The Wingham Times, 1909-10-07, Page 5THE W1Ntx. Ola, TIMES, OCTOBER 7 1;luv
Our Milhinery
Are meeting with ready ac-
ceptance. Every effort is
put forth to give an in-
dividual air to each hat as it
comes from the work room.
Kindly leave your order
early in the week so as to
avoid the possibility of dis-
Miss Reynolds.
♦s4ess♦•♦4••♦♦+v♦•••••r44or• •♦•♦••♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦era
+ •
The Greatest B gains ever
heard of in Wingham
val Sale
We are removing from store now occupied, to the
Beaver Block.
Everthing here must be sold regardless of cost or re-
gular price, as we purpose re -starting with an entirely
new and natty stock.
i +
14k Solid Gold Ladies' Watch, 15
♦ Jewel Waltham and Elgin Move-
ment. Regular $40. Now only $30
+ Ladies' 14k 25 year. Gold Filled, 15
Jewel, Waltham and Elgin
Why h. Regular $16. Now
4 Ladies' Silver Watches. Regular
$5,00. Now only $3.50
+ Men's 18 size, open face, 14k 25
+year Gold Filled Case, 21 Jewel,
Waltham Watch. Regular $40.
+ Now only $30.25
+ Men's 18 size, open fags, 14k, 25
'+ year, gold filled case, 17 Jewel
• Waltham and Elgin. Regular
,+ $30.00. Now only $22
9 Men's 18 size, open face, 20 year,
'+ gold filled ease, 17 jewel, P. S.
+ Bartlett, Waltham. Regular
$17.00. Now only $11.50
+ Men's 18 size, open fade, 20 year,.
♦ gold filled, oaee, 15 jewel Wal.'
♦ thaw and Elgin Watch. ReRu-
174 lar $15 00. Now only $9.75
i'�_ Men's 16 size, open face, 25 year
gold filled case, 17 jewel Wal-
• tham and Elgin. Regular $24,
• Now only,.. $16.90
en's 16 size, open face, 20 year
'# gold filled oase, 16 jewel Wal-
tham and Elgin. Regular $18..
Now only $12.75
i1 Men's Silver Watches, 17 jewel
Waltham movement. Regular
,4*$17. Now only $12,50
• Men's 17 jewel Waltham and Elgin
Watch. in nickel case. Regular
+ $12. Now only $8.25
Men's 15 jewel Waltham and Elgin
4 Watch, in niokel case. Regular
$9.00. Now only • $6.50
Men's 7 jewel Waltham and Elgin
Watch, in nickel case Regular
• $7,00. Now only $4.90
+ Boys' Watches. Regular $1,50.
Now only ,
`• Opposite Queen's Hotel, A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS.
+++++++++++++++++.0.+++++++, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fanoy Mantle, Marbleized Clocks.
Regular $9 00. Now only. $5.75
8 Day Oak or Walnut Mantle
Clooke. Regular $4,00. Now
only $2.50
Alarm Clooke. Regular $2.50.
Now only $1.60
Alarm Clocks. Regular $100.
Now only 69e
f The Clothes with
a National
McGee &
Having a largo stock of Silverware. +
we are offering it below coat. Now +
is your opportunity.
Bernard Brophey was away on his
holidays last week.
Mrs, M. T.Aeddy is at the Clinton
hospital and we hope she may soon be
fully restored to good health.
John Craig bee bis new silo com-
We now have telephone communica-
tion. The line of the North Heron
Telephone Co, from Whalebone to this
plane has been completed and the tele-
phones were installed last week. The
Company now have their workmen
busy building branch lines.
Rev. and Mrs. Cook are spending
their holidays visiting with friends in
Mise Elsie Cook has returned home
after spending two months in the West
Mr. John Kerr, of Wingham, prenoh-
ed in the Methodist Church here on
Sunday beet. The services next Sunday
will be taken by Mr. Walter Hall, of
Ladies' Long Chains. Regular $8. +
Now only $4.95 •
Ladies' Long Chains, Regular $5. +
Now only ... , .. $2.95
Men's gold filled watch chains. +
Regular $10. Now only... $6.25 +
Regular $8 00. Now only. $4.75 +
Regular $5.00. Now only. $2.95 •
Regular $300. Now only. $1.75 +
Ladies' Extension Bracelets +
Regular $8 00 Now only. $5.00 +
Regular $5 00. Now only. $2.95
Ladies' Solid Gold Pearl Pendants.
