HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 1THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXXVII7.-NO. 1969. ,WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1909, Farmers, AtIention Feed a good stock tonic now and give yeur cattle agood start. We are agents for HESS STOCK FOOD ROYAL PURPLE FOOD INTERNATIONAL FOOD HACKNEY HERBAGEUM Give us a call. Bring along your own recipes for Condition Powder. We use only the best drugs and mix them well. Walton McKibbou THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. $962 One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer, Now he Is earning at the rate of $OO2 per year. Six months' training at our Business College made the dif- ference Was it a good invest- ment? He thinks so. His address is Naw Osgoode, Sask. Four Courses PEEPA,.RA.ToRP COMMERCIAL STE ti OGitAPHY TELEGRAPHY ., Enter any time. Individual Instruction, Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. sroTTON, Principal 1 i 1 IlsaisiissounitusminsameasissurMsemis C'HRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 NEW FRUITS There's more than one kind of best—there's dif- ferent grades and their best. It is the BEST OF BEST GRADES that we sell you. Fair comparison is convincing. CUIaltANTS RAISINS SEEDED RAIaINS PEELS FIGS, Era. Mince Meat This you "can have both in bulk and package. What we've bought is of +superior quality. Per package or per lb LOc. TEAS We have just blended some very. High -Grade Teas, and believe them to be of UN- BEATABLE QUALITY 1 Tont opinion is worth settles thing to tis... .. . Per lb 30e. tei I50e4, WANTED Choice Ratter, Fresh Eggs, l`tand.pieked Beans, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, eto. 1 PHONE 101. Wingham Greenhouses OARNA.TIONS OHRYSANTHEMUMS FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Property Messrs, Ritchie & agents, report the fo the past Week :—M (nee Mrs. Miller) h Harry Angus; bui John Armour to Mr Herron's building 1 to Mr. W. H. Gur having the house o repair and it will rent. ansfers. osens, real estate owing pales dari s. Mary Eng h'e ape 'and lot • • Mr.. ing lot •m Mr, Jose .h : all; Mre, t on - • ranges street ey. Mr. Gurney is this lot put in good soon be ready for Best family flour, "Gold Star" $2.75, FRANK R. HowaoN. Death of M After a long and tina Elizabeth, eld and Mrs. Wallac passed away Pride years, Deceased lady and a great addition to her fat sisters and a broth was oonsoione to t her readiness to g place on Monday Wingham Demeter ss Wallace. ying illness, Chris - at daughter of Jas. , of Jamestown, , Oct. 22nd, aged 27 as a smart young lover of music. In ler and mother, two survive. Deceased e last and expressed , The funeral took of last week to the Good general strvant girl wanted. Apply to Box A, TietEs office. York Loa York Loan share twenty-five pereoe investment. The al Trust Comps 98,000 chegnea, d aggregating abon mailed ut the Tor on Monday to elai parts of the Domi States, British Africa, Australia, Japan. Dividend, elders will reoeive a t dividend on their gnidator, the Nation - y, has issued about ted November let and $650,000, which were nto General Postoffioe ante residing in all ion and in the United ales, France, South Sweden, China, and WANTED. -A good servant girl wanted by Mrs. (Dr.) P. Macdonald. Apply by letter to 854 Richmond street, London, Good wages will be paid. Trade in Winghamites who country and neigbbo us that some people, into Wingham on aoc oases of fever. Th further trouble aloe' patients are:now re new oases have devel the trouble is now have had several o season and we have s the papers. Come to your trading. The m large stooks andStari the very best values, rIngham. gave visited in the ing villages inform not Dare to come �unt of the several e should be no this line. A11 the avering and as no sped for some time ver. Other towns sea of fever this en nothing of it in Wingham and do reheats here have prepared to give WANTED. — Marsh hay, free from thistles, for packing furniture. At