The Wingham Times, 1909-10-21, Page 5The Peabody Overalls. We
have a full stock of Peabody's
Smocks and Overalls in all
sizes, to stock now.
To Clear
10 dozen Overalls of other
makes, some -with and some
without bibs, one line double
seat and fronts.
$1.00 lines to be cleared at
80 Cents
75e lines to be cleared at
60 cents
I4cGee 0. CekmLpbell
T11L W114011414 irtur43, OCTOBER
P .IU --:r .CX 3 O -13 .JL S'
.Great Removal Sale
1 The Greatest Bargains ever
heard of in Wingham
We are removing from store now occupied, to the
Beaver Block.
Everthing here must be sold regardless of cost or re-
gular price, as we purpose re -starting with an entirely -
new and natty stock.
• 14k Solid Gold Ladies' Watch, 15
Jewel Waltham and Elgin Move-
ment. Regular $40. Now only $30
Ladies' 14k 25 year, Gold Filled, 15
Jewel, Waltham and Elgin
Watch. Regular $16. Now
4: only $12
+* Ladies' Silver Watches. Regular
+ $5,00. Now only $3.50
+ Men's 18 aim. open face, 14k 25
year Gold Filed Case, 21 Jewel,
4. Waltham Watch. Regular $40.
Now only $30.25
• Men's 18 size, open fade, 14k, 25
year, gold filled case, 17 Jewel
Waltham and Elgin. Regular
4 $30.00. Now only $22
Men's 18 size, open fano, 20 year,
+, gold filled ease, 17 jewel, P. S.
Burdett, Waltham, Regular
$17.00. Now only $11.60
+ Men's 18 size, open face, 20 year,
'I gold filled, cane, 15 jewel Wal•
w than u•
and Elgin Watch, Reg
H♦ lar $15,00. Now only...., $9.75
Z Men's 16 size, open fade, 25 year
Zgold filled case, 17 jewel Wal.
tham and Elgin. Regular $24. Wal -
only... $16.90
Men's 16 size, open face, 20 year
gold filled oaee, 15 jewel Wal.
tham and Elgin. Regular $18.
Now only $12.75
Men's Salyer Watches, 17 jewel
Waltham movement. Regular
$17. Now only $12.60
Men's 1.7 jewel Waltham. and Elgin
Watoh, in niokel oaee. Regular
$12. Now only........... $8.25
Men's 15 jewel Waltham and Elgin
Watch, in niokel case. Regular
$9.00. Now only ... $6.50
Mn'es} 7 jewel Waltham and Elgin
Watch, in niokel case Regular
$7,00, Now only $4.90
Boys' Watches. Regular $1.60,
4 Now Only ........ ........ 89c
Fanny Mantle, Marbleized Clocks.
Regular $9 00. Now only. $5.75
8 Day Oak or Walnut Mantle
Clocks. Regular $4 00. Now
only $2.50
Alarm Clocks. Regular 82.50.
Now only $1.60
Alarm Clocks. Regular $1 00
Now only
Having a Large stock of Silverware.
we are offering it below cost. Now
is your opportunity,
Ladies' Long Chains. Regular $8,
Now only $4.95
Ladies' Long Chains, Regular $5.
Now only $2.95
Men'B gold filled watoh chains.
Regular $10. Now only$6.25
Regular $8 00. Now only$4.75
Regular $5.00. Now only$2.95
Regular $3 00. Now only$1.75
Ladles' Extension Bracelets
Regular $8 00. Now only. $5.00
Regular $5.00. Now only. $2.95
Ladies' Solid Gold Pearl Pendants.
Regular 26.00. Now only $17.25 ++
Regular 16.00. Now only $10.75
Regular 11.00, Now only$8.75 ;
Ladies'Go1d Signet Rings. Regular
$6 00. Now only $3.75
Regular $4 00. Now only $2.75
Men's Signet Rings. Regular $8.
Only now 85.50
Regular $6 00. Now only, $3.75
W ItOXI;T i5R.
On Thursday evening, Ootober 7th,
tllefe took place at the home of the
bride's parents, a very Interesting wed•
ding in whioh the participants were
Wm, Ooruwall and Mise Sara Willis.
