HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges,
I _
The first submarine boat was triad in
Plymouth Harbor, England, in 1774.
The average man inolurles his cigar
lolls in the cost of supporting his fam-
A polished mi roc oasts reflections,
but a poliehed man doesn't. That's the
Curet. When Doctors Faller*.
Mr. Felix Villenvue, Clarence Creek,
One., writes: "I was a great sufferer
from kidney disease, inflammation of
the bowels and liver troubles and doc-
tors could Lot help me much. Could
not sleep, water contained sediment,
bad frequent desire to urinate and often
passed blood. Had dreadful headaches,
one side almost paralyzed ems wag dent
in left ear for eight years. Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pille cured me and I tun
very grateful. I want to thank you "
Don't think that because a Mau is
willing to lend you at helping hand he'll
stand for a touch.
A consignment of 8000 bushels of
Appian was recently shipped from Nova
Scotia to South Africa.
BearstheThe Kind You nave Always Bought
gl$ o re i s GGG6r f/Ls'
A woman 77 year of age and mother
of la children was recently married at
St. Marys to a man of 75.
"An optimist is one of them ohaps, I
guess," says Unoe Sim,"who don't
care a hang what happens so long's it
don't happen ter him,"
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo -
Bolivia is famous for its silver, but
also possesses considerable quantities of
gold, which, however, cannot be extrac-
ted without great expense.
Miss Ethel Cetus, a student in the
Smith Falls High School' ;may lose an
eye as the result of an explosion of
ohemicals in the laboratory.
IB'ilty years' experience of an Old parse
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
yearn with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twentyflve
cents a bottle.
The Provincial' Treasurer's depart-
ment at Toronto has received a cheque
for $428,805 from the estate of the late
James Gillios, of Braeside, the well-
known lumberman.
Mayor James Golding died suddenly
at his reai;donce at Brampton of heart
failure. Mr. Golding was one of Bramp-
ton's leading citizens, and his residence
there dated from boyhood,
Harry Storr, aged 70, a corporation la-
borer, walked in front of a street car at
St, Thomas and was so badly hurt that
death is almost certain. One leg was
cut off and the other broken.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
elignature of
The growing Western cities are rapid-
ly making reoorda, Vancouver has
recorded recently a couple of sales of
business property fetching $1,000 a foot
frontage, which is quite a price for snoh
a city.
Hunters and
Best Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
RawFurs and Skins
tar�„ua„to Was
the old reliable Pim of the
Par Trade.
134 and 136 McGill St. Montreal.
.sk for our Free 19091910 Price List,
wI; PAY I _ Pttl; ;; CIrAR(aa s.
Isaac Garlongh was acquited by a j ury
at Cornwall of the murder of Roes
Briekstead. He fired out of a window
towards some men who were annoying
him. Briokstead was found dead near
the place next morning.
The population of Ottawa, according
to theannual statement of the assess-
ment department is 83,860, an increase
of 3 076 over last year, The assessment
totals $63,348 814, an increase of $4 840,-
A syndicate of Oshawa mannfaotnrers
will build an electric road from Oobonrg
to Toronto. Applications will be made
to the Dominion Parliament at the ap-
proaohing session for a charter for the
"Toronto and Eastern," as the road will
be known.
Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bough►
Robt. Malcolm, Kinlough, delivered
three loads of hoge to H. Coleman,
Kincardine, since the 1st of August,
which netted him $716,00, and yet yon
will hear farmers saying every day,
there is no money in hogs.
Central Park in New York City is
assessed at the valuation of $215,000,-
000, not for the purpose of taxation,
but so as to show the amount of real
estate value that is exempt from
Violations of the not respeoting the
supply of milk to cheese factories have
been numerous of late throughout East-
ern Ontario, and Alfred Street, the offi-
oial proseontor, has been a busy man.
Several persons have been oonvioted and
fines imposed.
The exeert who has been examining
the bituminous coal areas owned by the
Grand Trunk Pacific, comprising 27
square miles in. Telkwa Valley, B. 0.,
will report that the coal is superior in
quality and well adapted for 000king and
s teaming purposes.
feet 1,11.
Beare the , The Kind You Have Always Bought
As an outcome of Canada's export
duty on pulpwood, a number of promin-
ent capitalists of Ogdensburg are form-
ing a company with the intention of
starting a mill in Prescott in the vacant
starch factory. The price named for
the property is $35,000,
The South..Western Traction Line,
running between London and Port
Stanley, was sold by auction at London
on Wednesday to a syndicate of London,
Hamilton and Toronto capitalists for
$130,000, who also assume a debt of $80,•
000 owing on the road.
