The Wingham Times, 1909-09-30, Page 6ERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL
!cresting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
Tleo early wenn catches the obituary
es 0tice,
D;:n'e try to grasp 011 opportunity. by
1 nt.i;.'g Selt en its tail.
The Value of Turpentine
Wh q nil Fine fare the pbyeioian ro-
t*emanee ds his vaealtlty patient to take a
trap to the turpentta.e groves ae a cure
f �r throat ,caid lung troubles. The tur-
'penicins of commerce cannot very well
be need but by extraotieg this ingredient
from genie extd by nedieg linseed D.
Ohotto succeeded in gettivg up the most
effective treatment ter threat and lung
troublee that was ever discovered. It
le Erowei an Dr. Ohase'F; S}rup of Lin•
seed and Turpentine.
A decent job with a fat salary will
rescue many a man from politics.
The disappearance of some people is
more welcome than their appearance.
Pearn the Ile Kind Von Hare Always Bn�yht
of a..d4 4
We admire people who hand us the
kind of advice we intended to follow
Love is as necessary to a woman
'who bus acquired the habit as tobacco
is to s man.
A clove>r, popular Gently Cold Cure Titb-
it/V.—celled Preventive—ie being dispens-
ed by druggists everywhere, In a few
hours, Preventics arca said to break any
cold—completely. And Preventics, bo-
ing cafe and toothsome, are very line for
children. No Quinine, no laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickenirg. Box of 48
—25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
When a girl didn't [peak to a man
Ler, mother told her not to it's a sign
they didn't meet.
Lots of people delight in doing, a
charitable stunt—after concluding ar-
rangements with the limelight man.
Dr. Chase's Oint
moat is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ash
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
t your money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
aeatereo: ELINIAxs0N.BATES & Co., Toronto.
yOne elAeZS Oth MENo..
A woman has so Much imagination
she could think her finger was willowy
if it looked like a bowl of mush.
During August there were 390 acci-
dents to Canadian work people, of
which 126 were fatal and 264 serious.
Good for Eiltonsness,
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom-
ach and Liver Tablete last night, and I
feel fifty per tent. bettor than I have for
weeks, says J. J. Firestone of Allegan,
Mich. "They are certainly a fine
article for biliousness." For sale by all
druggists. Samplee free.
William Sutherland was found 'dead
near Woodstock, having cut his throat
with a razor.
We are not in this world to do what
we wish—but to be willing to do that
which it is our duty to do,—Charles
Drive Rheumatism out of the blood
with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
and see how quickly pain will depart.
Rub -ons never did reaoh the real disease.
Rheumatism isn't in the skin. It's deep
down—it's constitutional. Getting rid
of the pain, is after all, what counts.
That .is why Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy goes, by word of mouth from
one to another. And herein lies the
popularity of this Remedy. It is win-
ning defenders everywhere. Tablets or
Liquid. Sold at Waliey'e Drug Store.
Orvis Babcock, eldest son of Silas
Babcock, a farmer residing at Spring-
field, while operating a cutting box and
silo filler, had bis left hand chopped off
by inches up to the wrist and the bone
crushed to the elbow. The lad had pres-
ence of mind to throw the machine out
of gear and probably saved the remain-
der of the limb. After the terrible shook
the boy walked to the house for treat-
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, as it allows the Kidneys
to Creel, discharge the Uric Acid
from the Blood,
Cures Old Sores.
dood Family Medicine to use for Cuts,
Scalds and Bruises.
For Salo by all Druggists.
42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Canada
John Dillon was feud guilty at Mon
. treal of the murder of Constable Shea
and Sentenced to be barged cn Novem-
ber 19.
The body of a man was taken from
the river near North Bay, with a deep
gash ha the neck, and foal play is sns-
Mr. end Mrs, Wallace Wright bad to
jump from their gascliue luuuch and
swim to shore near Brcckville owing to
the boat catching fire.
Do not try to make your home like
h eaven, but try to make your home
each that when you think of heaven
you will he reminded of your home.—
Dr. Devine.
TA1tIM T1IAT CONTAIN all 11C1_Jt .
