year : -Honorary kins; President, M Mre. Roderns; 2nd Rea. - Seo., Mrs. W Mrs. Diamond; W W. G. Gray, Mrs, Scott; Delegates Mrs. Scott; Sub. and Mrs. Diamond Auxiliary. ng of the Women's l's Church was held Dudley Holmes on , when thefollowing d for the ensuing eeident, Mrs. Temp. . McGuire; 1st Vice, ice, Mrs. Johnston; VanStone; Treas., k Committee -Mrs. .A. Haugh and Mrs, Mts. McGuire end legates -Mrs, Ricoh WANTED. -A good servantgirlwanted by Mrs, (Dr,) P. Macdonald. Apply by letter to 854 Richmond street, London, Good wages will be paid, Auction Sale o Mrs. A. Anderson, tends leaving shortly will offer her property auction at the Qneen day, November 20th, p. in. The property o and there is a gad oni brink hoose, with fro' good stable, Glenann, C. P. R, waiting root hones fora number want a good property Real Estate. of Glenannan, in - for the West and for sale by public hotel, on Saber. at 2,30 o'clook ntains two acres and a half story e kitchen and a n post office and have been in this f years. If you attend this sale. WANTED. - Marsh hay, free from thistles, for packing furniture, At WALKER & CLEGG'S upholstering Pao. tory. Commuted to At last Saturday's Dominion Cabinet a decided to recotnmend the Governer -Genera sentence passed on Mr of Sudbury for the na teras illegitimate ohild to tete years' ifnprtson the appalling oiron fronted the unfortnn polled her to oommi Cabinet promptly deo penalty should not b felt, however, that it the interests of just full pardon, as the or edly one of mnrdar, new precedent of et f, oahviotlon for rote palliating °fronmstatt escarole's Of metol', en Years. meeting of the Ottawa it was o his Excellency that the death . Annie Robinson der of her dangle. n he commuted eat. In view of tanoes that oort. e'Woman and inn• the crime, the ed that the death exaoted. It was would not be in. e to recommend ne was undonbt. and that to set a 11 pardon after a r, even though e all oiled for the Id be unwise. WANTn1 ---Young men to learn stove. men. Eighe tt wages paid. WEsrrnRg FOUNDRY Oa., Waiglatun. Read Willis & Co.'s'adv. on page 8. Next Qoncert, The next concert the auspices of the y will be held in St, An Monday evening, No attraotion will be Ro toonist. Thia is said oompletest and mos performance on the iniasion is 25 cents. for one of the best e series.. ovember .29th. the series under restmioeter G •'ld, lrew'a Oh oh on ember 2 ., The 0 an', the Oar. a . .he greatest, artistic, one•mau latform. The ad- s cep the date open ertainments of the To RENT -A good seven -roomed house in good locality. Apply at TIMIES office, Local Optic Votes on local op plaoes in Huron co at the January els ham, Clinton, Elytl Bayfield, Colborne,. Tuckersmith and T have been Sled in There are only two county where a c been started, viz: Sillop.. Campaigns, on iu the following uty, will be taken otion, viz: -Wing- Brussels, Exeter, rey, Hay, Stephen, rnberry. Petitions Gee municipalities. other places in the mpaign could have Seaforth and Mo- BREAItiA6T FOODS,- Rolled Wheat, Roiled Oats, Standard Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, eto. FRAM{ R. Howsoet. Hospit Mr. Issao Wrigh patient in the hoop Dr. J. P. Kennedy. has been in the days suffering fro inflammatory rhes Webster is in tl from pleurisy, - who was operated Calder two weeks the hospital this -Mrs. Robertson hospital under t Redmond. 1 Notes. , of Turnberry, is a al under the care of Mr. Sam, McIlwain ospital the last ten a severe attack of atism.