HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-21, Page 1THS WIN GHAM TIMES. VOL XXXYIEI,-ANO. 1.9G7• WINGHAII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 1909, Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE Why Suffer from Indigestion? FOTHERGILL'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Will cure you The great English Remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Nausea and all disorders arising from imperfect digestion. Prepared by Dr , J. P. Fo'THER- GILL, Manchester, Eng, For sale in Wingbam by Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Maodonald Block, Wingham, PUBLI NOTICE. Take notice the at a meeting of the Board of Health eld on Monday, lith inst, it was orders that all bank yards, outhouses and ole ets be cleaned np Im- mediately, Subje t to my inspection, and if this is n t done at once, the parties found g lty of negligence will be prosecuted au the work done by the town aathoritie and charged to the offenders. Be o der Geo. AL N. Sanitary Inspector. Wingham, Oot. 12, 1909. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE • LIFE • ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS j W RATHER insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Maloolm's Grocery. e '$962 C/ G/S w C'a pEnter any time. individual C7C Instruction. C=1 1— One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer, Now he is earning at the rate of 5902 per year. Six months' training at our Business u s College made the dif- ference Was it a good invest- ment? lie thinks so. His address is New Osgood°. Sask. Four Courses: PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Write for particulars, WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEC, SPOTTON, Principal simile PHONE 59 Christie's Grocry We give our beat attention to the serving of Foods That Are Pure That's one of the reasons for oar steadily inoreasing business. Neve —isn't I'URE RIGH•GRADE eatables of am tnnoh importance as pure anything else. Think about it Wo please others. Oen we please yeti. We've loads of Chinaware vv re ere but we would a h rather haVefthe room. if you're looking for a bargain yott can have one. A New Preparation Odorlefta Klenzine A' sanitary powder for general Hie, per bag 215o, Invaluable to the farming community. PHONE 101. Wingham Greenhouses CARNATIONS OURYSANTHEMUMS FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers New Teiep The Bell Tele Canada has lately 1 ion of a Long Dis gannon to Luck found to add gre communication pointe, one Circuit. bone Oo oomplet auoe any of the ereo- e from Dan - This has been y to the faoiliey of between two FOR SALE.—A go an d colt for sale. BB d •rvioeable mare y to Taos FELLS Times Ciu The TIMES is a give oheap club dailies and large there has been a the rates. We wi for any newspa the large list o issue. ing Rates. in in a position to ng rates with the weeklies. This year reduction in some of 1 accept subsoriptions ✓ or magazine. See another pag 'f this HOOSE FOR SALE.— wetcray briok, ok, on Centre street we: good location. Apply to M. E, ZURBRI(G. WANTED. —A good servant girl wanted by Mrs. (Dr.) P. Macdonald. Apply by letter to 854 Richmond street, London, Good wages will be paid. Anniversa The annivdrsary tion with St. Ar Ohuroh will be hall Rev. Principal G. lege, Toronto, Wal and evening. The special music for public cordially in y Services. services in Qonneo- drew's Presbyterian i next Sunday, when ndier, of Knox Col - reach both. morning ohoir is preparing both services. The ited. $2000—Private fel • ds loan on first - et nee farm property , per cent. RITCHIE & COSENS. .Highest pride paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Ladies' d Supper. • 'etagere are mat flouncing a supper which will be gi en in the Baptist Church by the Ladibs' Aid Society, on Tuesdayevening, ve nib g, ovember 2nd. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o,olock, after whioh a muaioai an literary programme will be given in t . e church. All are cordially invited. dmission 25 cents. Fon SALE.—A fe —W hite Rooke, Orpiugtons, Brow dans.