HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-14, Page 6'1114 WINGitAM. TIMES, OCTOBER lit, 7,8112
lterestlfig Paragraphs from our Exchanges
And same people area notes with the';,
sdricenswallawing habit.
A 4i+ite Irian ie one who kr. ws what if
fiat t) rio and dotoe't do it V.
stun Crean, a Great Worker,,
f a y
Wt.ntawrtndorie. te
h heart. Day
and nicht it wrires nwav ,.urr.leine tone
Of bleed throne/1 the body ant never
tiree or wears aunt se )nuc: fig 9 IS awn
-lien with rinh, red Motel stieh as ie 1
formed f hr Dr, iahase'o Nerve Food 1
Wtel'., eertrl.rs,• sapetiee of nutrition to
other ¢.arta Of the, hotly the heart renews'
and rebnileis its ov'a wasted cello and so
rotates health and strength.
The ratan who does his Yet seldom
Vie to look fora ob.
A napes failure is alwaye doe to the
iaot that ho didn't succeed.
A pain preaeription is printed ripen Pilch
25o box of Dr Shnr,pei Pink Pain Tab-
iete. Ask your Deekr cr Druggist if
this formula is net Ierepie;te Head
pains, wornanly pai,.e, , ,eeiret anywhere
yet Lnntnnt rc+lief triern'7 sliest Pain Tab.
lot. i-leld at Walleye. ag Store.
Twenty-five n,itllFn deeirrels arc killed
annually in ILaseia for t i 1r pelts,
Time and tide wait kr no man, but
the tax oalleotor ie not so particular.
CJ.E1.,!5'X'isXt. Z .
Bearsth0 RS {SiL '1 i lien Use: iiy: go ett1
•E is Gfc u.
It le mighty few Timone who ever
liar) a ohanco to look a gift horse in the
Twelve persons ne4embiad for an nn.
lawful purpose constitute a riotous as-
Doctors Condemn
Oily Liniments
, The Public Ave Warned to be
Careful of These Strong -Smelling•
ing Oily I.ini:monts Containing'
Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Eta
Many people have dune tea the old-
fa4hiened ides, thee ;a think, noise iini
rent is the hest kin1 I) ;tore say not
anti they know
R .cently a num, r of these white, oily
Iitumt'nts were anal„z d awl they were
found 1:r contain an euermaamly high
James P. Poston wile acquitted- at
Brampton of tho charge of setting fire to
his own house.
Mr. Bartholomew Presley of Kintore
had his neck broken ty being pulled
over the plow.1?andles.
h) assessment departmeut announce
ed. the papulation of Toronto as 311,304,
an increase of 6,37e over last year.
We wouldn't give the hale in a slough.
not tor the knowledge of the man who
thinks he knows it all.
T1s, ('haso'.o.°Int
rent i£S a certain
and `•uara.ntrerl
curofor cacn and
every Corm of.
and protruding
Allen. flee tentlrnoniaha in the preei and auk
yanrneighborrrabontit. You can nee it and
tt yourrnnrtiybat.n
ekifnowtleflts,l. Oc. at all
r3.: Er,MA!713a14, BATLit & Go, Toronto.
William Hendrick, the Guelph burg-
lar, WAS sentenced to ten roars in peni-
Mies Tessio Ballantyne committed
suicide at Stratford by taking Paris
Go to the blood, if von are to drive ant
Rheumatism, A Wisconsin phyeiolan,
Dr. Shoop, does this with bis Rheumatic
Remedy— and with seeming success,
Rub ons, says the dooter, never did cure
Rheumatism. It is more than skin deep
--it is oonstitntionel, alwaye. Because
of thin principle, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy is perhaps the motet popular in
constonon, 11 goes by word of mouth
from ono to another, everywhere.
Grateful patients gladly spread remain:.
It in an not of humanity, to tell the sick
of a way to health Tellsome nick one.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store,
There aro 88,210 acres of land in
Great Britain devoted to market garden-
if a man will studiously praotioo
looking wise, he will go for tbo real stuff
with most people,
For Infante and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
C13'T' Cis' 11..2 A..