BS mercury will surely destroy the Bence
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when euterirg it through
the mncoue surfaces. Such artiolee
should never be used except on presorip•
tions fiom reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good yon oan possibly derive from them
Hall's Catarrh Cute, ntaoniactnred b -
F. J. C:hea,ey & Co , Toledo, O., con
tains n0 mercury, srd is token inter
nally, eating air: etly nr;,on the blood
and mueone surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get ties genuine. Is is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonial free.
Sold by druggists, Price 75o per
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
At Swan Lake au Indian shot a girl,
olaiming he mistook her for a bear. The
members of the tribe are enspioions that
in was intentional, as they say the man
was jealous of the girl.
John MoKissock, an old pensioner, at-
tempted to commit suioide at Pluton by
tying his lege together and jumping off
the dock. He left the end of the rope
orthe dock, and it was an easy matter
for the spectators to pull him ashore.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Negroes are not born black. When
a negro infant comes into the world it is
white, with a yellowish tinge. It grows
darker and darker eaoh day until the
tenth, when it has attained the deepest
Laza-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit
medicine. They curd Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
There are rumors afloat that the
Grand Trunk Railway intend enlarging
their buildings at Palmerston in the near
future. It is said that the shops will be
greatly enlarged and will in all likeli-
hood give employment to 100 additional
The St. Marys, Kirkton and Exeter
Telephone Company has issued a new
subscribers' directory, the list contain.
ing over three hundred names. Five
townships are represented—Blanchard,
Fullerton, Biddulph, Downie and Us -
Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to your children. It
contains no opium or other harmful
drug. It always curse. For salt by all
Some figures published in English
papers shows the appalling extent of the
unemployment and pauperism in that
country. At the beginning of 1909 one
million persons were receiving relief, an
increase of 3.4 per cent, over the prev-
ious year, There were 145,735 able-
bodied paupers on January 1st, an in-
crease of 18,486 in twelve months. In
London alone some £10,000,000 is expen-
ded every year in charity, and in Eng-
land and Wales one person in every 37
is a pauper.
The death of Lady Laurie, of Max-
weltorieflonso, Dumfries, recalls one of
the beet -"known Scotch songs, Maxwel-
ton House is well known as the birth-
place of Annie Laurie. She was the
daughter of the first baronet, was born
in 1862, The words of the song were
composed by a youth named Douglas,
of Finland, and the music more than a
century afterwards by Lady John Spot•
tiehwood. The "promise true" proved
a delusion, for the lady threw Douglas
over, and married in his place Alexand-
er Ferguson, of Craigdarroch. The
portrait of both herself and her hneband
are in the keeping of the baronet who
still holds possession where "Maxwelton
Israeli are bonnie,"
S notingp' s 1flS • • ¢ There were 1,176 drownings in the
• , month of Jane, according to the report
1d e, Arms, Back of the United States Volunteer .Life
g I Saving Otsrps, Pennsylvania was seta
!'rove t and on the H.
he Presence of Rheumatfe
Virtues, Witch is Cured Quick-
est by Nervillue--,Rub It In.
Pains in the mutel,a, in the side's, the
bat*, the neck or til .1hest—ut, y arras
oar:, wish thorn air, at dtNeorr'rrt. If
the lefimtm atton to sevort. tee teen evilt
be inreeee it a'iew d to t1 to ri."erre they
are dangerope. Nothing so gni .kly
ours !teal tt flaw:tl:ttan and orivee
away p'aitt its Nervi ice, N.irvtlFuei does
this b: -cause it peuetratec so deeply.
N, rvilwa ig not only powerful, but
aootbiug. By relievirg oongeitien it
mete pain. It does this always. it
cannot fall because it ie a true eantidote
for pita. i u can Sc:arosly fled any-
body that will not tell yen wonderful
thirni:s about the pain (Us Ina power of
Nervilino. Remeineer tant there is net
an ache or pain that Nor' i he.) will not
cure in/meetetsly. Nei vitine is an
anchor or health in every haute hold.
Ref ASO anything that may he efYered
v�tr inctead of Nervilaoe, whi,ell is guar-
anteed for rhea-
Nerviline mai ism, neur/ill:he
sciaticta, lumbago,
Cures and all muscular
RheuIriltlSIl1 eines and pains.
Esme 25o. bottles
nr five for $1 00, at
all dealers, or The Oatarrhoz nate Com.
parry, Kingston, Ont.
Moui.t Etna is the higbesa volcano in
Seven -eights of our tea is obtained
from India and Ceylon.