—Apply to R PRIORS ARE sL must be sold. See lass 000krels Rooks, Buff eghorna and Han- MAxwELL, Tailor, HTERED. — Goods ar advt. R. KNox, Farm Ch Last Saturday of the 3rd line acre farm to Mr. is one of the best f Brandon will hol stook and implem and Mr. Nethery sion. The sale Ritchie & Casein' nges Hands. r. Thee, S. Brandon, Morris sold his 150- John Nethery, This rims on the line. Mr. an auction male of is ou the 26th inst., ill then take posses - was made through genoy. CELERY. —• Fresh fro •• the garden every day, at the Ma . et Grocery, till the first of Novo • :r. Celery at the garden will be sold at $8.00 per 100, or 50 Dents per dozen. R, A. GRAHAM. New Heati At a meeting o SI. Andrew's Pre week it was decide ing appliances ?n Board of Manage oontraot to Mr. W proceed With the work will not inter servioes as the Old until the new one i for Church. the congregation of yterian Chnroh last to put in new heat. he church and the have: awarded the J. Boyoe, who will ork at once. This ere with the ohureh system oan be used ready. Wo are showingome jrdry fine Fool. DRRBSING for P nke "ving. We can make the feet of y man, woman or ohild mho fee t hi d We e, very banking.' W. 4. GREER. Cash paid for live spring ohiokens and fowl at S. PAUL'S attire, Bluevale. Bring then: every Monday forenoon. Bible S The n i anneal me branch Upper Will be held i Wingham, on Nov. 8rd, 1909, Rev. P..7, M&Lar Society, will be Lt this beari help and influence lending the "Lig borners of the earth D. M. GoltDorr, Sooretary ety Meeting. ting of th i h a evenm g Tanada Bible Sooiety St, Paul's Chnroh, Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock sharp. n, agent of the Bible e pritieipal /speaker. ihig meeting, whose rill greatly assist in t" t0 the darkest &ow KARR, President Read R'11llS & Co.'s adv on page 8. Funeral of the The funeral of Wade took place Iaet, to the Win service being con Steeves, pastor o of which decease member. Among addrned the mak the ohoir of tb wishes ns to exp family to the their kindness a Late Mrs. Wade, e lite Mre. George n Friday afternoon ham cemetery, the otod by Rev. W. L, the Baptist Ohuroh, bad for years been a he floral tributes whioh t was a wreath from church. Miss Wade ess the thanks of the numerous friends for d sympathy. Good general ee Apply to Box A, Tia an girl wanted. ftioe, Mati The matinee h been postponed a000nnt of the bad at the Driving Par of this week. Thi the program and Hal, 2.02%, will r Wingham track re afternoon's sport Band in attendsi and ladies free. Wingham hospital! :e Races. se rases, whioh have om time to time on weather will be held on Friday afternoon e ood races r.ea are on t 3 o'clock Darkey tempt to Lower the ord of 2 11. A good assured. Citizens' e. Admission 25o. tweeds in aid of Lose.—On Josephine scree on Mon- day morning a letter a dre d to Elliott & Marr, London, an aving a bank raft nog d enclosed. Find will kindly leave at Dominion Bank or at the TINES office. East el ur The annual oo Huron Teaobers' held in Wingha Friday of this we be held in the High Sohool. T one, inoluding a much interest to John Dearness, Ia dresses at three o (Thursday) evening be given to the friends, when Mr. an address and for program has been n Teachers. vention of the East Association will be n on Thursday attd k. The sessions will esatiably Hall of the i program is a good number of papers of the teachers, Mr. A , will give ad. the seasions. This an "At Home" will siting teachers and eareess will deliver hick a good musical rranged. WANTED,—Girl for housework; good wages; no washing, Apply MRs. R. KNOX, Wingham New Teleph nes installed. Mr. L. F. Binkl , the looal manager of the Bell Teleph ne Co., has installed a number of new elephones during the past three week -as follows: —Robt, Maxwell, store, o. 26 A, residenoe, 26 B; John Galbr ith, store, No. 83; S. Graney, store, No 51; Geo. Mason, resi. dance, No. 78; W H. Willis, residence, No. 129 B;. Mann er's office, Dominion Bank. No. 69 B. These additions give the looal exohang 180 subscribers, com- pared with 120 hen Mr. Binkley be. came manager, The North Huron Telephone Oo, ex of to have some sixty snbsoribers conn °ted with the Bell office before the ose of the year so that Wingham office ill be now one of the important oentr WANTED. --All kinds of fowl—alive or dressed, for which the highest prides will be paid, Live fowl taken on Tues- days and Thursdays. V. R. VANN0RMAN. GIRLS WANTED. sewing machines i day work. Olen good wages. Ap MFG. Oo, LInuTED, For work on power knitting mill or on steady work and y to THE WATSON Paris, Ont, M en's Wm. G. Mason, "Big Mason," evan the Young Men's of America, will, a a series of men's no in the interest of th ings 'will be held o day of this wee Y, M. 0..A. roo for men will be he 4 