After the wedding ceremony the happy
oonple, along with the invited guests,
eat down to d well prepared wedding
supper, which was followed by other
atensemente. Rev, Mr. Perrin tied the
nuptial knot.
Bronchitis Creeps into Consumption
Coughing weakens the tubes and
makes a reeling place for the baooilli.
Why let Bronchitis become established.?
It's easy to onre-just inhale Catarrh.
ozone -breathe in its soothing balsams
and relief comes at once Oatarrhozone
is so certain in Bronchitis that every
case is cured. Throat is strengthened.
cough stops, irritation goes away, all
danger of tuberculosis is prevented.
For throat trouble, catarrh and coughs,
Oatarrhozone is The Remedy, 25o. and
$1.00 sizes at all dealers. Get it to -day.
Mrs. Robt. Ramsay has returned with
her daughter•in-law, Mrs. Allen Ram-
sey, to Michigan after a lengthy visit
with her eon, David,
We are very sorry to hear of the ill-
ness of Mrs, John Wightman and we
hope to see her around again soon.
The Westfield congregation has de.
aided to serve a fowl supper the Monday
evening of the anniversary, October
25th. A good program has been provid-
ed. Rev, J. E. J. Millyard, of Heneall,
will preach three times on Sunday, at
10.30 a. m., 2 30 p. m. and 7 p. m. A
choir of male voices trained by A. Cook,
of Goderioh, will furnish music for the
evening service.
The Perfection of Womanhood.
Who does not envy and admire a
lovely woman? The secret of her love-
liness, of her perfeotion, is health. She
Bleeps well, eats well, digests well -in.
tricate functions are vigorous and regu-
lar. Of all woman's remedies, Ferro -
zone is the beet; is vitalizes the funo.
tions upon which health depends -
makes the purest, richest blood, gives
perfect complexion and lots of vigor.
Every girl and woman who seeks health,
vitality, looks -let her get Ferrozone
to -day. Fifty cent boxes at all dealers.
Mr, Eckmeyer, who was Mr. Miller's
partner in the hotel here for a while,
has gone into the hotel business at
Staffa, Perth Co., succeeding Mr. Car-
The trustees of Walton sohool have
engaged Mies Tough, of Clinton, as
teaoher for next year. Melvin Dodds,
the present teacher, will not continue
in the procession, it is said.
A meeting of the congregation of
Duff's Church, Walton, was held on
Monday afternoon of last week, pre-
sided over by the Moderator, Rev. A. C.
Wiehart, B. A., of Brussels, the object
being to give a call to a minister. The
congregation has been vacant einoe the
removal of Rev. Mr. MacNab,. M.A., to
Underwood early last May. Only one
name name before the meeting, viz.,
Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Williamsburg,
Brookville Presbytery.
Ladies' and Men's Stone Sot Rings
at exceptionally low prices.
Speolal prices in Lockets, Locket 1
Chains, . Men's and Ladies' Fobs,
Brooches, Scarf Pins, stiff Links, eto.
R. I NO .
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
-•+*+++++:44A+ +0i.41,+1.+4A+*+ +.+*++++.+*•*.w lees++♦. .
Anniversary services were held in the
Methodist Church and Knox Presbyter-
ian Ohnroh last Sabbath. Bev. Mr.
Powell of Brussels preaohed in the for-
mer sad Rev. D. T. L MoKerroll, M,A•,
of Luokuow, preached in `the latter.
Both servioes were very mnoli enjoyed.
Mr. McKerroli was much appreciated in
Koox Church, The offering of Knox
congregation amounted to about $160 00.
Rev, W. J. West, M, A., conducted
the services in Lucknow Presbyterian
Ohuroh last Sabbath ..
A good programme is being arranged
by the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox
Ohuroh for their Irish Social to be given
on Friday evening, Oct. 29th. Talent
from Brussels, Wingham and Wroxeter
has been engaged.
The members of the Women's Testi-
tete purpose attending the meeting of
Wingham Institute on Thursday,
Oot. 21st.
