HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-14, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXXVIII.--NO, 1966, WINGIIAL ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1909, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Why Suffer from Indigestion? FOTHERG1LL'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Will cure you The great English Remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Nausea. and all disorders arising from imperfect digestion. Prepared by DR, J. P, FOTiIER- GILL, Manchester, Eng. mmaalitommoamatommoymmo For sale in Wingham by Walton McKiIilion THE QRUCHIST iktaodonald Blook, Wingham. PUBLIC NOTIC Take notice that at a .. eating of the Board of Health held .. Monday, 11th inns, it was ordered th . t all bank yards, outhouses and olet: be cleaned up im- mediately, eubj'o to my inspection, and if this is t done at once, the parties found guilty of negligence will be prosecuted and the work done by the town authorities and charged to the offenders. By order GEo. ALLEN, Sanitary Inspector. Wingham, Oct. 12, 1909. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE 1tp,�y LIFE IJ ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS - Insurance EATAER Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. Office over Maloolm's Grocery. $ 962 IHOROUGHNESS THE CORNER STONE One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about elect per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of 5902 per year. Six months' training at our Business college made the dif- ference Was it a good invest- ment.? He thinks so. His address is New Osgoode, Bask, Pour Courses : ;PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Write for particulars. mitlatmtim WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal 11111.111011 PHONE 59 CHRISTIE'S GROCERY Our Inducement Ig• Quality Bring Along Cholco Butter PHONE Winghaln Greenhouses CARNATIONS OHRYSANTHEMUMS FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers A New Thee week the T publication of a ne of the Rail" by Fre is a good story a readers will find start to finish. Story. IES commences the story, "A Romanoe eno Reddall, 'Phis d we feel sure our t interesting from WANTED. -A good new miloh cow. Apply -at TIMES oMoe. Annual eeting. The annual mee ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Win ham General Hos- pital will be held i the Connell Cham- ber on Friday, O• t 15th, at 4 o'clock sharp. All mem ere are requested to attend this meets Cash paid for live spring chickens and fowl at S. PAUL'S store, Blnevale. Bring them every Monday forenoon. Ladies' Ai The Ladies' Aid o1 will hold a Sup evening, Novembe eight o'clock, after will be given in th church. Furthe week. Supper. the Baptist Ohuroh er, on Tuesday 2nd, from six to which a programme auditorium of the partioulars next "INVICTUs"-the name of the highest grade Shoes made for men. A look will convince yon. See them at W. J. GREER's. East Huron t The annual cot Huron Oonservati held in Brussels October 22nd. T before the meetin of officers. Pro party will deliver onservatives. ention of the East e Assooiation will be n Friday afternoon, to business to come will be the election nent members of the addresses. WANTED -Young men to learn stove - mounting; also a number of laboring men. Highest wages paid. WESTERN FOUNDI\Y Co , Wingham. Fall, Fairs [ast Week. Blyth, Teeswate had ideal weather week and record of dance at each plat have a surplus t attended report th previous years. Henderson, of th 68 prizes. • and Dungannon for their fairs last wds were in atten- e. These fairs will e year. Those who fairs better than in Teeswater, Mr. Jas. Blnevale road won Don't fail to hear. Mr, Williamson, the Canadian Dickens Man, in his re- cital of Dickens' "Christmas Carol," in Methodist Ohuroh, Thursday evening, Oot. 28th. Racing It had been arrang inee of races on the park on Tuesday, bad weather the even paned until Friday week.