HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-14, Page 2Troubled
With Backache
For Years.
Ilackaehe is the first eign of kidney
trouble and should never be negleeted.
Sooner or later the kidneys will Dome
affected and years of Suffering follow.
Mrs, W. 0. Doerr, 13 Brighton St.,
London, Ont., writes: --"It is with pleas-
ure that I thank you for the good your
I)oan's Kidney Pills have done me.
Ilave been troubled with baekache for
years, and nothing helped me Until a
friend brought me a box of Down's
Kidney Pills. I began to take them and
took four boxes, I am glad to say that
I am entirely cured, can do all my own
work and feel as good as I did before
taken sick. I am positive Doan's Kidney
Pills are all you claim them to be, and'1
advise all kidney sufferers to give them a
fair trial. You may use my name if you
nDoan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by the
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering specify "Down's."
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes meet be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
If Mr. Harriman's estate had been in
England it would pay an inheritance tax
of $16,000,000. Hie will, leaving all to
his wife follows an Amerioan practice.
In England he would have left the bulk
of bis property to his eldest son, "to
found a levelly." He would have oared
for his wife by charging his estate with
a: life income for her support, Very
likely he would have left her uothing in
fee. In France half of the estate would
have • gone to the wife and children in-
dependent of any will, and his testa-
mentary powers would have bean limited
to the other half of his property. The
rest would have been divided by law,
Rarely or not at all would such an
estate elsewhere have been left to the
wife. It will bs recalled that Metall
Sage lett practically all his property to
his wile. -Detroit News.
With the doctor's view that new and
neat clothing is a powerful mental and
moral tonio, we heartily agree. We may
cite one case: A Toronto man had been
in hard intik. Largely through his own
folly he had gone so oompletely to the
bad that he was stopping his old•time
acgaaintanoea on the street and asking
them for dimes. One man who had
known bine in his better days took him
home and fitted him oat with olean
linen, a nice tweed suit, hat and shiny
Igen. What was the result? The man
who one day had been furtively wheed-
ling dimes from acgnaintancee, next day
walked along the street with his head
up, and had no trouble whatever in bor-
rowing one, two or five dollara from
every person he recognized. New
cloths made a new man of him, fired
him with ambition and he raked in more
Wag green in one day than he used to
get in a month. Thus there is a great
tonic effect in good clothes. -Toronto
It's a Iong way from Toronto to Coale
rane. At Ooobrane the Temiskaming &
Northern Ontario Railway en.d., and at
Coohrane it joins the Natiovel Tritns-
oontinentat Railway, better known as
the G. T. P. Cochrane is just one bon•
dred and twenty-five miles south of
James Bay. It's a jumping off place,
all right, all right, but that's no reason
why Maneger Lloyd of the imperial
Bank of Canada should be soaked eight
dollars on an express parcel from Toron-
to. Two dollars of this paid the freight
from,. Toronto to North Bay, and the
Is it worth while
to cure yourself?
This letter toils how one woman yet
rid of liver complaint, billouensaa,
and terrible sick headache.
Sickness is to .some extent a habit.
This is especially true of biliousness
and constipation. So long as you neglect
treatment, or merely use medicine to
move t5e bowels, the old trouble will
return Again and again.
Mrs. Jas. Monteith, Sfurin, Sirncoe,
Co., Ont., writes: "I have used Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for liver
complaint, biliousness and terrible eiek
head h
at esII
a d have found them the
most effective treatment I ever used.
They tlean8e the system thoroughly, re-
move the cause of pains and aches and
brake you feel fresh and strong again.
Dr. ('•.Base's Kidney -Liver Pills; are also
extelleot for stomach troubles."
