HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-10-07, Page 1THE
Why Suffer
Will cure you
The great English Remedy for
Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Nausea
and all disorders arising from
imperfect digestion.
Prepared by Da. J. P. FOTHER•
GILL, Manchester, Eng.
For sale in Wingham by
Walton McKibbon
Maodonald Block, Wingham.
Ladies, see the right up-to-date new
Fall Millinery, and selling at the Ioweet
possible prices at MRs. GREEN'S. Miss
Shortt, of London, head milliner.
BUTTER and EGGS. -Bring along your
Produce.cuoe. Highest Price paid in ex-
for Boots and Shoes.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Robbers
Police Magist1
Last Saturday mo
appeared before Polio
ton on a charge of s
a party who was on
The charge was laid
Mr, Monk was ass
days in jail.
Ite's Court.
ning John Monk
Magistrate Mor-
pplying liquor to
the "Indian list."
y Chief Allen and
sed $36.00 or 30
WANTED. -A good new miloh cow.
Apply at TIMES office.
Auction Sale
Mr, D. Stewar
hold an auction
house, Wroxeter,
8th, when a num
heifers, steers, etc.
sale. There is a
John Purvis, anoti
f Live Stock.
McNaughtc will
le at the Gotten
n Friday, October
er of miloh cows,
will be offered for
ood list of stock.
Read Mits. GREEN'S millinery locals.
A speoial meetin
the Wingham Y.
in their rooms,
(Thursday) evenin
arrangements for re
indoor work for the
members are rcgae,
PHONE 101.
Wingham Greenhouses
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
chain, for "IN UNION THERE
The demand for our grad-
uates is THREE TIMES
the supply.
Other schools engage our
graduates as teachers. .A
special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago are now earning $2,000
per annum.
Three Oonrses.-OOMMER-
Fall term
opens Aug. 30
for particulars.
ON, Principal
Bring Along Choice Butter
of the members of
C. A. will be held
1 k this
Meyer block,
at 8 o'clock to make
nosing the regular
inter months. All
ted to attend this
NEw DESIGNS in Fall Millinery, up-
stairs in Hanna & Co's. store.
Grey Townsh
Mr. John Mein)
number of years
Township of Grey,
Ethel on Thursday
was in his Gard y
poor health for
of paralysis
his sudden death.
in Brussels oemete
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8.
New Aucti
Messrs. Frank Mc
Hough have opene
Holmes block at t•
town. where the
every alternate S.
sale will be held on
The rooms afford a
for the storing of f
having articles for
firm. Mr. MoOonn
conduot farm stop:
p Clerk Dead.
sh, who has for a
been Clerk of the
died at hie home in
last. The deceased
ar and had been in
me time, but stook
s the cause of
Interment was made
y on Monday after -
TRUNKS and VALISES. -Big stook at
lowest prices. W. J. GREER.
•n Rooms
►onnell and Roland
-auction rooms in
e north end of the
will conduct sales
tnrday. The first
Saturday, 16th inst.
ple accommodation
niture, eto. Parties
le should see this
1 is also prepared to
sales at reasonable
must be sold. See our advt. R. KNox.
Darkey Hal
Darkey Hal again
Columbus, Ohio., on
pacing rape. The be
on a heavy track. ly
a very successful se
Hal, winning all the
she was entered and
of the very beet ho
cironit. The gran
over this week, but
enter Darkey Hal i
ing her to town on
Fal I Fairs cad Weather.
Wingham fair w.: not the only one in
this dietriot that au ered from the bad
weather last wee The other fairs
were Ripley, Atw • d, Paisley, Goder-
ich and Brussels. The editor of the
TIMES attended the Brussels fair on Fri-
day, and while th attendance was fair-
ly good, the exh bits were not up to
those at Wingh:`n, the bad weather
preventing the p: ople Doming in with
the indoor exhibi
bury House, Olin on, Ont.
At Mrs. Green's, a large and elegant
stock of new Fall Millinery now ready
for inspection. No trouble to show
Cooking D
The McOlary M
London held ver
demonstrations in
Stewart & Co., o
and Wednesday of
the McOlary Pand
operation and the
of the stove were
large number of v
was in charge of
i8 an expert stove
ment should mean
sales for the oeleb
nufactnring Co. of
suooessful cooking
e hardware of J. G.