- There will be and at 3 o'clock p, 2.023, who holds the a paging mare, will at Wingham track reoord Band Will tnrnieh m sion is 25o. for gentl The proceeds will g Wingham hospital. atinee. d to hold a mat- Wingham driving ut owing to the have been post- iternoon of this three geed raoes „ Darkey Hal, orid's record for rapt to lower the of 2.11. Citizens' elo, The admits - en; ladies free, in aid of the Coming to W Mr. ' Mason, comm "Big Mason." the EV of the Young Men's tion, will be in Win auspices of the looal Y Thursday the 21st inst 25th inclusively, gond men and boys in the "Lumber Back, 0011 ter, bounty Snore Evangelist," is his knows men and plain, earnest, for winning fellow. big man. Ee wa in Wingham. ngham. my known as ngelist Seoretary hristian Asaooia- ham ander the M. C. A. from till Monday the oting services for . M. 0. A. rooms. e Student, *Minis. ry, 'Y'. M. 0, A, story 15 brief. Ile ves men. He is, a etul speaker, and a We fail to hear the is to meet every roan Sale of Real Estate and Farm Property. The etteottors of the estate of the late Patrick Troyill hold an anotion sale of farm stook, im lentents, furniture, etc., On the pre'miees, smith halt lots 11 and 12, cin. 1. Kinlobs, on Monday, October 25th, The farm oontaining 93 Mires, alio 'a brick biook in Whiteoharoh, belonging to the estate, wilt also be offered for sale at the same time and plane, • Jornr PIntvls, Attetioneer, Read Willis & Co.'s adv on page 8. Address on Pre Dr, 3, P. Keane" dress on Prevent& Town Hall on Mon 8 o'olook, nuder t Board of Health. only on the prevent but tnberoulosie an well. A silver coll�l at the door, the pro hospital maintenan will be open for die measures after the 1q ientive Medicine. y will give an ad- o Medicine in the lay evening next at le auspices of the He will speak not on of typhofd fever other diseases as ation will be taken eeda to go towards e. The meeting nesion on sanitar Y tare. / Boa. WANTED to lesn 9 ing, good opportunity. FRAUR HOWSON. PRICES ARE SLAUGHTERED - Goods must be sold. Soo oar advt. R. KNOX, Public Sch The regular wont Public School Board day evening with all ent except Trustee Stalker extended a members of the Boa to attend the At Hom evening of October Huron Teachers' matter of an inoreas teaohere was referre committee. It was $3,000 more insure building. The ret make it neoessary t should be carried. oI Board. ly meeting of the was held on Tnea the members pree• Moore. Principal Invitation to the d and their wives to be held on the let by the East seooiation, The in salary to the to the Finance decided to plane e on the school nt improvements at more :nranoe WANTED. -Girl f r wages; no wash%g ENox, Wingham. BREAKFAST FOODS - ed*tvheat, cream of in stook. 1 usewo k; good AppJMRS, R. i611ed oats, roll - eat, eto. always ANE R. Howson, In Less T1 There has been past few years a necessity of having schools drilled in 1� an orderly and s� buildings, Iti ord accomplished, as sohool is concern has been praotioii fire drill, and last were held. In th was cleared in 1 mi this was lowered minute, while i seconds had elapse given until the lat side the bniidini orderly was the ed, that not a misI pupil, n a Minute, urnished within the ple evidence of the lie pupils of public e praotice of making eedy exit from the ✓ that this may be tr as Wingham. , PrincipaI Stalker g the pupils in the eek three praotioes first, the