Marvellous Healing Powers.
The most severe test to which a heal-
ing ointment is ever put is the care of
eczema. So successful has Dr, Ohase's
Ointment proven in the cure of tortur-
ing itching eczema that many people
refer to its effects as magical and mar-
vellous. After the first few applications
it positively stops the dreadful itching
and then gradually and naturally heals
up the sores.
To prevent embroidery from puoker-
ing, baste tisane paper under the part
to be embroidered. It will easily pull
away when the work is finished.
Sour milk should never be thrown
away, as it is good for hot cakes and
waffles. It is also desirable for boiled
salad dressing and many other dishes.
Earthen and stoneware jars or crooks
should be filled with cold water and
put over a clow fire and allowed to
oome to a boil before being used to
nook in.
The Dominion Steel Oompany has
been the successful tenderer for the
steel work in connection with the recon•
struetion of the wing of the Ontario
Parliament building which was recently
destroyed by fire. The work of rebuild-
ing will be proceeded with at once.
Mrs. John Cameron, Lucknow's gen-
ial Village Constable, was quietly mar-
ried on Tuesday, Oot. 26th, to Mira
Eesie, second daughter Of Mr. and Mrs,
Wm, Pinker of Clinton, The wedding,
which took place at the home of the
bride's parents, was a quiet one, only
the immediate relatives Of the contract•
ing parties being present.
George Leadbeater, an old Kincar•
din° boy who has been In business in
Detroit for many years, was in Kin-
cardine last week. He haft come back
to Canada and with others le interest-
ea in a $100,000 manufacturing con.
cern. They have purchased the plant
of the defunct shovel works at Port
Elgin and will begin business there.
Mr. Leadbeater is the patentee of a
folding baby go-cart, which has had a
large sale in the States. This with
1 other artioles will be plaeed on the
I Canadian market,
Animal Was Too Sore, and Lazne
to Work--Quiekly Cured by
"I have bad long experiknce in treat-
ing horses, and I can safely say that I
know of no liniment for strains, sprains,
and swolii.lg that is so useful around
the stable as Nerviline,"s Time writes
Mr. Joahua E. Murehison, from his
home, Croft's Hill P. 0, "1 had a fiat
EI r gc Cat
right fort leg, and
from the shoulder
down she was
stiff. sore and
swollen. I applied
Nerviline ar.d it worked like a charm;
M fact, that mage was in shape to work
a day after I used Nerviline.
"We have need Nervihue on our farm
for twentyfive years and never found it
wanting. For man or beast it is a won
derfnl liniment."
We have received nearly five thousand
letters recommending Nerviline as a
general household liniment, as an all
round cure for aches and pains. One
million bottles used each year. Try it
yourself. Large 25e. bottles of Nervi.
line, five for $1 00. All dealers, or The
Oatarncozone Company, Kingston, Ont.
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of Mr. James
Gibson, of Dungannon, Wednesday
evening, Oot. 20th, at 5 30, when his
daughter, Mies Lottie, was united in
marriage to Mr. Wm. MoOonnel, the
popular owner of the Kiuoardine and
Goderioh and Lucknow and Goderioh
Stage lines, Rev. Mr, Hicks tying the
nuptial knot.
The extent to which the teaching pro.
feseion in Ontario is passing into the
hands of women is indicated by the fig.
ures of the attendance at the Toronto
Normal college this year, There are
two hundred and seventeen students on
the roll and all but eight of them are
women. There was exactly the same
total number last year, bat four more of
them were men.
by looal applioations, as they cannot
reaoh the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con.
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine oases out of tett are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any ease of Deafness ((mused by ca-
tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Core Send for circulars, free.
F. J. OHENEY & Co , Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
The high rates for hides has resulted
in the rise in price of boots, the supply
being less than the demand. Leather
has advanced from 2 to 8 cents a pound,
and this has sent the price of booto up
from 2;a per Dent. to 7i2 per cent, This
means that customers will pay all the
way from 5 to 20 per cent. more for
their boots. The largest increases are
on the cheaper classes of goods,
Kincardine Review: The Ontario
West Shore Railway Company has five
gangs of men at work, one at Menese-
tung station unloading rails and other
material; one near the Presbyterian
ohnroh, Ashfield; one at Eighteen -mile
River; one at McLeen's creek, and one
north of the Eighteen -mile River.
About eighty men in all are employed.