Monday, Tuesday
vet week. One of
ra Ranges was in
any good qualities
ointed out to the
hors. The exhibit
. F. R. Little, who
an, This advertie-
a number of extra
ted Pandora range.
on Again,
on her race at
riday in the 2.05
t time was 2.04;
. Swarts has had
son with Darkey
ood races in which
turning down some
Nes on the grand
circuit races are
dr. Swarts did not
the last race, bring-
Cash paid for live spring chickens and
fowl at S. PAUL'S store, Blnevale.
Bring them every Monday forenoon.
Telephone Lii
The line of the
phone Co. from• Win
tine was completed
Sixteen telephones
line. Workmen ar
lines on the diff
work as feeders on
expected that a 1
telephones will be
lime in a few wee
the district will
and the oompan
lines this fall. T
ers on the lines o
should be nears
BoY WANTED. -Bright votive boy to
learn the general store business. Apply
to D. M. GORDON.
An Old
Word reached
of the death tha
Mrs. Wm. Ole
year. The deoe
the pioneer reside
ing settled there
years ago she mo
for a number of y
street. Of late yt
home at B1enh
hearted and h
and had a lar,
Wingham an
were brought
plane on Wed
residenoe of
street, to the
forth Huron Tele -
;ham to St. Angus -
last week and now
re working on this
now busy building
rent concessions to
the main line. It is
rge number of new
placed on these new
e. Other sections of
e canvassed at once
expect to build more
e number of subeorib-
tbe North Huron Co.
one hundred before
Successful T
The annual Is
vices held in
Sunday last w
successful eery
The ohuroh
with the fruit
orchard and th
vines was very
packed to the
E. Jeakius, M
vioes and hi:
both bearing
morning enbj
Seed time it
and in the ev
Harvest Fie
listened to
large oongre.
the leadershi.
ably rendero
services. T
were $135, b:
last year.
and entertai.
was largely
ohnroh very
of the inner
ohuroh fro•'
Memorial H:.
as chairman
one and con.
Dr. Rutledge
ills. Sounder
H. Willis,
Rankin, Re •
McDonald ;
terson, Sara
and an ant
The prooee
amoated t
St. Paul's
the winter weather.
WANTED. -Two furnished rooms and
board for two persons, in a good locality.
Apply at TIMES office.
Removing. Where? To Beaver block.
Help ns by reducing our stook.
Letter from
We have this we
from "Fair Play" in
whether "mail-orde
the oritioiem whiol
through the Trans.
a good letter but v
place until the wri
editor. We heartil
whoever he may b
have always been
the Tmius and beli
son has done more
of Wingham and
its interests than y
words of encoureg
seldom hears, no
may' do for the
"Fair-Plav" will
his letter will be
sident Dead.
Tingham on Monday
day at Blenheim, of
ending, in her 86th
ed lady was one of
ts of Turnberry, hav-
any years ago. Some
ed to Wingham and
ars resided on Minnie
ars she has made her
m. She was a kind•
hly esteemed resident
oirole of old friends in
dietriot. The remains
ere and the funeral took
may afternoon from the
Rioherd Porter, Minnie
Yhigh= oemetery.
'Fair- Play."
received a letter
which he questions
houses" deserve
they aro receiving
"Fair -Play" writes
e cannot give it a
✓ is known to the
thank the writer,
, when he says: -"I
a great admirer of
ve that no one per -
✓ the advancement
✓ the protection of
urself." These are
ment that an editor
atter what good he
community and if
end along his name
iven a plane in our
WANTED -A good servant girl; nos,
washing or ironing. Good wage
Apply to MRS. (DR.) KENNEDY.
GIRLS WANTED. -For wor n power
sewing machines in knittin mill or on
day work. Olea st y work and
good wages. Ap to THE WATSON
MrG. GO. LIMITED, Paris, Ont.
THE LATEST in Pall Millinery at
reabonable prieei . TIM MISSES LITTLE,
upstairs in Hanna & Co's. store.