WALEER & CLEGG'S upholstering fac- tory. ee s em Guy Bros, ig Minstrels. This year the o0 larger than in for best show ever in t pear here on Pride people composed of fete, dancere; cora musicians that Hear this celebrate while on parade at town hall at 7,30 p elate of ten big ve Special scenery and effeots. Plan now drug store. pally is very much er years and the is town. They op. Nov. 5th, with 30 he very best vocal - lane, acrobats and oney can secure. silver concert band oon and in front of m, The olio oon- °ville acts all new. onderful eleotrioal pen at MoKibbon's IFR ,SALE. -A good sertioedble mare and Dolt for oafs. Apply to THOS, PELLS. Death of J Mr. Joseph Olar three months has Wingham Demeter Monday, in his 4'7 took a heavy cold veloped lute pneu only a tear days. of Lanarkshire, E the Old band to Anda heft years held in high este and Upright in a owning here he h Mao Salvation A interest in Christ widow he it sura ohildren, who w Of our townspe meat. The fans nesday afterno beinbtery. seph Clark. , who for the past en caretaker of the passed away an year. Mr, Clark ast week which de - main and he was ill ebeased was a native gland, and carne front Ingham Borne three ago He was a man and was honorable his dealings, Sinoe been connected with y and took a deep n work. Besides his ed by a family of Mx 11 Barre the sympathy le in their bereave - al took plane on Wed- tthe Wingham Read. Willis & Co.'s adir. on page 8. Ladies' Ai Supper. The supper and en rtainnient held in the Baptist Church o Tuesday evening, and er the auspices o the Ladies' Aid Sooiety was a autos s in every way. The bad weather did of interfere with the attendance. The upper was served in the basement and as an excellent one, the wants of the 'neer Dien being amply provided for. fter the supper a splendid programme was rendered in the auditorium of th church, To RENT—A good seven -roomed house in good locality. Apply at Teems office. Y. M. C. A, E Again we remind play " A Crazy Idea, Wingham opera hou ing, November 19th, of the Young Men's tion. Practices and ing held, and those sparing neither pains the entertainment le for those who atten will be devoted to a and there should be Encourage the good the Y. M. C. A. by y price of admission is tertainrnent. r readers of the to be presented in on Friday even. nder the auspices hrietian Associe- ehearsals are be- taking part are or time to make at enjoyable one The proceeds at worthy cause, large attendance, ork being done by r presence. The cents. Storm jute horse bra teed, at $1.75 is the b ham. Get one at TA • :t, vegan - alae in Wing - KEW'S. Permanent Tea her Engaged, Miss M, J. Baird, . A., of West Tor- onto, has been engag d by the. Wingham High School Board o fill the vacancy on the teaching staff caused by the death of the late lamented Miss Helena 'W- ean. The new teat er comes to Wing - ham bearing very gh credentials. She is a specialist in oderna and History, and has had seven r eight years experi- ence, having tang t in High Schools or Oollegiata Institute at Essex, Arnprior, Elora, Seaforth an Sonia. Mies Baird arrived in town on nesday and entered upon her new duti s Wednesday. We wish her success in er work. BREAivAsT Foons.—Roiled Wheat, Rolled Oats, Standard Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, eta. FRANK R. HowSON, West Shore El It is expected that Ontario West Shor between Goderioh a commence in a few president of the rai on Saturday and st purchased the G. N between Goderioh a operated as a teloph tion with the electric despatching their c convenience to the allowed the free use stated that the ogre eleotrio railway an which the latter giv way running rights entering Goderioh, h the railway commis ctric Railway. rank -laying on the Electric Railway d Kincardine will ye. J, W. Moyes, ay, was in town ted that he had W, telegraph line Kincardine, to be ne line in oonneo- aiiway'a business, s, eto.; ales as a brio, who will be of it. Mr. Moyes went between the the 0. P. R., by e the eleotrio