Dr. Ghaar'e Ridneyiiver Pills have
iq direet and opteiflc action on the liver
and on this account thoroughly cure
billiousness and Constipation. Their ex-
ceptional merit has made them known
bt nearly every 'home and you can ae-
pend on thein absolutely. One pill a
dnae, "5 eents a bon, at all dealers or
lkdlrlansoa, Batas k 00., Toronto,
and their godly old fathers and mothers,
it they knew it, would say as Mrs. A
s+id '•I'd far rather they were no
o' their soul's salvation as they are of
their flo n:dal ,ter ding," yanoouver
is essentially an. English town, that soft
English aooent meets you everywhere,
the typical heavy tweedy and cheviots,
with ok corresponding cap are seen on
the street ell the time, while the young
Canadian and hie American half.
brother wear the lighter weight'erges
and the leis hat, never the nap. Vic-
toria, they tett ata, ie much more Eug•
lists than Vancouver, but the Union
jack flaw froth the flag poles and the
house top and it Tooke good to me.
There is a tremendous rash of visitors
and the 0 P. R agents at the depot
will leave a very unfavorable impres-
sion on our guests if they are always eta
dieoonrteone ae they were to several I
saw asking for information, but the
agents up town, though equally busy,
had enough time to be courteous and
give you all the information you re-
quired. The average traveller esti-
mates a oity by the courtesy he receives
from the railroad r;;liolals, the hotel
clerks, the polioemen and the street oar
condaotora. It these men show him
courtesy he gods away with the impres-
sion that we have a mighty good pity,
he even looks it up as to its valne for
investment in it, eto. and this makes or
mare the business standing in any city
or town.
tiger eix represented wbats the Govern-
ment-owned railway oharged Manager
Lloyd from North Bay to Coohrane.
They have good land at Cochrane, and
they want settlers there. One oame in
the other day from Essex County Ont-
erio. It cost him one hundred and
three dollars to have hie effects moved
over the people's railway, Supplies for
the oonatruution work of the G. T. P. go
over the T & N. 0. to Cochrane, and
pay prettily. We have the Minister's
word for it
that notint an the d T. & N
0., not even Cobalt, contributes mord
revenue than Cochrane. It may warm
np votes to show how a Tory eopern-
Ixleut can make the T. & N. 0. pay,
while a Grit Government can do no-
thing better with the Interooioniai than
well the deficit; but, looking °loser,
isn't it the daty of a people -owned rail.
way, built for colonization pu*poser, to
fall behind sometimes? Shouldn't set-
tiers effects travel free? Why should it
met forty dollars to bring a now?
Wouldn't it be better is the long run
for the T. & N, 0. to carry farmers into
north country, even at a small present
lose? Should the people's railway de-
feat its object by high rates? The ad-
ministration of the T. & N. O. may
result in a p ofit, bnt it looks like a
squeeze. -Collier's Weekly.
Dr. M. R. Findiater Writes Interest-
ingly of a Trip Through the
Western Provinces.
Broderick, Sept, 2lst, 1909.
Dear Mother and Everybody: -
It seems to me I wrote you from Van.
oonver but I do not remember whether
I told you about Seattle or not. Van-
couver is a very nioe city, it strikes me
as being one of the best business cities
I have ever been in. The main oity lies
on the south shore of Barrard Inlet and
ie extending in all directions. North
Vancouver aoross the inlet and which
ie reaohed by ferry, is Iargely residential
and is surrounded by the forest. The
trolley line is running into the forest
to take tourists up to the Captlano
Hotel, whioh lies away np the mountain.
I walked np to Mountain View Hotel
one morning and that is about half way
to the Oupilano. The city water supply
comee from Onpilano river and a flame
brings the water down the mountain
aide, and alongside the flame is a 12
inch board which yon walk, You don't
spend much time walking and eight
seeing; when you want to see about
you, yon stand still, else you'd lose
your footing and go hurling down the
mountain side. Occasionally you meet
parties coming down, so you stand as
near a tree as yon can get or on an ex-
tending soantltng and let them pass.