Regular 25.00. Now only $17.25
Regular 15.00. Now only $10.75 +
Regular 11.00. Now only.. $8.75
Ladies'Gold Signet Rings. Regular '+
$6.00. Now only $3.75 i
Regular $4 00. Now only $2.75
Men's Signet Rings. Regular $8. •
Only now $5.50
Regular $6.00. Now only. $3.75
ILadies' and Men's Stone Set Rings
at exceptionally low prices. •
Special prices in Lookets, Locket
Chains, Men's and Ladies' Fobs,
Br000hea, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, etc. •
Do You Laub Solf•Control?
If you are constantly keyed up, ner-
vone, perhaps depressed -look to your
over-worked nerves for the cause
They are starving for the nourishment
that Ferrozone so quickly supplies.
Besides its tonic action on the nervous
system, Ferrozone has marvelous blood -
forming properties. It thus supplies
strengthening materials to every nook
and corner of the body and brings the
evstem to a condition of perfect health.
To be strong, to eat well, and work long
without fatigue, use Ferrozone; it is
the best nerve system tonic known. At
all dealers in 50e. boxes.
A wedding of more than usual interest
to friends in Howiok township took
place at 5 o'olook, Wednesday evening,
Sept. 291h, at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. Samuel Johnston, Ford-
wlch, when Mr. Harvey Sperling, the
youngest son of Mr. Edwin Sperling,
and Mies Christens Johnston were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The Rev. Wallaoe Johnston, brother of
the bride, tied the nuptial knot which
united the lives of these estimable young
people. The wedding was a quiet one,
witnessed only by the immediate rela-
tives of the bride and groom and a few
close friends, They were both unat-
tended. The bride was very becomingly
attired, and looked oharneing. After
congratulations sumptuous refreshments
were served. After an evening most
pleasantly passed in a social manner the
groom took his prize to his own home,
dispensing with the usual honeymoon
trip. They received a number of
beautiful wedding gifts.
Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan.
No physician was more successful in
treating stomach and liver troubles than
Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh medi-
cines and produced a wonderful pill of
vegetable composition that always
cures. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are noted
for promptly onring billiousness, sick
headaches, constipation and stomach
trouble. They work like a charm -very
mild -yet searohieg and health -giving.
No where can a better tonin laxative be
found than in Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Try them and be convinced, 25o. at all
I1.1.`tiT WAWA." OS;I.
Tho Council met at 13 algravo on Sept.
27th, pursuant to adjiurnment; anrnl-
tiers all present but Mr. Canning;
minutes of last meeting read and con-
firmed on motion of Coanoiliore (. il-
leepie and Scott.
By -Law No. 14, 1909, authoriziug the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow mons y
for township purposes was duly read
and passed.
The following aoconnts wore preoant-
ed and ordered to be paid: --J M Gili,
building approaches and furnethia,;
materiel for Belgrave bridge, con. 9
$24.67; Anthony Hag;;itt, putting in
tile crossing opposite lot 40, con 9,
$3,00; Wm. Arbucale, underbruehing
opposite lot 42, non. 12, $6 00; Vint &
Love, part payment building Edwards
bridge, con. 6, $516 00; Vint & Lwe,
part payment building culvert me the
Hallahan drain, $100.00; Wm. Watson.
inspecting building Edwards bridge,
con. 6, $43.50; Wm. Watson, inspecting
buildiug culvert on Hallahan Drain,
$11.50; Henry Edwards repairing cul-
vert, sideline 33 and 34, con. 5, $1 50;
David A. Dunbar, balance contract
North Branch on Hallahan Drain, $44;
Fred Rath, drawing tile and putting in
drain opposite lot 38, con. 6, $10.40;
Fred Rath, putting in culvert, con. 4,
$4 00; Frank Campbell, drawing tile
and putting in culvert, sideline 30 and
31, con. 5, $3 00; Wm. P. Hallahan,
part payment south branch on Hallahan
Drain, $44.68; Jno. W. Mason, repair-
ing bridge, eideltne 39 and 40, con. 9,
52 00; Peter W. Scott, expenses to To-
ronto attending meeting re Provincial
Sanitarium, $5 00; Jno, W. Solar,
cleaning river bottom and repairing
approach to river, con. 6, $3 00; Robt
H. Scott, work with team and shovel-
ling gravel, $4 50; MoKinnon Bros.,
gravelling, con. 9 and widening road,
con. 10, $36.25; Pat Gibbons, inspecting
gravelling, non. 9, $3 00; Wm, Ruddy,
gravelling on sideline 30 and 31, con. 2,
$31.03; Thos. Straughan, inepecting
gravelling, con. 2, $1.50; Wm. Dobie,
underbrnshing on con. 2, $11 10; Wm.