The rails required for the road between
here and Kincardine aggregate some
4,500 tons, or about 300 carloads, of
which about 100 carloads have already
arrived. In addition about ten oar -
loads of track fastenings have arrived,
and handcars and traek.laying oars
also are here. It is hoped a start on
the work of track -laying will be made
by the 15th of next month. The mat-
ter of a switch from the O. P. R. tracks
to' connect with the electric railway
tracks is before the Dominion railway
commission and the Ontario railway
and municipal board, jointly, the 0. P.
R. having a Dominion obarter and the
eleotrio railway an Ontario charter.
For He Keeps a "Little Digester"
Mr. Glassco, of Toronto, wrote us on
May aeth last:
Tait CoxaSlxAIT MEDicaxr Co.,
5o9 Church St., Toronto.
Dear Sirs,---
/ wish you would send me another
box of your "Little Digesters". A11 the
members of my family have been using
them and have obtained the most satis-
factory results.
I congratulate you on your success
in putting up a tablet for the cure of
Indigestion. I suffered for years and
tried everything that was recommended
to me. Nothing gave me relief, until
Iwas persuaded to try "Little Digesters".
Now I never suffer from Indigestion.
I enjoy my meals and am not afraid
to eat, because I know a "Little Diges-
ter" after each meal will digest my food.
I recommend them to all my friends
who suffer from Indigestion and would
further say that you may publish the
above if you wish. I know there are
thousands of people suffering from
Indigestion who will be glad to know
there is a safe and sure cure for thein.
'Stirs very truly,
(Signed) E. S. GLASSCO.
"Tittle Digesters" cost es cents at
your druggists, or by mail franc Coleman
Medicine Co., Toronto, as
Wh vn n roan is hnagry for prate he ! On Friday, OMtober 220, the death of
usually reeds oritiolsm,
0 N. Var:zant and Marry Sellers,
Toronto opticians, on a charge of pro-
ourinR girls for immoral purposes, were
committed for trial.
Smudges on wall paper, if it is a solid
color, oan he removed by rubbing with
the erd of a whisk brooin, gathered
closely in the hand.
For a homemade shoe tree, take an
old stocking, sew up the rents and
holes roughly but securely, etuff with
bran and tie about two inches from the
To prevent tinware rusting, rub ov r
with fresh lard and put in a bot oven
for a few minutes before usiug it, If
treated in Ghia manner it will never
To preserve out flowers, fill the vase
two thirds full of sand before putting
in the water. Stick the stems in the
sand, Roses and carnations will some-
times take root,
Mr, George A. Williams, secretary-
treasurer of the Williams Piano Co.,
died enddenly at Oshawa, of heart fail•
are, aged 02. He leaves a widow and
one child, t
When going from a warm atmosphere
into a cooler one keep the month always
closed so that the air may be warmed by
its passage through the nose before it
reaches the Iungs.
In washing greasy skillets the addi-
tion of a little soda to the first water
will neutralize the grease and make
them muah easier to clean. They are
best cleaned when hot.
Wm. Porter, lessee of the Ooulson
House, one of the largest hotels in Owen
Sound, was fined $100 and costs for a
breach of the looal option by-law. In-
spector Matt Beckett was the prosecutor
and Porter pleaded guilty.
The reconstruction on a fireproof
basis of the burned wing of the Parlia-
meut Building will coat the Province
$285,000, aocording to the estimate of
Mr. E. J. Lennox. Of this amount
about $150,000 will be mot by insurance
and from the sale of material as salvage.
The Board of Education of London.
Ont., have deoided that all boys in the,
Public School shall be given military
training, Col. Hodgins, D. 0. 0., is
assisting the Board arrange the work,
whioh will be under the supervision of
competent men from Wolseley Bar-
The County Oounoil of Carlton Coun-
ty waited on Hon. Dr Raanme, Minister
of Public Works, in connection with a
comprehensive scheme for improving
the county highways. The soheme calls
for an expenditure of $300,000, and the
deputation asked that the Minister have
passed an order•in-Oounoil to obtain the
usual Provinoial grant of one third, or
Daniel NoNain, aged 86 years, 000urred
at the family residence, lot 15, conces-
sion 13, Ashfield. Deceased was born
in Ireland and Dame to Oanade in 1845.
He settled In Ingersoil where he lived
for a number of years and was united in
marriage to Mary Brown. They moved
to the township of Ashfield 61 years ago
and with the exception of five years,
whioh they spent in Huron. they have
resided there ever since.