Yon need a levet head to do it, but it is
worth while for the forest ie magnifl•
Dent. When shoat two-thirds of the
way np we Dame to a deep gorge, it is
as though the rooks had split perpen-
dicularly separating about 60 or 70 feet
and through this chasm the river rashes
over rooks and boulders, foaming white
and dashing its spray far into the air
and falling a boiling, seething mess into
a deep green pool below. All along the
river above the falls, the fishermen
stand with rod and line trying to lure
the wily mountain trout to try the "fly"
he is cunningly floating before its eyes.
The scene is fine, I do not think I have
seen 18 equalled any place. Alter a
climb of belt a mile, we reaohed the
Hotel and from there we could look
down four or five hundred feet on the
roaring torrent below. We were glad
to rest end they told us at the hotel we
could not get dinner until 5.80 p. m.
but we could have a "dish of tea" any
time. We waited for dinner and it
tasted good. The aim shone through
the tall tops of the sprnoes, the bine
mist hung in the valley and along the
far distant hills, the shadows crept longer
and longer, the mountain tops ware out-
lined distinctly against the crimson sky
line behind them,and the night was upon
ns. The stars Dame out one by one and
we started by way of the road to walk
to North Vancouver. The walk was de-
lightful, part of the way the trees met
over our heads and the corduroy was
slippery and one of the girls went splash
into a mud puddle and refused to go
further until a light was brought to boor
on the road, What a night it was, out
in the open, the tall stems of the
sprawl, clear of branche for fifty or
sixty feet or more, towering away above
our heads, here and there a Damp fire
burned flickeringly, the tents standing
out white beside it, and all so quiet, so
peaceful and so full of the presence of
The oity of Vanooaver hits certainly
made wonderful strides since 1883.
Hastings St. is its thoroughfare now,
but the business men say that Cordova
street along the wharf tired to be the
businesnile until b 4o the e tae
years, when the traillo moved up one
blook to Hastings street. A fine big
grey stone postoffioe is in the obtuse of
erection and will make a megnidoent
corner blook. The Oity Hospital lies-
ieswell ant of the heart of the oily and is
a compactly arranged building, well
equipped with all modern appliances.
I met many people from old Ontario, sill
doing well, that is finanoiaily; I am
I left Vancouver Wednesday night
and awoke in the morning in the heart
of the Rockies. The trip is well worth
the money spent, those everlasting hills,
snow crowned, lifting their cold peaks
far into the havens, are well worth see•
ing. We got to Banff at 11 p. m. the
next night and to Calgary at 2 80 a. m.
and hurrah! for the wheat fields of the
West! Mile after mile I told off by the
mile poste, and still wheat, wheat,
wheat, standing in rows, it atemed to
me jaet far enough apart to let a wagon
through. Medicine Hat is a thriving
little town and is proud of its situation
on the bank of the river, South Seek.
atcilewen, I believe. Again it was
wheat, wheat, wherever you looked. I
got into Moosejaw at 5 p. m, and had
time to look about me after I got a good
weal and some Olean olothea on, and
what struck me moot was the number of
men compared with the number of
women. I saw three women on one side
of the street for et least two blocks and
about fifty men, perhaps more. After
supper I went out again and I saw only
one woman, so I thought I'd better go
bank to my hotel. We left Moosejaw
7.50 next morning and took the mixed
train to Broderick, 118 miles distant.
Here it was the same story, wheat,
wheat; the houses for fifty miles distant
were good, good barns, trees, gardens,
just as good as old Ontario pate up, but
beyond that you could see the newoom•
er, the sod shack and rod granary, no
oathonier, but wheat, wheat as fax as
the eye could see. I was the only
woman on the oar and I had an excellent
Opportunity to listen to the men talking.
