HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-14, Page 4TUE WINGU4M TIMES, OCTOBER 14, 1:909 TO ADVERTISERS &uiioe ot ohangea moat be left •t this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes u uet be lett net later than Monday evening, Caaual advartiaemente seoepted up to noon Wed4iesdap of each week. asta4.1311813111:t 1BTA ' Ilt WINfillAN r. IMES. BIBLI:.1Q T. 1?uaiztsttataalinPlea tatlwTOR THURSDAY. OOTOBI R 14, 1909. NOTES AND COMMENTS �t the cabinet meeting last week it wait decided to open the next session of the Dominion Parliament on November 11th, Mr. J. A. Macdonald, leader of the Opposition in the British. Columbia Leg - Jointure, lass resigned, and the Liberal convention at New Westminster, B.O , eleote4 Mr. John Oliver, M P P , to the position. M. Maodonald is a nephew of Dr. P. Macdonald, formerly of Wing. haze. The total iwmigration into Canada for the month of August this year was 15,887, as compared with 10,088 for August last year, an increase of 53 per cent, The immigration from the United States was 8 024, ae compared with 4,684 for August, of last year, an increase of 71 per cent. The immigra. tion by ocean ports was 7,363, as com- pared with 5,398 for August of last year, an increase of 36 per cent. The total immigration for the first five months of the present fisoal year was 105,036, as oompared with 90,385 for the same period of last year, an increase of 17 per cent. The financial statement of the Do- minion for the first half of the present fiscal year shows an inoreaee of $6,526,- 297 in revenue as compared with the first six months of 1908.09. On the other hand, the expenditure on oon-. solidated fond acoonnt deoreased by $1,098,385, and on capital account by $802,582. For September alone the in- orease in revenue was $1,570,709, while the total expenditure decreased, as com- pared with September of last year, by $2,584 275. Judging by the figures of revenue and expenditure for the first half of the year, the earplug of receipts over ordinary expenditure at the close of the year should be the largest on reoord and Mr. Fielding's budget esti. mate of the probable increase In revenue is likely to happily prove to be several millions too small. CHURCH NOTES. The twelfth annual convention of the Epworth Leagues of the Wingham Die- • triot is being held in Luoknow to -day. Dr. and Mrs. Wilford left this week for China where they will engage in missionary work. Dr. Wilford is a son of Mr, John Wilford, of Blyth. Rev, 0. E. Deakins will preaoh his farewell sermons as rector of St. Paul's Church on Sunday next and expects to leave Wingham about the 22nd inst. to enter upon hia work in Huron College at London. Rev. R. MoEachern will be inducted as paster of the Whitechurch and Lang - aide Presbyterian Churches at White• church' today (Thursday). Mr. Mc. Escheat comes from Leadadale in the Presbytery of Lindsay. Sunday, October 24th, is the data of the anniversary services in connection with St, Andrew's Presbyterian Ohnroh. Rev. Principal handier, of Knox Co1• lege, Toronto, will preach at both the morning and evening services. With delegates from all parts of Can- ada and Newfoundland in attendance, the eighty-fifth annual convention of the General Board of Missions for the Methodist Church in Canada was held A 5o -cent bottle of Scult's £mulsion given in half -teaspoon doses four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near- ly a month, and four bot- tles over three months, and will snake the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. VOXtSA L/4 Dir Alai; ISittaGiSTS Send 301., ewe of paper And Ulla act. fcr cur beautiful Sanies,., tank and ClclIcts Sketch. nick. tacit bank obtains stood Leek 7Pei:iy. SCOTT oft ROWNE X2e weliinsten Street, Wear Termite. Ont, EN TO USE Olt I I1LIAMSI PINK PILLS Dr. Willieme' Pink Pills were origin- ally a preeoription need in the doctor's private praottoe and their benefit to mankind has been increased neatly thousand VQ1d by their being planed on general sale thrpughoat the world with the doctor's own directions for nee. They are entirely safe and contain no opiate or habit. forming drugs. Dr. Williams' Piak falls are a rem- edy to use when the blood is thin as in anaemia; or impure, at; In rheumatism, or when the nervee are weak, as in neuralgias; or lifeless in paralysis; or when the body as a whole is ill nourish- ed, as' in general debility, They build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and cure the troubles of women and grow- ing girls, and many forms et weakness. That thousands of people have tried this treatment with good results is shown by the oonatantly increasing. numb' of cures reported. Mr. Paul Cherbonuean, a yo. •g man well known in the town of S Jerome, Qae„ is one of the hoot who ,ear testi ninny to the value of D . Williams' Pink Pine. He says:—" "hen I lett school I became a . to. keeper in en important office. Pr . bly clue to the confinement 1 began suffer from in- digestion and Ioas of strength. i be- came pale and eeemingly bloodless and was often seized with palpitation of the heart and violent headaobea. I tried several remedies, but they did not do me a bit of good. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so, and the use of eight boxes brought me baok to perfect health and strength. I have since enjoyed the best of health and cannot say too mnoh in praise of this valuable medicine. Yon can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medloine Oo., Brookville, Ont. in Ottawa last week. The report of the finance committee presented by the treasurer, Mr. H. H. Fndger, Toronto, ahowed that during the past year $556,- 583.79 had been appropriated for mis- aione, foreign and domestic, and an estimate of $538,622 for 1909.10 was made by the committee on estimates. To this, however, was added $80,418 not included in the report on estimates, but required for foreign work. One of the moot welcome among the many exchanges which come to our desk is The News, of Toronto. The News has recently made wonderful ad. vanes, so muQh so that old friends of the paper would hardly recognize in this great Canadian newapaper the old News of a few years ago, The News now contains from fourteen to twenty pages each day, with twenty-four to thirty-two on Saturday, A specialty is made of political and Parliamentary news and questions affecting the welfare of the public receive fair editorial treatment by clever writers. We are safe in say ing that there is no paper mora widely quoted. to Canada and its cartoons are reproduced by many of the leading joarnale. Through an arrangement made with The News, we are able to offer the Tmns and The News in a club for one year at the remarkably cheap price of $2.80. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Oot. 12.—City Cattle Mar, ket.—Trade was Blow and the quality of cattle generally poor, with anything choice very scarce. Prices unchanged for medium and common cattle and a little firmer tone for good feeders and the best butcher cattle. The demand for distillery and other feeding stook is quite active, with several large buyers in the market and stook coming in very slowly. Several loads of Manitoba cattle were bought up for feeding at good prices. Export trade continues quiet, with an indifferent demand, unless for some- thing choice. Prices in the Old Coun- try oontinae low. Butcher cattle of good to choice qual- ity are in active demand, with not enough of the right kind offering to satisfy requirements. Anything ohoioe Molted out of loads sold firm at $4 85 to $5. Medium butcher steady to firm. Feeders—The demand for feeders la now very active and prices for good steers and bulls are firm, steers at $4 to $4 40, balls at $3 to $3 50, Stockers are in fairly active demand for good quality. Lambs easier and 20o, off. Sheep steady. Hoge, market weak and 25o. lower, The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 $5 75 Medium..........,,,,. 5 00 5 25 Bulls 4 50 5 00 Light . - , 3 75 400 Cows 4 25 4 50 Feeders -- best 1000 pounds and np- wards3 00 Stockers choice...,,.. 3 00 " bung,. ..,150 Butchers' --- Picked ., . 4 flu s 25 Medium 3 50 3 GO Cows.,...... „r.,.,, 3 75 425 Bulls , 8 25 4 00 Hoge -- Beat..,., , 7 757 90 Lights 0 00 7 50 Sheep— Export owes . , , 2 00 8 50 Books , 2 50 3 60 Culla.. .. 2 50 800 Spring Lambs each„ 5 25 5 85 Calves, each. 8 00 6 25 3 50 4 00 2 00 WXNGE1d34.D ikEratT tBEC'oh 3i Winghaaii, Oct. 13th, 1909. Pier r per 1001ba2 75 to 3 25 Fail Wheat ....... ,...,. 1 00 to 1 00 bata,..rr.rr.. 0 34 to 0 84. Barley.,,r ...,. ....r..r 0 60 to 0 50 Peas ,r. r. r. rrrr.r.r 0 85 to 0 85 Butter dairy , ., .,,, . r., 0 20 to 0 20 ngga per dbs , 0 22 to 0 24 Wootipercord ...,r.,2 50 to 2 50 Hay per ton. , ,, 10 00 to 11 00 Potatoes, perbuahel,,,,,,. 0 30 to 0 83 Lard .--,....r . 0 18 to 0 13 Live Bogs, per cwt, .. , 8 25 to 8 25 1++4+++++.4 + .+.