building ute and 10 seconds; in the second to 1 the third but 65 from the alarm was tot was safely out- . So perfeotly and arch out a000mpli&h ake was made by any TRUNKS and VALISES. -Big stook at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Removing. Where? To Beaver block. Ha1p ns by reducing our stook. R. KNos. Night Classes. Ambitious young people who wish to "learn while they earn," may do so by attending night classes at the Wingham Business college. Each student is in. etrnoted privately by painstaking, sym- pathetic teachers. You may enter no matter what your education. Ask for information. Phones 104 and 86. Knox is giving great bargains. Don't fail to visit him before Oot. 15. Boy WANTED -Bright aotive boy to learn the general store business. Apply to D. M. GORDON. Jewelery Mr. Martin, referr ing from last Satur ie a former resident and is well known 1 ere: --Even the as come to grief in Ooteber est, J.. M the silver oity, re ent down town h ward he reported $1,000 wortb ot j a diamond ring at $600, and e, so chain with le nugge valved at about $3 noon Detectives Ti arrested George Da waiter, and in th Mackie, 28 years street, wee brough eeiving stolen go whom he is said to The goodie were r today from' the Belleville, who ha Mid, front relate Polios Oonrt this trot guilty. Hid week henoe. Mao ad his bail of $1 Bride ar bondsman,. last night, was rene Stolen. d to in the follow• y'a Toronto News, of East Wawanosh many of our read- ute Oobalter may Iarge pity. About 115, a hotelman of stered e at a promin- tel. Shortly after - the loss of nearly welry, consisting of 2% karate, valved id gold watch and of gold as a charm, Yesterday after - ton and Archibald 22 years of age, a same hour Henry Id, of 194 Simooe in, charged with re- do frons Daly, to have advanced $110 eived by the police hiet of Pollee, of secured them it is es of Maaki°. In ruing Italy pleaded Gal Will proceed a le reserved elootion with Edwin Mo- hioh *as accepted ed. &dills WAN'TED.' sewing machines in day work, Olean, pl Md ,gEtPG 0oLareiT, or Work on power itting mill or on steady work and 10 'Tun WATSON TIN, Ont. MINOR •CAI -S. -Mr. Wm. Max' with his carriage Goa last week. -Mr, Fred A. Le peots to be in Wing. of November. - Fail weather the on Tneaday. The g good deal of rain, -The regular m' • thly sleeting of Camp Caledonia, So .: of Sootiaud will be held next Monday :ven#ng, -cheques for the i rot dividend of tee defunct York Loan 0 . will be mauled to creditors on and afte November let. -The citizens of unknow are pre- paring for an Old Bs' Re -union cele- bration to be held 1. that village next summer. -Mr. Geo, A. Ph -'pen is anthotize.d to issue deer shoo ing licensee ' and parties who purpose •letting the north country should see h m. -John Walmeley who was up for trial at Goderioh 1as• week before Judge Holt, chargetl with b'rglary of MoMor- obie's bank in Blytt,'n April, 1908, was sequined. ell won first prize at the Blyth fair s, piano tuner, ex• m about the let week with snow and will stand a -Mr. Wm. Nichol': on has moved bis family home from inoardine, where they spent the summ r. Mr, Nicholson has the work on the •ost office building iu that town nearly c•mpleted, - Mr, and Mrs, : ohn Fletoher, of Guelph, desire to :•:press their most sincere gratitude f. the kindness ex- tended to their so , Percy Fletcher, during has recent ill + esti in Wingham. -An anotion sal: of valuable ohattel and farm property ' ill be held at lot 19, concession 12, Tur•.