Mr. Wm. Cooper of the Huron road,
leellett, three miles west of Seaforth, is
not one of those farmers who thinks the
orohard does not pay, in faot he says it
is one of the best paying departments on
the farm. This year he bad 125 barrels
of apples for which he reoeived $1,25 a
barrel, the bnyer doing the packing and
provided the barrels, and all Mt. Cooper
had to do was to pull the fruit. Las
spriug Mr, Cooper had the ground sum-
mer (allowed. This not only nourished
the trees but had the effect of killing
a lot of the worms and he says that as a
result he had not nearly so mnoh wormy
fruit as in former years. He says it
certainly pays to keep the trees properly
pruned and the ground well cultivated,
the result being a bigger return in mon-
ey for the ground monied and the work
required than for any other farm Drop.
Wingham Women are Finding Re-
lief at Last.
It does seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and pains
that afflict humanity; they must
"keep up," mast attend to duties in
spite of constantly aching banks, or
headaches, dizzy spells, bearing -down
pains; they must stoop over when to
stoop means torture. They must walk
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney ills.
Kidneys cause more suffering than
any other organ of the body. Keep
the kidneys well and health is easily
maintained. Read of a remedy for
kidneys only that helps and Duras the
kidneys and is endorsed by people you
Mrs. Runatedler of Leopold St., Wing -
ham, Ont„ says; "1 suffered with an
attack of pleurisy whloh had greatly
weakened me and left a bad effect across
the small part of my bank. A severe
pain settled in the region of the kidneys
and extended around my sides. X
could scarcely stoop over or straighten
myself up. Headaches and spells of
dizziness were frequent and my eyes
were weak and painful. Booth's Kid.
ney Pills were recommended and I
tried them. They soon relieved me, the
pains and tenderness left me and the
headaches and dizziness were likewise
quickly dispelled. I believe Booth's
Kidney Pills to be an exceptional
remedy and will not hesitate to recom-
mend them."
Sold by Dealers. Price 60 Dents.
The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
DANGEROUS DANDRUFFI Here is the way the papers will
write up weddings ten years hence:
"The bride looked very well in a travel-
ling dress, but all eves were centered
upon the groom. He wore a dark suit
that fitted hie form perfectly, and in
his dainty gloved hands he carried a
small rose. Hie curly hair was beauti-
fully done, and a delicate odor of hair
oil of the best quality floated down the
aisle as he passed. The young people
will miss him now that he is married.
He is loved by all for his many accom-
plishments, his tender grace and winn-
ing ways. The bride commands a
good salary as a bookkeeper and the
groom will miss none of the luxuries
to which he has been accustomed. A
orowd of pretty men saw him off at the
Will Make Canada A Baldheaded
Nation if Not Checked.
M. Pasteur, the great French Phy-
sician of Paris, once said: "I believe
we than one day rid the world of all
diseases caused by germs."
Dandruff is caaced by germs, a fact
accepted by all physicians.
Dandruff is the root of all hair
evils. If it were not for the little des-
tructive germs working with a perste.
tenoy worthy of a better cause, there
would be no baldness.
Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff
germs and remove dandruff in two
weeks or money back,
Walton McKibben guarantees it. It
will stop itching scalp, falling hair and
make the hair grow thick and abun-
It puts life and lustre into the hair
and prevents it from turning gray.
It is the hair dressing par excel-
lence, daintily perfumed and free
from grease stickinese. It is the
favorite with women of taste and
culture who kaow the social value of
fascinating hair.
A large bottle costs only 60 cents at
leading druggists everywhere, and in
Wingham by Walton McKibben. The
girt with the auburn hair is on every
A Bohemian tailor at Prague has in.
vented a bullet-proof shield for use of
the ekirmisher while lying on the
ground, This shield, which weighs
only five pounds, is made of a compo-
sition of wax and felt in which the
striking bullets are said to stick without
The. unexpected death of Mrs. (Dr.)
Whitley, formerly Miss Minnie Mo.
Vittie, of Goderioh, occurred at her
home at Gerrie on Friday night, Oct.
22nd, after a few days illness, Mrs.
'Whitley was apparently in her usual
health until the previous Sunday, when
she was attacked with appendicitis. A
specialist was brought from Toronto
and her parents were summoned from
Goderioh, but medical skill and loving
attendance proved of no avail in staying
the hand of death. Mrs. Whitley was
the only child of Mr. and Mrs. William
MoVittie, of Goderioh, and was mart
vied less than four months ago and
went to make her home with Dr.
Leonard N. Whitley at Gorrie. For
years before her marriage she was one
of Goderioh'e sweetest singers and a
general favorite and her removal from
the town was greatly regretted. Her
untimely death is an inestimable lofts,
and the young husband and the parents
so unexpectedly plunged in grief have
the profound sympathy of all.
