HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 5Staufield'sU nderwear1.
is what you require.
Guaranteed a b s to lately
Your money back if a
garment proves other-
Complete range of sizes
in the different lines in
stock now.
Come and see them.
McGee . Cek.nrkpbell
41.•••♦•••41410••••i•41.6.►+►+.4,64.0.+s AAAss..•••••A♦•♦•••♦•O•♦•••
Great Removal Sale
s t The Greatest Bargains ever
heard of in Wingham
We are removing from store now occupied, to the
Beaver Block.
Everthing here must be sold regardless of cost or re-
gular price, as we purpose re -starting with an entirely
new and natty stock.
A fine barn wee raised on the faun of
Mr. Colin Kennedy, first lino, on Thurs-
day of last week, to replace the old one
destroyed by fire some menthe ego,
The framework of the building ie all of
a good quality pine, whteh grew on Mr.
Kennedy's own farm. Mr. Atex, 171c.
Nevin, of Wingham, had charge of the
construction work,
+ F Mtl Marbleized ()looks
�¢ Men's 18 size, open face, 20 year,
gold filled ease, 17 jewel, P. S.
Bartlett, Waltham. Regular
$17.00. Now only....... $11.50
+Men's 18 size, open face, 20 year,
♦ gold filled, case, 16 jewel Wal-
,• them and Elgin Wedeln Reyn-
a*lar $16 00. Now only $9.75
eMen's 16 size, open fade, 26 year
• gold filled case, 17 jewel Wal-
tham and Elgin. Regular $24.
Now only... $16.90
• Men's 16 size, open fade, 20 year
ttgold filled ease, 16 jewel Wal -
thane and Elgin. Regular $18.
tZ Now only $12.75
• Men's Salyer Watches, 17 jewel
• Waltham movement. Regular
• $17. Now only $12.50
;♦ Men's 17 jewel Waltham and Elgin
,• Watch. in niokel ease. Regular
'• $12, Now only $8.25
Men's 16 jewel Waltham and Elgin
+Watch, In nickel case. Regular
+ $9.00. Now only $6.50
Men's 7 jewel Waltham and Elgin
Watch, in nickel ease Regular
$7.00. Now only $4.90
I Boys' Watches. Regular $1.60,
ee Now only
14k Solid Gold Ladies' Watch, 16
Jewel Waltham and Elgin Move-
ment. Regular $40, Now only $30
Ladies'14k 25 year, Gold Filled, 15
Jewel, Waltham and Elgin
Watch. Regular $16. Now
Ladies' Silver WatchesRegular
$5.00. Now only $3.50
Men's 18 SIM. open face, 14k 26
year Gold Filled Daae, 21 Jewel,
Waltham Watch. Regular $40.
Now only
Men's 18 size, open face, 14k, 25
year, gold filled case, 17 Jewel
Waltham and Elgin. Regular
$30 00. Now only $22
army an a
Regular $9 00. Now only. $5.75
8 Day Oak or Walnut Mantle
Olooks. Regular $4 00. Now
only $2.50
Alarm Clooke. Regular $2 50.
Now only $1.60
'Regular $100.
Alarm Olocks.
Now only
tilts is White as a Ghost.
Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a
lily,-oertainly not. What every wo-
man wants fs strength, color, vigor,
Buoyancy and health are the right of
every woman, and these she need not
look if she only uses Ferrczone. It
gives appetite, creates strength, en-
riches blood, gives vigor to the nerves,
color to the cheeks and brightoees to
the eyes, Ferrozone is at once oou-
vertible into health, beauty and
strength. There is power in Ferrozeue,
-try it, and know what you have mien -
ed, 50o, at all dealers,
Mies Mand Bryans, who is doctoring
in Stratford, was home for Thanksgiv-
ing. Miss Bryans in in real poor health
at present suffering from spinal trouble
but her many friends hope for speedy
Last week Harry Dungan arrived
home from a holiday trip to the West
where he spent several months. He had
an enjoyable time but doesn't believe he
will say goodbye to his 100 nores on
the 4th line yet a while.
Sunday night, October 24th, after a
vigorous battle for life extending over
a week, John Douglas, jr„ paid Nature's
debt, despite all that could be done to
preserve life. He was 28 years of age
and had enjoyed a large measure of
good health, Deceased was unmarried.
The relatives are deeply sympathized
with in their sad bereavement.
Great Danger in Headaches.
It's often dangerous to consider head-
ache a trifling ailment. If the head
aohes, the stomach is out of order and
some serious disease may be impending.