rail - over their tracks d been ratified by oners. WANTED—Young men to learn atbve- mounting; also a number of laboring men. Highest wages paid, WESTERN FotmnR' 0o., Wingham. The Late After some week the otilmination of long time, Marion MIr, .Alex. Inglie, pa day, Ootober 21st, dense, Lighthouse mourned by relative Iagile was an 0n13 name being Marion] She was born in ] and came to the 1 With her parents w fly later moving With the exceptio in Wingham, eh Mrs. Inglis was in October 23rd, 187 Besides her husba ed by one delights of the Goderioh 1' etaff, and one Niagara Falls, NI rs, Inglis. of painful illness, Haste health for a ., beloved wife of sed away on Thurs• t the family rest - street, Goderioh, and friends. Mrs, child, her maiden Robina Henderson, dinburgh, Sootland, iwnship of Hibbert en a child, the fame to Goderioh, where of a few years spent had mace resided. rried in Goderioh on , by Rev, Dr. tire. d, deceased 10 earviv- , Mist! Marion Inglis, bile Scheel teadhing , John A. Inglis, of Y. Rvnnans for Men, Women and Ohi1- ciren, in every wanted style, size and width. 4s. W. S. GRnnn. Night Classes. Ambitions young people Who wish to "learn white they earn," may do so by attending night 0150850 at the Wingham Business College. Laoh student is in. strnoted privately by painstaking, syni' Ton May tette* tie pathetic what your education. Ask for information. ?honeb 104 and 80. Local piion Petition. At the meet g of the Town Council on Monday ev:ning, a petition bearing the signatures f about two hundred and twenty-five res dents of Wingham, wee presented, ask' • g that a local option by- law yIaw be aubmi ed to the electors at the municipal ole.' tione next January. The petition was eferred to a committee of the (lou oil for examination. to aseertain whether it has the required number of b na. fide signatures and if found satiate, tory a by-law will be pre- pared and su witted to the Connell at its December seting. In all likelihood a by-law wi1 be submitted to the aloe - tors, as requ :tett. Whatever form the campaign me take, it is hoped that it may be oond • .tea in a spirit of absolute fairness and friendliness by all parties interested, so that the friendly relation- ships which should characterize the citizens of e • y community be es little disturbed as •oseible. There are several other muni, ipalities in Huron county where local ption will be voted ort in January, a . • ong them being Clinton, Exeter, B1 th, Brussels, Turnberry, Grey and O,iborne. WANTED.—Girl for housework; good wages; no washing. Apply MRs. R. SNOB, Wingham. „ The Olympi eludes experien mentaliate. T ladies' quartett lympia " Ladies' Quartette in - ed vocalists and instru- y present a firet•class , each singer a soloist; a string quartette ; an entertaining reader; a brilliant viols enabling them of unusual' me pertoire inolud tation melo vocal quartette instrumental d violin and pia this company i Wednesday, N Admission 25o. soloist and piano soloist, build tip a programme it. Their extensive re- s jubilee choruses, plan. es, descriptive songs, , trios, duets and solos; ets, trios, and solos on o. Don't fail to hear St. Andrew's Church, v. 10th, at,8 o'clock. To RENT. story brick hoose, eight roost%, p a hard water and soft water, Apply to GEO. MCKENZIE. WANTED.—A11 kinds of fowl—alive or dressed, for which the highest prices wall be paid. Live fowl taken on Tues- days and Thursdays. V. R. VANNORMAN, The Late Cha The late Churl passed away on T and whose death w our last issue, w 1855, in Peelinoh T county, his father b John Reading. Ea jest of thee skate milling business in 1876, in company w engaged in the saw Blnevale. On the d partnership was f Daff and this co when Mr. Reading Mr, Thos. Stewart ham. In Wingha interest in the Unio and was one of th helped in the re -or fire and held an int until it was sold to ture mannfaatarere. the Pelton and Mor nese and continued when owing to ill business to Mr. Reading had been two years, but bis was only some six day, 