o'clock on San men and young vited to attend t lection will be tak Mr. Mason will Ohuroh on Sunda ments are being the evening of DEM in Wingha Mason. Hearty 1i tare of the service eetrngs. ommonly known as elistio secretary of ristian Associations announced,00nduot stings in Wingham, Y. M. O.A. Meet - Thursday and Fri - at 8 p. m. in the e, A mase meeting in the town hall at ay afternoon. All n are espeolelly in - se eervices. A Col- n to defray expenses. eek in the Methodist evening. Arrange - de for a meeting on anksgieing. Every should hear Mr., ging will be a tea - Night Classes. Ambitious b tions oan Bpetr Ie who wish to "lento hila w they earn," ma $o lo b attending night olaises t they Wingham Business Oollege. Each student is in- strudted privately by painstaking, sym- pathetic teachers. Yon may enter no matter what your education. Ask for inioxmaiion. Phones 104 and 86. THANKSGIVING1 FOWL,. anted, large quantities goo T rks y s Geese,Ducks a deken . Big prices for good, picked birds g delivery up to ErtdaY. Qat. 2,th. 0E0. E. KING. Petition largel A petition, nakin clemency for Mra. R ander sentence of dent oiroulated in town dur and was largely eigne Wingham and forwar son's brother at Sudb asking that pont cards Minister of Justine a found on another page Signed. for exeontive blown, who is at Sudbury was g the past week by citizens of d to Mrs. Robin - y. A petition be sent to the Ottawa will be f this is Beet family Sour, "Gold,.'• tar" $2 75. FRANI: . $OwGoN, Box WANTED —Bright active boy to learn the general store business. Apply to D. M. GORDON. Lyceum Conce{ A great treat is in etcl of Wingham and surf in a series of four pone Lyceum Concert Co under the auspices of Guild of St. Andrew. rat entertainment will Olympia Ladies' Quart 10th in St. Andrew' particulars as to the prise of season tioke next week. Reserve November 10th for th the series. t Course. e for the people unding district srte by the 0011 of Cleveland, he Westminster Church. The be given by the tte on November i Church. Fall ther talent and will be given the evening of first concert of RUBBERS for Men,• • Wo e and Chil- dren, a dren, in every wanted • e, elm and width. W. J. GREER. Well Attended There was a fairly g the meeting in the To day evening to hear nedy'a address on " nine." Mayor Grego ohair. Dr. Kennedy's of practical informatio ly in reference to t typhoid fever and point emphasized wa air and sunshine in preparing of the ad boneiderable time an appreciated it. At t dress, on motion of W. 3, Boyoe, a hen was tendered to Dr addresses were ale Oosens, Theo. Hall, Geo. Spotton. The on local eonclitio waterworks, etc. Meeting. d attendance at n Hall on Mon - r. J. P. Ken- reventive Medi - y occupied the address was fall and partioular- e prevention of beroulosis. One plenty of fresh ur homes. The ress would take all those present olose of the ad. Reeve Irwin and y vote of thanks Kennedy. Short given by Abner r. A. J. Irwin and speakers touching in reference to WANTED—Young mon to learn stove - mounting ; tove•mounting; also a number of laboring men. Highest wages paid. WESTERN FOUNDRY 00, Wingham. FOR SALE.—Chestnut gelding, 7; ears old, weighs 1200; absolutely,/sound. Used for private drivin dosing sum- mer. Just the thing as .third horse on the farm. Oan be seetetii any time at Beattie'slivery barn, D DAVIEs, owner. Very Sal Deep and profoui sed on Tuesday mot, h Misel known that H teacher of English Wingham High So away from this only a week's illnesl at her home On MSI Mins Dadson had health, and a weel one of a party of pleasant holiday at day of Met week, plained of not fe obliged to give 1 wheel. Notwiths care and attentioc disease could not passed peacefully evening, 18th inst. notice was a grad versity, where s B A. She was a German and His 1908, she name to near St. Thomas ( resided for some been on the teabhi Sohool. During h evinced many nob e qualities of mind and heart, and ma e a large number of friends. Espeoialhy was she highly Indeed. regret was expres• in when it became c e lens Dadeon, B. A., nd Moderns at the ool, had been palled arthly sphere, after , from typhoid fever, le street. The late been in her usual ago Saturday was ladies who spent a ormosa. On Mon however, she com- ing. well, and was her duties at the ending the beet of the ravages of the e obeofred, and she away on Monday The snbjeot of this ate of Queen's Thai - took the degree of rpeoialist in French, ory. In