Quiet H
The home of
street, was the so
Wednesday of las
daughter, Miss El
in wedlock with
Toronto, and a fo
dent of Wingha
ness with bis br
The ceremony w•
0. E. Jeakine, M.
onoe of the imm
oontraottng pard
of Wingham's
ladies and she
large oirole of fr
peoially mieaed
where she bas b
Among the prase
halt a dozen han
from the A. 'Y,
Chnroh and a
table from the
bride's travelli
broadcloth, wit
Mr, and
train for Toro
heartily vita
wishing them
Wedded life.
and daughter
Mr. and Mrs.
wore among the guests from a distenoe.
nksgiving Services.
west thanksgiving ser -
t. Paul's Church on
re said to be the moat
.es held in this ohuroh.
s beautifully decorated
of the field, garden and
attendance at both eel. -
large, the ohuroh being
cors, The reotor, Rev. C.
A., B. D , took both ser•
eermons were excellent,
on the ocoasion, the
:ot being "Thankegiving-
d harvest shall not fail"
ning, ''Lessons from the
," The sermons were
th much interest by the
ations. The choir sander
of Mr, W. H. Willis, very
the musical part of the
e offerings for the day
ng some $40 over that of
.e annual harvest supper
.ent on Monday evening
tended. The ladies of the
bly looked after the wants
..an in the basement of the
6 to 8 o'clock, and the
t was held in the Mills
11, with Rev, C. E. Jeakine
The program was a good
fisted of addressee by Rev.
, Rev. D. Perrie and Rev.
, of Lueknow; solos by W.
es E. Estelle Griffin, Geo.
0. E. Jeakins and Charlie
election by Misses Eva Pet -
McLean and Verna Moore,
em by the Church choir,
s for Monday evening
$81. The congregation of
Droll are to be oongratulat-
ed on the success of their thanksgiving
Mr. Elmer Moor
trip through the W
Miss Hattie Lo
Goderioh for a few
Dr, and Mrs. P.
don, were visiti
friends for a few d
Mr. David Day,
was visiting for
brother -in law, Mr
Mr. John F. Lin
Mr, T. M. Henders
road were in Goder
on the jury.
Mrs. R. B. Jeffr
Mrs. C. 0. Oiafflin,
are the guests of
Amos Tipiing.
Miss Sperling r
from a pleasant visi
Winnipeg. Going
tives at Duluth a
some time with he
WANTED -Yon men to learn stove -
mounting; le a number of laboring
men. Hig wages paid. WESTERN
in ham.
FOUND Wingham.
"INVIOTus"-the name of the highest
grade Shoes made for men. A look will
convince yon. See them at
e Wedding,
s. Sadler, Josephine
• e of a happy event on
week when her eldest
a Sadler, was joined
Mr. Jas. H. Kerr, of
mer well-known reel -
having been in bust-
ther, Mr. John Kerr.
performed by Rev.
„ B. D., in the pres-
.iate relatives of the
s. The bride is one
ost highly esteemed
ill be missed by her
ends and will be ea-
u St. Paul's Church,
n an active worker.
to the bride were
painted china plates
P. A. of St. Paul's
narter-oat oak library
nnday School, The
suit was of green
hat of the Name color.
left on the afternoon
o and the TIMES joins
heir many friends in
many years of happy
r, and Mrs. Geo. Sadler
Thelma, of Detroit and
W. Kerr, of Toronto,
Death of I.
The people of
sincere regret on
of the death of Mr
home on Frances
ago Mr. Parker
typhoid fever and
recovery, being a
house and take sh
day he took sndd
was thought from t
for recovery were
gradually sank anti
Tuesday evening.
in Morris townehi
ye ars ago. Thirte:
a position with Mr.
Brussels marble w•'
reside there until
he Dame to Wing
with Mr. Cochran
one of Wingham's
and had a very lar
He was always ac
the Church, being
Wingham Methodi:
a number of years
the Sunday School a
in the Epworth Le
of the Y. M. 0. A.
interest In Jnne.
ried to Miss MoNe'
who will have the
a large oirole of frie
ment. Besides his
is survived by on
Parker, an eugi
Sohrieber, and two
and Miss Margaret
The funeral will tisk
day) morning. Sera
10 o'olock and then
The funeral arran
will be in charge of
I. 0. 0 F., of whio
had been a mem
left this week on a
e was home from
ays' visit
Macdonald, of Lon-
g with Wingham
ys this week.
f Chilliwaok, B O.,
few days with his
Abner Oosens.