•erry, on Monday, October 18th, Ther is a good list of farm stook and imp ;ments. See advt. in another column f. r lull particulars, -One morning :gently, Mr. Geo. Wilson. near Zetian' , was surprised on going out to find wit hie cattle a small roe deer. The anim:1, although consul. erably oat of its teat de in these days, appeared to be quite : t home. It is said there are also one or o others of the fieevefooted epeoies in, that vicinity. -The regular.mont; Women's Institute wi 0. 0. Fn hall Thnrsi 2 30 p. m. Subject "Influenoe of environ Jno. Wilson and " ners," by Mrs. (Dr.) will please note th Visitors welcome. 7y meeting of the 1 be held in the y, Oot. 21st, at for discussion, mente,", by Mrs. tanksgiving dih- :ennedy, Ladies change of date. WANTED. -A good aero tgirl wanted by Mrs. (Dr.) P. Maeclp ald. Apply by letter to 854 Rtchmfdd street, ndon. Good wh'ges will be paid. Farmers, call a d t`mar prices on bran, shorts and al ede before buying. RANK R, Howson. Exeter aterworks. The council of e village of Exeter have adopted repot and plans prepared by Mr. F. W. Fan otnb, O. E., of Lon- don, for a system waterworks which for the present wi be for fire service only. The estimat coat, including oon- orete dam now u der construction, is $26 000. This will include a pumping plant with a caps ty of half a million gallons a day, a m in along Main street, with provision fo future extensions, also an elevated s rage tank, 125 feet high, with snffloi t capacity for two days' supply for •th town. The pump. ing plant will be o situated that an ample supply of ring water can be collected by gray y if required and pumped into the eine. The present supply will be dra n from the river. WANTED. -All kinds of wl-alive or dressed, for whin tb highest prioea will be paid. Liv #oW1 taken on Tues- days and Thursdays. VANNORMAN V.R. V . BUTTER and EGGS, -Bring along your Produce. Highest prioe paid in ex- change for Boots and Shoes. W. J. GREEK. 4 Married St, Marys. On Thursday ternoon, October 7, at the resident, of Mr. and Mre. William Andre•. s, St. Marys, Ont., their daarhter, u• las Lillian Isabella, was married to ' r. James Hugh Onm- mings, of Toro • o. The oeromony wits conducted by t Rev. EL Edmieon, M. A., Toront , uncle of the bride, masted by Rev. D, W. Morden, B. A., In the presence of near relatives'. The bride, who w • e given away by leer father, wore a own of ivory buohess actin, with a pa el and ga1nitnre of lace Mad baroque t:tole, tulle veil and a crown of orang blossom.. A boquet of white roses an• ferns was parried. The wedding mar was p1 yed byMl ee Headee Baia. flan dsS annex Mr. and Mrs. Cummtn: - left for Buffalo and other Amerioa' cities, the going away dress being of navy bine broadcloth, With hat t0 nee •h. Mr. Cummings is a former Wingh m young man, being a sin of Mr. 3, B Cummings, and his old friends will wi h both himself and his bride many yea s dr happy Wedded life. CALLED Y DEATH, HARMON There passed aw Monday morning, Smith in his 34th weeks' illness with ceased had been a r: for only a few m here from Goderic ball bowling elle • friends during his He is survived b children who resi• remains were taken home in Simooe on interment, WILLIAM After several we: liana Aitobeaon pas+ last. Some weeks sand severely out set in. Deceased near Cobourg, fi Nearly thirty year: section, residing fo water and later He survived by his nine children, viz: ford and Mrs. Jo: John, of Sarnia; Wallace, Henry an The funeral took pl residence on Edwar day afternoon to t tery. MRS. Jo A pioneer redden ed away at her ho on Friday last in t McLaren, wife of M Inglis had been in p fall. At the time o ham she was strio from which she ren followed and she away. Deceased w and was born in t, and in early life where lived h he it for s i she was married. December to Mr. In of 1860 they moved t where they