September, gIngham from Union There the family had ears) and had singe g etaf of the High r residence here she esteemed by the the High Sobool, Ioss they have iti Chadian young la tive part in the wor Ohuroh. Following father, whioh took 1 her mother, Mre. Wingham to reside ofdeem the deo sister kilter being Mrs. Monkton. A m held at the resideno ing, oondnoted by and Rev. N. S. mains were taken t nesday morning for the floral tributes High Sohool !Mehl '. the Girl's Athletic) e 4 Bible oless of the Chum*. The bete remaining mamba taf and students of Pbo feel keenly the taineci. She was a y, and took an act - of the Methodist the death of her aoe last December, Dodson, name tb A brother and a id also, urvi e h i V the lnieu Langford, ovaof oriel service on Tuesday even - Rev. br. Rutledge Irwash, and the re. Union early Wed- interment. Among were o from onethe g staff, the students, inb ande Eurea k- th ingham Methodist rued mother and the a of the family will have universal ey►napathy in their sad and sudden a#fiiollin. RECTOR SAY. FAREWELL. Rev. C. E. Jea ins Preaches His Parting Sermo as Rector of St, Paul's Church. The services in ' t. Paul's Chnroh on Sunday evening las marked the closing of the iuoumbeno; of Rev. 0, E. Jenkins, who has een appointed to a professorship in Ha on College, London. The reverened gen ; eman chose as the baste of his farew 11, a clause of the first verse of the Elft enth chapter of ist Oorinthians, "I de lare unto you the gospel whioh I pr:aohed unto you," from whiah an app opriate and touch. ing sermon was volved. He spoke feelingly of the kind eta shown to Mrs. Jenkins and himself and the assistance given them in the •'ark of the church, and closed with an :fractionate "Good- bye." Daring the '•ffering Rev. Mr. Jeakins sang a solo i good voice. On Saturday last Rev. Mr. Jeakins was presented with the following ad- dress by the membe s of the Vestry of St. Paul's Church; — To the Rev. 0. E Jerkins, B.A.,B,D,,— Sinoe it has please the Lard Bishop of the Diocese to pro • ote you to higher service, the member :• of the Vestry of St. Panl'e Church d=sire to mark their steadfast appreoiatio• of your labours in this parish by s me expression at once of their sorrow at your departure and of their joy,ness,inthe r 0 prospect of your inresed usfulness pin pthe future, During you brief residence in Wingham Mrs. Jea ins and yon have formed many and casting friendships, among the citizens morally and your removal is univereall; regretted. "No stunted asoe to" or devotee of lettered ease, you have given your people of your bee and your earnest endeavour has been to fill nut the full circle of a Rector's nty. Your kindly and thoughtful inistrations have brought joy and conoolation to the pick, the afflicted and t e bereaved. You have laboured faith ally and suooess- fully in every epher: of the Ohnroh's life and the success o' the introduction of the snrplioed ohoi and the comple• tion of the arrange •• eats to puroh ese the Mills Memorial 11.11 are monumen- tal evidences of your eal and activity in promoting the well re of the Ohuroh in this community. of the least ac- ceptable of your servic:s has been your work in the pulpit. Your eloquent sermons and addresses have been at all times a source of ins ration and profit and have revealed t e erudite soholar and the profound thin er. Deeply conscious a• the Vestry is of the great responsibili y .whioh now de. volves upon you in he preparation of men for the holy o ii oe of priesthood, they would Commend you to the guid- auee of Almighty Cod in this most sacred and noble wor ; and, as you go forth to your new ho • e, the prayers of your people will ao•ompany yon and your loved ones for y•ur continued sten am in the higher du ies to whioh you have been palled. Signed on behalf of the Vestry, R. Vanstone, Rector's Warden, B Soott, Peggqqpie's Warden, J. Charles Silith, Vestry Olerk. Dated at St. Pau 'a Church, Wing - ham, October 16th, 1 09. Rev. and Mrs Je ktns left on Tun.day afternoon for ontreal, to spend a few days before to ng up residence in London. While re retting to lose these valued citizens fro thetown,we join 0 6 7 with their numerou friends, of all de- nominations, in wish ng them continued itheir new n h me. PERSO(VAL. Mrs. A. M. Robison, of Teeswater, was visiting with W ngham friends last week. Rev. Father Halal , of Clinton was calling on old filen in Wingham on Monday. Miss Edna Finley