Dobie, drawing tile and repairing road,
sideline 33 and 34, con. 3, $35,00; Wm.
Beecroft, gravel, $7.40; Robt, Sheill,
gravel. 400; Leask McGee, shovelling
gravel, 52.50; Harvey MoGeo, gravel,
$L0 70; Jno. Redmond, gravel, $5.50;
David Ramsey, gravel, $2 50; Wm.
Nethery, gravel, $3.30; Jonathan Pat-
tison, shovelling gravel, $3 00; E.
Stapleton, shovelling gravel, $1.25;
Peter King, gravel, $2.50.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Wednesday, October 27th
Catarrh Cared or Money Back.
The cense of Catarrh is a germ. It
multiplies in the lining of the nose and
throat, spreads to the bronchial tubes
and finally reaches the lungs -Cough
syrapoan't follow to the lungs -it goes to
the stomach -and fails to cure -Ca•
tarrhozolie is inhaled. It goes every-
where -gets right after the germs -kills
them -heals the sorenese-stops dis-
charge and haoking-cures every trace
of Catarrh. You're absolutely pertain
of oure for Catarrh, throat irritation,
colds or bronchitis, if you use Catarrh -
ozone. 25o. and $1 00 sizes sold every-
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., went to
Ripley last Thursday to preaoh prepare-
ory servioe for Rev. Mr. McLean.
Anniversary services will be preached
in Knox Church on Oct. 17th by Rev.
D. McKerrol of Luoknow.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on the
afternoon of Thursday, Oot. 14th at the
home of Mrs. J. C. Johnston at 2.30.
All the ladies aro weloome.
Miss Ella McKinnon was home over
Sunday from her school near Monk -
Next meeting of township Council
will be held at Ethel on Monday, Oct-
ober 25th.
An appeal has been entered in the
Marsh ve. Grey township suit and it
will come up for hearing at Toronto,
next month probably.
A silo has been built on the farm of
Mrs. H. McKinnon, 7th con., and it was
filled this week preparatory to the com-
ing winter's feeding.
Frank Woods, 16th con., delivered to
John Bateman at Ethel, on Wednesday
of last week, eight hogs farrowed on
May 9th, being four months and 20 days
old, which weighed 1720 lbs., and aver-
age of 215 pounds each. Mr. Woods
would like to know who can beat this.
The total taxes to be collected in
Grey township for 1909 amounts to the
tidy sum of $28,086.19. Tax Collector
Bishop, in the North Division, will
gather in $11,641 26 and Collector Mc-
Nair, in the South, will be responsible
for $16,444.93. Drain and Railway
rates are one pause of the increased
amount in the Southerly portion of the
township. The Collectors will soon be
A social was held at the manse on the
evening of 22nd September, and a very
enjoyable time was spent by all. A
good programme was rendered, consist-
ing of songs, instrumentals and read-
ings. Before the refreshments were
served, Mrs. West was called forward
and was presented with an address and
an autograph quilt from the members of
the Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. West
made a reply thanking her many frionds
for presenting the pretty quilt to her,
The following was the address:
Dear Mrs. West, -We, your friends
and fellow -laborers in the Ladies' Aid
Society of Knox Oharoh, realizing your
interest in our sooiety and the church,
feel that thorn could bo no more
fitting destiny for our autograph quilt
than to be placed in your hands. The
token of our common labor in the flnan-
oial interests of the new church, the
quilt is a memento of the many friends
who helped in the good cause. We are
sure, Mrs. Went, the good wishes of
these as well as of the members of the
Ladies' Aid Society accompany the gift.
