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The Wingham Times, 1909-10-21, Page 6
G Troll' W1NGLIAM TiMF6, OCTOBER 21, 1SU9 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL 1 interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. It's a good thing that poverty is els crime, or a lot of us would be in jf ail. $e who has forgotten the life is quite likely to be carrying a ship for the letter. Necessary for tate natally. If health is to be maintained there must be at band in every household a medioine which can be relied upon to regulate the liver, kidneys and bowels. Dr Chase's Kidney -Livor Pille have proven their right to fist place in this regard and already hold a secure posh tion In the great majority of homes. Many a life seems clouded when it Is only hidden by the steam of mush sighing. Mr. John G. Rawlings of South Lon. don, fell out of an apple tree and broke his beak, The aviator who patterns his machine after riches should be able to fly in any kind of weather. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE .., G• is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Slower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in ths throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. AU dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo - The total value of the products of Victoria, Australis, for the year 1908 was $133,045,000. The average man is willing to risk choking if permitted to bite off more than he can thieve, A mysterious explosion in the bar of the Kirwin Hotel at Ingersoll oansed serious injury to Councillor James A. Buchanan. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Gough Remedy its curative properties Tickling, or dry, bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly ef- effective oongh medicine. Dr. Shoop as. sures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babes. No opium, no chloroform—absolutely noth- ing barsh or harmful, It calm; the dis- tressing sough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Joseph Ward was sentenced at Lon- don to one year in jail for manslaughter in oonneotion with the death of War. wink, You are wrong, Alonzo; the maga- zine gun wasn't invented by a maga- zine editor for the purpose of extermin- ating poets. Arthur Onlette was killed and Charles Rinks badly injured by a ping blowing out of a boiler in the Turkish Bath Hotel at Montreal. 0 ROW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 11'. J. CHENEY & CO., Teledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. P J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- p have him perfectly honorable in all Ia business traneaetions, and financially able to carry out any obligati ns made 80 by his firm. Wafting, Kinnnn Sr Marvin. h Wholesale Druug1ets, Toledo, 0. th. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken futernal- ly, acting directly upon the bleed and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75e per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa. tion. 1 The National Grain Dealers of the United States have passed a resolution favoring the admission, without duty, of Canadian wheat.. The Waterloo County Teachers' As- sociation bas condemned the new On. tatio Primer, and requested that the old Morang Primer be reauthorized. The Toronto Public school attendance figures show a total attendance for September of 36,441, which is 5,000 better tban last year, and the record for the first month of a term, The Government is considering the question of abolishing the grain oertid- oates at Port Arthur and Fort William, owing to the dissatiafaotion of the mariners. Bears theThe Kind You Have Always Boa of a; V2.9- 14 4:4 Signatere General Grain Agent Acheson, of the 0. P. R., now estimates the Western wheat crop at 122,000,000 bushels. The Manitoba crop rune from 17 to 25 bush. els per were, the Saekatohewan 25 to 30 bushels and Alberta 27 to 35 per acre. Sam. Spanelli was sentenced at North Bay to be hanged on November 26 for the murder of a young Ohinaman in a Haileybury restaurant, The trial of Saul Gonin for the murder of a woman 11Qat Cobalt resulted in a disagreement. To quickly oheok a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Claude- Cold andyGold (Jure Tablet oalled Preventice. Preventice are also fine fot feverish children. Take Preventice at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48- 25o. at Walley's Drug Store. Wm. Hendrick, an American burglar caught red•handed robbing a residence in Guelph, has been sentenced to ten years in Kingston Penitentiary. He is believed to have been connected with many burglaries throughout the Pro- vinoe. Hendrick took his heavy sen- tence seemingly es a matter of oourse. For the last week of September Ca. nadian Pacific Railway earnings were 31 per cent. heavier than in the oor- reeponding period of 1908. The increase for the first week or October was nearly 37 per Dent. The growing competition of other lines does not seem to injure the road's position. In a growing conn - try Iike Canada there is room for them all. -eft,S CesMe .xA. Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A novel flight was made : by M. Latham at an aviation meet at Berlin, recently. He flew a distance of 12 miles, attaining an average elevation of 400 feet, and a speed of 74 miles an hour. The Iong.distance prize of $10,- 060 was won by M. Rougier for a flight of 74 miles, also the prize of altitude, with a record of 560 feet. One reason why the new system of land taxation in England is proving so opnlar is stated by the Springfield Re- ublician when it says that half the nd of England and Wales is owned by me 4,C00 persons, while on the other and, nearly thirty million people is ore two divisions of the United King- dom own no land whatever. The population of what is officially recognized as greater London, is calcn- lated for the year 1910 to be 7,537,196. On an ordinary week -day 8,556 trains ran into London termine, and in 1907 trains carried 372,515,754 passengers, and ran a total distance of 35,561,189 miles. There are besides this 122 omni- bus routes covering 700 miles of thor- oughfares, Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hid- den nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the Heart, and one to the Sidney;. When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs most falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed specifi- cally to these failing nerves. Within 48 hours after startieg the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A boy named Guthrie, whose father is a trackman, was awakened by a dream that something which seemed like a bridge, was bnrnicg. Seeing that every- thing in the honse was all right, he went cut and saw the bridge which ear- ring the 0. P. R. track over the creek between Brandon and Winnipeg, in flames. The train crew were warned in time to'prevent' tt serious disaster. The breeding value of a fowl ie nen• ally totter as a yearling than els a pal - lot, gays a writer in Wisconsin Farmer, as the eggs aro nsually larger and Stronger and larger chicks aro generally produced. IV'orbdoos the vigor of the off - nag decrease as the fowl amrcaeheo ego of three and foal year9 provided is mato:) can season to a good, en g, r m� y o F;, cue De, K ------, It is reported that no evergreen trees have ever been struck by lightning, and some people are advocating the planting of them for protection. Carefully conducted experiments have proved that eggs packed in east do not keep perfentiy in a majority of cases, `says The Farmer. By far the best meth- od of "putting down" eggs when the price is low to keep them in good con- dition until the price is high is by the water and glass method. la?Fq E 4 tai:. /omen To freak and •+ "eel .."v.o• . ' i, there is at least one way to lit Ip 1;4: with tl nt r, ay, two treatments, n tt. t 1,.., it f Ono, Uu u1 ono is eonstitm Cotta . e„t 10 ¢ t r t ,r rr; , 1 ,Tia css.!unial. D �i.UOt tirl t Caro t lir. :4;1,11,9;3 t 1' t1: t i t titntional. ihe f,•t n hr. Mit >r , v" .a:,t t nr, --is atnpieal Tlitt d)i J, 1 h J L, IDI r y 1 1 f te' whilA 1)r qh rli 4I t ,r tier tt, • 1 .,.t ).,t� n 1 thyat, t,t i 1 t.i),.i:. ) a, ii , tereuestout the t 1 - F, `9 Pr t.V e:.. re:nit of all nerve A) + , t' e1 all hlutrd nils, t "11'.:411'a ttr n; t: 1ta717n a iia ,05,6 171; t i ,,o iP, p 1i . ', n l vi1 ,t• , r Io- ; itt . ,.. , th 1 A 1.,;i1,65' i l to ,Li u.u. b i al r.t r a 1.t L ai 1 , 1, I. WI,[ ,i Aa n 9 I .n, 1 i de tot7,o:r . t i. lurl .:.t,1L 1 t: unst.. U, , c,.t 47, epi -. i till© e s.a 0 9 WALT EY S DRUG STORE, t etr w�« Earache, Toothache! To Cure the Pain in Ten Seeonde and Get Iesta'tt Relief, Nothing Equals NERVILINE Fifty years ag N, rviline was used from coast to coast and in then')ands of houses this trusty hnimect served the eutire family, cured all tht it lei- or i,is and kept their lector bill shall. To -day Nerviline still holds Bret place hi (:,aa - a% among pain•relieving remedies— scarcely a home you own fled that does not use it. From Port Hope, TESTIMONIAL Ont,, or. W. T. Greenaway, of the Guide newspaper staff, writes: "For twenty yearn we have . used Nervi - NO. 4398 line in our home, and not for the world would we be without it, As a remedy for all pain, earache, toothet h'), cramps, headache and disordered stomach, I know of no preparation se useful and quick to relieve tie Nerviline " Let every mother give Nerviline a trial; it's good for children, good for old folks—yon eau rub it on as a lini- ment or take it internally. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything i,ut Nerviline, 25o, per bottle, five for $1.00, all dealers or The. Oatarrhozoue Co„ Kingston, Ont, A New York City woman left her husband because he threw eggs at her. This was not only impolite but extrava- gant. A Collingwood than is making money by extracting turpentine from pine stumps. He makes 25 gallons a day, and clears $1.00 a gallon. Robert Kannawin was awarded $5,500 against William Corbett for alienation of his wife's affections and $50 for as. vault at the Orangeville Assizes. Samuel Morris, for sixty years a re- sident of Colborne township, died on Monday, Oct. llth at the great age of ninety.fonr years and five months. Don't croak. Leave that to frogs in stagnant pools. A few oroakers though are necessary in every community to measure the rate of progress at whish live men are advancing. To Have A Beautiful Shin. About one sixth of all the waste mat- ter disobarged from the human body passes out through the pores of the skin. If the skin is to be kept beautiful the pores must be kept in healthful con- dition by bathing and by use of Dr. Chase's Ointment whioh overcomes all chafing and irritation of the akin and sures pimples, eruptions and the many forms of eczema. The C. P. R. steamer Empress of Ire- land struck a submerged wreck between Cape Chattle and Matane, and had a hole punched in her bow. She proceed. ed to Quebec under her own steam. Mr. David Willoughby of Brant near Elmwood is said to have the heaviest 2- year•old filly in Canada. It is a Cly- desdale and took let prize and sweep- stakes at Toronto, It weighs between 1600 and 1700. Constable Coughlin, of Arthur, has secured judgement in the court of tip. peal against Chief Farrell, of that vill- ago, for an even share of the $500.'re- ward given by the government for the arrest of soldier Moir for murder. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 12144 In its review of foreign crop condi- tione, The Crop Reporter, issued by the United States Bureau of Statistics, states that the results of this year's harvest came well up to expectations in Canada. In Europe the situation le somewhat mixed, Russia, Hungary and the Balkan States experienced con- siderable disappointment in the actual yields, while in France, and even more in Germany, where only moderate re- turns were looked for, the harvest much surpassed the hopes entertained a month ago. DARE YOU EAT HEARTILY ? Or Is Every Good Meal Followed By Discomfort? So certain are we that "Little Digesters" will cure Indigestion every time—for every person—for YOU—that we will give you your money back without a word if they fail. You can enjoy a good, hearty meal of wholesome food three times a day, if you take a tablet after each meal. Mr. Read "Tittle Digesters" cured Tho "Thr two years I suffered with Indi- gestion, and obtained no relief from anything I took, including several prescriptions from prominentphysicians. )::very meal was followed by acute pain until I feared to eat, consequently became run down for lack of nourish- ment. "Little Digesters" were recom- mended to 1110 by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me. It is three months since I took any, and I have not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recom- mend them to anybody suffering with Indigestion." (Signed) E. THOM. ter Yorkville ' 4 v leAve., lu.otito. June to, igen. "Little Digesters" can leu had front your druggist es by isiail front Coleman Medicine Co., for o j cents a box. r5 — sees The Dsreham and West Oxford (Ont Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurenoo Com- pany allow a discount of ton per sent. on all payments for insurance on buildings that are properly equipped with light - reds. Tho Government steamer "Aretia," Captain Bernier, arrived at Quebec from the Polar Regions on October 5th, Captain 13ernier reports having planted the C•inadlan flag ou a large number of islands in the vloinity of Melville. Robt, Cunningham, a former resident of Hoe toe, has purchased the stook in the Henfryn store and rented the build- ing and taken posaesston. Mies At na Ounningham has olerked in the snore for the past few years. Their many friends here wish them success in their new venture. It ie announced that Andrew Carnegie has made a donation of $100,000 to Mo - Gill University, following a promise that if $500,000 were raised from other sources be would oap it by giving $100,- 000. The $500,000 name from Lord Strathoona in July, and now Mr. Oar. negte fulfills his promise. The whole is part of the $2,000,000 fond for whioh McGill has made