The Wingham Times, 1909-10-14, Page 81 8 Tart W IN& ±IAM TIMES, OCTOBER 14, 1809 I THINK THIS OVER 1 NIT MEER NlNfl An article which oppeared recently in the aTorouto "Sitar" refuted that To- ronto is the most expensive place in the world to live, and a few days gaiter the Suyor o: Toronto (lta(lted the etstetrnont to prove a point, showing conelusivaly that he wee in accord with the writer of the article, This may oe may not be an k:s;a„ getVation, but one fact ie evident to any persen who has had any experience la living in Toronto or any other large town, the cost of livi:tg is materially. ;;;'~eater than in the smaller places. The Torouto L.. , are toying; to evade the resulte of tee city's growth by taking homes an far away from the centre of the city au poesibie, endtirirg the hard• (lntps incident to long car tiden and foci iiervice, rather than submit to the eeae• tions of the city landlord, the city butcher, the city grocer -th fact, all the hundred and one duan•"_vantageo and .additional expenses of city life. In hese suburbs you will find proeperons stares epringinpl tap. The people who :.novo away fsu`i the city patronize these steres, because the keepers of them are not compelled to charge city Ilaice4 on recount of taws, rents, water fund light rates being excessive. Tha mnerchants's burdens are less and hie prices accordingly more moderate. The peculiar part of the situation is that people who live a little farther from Toronto •- that most expeneive town -do not appreciate their blessings, . but actnaily believe they can chop to batter advantage in Toronto than they can in their home towns. When the citizen of Toronto hears this he notarial- ly smiles, bat there are folks right here in our own town who do not see the humor of the situation and contin- e uslly send their money to the large city stores, in other words, do considerable - Of their shopping by mail, If you have no idea of what it coats to ruin a city store, it would do you good to hear the experiences of some who have conducted busineso under those conditions. We appreciate, of course, that the City Correll has to find rev- snue for etreet cleaning, sewers, pave- ments and also to meet the interest on the enormous bonded debt of the mania oipalrty; and also that the Electric Light Company and the. Gas Comp:my mast pay dividerde; but what we want to ask yon to consider Seriously it "Why should the'reeidents of Wingham help to meet those expenses?" We have to pay our own little taxes hero -they are scot very high, but still we have done our duty when we have paid them, without assisting the citizens of Toronto to pay theirs. Do you not think we are doing enough for the large cities by keeping up good roads for their automobiles, without helping them to pay for their automo- bilea too? A .great many people in the country districts object very strongly to these "devil wagons," and try to legit - into against them. We wonder if they realize how many of them they pay for by their shopping -by -mail habits. Give the matter a little consideration, and yon will find that you are losing the advantage of life in Wingham if you do ziot do your shopping here. HORN. Oanit.--In Winghun, on September 29th, to Air. and Mrs (leo carr; a daughter. Boys In Kinloss, on Oct Isth. to Mr. and Mrs- PIale olui Hess: a son 7ki(ArLu,.t(;it.-IU ('VIFe •s, 00 October 3rd, th o with of Mr. Thigh 13- McAllister ; a son: 1111AI1.1111.0 7MM3cpovatd-GOnnoN. - At the 14tanQe. urns Nell. en Oet. 4th, by Rev A. 0. W.,1e t. 13, A., Mr. Arthur G. Macdonald to BUSH Annie D. Gordon, both of BrUSSE.IS. P cmrRMMAN-F00[41E.- At the home of the bride's mother. on September 129th. by Rev, W..1. West M. A.. of llluevale, Mr R 10. l'eterman, of Beltnore, to 51i -is Agnes Porgies, bo daughterrrv- of Airs. Gilbert irorgie, of Turn• YDid;N WADE -I.. IN Ingham, on October 1'Oth, Ann Kelly. wife of Mr. Geo. Wade, aged 4e years and 4 days. F0ETI'11ER•-In Wingham, on October 12th, Percy Fletcher, in Itis :9th year. Harmon wn Wilmer Wingham, in his 34th year llth, Araairs'•N.-'nWingliam,on October llth, wiiliant Aiteheson, aged 53 years, Isoaas -In Wingham, on Friday, 811 inst.. Agnes 14 -Laren, beloved wifo of Mr. John Digits, in hvr ittIi year. i.owun.