.About one half of the population of
Greece are agriculturists and shep-
Sears the The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought
And many a man doee his growling e.t
home beosuee he is afraid to growl any-
where else.
Watches were invented at Nurem-
berg in the fifteenth century, and were
called "Nurember eggs."
The gold fields of Western Australia
are the largest in the world. They
Dover 324,000 square miles.
Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's—stop
Headache, womanly pains, any pain,
anywhere, in 20 minntes sure. Formu-
la on 25o box. Ask your druggist or
doctor about this formula—it's fine.
Sold at Walley's Dreg Store.
A Chinaman at Chicago was fined $50
for offering a lady the shelter of his
umbrella during a rainster,m.
When a young man is handed his
college diploma, he knows everything
there is to know—exoept how to earn a
Madrid is the most elevated city in
Europe. It is built on a mountain plain
or plateau 2,200 feet above the level of
the sea.
Down's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They tura backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Remove the mad from year own
shoes before calling attention to the
dust on the footwear of your neigh.
Mrs. T. F. Swayze died at St. Cathar-
ines with symptoms of poisoning that
she suffered from several years ago from
eating toadstools,
Best Treatment for a Burn.
If for no other reason, Chamberlain's
Salve should be kept in every household
on account of its great value in the
treatment of burns. Is allays the pain
almost instantly, and unless the injury
is a severe one, heals the parts without
leaving a soar. This salve is also un-
equaled for chapped hands, sore nipples
and diseases of the skin, Price, 25
cents. For sale by all druggists,
Chief Jastioe Faloonbridge severely
critized the authorities at Brookville for
neglecting to fly the Union Jack over
the court house where he was holding
The Committee on Resolutions of the
Trades and Labor Congress has reported
favorably on the proposal to have legis-
lative aid for the establishment of co-
operative efforts in Canada.
Or Is Every Good Meal Followed
By Discomfort?
So certain are we that "Little
Digesters" will cure Indigestion every
time—for every person—for YOU—that
we will give you your money back
without a' word if they fail.
'You can enjoy a good, hearty meal
of wholesome food three times a day,
if you take a tablet after each meal.
Read how "Little Digesters" cured
Mr. Thody.
"For two years I suffered with Indi-
gestion, and obtained no relief from
anything I took, including several
prescriptions from prominent physicians.
Every mal was followed by acute pain
until I feared to eat, consequently
became run down for lack of nourish-
ment. "Little Digesters" were recom-
mended to me by a friend and I tried
them with remarkable results, two
boxes completely curing me. It is three
months since I took any, and I have
not suffered a pain, no matter how
heartily X eat. I would certainly recom-
them to anybody suffering with
Indigestion." (Signed) E. THODY.
r41'Yorkville Ave., Toronto.
June r3, r
"Little Digesters" can be had front
your druggist or by mail froin Coleman
Medicine Co., for 25 cents a box. ai
A bidder at a Japanese auction writes
hie mune and bid on a piece of paper
which he puts into a box. This ie open-
ed by the auotioueer, and the highest
bidder roovives the goods,
It's up to every man to become
ohairumn of the advisory board of his
own affairs, bat every man does not
always succeed in becoming chairman
of even his own household.
8igcnra8tntvhres A/�QSIFfi®Kin/d ..aae Ays
C--d-ed fe/L4"
The value of the total output of
minerals in Alaska since 1880, when
mining first began, is given at $148,-
000,000, of which gold composed $142,-
000,000; copper, $4,100,000; silver, $1,•
500,000; the balance representing the
value of the marble, gypsum, tin and
coal produots,
H. B. Musgar, president of a Chioago
Lumber Co., sent $3.,000 in currency to
he laundry in a nightshirt pocket, the
thor day. When he discovered his
mistake it took him about twenty see-
nds to reach the laundry on the four-
eenth floor of the hotel. He found the
arker, who had the clothes in charge,
ad thou clothes flew in the air until
r. Munger located his garment. There
rapped in a handerohief was the roll
1 safe and sound.
A Travelling Ulan's Experience.
"1 must tell you my experience on an
East bound 0 R. & N. R. R. train from
Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore., writes
Sam A Garber, a well known traveling
man. "I was in the smoking depart-
ment with some other traveling men
when one of them went out into the
coach and name back and said, 'There
is a woman sink unto death in the oar.'