One American from Nebraska said
"Well, yon can't mise it here, any land
under fifty dollars per sere is good in•
vestment -they oan turn oat wheat here
28 to 40 bushels to the sore when Dakota
and Nebraeka go 12 to 20 bushel., I
name here eight years ago and invested
$5,000, and I only regret that I didn't
borrow $5.000 more at the time, for that
fin` $5,000 has netted me $10,000 now
and 840 acres besides." "Well" said
another, "I'm from Illinois an' I've
three eons out here an' I'm just out
evieitiu' them an' I must say, they have
more now, at the end of six years, than
I had at the end of twentyeix years,"
and so the talk went on, one and all
boosting for Canada. "Make good"
said a lad of twentythree, I'd judge,
from Hamilton, "If yon can't, make
good here, you'll never make good. My
father to fifty-eight years of age and has
worked bard all his life and he hasn't as
much to -day as I have and I made it be-
tween Vancouver and Regina." Re
then seemed to think I ought to be en-
tertained so he gave me a very interest-
ing account of himself which helped to
while away the time until we reaohed
"Elbow," we bad dinner at "Eyebrow."
It was raining steadily all the way up
and our old "ship of, state" spent half
the time loading on freight so it was a
tiresome journey. A drunk man, or
bey I should say, got on at Eibow, and
while be was confined to the smoker his
profanity was not. and at last a man
told bine to stop sweating that there was
a lady in the oar and he got np and stag -
gored to the door with: "I didn't know
there was a 1 -wady, I n --ever sir -ear
be -fore ladies, 'pon my w-ord 1---'"
"You sit down, you tool," said another
man, and I heard a third man curring,
and yet every man in that car voted to
make him drank, I haven't a doubt of
that, and every one of then was asham-
ed of his vote. Well, they carried him
off later,
fellow", o
, poor li w, the victim of
legalized liquor traffic. I got to Brod-
erwiok at 6.90 p, m. and baying a pair of
robbers I started to walk Ont to Lyon's.
I had covered about one toile when I
net Lyon In the buggy, Wasn't he
surprised! We then went on to town
for the mail and oame bank and Annie
wail just struck dumb. Their shook is
comfortable and the outside, is covered'.
YAW vines and makes it lock very pia•
sorry to say that many of them have tureaque. I was telling them about a
forgotten their early training ail to disappearing bed 1 IOW in Seattle and
church going and Sabbath obserfanoes Annie i
, said she thought it would be at
Sound Lumber -even -grained
and sound to the core.
Ssususnsss■snssseoOus s saasa,
THERE are over a million feet of Iumber in our
yards, muchof which we shall discard in selecting
only that which is perfect.
We are very particular about every piece of wood
we use in the Mason and Risch piano. We won't
allow the slightest imperfection to pass.
Every piece of timber is thoroughly seasoned.
We keep it in our yards from three to five years, then
it goes to the kilns where the seasoning is completed.
Mason and Risch
The piano with a soul.
Each piece of wood is carefully inspected and
numbered and is sent to the factory to be used
as a certain part of a particular piano.
This extreme care in the selection and
seasoning of our"' wood pays -it pays, for
the result is that a Mason and Risch MASON
piano w i l l withstand a n y climate and RISCH
without cracking or warping. / 1; ►ted.
We would like to tell you all TORONTO.
about the building of the Mason f Send me year ;11us-
trated booklet explain.
and Risch piano. Send us this %� ins the reasons why 1
coupon to-dRisch ay and we'll mail / shouldpianoown, a Thf.[ls asin non o way add
you a booklet which tells the ,' obligates me to purchase.
whole story.
The Mason and Risch /
Piano Co., Limited,/ceCity
32 West King St.,Toronto.U9
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course.
Salient Points in the Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 17,
Givers in a Series of Questions by
Bev. Dr. Linseott.
'(Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act.)
PAUL A Paxsoxza Barons Fan's.
Acte, 24.
Golden Text --Herein do I always
exercise myself, to have a consoienoe
void of offenoe toward God and toward
men. flats 24: 16.
Verses 1.9 -When a high priest, or
a distingatehed preacher, has fallen
away end espouses a bad came, how
should he be estimated?