Beers the 11:9 Ke. l ! l t!,14I h'.;; n1 07•l
l3iEnatnx9i��' /'r".riG!.fcf/
Six faxes were killed by the Ather-
stone hounds while ant -hunting on the
Caldecote Hall estate, Werwiekohiro.
Skimmed milk has boon proved a
valuable food for laying hone, according
to experiments at the Virginia experi-
mental station.
To quickly check a cold, druggists are
dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy
Cold Onre Tablet called Preventics.
Preventies aro alto fine for fovtrieh
children Take Proventics at the sneeze
stage, to hoed off' ell colds. Box of 48-
25o. at Walley's 1).ug More,
The world's shipping tonnage in
1907 08 amounted to 40,922,812 tons, of
which Great Britain and her colonies
claimed 18,7(9,037 tons.
Chicago has stepped into the two and
a half million class, according to the
new city directory. There are 768,600
names in the big new volume.
The supplemental revenues of the
Ontario Government, which were esti-
mated to produce $699,000 for the whole
of 1909, already have yielded $669,000.
A now portrait of Spinoza discovered
by Ernest Altkiroh, of Munioh, has
been pronounced genuine by Oonetan-
tin Brunner, who thinks it was made in
Kaneas City 'intends to protect itself
against the occasional floods of the
Missouri. It is proposed to build a
levee eight miles long and of huge
It's up to every man to become chair.
man of the advisory board of his own
Wain, but every man does not always
eucceod in becoming chairman of even
his own household.
A bidder at a Japanese auction writes
his name and bid an a piece of paper
which he put into a box, This is open.
ed by the auctioneer, and highest bidder
receives the goods.
Martin Whitty of Kintail who has
conducted a general store business there
for thirty years, has sold hie business to
hie son Janos and has moved to Kings-
bridge to reside.
Dearoase in the area devoted in In-
dia to cotton culture is shown by the
fact that there are 17,333,000 acres nndor
cotton, as compared with 17,710,000 a
year ago and 19,732,000 the year before
The problem of bleaohing clothes in
laundries without rotting the cloth bas
boon simplified by a machine now on
the market which is expected to do
away with the use of chloride of lime
William McDonald, of Laggan farm,
ono or the first settlers of Virden die•
Wok, died at Virden on the 19th ult.,
after a protracted illness, aged 78 yeare,
Deceased was well known in western
Manitoba for many years es a encoessful
farmer. Ho watt born in Bakonooh,
Inverneenhire, Scotland; oamo to Luck -
new, Ont., with hie wife and a family
of nine in 1873 In 1882 ho lett Luck -
now and looatod a few miles south of
Virden whore he hat Mime resided and
till lately took an native interest in
church and pnblio affairs,
Heart 5ren
Inters • •t)4 t th. nulla art t urn, means Nerve
f't41agts.lirNerve tie1lti Si 4l1l14r100re. Yoe.
itiv, t,1 mai' 011P 141440 1 e Lrt It hundred la, In le.
r4 if, lie tm.11it ,1; , norI L ultu,r.;t always a
11 dd n 1 u5' h tl. 1' Tt, 01;t1 o ally is all lit fault.
1111 mai ur.,!1•11,-4..!,,t at4i111or n+.iirt Nerve
•--einn,ly ileo 41 , n1.+1 1:: 1 1 a14 ', more 41nwer,1140)0
'0:t10121.1, 4,44,4', t ot,t n l 4,g. more governing
strength. 1% Meat that 1 : lir art must continue
Ln f til. and the to ..suit and 0;dney44 also hay
the i l' ' 1 4411a,tiillf1
ih i t i oily t Cpl .;u. 44+to (1 a t5 medicl04' Dr.
Phomuh,ktois4141 i,4,uh Igo. 4.l t+10110N1n11101
4,0'11,;`.04 nn u.rinit li' lir 111.:Amonlirstanught
the eine of alt. •.0 ,611, tertetateet, 411 4nei14.
hie lei .441 ei I11 ,. ter Teem ? 1 trativ+r--thie
penes!, 1441-r1214i,11l-1d alone dire4'ted to 51)404
r' al, end 0e ti,e• terve (entere it blinds;
It ptteegthen, itnia1 • nee. F^:mhn'heart belie
it you ttnn?d 1a.v, a snag Ifearta, strong +li.
le, Alen. tinnuthen flure.e;,tablish
them it nea.ed, With
percentage of harmful seida, and much
irritating chemic<a1e as antmox ia, eta
For a moment they may Milli a warm
sensation when first applied, but their
continued no never cures rheumatism
and only dcterioratee the akin, sets up
infi 4mrnation and causes endless trouble.