Dr, Gray has completed the canvas of
Knox and Eadies' Churches for contri-
butions for the new Knox College.
About $225.00 was subscribed.
Dr. Hamilton's Cure for Pimples,
All skin diseases euoh as pimples or-
iginate through failure of the kidneys
and liver. All taints that bleak the
avenues of health must be removed.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills do this quickly.
They cleanse the system, make the skin
smooth, restore roses to the cheeks and
give clear, dainty complexion. For
good looks, good health and good spirits
there is nothing so sure as Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. 25o. boxes at all dealers.
The trustees of Barrie's school, 0th
line, have re-engaged Mies Isabel Mao•
Nabb as teacher for 1910 at an advanced
salary. She does good work.
A new silo has been built by J J.
McCaughey, 8th line, to be utilized for
stook feeding purposes. Morris farm-
ers are bound to keep pace with the
John Speir, 4th line, who has been
assisting at the Teeswater Evaporator
is home owing to a lame leg. He does
not know any occasion for the disable-
ment. We hope he will soon be all
Monday of last weer Mrs Alex.
Nichol, 6th Iine, went to the hospital,
Clinton, where she underwent a medical
operation on Tuesday. We are pleased
to hear she is making favorable progress
and we hope she will soon be able to
dome home.
We are sorry to state that William J.,
the infant son of James and Alice
Nichol, 6th line, died from an attack of
pneumonia following whooping cough,
Saturday, Oot. 9thr aged. 1 year and 4
months. The bereaved parents have
the sympathy of many in the demise of
their baby body.
Mr. Geo. Calbeck, Chief of Police at
Cobalt, and a former resident of this
township, has been appointed inspector
for the northern division for the Provin-
cial police.
B "UMBELS. ---�-----
F. S. Scott, village Clerk of Brussels,
is officiating in Grey township since the
decease of Clerk John McIntosh and
will continue to do so until an appoint-
ment is made. He's an old hand at the
John Petah, while working at W.
Seller's stable had the ill fortune to
step on a nail in a board which penetrat-
ed his left foot, making a nasty wound
that will inconvenienoe him for some
time. We hope he will soon be o. k.
A quiet but pretty wedding took plane
at the home of Thos. and Mrs. Carry,
Brussels, Tuesday morning of last week
when their eldest daughter, Miss Leo
Gertrude, was married to John Spar.
ling, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., by Rev.
E. G. 'Powell, pastor of the Methodist
Church, Brussels. Promptly at half
past nine, the bride, esoorted by her
father, entered the parlor, which was
daintily decorated with carnations, fern andautumn avec as-
paragusleaves, 1 to the
the strains of Olnoas' Wedding March
played by her sister, Beatrice. The
bride, who was unattended and wearing
a smartly tailored travelling suit of
navy blue Frenoh serge, with Dream net
blonee and hat to matoh, carried a beau-
tiful boquet of white roses and ampere'.
gas fern whioh with an amethyst brooch
and gold pendant, were gifts of the
groom. After the until congratulations
luncheon was served and the happy
oonple left on the 11.30 train for their
future home in Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
where they will be At Home to their
friends at 2201 Linwood avenue, after
Nov. let.
George A. Ostrander, insurance agent
at Pioton, committed suicide by ichaling
Joseph MoGnire was found guilty of
criminal negligence at the Brantford As.
sizes in connection with the Mount Ver-
non wreck Iast year, in which three lives
were lost.
Over six hundred patients were march-
ed out of the London Asylum in less
than three minutes when fire was dis-
covered in the main building. The Ices
was trifling.
The Canadian trades oommission at
St. Johns, Newfoundland, reports a
good opening for Oanadian textile goods.
The imports are mostly from Great
Britain and amount to about a million a
Established 1879
Vaporized Creaolene stops the paroxysms of
Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can•
not exist where Cresoleae is used. It acts
directly on nose and throat, making breathing
easy in the case of colds, soothes the sore
throat and stops the cough. Itis a boon to
sufferers of Asthma.
Creaolene is a powerful germicide, acting both
as a curative and a preventive in contagious
diseucs. Cresolene's best recommendation is
its thirty years of successful use.