later, of town
n of the Blnevale
h last week serving
C. Parker.
Tingham heard with
Wednesday morning
Ira 0. Parker at his
street. Some weeks
was taken ill with
had made a splendid
le to be around the
rt walks. Last Fri-
ly ill again and it
en that his chances
ery slight, and he
he passed away on
Deceased was born
, near Sunshine, 33
n years ago he took
B. Cochrane in the
ke and continued to
ve years ago when
am to again work
. Mr. Parker was
• oat popular citizens
e circle of friends.
ive in the work of
a member of the
Church and had for
een connected with
d an votive worker
gee. In the work
he took an active
1908 he was mar-
hton, of Brnssele,
noere sympathy of
.ds in her bereave-
idow, Mr Parker
brother, Joseph
eer residing et
inters, Mre. Russell
arker, of Duluth.
place this (Thor/f-
oe at the house at
rooeed to Brussels.
:ments at Brussels
he Brussels Lodge,
eooiety Mr. Parer
✓ for a num.. of
aged woman to do
two. Apply to Box
, of Toronto, and
f Cleveland, Ohio,
heir brother, Mr.
turned this week
with her unole in
sat, she visited rela-
d returning spent
uncle and aunt in
g or middle
in family of
2, Wingham.
Rev. C. E. Jeak
Paul's Church on Su
under the auspices
of St. Andrew, wi
Rev. J. Mo0amu
pied the pulpit of t
on Sunday last, p
the interests of the
the church.
The anniversary
tion with St. A
Ohuroh will be
October 24th, Re
of Knox College,
at both morning a
At the annual
B. 0. Church held
ice among the min
T. Homnth, son
Toronto and for
goes to Aylmer, 0
for some time in
in West Africa, bu
on account of his
LosT-On Tuesda
Teeswater road, bet
the boundary line,
coat. Finder snit
leaving same at the
, 5th i .t., on the
eon ? ingham and
s • : tweed over -
b y rewarded on
IMEs offioe.
Low Rates
Via Grand Trnn
Return tioketa at s
18th to November
Temagami, points
Arthur and to a
reached by North
also to certain poi
Brnnswiok, No•a
October 21st to
koka Lakes, Pone
Midland, Magane
field, Madawaska
gyle to Cob000nk,
ton, Sherbet Lake
& P. Ry. Points f
Bay inclusive; a
reached by North
Return limit on a
4th, or until otos
earlier, to points r
Secure tioketa and
from any Grand Tr
✓ Hunters.
Railway System.
gle fare October
6th, to ppinte in
MattawtV to Port
of points
'igation Co,,
Qnebeo, New
S•dtia and Blaine.
mber 6th to Mus -
ng, Lake of Bays,
wan River, Lake -
o Parry Sound, Ar-
indsay to Halibur•
o Calobogio via K.
om Severn to North
d certain points
n Navigation Co.
tickets December
Of navigation, if
ohed by steamers,
nrther inforniation
k Agent,
s' subject in St.
day evening next,
f the Brotherhood
1 be: "Wanted: A
of St. Marys. own -
Methodist Church
eaching sermons in
duoational work of
seivices in conneo-
drew's Presbyterian
held. on Sunday,
. Principal Gaudier,
oronto, will preach
d evening services.
nference of the M.
near Berlin we not -
tars stationed, Chas.
Wm. Homnth, of
erly of Tnrnberry,
. Mr. Homnth was
oreign miseion work
had to return home
fe's ill health.
A Good Fair Spoi
What promised t
fairs ever held in
by the wet weatb
week gave us excell
exhibits for the bei
out in large numb
has not heretofore h
of indoor exhibits.
ladies' work and fine
some of the best wo
was on exhibition.
fruit, roots and vege
flowers, dairy and p
above former years.
Wednesday it raine
most of the afterno
standing this foot ther
hibit of horses and ca
In the stook depart
above any previone ye
idea of the good show
been bad the weath
we may say that fif
made for shorthorn
eighteen for grade br
special attractions, on
ing, had to be withdr
anoe was about quart
dance at Wingham
The prizes in the da
were awarded as foil
Sailors Hornpipe -
McLeod, Mabel McD
Trish Jig -Mabel
d by Bad Weather.
be one of the best
ngham was spoiled
• Tuesday of last
nt weather and the
ing were brought
s. Wingham fair
a better showing
The showing of
rts was good and
k ever seen hero
The showing of
ables, plants and
visions were all
Appointed to Professorship.