++.,++ ,*4 •++++++++++4+44+44-444+++++ s 1'izaaex� Y Highest prioea 70 NN A COaid for all 4 • ! �jjjjj � a kinds of Produce =Who said Ruffs, Muffs and! Fur -Lined Coals? + + r • We're more enthusiastic this season than ever before with our • showing of new and stylish Furs. Our system of buying direct from 2 2 the leading manufacturers nets a considerable saving in price to + • customers and ensures absolutely reliable qualities. We believe that + furs are intended for comfort and elegance and "great fashions," 2 have no place in this collection. We will sell you styles that you • will be pleased with as long as you wear them plus the satisfaction • of having something you know to be genuinely good, Anything • 3 quickly get. « • • • • • • special that may be wanted we can ver • • Ladies' and Girls' Cloth Coats. • • • • • We have been doing a, rushing business in our new Fall • +' Coats. Prices to suit the coat—coat to suit the customer—get the : early selection which is always the best. + + + + •• • • 4 • Children's Winter Apparel. • • • • • • • • • In Toques, Gloves, Bootees, Gaiters and Mittens, • • Wrapperettes. • • 4 4 + 20 new patterns in Wrappettes just arrived—for ladies' • kimonos, wrappers and morning dresses, also children's dresses. , • + 4• • Men and Boys' +• Can we not sell you. your Winter Overcoat? In Black or 4. Tweed, Beaver or Melton's—we have a good variety in all prices-- + one thing about our Coats they are good styles and fit. 4-- ICarpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains. 4 • + + • • • • • Lace •+ • Have arrived for the fall trade—don't forget we are here with the goods and shall be pleased to lay your new rug or linoleum, also IMAMAAAAAAAAAMAAMAMMA + + + ++++++++++++++4+44++44444+ +•++++++++•+44♦4++++444+4• sew and lay your new carpet free ot charge. tHANNA & CO. MAMMMMAMtAAAAAAMAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAMAAMAAMAIL 0044* AMA C c 1 STILL IN THE RING } + c 1 Not blown away by the awful wind:that has been blowing around Wingham. We're here with the goods We buy our goods wherever we can get the newest and best goods for the money. That means a lot to our customers. We have a very large stock bought for our fall and Christmas Trade which it arriving daily. 41. W. G. PATTERSON ipaammossamimpaarposiompowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwisi The People's Popular Store - Wingharn, Ont. i Agents Ladies' lime Journal Patterns. KERB rel BIRD Agents Ladles' Borne Journal. The "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" are the very best Patterns made. No trouble to make any garment if you use these p.ltterns, Monthly Style Book free. Ask for one. Men's and Boys' Ready -to - Progress Brand Clothing is made to fit. Looks well. Wears well. Feels comfortable. Special offer for one month on Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. A discount of ten per cent, will be given off all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats for 30 days from date. Seasonable goods at reduced prices. BREAD AND PASTRY , FLOUR Exeter Star Flour (Blended) one of very best Blended Flours on the Canadian Market, $2.75 Wingham Gold Star Flour (Blend- ed) price $2.75 Wingham Five Lilies Flour, pure Manitoba, price $3.00 New Currants, recleaned, choice fruit, per lb 100 New Raisins, selected fruit, per lb 10e First of this season's crop on the market. FARMERS! We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hard Wood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, etc. Dried Apples must be good color and well dried. Poultry must be fat and dry picked to get the best price. Wear Clothing. At •••4+ 4Gt *l�4•N.N4 ••*•4••r• Ili*t*•4.•••4444if4••••••• ••••O• A4 44••�••SA �} • • ' ,j 1 1 CLEARING . SALE! i ISTILL. CONTINUI3S.�N • if • Biggest Bargains Ever •• •• Heard of • int y Men's Furnishings. •• C C « • t • • a • • • • +++++++++++++3.4444444.+++++ 9 The Sale has been going good, but we had a big stock and have a lot of Exceptional Bargains for you yet in all lines. If you have beer} in, you know what values we were giving. If you have not been in, it will certainly pay you to come along, if you are needing anything ; even if you are not just in need at present you will make 30, 40 & 3o per cent. on money invested by buying now. • • • 2 • • • • • • • See •our Men's and Bows' ;shirts, regular 75c, now.... .39 •; • 20c, •Collars for 12 w 2 15c. Collars for r ' .09 + Rubber Collars, regular 25e, for 18 • • • • • w • •• • •, • Z • SWEATERS UNDERWEAR I GLOVES TIES • SOCKS FANCY VESTS le LOUNGING ROBES SMOKING JACKETS • • • HATS SCARFS FUR CAPS BELTS CAPS MUFFLERS COLLARS JEWELRY, Etc. AT AWAY BELOW THE LOWEST PRICES. • - • 4 4 ,• Our Tailoring Department 2 .i i rl • } is full of the newest in Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouser. • ings, Fancy Vestings. . The patterns and materials are d. 2 the nicest we have ever had, and at the lowest Rossible 2 • •prices consistent with good goods and workmanship. ,•, • • t i • The Great Watch Doctor• • • i. j. : MAXWELL ROBT. • WINGHAM, r . - • ONTARIO. • ,. • TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER. • WWV4/WVVVId/vON1IVWVSt1lV.1Ly VSfV v• e S4itlt4*l f.E*.#4444.1 � !ff�d►.!.M••.1//`.4/ 40.40 t 1' .404.0/i�1 4.0.0 1/ :�1tttt: It Lv1 A 1.0016C 1