I at once got np and went out, found
her very ill with tramp colic; her hands
and arms were drawn up so you could
not straighten them, and with a death-
like look on her face. Two or three
ladies were working with her and giving
her whiskey. I went to my suit case
and f Chamberlain's
Coling Cholot erabottle end Dim
(I never travel without it), ran to the
water tank, put a double dose of the
medicine in the glass, poured some
water into it and stirred it with a pen.
oil; then I had quite a time to get the
ladies to let me give it to her, but I suc-
ceeded. I could at once see the effect
and I worked with her, rubbing her
hands, and in twenty minntes I gave her
another dose. By this time we were al-
most into Le Grande, where I was to
leave the train. I gave the bottle to the
husband to be used in case another doge
should be needed, but by the time the
train ran into Le Grande she was all
right, and I received the thanks of every
passenger in the oar." For sale by all
A Vermont shoe dealer received the
following order from a French Canad-
ian farmer: "Monsieur — please sen'
de shoe for ma familee, She is Marie
16 year, Pierrie 15 year, Jacques 14
year, Louise 13 year, Batesge 12 year,
Henri 11 year Toinette 10 year, Alma
9 year, Louis 8 year, Prosper 7 year,
Denise 6 year, Polen 5 year, Valerie 4
year, Josephine 3 year, Josephine 2year,
Natalie and Jack 1 year—day twin—de
baby she go barefoot. How mnoh?
The essential lung -healing prinoipal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A young country chap once got a job
in a city grocery. He was very cautions
in his new berth—They had told him at
home that the city people would try to
josh him because he was green. He
kept a sharp lookout accordingly for
jailers. A sober old maid entered the
grocery one morning. "I want some
bird seed, please," she said. The new
clerk sneered and answered scorn-
fully, "No ye don't lady. Ye can't
josh me. Birds grow from eggs,
not seeds."
An a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired
weary feeling so prevalent in the aping
Lightning doesn't strike twine in the
same place, unless the plane wasn't
eliminated the first time.
There is a phamphlet oat entitled
"Why Grow Old?" Those who don't
want to oan always blow out the gas, or
absorb a few slabs of fly -paper.
Few people are fully aware of the
immensity of the Canadian Paciflo Rail-
way. In addition to the railway itself
and its equipment and the immense land
holdings, the company owns and oper-
ates no fewer than fifty-seven steam-
ships, This total includes the company's
Atlantic and Pacific) fleets, its British
Columbia and Alaskan costal eervioe and
its Great Lakes line, The earnings of
the company for the year ending June
1909, amounted to $76,818,320,
while the working expenses for the same
year amounted to $58,357.748, their leav-
ing a surplus of $22,955,572. The earn-
of the company for the year named
Were made np as follows: From paa-
esngers, $20,153,000; freight, $48,182,520;
mails, 778,822; sleeping oars, ezpre",
elevators, telegraph, eto., $7,198,977.
There died iu the Township of Tuft -
tomes, district of Algorna, and about six
miles from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont„ Mur-
dock McLeod, commonly known ae Big
Itfurdock. Mr. McLeod was born in the
Highi'►uds of Scotland, going to Cape
Breton, Nova Scotia, with his parents
about the year 1820. Some fifty years
ago ho removed to Kiuoardiue, Ont.,
where he wag an old and rospeoted citi-
zen for many years, owning a farm on
the Saugeen road at the foot of the.
seventh concession, A few years ago
he removed to Brute Mines, Ont., and
was a respected resident of Bruce Mines,
Sylvan Valley, Laird, finally eettling in
Tareatorons with his son.
It's a pity when sink ones drug the atom -
itch or stimulate the Heart and Kidneys,
That is all wrong! A weak Stomach
Means weak Stomach nerves, always.
And this is also true of the Heart and
Kidneys. The weak nerves are instead
crying out for help. This explains why
Dr Shoop's Restorative is promptly
helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ail-
ments. The Restotative reaohes out for
the actual cause of these ailments—the
failing "inside nerves," Anyway test
the Restorative 48 hours, It won't cure
so soon as thtt, bat you will surely
know that help is coming. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
The Farmer's Advocate writing on
summer holidays says that the custom
of taking long vacations is growing in-
to something of a fad, and that country
people do not need them, as much as
cooped- up city folk, tut still goes on to
say:—"It would be well if farmers and
their wives not only took a day off now
and again, as many of them do, but
should plan for a few days trip by rail
or boat once in a while, and see some of
the grand sights our country affords. A
suitable time could be chosen, and their
minds would be freshened by the
change, and they would have more de-
light ever after in their country and
their surroundings.