an appeal. ' It is expeoted that Harriman's for. tune will amount to about $85,000,000 The greater part of this money was ao- onmuleted in 15 years. Commodore Vanderbilt's showing at his death ap- proximated $90,000,000 and the estate of Jay Gould about $70.000,000, that of Russell Sage the same sum, while the fortune of H. H. Rogers was about $40,- 000,000, Where did they get it? Go to the blood, if yon are to drive out Rheumatism. A Wisconsin physician, Dr. Shoop, does this with his Rheumatio Remedy— and with seeming success. Rub one, says the doctor, never did cure Rheumatism, It is more than akin deep —it is constitutional, always. Because of this principle, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existenoe. It goes by word of month from one to another, everywhere. Grateful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of humanity, to tell the sick of a way to health Tell some sink one. Sold at Walley's Drng Store, According to the report of the Strat- ford jail for the year ending Sept. 30, from Jailor Nichol, the cost of living at the jail is becomiug yearly cheaper. This is about the most salient feature of the report. The ooet of each prisoner per diem for the past year was 8 96 100 cents as compared wish 9 39.100 Dents for 1908 and 9 45.100 Dents for 1907, in- dicating a steady deoreaee in the prise of living. Following the organization of the Canadian cement merger, prices were raised about thirty cents a barrel, and stook'is now selling at $1.30 a barrel on the oars. Before the merger was organ- ized quotatione were given by the var• thus companies ranging from $1 to $1.15 a barrel on the oars.- It teas repeatedly stated that cement manufacturing was a losing proposition at those prioes, and it was hinted that prices would be oon- siderably boosted by, the combine. On Tuesday, October 5th, was reoord- ed the death of Hugh M. Johnston, of Essex, a former resident of Goderioh township, and brother of Mrs. John Graham, Huron road, and Mre, Wm. Andrews, Bayfield road. Mr. Johnston years ago was proprietor of the "Little Britain" salt brook on the Grand Trunk Railway at the Huron road, Since moving to Essex about a quarter of a oentnry ago he has been engaged in building and contracting and was mayor of the town for several terms. He leaves his wife and two ohildren. The Khan: When I go to the fall fairs I realize that our greatest men are wholly unknown In this walk of life inventors seem so modest. The man who invented the priceless knotter on a harvester will never be so well known as Dr. Cook or Commander Peary, and yet he is by far the greatest man of the three and has done more for mankind. It would be worth while to find out who it was that was responsible for the Early Rose potato. If he is alive yet he should be crowned with a crown of gold and his name inscribed among the im- mortals, A pain presoription is printed upon eaoh 25o. box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tab- lets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist it this formula is not complete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tab- let. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. We sometimes hear a clergyman con- soling a mother, distracted over the death of her darling child, by telling her that a mysterious Providence has taken it from her for wise reasons and that she must find comfort in her bereavement, What! Has God snatch- ed from loving parents a beautiful child jest blooming into youth? Does the Creator of harmony prodnoe discord? Does the author of health and beauty smite his noblest work ere it is finished —a work into whioh Ho bas endowed with aspirations and possibilities as high as heaven itself? It is a libel upon Him, who has fashioned the human body so wondorfnlly and fearfully wrought, that it may withstand ravages of time for a century. God does not murder ter torture his children. He rather tries in a thousand wage to in- duce them to keep the laws of health, which if obeyed, would carry them to a ripe old age, He tries in every way to prolong life after we have forfeited every right to it and have become use- 1Csn dream—Exchange. Once a prominent and wealthy oiti- zen of Wiarton, Out,, George Galloway, aged 67, ditd at the Wayne County (Minh ) Poor House last week, an nn• fortunate victim of olroumstanoes, Twelve years ago Galloway, then a pros- perous merchant of Wiarton, became involved iu an unsuccessful wholesale fish venture, whioh praotioally reduced him to penury. .Unable to meet his old friends and business associates, he went to Detroit, bat there was no plane for him; he was too old, Flnally he was picked up and taken to the oounty poor house. Galloway was at one time