HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 88 TUE W3.NlWAM TIMES', NOVEMBER 4, iy/J 1 THINK THIS OVER I —Mr. J II Gordon, late of Wingham, was presented with a handsome gold watch and ohain and an address by the London Board of. Trade, prior to hie de- parture for Toronto. --Judge's Court of Revision on the voters' list of the Town of Wingham for the year 1909. wi 1 be hold in the oounoil chamber on Monday, November 16th, commencing at 12 o'clock noon. —The Fordwich Record has entered its fourteenth year and under the management of Mr. Wm. Watters, continues to prosper, Mr. Watters has our best wishes for oontinued success. —The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Wingham liospited will be held in the Council Chamber next Monday afternoon at 4 16 o'oloek. All members are requested to attend. —Mr. John Taylor, father of Mrs. W. Henry, of this town, died at Stratford last week. Deceased was for many y ears a resident of Listowel, having been engaged in the blaokemithing business. —Mrs. Chas. J. Reading wishes to thank her neighbors and numerous friends for the many courtesies and acts of kindness shown to her during her late husband's long illness and also in her time of bereavement. --Mr. A.E. Bradwin, late of the Blyth Standard, and eon of Mr. J. E. Bradwin, of town, has purchased the North Star, Parry Sound, and is now in possession. His numerous friends here will wish him success in his new home. —Messes. Brown & Wilford. of the apple evaporating factory, are after all the fair-sized cull appieo they can get and are in a position to handle any quantity. Two cars were shipped in during the past week. Read the firm's advt. in another column. —For the remainder of this year and the whole of 1910, the TIMES will be sent to any address in Canada for one dollar. If you are a subscriber, dear reader, send it to some member of your family who is away from home. No present at anything like the same value could be so much appreciated. NUMBER TWELVE. Farmers living in the vicinity of Wingham have been heard to complain that; there is not a sufiioient market for their produce in Wingham and that those who send their staff: to Toronto or taome other large centre obtain Roach better prices. They say that it is all right for those who produce some par- ticular article in large quentitie©, Quell as those who make a specialty of eggs, or dressed poultry, or butter to send their produce away, but that on the mixed farm they do not produce sufii eient of any one artiole to make tine possible, and they are thus compelled to dispose of there produce in Wing - ham, We have taken the trouble to sift tbe matter a little bit, and we find that the very farmers who complain are doing absolutely nothing to make conditions better, and, in fact, are doing consider- able to make them worse. Many of them do a lot of shopping by mail, send- ing the cash away to Toronto or Mont- real. They do not obtain any more for their money, quality being equal, and they do a lot of harm to themselves. It would be very much better if those who are so positive in their complaints would co-operate with the residents of Wingham in the endeavour to make this a better market. All that is neces- sary to accomplish this is to enable our merchants to increase their business. They would then increase their help and we would have a better and a busier town. This condition would attract out. aside capital and new enterprises and in- dustries would follow in the natural or- der of events. As "nothing sueoeeds like success" the chain should bo added to link by link. The first step, however, is for every farmer in this vicinity to realize that he has a personal and vital interest in the welfare of Wingham, just as much as any resident of the town itself, and the most reasonable way to show that interest is to confine his purchases as far as possible, to the merchants of Wingham. Some of the townspeople also have been guilty of this fault of shopping by mail, but there is evidenoe of an awak- ening on this subject in Wingham, and Most of the citizens are finding out by experience, if they have not previously found it out by the application of common sense, that it is neither pro- fitable nor wise to send their cash to snail order homiest It is not profitable, because it costs the oity stores more to do business than it costs our Wingham merchants, and the prices are not as reasonable me those charged by local