When a doctor warns you to (snit
ing n white,liniment-0ityda so, He
knows that a thick liniment can't pene-
trate, can't sink through the pores and
reach the seat of the pa'n
When asked his opinion a few days
ago, Dr Roberts Onto] that he conoid•
ered a strong, penetrating, pain isubdu-
,rvt nti. to
ing liniment, such as Nf "l ” be
superior to any of the white ammonia
liniments, Ie his twenty five years of
practice he had witneserd cases of rhea•
mettam, sciatica and lumbago that sim-
ply would not respond to ordinary treat
menu—but Norviline cured them, The
same physician also spoke of the great
advantage of keeping a preparation like
Nerviline in the home always, becanae
of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders.
earaohe, toothaoher, headache and enoh
minor ailments. Nerviline is a first.
oleos cure. Tllbre is scarcely an ache or
a pain, internal or external, that Nervi -
line won't auto. In thousands of homes
no other pain.relieving medicine is used.
Fifty yearn' continued success and the
endorsement of the profession are proof
that Nerviline is the liniment of the
Any good druggist or dealer can sup.
ply the large 25o. bottles of Nerviline.
When a man gets into a hole he is al-
ways surprised to find how deep it is.
According to the New York Herald,
a snow.capped iceberg, alleged to be the
largest ever seen, being 1,000 long and
600 feet high, wee passed by the Anchor
liner California, which arrived reoently
from Glasgow.
Franots Rooks, of Masontown, Penn-
sylvania, who ten years ago was a coal
wagon driver earning $10 a week, has
been offered $11,500,000 by the Steel
Trust for some Pennsylvania coal land
he now owns, He oaks $2,000,000.
Stomach troubles would more quickly
dfnappoar if the idea of treating the
cause, rather than the effect, would
come into practice, A tiny, inside, hid -
don nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and
gives strength to the ntomaoh, A branoh
also goes to the Heart, and ono to the
Kidneys. When these "inside nerves"
fail, then the organs must falter. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative is directed specifi-
cally to these failing nerves, Within 48
hours after starting the Reetorative
treatment patients say they realize a
gain. Sold at Walley's Drag Store,
Joseph Ward was found guilty of
manslaughter at London in conneotion
with the death of a man named War-
wiok. The verdict carried with it a
recommendation to mercy.
According to the Journal dos De-
bates of Paris a comic) song of twelve
verses, the words and muslo of whioh
are by Richard Wagner, is to be put up
at auction, with other manuscripts, in
The Rumanian drown is made of
metal from Turkish cannon ceptnrod at
Picot's' in 1877. Itis not covered with
a thin layer of gold and mono like the
Servian crown, but had an unadorned
circle of stool.
One of the oldest pioneer citizens of
Goderioh died Wednoeday evening, Oct,
6111, aged 96 yeare, Mrs. Catherine La.
mont McIntosh, wife of the MO John
MoIntoeh, Mrs, MoTntosh was born in
Kraemer, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, coin-
ing to Canada in 1834, Mrt, MoIntoeh
had twelve of a family. '.Chose who
survive are: James A. MoIntoeh, man-
ager Goderioh Lumber Company;
Charlet MoIntoeh, St, Paul; William,
Portland; Alexander, Sault Ste Marie;
and three daughter*, at home.
Off Monday of last week the Runt'
telephone line of Goicrich township
was connected with the Bell telephone
Company at Clinton, and report mars
everything is working in good order.
How About direct connection with
Ga'1eri^,h, the county town':
Goder1ch'a tax rate of 2; mins is not
so bnrdensnme, when we look ata place
lige Palmerston with a rate of 29 mine
on the dollar, which is surpassed by
Oriltia with 31 mins. The canoe of the
large rate is an increase in approprt-
atlocs and the cancelling of an overdraft
that has been kept in suspension for a
few years.