1879, he w Minnie Anderson, with one son, J Heniilton and Mis viva • Only one sic Toronto, survives was a man held in community. Ile Gounoillor, was a the I, O. F., a Oo and in religion wa was a great collect said that his oclleo the largest in Ont will have the symp of friends, The fu Thursday after= cemetery, the serve grave being oond Farr, of Clinton, attended the tuner John 0, Reading Dorothy, of Hemil Geo. Robertbon, of and Mrs, Andrew Stratford, and Mr sister, of Toronto. les J. Reading. J. Reading, who eaday of last week s briefly recorded in born March 2nd, nship, Wellington ing the late Squire y in life the sub - learned the saw Harriston and in th Finlay Baillie, Ming business in nth of Mr. Beattie, a rated with R. N. tinned until 1889, old his interest to ud moved to Wing - he first took an furniture factory shareholders who anizetion after the est in the factory lie Canada Furni- He then purchased ingstar pump bush htil two years ago, ealth he sold the Thornton. Mr, n poor health for ]aa serious illness aye. On Christmas s married to Miss of Tnrnberry, who bn 0. Reading, of Alice, at home, dar- er, Mrs, Sharpe, of ha. Mr. Reading high eateen ha the d served as Town votive member of servative in politics an Episcopalian. He r of curios and it i0 'on of old coins is rio. The bereaved my of a large circle neral took plane on last tie Wingham es at the borate and cited by Rev. Mr. Among those who were Mr, and Mrs. nd daughter, Mise ; Mr. and lilts. Owen Sound; Mr. attic and son, of Sharp.), deceased's DAINTY MODE le the name of the best light Rubber for Ladies and Gents. Sem theiti at W../. Gn»tslt's HIGH SOHO L FIELD DAY, The Annual Fie! with Wingham Hi on Weddesday last hardly favorable, b were keenly conte5 the boys showed ability, $est of a carried out with t among the pompe card of the dsy Gillespie, who in 4 firsts and captor pionehip, The se not settled owing events. P MoB were loaders amen The following a BOYS Junior— Hurdle Day, W. Haines. N. Geddes, F, Running broad ju Day, G. McLean. pie, A. Kneohtel, and jump, F. Gille Day. Hundred ya H. Day, G. MoLea Day, A. Kneohtel, jump, W. Heine Geddes. One mile W. Haines. Senior—Hurdle Beecroft, P. McE jump, J, Weir, J Ewen. Running Lean, W. Ansley Pole vault, R, Lloy fatt. Hop, step an R. Gallagher, W yard dash, W. A Beeoroft. Mile ru Ewen, H. Mutton. Lean, (M, Price Young, equal.) Mutton, E. Porte Day the connection h School was held Tho weather was t the various events ed and a number of onsiderable atblotio every event was e best of good feeling tors. The beat ye- as made by Frank e junior events won d the junior ohain- ior championship was o a tie in ane of the en and W. Ansley the senior boys. the results in full. GAMES, race, N. Geddes, H. tending broad jump, lleapie, G. McLean. p, F. Gillespie, H. ole vault, F. Oilies- t', Day. Hop, step pie, N. Geddes, H. d dash, N. Geddes, Half mile run, H. F. Gillespie. High F. Gillespie, N. walk, F. Gillespie, ce, W. Ansley, L. n. Standing broad Ferguson, P. Mo - road jump, O. Mo. nd R. Lloyd equal. , J. Weir, G. Mof- junip. P. McEwen, Ansley. Hundred ley, P. MoEwen, L. , W. Ansley, P. Mo - High jump, 0. MO- S. Elliott, and G. wo mile walk, H. , W. Ansley. GIRL Junior—Throw J, VanNorman, and catching bal VanNorman, B. Hundard yard d L, Bowman, J. Relay Raae.— Barber, M. Alla rape, A,Barber a I Kennedy, M son. Senior—Tbro Campbell, M. dash, E. Tiplin E. Buchanan. Potato raoe, MoOool, E. 13 raoe, J. VanN Orr and E. 13 M. Williamson GA'StEs ng ball, L. Bowman, . Moore, Throwing , L. Bowmen and J. warts and H. Moore. ah. F. Orr, L. Mcloo1, aoNorman. orm II. Nail race, A. M Carrie. Needle d V. Isard, F. Orr and urrie and Lizzie Fergu- ing ball. M. Fry, R. °Lean. Hundred yard V. lard, A. Barber, . Bowman, F. Orr, L °benan. Three legged rman and L MoOooi, F. chenan, B. Swarts and The students wish to heartily thank all those citizen: who so kindly contri- buted towards • e prizes. Before buying and robes oral an. Prices down to roo our • se blankets our