--In Newick, on Sept. ,10th, James Lowish, aged 2.0 years. Thanksgiving Day Return tickets at single fare on sale October 22, 23, 24, 25th. Between all stations in Canada; also to De- troit and Port Huron, Michigan, Buffalo, Niagera Falls, Suspension Bridge and Biesk Rock, N. Y. Return limit ootober 27th. Single Fare for Hunters. Good going daily until November 6t11, to Temagemi Distrito, etc. October 21st to .November 6th, to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, eto. Return limit December 4th, or until close of Navigation, if earlier, to points reaohed by steamers, For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. TEACHER WANTED, For School Section No. 7, Turnberre; male or female. Applications, stet R qualifications salary experte'd, will be received by the undersigned up to Satin day, Oct. 30th, 10o1. Duties to commence Jan 3rd, 1910. JAMBS GODHIN, Winghatu, 1'. O. For twenty-four years Vapo-Cresoleno has been extensively used for all forms of throat and 'bronchial troubles. All Druggists. ■ BTNG'S FOR BARGAINS l W E WANT YOUR TRADE CLOVER THRESHERS. The undersigned has purchased a. clover threshing outfit and requests farmers having clover to thresh to send in their names and addsesncs at once. T. W. PIOKELL, Box 306, Wingham, Oat, 4. 4. Royal Grocery 1 +1- 4. FOR CHOICE 4. 4. 4* 4. . 4. 4. 46 .Teas 'I' 4. 4. + + + AND 1 '. 4. Coffee PERSONAL - Anse Evelyn Cook, of Fordwich, visited Miss W. Alba Chisholm for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Neil have been spending a few holidays with relatives it Detroit and other points. Per. W. J. Muir was in Port Elgin for a few days last week, owing to the death of his father, which took place on Tues- day, 5th inst. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rintoul and children returned home on Saturday after a nine weeks' holiday with rela- tives in Nova Scotia. :Ir. and Mre. David Wilson, of Black Lake, Qat) , and Mrs. Jas. Kinnear, of Toronto, were visiting for a few days with lar. and Met. Alex. Ross. Miss Kate O'Conner, of Whitechurch arrived in town on Saturday, and has entered upon a course of study in the shorthand department of the Wingham ilnsinest College. Mr. D. Bell returned home last week after a several weeks' visit in Manitoba! and t.se West. • Mr, Bell spent some time at Seattle, where he attended the big fair. He reports a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, of East Wawanosh, returned home het week miter a several v,eoks visit in the West, going to the Coast and visiting the fair at Seattle. They report having had a very pleasant trig. 4. 4. They are sure to please. Highest prices paid for + good Butter and 4. 4. strictly Fresh + 4' ,1,. Eggs A. J. Malcolm The Best School CENTRAL i c STR.ATFORD, OisiT.•,. The best time to enter our classes is now. We are running the largest and, we believe, the best business training school in Western Ontario. Three departments - Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get a money making education. Our graduates are in demand sr,d are meeting with snooese. Get our free catalogue now. ELLIOTT & MAMA PRINCIPALS. Apple Barrels for Sale. 4. 4. 4. 4. '1' Phone 54. • '1' 4. + + 4-•1•3••l'3••i••t-3••1••p3••l••l••T•3••A•A•i••I•d'31+4••i••i + We always have on hand a good stock of apple bal'rels which will be sold at reasonable prices. Ap- ply at Salt Block Office. GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING Wanted! WOMEN ANO GIRLS MORTGAGE SALE of valuable Chattel and Farm Property Pursuant to the powers contained in a certain chattel mortgage, whioh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on Lot number 19 in the 12th Concession of Tnrnberey, (the Ballaugh farm) on ITIONIDAY, OCTOBER 18 1900, at 1 o'clock p. m., by John Purvis, Auctioneer. the following valuable chattel property, HORSES. -Horse 10 10 years old; Brood M years old; Horse ries rising 2 years; '• Sp Brood Sow; are old; Mare e with foal, 11 3 years; Oolt g Oolte. PIGS.- iga 5 months old. Wanted a's machine operators and for other factory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us. • THE Clinton Knitting Co. Limited. CLINTON, ONT. Wingham Auction Room CATTLE. -2 e, oh Cows 4 years old; Milch Cow 10 years old; 2 -year-old Steer; 2 Yearling Heifers; Yearling Steer; Spring Heifer Calf; 2 Spring Steer Calves. IMPLEMENTS -Disc Harrow; Sonfrler; Neck Yoke; Set Whiffietrees; Mower; Lumber Wagon; Plow; Seed Drill; Binder; Single Top Baggy; Sot Bob Sleighs; Turnip Pulper; Single Cutter; Fanning Mill; Buggy Top; Set Iron Harrows, Single leanness; Double Harness; Plow Harness; 3 Horse Collars; 2 Forks; Cradle; Grindstone; Scoop Shovel; Hand Saw; about 1 acre of Turnips; a quantity of Hay and other artiolee. Mr. Burrows, r ° t:ford County was calling on old fri le in Wingham and vicinity last wee.