Last week J. W. Irwin, of Clinton,
sold his hones and lot to George Davis,
of Clinton, for a good price. Mr. Ir•
win and family expect to novo to Lon-
don in the rear future where they
make their home. Mr Irwin and fam-
ily had resided in Clinton for 20 years
or more, and he was a successful busi-
ness man. Hie removal will bo generally
Bow Croup le Dreaded.
If there is any warning nee Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine and prevent the terrible strogcle of
the little one for breath. It yon know
nothing of it till the atrugglo comes
canoe the ohild to vomit and then, nee
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine frequently in small doses to
prevent repeated attacks. Thin great
medicine is wonderfully effective in
curing ofonp and bronehitia,
Maryland, following the recent lead
of Pennsylvania, Is moving to abolish
toll roads. Governor Orothers has ex-
pressed the hope that before his term
is ended every tollgate in the state will
be abolished end every road free.
Normandy is the apple country of
Europe. Germany is the best elegem-
er, The apples whioh could not be sold
wore turned into 73,000,000 gallons of
older, which is the favorite bevernge of
the inhabitants of Northern France.
�..faIT' OR XA.
Bears the lha Kind You Have Always Bought
Since the construction of the great
Trans-Siberian railroad and the exten-
sion of other meant of oommnnioation
the commeroial importance of the great
annual Russian fair at Nizhni-Novgorod
has been to jared, while the progress of
Moscow has been accelerated.
[F. In Stanton.j
Old times were good Omen—they were
sweet to know.
Old friends who loved lie triende whom
we loved so;
Dreamin' of 'ern always, Isere where
memory dwells,
They're like a sweet song's eobo -a far.
oft chime of bells?
Old times worn good times -=sweet to see
Swilin' in the sunehino, tangled in the
The old, the ploasant places, of meadows
bright with dew,
The kind, the gentle faces alight with
love for you.
Old times—we love 'em --hero in tnent•
ory's book,
Looking at a follow like hili sweetheart
used to look 1
Stay with us forever, dear times, so
tender. bright,
Till the evening belle aro ringin' and
memory sighs "Good•nightI"
The government "Census and Statistic
Monthly" has the following bulletin re-
garding crops in Bruce: "The straw is
light but the grain is good; the pone
have been greatly improved by the late
rains. Potatoes and turnips are not
doing as well as could be wished, The
grain )rope have been greatly improved
by the recent rains. Potatoes and roots
have been retarded by dronth in the
early part of the season,"
The wholesome, harmless green leaves
and tender stems of a lung -healing
mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy its curative properties
Tickling, or dry, bronchial coughs
quickly and safely yield to this highly ef-
effective cough medicine, Dr. Shoop as.
sures mothers that they can with safety
give it to even very young babes. No
opium, no chloroform—absolutely noth-
ing harsh or harmful. It oalms the dis-
tressing cough, and heals the sensitive
membranes. Aocept no other, Demand
Dr. Shoop's. Sold at Walley's Drug
.24 contemporary points out that now
is a good time to watch the trees for
various pests. The caterpillars aro
going into sleeping quartore, Their
nests may be readily found and de-
stroyed. A little oare exercised now
might mean a great deal for the lives of
the trees later on.
Tho TIMES is pleased to learn that
W. E. Bruce, M. A., a native of the
township of Morris, has been appoint-
ed 4th public school inepeotor of Tor-
onto. He has been a successful teach-
er in the Queen city for years and well
deserves the promotion, Mr. Bruce is
a son of Alex, Bruce, deceased some
yeare ago. •
Considerable excitement has , been
caused in London township by the
work of sheep-pblsonera Oeoil Lang-
ford, of concession 15, found 5 dead in
his field on Saturday last, five more
have died since and four others are
siok. On investigation it was found that
paris green had been mixed with salt
and planed in the field where sheep
were kept. Quite recently Mr. Lang-
ford had a valuable oolt docked just as
he was ready to take it to the fair for
When the now hall of Huron Town-
ship was opened the other day some
rather startling figures were made pub-
lic. In 1851 the assessment of the town-
ship wee about $4000. In 1854 it was
$16,248. In 1909 it was $2,591,000. The
population in 1850 was 114. Its highest
population wan reached in 1881, when it,
was 5,175 Soule. To -day, in 1908, the
return shows a population of 2,903. The
difference in the population between
1881 and Last year tells what the town-
ship has done for the West.