-Mr. Chas. hospital suffering s. J. A. Moynihan, on by Dr. Margaret go, was able to leave eek, fully recovered. is a patient in the care of Dr. R. 0. Storm Jute horse blanket, guaran- teed, at $1,75 is the best value in Wing. ham. Get one at Tiros, KEW'S. , 'Don't be Are you a chronic bier? Do you find y continually find fault left undone? If yo yourself. Do not a, faction to find vent will but stop to thinl every time you give ing, you display you: of interest in the tarp If you are really lute be it what it ma or Business, -you rather, you will take posh with all your n: you are really inters yon will be too busy the way things are Kicker. joker and a gram ureelf disposed to with what is being are, keep it to ow your dissatis. In words. If you , yon will see that ioice to fault -find - idleness and lack t of your abuse. sted in the cause, -Town, Church ill not grumble, ff your coat and ght and main. If ted and working, find fault with ing done. • You ceN'T Itt HAPPY if your feet ache. Dr. Reed's 0nehion Shue is the easiest shoe on earth. See them at W. J. GREER'S Bible Soc Tne annual mea branch of the Society was held i on Wednesday ev Rev. P. J. MOLn Society, was the p gaye an outline of Officers for the elected as follow Kerr; Vioe•presid sr.; Secretary, D urer, Rev. N. S. B tines -Methodist C F. Buchanan; Lockhart, Robt. A, E. Smith, A. Peter Fisher, Abn Army, John Mo Last year $124,1 Winghanr in aid o ty Meeting. ing of the Wingham •per Canada Bibl St. Paul's Ohuro ing of last week en, agent for th noipal speaker an e work being done netting year wer :-President, Joh t, Robert Currie M. Gordon; Treas- rwaeh; Repreaenta• nreh, J. A. Morton, resbyterian, Robt. axwell; St. Paul's, Alderson; Baptist, r Cosens; Salvation evin, R. R. Mooney. was colleoted in the society. If e h e d e n• Before buying your horse blankets and robes aaIl and see our Iarge stook. Prices down to rock bottom. Mos, KEW, A Charrni g Picture. Cnarming, indee , is the beautiful picture entitled " he Soul's Awak- ing," given with/ the Family :. aid and Weekly Sta , of Montre, this season. It is di milt to lin. ••olds to do the picture jus ice.t 1s . a inspirit tion to look et. Ther a beautiful lesson in this s , et piure and every hoose would be the better of it copy Adorning its w lis. This picture- is 19e24 inohee ready for framing tad is absolutely free to all who enbaorihe to that great f fly and farm paper the enbsoription price of which is only ane dollar a year A dollar ootild not be better spent. E ther piottire or .paper alone is worth m re, The Pettily alert std shontd be k t bury entering new anbscriberr this a anon. Largest Man Jonathan Miller, pr man in the world, die Gadericb, Monday m well known by the having run the' Hotel lob, and the Griep Mr. Miller weighed 4( 63 years of age, He miller, where his fat years, and the village hit father, A few ye found, owing to bit had to retire from life, and purchased a Carlow, He was al about his size, and arrived on passing went to see the la world. Mr. Miller stential sum to go to year, but was afraid i World, 0 I ably the larges at Darlow, nea o ning. Re wa evening publio Bedford, Gc der use, Seaforth pounds, and wa born, at Ben r kept hotel fo as named after re ago Mr. Miller reat wei.ht, he ore active hotel ountry hotel at a's very genial when Amerioans steamers, many gest man in the e offered a sub. t r s • • 8 • r as S f eattle Fair t t the long jo ney. FOR SALE. -Hunte an about % aures of Ian_ Apply to GRIERSON, Wi furniture and d a stable. gham. To RENT, -Two story brink house, eight rooms, pure bard water and soft water. Apply to GEo MCKENZIE. Public Scho The Wingham Po met au Tuesday even bers being preeeut. counts were ordered Robertson, repairs, e Mooney, water 'pipe D. Fryfogle, plaster Alex. Campbell, m $24 97. The Prin October showed an 144, girls, 16e; total age attendance of 2 the Principal for a was granted, and delve $900. The and officers for the to be paid and th man and seoretary amount of insttran fled. Trustee Hal to his intended a several months, h to resign his posit matter was deferre rangements were supply of wood and and the Board adjo I Board io School Board g, all the mem- he following ao o be paid: -W. o , $1.05; R R. ad elbow, $1 65; ng, eta., $12 50; terial and work, pal's report for tendanoe of boys, 310, with an aver. 2. The request of lucre/me in salary r 1910 he will re- laries of teachers onth were ordered action of the chair. n issuing cheque for e premium was rata intimated that owing ence from town for thought it his duty n. Action