*. :-,r. Burrows' father Veins ono of the firs reeidonts of Wing. hath and this is the first visit that Mr. Burrows has paid to the town since leav- ing here over thirty years ago. Mr. Robt. Currie, e>v., is home after a several weeks visit in the West, spend- ing some time iii Manitoba and British Columbia and several days at the Seattle fair. Mr. Currie comes home in the+ver y best of health th and is a good traveller for a man who has passed his 80th year. Mr. Herold McCall, of Walton arrived in town aa Monday and liar commenced the study of sho:: thand at the Wingham Facings College, Mr. McCall is a brother of Mr. Jas. McCall, who was a student of the $ame oolIrge four years ego, and who is now holding a lucrative i oliitiort in the West. The . undersigned beg to an- nounce to the people of Wing - ham and surrounding vicinity that they have opened up an Auction Room in the Holmes block at the north end of the town. Sales will be held every alternate Saturday, at which Household Furniture, Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Har- ness, and all other articles usually sold in an Auction Room, will be offered fors 1e. Parties desiring to have furni- ture placed in the Auction Room will kindly leave word with either of the undersigned in time to allow for the neces- sary advertising. GN SM SISI FUR STORE N KING'S 1 This season we have put in stock one of the Largest and Best Assorted stock of R S ever shown in Wingham LADIES,—Fur-Lined Jackets, Stoles Ruffs, Muffs, Cloth Coats with Fur Collars, etc. GENTS.—Ccon Coats, Deg Coats, Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Caps, etc. Come and see the stock. . 110.1.11 DRESS GOODS —The new weaves, shades, etc. The best materials and reasonable prices have made us a reputation in this department, so come along and get your Fall and Winter Dress or Suit here and be satisfied. 'MEN'S CLOTH1NG.—A complete range of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, etc., for the season. AUN DERWEAR AND HOSIERY.—Only the best brands appear in our stock --a full range of sizes, etc. WANTED.—Large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, White Beans, Feathers, etc. EGGS 25c - BUTTER 22c 1111111.311311111111111.1111111131131131. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. stommezzesensamemmiamummenisim O HEAP PRICES r IDQ100000.1KIG0006400001DODOODO R•D••••••••••••P•••••••••a 6 SPECIAL SHOWING OF • IRB i DRESS GOODS•• s • ,, • w •• • New Broadcloths, new Worsted Snitings, new Two -Tone • Worsteds, • p new Satin Prunella Cloths, new Shadow Stripe Ladies' Cloth, new Ottoman s • Cords, new Silk and Wool Novelty, evening wear fabrics in plain and farioy • • satin stripes. Every new and fashionable weave from the fashion centres of • • the world, and in such a delightful array of shades and color combinations • • as never before graced our counters. •• • • • •NEW FANCY SILKS. -New Colored Silks for fall -new Follette Silk -a MI R beautiful range of autumn oolorings. • WAISTINGS.-New French Flannel and Cashmere Waistings in a large • e„ range of colors and patterns, 9 FLANNELETTES. -All our new Flannelettes and Wrapperettes are now in, • • a beautiful range of patterns and oolors to choose from. • • BL' ANKETS,-Ask to see our white unehrinkable Wool Blankets, thorough• r • ly scoured, warm full nap, pink or blue borders, fine weave, a great •• •• wearing, bleautiftil Blanket, each blanket bound separately. • • BARGAINS. -We have • still a few boys suits left, sizes 22 to 28, price $1,50. v lan First Sale Saturday, Oct, 16th There will ileo be offered for sale at the same time and 'place the said Lot number 10 in the 13th Concession of Turnberry. TERMS OF SALE OF CHATTELS. -Snore of $5.00 and ander, oath; on sums over that amonnt 9 months credit will be given on approved joint notes being furnished, or a discount of 6 per Bent. per annum will be allowed for cash. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND, -Ten n the money 0 f the purchase n per cent. oy T p day of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Further terms and conditions will be trade known on the day of sale or may be had oil application to the undersigned. Dated October llth, 1009. R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor. Sales of Farm Stock and Im- plements also conducted by Mr. McConnell, at resonable rates. • Also a few pairs of those at bargain prices. • =MN m•11.4•1......•••" • Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. b• • • • • • • • • • 9 '• GORDON••• McConnell &Houh Revilion Freres — 3870,31.13MM 1723 The largest dealers in Furs and Skins in the •rid. Wtt, pay 1• HILLIEST AT PRICE for al inds of Raw Furs and Skins Honest assortment, Quick returns Ask for our 19019.1910 PRICK LIST I IT'S MB or't'ie[ AND DYOIeIN00M3 134 Red 136 McGill St, lslantre111, w1t i' AY 11XPRESS C1iARGI s. AMILTON The Sense of Security against to -morrow should be am llll incen- tive to sv to -day. Your Savings Account Solicited. WINGHAM BRANCH O. P. SMITH - AGENT. it r IMPORTANT RUBBER NEWS N OTWITHSTANDING the heavy advance in rubber footwear, we were fortunate in placing our order before the advance ; as a conse- quence we are selling rubbers at the same prices as last season. A LUCKY PURCHASE enables us to sell 5 lines at marvellously low prices- -in fact lower than has been in Wingham for some years for similar goods. MOW Look at These Prices : Misses' plain Rubbers, sizes 13 to 2, per pair.... 25c. Ladies' plain heavy Rubbers, sizes 211 to 7, per pr. 55e. Ladies' Rubbers, fine, light weight, sizes 2?-, to 7.. 550.• Boys' plain heavy Rubbers, sizes 1. to 5, per pair.. 65c. Men's Storm Rubbers, fine, light weight 85c. (<r Every pair new and guaranteed perfect in every particular. Imacmal WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. AGENTS ziegsg-FOR LADIES l aeJ "Victoria'' Shoes for ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for men. i Joint Stock Sale Saturday, Oct. 23 At Exchange Hotel Yards, Wingham.. Monthly sales will be conducted at this yard, and a moderate fee charged. Parties having stock or anything for sale should make their entries early, so it can be well advertised. Farm and Furniture I vales conducted; charges reasonable. Make entries with RI'rcnni Cosnlss, Clerks, JAS. E. COPE AUCTIONEER. vr`oviiIel►?iV1V11'7vrst'Vs/t/s*.VWvvvvvvt 4 {9tlY�P�q®!I�IS�`r1l�rV���Y��r a. NOW IS THE ,TIME FOR Q ILAD1ES'FALI 43 DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. 10, Pt 110, We have them in all kinds and shades in suit lengths, no two 4 l alike, full 54 and 56 inch goods, in Venetians and Broadcloth. PI In Ladies' Mantle Cloth for Coats we have a good range in d EBrown and Blue Stripes. , 1 1 4 E Capital paid .up, $3,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,291,000 Total Assets, over 50,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes disoonnted. . all dints in Canada, Drafts sold on a p A nr e, nd E o a MILLS: United States ,p iib IIn t II SAVINGS DEPARTMENT•--Inkelts allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards PHONE 89. WINGEAMVry ONT. - W. R. G1IKIE, Manager. e~ IL ,ftnitone, Solicitor. ►gO ICAAWASANAVAWA.AigAIAA.A.A A jl►naAAJ AXAAWSJ AVA-Ali!KANN , Men's Fall • Suits. Just arrived, latest styles, newest cuts, and prices to 6 suit everyone. Home ;Made Yarn, Blankets and Sheeting. ' YARN.—We get our own wool made into Yarn, therefore is softer and more pliable than factory yarn, in single colored, 2 and 3 at ply. et BLANKETS—A]1 fine wool, large sizes, made out of our own yarn at Wroxeter. Smyrna • Rugs. Just the thing to make your room look cosy; only a few left; s. regular $2.50 for $2.00. 10 Wool and Fibre Rugs, oriental designs, regular $2.00 for $1,75 RUGS—We have them in Brussels, Tapestry and Dominion g Squares. Small ends of Carpet, 5,10 and 15 yard ends, to clear at less than cost. We carry a large stock of Carpet. A buying. 101 i r' Call and. see before 4k !fit Sugar. 20 lbs. best No. 1 for $1.00, $4.90 per 100•lb. sack. E FALL AND WINTER MOREEN UNDERSKIRTS. 1 et These are exceptional good value, being imported direct from on England. We can save you 75e and $1,00 on any underskirt, in ,• w colors of black, blue, green, and brown to match the fall Millings. Special price while they last ranging from $125 to $2.50. s s IMPORTED RIBBONS. Velvets in all colors, Silks in all widths at special prices. Flour and Feed, Timothy Seed, Cheek Food, etc., always on band. Goods delivered to all parts of town.