Last week a man was teaming a load
of Furnitare to Grand "Valley, happy in
the enjoyment of his pipe, his troubles
all going up in smoke, and that is what
nearly happened his load, for it took
fire from his pipe. Before the fire was
extinguished, two fur coats, two feather
beds, and some of the heat furniture
wore badly injared, and the man's
hands severely burned trying to save the
rent of the load.
ror He Keeps a "Little Digester"
Mr. Glasses, of Toronto, wrote us on
May r3th last:
'shut Cor,rixAx Munlcrrtut Co.,
so.? Church St., Toronto.
Dear Sirs,—
I wish you would send me another
bot of your "Little Digesters". All the
members of my family have been using
them and have obtained the most antis -
factory results.
I congratulate you on your success
in putting up a ttblet for the cure of
Indigestion. I suffered for years and
tried everything that was recommended
to me. Nothing gave ins relief, until
I was persuaded to try "Little Digesters".
Now I never suffer from Indigestion.
I enjoy my locals and am not afraid
to eat, because 1 know a "Little Diges-
ter after each meal will digest my food.
I recommend them to all my friends
who suffer from Indigestion And would
further say that you may publish the
above if you wish. I know there are
thousands of people suffering from
Indigestion who will be glad to know
there is a safe and sure care for thein.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) I. S. GLASSCO.
"Little Digesters" cost as cents at
Mur druggists, orby mail from Coletnan
edicine C.o., Toronto. ZS
The October Rod and Gun,
On the eve of tho big gate hunting
season, the October Number of Rod and
Gun in +Canada, published by W. J.
Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont., gives fore-
most attention to big game hunting
stories. They will bo found varied
enough in both localitioo and oxperionoen
to interest all sportsmen, and many will
doubtless recall some innidents in their
own careers corresponding with aotno
related in such pleasing fashion in these
pages. In the same way the artiole on
"Tho Oharnatoristios of a Vine Back-
woods Guide." will remind numerous
readers of ohmmeter features shown by
their own gulden, and revive many
plonsant memories—a rich storehouse of
which is the property of every sports•
man, Fish culture in Newfoundland
will receive attention from every brother
of the rod, and its iuolusion shows that
oven at such a time the interests of the
devotees of the fishing ort aro not
negleoted. Other seasonable pages aro
given, making the number one that
should be the oompauiou of every sports-
man Dither at home or on his vacation,
giving him many pleasant halt bourn iu
perusing what others have done and en-
abling him to fight some of hie own
battles o'er again.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of (natant that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
11'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Oheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perteotly honorable in all
bnsiness trannaotione, and financially
able to oarry out any obligations made
by his firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken internal-
ly, noting directly upon the blood and
mucous :minces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 750 per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
IIAT every cook should
know is, which wheat
shakes the hest flour, and why.
Winter wheat is put into the
ground, in the fall, but does not
ripen until the following July.
It matures slowly, is soft and
very starchy.
Spring wheat is sown in April or
May, and ripens in August. It's a
flinty, trans' ucent wheat, rich in gluten
and contains nearly twice as much
nutriment as •winter wheat.
Royal llousehold Flour
is made entirely from the hard, nutri-
tious spring wheat, carefully selected
from all the wheat of this kind grown
in Canada.
Royal Household is fine, light and
pure• ---milled by the most improved
methods --in a mill as clean as your
own kitchen.
Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal
Household — just enough to try.
You won't mind the slight advance
in cost when you see the results in
your bread and pastry. 21
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal.
The success or failure of any Dom•
munity naturally depends upon the
individual characters of its oitizens.
It is a well known fact that every
man has a oertain amount of influence,
and also has a responsibility which he
bas to assume. The manner in which
he treats that responsibility has a direct
bearing upon the welfare of hit fellow-
men, so the importance of oultivating
true citizenship is quite apparent. The
New York World in discussing this
question recently, had a clever article
upon the Ideal Oitizen, which is worthy
of consideration and contemplation.