When Harry Whithorn, laborer, of
Hamilton, was killed by the rolling of a
tree, ho was ten cents behind in the in-
stalment due the Canadian Guardian
Assurance Co., and when the widow
sued before Jadge Snider, his Honor
found in favor of the company. She is
now appealing to the Divisional .Court.
Mrs, Whitehorn says that the agent was
in the habit of calling for the money,
but he did not do so in this case, hence
the arroar, When the 10 Dents was of-
fered to him on Monday, after White -
horn's death, he deolined to take it, say-
ing that his agency had terminated on
the preceding Saturday. Mrs, White-
horn claims $250.—Toronto Star.
Stimulate the Sluggish Liver.
Clean the coated tongue, sweeten tate
breath, t clear away waste o all t and d poison-
ous material from the system in Nature's
easy manner, and prevent as well as euro
Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness,
Heartburn, Catarrh of the Stomach, Sour
Stomach, Water Brash, and all troubles
arising from a disordered state of the
Stomach, Liver or Bowels.
44.♦++++ Mra. J. C. Westberg,
4- ± Swan River, Man., writes:
Suffered + '--" I suffered for years,
for Years.♦ more than tongue can
tell from liver trouble.
♦+♦+++♦• I tried several kinds of
medicine, but could get
no relief until I got ltiilburn's Least -Liver
Pills. I cannot praise them too highly
for what they have done for me." •
Price 25 cents a vial, or 5 for $1.00, at
all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
The only nourishment that bread
afrords is that which the flour contains.
Bread baking is merely putting flour in
appetizing form.
Flour making is merely potting wheat in
shape for bread making:'
Royal Household Flour
is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard
spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound
of food ; clean, and nutritious.
It goes farther, does better baking
is more satisfactory in every way
than any other flour. Ask your
grocer. 12
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal.
TWENTY YEARS ACO Loe0 History of the Items from the "Tim sr"yfyles,
(From the Tlnims of Nov. 1, 1889.)
Mr. Wm. Olegg is shipping ten oars of
barley to Black Rook, N. Y., this week.
There is a good deal of grain coming
in just now, but the prices of nearly
everything the farmer has to sell are
low. The prioes paid on the Wingham
market on Thursday were: wheat, 80o;
oats, 25o; peas, 50c; barley, 40c.
A committee of the Wingham Board
of Trade, consisting of Messrs. D. M.
Gordon, John Neelands and R. Elliott,
were in Listowel on Wednesday getting
information in regard to gas lighting.
On Sunday morning last the members
of Court Maitland, No. 25, Oanadian
Order of Foresters, accompanied by
visiting brethren from Teeswater, Luck -
now and Belgrave, proceeded in prooes-
sion, headed by the town band, to St.
Paul's Church, to listen to a discourse
by the inoumbent, the Rev. Mr. Moore -
house. There were upwards of 130 in
the procession, which presented a fine
Mr. F. Paterson removed to Wing -
ham on Wednesday. Mr. S. Soott will
occupy Mr. Paterson's house and Mr.
Jackson will occupy the house vacated
by Mr. Scott.
The factory is still running, 24 cheese,
per day being made.
It will not make you Godlike to oall
others godless.
If your faith does not justify itself by
its fruits there's little use worrying over
its roots.
It's no use preaching against the sins
of people in a way that provokes them
to profanity.
There never was a ohnroh that went
down except it had first failed to get
down and serve men.
More aches than help come from the
honey the preacher puts into his ser-
mon on Saturday night.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Froe
J. W. Westervelt, J. W, Westervelt, Jr., C.A.,
Principal. Vice -Principal.
Housekeeping Easier
In Fall and Winter }"Crown Brand
Syrup"- s:lould be more largely used by
everyone. It simplifies the making of deli-
cious dishes to such an exteutthatllouse-
keeping becomes easier in everyway.
Crown Brand Syrup eaten with bread,
toast, biscuits, 'pudding, porridge or
pastry, provides sustaining dishes that
please the palate and don't overheat the body—dishes that
are plain, wholesome, easily prepared and easily digested
and at the same time very nourishing.
Won't you try CROWN BRAND SYRUP ? When you
think of its purity, its wholesometness, of all the dainty and
delightful dishes you can make with it, ---when you think of
its fine "honey -cream" flavor and clear golden colour,
—and haw it will save you trouble and bring variety to
every meal --don't you think it worth your while to order
some. Children thrive on it. Adults enjoy it.
For your eonvenieeee Crown grand Syrup is put up in 2, 5, 10 and 20 air tight tinawith lift-off lids.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited
ESTABLISHED 1858. 3.09
works: CA1tDXNAZ, Ont. Ofices: MONTROAT„'roRONTO and BRANTFORD