oantinne fall when they m. Mee, Inglis was belo of friends and her m not soon be forgott had been a member Church and always in the work of the o husband, the deoease family of ten ohildre Battleford. Sask.; Man, ; Andrew, of R Fred , a medical Presbyterian Church bia; Rev. W. J., pa: Brian Church at Oa of West Wawanosh rt, Gilbert Plain: Sherriff, Wingham; West Wawanosh, ome. One sister, . SMITE.. y in Wingham on Harmon Wilmer year, after a two yphoid fever, De - Idea of Wingham tithe, having come and opened a box and made many •ort stay in town a widow and four in Goderioh. The o Mr. Smith's old nesday morning for ITOEESO., s' illness, Mr, Wil- d away on Monday go be had his left nd blood poisoning as born in Plainville, y -three years ago, ago he came to this some years at Tees. ming to Wingham, widow and family of Mrs. W. 3. Blatoh- Mntch, Wingham; ora, Leckie, Lorne, Harvey, at home. oe from the family street on Wednes- e Wingham oeme- N INGLIS,' of this notion pass- e on Shuter street e person of Agnes . John Inglis, Mrs. or health since last moving into Wing - en with paralysis vered; two strokes passed' peacefully s in her 76th year e city of Montreal • oved to Hamilton n years and where fty years ago last is. In the spring West Wawanosh to live until last ed to Wingham. ed by a large circle ny kind acts will n. For years she f the Presbyterian t • ok an aotive part urch. Besides the is survived by a • , viz: -James, of obert, of Roblin, mfort, Men.; Dr. issionary for the in British Colum - tor of the Presby. villa, Man.; Thos., Mrs. A. G. Stew - Man. ; Mrs. Jas. Mrs. John Olubb, ad Miss Helen at re. John Kilgour, survives, and was The bereaved will of a large circle of al to the Wingham ay afternoon was t a h of Mount Forest ale here for the funeral have the sympathy friends The fune. cemetery on Mo• largely attended. MRS. GE .' GE WADE Another of " residents passed e' her home on Alfre.'. of Ann Kelly, b George Wade, in Wale had been a1 years and for the p been confined to bed ter of the late John of the pioneers of fortveight years ag to Mr. Wade and lived on the farm op Seven years ago th Wingham. Mrs. been a member of t and was always at the ohnroh. Her lar will hear of her Beat and the family will of the community. ed husband, a almit and two Sons surv#• Stapleton and Mrs. Tnrnberry; Mre Mrs. hum,W. oisco, Cali. ; Mr' eine Hat, Atte; Providence. R. Toronto; Mrs. Greek, Sask. ;f Philip Wade Wade, of Br take place en o'clock for with Service a PEi There passe Tuesday mor his 2015 year, With typhoid tame to Wi Jape and h upholsterer tory. He Ina wag a inetinber. , at and else Churdh choir o will have the s in their ailliot takes from Jas taking patter tt for interment. sent ba the Men's Bible dui and the Welke inshatn's respected ay on Tuesday at street, in the person loved wife of Mr. er 64th year. Mrs. ing for some two et five months had She was a dough. ally, who was one urnberry. Nearly she was married or forty-one years osite the cemetery. family moved to de bad for years e Baptiet church e in the work of e oircle of friends • with deep regret ave the sympathy :asides the bereav- e! nine daughters viz: -Mrs Wm. amen Stapleton, of . as Sale, Wing- . Malot San Fran- Robt. Allier, Medi. dre. E. W. Moorehouse, I ; Mrs. :0. S. Day, til. Sohevalier, Maple Miss Ella, at borne; of Toronto and 011ie tford. The funeral will Fridity afternoon at 2.80 he Wingham cemetery, the house at 2 o'olook. by FLETCHER. away in Wingham early ing, lyeroy Fletcher, iu after two weeks illness fever. That young -man ham from Guelph last been employed as an Walker & Olegg's feta many friends here and f the local Y. M. 0, A. e bar of the