May it:remain a pleasing souvenir to
you and Mr, West of the good work that
Ilea been done together.
The wife of a farmer named Grover,
living ten miles southeast of Leo, Al-
berta, and her two children lost their
lives in a prairie fire.
One in Seven Called by Consumption.
A. dreadful plague indeed when you
consider that in inoipent stages it can
be cured. Take care of the little cold
before it becomes a big one. When the
throat is sore and it hurts to expand
your chest, rub in Nerviline and im-
mediately apply one of Poison's Nervi -
line Porous Plasters, Pain and tight-
ness are at once releived. Inflammation
and soreness gradually disappear and
fatal illness is thus avoided. Nerviline
Plasters aot as a counter irritant over
the seat of pain, and as an exterior ap-
plication in curing colds in the muscles,
in pleurisy and headaches they have no
equal. Keep these remedies right in
your home.
Jas. Wilkinson and wife, of Escanaba,
Minh„ are here renewing old friend-
ships. The former is a son of J. Wilkin-
son, now of Belgrave.
Miss Lola Agar, 2nd line, and Mies
Alice Paul, of Blnevale, who have
been visiting friends at Detroit, and
Seaforth, have returned to their homes.
J. W. and Mrs. Calder moved last
week to Guelph where Mr. Calder has
secured a position with the Hydro -
Electric Power Co. of Ontario. We
wish them 61100088 in their now home.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Jackson church, Sabbath, Oct. 17th.
Rev. Mr. Millyard, of Goderich, will
preach in the afternoon at 2 30 and Rev.
Mr. Small, of Blyth, in the evening at
7 o'clock. A thank -offering will be
taken at each servioe.
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Robert Shedden, 4th line, who has
been undergoing treatment at Clinton
hospital for several weeks, is improv-
ing quite nioely and her many friends
hope she will soon return as well a3
Estoblilhed 1879
Vnporizcd Cresols e at
Whooping Cough. By
not exist where r re
d' tly on nose
fs, SORE
the paroxysms of
dreaded Croup can-
ene is used. It acts
sec throat, ,O 1dng breathing
easy in the ease of colds, soothes the sore
throat and Mops the cough. Itis a boon to
sufferers of Asthma.
Cresolene is a powerful germicide, acting both
as a curative and a preventive in contagious
diseases. Cresotene's beat recommendation is
its thirty years of successful use.
ref We by All rlragglats
tendPastel for De-
scriptive Booklet
Throat Tablete, simple
and soothing for the
irritated throat, 10e.
Leeming, Miles Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mon-
treal, Canada. 308
Isard's For Best Value in
Readyto Wear Clothiog
SPOT these days -eager buyers are after bargains in Men's and Boys'
OVERCOATS and SUITS and they are finding just what they want
here at a BIG SAVING-. This is a growing branch of our business
and we have added several NEW LINES of 1JIGRI CLASS TMLOR-
Come and inspect our stock. OUR PRICES will interest you.
MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS, -English worsted, dark brown,
with shadow stripe, single-breasted. sack, nicely made, re-
gular value $12,00, our price $10.00
MEN'S FINE SUITS. -Made of English worsted, rich olive and
brown tones, latest cut, regular valve $15,00, our price$12.50
Lowness of price is not the only attraction here.
YOUTH'S SUITS. -Sizes 31. 35, fine quality English worsted,
coloring are two tone effects, neat cuffs on sleeves and laps
on pockets, regular 12.00 suits„ our cut price $10.00
BOYS' 3 PIECE SUITS. -In fine serge and Canadian tweeds,
single or double-breasted, prices are $2,50, $3.00, $3.50
REEI'ERS,-new styles, all sizes, English napp and plain
navy Beaver Cloths, prices are $2.50, 3,00, 3,50. 4.00
English Kersey Cloth, tailored in best manner, twelve dollar
value for $10.00
MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS. -Scotch T weed Ulsteriug of
fine finish in olive, green and brown colorings, largest
improved Prussian collar, extraordinary value $12.00
MEN'S REEFERS. -.lust the kind for cold weather, we have
the Leather, Corduroy, Duck, Etoffe, all prices.