For Bale by An Draggling
Sand Postal for Dc- �f �51e
scriptive Booklet C. t)
Creaolene Antiseptic
Throat Tablets, simple
and soothing for the
irritated throat, 100.
Leeming, Miles Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mon-
treal, Canada. 3o$
Nowadays wise mothers do not dose
their obildron with nauseons, griping
eaetcr•oil or purgatives, nor do they
give there poisonous opiates in the
form of soothing medicines Baby's
Own Tablets take the place of these
harsh and dangerona drugs. and the
mother has the guarantee of a gov-
ernment analyst that the Tablets are
absolutely sate, and will cure all stom-
ach and bowel troubles, destroy worths,
break up oolds and make teething easy.
Mrs. Thos. Oraft, Binscarth, Mao.,
days: --"I have need Baby's Own 'Tab-
lets for constipation and teething troub-
les, and do not know of any other
medicine that lean equal them They
are always satisfactory in their results."
SoId by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Oa., Brookville, Out.
Minutes of Cat -moil meeting held in the
Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday,
October 18.
Members of Council all present ; the
Reeve in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting wase
read and adopted on motion of Messrs
Kelly and Wheeler.
Oommnnications were read from the
T & N. Railway re farm lauds in the
northern district -filed. Also from the
North Huron Telephone Co. re phone in
Clerk's office -filed.
Thofollowing accounts were passed
and cheques} issued: -Ben Ringler,
gravel, 84o; David Eadie, gravel and
damages, $14 02; 3. W. King, tile drain,
$2.00; H. B Elliott, printing, $3.50; D.
H. Moffatt, sebeoting jurors, $3 00; John
McTavish, selecting jurors, $3 00; John
Burgess, selecting jurors, $6.00; 3. A,
McLean, lumber, $4 00; Joseph Lovell,
culvert 5 side road, $6 00; Wm, A. Mc-
Gill, rep. Eadie'+ bridge, $4 95; Peter
McGee, Tnrnberry share culvert
Calross boundary, $16.50; Wm. Adair,
repairing Wood's bridge, $2 50; Theo
Finnan, teaming road machine, $2.00;
Peter McLaren, part salary $50.00.
Moved by Mr. MoMiohael, seconded
by Mr. Rutherford, that this meeting do
now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, on Monday, Nov. 22nd,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Jornx BURGESS, Clerk.
Look Ahead for Illness.
Sudden illness and pains come in
every family -to parents and ohildren
alike. But if yon have Iooked ahead,
and have right in your home, ready for
immediate nee a bottle of Polson'+ Ner-
viline-there isn't much to worry over.
If it's sore throat or contracted chest,
apply Nerviline and put on a Nerviline
Porous Plaster. If it's polio, cramps or
any stomach disorder, jest administer
ten drops of Nerviline in hot water. No
family medicines are more useful or
more depended upon in emergencies
than Nerviline and Nerviline Porous
Plasters. They keep the doctor bill
small, 25o. each at all dealers. Refuse
Does not Color the Hair
Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An cicgant dressing?
bngndSrfrtftNr.. ria. tZ+eiaia 51,fittnt Citlorii,
:! Csltraitwa.irrs., Alzohai. Water. F etftaAte.
We bellow doctors endorse this formula,, or wt would not put It up.
Does got.Color the Illair
J. tx Atm t'eereer . Ilae►atl. llama
A Prize Winner.
Last week's Brussels Post says: -W.
H. Mo47raoken, of Brussels, never does
anything in a half hearted way and
when he sets out as an exhibitor to the
Fall Fairs he goes to win and it keeps
the best of them hustling to produce
roots, vegetables and flowers to take the
lion's share of red tickets from him.
This year compares very favorably with
his best record in the past and proves
that Mao, is still King of the garden
sass. The list for 1909 is as follows: -
Listowel 31
Atwood .23
Seatorth 47
Brussels 58
Gorrie 30
Blyth 27
Dungannon ..26
Total 237
Presbytery of Maitland Notes.
Rev. R. MoEaohern, of Leaskdale,
was inducted into the pastoral charge of
Whiteohuroh and Langaide on Oot.