This man TertaIlns was much in the
position of a modern lawyer, oan you
conceive it probable or possible, that
he could be a consistent Christian and
yet hold a brief against Paull
It a rich unscrupulous man, has a law
snit against .a well-known good man,
why should a Christian lawyer not ac-
cept the Dane for the prosecution?
Will an honest lawyer, or an ad-
vocate of any canoe, nee false evidence
to gain or advance hie cause?
What aconsetions did they bring
against Paul, and what part of the evi•
dance, presented to Felix by Tertullns,
was true and what part untrue?
Apart from the morality of lying,
what good, or evil, does a lie accomplish
for the liar or his cause?
Verses 10.21 -Doer 4 good canoe ever
need false evidence to strengthen its
position, and if not, why not?
Read Paul's defence critically, and
nee if you oan find any false statements
and if so, say what they are?
Contrast the compliments paid to the
governor by Tartnllns and Paul, and
state wherein Paul excels, both in truth
and in skill,
What points did Peal urge in his
defenoe to the zeonsations against
What so called heresy did Paul admit
What is today "heresy" and what
is "orthodoxy?"
What is implied in "having a non•
science void of offenoe toward God and
toward men" and how omit such a non.
dition be brought about?
How does Pani show in his defence
that the heresy they accuse him of, is
the Jewish doctrine which they hive
Vermeil 24.25 --Why diet Felix send for
1s it probable that Felix was sincerely
investigating the Christian religion?
Apart from the person of Christ
what are the thief things, which
Christianity stands for? (This
question must be answered by
members of the club.)
What is Christ himself the embodi-
ment of in his personal character?
What made Felix tremble when Paul
urged upon hien righteousness and the
judgment to come?
Would Felix likely have become a
Obviation' if he could have kept on in hie
Verses 26 27 -What part does money
generally play in preventing snocbsstul
adults from becoming Christian.?
When a than trembles on account of
his sins, does that necerrarily add any*
thing to hie credit?
What was a besetting sin of Felix
and how would you size up the char*
toter of any man that wants to be brib.
ed to do right?
Lesson for Sunday Oot. 24th, 1909,
Paul a Prisoner -Before Feigns and
Agrippa. Aots 25s 6.12; Chapter 26.
fine thing to hare, if you only had tome
place to make it disappear to, which
tells the whole story of space or rattler
want of spade within four walls. George
came over to see tot Sunday p. sit. Seine
old gossiping man went and told him a
sister had come, he saw her at the store
Out ng rubbers to walk bnt,and oddGeor-
die, "Well that's Mary --Bels wouldn't
walk," so off he oame with wife and
baby, when 1 intended surprising him
at his threshing on Monday; but you
leave it to a man to gossip and you'll
get a far better job than an experienced
woman oan do. The baby is fine and
looks like no one of whom I know.
George looks just the sante, not a day
older than he Was seven goats ago.
Their grain it turning oat away beyond
their expeotationr, George's wilt be
No. 1 )lard, Lyon rays, Lyon hasn't
threshed' yet. Mr. Wightmaa has
threshed and turned. oat 10,800 bushels
of grain and wheat selling et 82 cents per
bushel delivered 134 or 2 miles in Brod.
brick. Now will you Morrieites sit up
and take notioe? This merely is the
banner year for the West and they de-
serve it. Now 1 think this is a good
long Letter and will make np for any
dilatoriburnese of the part three or four
weeks. 1 shall go back to Vancouver
and then on to Lead, but will lel you
know as I go along. Bemember ane to
all the folk. 'Your' sincerely,
M, It. FrsotAtxit.
In Venezuela there inti great demand
for perfumery', even aniong the men,
While face powder is a necessity for the
women on account of lbs climate,
13.4vrI$r OHvnon--.Sabbath iorviees at
11 a m and 7 p Iu, Sunday Sohool at
2:80m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W,
i Steevee, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meet,
Monday evenings 8 p.m. W.D. Pringle,
ll&E UopierOHUlzon-Sabbathservloes
et 11 a jr and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at
2:80 p m,. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General proper meeting
lr Wednesday
evenings, Rev.