To tone up the stomaoh, to give it
healthy notion, nothing in modern medi-
cines is so successful as Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. The oonoentrated vegetable ex-
traots in Dr. Hamilton's Pills have a
quieting healthful effect on the stomach
and remove all disorders. Your head-
aohes will be cured and they won't re-
turn, if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
Sold everywhere.
Having a largo stook of Silverware.
we are offering it below cost. Now
is yonr opportunity.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will bo held at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Maxwell. on Thurs-
day afternoon, Nov. Ilth. Mr9. Barry
Diamond will read a paper on "Apples:
their food vaine." All the ladies aro
inyited to attend.
The Web. sooial given by the Ladies'
Aid of Knox Chnroh last Friday was a
groat sncoess.
The eervioes in oonnectlon with Brno•
vale Methodist Chnroh next Saoday
will be as follows: -10.30 a.m., Mr.
Russell will speak on the "Glorious
Gospel"; 1,30 p. m., at - Johnston's
Church, subject, "Christ's Conception
of the Chnroh''; 3 00 p. m , at Ebenezer
Church (Brown•town) "Christ's Con-
ception of the Church" continued;
7 p. m., Evangelist Russell will give his
last me sage at Blnevele, "The Best
Thing in the World".
On Friday, October 15th, there passed
away at Gilbert Plains, Man„ one of
Howiok's pioneers in the person of John
H. McTavish, at the age of 87 years.
The deceased had been in poor health for
some years back but a few years ago he
took a trip out West and found that the
climate of that part agreed with him, so
he remained there with his son and
daughters until last fall, when he and
his wife Dame home and spent the win-
ter here, but not feeling very well he
returned to the West again in the spring.
Mr. McTavish, who was a very success-
fol farmer and one of the most respeoted
men of the township, was born at Glen
Queish, Perthshire, Scotland, came to
this country with hie parents when he
was about 18 years old and settled with
them at Beokwith, near Ottawa, Ont.
In 1863 he left there and came to North
Easthope, County of Perth, where he
remained but one year, then he came up
to Howiok and settled on Lot 20, Con.
A., and oarved oat a home in the then
La Grippe Coming A gain.
Europe is now is its grasp, and in a
short time Amertoa w1U be over run
with this awful epidemic. Get ready,
use preventive measures, Build up a
surplus of vigor by Ferrozene, and in-
hale Oatarrhnzene three times each day.
Nothing destroys the grippe germ like
Oatarrhozone. It cures the cold, breaks
up the fever. relieves the headache and
destroys every vestige of catarrh and
sore throat. For Bronchitis, Grippe and
winter ills Catarrhozone is best. Sold
by all dealers 25o. and $1 00.
Last week George and Mrs. Muldoon
took possession of their new, tasty and
comfortable residence, Market Street,
where we trust they may enjoy many
happy and prosperous years.
The death occurred on Sunday, Oc-
tober 24th, at her home in Brooksden, of
Jean Menzies, wife of Peter J. Sinclair,
and daughter of James and Mrs. Men-
zies, of Brussels. Deceased was born
near Brussels 45 years ago, and is sur-
vived by her husband and two small
ohiidren, also a number of brothers and
sisters. She had been ailing for some
time and death was not unexpected.
Mise May Elliott was brought home
from Michigan where she has been for
some weeks. She underwent a medical
operation and has made good progress
toward convalescence. Mrs. Elliott
went to nurse her daughter and Mr.
Elliott and son John went lest week to
aid in fetching Miss Elliott home, We
are pleased to report that she is doing
very nicely and trust will continue to
gain until completely restored.
Ladies' Long Chains. Regular $8 +
Now only $4.95 Z
Ladies' Long Chains, Regular $5. 4 -
Now only . $2.95 +
Men's gold filled watch chains. 4'
Regular $10. Now only$6.25 Z
Regular $8 00. Now only4.75 Z
Regular $5.00. Now only2.95
Regular $3 00. Now only1.75 Z
Ladies' Extension Bracelets
Regnlar $8.00. Now only. $5.00
Regular $5 00. Now only. 2.95
Ladies' Solid Gold Pearl Pendants.
Regular 26.00. Now only $17.25 j.
Regnlar 15.00. Now only $10.75 ♦
Regular 11 00. Now only$8.75 Z
L di 'G ld Signet Rings Regular +
$6 00. Now only. $3.75
Regular $4 00. Now only $2.75
Men's Signet Rings. Regular $8. 4'
Only now $5.50
Regular $6 00. Now only3.75
Ladies' and Men's Stone Set Rings
at exceptionally low prices.