re- puted to be worth more than $100,000. C7AlSrate 0M -ZA.. Beau the The Kind You Have Always Bought of Signature_,/ Monday of last week was a signifi- cantly happy day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Armitage, of Luoknow. It was their Golden Wedding Day, Mr. and Mrs. Armitage were presented with purses of 'gold from "The Boys." To commemorate the day and in the even- ing, relatives in the village joined the family circle where many rentinisoenoes of the "Good old days" were recounted and light refreshments were served. James Armitage and Elizabeth Shel- ton were married at Kinloss, llth Oot. 1859 by Rev, Mr. Latimer;, of Bervie Wm. Bell and Bethel,. McDonald (after. wards Mrs. 5, Greenaohe) being their chosen witnesses. For about two years they lived in Greenock, where the Moulton homestead now stands, and then moved to the farm in Kinloss where they lived till they retired in 1891, the farm being taken over by their second son, Rody. In 1896 they came to Luoknow. They are staunch members of the Anglican Church, Dandruff Cured in Two Weeks or Money Back. The above is the guarantee Walton McKibben, the druggist, is offering for Parisian Sage, the greatest of all hair restorers. If you have dandruff, take advantage of this offer and kill the little dandruff germs that will surely steal your hair from you if allowed to continue to per- sistently burrow into the hair roots. Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to stop falling hair and itohing of the scalp. Don't accept any substitute from any druggist. Parisian Sage is the original presoription of one of the world's great- est scientists and is manufactured only in this country by Giroux Mfg. Co , Buffalo, N. Y. and Fort Erie, Ont. Parisian Sage is an exhilarating and pleasant hair dressing; it is not stinky or greasy and it makes the hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant. Pride is 50 Dents a bottle from Walton McKibben or by express, all charges prepaid, by Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. One of the early pioneers of Goderioh district, a woman who was highly es- teemed in the circle of her acquaint- ance, passed from this life on Wednes- day morning, October 6th, in the per- son of Mrs. Molntosh, .widow of the late John McIntosh, and mother of James A. McIntosh, of town. The de- ceased had reached the ripe age of ninety-five years, having been born in May, 1814. Her birthplaoe was in Aberdeen, Scotland, her maiden name being Catherine Lamont. She was married in 1834, and she and her hus- band oame to this country on their wed- ding trip and settled in Goderioh town- ship. The deceased was posseseed of a remarkable memory, and, besides having a vivid reoolleotion of the early pioneer days in this country, she remembers very well having met in the Old Country a man who fought in the battle of Culloden in 1746, the fact being inter- esting as showing the remarkable extent of time that was bridged by the two lives, just thirty-seven years short of two centuries, or, we might say, practi- cally two fall centuries, because the veteran of Culloden must have reaohod young manhood at the time of the battle. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh passed through all the experiences of pioneer days in Canada and made the township of Gode- rioh their home until the death of Mr. McIntosh in 1881, when Mrs. McIntosh moved to Goderioh to reside. Suffered More Than Tongue Can Tell From Liver Trouble. A lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible affliction, as its influence permeates the whole system, causing Biliousness, Heart- burn, Water Brash, Langour, Coated Tongue, Sick Headache, Yellow Eyes, Sallow Complexion, etc. It holds back the bile, which is required to move the bowels and lets it get into the blood instead, thus causing Constipation, Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, and will tone, renovate and purify the liver. Mrs. J. C. Westberg Swan River, Man,, writes: ---•"I suffered for years, more than tongue can tell, from liver trouble. I tried several kinds of medicine, but could get no relief until I got Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I can- not praise them too highly for what they have done for mo." Milburn's Lara -Liver mills aro 25e. per vial, or 5 for 51,00,, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbures Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. OgB�vi�'� More Bread to the Barrel That extra cost per barrel which you pay for Pya 1iiseho1d doesn't go into anybody's pocket. It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest grain. It pays, for cleanliness, for purity and for scientific flour -making. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal House- hold Flour goes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread. You are not really spending that extra amount—you are investing it. Go to your grocer and say "Royal Household," 22 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. TWENTY YEARS AGO, Local History of the early 80s. Items from the "Times" Pyles. • (From the TIMES of Oct. 18, 1889,) LOCAL NEWS. Mr. H. Deaoon, of East Wawanosh, brought three lambs to town last Tues- day, whioh he sold for $16 00. Mrs. J. A. MoEwen, of Morrie). informs us that she has growing in her garden a sunflower an which there were 92 heads of flowers, Mr. R. 0. Sperling has decided to en- gage in the grain business this season, The gas pipe fence at the east and west sides of the park has been complet- ed and presents a good appearance. Mr. Jos. Clegg shipped three oar loads of cattle to Aberdeen, Scotland, on' Wednesday last. On Tuesday evening last, about thirty of the friends of Mr. W. A. Mo0ntoheon entertained him to an oyster supper at Mr. Jas. McKelvie's Star restaurant, prior to hie departure for London. After supper Mr. E. F. Gerster was called to the ohair, and Mr. Mo0utoheon was presented with a nicely worded ad- dress and a gold ring. BIRTHS Wilson —In Wiugham, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. John Wilson, V.. S.; a son. Friendship.—In Wingham, on the 15th inst,, the wife of Mr. Thos. Friend- ship; a son. Brown.—In East Wawanosh, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. P. Brown; a son. Cloakey,—In Morris, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. W, H. Oloakey; a• daughter, MARRIED, Moore—Halpenny,—In Elma, on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. Caswell, Matthew Moore to Emma D„ eldest daughter of Riohard Ha'penny, all of Elma. DEATHS. Irwin.—In Belmore, on the 14th inst,, Francis W. Irwin, aged 72 years and 8. months, Roderna,—In Wingham, on the 10th• inst., Dora Jane, eldest daughter of Mr, F. H. Roderus,•aged 19 years, 3 months and 15 days. Enforcing the Weed Laws. The thing needed on this weed ques- tion is to enforce the laws controlling and preventing the distribution of injur- ious weeds. As they stand at present it is up to the local municipalities to see that they are properly enforced. This duty devolves largely upon the path - master or some local official, who may be appointed for the purpose. Neither of these individuals desires to inform on his neighbors and consequently the law is not enforced and weeds are allowed to grow at will, unless the farmer himself has pride enough in his calling to keep them down and prevent their infeoting the whole country side, There should be government weed inspectors, one or two in each oounty, to enforce the law and see that weeds along the roadside and in the fields are kept in oheok and not allowed to spread over the whole neighborhood. This is the one thing needed to make the present law effec- tive. An analogous case is the local option law. When Ieft to the munici- palities or local officials to enforce it became a dead letter and non -effective in preventing the sale of intoxicating liquors. But the appointment of goy ernment inspectors, to see that the law is enforced, has brought about a decided change and made the local option law one of the most effeotive pieces of legis. lation we have on the statute books. In the same way the weed law can be made effective, if enforced by govern- ment instead of local offloials,—Dana• dlan. Farm. Joseph A. Arnold, of the United States Department of Agriculture, is authority for statement that about one- stxth of the total food of the average family is furnished by milk and its pro. duets. As a source of protein, the most expensive of the nutritive ingredients, it ie especially economical. Skim milk, which is whole milk, minae part of its fat, and:whioh costs only half as mush tis whole intik, furnishes protein about four time 'as toheaply as beef. Food prepared with either skim or whole milk aro much tmore nutritious than those prepared with water. Raw Furs and Skins WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS We Guarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Prices and Quick returns. WE I'AY =PRESS CHARGES Send for our 19094910 PRICE LIST FREE REVILLON FRERES 134 et 136 f1c3111 St., noniron]. Newspaper Bargains. 'rho TIMES and The Weekly Globe to San., 1911, for $1.60, The TIMES and The 'Weekly Mail and Empire to Jan., 1911, for $1.60, Tho TIMES and The Weekly Globe to Jan,, 1910, for 25o. The Times and The Weekly Mail and Empire to Jan,, 1910, for 25o. The TIMES and The Family Herald and Weekly Star to January, 1010, for 25o, These Special Offers are Made to New Subscribers