large stook. • ottom. Tiros. KEw, Resolution At a recent mite High School Board high appreciation o worth of the late is the following res it has pleased our summon into His presence a devoted ai of aur staff, in tl: Helena Mclean, wh attainments, lofty id pleasing personality, Christian deportmei beautiful influence f the students and tho Dame in contaot; be it Board place on reoor tion of the dignity a life and its just appr estimable good she ac the year she was eng Wingham High Scho of We resolution be t John Dadeon, mother F Sympathy. ing, the Wingham ilaced on record its the character and las Helena Dadson, cation: —"Whereas eavenly Father to mare immediate d faithful member a person of Miss (8e high academic Is, broad culture, sous life and line exerted such a r good among all o with whom she resolved that this its high estime,- d nobility of her dation of the in- ompliehed during ed on the staff of ; and that a copy nemitted to Mrs, f deceased." You CAN'T En HAPrY if your feet ache, Dr. Reed's Cashion Shoe is the easiest shoe an earth. See them at W. J. GREER'S 1.000000.06000000.000* An Outsid The Brussels Poe wisely Biqa: —"Th notice that leading are once more pres system and modern town. Generally* t where typhoid fov truotive work to minimize the dange in our judgment. measures end met cause: and make it to impossible, W municipality scour dangerous diseases not taken to wipe then, the situation pie become abatto sults, The newap deserve credit for have brought the and pure water t. town readers and out in their laud: toWn is thele lin . = Opinion. of last Week very Post is pleased to .pirite in Wingham ing for a sewerage atinworks tot the re is an Inclination is doing its des - smother up and, , bat that is foolish Better to get after oda to remove the re -occurrence next sympathise with a ed with any of the ut if prompt aetion le tit the danger places singes and the pec• to the direful re. peri of Wingham o many timet they necessity Of beavers !sei' notice of their hey are sure to win le efforts to aid the ative ettentiali." TOWN UNCIL. The regular mon Town Counoil w evening with all t end Mayor Gregory of previous meeting proved. A petition was wards of two bun that a looal option at the next znnnicip Moved by Conn. by Conn. Bone, that for a local option the Executive Com quest to see that i properly signed, an prepared for the n —Carried. Dr, H. E(W. Ta Council in refore prairie property an with the Exeontiv The Finance Co the payment of th W. J. A. MaGrego G. T. R. freight Canadian Express T. 0, Graham & 8 H, B. Elliott, printi Gutta, Peroha & R pander A. Sanderson, wate " team Theo. Hall, prtntin Bell Tele, Oo., mei J. B. Berguson, sal W. A. Fryfogle, re Geo. Allen, salary. R. Rankin, " Ed, Lewis, " W. J. Greer, rabbe G. N. W. Telegrap Thos. Deans, team Wm, Holmes, reps Ed, Lewis, work o D. 0. McDonald, 1 On motion of and Bone, the Committee was ad The report of t reoommending a dr and the submitting law was read and Elliott and Redm received. Moved by Conn: Conn. MoKibbon, faithful tervicee Olark, as oaretake Council grant half to Mrs, Clarke, t left with the Pr Oonna. Vanno Gaeat was will' sty if the $56 r treat was paid On motion of Spotton, it was be paid the $5 security. Council then $1 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE y meeting of the held on Monday e members present presiding. Minutes were read and sp- eed, signed by ap- ed electors, asking law be submitted 1 election. ednaoad, seconded the petition asking ole be referred to ittee, with a re- in sufficiently and if so, have a byelaw xt regular meeting. lyn interviewed the e to the drain on the matter was left Committee, mittee recommended following aoconnta: printing,,,, $ 3 00 3.25 o., ohargee.... , bulbs g . bber Co., ex - ,75 8 50 9,00 1125 ng streets..., 5.25 ork ..