Knox Ohuroh, Ripley, petitioned) the
Presbytery to be raised to the status of
a single charge, offering a salary of
$1000 and four weeks holidays. A com-
mittee consisting of Revs. Messrs, Tait,
MoKerrol, McLennan and their repro-
sentative elders was appointed to confer
with Bervie congregation on the matter
and consider the rearrangements of the
field and report at a special meeting to
be held at Walton.
A call from Walton was presented by
Rev. Mr. Wishart in favor of Rev. R.
L. Lundy, of Williamsburg. The oa11
Was' sustained and forwarded 10 the
Brockville Presbytery.
John W. Leland, of Brighton, charges
his father, Lewis Leland, with poisoning
his cattle and the old man has been
True bilis for manslaughter were re-
turned against Harry and Fred. Jopling
at Peterboro' Assizes in connection with
the death of Arthur Bollard of Toronto
last August.
During the fiscal year ending March
31. last, the Department of Pabiie
Works expended $14,784,781,), of whioh
only $1,$67,846 was chargeable to oapita1
a000unt, while $12,292,359 was charge-
able to income. Of the expenditure,
$5,846,286 wan spent on pubiio build-
ings, $4,647,778 on dredging, $9,825,-
220 on harbors find rivers and $634,482
on telegraphs;
bard's For Best Value in
Ready - to -Wear Clothing
SPOT these days -eager buyers are after bargains in Men's and Boys'
OVERCOATS and SUITS and they are finding just what they want
here at a BIG SAVING, This is a growing branch of our business
and we have added. several NEW LINES of UIGEL0LASS TAILOR-
Conte and inspect our stock. OUR PRICES will interest you.
MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS, --English worsted, dark brown,
with shadow stripe, single-breasted sack, nicely made, re-
gular value $12.00, our price 510,00
MEN'S FINE SUITS. -Made of English worsted, rich olive and
brown tones. latest cut, regular value $15.00, our price$12.50.
Lowness of price is not the only attraction here.
YOUTH'S SUITS. -Sizes 31. 35, fine quality English worsted,
coloring are two tone effects, neat cuffs on sleeves and laps
on pockets, regular 12.00 suits„ our cut price $10.00 1
BOYS' 3 PIECE SUITS. -In fine serge and Canadian tweeds,
single or double•breasted, prices are.. .. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
REEFERS. -new styles, all sizes, English napp and plain
navy Beaver Cloths, prices are $2.50, 3.00, 3,50. 4.00
English Kersey Cloth, tailored in best manner, twelve dollar
value for $10.00
MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS. -Scotch Tweed Ulstering of
fine finish in olive, green and brown colorings, largest
improved Prussian collar, extraordinary value $12.00
MEN'S REEFERS. -Just, the kind for cold weather, we have
the Leather, Corduroy, Duck, Etoffe, all prices,
UNDERWEAR. -Skilled operators have produced for us Under-
wear, which stands the test of time and will give absolute
RAINCOATS. -There's health and comfort in our Raincoats.
They shed the rain perfectly and make you feel comfortable,
may save you a doctor bill to own one.
HATS AND CAPS. -Newest styles, newest shapes, newest ideas,
are here in countless numbers. Step in and try one on, we
can fit you, both ways.
GLOVES. -Fine quality, and they show it.
lrfl. E. ISARD &
13 R rF; N c
C 0 R
Fft(Every Meal
At breakfast with porridge "Crown
Brand Syrup" is delicious.
Used with plain puddings or made
up with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
At supper it is just the thing to eat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits.
is syrup at its best and in its most
delicious and wholesome
it is prepared in a perfect
manner from absolutely
pure ingredients. It is far
ahead of all other kinds in
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholosomeness-
don't you think it's worth
while insisting on "Crowne
Brand Syrup? "
Vour dealer has it for you in
a, 5, io and 1b, sir -tight
with lift-off lid10s. Order sometins
The Edwardsburg Starch
Co.Iiis`iARLISHDD 1858.
Works: CART>INAX„Oat, Offices: MOMTAISAL,T0e0W00arhIDIA111TPOkti
�►-. �, _ _ •