Rutledge, D
, pastor. F. Buchan-
an, 8.S, Superintendent.
vioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
Sohool at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday. evenings. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor. Dr, A. J. Irvin, S.S.
fix. PAun'6 OHDROH, EPIdooPAL--Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m.
Sunday Sohool at 2;30 p m. Rev, 0, E.
Jeekins, B. A„ B. D., Rentor ; Ed.
Nash, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E.
Robinson, aesistant Superintendent.
SALVATION Atom -Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'olook at the armoire.
POST Ors'Ios-OfIoe hours from 8a m
to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
Punuo LD3RASY-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 °'°look, and every evening from 7
tolibrarfan9; 80 o.. 'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott,
TOWN OorNOIL-Thomas Gregory,
Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ;
Geo. Spotton, J, W. MoKibbon, H. B.
Elliott, William Bone, Dr, Robert
0. Redmond, and V. `R. Vannorman.
Ooonoillors; 3. B. Ferguson, Clerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'olook,
Stone (ohairmau), J. A. Morton, John
Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J. Howson,
John A. MoLean, Frank Bachanan,
Dudley Holmes, seoretary: A. Omens,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in eaoh month,
Poem° Sermon BOARD. -Alex. Boas,
(chairman), G. 0. Manners, 73,E, Ieard,
A. E. Lloyd, W. D Pringle, Wm. Moore,
Theo. Hall. 0. N. Griffin, Seoretary,
John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. 13,
Ferguson. Meetings second Taeeday
evening in eaoh month,
HIGH Swoon TEACHERS -3. A. Tay-
lor, B.A., prinoipal; 3.0. Smith, B.A.,
classical maeter; 3. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematioal master ; Miss Helena
Dodson, B.A., teacher of English and
Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher
Stalker, Prinotpal. Mies Brook,
rxizynoids, Mica Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Oumminga, and Miss
BOARD or 81ALYH--Thos, Gregory,
(ohairinan), 0. J. Reading, Abner
Comma Wm, Ferrant. J. B. Ferguson
Secretary; Dr. 3, R Maodonaid,
Medical Health Offioer.
for a reliable Local Salesman repre-
"Canada's Oldest and Greatest
in Wingham and adjoining country.
You will find there isa good demand
for nursery Stook on amount of the
high prioes that growers have realized
on their fruit this season.
Our salesmen are turning in big bud-
gele to us this year. Be one of them
and earn good wage. through the winter
Territory reserved. Pay weekly.
Free maniple outfit, eto.
Write for particular..
Fonthill Nurseries
and anyone haying live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for dale in the Time. Oar large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get aonetomer, Wsoan't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stook than it is Worth, Send
your advertisement to the Venus and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Ordets for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business ohaaeet,
mebhanios wanted, artiolee for sale, or in fact
any kind of an tart. in any of the Toronto or
Other pity peners, may be left at the Tfuas
ogles. Tkiework will receive promptattention
and winsome people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
r o
sendour a � ar ext work of this kind to the
60 YEARS' '
OcalGNst i
Cot rllti(s.trsLct.'
Anyone Mending a eketeb std eeteggttonma7
tntegiyaventi nisprobably
nue *Pinion on ran
inventoa ascertain probably a nether a.
tlonestrletlyeonadent at. testa
t free. Oldest agency fo seenrtn nts.,
1pesisl a%Puente withoutucahhar. , InthAis reoel►e
!AMOR Jlm cap,
1. baadeo el,11x.Rtratsd weekilr eft air-
,•,i, , .nl, seientise soarnet Terme for
'a O'ei* eO.Lese prepaid: Sad ar
ES1'ABLIalIND 1872
The Times Oiliest $saver Eiock
or p
advanoe $1.6010 not so paid. No paper discon-
tinned till all arrears are paid, exoept at the
option of the publisher,
Tsners Sun$oa1PrION-
A.nvaaxIBnfo BATae. '-per
erl andannum othorla
oaeual advertisements IOD per Nonpariel line for
fret insertion, 8o per line for eaoh subsequent
Advertisements in locai columns are charged
10 ots. per line for first tneertion, and 5 oenta
per line for eaoh euteequent insertion.