eft last week for New York, where s e has secured a position. Mrs. Ohas. Bell, o Southampton is visiting with ber pare ts, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Johnston. Mr. James Anderson who has been at his old home in North akota for sever- al weeks, returned ho a this week, Miss Sproat, of Bel rave, who spent the past two weeks w h her sister, Mrs. Jas. Anderson, rot rned home last Saturday. Mise Colborne, of Toronto, has been engaged by the Wi gham High Sohool Board to temporaril fill the position on the teaching staff ade vacant by the death of Miss Dadson Mr, Thos. Lind r turned home on Friday evening fro Estevan, Sask., where he has spent ill past three years. Mr. Lind had a plea& t trip home, leav- ing Eetevan On Wedn eddy and arriving here on Friday night. Ile is pleased t0 be back again to Win ham and says he has yet to see the tow that Will oome Up to Wingham. Mr. E. Nash left last ton, where he has sec tion. Mr, Nash has, in W W in ham donne g , Worker itt St. Paul's tor some time SoS Per Panda' eellool, His are sorry to heart of hot all, will wish Idr home. week for Remit - red a good pool- dttring his reit. an a ti been e 'r'e Ohuroh and was mt nd n e e t of t he rutnetons friends is leaving Olen,' Well Iii his new WATERWORKS F]OR WINGHAM. It has been ata ed several times on the atroet and again on Monday evening, that in the pinion of some of our townspeople the eeent bylaw, pro- viding for a pure w ter supply, would have parried had aj test well first been put down. The Truk has very Iittle to Bay on this snbjeot, f rther than we do not believe the matt r of sinking a test well changed one vot on this important question, The mem ere of the Oonucil were all in favor o submitting of the by -Mw, but in fai nes to the four Councillors who opp sed the test well we give some of t e objections that were taken: - 1. That the rate aears should first say that they were i favor of a pure water supply by passi • g a by-law before using from 000 to $8 0 in sinking a test well. 2. If the Counoil • ad power to sink one well, why not sin all the wells re- quired and complete the system, with- out submitting the q.estion to the rate- payers. 2. Two Oonnoiil•re secured advioe from municipal la yers to the effect that the Oounoii eon d not use money to sink wells unless pa ed by the people. 4, Hundreds of C • nadian and Ameri- can pities and tow • s have established waterworks w rks wosystems . nd in n a Daae has it been known that test well was sunk. In a neighboring ci y the Council did not undertake the ' ork, and a public- spirited citizen did i at his own expense. Why should Wi . gham require any different method t• an that adopted in other towns? 5. If the Oonnoi spent $600 to $800 on a test well and he by-law was de- feated, the individual members of the Council could be eld responsible for the expenditure, 6. It looked too nch like spending money on a soheme nd then asking the people for more mon y to complete the work. 7. It has never yet a Coanoil first sank a submitted the questio the ratepayers.' been shown where est well and then of pure water to The TIMES has alw4ys been heartily iu favor of a pure ater supply for Wingham and has en • ported every by- law that has been •laced before the people. We believe `•e recent bylaw could have been carri:d by a substantial majority had the to- n been properly canvassed, but what appeared to be everybody's business turned out to be no person's business and only those opposed to the by-law did any system- atic canvassing. We would say that the Oounoil should su'mit by -laves for both pure water and . main street sew- er at the January el:otione and with proper organizing both. by-laws can be parried, The Wing, have supported every has been for the welfar pointed out before th was voted on, that am newspapers movement that of the town,and repent bylaw ingham's water• works could be mad: self-sustaining, and still the ratepayers voted the by-law down. Wingham is a progressive, up- to-date town and we must keep her in the front ranks. The ratepayers will no doubt be given an ther opportunity to vote on these questi ns next Januar/. We are pleased to r port that as far as we have been abl to learn, no new oases of fever have de loped in over a week, and we, along ith all the citizens of Wingham, sincere y hope that the trouble is past. BREAAFAST Fo Rolled Oats, Stan• of Wheat, eto. DAINTY MODE is light gabber for See