HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 3THE WINGILAM TIMER, NOVEMBER 4, 1009 ORV1=R OP Tkig a?)161.11VG FACE. We've formed a new society - The Order of the Smiling nee, An honored member you may be. i'or every one may have a place. The rules sal you must never let The comers of your moat} drop down, For by this method you rosy gee The habit of a sulky frown. If piaywatos tenet' you, let your eyes A brave and merry twinkle show, For if the angry tears arise They're very apt to overflow. If you must practice for au hoar, And if it seems a long, lope white, Remember not to pont and glower But w@ar a brigihs and obeerful smile. The rata are simple, ae you see, !stake up your mind to join to day, Put on a smite -and you will be An motive member right away, NO. 1 Says the Miller: "My great-grandfather was the first miller in our family. People called him ' Flour Itrzardbecause his flour was so strong --the name stuck through the generations. 13akere now call me 'Flour Wizard' after they have used `Cream of the We Flour itx so strong. But ' Stu and nonsense' s;. I there's no 'Wizard' t it -dust ' Model Null' me:hocls." • MANORS]. 'S]` t'44- FOR `- FOR SALE I3Y K.ERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. Tho Campbell 11Ii1;ing Company, U mi:ad Toronto 'tease eel DOES IT OCCUR TO YOU That late hc,ure are a frequent oause of the appC•aratice of premature wrink- les? That if we took the trouble occasion- ally to "count the mercies" most of us world find that we have more to be thankful for than to grumble at? That "absence o° 000upation le not rest?" That you cannot expect admiration if yon never take any trouble to de- serve it? That if you really care far a person you will not say unkind things to or of them? That your wife's temper, whether goad or bad, is often only a reflection of yonr own? That personal remarks are seldom in good taste? That when you meet a friend and say to her "How poorly yon are looking!" it le by no means paying her a oomph• anent? That your children will not love you A bit the less for your firmness in saying 'no' at the right moment? eel riy- r --„e 0 . on Rinclore When a knife is dull a Pandora owner never wastes time Minting for. a "steel." She just walks over to the emery rod attachment to Pandora, gives knife six or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. This combined emery rod and towel drier is a patent- ed attachment you cannot secure on any other range. Just one of the many im- provements that go to make Pandora the handiest range you can buy. 14 FOR SALE BY J. G STEWART & CO„ WINGSAM, A NAA,Poik,Aiftiwiso alae. b/.AfroSA irtoio.A,AA is4AAIOAllllOtAARIOaAAAAIiP AAAA 1ho'eh COAL COAL CO T f JI,1. Wa 'Ira solo air'nts for the celebrated SCRANTON 00AL, 3 ( whish has no equal Mao the best grades of amithing, Cannel and et 'C domestic U JAI. and Wood of all kinds, e:iways on hand. LATH in:taorevor LUMBER SHIf Ei•i1i NC LES (Creased or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, eto. 4 i11 Highest Price paid for all hiintdh of Logs. J. A. McLeanj sy wvvvvav�vwVvvvVvvWtivvW NvbVVt9vVVVWWWVWWVWV1�1 Residence Phone No. 55. Oftloe, No 64. Mill, No. 44 WE REPAIR WEAK MEN zea i� ' _s-- .tete ' ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS, Every ease submitted to us receives the personal attention of our medical matt, tvho consider tho syrnptom8, eorirplications and chronicity and then dee/does to the disease and curability. Specific remedies are then prescribed for the ease and are compounded by our owe chemist in our own Laboratory, Such appropriate treatment cannot fail to cure, as specific medicines aro selected to erre the symptomsthattrouble you, We have no eure•ail medicines like most specialists use who send the same medieines to all patients alike and cure none. We have treated patients throughout Canada for over twenty years and can refer to any bank as toour responsibility. We l auaranteo Cures or No Pay. We Treat all Diseases of Men end Women. Mr' CONSULTATION FREE If Unable to Cell, Write for Question fist for Home Treatment, s KENNEDY& KENN Cor Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ONTARIO'S CLAY BELT, An interesting report on agricultural conditions in the far north of Ontario appears in the September issue of the Census and Statistics Monthly. It is perfeotly well known that conditions are favourable at the head of Lake Temisoaming, but this applies to