UNDERWEAR, -Skilled operators have produced, for us Under-
wear, which stands the test of time and will give absolute
RAINCOATS. -There's health and comfort in our Raincoats.
They shed the rain perfectly and make you feel comfortable,
may save you a doctor bill to own one.
HATS AND CAPS. -Newest styles, newest shapes, newest ideas,
are here in countless numbers. Step in and try one on, we
can fit you, both ways.
GLOVES. --Fine quality, and they show it.
On motion of Wilkinson and Johnston
the tender of Miss Mary Ann Combe for
the Russell drain debentures at par, was
On motion of Shortreed and McCrack-
en the olerk was inetruoted to solicit
tenders for the Smith drain debentures,
tenders to be opened at the next Council
meeting on Nov. 1st next.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows: -Wm. Fraser, work and tile on
lat line, $5 97; Wm. McMichael putting
in culvert, $2 50; McKinnon Bros, grav-
elling on North boundary, $44 25; A.
McGee, inspecting on North boundary,
$6; P. Fowler, gravelling on North
boundary, $7.35: H. McArter, gravel,
$2.61; S. Wacker, gravel, $1 40; R. Proc-
ter, team work on grader, $5; R. Me -
Murray, team work on grader, $3.50; S.
Nicholson, team work on grader, $3 50:
Geo. Daley, work on road, $1,25; T.
Miller, operating grader, $2; J. Short'
reed, repairing culvert, $3; Miller Bros.
gravel, $7.63; J.H. Sellars, travel, $2 52;
J. Thyne, gravel, $2,45; R. Young, put-
ting in culvert and tile drain, $4; G. H.
Wheeler, repairs ongrador, $1,75; F. J.
Martin, assistance on Russell drain, y1;
C. Pollard, gravel, $2.40; A, Cochrane,
digging ditch on 4th line, $'02, putting iu
culvert, $4, work on road, $2; Win.
The Council met according to ad-
journment on Sept. 27th. Members n11
present, the Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting read and confirmed.
.A. petition was presented by Mr. Wm.
Oakley and others asking for the con-
etruotion of a drain under the provisions
of the municipal drainage act. On
motion of Shortreed and McCracken the
said petition was entertained and the
Clerk was instructed to notify Engineer
Roger to examine the locality of the
proposed drain and make his report
Tenders were received for the e a-
etruotion of the Smith drain from
Messrs. Crowley & McDonald, Connelly
& Nicholson and Kirby & Button.
On motion of Wilkinson and Johnston
the tender of Kirkby & Button at the
sum of $3,715 for the completion of the
drain, exolusire of culverts was accept-
ed, the same being the lowest, and the
olerk was instructed to have the agree*
ment drawn no and signed as early as
Wilkinson, digging ditch and drawing
tile, $4.50; Dnff &Stewart, material and
work on McGuire's bridge, $18.34, mat-
erial and work on Clegg'e and Camp-
bell's bridges, $208.89, taking down 2nd
line bridge and drawing lumber to let
line bridge, $21; Frank Kearney, putting
in culvert, $2.50; J. McCall, digging
municipal share of the MoElroy drain,
$27 30; J Mo0a11, drawing and antting
in Dement tile, $5,50; N. A. Taylor, ex-
penses to Toronto, $5
On motion of Wilkinson and Short -
reed the Counted then adjourned to meet
again on the let day of Nov. next.
W. CLARK, Clerk.
First Dividend.
It was announced Thnraday by the
lignidators, the National Trust Com-
pany, that the first dividend of 25 per
cent. will be paid immediately to the
shareholders and claimants against the
York County Loan and Savings Co.
The work of the liquidators of the de-
funct company seems to have been very
thorough in oharacter, and as the land
value of the real estate held by the
oompany is appreciating in value, oth-
er and substantial dividends are ex-
pected to follow in due coarse, In the
oonree of a few weeks a etatomont
will be issued to the several share-
holders, amounting in nnmbor to up-
wards of 114,000.
Tome :,Emc a, t?
There is an immense difference between a tonic and a
stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a
stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect
health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,
a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so.
He knows. Ask him. Do as he says. J. C. Auer Co., Lotltelf,Mdss.
Constipation is the one great cause of sick -headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad
breath, debility, nervousness. Ilas your doctor ever recoiu me nod Ayer's Pills to you?