dealers for an equal quality of goodo. If it is not profitable, it is certainly not wise to purchase away from home, and there is the added reason that doing so is injurious to the town and every in- dividual in the town. And so we say to the farmer, be fair, be reasonable, be wise. Help no to build up Wingham, and the benefit will be as mach yours as ours. Your sons and daughters would not have to go to the cities and be subjected to all sorts of temptations, but could obtain employ- ment at home, and both farmers and townspeople would have more opportun- ity to enjoy life. Wingham would be a better market town and a better commercial and industrial centro. Again we say, "Do your shopping in Wingham." FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Fanners' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good fanners rely on it. For price see our clubbing offer. CATTLE ESTRAY. Strayed from the premises of the nn• dereigned, about October 15th, cue Red Yearling Steer and one Red Yearling Heif. r. Any information as to their whereabouts will bo thankfully received by W. J. HENDERSON, Box 56, Wingham (Juuetion). CLOVER THRESHERS. The undersigned has purchased a clover threshing outfit and requests farmers having plover to thresh to send in their names and addreeees at once. T. W. PIOKELL, Box 305, Wingham, Oat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursu5aft to R.SO. 1699, Chap. 120, Sec. 9s, that all rsons having claims against the Estate of P rick Troy, late of the Township of Kitties: in the County of Bruce, farmer, deceased, to died on or about the 23rd day of .July, 1000, are required to send by post pr aid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solic or the Executors, on or before the 1st day ' December, A.D.1000, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the lixecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 2nd day of November, A.D. 1909. li v AN:',TONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for Executors. Wanted--- Farmers —Mr. John Terriff, formerly oflWing• ham, is seriously ill at Stratford. Some weeks ago Mr. Terriff bad one of his hands badly out while working on a saw in the chair factory. Since then a nervous trouble has developed and he has been in the hospital for some days and is in a critical condition. Mr: Terriff's old friends here will wish him a complete recovery. —Mr. T. S. Brandon this week gave up possession of his farm in Morrie, reoently purchased by Mr. Nethery, and has also resigned the position of Town- ship Treasurer, which he has held for the past twenty years. Mr. Brandon has not definitely decided upon his plans for the future, but the family have many friends in this distriot whose heartiest wishes will go with them should they deoide to remove. A MOTHER'SC H CARE IS HER BABY'S WELFARE. The great desire of every mother is that her little ones aha11 be bright, g• •d - natured and healthy. Every •, ether can keep her little ones in this c if she will give them an occasi of Baby's Own Tablets. The cure colic, indigestion, diarrhoea, worms, tet and other minor ailme to contain ne opiate or poisonous "soothing stuff." Mrs. H. Irvine, North Portal, Sask., says;—"I have need Baby's Own Tablets when our baby was teething and for other little troubles, and have found them all you claim for them, I always keep them in the house." Sold at 25 cents a box by all dealers, or by mail from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. dition al dose e Tablets nstipation, ng troubles . Guaranteed PERSONAL. Mrs. Mrs. Chas. Swanson and children are visiting the former's parents in Goderioh. Mr. L. H. Bosman is home from Coohrane and will spend the winter mouths with his family in town. • G. T. R. Agent Henry• is away to New Ontario on a few days hunting trip and Mr, Geo, Lamont, of WDliteoharoh, is looking after his work here. Mr. F. IL Walley was palled to Inger- soll on Tuesday owing to the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. G. W. Walley. MINOR LOCALS. To come and make arrangements for de- livering your c apples, the pre is 25c and 30c, :et your name o e list of those w o will bring them in when you can't do anything else. Having se- cured a warmer work- room we will peel them all. BROWN & WILFORD KING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE •1' .1. 4. •p 4.Royal f4. 44.4. . 4. 4. 