the country much farther north and on the Hudson Bay side of the height of Iand, went of lake Abitibi, and on the line of the Transcontinental. The re• port is made by Samuel J. Martin of Kemptville, Ont„ and is as follows: - The eoil is a Lich clay .and mach of it is naturally well drained, standing well above the streams which unwater It. The timber chiefly is spruce and jack pine, 60 to 70 feet high and ae straight as gen•barrels. The spruce is usually 10 to 18 inches, in diameter and the jaok pine 6 to 12 inches, and the wood is so dense that it can only be traversed safely along the banks of streams or on the surveyed Iines, when flanking parties may be thrown out on either side within hearing distances, In this way the country may be ex• plored securely, and this was the plan taken by Mr. Martin and his party, who located about 15 lots for settle- ment near Frederick House river. The trees have no tap roots, and the stumps are readily clearedoff with a team and chain when the trees are felled. Mr. Martin brought home some ,fine samples of wheat, barley and oats, olover and timothy which had grown this year from graiu scattered at the feeding planes for horses employed on railway construction, and he is sanguine that under proper onitivetion these grains and grasses could not be excelled in quality elsewhere in Canada. The wheat shows 30 grains per head, plump and well matured, and the Dix rowed barley 60 grains, and the timothy grows four to five feet high with heads of seed six inches long. Land growing such samples is sold by the government at fifty Dents per aore, and it is now said that the extent of the clay belt is not less than 20,000,000 acres, which the railway traverses from east to west. Tne town of Ooohrane, at the junction of the Temiskaming and Northern and the Transoontinental Railways which was surveyed last year, has now 400 dwelling houses, 16 stores, two banks and a school house where 80 pupils are rdgistered. This town is Dix miles east of the Frederick House river, which flews northward to join the Abitibi. POULTRY NOTES Be stare the whole bodies of diseased fowls are burned. The dirty egg is a sign of ill -kept poul- try yards and hooses. Good feed and good care at this time makes the winter layers, A ration of wheat and porn is bene- ficial to the fattening turkeys. It is a hard matter to overfeed the pullets at this tinge for the extra nutri- tion is put into eggs. There is no stock on the farm yielding bettor returns in proportion to the food consumed than hens, Plenty of grit, ground shell, charcoal and good water should be at the dispose a1 of the poultry at all times, When given with care, one of the best foods for young and growing ohioke, and laying hens, tae, is sweet milk. In marketing, eggs should be graded before they are offered for sale. put them in boxes according to size and color, Protide duet box, or keep a portion of ground loosened to after beating rain*, so the hen can do her part to keep rid of Hee and mites. Do not allow obloks to most hitdungplaces, or scratch in moldy litter. Reap, minket, ohiokerepox and other dieetees lurk in such places, Eggs are high nota, but will be much higher during the winter, it is predicted by many; so give the monition' hems and pallets the very beet care, and have a. share in the profit of winter egg*. AB$OLUTE SECURITY, Ce„u�no Carte r's Little Liver Pills Pllust alar Signature of Seo Fuc-Similo Wrapper Below. Vary small and as cosy to take ma augur., CARTERS iTnE IVER RILLS. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOIISNES' . POR TORPID LIVER. fiktilDISTIPATION FOR SMLOW SKIN:, FOR THE COMPLEXION ��•_f RiztNYJzr.x MUaTNAVc UAflRC, CstRs i 1'urety �egetablo fes+ e.r�G CURE SICK HEADACHE. SISTER'S WAIST LINE. Ma she says its time that sister got leer. self a new fall suit, Sister says She ien't ready, an' its brought on a dispute. Sister's olo'se are lookin' shabby, an' she got a steady bean, An' ma says it's simply awful to em- barrass Charley SO, Sister shakes her head and studies all the fashion books; Ma declares her bear will quit her if she don't improve her looks, Maybe sister is unruly, but her reason is that she, Wants to wait till its decided where the waist line's goin' to be. Sister s usually a stunner in the way o looks an' dress, Bat she's allus mighty stubborn, an' she'll win her point, I guess, She is writin' 'round the oonntry to the makers of swell