them at W. J. Ds. oiled Wheat, • Oatmeal, Cream RANK R. ON. the na e of the best L es and Gents. RIM'S Inure se >k The sheriffs of received notifioatio general's departme for grand and petit assizes will be $2 5 a mile. The per increased one year the new mileage ra 10 cents goes Into time. J rors Pay. Y the province have from the attorney- 1 ttorney1 that the payment jurors at the fall a day and 13 Dents em allowance was go from $2.00, but , an increase from ffeot for the first WANTED. Mari ay, free Froin thistles, for pan furniture. At WALKER & OLEG upholstering fano tory. Fon RENT. -Vacuum caner, for cleaning oarp eta n ft s and general description in h ase-oleani . b t ms—$1.50 ma az es. `.Eter g >aperday; $1 for half day. Apply t0 R. Maxwel , tailor. The oxeontori Of the estate of the late Patriok Trey will hold an emotion sale offarm ook.implements, furniture • etc., on the premises, south half lots 11 12,con 1,Kinloss on Monday, and• y Ootobe`25th. The farm containing 93 acres, Also abrioMoak in Whnotob,belowgng to the estate, wia r be offered for sale at the same time and place. Zeus Ptnlvis, Auctioneer. • Miss Spading GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY .OE MUSXC And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kinder. garten. Pupils prepared for Oonserva- tory exams., both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7th. For information as to rates, tuition, eto., apply, at her home, Minnie street, A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAIII, - ONTAIttO. Farmers who want money to bay horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, an favorable tame. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. WORK OF E AUXILIARY Of Wingham Ge •ral Hospital for the Pa - Year. The annual ase, ting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital was held n the Oonnoil Mem- ber on Friday, Cot ber 15th, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: — y on. Peesident, Mrs. (Rev.) Rutledge President, Mrs. R. Vanstone; lst Vi Pres , Mrs. J. Wil- son; 2nd Vioe P. -s., Mrs. Phalen; 3rd Vioe Pres., Mrs. A Ross; Rec, Secre- tary, Miss Griffis ; Cor. Secretary, Miss Oornyn; Treasu, r, Mise Brock. , The treasure • reported balance on had, October 91 . , 1908, $97.49; received during year, e3'. 44; total, $455.03 Ex- penditure durin year, $14L25, leaving a balance on ha d of $314 68. The Auxiliar • has purchased during the year rug an ourtaine for reception room, 16 sash curtains, 12 small table covers, 8 pillo •• =, 2 centre pieces, 1 cush- ion Haver, 4 bat robes, 2 pair bedroom slippers for p tiente, operating room linen, dishes, Flowers bay been sent to patients at Christmas and aster, also to individual membtrs of t• : Auxiliary who have been ill. Through theefforts ffOrt of the Ladies' Auxiliary, the hospital has now on hand, 36 blankets, 14 flannelette blan- kets, 76 sheets, . 9 draev sheets, 12 oper- ating sheets, 17 towels, 17 bath towels, 58 operating ro •• towels, 28 tea towels, 28 spreads, 7 la ge table covers, 28 small table covers, 1- dresser covers, 6 stand covers, 89 pi11e • covers, 22 tray cloths, 49 table nap :• ns, 12 operating room gowns, 6 opera 'ng room aprons, 6 open, sting room cps, 4 operating room sleeves and 14 dusters There are 21 beds in the hot itaT. Oar readers are again reminded of the recital of Dickens' "Christmas Oarol," by Mr. E S Williamson. of -Toronto, in Wingham Methodist Church on Thurs- day evening, Oot. 28th Of this im- mortal ghost Story of Christmas, Thackeray said, "It seems to me a na. clonal benefit, and to every' man or woman who reads it a personal kind- ness," Remember the date and place. 1 The Leading ShoeWrior Store l Proclamation Eat 'Flukey, Monday Oct. '25 THANKsolviNG His Excellency, in his Thanks giving Proclamation, said nothing about having the Feet well, dress- ed for the occasion. We take it that lie thought everybody would attend to the matter, without any special re. guest. Our Thanksgiving Shoes Are tg Ken's Shoes in splendid leathern. Oonvervative, comfortable lasts or extreme Swell Shapes for Smart Dressers, Handsome Dress Shoes. $2.00, 2.1+10, 3.150. 5.00 Women's Shoes choice Models. Looe or Blocher: All the new style featnree. Kid or Cloth tops, bresi Footwear in dainty Slippers. Ties and Pumps. They're beautiful. $1.715, 2.f50, 3:00 to 4.00 . W. J. r THE SHOE MAN Sole agent: Slater and Tnvietiw l hoes for Men, Sew wni Britprrwte Shoes for Wotneal