• 71.75 800 age .25 ry and postage 55 50 airing walk1.00 45.00 7.00 20 00 coats 07.00 Co., message, .27 g 6 90 e 13.90 main 1.00 bor 38.25 Oouns, MoKibbon eport of Finanoe ted. Board of Hedlth, earth closet system f a pure water by - n motion of Ooune, nd, the report was potton, seconded by that owing to the of the late Joseph of the, ceraeteryt this a lot in the cemetery seleotion of lot to be man reported that Wm. g to give proper sectir- o Courts. McKibben and rdered that Mr. Guest on furnishing proper journed. W1NGHAM GE ERAL HOSPITAL. The annual me ing a the sharehohl- ers of the Wing na. General Hospital wae held in the +outwit Clamber on Friday evening la with Vice President, R. Clegg, presidin . The annual finan- cial stateraent for the year ending the 30th of September as read as follows: Balance on hand $52 99 Government gran .... 435.58 Whigham Simnel grant (2 Huron Comity gr nt. 100 00 From patients ..... 2859.84 Subscriptions and onations 57.00 From other source 12,07 Overdraf 48 25 EXTEND TUBE. Batoher'e meat. Butter and eggs Flour, bread and e Tea and coffee . Potatoes and other egetribles Home furnishings. Brooms, mope, bru es, eta. Fuel (2 years) Lights Ice supply Salaries and wages. Taxes and insnreno Ordinary repairs 66060600 132.52 66 41 194.72 17,35 62.68 368 54 159.33 219.87 28 67 80.00 306,05 135 99 23.15 24.53 14.80 1515.70 7 92 307 46 68 10 During the past ye r there were 104 patients treated at the ospital, compar- ed with 110 the previo s year. Directors for the e ning year were elected ha f011ows:—W H. Green, Rich. Wilson. Messrs, A. , Musgrove and H. B. Elliott were ele ted ao anditots. The direotets will melt ott Friday even- ing of this week whe the officers tor the emitting year Will be elected. The hospital had it very +I year and the deficit is Very sum 1 when it is taken into c onsideration the the teitusty grant Was reduced from r $i00. VerY few towns the kite o W14111431 have al Miss Sparling GRADUATE OF TORONTO OONSERVA.TORY OF MUSIC And Authorized Tencher of the Fletcher Must° Method, Simplex and Hinder. tory exanue, NM). in Theory and Planta CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7th. For information AO to ratee, tuition" eto., apply at her home, Minnie street, BANKER horses, cattle, hop "t "O feed for market, chants or agents, on favorable ternati, oan have it on reasonable terms. LOAM on real. estate at the lowest Notes diso0unted for tradesznen, mere .who want mimey to buy C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT Finn tLorir LIFE ACCIDENT surance PLATE GLASS j WEATIIER 0M, Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. well equipped bo It Is one of the ve have in the town hearty support of pital as we have here, y best institutions we nd is deeerving of the he citizens. cHUFic NOTES. in St. Paul's Chum Peter's Church, transferred to St. SS ford. He will leav on the ist of Dace on Sunday last. dere, rector of St, nektiow, has been hn's Church, Brant - for his new oharge MR. BRAND N'S THANKS. To the Editor of "INGRAM Timm: — neotion with the owneblp of Morris, and also having te dered my retignation as treasurer of sa , which office I have held for the last t enty years, take this opportunity of honking the present as well as all previ tie Councillors who sat at the Coat I Board duritig my twenty year term e eine% also the rate- payers one and al for their couttesy and kindness to m , as not one of either Councillor or rat payer ever said one unkind or diengre able wont to me dare people. T BRANDON. BeIgrave, Nov. 2 1909 Waterproof Shoes, lab is Waterproof Shoo season, and ev'ery Man, 'Woman and Child should be provided with a pair of our splendid, viseolized Water. proof Shoes. They proteet the health, prevent colds, and. save the regular Shoes. Good, sturdy Calrakin is always- hest lea- ther for these Shoes It is waterproofed to such an extent that no dampness NM penetrate it. The Shoes ars leather he3vy welted sole, medium heat. Lae° or Blucher style. 83., 04 tO *5.00 Vor Hoye and Girls we have the mme Good Shoes at 81 SO, 81.75 tO These Ntraterproof Shoes should be properly fitted, and we see that every foot is provided With a Slaoe just the right size and width.