Oonsiderabfe stir
town on Tuesday,
nouncement that
M. A., B. D., r
Oh'urch, had been
fessorship in Hur
and that he had
This will neceseit
Rev. Mr. Jenkins a
where he will de
to the work of t
lecture on eoolesi
patriotics and hay
paratory work. H
town is very gene
had become exoee
only with his paris
members of othe
well. And, it ma
not without a m
their part that Re
are about to sever
St. Paul's congreg
after a residence h
months, during w
the church in all
made satisfactory
Jeakins was ord
the ministry by
1902, after rete
training et the
Montreal. He
rector at Huntin
to Wingham in
He was one of t
Huron College at
The College havin
this term, Rev.
84030 his new du
eible, and will con
es rector of St. Pa
inst , and the famil
about the 22nd.
Mrs. Jeakine inten
her former borne i
taking up residenoe
regretting the remov
family from town,
friends will wish t
ceea and happiness i
rn N
ts fix
rise was created in
following the en-
ev. 0. E. Jeakins,
ctor of St. Paul's
appointed to a pro -
n College, London,
eoided to accept it,
to the removal of
d family to London,
ote his whole time
e college. He will
stical history and
charge of the pre -
s removal from the
ally regretted, as he
ingly popular, not
Toners, but with the
denominations as
bo added, that it is
sure of regret on
. and Mrs. Jeakine
eir connection with
tion and the town,
re of a year and two
ich time the work of
its departments has
progress, Rev. Mr.
'ned to the work of
rohbiehop Bond iu
ing his theological
ooesan College, in
was first appointed
on, Que., and came
ngust of last year.
three examiners at
he last examination.
already opened for
Jenkins must as -
es as early as poe-
uct his last services
l's on Sunday, 17th
expect to remove
e understand that
paying a visit to
Montreal before
n London. While
of the rentor and
their numerous
m abundant sno-
heir new home.
all morning and
, but notwith-
was a good ex-
tle. The entries
nts were away
r and to give an
that would have
been favorable,
eon entriee were
reeding cow and
eding cow. The
side of the dano-
wn. The attend -
the usual atten-
oing competitions
na Riddell, Amy
°Donald, Amy
McLeod, Ina Riddell. 1
Highland Fling -Amy McLeod, Jas
Ross, Ina Riddell.
Piper Anderson, St. elens, furnished
e rt-
Thejudges in the
different depart -
� g P
horses, A. G.
ight horses, S B.
ettle, sheep and
, Wilton Grove;
era, Wingham;
ts, Mrs. Fergn-
nd seeds, Wm.
nit, plants and
(, Wingham; roots
MoKinlay, Wing-
sions, Mrs. Fargo -
r, and Mrs. J. A.
ianoing, F. Ander-
Geo. Tervit, sr.,
ments were: - Heav;
Gormely, Unionville;
Fuller, Woodstock;
swine, W. H. Beatti
poultry, Thos. Bo
ladies' work and fine
son, Toronto; grain
Clegg, Wingham; f
flowers, J. A. Morton
and vegetables, D.
ham ; dairy and prov
son, Toronto, and
Morton, 'Wingham;
derson, Belgrave an
The concert on
ing was very well
the very disagree
Webb, the boy so
of the evening.
voice and his di
appreciated by
Sanders, the corn
ed and his differ
rounds of langht
edian. The G
impersonator, w
Wingham audie
numbers were w
Estelle Griffin pe
pianist in her nen
It is very unfort
er hit the fair this
every promise of t
little money and in
been able to inoreas
year. The director
guarantee of good
have to take the b
and trust for bet
The directors will h
Tuesday evening
will be made for
prize money.
The list of pri
found on page two
Miss Sparling
And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher
Mesio Method, Simplex and Kinder-
garten. Pupils prepared for Oorserva-
tory exams„ both in Theory and Plano.