The grumbler who knows all the bad
features of a town and mentions them
at every opportunity, is not only a poor
citizen, but one who usually does noth-
ing to improve the town he lives in. It
is good enough to supply a home for him
and perhaps a place of business, or an
occupation, but that is forgotten or ig-
nored in the general stream of his ad
verse criticism. On the other hand. the
citizen who condones graft and general
inefilcienoy, and is content with things
as they are, however bad they may be,
ie a far worse enemy to himself and his
neighbors, Not only does a good citi-
zen insist on honest and efficient city
government, choosing the right men to
carry it on, but he doessomething
individually for the appearance and
betterment of his town, such as keeping
his own home and its surroundings neat
and clean and artistic so far as possible,
by means of a grass or flower plot; and
he not only commits no public offences,
such as spitting, littering the roads with
paper, and otherwise,bat, so tar as he
is able, he assists the authorities in pre-
venting others from so doing. Citizens
possessed of this spirit and praotioe can-
not fail in the long run to make their
city a place to be proud of. The mere
grumbler, as we have suggested, rarely
takes time to olean up his own home and
plaoe of business, and as a matter of
fact often contributes largely to make
his city untidy and cheap.
At "Lakeside," the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. William MaoMath, Goderioh.
Ont., a pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at high noon on Wednesday, Oo-
tober 6, when their eeoond daughter,
Miss Elizabeth Eva, was married to
Dr, Eben Alexander of Knoxville,
Tenn., only son of Prof. Alexan-
der of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The ceremony was oondnoted by Rev.
Jas. Hamilton, B. A. The bride, es-
corted by her father, wore a prin-
cess gown of Oohed ivory satin ex-
quisitely trimmed with ohiffon em-
broidery and lace. A tulle veil and
ooronal of orange blossoms with a
shower bouquet of bride roses with
lily of the valley streamers oomplet-
ed her costume. The wedding marches
were played by Miss Agnes Hamilton,
who was presented with a pearl pin.
After oongratuletions and a dejenner
Dr, and Mrs. Alexander left for De -
keit en route for their home in Ten-
Could Not Lie On His Left Sidi
Heart Would Stop.
Local History of the early 80s.
1 Items from the "Times" fyles.
(From the TIMES of Oat. 11, 1889.)
Mr. Goo. McKenzie has completed his
large hay storehouse, and is receiving
large quantities of hay.
Mr. J. M. Jerome, of thin town, has
opened a tailor shop in Blyth. James is
a reliable young man, and we wish him
On Saturday evening last, about an
inoli of snow—the first of the season—
fell. By Monday it had all disappeared,
and we have had fine weather since.
The Wingham Methodist church or-
chestra, composed of the following
musicians, will take part in the Harvest
Home at Blnevale on Tuesday evenitig
next: Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs. J. Buchanan,
Mies Reynolds and Messrs. S. Smith,
C. Lloyd, Geo. Duffield, E. Bowles, W.
T. J. Homuth, R. Orr, S. 'Agnew, D.
Kincaid, A. Robinson.
On Saturday last the Wingham junior
baseball club went over to Blnevale and
played a four -innings matoh with the
club of that plane, the score standing at
Hundreds of people go about their,
daily work on the verge of death, and yeii
do not know it. It is only when the
shock comes that the unsuspected weak-
ness of the heart is apparent. There is
only one cure, and that is
Try Theins and Ile Convinced.
Mr. Paul Potlll, Cascapedia, Que.,
writes :—"About five years ago I gave up
all hope of getting better of heart trouble.
I would nearly choke, and then my
heart would atop beating. I could not
lie on my left side, and became so nervous
and weak I could not work. A friend told
me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pilin, and before the first box was taken
I was almost well, and the eeoond bast
completed the cure. I have advised
many others to try them, and they have
all been cured of the same trouble. I
have offered to pay for box for anybody
they do not cure."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills toe
60e. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.2$, at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
the close: Wingham, 13; Blnevale, 5.