4. tit Having enlarged our 3+• 4. s.4 store we are now in a 4- 4. position to display our 4. GOODS and our custom- ers will always find that we keep nothing but the + best on our shelves. 4' Special attention paid 4. to our TEAS, COFFEES : + and GROCERIES. + 4. + 4. . 41. d• A. J. Malcolm 1 Grocery While Henry Schmidt, of Phillipsburg was sawing wood at the house of Harry Herold, of Shakespeare, he was caught by the fly wheel and drawn between it and the boiler, reaming injuries from which he died an hour later. Mr, Schmidt leaves a wife and one child. John D Rockfeller has donated $1,- 000,000 to be used in fighting the book- worm disease. This disease, it is be- lieved, was imported from Africa with the negroee, lives in the human intes- tinal tract and feeds upon blood which it draws from the mucous lining of the tract. --Regular monthly meeting of the Pabiio School Board next Tneeday evening. ---The monthly report of the standing of pupils in Wingham Public School is held over until nest week. For twenty-fout years Vape•(tresolene has been extensively used for all loans of throat and bronchial troubles. All Druggists. —The anneal Scottish concert will be held on Friday evening, January `nth. Zook for particulate in future Lewes. —Ur. Wm. Oornyn hal mold his farm inTarnberry, now leered by Mr. Wm, Adair, to Mr. john 'Martin, of Cobalt. —Mr Cory Baer, formerlytly of this om diens one o t the r incl al C e i p sp town, With Guy Bros'. Minstrels this Beason. -Mr. Mat Algid, formerly of Wing. heat, and now of Glencoe, has been stair/ugly ill at Viotoria hospital in tion. don. Be woe able to leave the hospital t Wit*. 4- 4- 1• d• .1. d• •i• KING'S Wingham's Fur Store The largest and best range of Furs ever shown in Wingham-- p eople ccming longer distances every day to see these goods—to SEE is to nrrV. GENTS'—The best $50 Coon Coat in town—come in and see it—a ccmplete range of Calf, Dog and Wallaby Coats in stook. LA DIES'--Fur-Lined Coats, Fur Coats, Cloth Coats with Fur Collar, Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, etc., in abundance—all from the best makers. Underwear An excellent range in the best brands. Watson's for women and child- ren is unexcelled IJNDERWEAR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS—Another shipment of this line just to hand and they are beauties. Call and inspect them. WANTED—Large quantities Roll Butter 24e, fresh Eggs 80e, Dried Apples Go, and any quantity White Beans and Feathers. IIWe want large quantities dry picked Fowl of all kinds, highest prices—No. 1 Turkeys 15c, d• d• Phone 54. ' Produce Wanted. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING.. C HEAP PRIOES •i• 4' d• d• 4. MAREXEIb Govima—BCCUANAN —In East Wawanosh, on October 2let, by Rev. A. E. Jones, Mr. Wm. Govier, of Mullett. to MlssMargaret,daughter of Mr. Robert Buchanan, of Westfield. MED Or Ani:. In Wingham, on November 2nd, d 0 months. Joseph Clark, aged 40 years and HormovrAv.—in R'urnberry, on October, 01st, 1009, John Alexander, infant son of Edmund A. and Susan Holloway, aged 2 months and 11 days. Doircar,Av.-1n Morris, on October 25th, John Douglas, jr., aged 28 years. 'MCNETT.....In Grey on Oet. 25th, Archibald McNeil, formerly of Grey, Wawanosh, aged 51 years, l0 months and 12 days. W.rr,AC0.•--In Grey, on Oet. 22nd, Christina Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James end Lavina Wallace, aged 27 years. NOTICE. Notice iv hereby given the Court will be rip Votcra' Li st held, pursuant to The t e o 04 the • ononr the ad County illi g ,Act b lin y Court of the County of ssron, at the Town in ham on Monday,. awn f all et the T at T. the With day of No ber,1909, at the hoer of 12 o'clock, noon, t ear and determine the ee•tcrel complaints of errors and omieeinne in the Voters' List of the municipality of Wing - ham for 1909. All pereon5 hating business at the Court are required to attend at the maid time and place. Dated, Winghdm, loo 13 F88(iTWPDXP, Clerk of the Town of Winsharn• • lower••!•Kr•••••••••••••••••rD• •••••••••••••••••••••••••■ FOR HIGH-CLASS GOODS• • • • 1 a Newest and Most Stylish Dress Goods / • • in all the popular shad( s. • Cloth and Fur Coats * and all other fur wraps. Wool •Shawls: Neck Scarfs, Toques, • • . •;y2itts, Gloves, Fur Gauntlets. • • • a • ® •, 1 • In the following seasonable lines, at very, reasonable prices, you are cordially invited to visit D. M. Gordon's store. Take i time to inspect the goods carefully, note well the prices, and 44 we will be satiffied with the result. • • • 1 • • • • HOU$ECIEANINO 1 MADE EASY with the nse of' a VACUUM C1ENER Will thoroughly extract all the dust and dirt from rugs are car- pet without taking them from the floor, and deposit tbe dirt in the machine, which can then be emptied or burned. Will also gather up every particle of dirt from upholstered furniture, tapestry curtains, drip. cries, portieres, walls and mould. ings, thus making it a sanitary convenience and doing away with the hardest part of house. 