clo'es. An' she'll send to Worth o' Paris, when she's ready, I suppose, Tiler's a pile o' thing= to .nettle, sister says, regarding style An' she won't decide her certain on the out for quite a while. Ma she sass its jest outrageous; sister palm as calm can be A' she'll wait till it's deoided where the waist line's goin' to be. Pa jest simply laffe and obnokles an' attends to his own biz; lie ain't taken' aides with either; says eta no concern o' his, But I know he doesn't hanker fer dress- makin' bills to pay While ma soya there a n't no sense in sister acting iu this way, Sister's firm and quite deoided, an' she only shakes her head At the arguments ma offers an' the warnin's that she's said, Some day sister will be ready for her dross, bat not till she Knows that it has been decided where the waist Iuie's going to be. A big sale of Vancouver IeIand tim- ber involving half a million dollars and 80,000 aures, bus just been put through by H. H. Jones, of Victoria, B. 0., form- erly of Port Hope. Mr. Jones says the sale will revolntianize the cost and ex- port trade as well and the mill will be at the Esquhwalt and in touch with a billion feet of lumber. New Health for School Girls festoraiive treatment which brings new vigor to the nerves and new color to the cheeky. Is a girl's health to be sacrificed in 'order that she may pass high at exam- ination time? Is her future happiness to be risked for examination marks9 Mrs, S. A, I3eney, 02 Charlotte St., T3raetford, Ont., writes: "My delight ter was attending school and the close confinement and application to her SC11o01 work exhausted her nervous sys' tens so that elle suckered a great deal 'tcith headaches and was very nervous, irritable and easily excited. "I procured Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for her and we soon noticed marked improvement in her health. The head- taches were entirely cured, her color be,. cams better and her system watt strenggtht.ned and built up. I consider Dr. Chase's Nerve food a splendid medicine for children." There is nothing like preventing; seri- ous diseaca by keeping the blood rich and red, the ner+sous system strong and healthy and the vitality of the body at high lvater merit. Dr. Chase's Nerve food accomplishes these results. 50 cents a. btix, at all dealers or Ednranson, L'atcs 3c Go,, 'reroute. CHARITY, OW thy bread upon the waters, They will turn to thee ageiu, Atter days perhaps of waiting, After years perhaps of pain, But be patient, thou @halt find it, After matey days ler ve passed, All the blessings thou hast given Shell return to thee at last. Cast thy bread upon the water, As they swiftly onward flaw. Tiron may'et nave some heart from breaking, Thou mayn't save tonne soul from woe, Kindly words and kindly actions, S`rewn along life's rngoed way, Makes the road seem shorter, brighter As we journey day by day, Cast thy bread upon the waters, And with bounteous hand bestow, Time thou'lt find thy blessings double When the tide doth backward flow, Freely giving of thy substance, Freely giving of thy store, Thou wilt fled thy heart grow riober, And thy basket running o'er. Caet thy bread upon the waters, Give the honselese ones a home, Cheer the sed and broken hearted, Thy reward will surely come, Peaoe shall fill thy heart with gladness, Joy within thy soul shall burn, Bleat thyself in blessing others, Rioh indeed ie the return. Cast thy bread upon the waters, Not with doubt, and fear, and pain, Bat with faith and hope, believing Then shalt find it ail again, For God loves the cheerful giver, It is written in his word, Re who gives onto the needy, Doth but lend unto the Lord. Mre. J. B Shrigley. KEEP YOUR PAPER BAGS. Instead of destroying paper bags keep them in a convenient place near the kitohen stove'or sink and you will soon see the many uses to which they may be put. Instead of keeping a stove rag it is much cleaner to put the hand inside a paper bag and wipe the stove and then burn the bag. When cleaning up the dishes after a meal it is very easy to scrape the dry scraps into a paper bag, close it and drop it into the garbage can. This to preserve the cleanliness of the latter, A heavy paper bag makes a good alotheepin bag, when yon haven't a better one, as it can be pinned to the apron with a couple of clothespins so DA to hold it open and it possesses the advantage of never having to be washed or mended. A POSITIVE CURE FOR INDIGESTION If you