Baptist °M bar Hiebereavedparents mpathy of Wingb mites on. The rematne were Walker & 0o's under. Guelph on Wednesday Floral tributes Were . M. O. A., the Young e the Epworth League Ilk Clegg factory. PUBLIC SQ OQL EXAMS, Monthly Repo t for September, JUNI Senior section. Greta Robinso 387, Harvey Nierg 817, Alex Anderso 298, Earle Anders 275, Diok Graha 266, John MoNev oliffe 242, Leonard McCool 222, Sterli el Molaonald 208 195, Currie Wilso 171, Helen Jones 160, Willie Staplet Frank Wiley 72. Junior section, Joe Richardson 3 330, Harold Goul 300, Spenoer Johnst sten 295, Vern% Ar Nutt 270, Verna Marden 260, Floren on Pilgrim 250, Frank Moore 245, Oora Hingeton 210, Bertha Blackhall 19 Eva Paterson 170, Gladys Dear 123, 116, Ethel Finlay 7 TEIRD. arks obtainable, 410. 380, Scott Maxwell rth 332, Nora teraoey 306, Harold Maguire 285, Nellie Bennett 275, Howard Gray n 260, Willie Hine* obinson 237, 'Willie g Reading 216, Mab - Phoebe Bloomfield 178, Paul Gillespie 64, Fred constable 130, Ina Rich 126, SENIOR Senior section. Jack Maxwell 57 532, Vera Webb 50 Olive Rintoul 491, Hewer 476, Oharli Ieard 464, Pat Hol 424, Ella Oooke 42 Nina Haugh 381, nifred Walker 356 Smith 286, TiIlie Junior section. Etta Bart 528, Williams 499, Ha tie Ohristie 468, Hugh Angus 428, Effie Erskine 42 Ceoil Angus 89 Earl Mills 352, L Reading 339, N Edith Jarvis 827 JU. Senior section. Kathleen Mill Lizzie Currie 4 Ruby Hewer 338, Zarbrigg 327, - Archie Williams. 302, Charlie Sm• 294, Howard Mo Kerslake 270, Fre. Aitchison 235, Ali Bell 210, Charlie 185, °laude Maxw 180, Pearl Morden Junior seotion. Dorothy Clark 258, Frank Robins 247, Linda BULB 245, Noel Drumm 240, Margaret Pipe arks obt,inable 400. 0, Kathleen Pringle 320, Fred Walker n 295, Marion John - our 290, Edith Mc- oore 265, Winfred e March 260, Mari- e°, McDonald 250, Clair Crawford 240, aggie P000ck 205, , ezra Pocook 185, exie Hoffman 150. larence 0. Thornton ECOND, arks obtainable, 615. , Nellie Vanalstine Sara Hamilton 499, ileen Dore 485, Irene Graham 471, Clara es 435, Sara MoLean , Mark Cassells 419, ent Smith 360, Win - Lila Bell 303, Miriam ottrell 181. arks obtainable. 585. red Walsh 507, Irma vey Dennis 487, Net- Gertie Oantelon 437, Victoria Paterson 425, , Vera Davidson 394, . John Nicholls 390, retta Sturdy 346, May rman MoRitohie 337 Heloiae Kennedy 307. OR SECOND, Make obtainable, 456 414, Phyllis Johns 406. 0, Neil • McLean 373, Willie Dear 333, Lottie ayton Maxwell 810, n 302, Vera Stricker h 295, George Allen maid 286, Oalmady Sturdy 265, Wallace e Imlay 210, Stanley Bell 192, Ooza Wild 11181, Jean Christie 40, Eva Myles 29, , It, arks obtainable, 328. 258, Henry Aitoheson n 251, Teddy Mural d 246, Dora Lanndy d 241, Elda Gowdy 235, Florence Dia- mond 201, Reggie; Smith 184, Charlie Ieard 176, May All 162, Earls Huff- man 162, Irene I, Hinsoiiffe 139, May. garet Carruth 116, Charlie Lloyd 104 SENIOR P�1, Elizabeth Ham#1t Percy Joynt, Ruti Dobie, Stanley Mcl fogle, Harry Ang Albert Bloomfield, Rollo Sanderson, E and Jarvis, Marl Stapleton, Thelmi Claridge, Madre P0000k, Cart Dio Eddie Tangher. JUNIOR P Stanley Robinso eon 011ie Hamilt Kenneth Nichol, Hardy, Willie MoN Catharine Adams, Dobie, Madeline nedy, Joe Saint, Oharlie Jones, Jolen#i Taugher, William Sturdy, Sara Brown, aton 157, Florence Passmore 117, Mar- iarold Hamilton 112, RT SECOND. on, Edna Musgrove, Anderson, James onald, George Fry- e. Hazel Misener, Velma Johnston, velyn Angus, Leon- Ooultes, Chester Sanderson, Eva l Walker, Charlie on, Lily Oasemore, RT SECOND. Kathleen Wilkin- , Laurie Duncan, noon, lex Taylor, Clara vin, David Leteon, S avin Holmes, EIIa iker, Aileen Seta Tedford, Gordon d T , Davidson, Johnny Pocock, Arthur c iokie Madigan. 