in the until later. Ar- ad(' for securing a oal for the school, nes. WANTED ---A11 kis of fowl -alive or dressed, for which the highest prices will be paid. Live f eel taken on Tues• days and Thursdays. V. R. VAN.Noitartee. Important It is not erten an at your door to see and New York style such is the case, as Toronto is visiting t your inspection of private apartment Hotel. These Hair properly adjusted the head, soften pression of the fa tone up an aged and see them at th Friday, November o Ladies. pportunity occurs he latest Parisian, in Hair goods, rof. Dorenwe, . of is to n, an, ' vites thee: go.: a at his res ••ed at the Goods styles, when rotect and ornament nd bi'autify the ex - e, and consequently pnearanoe. Be sure Brunswick Hotel on 6, DAINTY Montt is light Rubber for See them at W. J. e name of the best adios and Gents. REER's House FI The common ho in its true colors a medinma of oarryi to be contended agai 0. Hewitt, Domini Ottawa, before the the Entomological at Guelph last wee ands of dollars, have the south to prevent t through the extermi toes, there has been vent the house fly extensive a work i in the .northern o0 Hewitt. "Extermin and you out down t by intestinal dtse which were readil He believed that t fly was yearly oa hundreds or even t as well as pre typhoid fever. away from the 1 that the statement tier of disease w faddists and the t made clean by utter foolishness made a study of its habits and br land and in Can fir• tis being' la haps harmless, baoteria of da doctor then decot ing into the bout bowl and in the latter had beet B medium for dire wall found to when files were a protected. 's Habits. se fly was painted one of the worst disease that has at, by Dr. Gordon o , Entomologist, of nnnal meeting of piety of Ontario, "While thous - been expended in o spread of fever, ,tion of mosqui. ittle done to pre- rom doing just as spreading disease ntries," said Dr. to the house fly death rate caused es and diarrhoea, spread by the fly. eo•oalled harmless sing the dotstli of emends, of infante, ding the germs of eople were getting ea, Dr. Hewitt said, that the fly is a oar- s made by pranks or eery tbat the fly wag washing itself" was As one who has he hletory of the fav, eding plaoes in Eng. a, ha described every en with baoteria, per. bet likely to be the erouS diseases. The bed hOw the fly, OM- , lighted in the sugar milk vessels and the Own to be a petfeot e in which baoteria rvelop .very, tepidly, out and milk War not CLUBBING OFFERS. We call special attention We week t our excellent clubbing otters with the leading newspapers and peniodi- oata, a list of which will be found on page 3 As an inducement to new snbsoribers, we will give the TIMES with any of the large weekly papers, from now until January, 1911, at the yearly Tratelaritquotedsoffice ., Send your orders Zit E Office Papers wanted Amount, $. CHURL NOTES. Rev. 0. E. Jeaki s, late of Wingham, wee tendered it earty reception at Huron College in ondon on Tuesday evoning, by the o cera, students and friends of the coli ge. Rev. Mr. Tilly, who spent some weeks in Wingh. , last year, supplying St. Paul's pulpit, took the services in St. Paul's Church n Sunday last, Rev, 0 E. Jeanine ••'11 000npy the pulpit next Sunday. This is the last week of R, KNOX'$ Removal Sale. V. R. VanNorm. , will ship a oar load of old fowl from t • , G. T, R. station on Friday. Farmers, , eliver fowl early. Y. M. C. • . NOTES. A Physical Teat benefit of the you the Physical Dep aociations of Heir held in Stratford, be three sessions, and evening, and will be Mr. Orooke ford Y. M. 0. A.4. ly Physioal Directo Valentine, Physi.oa ford. This insti.t patroniz:d by the leaders, and the tr. tions received et it fel to these young the looal Assooiatio winter. ng Institute for the men at the heads of menta of the As - and Bruce, will be ov. 12. There will forenoon, afternoon e principal speakers Secretary of Brant, r. S Breut, former. of London, and Mr. Director of Strata to should be well yaical Department fining