have indigestion, yorr food ferments in the stomach and bowels. It does more; it deeaye, and the nutritious matter which should go to make new blood decays with it, and thio leads to an impoverished condition of the blood, to nervousness, billionanese, oonstipa tion, sick headaobe, bad breath which disgusts your friends. and other dis- agreeable and unpleasant conditions. And all this trouble is caused by the food that doesn't digest, but fermeuts and oftimes rots in the stomach And fermentation is caused by the stomach not being strong enough and energetio enough to thoroughly mix the food with the digestive juices. Mel 0 Na A, is responsible for tens of tbousanda of cures. In fact, it is finch a positive cure for indigestion and all stomach troubles that it is guaranteed by J. Walton McKibben to core or money book. The price of a large box of Mi.o na tablets is 50 oents, and they are sure to promptly relieve the worst ease of indigestion or gastritis. Try them, NOT YET. A Missouri clergyman had in his pastoral flock a member who was re- luctant about meeting the contribu- tion basket. The pastor had thrown out many broad hints, but all to no avail. One day the member full ill and was taken to the Ensworth hospital. When the clergyman arrived the man was delirious. While the pastor was sitting beside hie bed a wild yell of "Fire l Fire!" oame from across the street. The tick man drew himself up on his elbows, "Where -where am I?" he asked excitedly. "Oalm yourself, brother," soothed the pastor, with just the faintest twinkle in his eye. "You are still at the Haworth hospital!" -November Lippincott's. A Joker. A seedy -looking man entered a store in Trenton the other day and asked for mtietanoe, backing tip his request with a long tale of eioknoss and lank of em- ployment, With a wink at his clerk, the mer chant pointed to a friend who happened to be in the plane, and replied: "Ask that gentleman, He is the proprietor. I am only a clerk." The friend received the beggar's re- quest in a a e m tht` y p e ro manner, and, turning to the rnerobant, remarked: "This seems to be a worthy case, Mr, Jones. Give him a dollar from the Dash register," and walked out of the store. It was in vain that the merchant pro- tested that it had been a joke. So insistent did the seedy one become that "do boss's" direotlons should be parried ont, brat it was finally necessary to do to in order to be rid of him. -November Lippinoott'e. FOR SEVENTE N TheQUALITY Ol "LOOMED UP" C Above a Hundred MUTAT nip 11 LA 1 BLACK -MIXED -GREEN 30c, 40c, 50c, and 60e per pound AT ALL GROCERS, 20 Cents will pay for THE TIMES and WEEKLY 'GLOBE to any address in Canada from now until January 1st, 1910. a00ra0111d11600tl9111®!Otll1111A0e*0fli Z 010•100800010001060041111111111.1111111111 a • • s CLUB 0 The •• • • • Times and Daily Globe • Times and Daily Mail and Empire. • Times and Daily World ' • • Times and Toronto Daily News.... , • Times and Toronto Daily Star • Times and Daily Advertiser • Times and TorontoSaturday Night ......... • Times and Weekly Globe . s Times and Weekly Mail and Empire • • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star •• Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) • Times and Weekly Witness • • Times and London Free Press (weekly) • • Times and London Advertiser (weekly) • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun. •• Times and World Wide • Times and Northern Messenger, •• Times and Farmers' Advocate • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe •• to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Presbyterian 2.25 • Times and Westminster 2.25 • Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 • Times and Christian Guardian (To.ronto) . , , , , 2.40 • Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2,90 o Times and Sabbath .Reading, New York 1.95 • Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1 85 Times and Michigan Farmer . , ... , 2 Y 5 Times and Woman's Home Companion 2 25 4. 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We club with all the leadingnews ap ere p p and. magtazinee. When premiums are given with any of abode papers, subseribere will secure etch premiums when ordering through Its, same se orderirg direct front publishers. These low nates mean a considerable milting to eubecribere, and are STRICTLY CLASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TTM S rIC a M 'o *Boil WINGIJAM, ONTARIO.