1, SENIOR Names 15 order of Irene Day, Isabel Duncan, Frank Spa mots, Richard Olar Gordon Orcfoksha Millie Kerslake, Downey Lynett, Ja Johnston, Allan Go George Misener, Hart, Shirley Don. oott, John Hayles Thomas Rioh, Velm JUNioR Freddie Piper, Dorothy Walla D ,. Howard Harman, deride Hingeton, Joynt, Montle Re Diokaon, Ina Willi eon, Edith Kew, Bell, Delight 01 Viola Fnrlar, 01 JJabk ar-is Litton. 00 • ART I, • aril. e Reid, Madeline ing, Isabelle Sims , Harry Gamnett, Vista Royce, harlie Artnotir, •• ea Allan, Albert d, Neiman Morden, Ilia Carrie, Edith doon, Lillian Ella Antie Biabkhali, Tamara • ART I. Alba Galbraith, Law w en be I,enn x Marguerite Johns, ora Eilacott, Verne , Doris Fells, Zone me, Agnes William olet Andersen, Laura akey, Jennie Arde, ord'Oasemore, Earl , Clifford Robertson, Miss Sparling GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY QF MUSIC And Authorized Teacher of the F'etoher Music Method, Simplex and Kinder- garten. Pnpile prepared for Coz•eerve, tory exams., both in Theory and Plane. CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7th. For information mat on as to rates, tuition, eto., apply at her home, Minnie street. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Farmers wbo want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms, Lonna on real estate at the lowest rates going, BOARD OF HEbLTH MEETING. The Wingham B meeting on Mond Mayor Gregory, Cosens, Olerk Fer Inspector Allen p afternoon the me visited several septi on resolution deci yards, outhouses an be cleaned ma to th Inspector, Parties the instrnotions of prosecuted. The c. recommend to the of adopting the dr throughout the to also recommend the and the submitting ing for a pure wate tors next January, and of Health held a y afternoon with m. Fessant, Abner aeon and Sanitary esent. During the' •• berg of the Board 0e of the town and ed that all back' closets in the town satisfaction of the ailing to carry obt • e Inspector will be era also decided to council the net -meaty earth closet system n without delay and sinking of a teat well of a by-law provide system to the eleo- It is very unfortu' ate Ono Wingham again has a numb r of cases of fever and it is end that, we have to record deaths in this issue, mused :by this die - ease. We hope the the Steps taken by the Board of Heait1 willhelp in a great measure to check t e spread of the dis- ease. The TIMES as always Advocated a system of pure w ter for the town and did all we could to enure the pasting oft, the by -taw recent submitted to the ratepayers. While we believe that pare water will go a 1 g way in leveening the number of on es of fever, we alae believe that the 1 w regarding cleanli- ness about the b k yards and closets should be rigidly a forced and in this way many cases would be prevented. Highest price paid for hides and. poul- try at T. Fells' butcher slum You can have your buttons msde 10 order from any kind of material at R. MA$WELL'S tailor shop. The Leading Shoe Store A MESSAGE Announcing the Arrival of our FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR Everything in hoes for every- body. There isn't a correct Footwear style, fad or fancy that you'll not find ready and waiting for you here. Every leather -every shape - every size -for Men, Women and Children. Why be satisfied with the limited stocks, styles and higher prices of other stores when this almost Unlimited assortment of up-to-date styles at money sa,ing prices is at your finger tips? Won't you step in and see it? W. J.. Greer THE SHOE MAN Bole agent: Slater and enviotne Spat's Ate Men. natter mid. Etnpreat Shoes for Women.