and suggea. ould be very- help - en in their work in during the Doming The Y. M. C. A. Ings, conducted by Fleming for the past County of Huron, h gratifying en0eese. and boys have deo Ohrlstian life as a re great many have b aroused to greater z Christian work, and have committed the Evangelism for the c Masan, by his earner work, his sympat strong grip upon G fel speaking, has s life of the country person has ever sti a great many pars his brief stay in th the good work through him will in Huron, evangelistic meet - r. Mason and Mr. four weeks in the e met with very Thirty-five men ded to begin the telt of this work, a en quickened and al and effort in the forty young men selves to Personal ming winter, Mr. nese in the Master's with men, his d, and his force- irred the Christian a perhaps no other ed it; he has made nal friends during county; and he and ne by the Master ng be remembered WANTED. -Fifty girls, glove and mitt mailing,. leather goods. All prices paid. Powe V free. Apply at Wingham Tannery. W. D. PRINGLE. earn the nd work on w lines; good Mutual Insuranc The report of the li anme for the Province ing the business of t, anoe companies dur gives some statistics interest as a number have polioies in the West Wawanosh Ce premium note capita tal assets, $171,320,0 873.65 cash on hand, iron notes. The $9,729.91, the total e went $1,560.42. T tiering the.yeer wer end of 1908, 3,011 po covering insurance $4,680,552. New ba: $1,301,025, IIowiok Bossed premium note Total assets. $387,59 is invested in Loan • $1,800 in reel estate. the bank. The co• standing liabilities, for the year Amount whioh $16,412.35 menta. The espe were $3,047.37, an paid Out be reseal[ the end of 1008, 4 furca, covering ins of $8,869,3$0: Nat 1908, $2,428,170. Companies. peotor of Insur- f Ontario, cover- e different insur- ng the year 1008, which will be of f our readers wiII mpanies named :w- pany-thaasseseed , $158,888 92. To. , made up of i$11, - n bank and prem. .tai receipts were penses of manage. total losses paid $9,318.40. At the ioies were in force, to the amount of nese taken in 1908, Company - - [leas• apital, $371,950 06, 49; of this, $11,009 PUBLIC SOH IOL REPORT. JUNIo TBII;D, Senior Section. arks obtainable, 610 Joe Riohardson 5.8, Kathleen Pringle 532, Nellie Bennet 516, Nora Gracey 504, Alex. Anders.. 480, Earle Ander. son 451, Howard a ey 450, Scott Max well 443, Greta R bins= 436, Verna McDonald 424, ' life Hinsoliffe 406, Harold Maguire 40(, Wm. T•fe0ocl 890, Dick Gram , HNtergarth 355, SterlinghaRea386ng 350,arvey Mabel Mc- Donald 347, Pao he Bloomfield 334. Paul Gillespie 334 John MoNevin 320, Currie Wilson 300, Willie Stapleton 283, Harold Gould 202 Lewis Smale 222, Leonard Robinso 183, Frank Wiley 171, Fred Waiket 113, :Ina Rich 85, Junior Sootion, arks obtainable, 560 Edith McNutt •a0, Theo. McDonald 480, Spencer Jo nston 478, Marion Johnston 403, Vere a Armour 456, Win- fred Morden 441, Florenoe Murch 415, Frank Moore 39r , Ezra Pocock 380, Marion Pilgrim 37', ,Maggie Pocock 358, Cora Kingston 3'8, Verna Moore 3CO3 Clarence Thornt.. 298, Clair Crawford 291, Lexie Hair•• : n 235, Bertha Black- ball 233, Gladys t ear 214, Ethel Finley 128, Eva Paterson 95. SENIO SECOND, Senior Section, Marks obtainable, 831. Jack Maxwell 60, Nellie Vanedstine 755, Charlie Gr Item 740, Vera Webb 741, Sara Hamil .n 695, Miriam Smith 668, Irene Hewer. 649, Eileen Dore 633, Kent Smith 630, ins Haugh 628, Pat Holmes 605, OlarIsard 604. Sara Mc- Lean 597, Mark O. sselis 587, Olive Rita. told 570, Tillie Bo treII 525, Ella Cooke 492, Winnifred W,lker 471, Ella Rogers 440. Junior Section. arks obtainable, 773 Effie Erskine 65• Harvey Dennis 625, Nettie Christie 5:', Fred Walsh 546, Gertie Oantelon 5 1, Hugh Angus 508, May Reading 48 , Edith Jarvis 485, Cecil Angus 466, ' iotoria Paterson 404, Loretta Sturdy 42 , John Nicholls 381, Norman MoRitchi: 372, Earl Mills 360, Heloise Kenuedy 5, Nellie Irwin 884, Vera Davidson 299, Irma Williams 288. JUNIOR SECOND, Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE Senior Section. Lizzie Carrie 47 Neil McLean 459, Joan Christie 395, Londe Zurbrigg 882, Fred Sturdy 37 870, Howard .14113 Williamson 818. W Hewer 316, Alioe Aitchison 261, 01 Claude Maxwell 249 Ooze Wild 148, Oho Bell 100, Pearl Mo 48. junior Seotion. Noel Drummond 401, Irene Paton 3 Earle, Huffman 376 Teddy Murcia 369 Margaret Carruth 318, Florence Di bard 274, Florenoe Aitohison 251, Herold Mann 214 Frank Robinson 2 lefey Allen 185, Ha PART Senior Elizabeth Hann Ruth Anderson, Coultes, James I) Stanley MoDonal Albert Bloomfial Evelyn Angus,- 0 ryfogie, Rollo Sanderson, Eva 0 Junior Section Stanley Robin Laurie Dusacan, NiehoI, Gorden Joe Saint, Ailee Adams, Charlie J er, Sara Brown, E Arthur Sturdy, nen Senior Part I, Irene Day, Mad Currie, Lawrence n o woo Lynett, Sinimone, Milli Donaldson, Alton cod, Neilson Itio Edith HIM, Geo junior Pert Alba Galbta guerite John's, Luttoft, Welton • Anderito Clifford CASA Nine absent. arks obtainable, 535. , johns 462, George Allen 890, Charlie Smith 394, 85, Kathleen Mills , Calmed), Kerslake onald 323, Archie lie Dear 317, Ruby inlay 291, Wallace ton Maxwell 255, Vera Strioker 244, lie Bell 123, Stanley en 91, Eva Hayles arks obtainable, 498. 114, Margaret Piper 8, Elda Growdy 383, Linda McLeod 867. Dora Launtly 349, 319, Dorothy Clark mond 281, Oharlie Hinsoliffe 261, Henry eggie Smith 235, Charlie Lloyd 210, Mae Passmore 202, old Hamilton 179, Names in order of ton, Leonard Jarvis, na Musgrove, Mary Charlie Pooch, -1 Dickson, George Sanderson, Theloaa ridge, Percy joynt, ter Stapleton, Narnee in order of , 011ie Hamilton, ra Hardy, Kenneth dford, Ella Dobie, Kennedy, Catharine ea, Madeline Walk - "e Tougher, Solinny FIRST. Names in otder of ine Duncan, Gordon es Allan, Willie Imes, Annie Bleat. h, Harry Gentle% Ben Gradd, Isabella Xerslake, Shirley johnstou, Lillie Ella - den, Richard Clark, Name's in order of , Freddie Piper, Mar. Rintoul, froward rd Robertson. Arvis loholton, Mettle Reid, , Carrie Ilingiton, Ina Cook, Tenors ElIsotat, re, Agme CLOTHES THAT FIT you well, look well and wear well, are the best in the end, They cost no more than the other kind, if yon go to the right place for these. Ws have a fine Steck of Suitings in Tweeds, Woreteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in the latest styles and use the best trims:tinge. The Cold Weather is near, an GVERCO is a necessity. Come in and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers mid Friezea. You will look dressy in one of our make, Excellent Values may be had from us in Fur Caps, Fur Collaes and Neck Scarfs. The prices are an The Balance of our Men's Furnishings must go -Hats, Caps, Shine, Collars, Ties, ete. ROBT0 MAXWELL INI.NG II A DI, GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF BIUSIC And Anthorized Teaelettr of the Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kinder- garten. Pupils piepared le" Conmerva- tory exams., both in Theory add Piano. CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7," For information as to rate% tuition, eto , apply at her home, Minnie street. Night Clastes. Ambitione young people who wish. to "learn while they earn," may do so by attending night olasses at the Winglutta Ruttiness College. Each etudent is in. strnoted privately by painstaking, ono - pathetic) teachers. Yon. may enter no matter what your education. Ask for information. Phones 104 and 85 The Leading Shoe Store THE BEST OF Rubbers This is Rubber Sealon-the season of wet feet aud colds. It's not neoesseey to have eller! A pair of otir Good Rubbees will pro. toot you. Every Man. Woman ani Child shoald be provided with a pair of GJati, Rah, loos from now on. We've Men's and Wonieres Rubbers in every good and wantee style - Shaped to fit the stresent Shoe Models. Sole Rubbers, Low out Robbers, Toe Rubbers. Storni Ruebere, Sande* We 'sell only stuth ;Rubbers m we the worthless "bargain" sort. W. 1 GREER. THE SHOE MAN. Bole agent: Slater and. Jargons Shoes Dor Nem Haw snit Empress Rhos* for Worstn,