For information as to rates, tuition,
etc., apply at her home, Minnie street,
1e Wednesday even-
ttended, considering
ble weather. Elliott
rano, was the favorite
He has a very sweet
erent numbers were
he audience; Ernie
fan, was well reoeiv-
nt selections brought
• He is a good 0om-
eat Thelma, female
a new attraction to a
oe and the different
11 rendered. Miss E.
formed the duties of
1 pleasing and capable
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market,
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
payment of the fo
E. Lewis, commie
S. Mitchell, wora
A. Sanderson, w-
it II gra
Goldie & McColl
A. Sanderson, fil
0. P R rent of
Electric Light D-
D. MoKinlay, fn
Bell Tel Co, pho
T. W. Weir, do
W. G, Gray. to
Goldie & McC
nate that bad weath-
ear when there was
e society making a
his way would have
the prizes for next
, however, have no
eather and simply
tter with the sweet
✓ luck next year.
ld a meeting next
hen arrangements
he payment of the
lowing amounts::
ion on dog tax$ 2,00
at dam .45
eriug streets,33.25
3 85
4 65
ch, valves
ing at data
ale site
pt. sundries
pectin; walks.
e in chief's hoose
llooh, work at
Light Dept sup
R, Rankin, salts_y
E Lewis, "
Geo. Allen, "
J B, Ferguson,
„ r
D. C. McDonal
4 00
lies reading room 8 25
k and supplies at
25 49
20 00
45 00
alary and postage 55 50
gistering by-law2.25
, work, streets35 85
work at dam 1.65
Firemen's salar es ....... 65 00
Canada Furs. u fgs., oil 4.35
W. Guest. extra : on sidewalk, .. 5 10
Bell Tel Go.. m.•eeage........ .60
Jos. Clark, bale ce of salary 40.00
Robt Deyell, wo k ........ 7 90
Geo. Mason, stat •very ...... 7 04
Electric light a.. onnts to the amount
of 5812 31 were a so recommended for
e winners will be
f this issue.
Wingham is to be honored with a
visit from Mr. E. S. Williamson, the
Canadian Diokens Man. Don't fail to
hear him on Thursday evening, Oct.
28th, in his recital of Dickens' "Christ-
mas Carol."
Sale of Real Es ate and Farm
The executors of the estate of the late
Patrick Troy will hold an auction sale
implements, m stook, p lame
of far
etc., on the premises, south half lots 11
and 12, con. 1, I inlosa, on Monday,
Ootober 25th. The farm containing 93
acne, also a brink block in Whitechurch,
belonging to the estate, Will alao be
offered for sale at the same time and
place. JOHN ?owns, Auctioneer.
On motion of
Bone, the report
tee was adopted a
Tamlyn for $6 3.
prairie land was
tive Committee.
On motion of C
Elliott, Mrs. Thos.
rebate of $5 00 on
in assessment.
Conn. McKibb.
Committee, report
enooessful 111 getti
parties who are n
that Mr. S. Ben
lease unsigned.
Night Classes.
Ambitions young people who wish to
"learn while they earn," may do so by
attending night classes et the Wingham
Business Oollege. Each student is in•
Strncted privately by painstaking, sym-
pathetic teaohers. Yon may enter no
matter what your ednoation. Ask for
information. Phones 104 and 86.
The regular Ooto
Town Council w
evening with all t
and Mayor Grego
Minutes of pr
read and approv
A commnnloai
Canadian Muni
A oommunioa
& Son solioitin
new tulip bulbs
the Town Hall
Redmond and
referred to the
power to act.
The Finance
01108 MoKibbon and
the Fir :toes Commit -
d the account of Dr.
refund of tax,,s on
erred to th6 Exeon-
one. McKibbon and
Forbes wa4 granted a
ax s, oaiug to error
n, for the Property
a that he had been
g leases from some
ng town property, but
ett had returned hip
Moved by Con Spotton and Red-
mond, that the Property Oommittee
notify Mr. Bennet that unless he signs
lease forthwith, a said committtee is
authorized to clo entrance to park.
Council then journed.
er meeting of the
held on Monday
e members present,
vious meeting Were
on was read from the
pal Journal, solioiting
{fon from T. 0. Graham
putting an orderp
n flower beds in front of
On motion of Oouns.
one, this matter was
roperty Committee with
The Leading Shoe Store
Announcing the
Arrival of our
Everything in Shoes for every-
There isn't a correct Footwear
style, fad or fancy that you'll not
find ready and waiting for you
Every leather -every shape -
every size -for Men,.Wornen and
Why be satisfied with the
linaited stocks, styles and higher
prices of other litores when this
almost unlimited assortment of
up-to.date styles at money saving
prices is at your finger tips?
Won't you step in amd see it?
W. J. Greer
Men, Hagar and. EmpredA
Shots for Women