On Tuesday, Mr. Wm. Pomeroy, wife
and daughter, of Howiok, and Messrs,
John Wylie and Geo. Nicholson, of
Turnberry, left per G. T. R. for
Annandville, Louisiana. The company
—formed of former residents of Turn•
berry and Howiok—have sold their large
plantation, whioh they purchased about
two years ago, at an advance of $20,000'
on what they paid for it.
MoLeod.—In Wingham, on the 6111
inst., the wife of Mr. John McLeod, of
Toronto; a daughter.
Tremain--Bond.—In Wingham, on
the 1st inst., by the Rev. H. MoQnarrie,
Mr. Albert Tremain, of Wingham, to
Miss Bertha Bond, of Listowel.
Hastings.—In Wingham, on the 6th
inst., Robert Hastings:, aged 62 yeare.
Gillespie.—At Whiteohnrch, on the
10th inst., John Gillespie, aged 66 years
and 4 months.
Every college student in the United
States should read "My Ideal of the
True University",by President Woodrow
Wilson of Princeton University in the
Delineator for November. Dr. Wilson's
view of education in its highest and
largest meaning is inspiring. Another
article of educational interest is "If the
Japanese Should Rear Your Children,"
by Adachi Kinnosuke, who gives the
people of our Occidental civilization
much to think about. "Kentucky's
Fight for an Education," by Mabel
Potter Daggett, is a remarkable sooial
study. It tells what Southern Women
can do when they concentrate their
efforts on n public movement. In this
November number the Rev. Edward
Tallmadge Root dismisses "The alleged
Deoline in Ohnroh Attendance" and
supplies statistics that are not altogether
discouraging to Amerioan ohuroh•goers.
Rndyard Kipling's short story, "The
Wrong Thing," the third in the remark-
able series written for The Delineator,
is fascinating; it will be read not once
but many times. There are two other
unusual short stories, "The Olearing
Bridal," by Edward Lucas White and
"The Race," by Alioe Brown. Graoe
MacGowan Cooke's serial, "The Power
and the Glory," is continued.
The fashions for the month are re-
viewed and charmingly illustrated and
there are many clever suggestions for
Thanksgiving dinners and Thanksgiving
A friendly informal note should be
written for eaoh wedding -gift received.
It need not be long, but mention by
name the special gift for which you are
writing thanks, Express your pleasure
land appreciation, and include your
flaiiee's name in the thanks. Write the
note as soon as possible after the gift has
been received.
When one is visiting, even Over night,
one should go prepared with every toilet
accessory. It is not polite to borrow
anything from the hostess. It is oon-
sidered in better taste not to even one
the soap in the guest -room, but always
to have one's own. Th a is also true .of
a wash -cloth and sponge.
A widow does not select a white gown.
for her second marriage, nor does she
wear a veil with orange blossoms. Any
of the fashionable light shades may be
selected, with a beooming hat to match.
A bunch of violets or other flowers may
be worn in the dress instead of carrying
a baguet. Usually only one attendant
is selected—a maid -of -honor or a brides-
When walking with a woman a man
always lifts his hat to any of her friends
she may happen to speak to, He should
also lift his hat to distinguished or older
men of his acquaintance, and to olergy-
men; also when passing a man he
knows, on the street, acoompanied by a
woman who is unknown to him. He
should lift his hat when offering his seat
to a woman, and also if she addresses a
question to him.— The Delineator for
Toronto ratepayers will be asked to
vote $320,000 for new buildings at the
There are s great many things which
God will put up with in a human heart;
there is one thing he will not put up
with—a eeoond plane.—Ruskin,
Ii yon want your children to grow up
with strong sturdy and vigorous hair,
teach them to use Parisian Sage; the
world renowned Hair Tonto.
Parisian Sage is guaranteed by Wel-
ton MoKibbon to euro dandruff and stop
falling hair in two weeks. It grows
new hair gniokly in oases where the
hair 1s "thinning out."
It is positively the most delightful,
invigoratinghair dressing on the mar-
ket, It is not stioky or greasy and will
make the coarsest hair soft, lustrous
and luxuriant. Get a iiO pent bottle
from Walton MoEibbon and watch bow
rapid its action. Giroux Mfg. 0o.r
Makers, Fort Erie, Ont.