'cleaning. Satisfaetion guaranteed. $1,50 Per day,1 per half day.. Ask about it at J. R. STEWAR r &, CO.'s HARDWARE, Phone 1G. e • • a • • • • • • 1 • • • Penman's and Watson's Fine Underwear. They are the best. Men's Overcoats and Fur Coats. Look for quality and prices right here. Rubbers and Overshoes. Best of Underwear In light, medium and heavy. Lots in and boys. Everything in Groceries fresh, new and the best. • • • O • • • every size for girls w • . • • • • We want your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples and will pay highest prices for them. • •s.. • • 0 i.D. •M. GOR ON. •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• e•••••••••••••••o••••••••• STOCK FOR SALE. (Rearview stock of Herefords and Shrop- shires are offered for sale, consisting of one yearling bull, and a number of choice females; also one two -shear ram of Liord-Jones breed- ing, reed•ing, and a number of ram lambsT. P rices right H.Wingham P. O. CENTRAL f/1 a 1/ reantlATratiere.. CteT. Has the reptitation of being the best practical training school in Canada, Thorough, courses have produced re- sults, Business men say our graft - stem are the best and they apply to ne for office help. Oar graduates enceoed as none other. Three de. partments.-•- Coprnercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Enter at onee. Write now for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & Mc OMAN PR'IN'CTIPALS. te ' 4, eurtlikt • — :teen. tee THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS, TEAMSTERS, MECHANICS AND LABORERS IS DRAWN TO OUR SUPERIOR Quality LEATHER LEGGINGS —OUR OWN MAKE — MADE IN WING - HAM. BEST HEAVY GRAIN LEATHER— CAN'T PULL OUT HOOKS — RAW HIDE LACES. SEWED WITH HEAVY LINEN THREAD — IN FACT THE KIND USUAL- LY SOLD FOR $1.75 and $2.00 PER PAIR —ALL SIZES 6 TO 12. FOR Si .4 5 PER PAIR AND, DO NOT FORGET— New Rubbers the Old Prices • WILLIE & CO. THE SHOE STORE. "Victoria" Shoes for ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for znen. AGENTS FOR LADIES James Halbert, a constable, was stab• bed and dangerously wounded by Robert Cook, whom he was trying to arrest et Orangeville. Cook got away. G AND TRUNK YEM Single Fare for Hunters. To T'eMagatni, Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, eto. Daily nntil Nov. 6tb, Return limit December 4th, or until close of navigation, it earlier, to points reaohed by ateatnerse California, Mexico, Florida. Consult nearestG rand Trunk Agent regarding w Io__ tourist rates. For debate and further information gall on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address Z. D. McDonald, D. P. A„ Toronto. >s a s► • b MEWS FUR COATS.—In Coon, Calfskin, Dog, ete. These are new P stock and prices right. When in town looking for Fur Coats, try us. LADIES' FUZZ JACKETS.—It will pay you to see these. CMIOMMIMM...111.111b =NON 1len's and Boys' Overcoats Newest styles, fine quality, prices from $5.00 to $18.00. a FURS .Underwear. i it We carry a fine assortment of Ladies' Underwear, from ts 25c to $1.50 each. Children's from 15e upwards. . se Men's and Boys' Fleece -Lined, all sizes. Stanfield's and Penman's Underwear for men. e Blankets and Sheetings Ar E Pure Wool Blankets, made from our own wool at Wroxeter. ai Nothing to equal them, 4 Flannelette Blankets, in 12/4, 11/4 and 10/4, from 81.00 b. to $1.60. e. Wool Sheeting, made from pure wool at Wroxeter. re 13 -- 4 i Carpets, Rugs, Linol eums, 1 t' Lace Curtains. . eDon't forget, we keep a complete range of House Furnishings s' to choose from, and prices to suit. IN Groceries. INPtr ipi C Sugar $4,90 per 100 lbs. (cash). Pure Clover Honey in 2 lb. and 5 Ib. tins. Bee Hive Corn Syrup. Flour, Feed and Grain always on hand. Goods and part of town. F. Ering along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry (dry picked),a scalded poultry 3e less. delivered to I POTATOES WANTED, : lif Ai M1LLSI PHONE 89. 'V INGEAM, ONT. yy lliiiA 1► ' ` 1AA,AAI6 AAA/usAAAAAAAAAW.44 ilIiAld•AAA4