Special prices in Lockets, Locket
Caine, Meti's and Ladies' Fobs,
Br000hee, Scarf Pins, Miff Links, etc.
r,t Wislebam, who 'IS away on a hunting
trip in New Ontario.
Mr 3, T. 1leirnete n-jw till!), is nearly
completed. The carpe/itt,rs me busy
closing up their work and the machinery
fs oa the ground ready to bo installed.
The Trey tarns, which vine v ith
drawn at tho sale under a rF9erPe W,
has singe bion sold to Mr. A, Fox, grt to
tnt:rahant, who will get posseeetuu this
Oa Wednesday evening, 27th Oet , at
the Presbyterian Ohurch, in the pres,
eine of a large assemblage, 000nrms. the
wedding of Mtes Alice, granddaughter
of Mrs. A. Kennedy, of this place, to
Mr. J, Reid, a progressive farmer cf
Ashfield. As the beautiful strains of
tee wedding march, excellently rende--
el by Miss Barber floated through the
auditorium, the bridal party pateed to
the front of the ohnroh and took their
pssitions under an evergreen arch and
wedding belle, where the words which
ware spoken uniting two young hearts
for the remainder of life's journey,
were pronounced by the Rev. Mr Mc-
Bethsrn. The happy couple will reside
on the groom's farm in Ashfield.
To Stop a Crying Baby.
It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain
or gas on the stomach, -but in any cane
a few drops of Nerviline soothes the
pain and allows the child to sleep peace-
fully. Nerviliue cures minor ille suoh
as colds, headache, internal and exter-
nal pains as well as any doctor, -safe to
use beoanse a small dose is required.
Mothers, you will find Nerviline au in-
valuable aid in preventing and oaring
sickness. Keep a bottle right at hand,
some day you will need it badly. Sold
everywhere at 26o.
A little eon of Mr. John S. Scott,
seventh line, is suffering from a broken
arm, sustained in a fall a few days ago.
Anniversary services will be held at
Calvin Church, East Wawanosh, ori
Nov. 7th. The Rev Mr. Small, of
Blyth will oonduot the services at 2 30
p. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sohool report for S. S. No, 9.
Jr. IV.-Matrgie P0000k, Harold
Currie, Harold Walker.
Jr ItI.-Aunie Currie, Fona Deacon,
Helen Deaoon.
Sr, Il.-Eea McDougall, George
Pocock, Bessie Bnrohill. .
Jr. II -Helen Pocock, Charlie Currie,
Teddy Kerr.
Sr. I-Jno. Taylor, David Deacon.
Jr. I -Gertrude Shiell.
Average attendance, 16.
Monday, Oct. 25th, Archie McNeil,
eldest son of Lachlan McNeil, 14th con.,
Grey, was called away from time vtry
suddenly and to the sad surprise of the
community. Deceased had an abscess
in what is called the middle ear and it
is supposed to have broken inwardly
causing almost instant death. Noticing
a change for the wcree a meesonger was
despatched for a dootor but before the
telephone office at Oranbrook was reach-
ed the vital spark- had fled. Mr. Mo -
Neil was born in Grey and lived for a
number of years on the farm on which
he died. For a time he farmed in How -
ick and East Wawancsh townships,
marrying Miss Lambkin, of the former
mnniolpality,whom with four daughters
and a son survive. Mr. McNeil went to
the homestead in Grey lest year to re-
lieve his parents of the heavy work that
increasing years was making somewhat
burdensome and his unlooked for demise
brings to a sudden stop the plans for
the future. Deceased was a Liberal in
politics; a Presbyterian in religion, and
an industrious man who enjoyed the
esteem of the community
The oonnoil met at Belgrave on Oct.
27th. Members all present; minutes of
last meeting read and confirmed.
Chas. J. Rintoul, con. 13, presented a
olaim for damages to threshing engine,
lost of time, eta., owing to engine going
through bridge on sideline 39 and 40,
con. 8, recently. After some discussion
on this matter a compromise was
affected whereby Mr. Rintonl agreed to
accept the sum of $60 as settlement in
fall for same.
The Reeve was instrnoted to interview
some competent engineer and have him
report on the condition of the two
bridges on the river, cons. 9 and 10 and
also have him give an estimate of the
probable Dost of new bridges at these
particular places and to report on same
at next meeting of the council.