For a Sprained Ankle.
A sprained ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usually re-
quired, by applying Chamberlain's Lint-
ment freely, and giving it absolute rest.
For sale by all druggists.
It ie believed by the authorities that
the casualties in Northern Mexico,
from the recent floods, will be not less
than 3,000. President Brown, of the
National Railways, has returned to
Mexico City, from the flooded districts.
He says the damage wrought is the
worst in the history of the republio.
One-third of the damaged section has
not yet been heard from. The mon-
etary lose to the railroads is already
planed at $1,000,000. And this figure
may be doubled when reports are re-
oeived from sections of the Matamoras
and Tampioo lines. According to the
official reports the death list in Monterey
and vioinity reached a total of 1,500, but
the number of towns in the states of
Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas have not
yet been reported.
Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly
loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy. And it is so thoroughly harm-
less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to nee
nothing else, even for very young babies.
The wholesome green leaves and tender
stems of a lung healing mountainous
shrub give the curative properties to Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy, It calms the
cough, and Neale the sensitive bronchial
membranes, No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure or suppress.
Demand Dr. Shoop's, Accept no other,
Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Lady Morell Mackenzie, widow of Sir
Morell Mackenzie, wrote in her will:—
"When I die, I hope my children will
wear as little blank as possible. White
or mauve I like, but not blank. And I
hope they will not shut themselves up,
but go out among their friends, and
to places of amusement. I am not afraid
of them forgetting me, and I want them
to be happy." An eminently wise wo-
man. Those hideous trappings of
mourning are the remnants of heathen-
ism. They are a fraud, for they repre-
sent a condition of mind that cannot be
sustained. Even if it were possible for
grief to be continuous, no person has
any right to impose their woe on the
brightness, cheerfulness, and happiness
of others. The wish of the departed
would naturally be that their friends be
frank, honest and happy.
Troubled for Years With
Constipation or costiveness clog the
boof els, chokes up the impure matter, natural and retaiinsinutlhe
system the poisonous effete waste pro-
ducts of nature, thereby causing Bilious-
ness, Headache, Piles, etc, Avoid this
serious trouble by the use of
They act on the bowels and promote
their free and regular action, thus curing
constipation and all the diseases which
arise from it.
Mr. Henry Pearce, 49 Standish Ave.,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes; --"Having
been troubled for years with constipation,
and trying various so -caned remedies,
whish did and no good, whatever, I was
persuaded to try Milburn's Loma -Liver
Pals. I have found them moat bene-
ficial- they are, indeed, a splendid pill
and I a heartily remend to all
thane who suffer from tonsilpttionF."
liaburn a Laza-Liver Ms, mei
per vial, or 5 for 21.00, fit all dales,
or will be mailed direct eth receipt bf price
by tlw matnufactureie, me '1. Milburn
Co., Limited, Tordntti, Ont.
you would soon get rid of a
servant who did only half the
work in double the time of a capable
one. '.['hell why continue using a
flour that gives half the nourishment
and double the work to digest?
kfl Flonr'
is made from selected spring wheat --
a wheat that is rich in nutriment. It
is the whitest and finest flour made ;
it makes fully one-third more bread
to the pound than any soft wheat
flour and is more dependable in every
respect. 19
Ogilvie Plod!' Mists Coo, }Mailed, Montreal..
(From the Trees of Sept. 27, 1889.)
On Monday last Rev, Mr. Geddes, of
Whiteohurch, purchased a fine two-year-
old Ridgewood filly from Mr. Robt. Mc-
Indem. The price being $150.
Dr, Macdonald, M. P„ and Messrs, W
Scott and W. B. Hutton, of this town at.
tended the meeting of the East Huron
Reform Convention, held at Brussels, on
Monday last,
Josephine street, from the bridge at
the north side to the southern boundary
of the town, is to be given a heavy ooat
of good gravel. Work has been oom-
menoed, and the work should be pushed
with vigor, to have it completed before
the fall rains set in.
Mr, William Ellison has completed a
comfortable residence on John street
west, near the 0, P. R. station.