Advertieemente of Strayed, Farm* for Salo
or to tient, and similar, $1.00 for first three
weeks, and 26 cents for eaoh subsequent in-
Coaxasor R[Tas--The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for speoified periods :-
1 Yn. a iso. 8 ;do. 1140•
OneCoiturin $70.00 $40.00 522.60 $B4O0
Half Column 40.00 25.00 16.00 0,00
quarterOolamn.-20.00 1%.60 7.60 8.00
One Inch 6.00 8.00 2,00 1.26
Advertisements without speotfo direotione
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
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TEM Jon DaPARrxawr 15 etooked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording faoiliiies not equalled in the
county for turning mit fixat oleos work, Large
type and arpropriate out for alietyles of Poet -
ere, Hand Bilis, oto., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the fluor classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher
P KHNNIIDY, M. D., M.O.P. 8.0.
TY • Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Medallist 1n Medloine. Special
attention paid to dieeaeee of Women and Child;
ren. Omoe hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 710 fl p, m.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Moe -Macdonald Block, over W,MoKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calla answered at the of floe.
L. R. 0. P. London.
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Honor Graduate of Toronto University,
Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
and Surgeons.
Ear, Nose special roat, Byes the diseasesly testteed:
Qlaese, properly fitted.
Oxxmaxx--With Dr. Kennedy.
Office Bourn -8 to 6, 7 to 8 p.m.
1 •VAN8TON11,
Private and Company !nude to loan at lowest
rate of interest. mortgagee, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Once, Beaver BIook, Wingham
Wingham, Ont.
M. L, Dzoxnraox Panay Roams
Morar TO LoAllt.
Orman: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B„ L. D. 8.
Doctor of Deatalsur¢ ery of the Pennglvanla
Dental College and Lieentiats of the Royyaol
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ocoee
in Macdonald Block, Winghan,
W J. PRIOR, B.S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Surgeons of Ontario, and College
of Dental
versity of Toronto.
Office : Beaver BIock.
ova. fmrvao.
That J. 8, Jerome, Dentist•
is making beautiful sets of
teetht dollarsand
inserting the Patent Afor r chamber. All
work guaranteed,
Office in Chisholm Blook, Wingham.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspeotion)
pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians, HAUS r'OR PATIENTS --
to 115.00 which perile egek a000rard ding to nursing),a ion
of room. For further information,
Boz 228, Wingham Ont.
London TRAitfa LUAvn VOR
. 0,40 a m_*. li.e0p.nx,
Torontoi-14411.U13ii.m., 8.46, ni..- 2.40p.n1,
Kincardine..11,57 a.m... 2.08 p -m.... 9.16p.m,
entlxvs ram(
IIineardlne 8,40 a.m..11.00 a,m _ .- 2.40 }.m.
London........:, ,...... 11.54 a.m..., 7,86 p.m.
Palmerston,. 10.00 e.xn.
Toronto ArMaki- ..,..,.. 2.08 p.m.... 0,15 p,ta.
W. xENRY, Agent, Windham.
Toronto andl#iiet.... -. 8.87 a.m.,:. 8.10 p.m.
Teeewater _ 1.00 p.m ,-„10.24 p.ta.
ARRI,a *nos(
Teeewater-. *..........:..8.87 a.m....,. 8.10 p.m.
Toronto and Raet .. r,.-1.00 p.m --Z10,24 p.m,
J, H. B98AfMR..aetit,Winghata.