The following amounts were present-
ed and ordered to be paid: -Alex. Ding-
wall, inspecting contract south branoh
Hallahan Drain, $4 60; Vint & Love,
balance baitding culvert on Hallahan
Drain, $30.00; Vint & Love, balance
building Edwards bridge, oon. 6, $922.00;
Alex. Nixon, repairing the Johnson
Drain, $9.50; Ohne. J. Rintonl, repairs
to engine, loss of time, eto. re defective
bridge, oon. 8, $60.00; Geo. Fitzpatrick
underbrnshing on con. 10, $17.00; Sam
Garton, underbrnshing on con, 14
$5 00; Jno. McKinnon, underbrnshing
on con. 14, $4.00; Wm. Robinson
selecting jurors, $3 00; Wm. J. Parke
selecting jurors, $3 00; A. Porterfield,
selecting jurors, $5.00; A, Porterfield,
gravel, $8 75; Jas. Tunney, gravel
$3.50; Joseph J. Kerr, gravel, $21 30
Joseph J. Kerr, inspecting gravelling.
con. 13, $3,00; Wm. Deacon, inspooting
gravelling, cons. 10 and 11, $9 00; Mo -
Kinnon Bros. gravelling on oohs. 10, 11,
and 13, $137.82, John Ourtin, oleantng
out north branch Hallahan Drain, $100;
Peter W. Scott, inspecting deeming out
north branch Hallahan drain, $5 00;
Geo. Simmons, covering bridge, eon 11
and potting in culvert opposite lot 29,
con. 9, $S 50.
The council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Nov. 22nd neitt.
Ainx. Ponxrnrn•:nn, Olerk
Mies Mary MasOn, a patient in the
Victoria hospital at London, Ont., stab-
bed herself in the neck with n knife.
Her condition is critical.
Apple shipments from this station last
week were : -one oar by T. F. Cain;
one car by J. Martin to Cobalt and two
oars by J. Caesar to the West.
Mr. J. Charters, of Vancouver, B. 0.,
is visiting with friends here. It is
about 18 years einoe he left here fcr the
Mr. Everett Everett was visiting for
a few days with his son, Edward, at
The ladies of the Church Benefit So-
ciety of Christ Church held a very sno.
oessful thank -offering service on Tues-
day, Oot. 26. Rev. D. W. Collins, of
Trevitt Memorial Church, Exeter, offici-
ated.. The choir rendered very appro.
priate music for the mansion, being
assisted by Misses Emma MoOlnsky and
Mande Cook, of Lncknow, and Miss
Sylvia Seel, of Oranbrook. Two very
appropriate duets were given, first by
Misses Gussie Haines and S. Seel, and
the second by the organist, Miss Lottie
Haines, and Gussie Haines, while Mise
Sylvia Seel presided at the organ, The
offertory, which was given on the envel-
ope system amounted to $15 00 besides
envelopes which are yet to be handed in.
At the annual vestry meeting last
Easter this society handed in npwarde
to $50, toward the good of the church,
and trusting to be instructed and guided
by their Maker and Redeemer, they
purpose enlarging this sum for next
Easter. After the service, the rentor,
Rev. 0. W. Sanders, Rev. D, W. Collin
and the ohoir were very cordially invit-
ed to the home of Mrs. J. Gaunt, where
a hot fowl luncheon was served, after
which Mr. Collins oongratulated the
ladies in their earnest desire to help the
ahuroh and then closed with prayer.
+ Opposite Queen's Hotel, A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS.
++++++++++++e+++.++++++++ +++++++++++++♦*+++++:++++++:
Mrs. J. Sharp and Mise Nettie intend
leaving shortly for Hamilton, where
they will reside.
Mr. V. Cavanaugh, of Sarnia, is re-
lieving at the G. T. R. station here and
Mr. Geo. Lamont is relieving Mr. Henry,
Estabiished 1879
Vaporized Cresolene stopsthc paroxysms of
Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can-
nt exist where Cresoleno is used. It acts
directly on nose and throat, making breathing
easy id the case of colds, soothes the sore
throat and stops thc cough. It is a boon to
sufferers of Asthma.
Cresolene is n powerful germicide, acting both
as a curative and a preventive in contagious
diseases. Cresolene's best recommendation is
its thirty years of successful use.
For nolo by Ail Druggists
SendPostal for De-
scriptive Bookkt
Cresolene Antiseptic
Throat Tablets, simple
and soothing for the
irritated throat, 10e.