A goodly number of the members of
the Foresters of this town attended the
funeral of the late Archibald McLean,
of Morris, on Tuesday last.
Mr. John Rutherford, who has held
the responsible position of book-keeper
at the Union Factory for some years,
accompanied by hie wife, left for Scot-
land on Tuesday last.
The Hon. A. M. Ross, M. P. P., Pro-
vincial Treasurer was in town on Wed-
nesday attending the fair and renewing
acquaintanoes. Mr. Ross was pleased to
see the rapid and substantial progress
the town is making,
Mr. W. R. Davis, of the Mitohell Ad-
vocate, and brother to Mr. H. Davis, of
this town, won a gold headed cane at
the Dublin Roman Catholio picnic held
•-^Local History of the early 80s.
Items from the "Times" fyles.
The weather was all that could be
desired for the fair, bat the attendance
was not as large as it should have been.
In horses and cattle, the exhibit was not
large, but some fine animals were shown
especially in the roadster class of horses..
Sheep and swine were fairly well repre-
sented, an improvement over former
years being noticeable. The poultry ex"
hibit was not large, but in some of the
classes good birds were shown, the com-
petition in dunks and leghorns being
very close.
Snell,—In East Wawanosh, on the
23rd inst,, the wife of Mr, David Snell;
twins, both sons,
Homath.—In Tarnberry on the 22nd
inet,, the wife of Mr. August Homath;.
a eon.
Grieve—Chesney.—At the residence'
of the bride's mother, by the 'Bev. W.
Graham, on the 18th inst., Mr. John,
Grieve, of Seaforth, to Miss Jennie Mo•
Lennon, third daughter of the late Mr..
Henry Chesney, of Taokersmith.
MoLean.—In Morris, on the 22nd inst.
Arohibald McLean, aged 40 years, 2
months and 19 days,
Willits,—In Howiok, on the 23rd inst.,.
the infant son of Mr, Crooket Willits,
aged 7 months.
MoRae.—In Langside, on the 13th
of September, Alexander McRae, aged
71 years,
Ross.—In Wingham, on the 26th inst.,
John R. Ross, aged 8 years 1 month and
15 months.
Feared Paralysis.
Mr. F. A. Krntz, Sohwarts, Que.,
writes: "For one year I was a com-
plete wreck, could not rest or sleep, had
indigestion and terrible headaches and
constantly feared paralysis. Six boxes
of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food made me
well and strong. There is no treatment
in the world so good as this for building
np the nervous system."
The rhymes for the different months
for marriage are:
"Marry when the year is new,
Always loving, kind and true:
When February birds do mate,
Yon may wed nor dread your fate.
If yon wed when March winds blow,
Joy and morrow both you'll know,
Marry in April when you oan,
Joy for maiden and for man.
Marry in the month of May,
Yon will surely me the day.
Marry when June roses blow,
Over land and sea you'll go.
They who in July do wed,
Must alwayit labbr for theirbread,
'PV ever
wed in August be,
Many changes are sure to dee.
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rioh and fine.
If in October yon do marry,
Love will come but rioher tarry.
If you wed in bleak November,
Only love will oome, remember,
When December's 'nowt! Rill fast,
Marry and true love will last."
When a span has good manners it's
a sign he isn't at breakfast with his
The pretty girl's face may be her for-
tune, but the homely girl's faoe is her
The more clothes a woman wants to
surpass her neighbor, the more some
other woman wants to surpass her.
The satisfactory thing about mak-
ing love to a wotnan is she will believe
you mean it when she knows you don't.
Said Polar Peary unto Cook, "Doo,
you've got another look." "Well,"
replied the Brooklyn doctor, "Heaven
knows I'm not a knocker."
Weak Kidneys
aKes,yelto andteIr. TI idnylikhHeart, h
Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ
itsn1F, but in the nerves that control and guide
Iand strengthen them, Dr. Shoop's Restorative is
a. dlcins specifically Prepared to reach these
14 Fut le. It nis a swa Todoctor
of time,ta d of money, s
your back eohes or le weak, if the urine
6eaids, oris dark and strnnt;,if you have symptoms
of Itrights or other distressing or dangerous kid.
Tabletseor LiquidD—and see what Restorative
and Will
de for you. Druggist recommend and sell
r. Shop's