Leeming, Miles Co.,
Limited, Agents. Mon.
treal, Canada. 308
FaAmmrtg glair
Ayer's hair Vigor promptly destroys the berms
that cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair.
bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops
falling out, grows more rapidly.
Ayer's Wale Vigor hut a4 promptly destroys the
}terms that cause dandtuff. It removes every
trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the scalp
clean and in a healthy condition.
Does not Color the Hair
We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair
'Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest
degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate
blond hbirnayuseit freely without having the hair made a shade darker.
Ingredients: Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium Chlorid.
Capsicum. Sate. Alcohol. Water. Perfume.
Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it.
.i. O. Arta (!onrstrr. Maw.
We are busy selling
Reason ? Colne and
DO YOU KNOW we carry the largest stock of Coats and Furs ?
Seldom outside of the largo city stores do yon find such an assort -
mens of READY-TO-WEAR garments. Buying in LARGE
CUSTOMERS get the benefit, buying the RIGHT
We are selling Furs of reliable
Every Far must be perfect in
every detail to give proper satis-
The styles most be those that
Dame Fashion palls correct.
The fit and finish mast be
Ladies' Coats.
BIG STOCK to choose frons.
In counting our Coats for Ladies,.
Minors' and Obitdren's wear, we
found we had One Hundred and
Seventy -Five Oasts, This mean
considerable selling. Onr CLOSE•
CUT PRIDES are reducing the
quantity dally. Move quick and
get one,
Ladies' Heavy Coats.
See our Pony Cloth Coate, Lined throughout. Some at epeoial
prices .. $9.00 and $10.00
Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with Sable Collar. Gond length.
Broadcloth shell -a vary warm and stylish cent. 0 sr prince
are $20.00 and $25.00
Ladies' Fear.Lined Coats -All kinds in stnek, at special prices.
See our Marmot Lined Ooat, with Sable Oollar; full length.
Price .. $35.00
Rat Lined Coat -Fine gaality Broadcloth ,shell ; deep Sable
Collar; regular sixty dollar coat, our close oat price.. $50.00
•••••••+••nos♦+••♦♦♦•••s•+ •♦♦••♦♦•♦♦♦♦•++•♦♦•4♦44.44
+ Highest prices
+ Phone ,o, Paid for all +
1 LL �i�JL! kinds of ♦
+ Fowls. Potatoes •,
• + r�4.
.1: 1 g
I: Sale in • B.
Boys Suits!
25 Boys' Coats to be sold at $3.39. For the next week only. t .
• your boys and get them a nice Winter Suit.
First here, first choice. Don't forget the price. Mothers, bring along Z,
MEN'S HEAVY MITTS.- Here is the place to buy your 44
♦ Winter Mitts in Leather and Wool, for Men and Boys. Keep warm
this winter. •
♦ ON
NEGLIGEE SHIRTS.- 10 dozen Negligee Shirts, in pleated
+ fronts and fancy stripes ; all sizes ; special at 69e. i
+ WORKING SHIRTS. -We have in stock heavy good lines of
Working Shirts for the fall trade, in black and white stripes, well
made, in good large sizes. •
s LADIES' READY-MADE COATS -In black, navy and green,
which are the leading colors in our Fall Coats. We have been doing
• a big business in this line. New styles corning in each week ; we
• would like to help youchoose your style for this winter, Prices •
range from $6.50 to $20.00. •
sLADIES' SKIRTS. --In blue, green and black. Newest styles •
• in pleated effects, trimmed with jet buttons ; we always try to give 4:
= satisfaction in this line. �r
• FALL DRESS GOODS.- Our Dress Goods department bas s
• been brightened with many new pieces of winter fabrics. If you are ♦
wanting a Sait or Dress, have a look through this department. i
+ Furs of the finest quality : Oar standard of merchandise does +
+ not permit of the slightest deceptio'.1 itn Futs ; we guarantee to give +
absolutely the best value for your money. with every possible advan- ♦
Loge as regards style and quality ; we can demonstrate to your entire ♦♦
• satisfaction that it pays to BUY FURS AT HOME:, instead of•sending .
away. In buying here you know precisely who you are. dealing with Z.
+ and the responsibility back of the selling. The Fars we offer have a
• been selected with extreme care, to give tasting service, and will m
retain their good looks from season to season.
+ 4.
• •
$♦ Highest prices paid for all kinds of Fowl and Potatoes.
. co• 1
,4+++++++++++++++++++4444+ 444+44444++++++++++++4++++: