HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-09-30, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL, XXXVIII.—NO. 1964. Why Suffer from Indigestion? FOTHERGILL'S DYSPEPSIA: TABLETS Will cure you The great English Remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Nausea and all disorders arising from imperfect digestion. Prepared by DR, J. P. POTHER - GILL, Manchester, Eng. For sale in Wingham by Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham, C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS rMoi+eMo� Insurance WEATHER Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Maloolm's Grocery. 1 ,000 THE COLLEGE OF QUALITY Over one thousand stn. dente enrolled by our chain last year. It pays to at- tend a link of this great chain, for "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH," The demand for our grad- uates is THREE TIMES the supply. Other schools engage our graduates ae teachers. A 'mental course for teachers. Graduates of two yenta ago are now earning $2,000 per annum, Three Courses.—Oo3INER- OIAL, STENOGRAPHY and TELEGRAPHY. Fall term opens Aug, 30 Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal 11111111111? PRONE 59 CHRISTIE'S' GROCERY Here for PEACHES and Other Fruits 1 Bring Along Chalet Butter PHONE 101. Wingham Greenhouses NAROISSUS— Paper White --ar- rived. Other Bulbs will be here in a day or two. Leave your order at once to insure getting the choicest bulbs. T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers $5 and costs for the Court, out by Police rton on Monday Off lidera against the e slates. John Mo. e sum of $1'0 and nk on the streets, was asked to pay same offenoe. Magistrate' Justice was mete Magistrate J. A, morning to two law governing in Lead was taxed t oasts for being dr while Sam Moliwai Timothy for fall seeding at GEO. E. KING'S, Rules to bd The looal manager phone Co. has agail tions from the head c that be must rigidly the company as regal using the telephones. not discontinued the be forced to refuse o� subscribers. Enforced. bf the Bell Tele - received inetruo. ce to the effect nforoe the rules of s non•subeoribers If the practioe is ocal manager will neotion for non. Removing. Where? To Beaver block. Help ns by reducing our stook, R. KNox. WANTED —A good servant girl; no washing or ironing. Good wages. Apply to MRS (DR) KENNEDY, A Record The number of at Wingham Hi reached 165, whin history of the echo residents of the to parte of the can other counties, these pupil board this can be gained a many advantages t tional institution ttendance. npila in attendance School has now is the highest in the 1. Of these,` 86 are n, 6$ from different ty, and 11 are from fewer than 40 of n town; and from idea of one of the is important educe- s been to the town. WANTED.—Two furnished rooms and board for two persons, in a good locality. Apply at Tenses office. FOUND.—At corner of salt block coop- er shop, a parcel, containing several articles Owner can have same by ap- plying at salt block office. The Standard's S The Montreal S Number has Dome t most creditable prod magnificent cover in one of America's be The number contains tone plates devoted to al interest, and has t mid views of Mont framing. The printi and we understand t ands of the issue ha friends abroad. venrr Number. ndard's Special hand, and Is a otion. It has a olore, painted by known artists. nearly 150 half- ubjects of goner - superb panora- eal suitable for is first °lase, at many thous - e been sent to BUTTER and EGGS.—Bring along your Produoe. Highest prioe paid in ex- change for Boots and Shoes. W. J, GREER. A Drsintereste Farmers, ere you The Weekly Farmers to be an independent and home. The olal olean paper, therefor It is particularly ad home beoanse itis edi with a view to inter in the home—the Old and female all may with profit. fi . Ina ma P eider equal to the be for farmers, This 1 e e puff; it is bur nand unhesitatingly r eco every farm house in dollar a year, and money.•—Bowmaner Opinion, acquainted with Snn? It claims journal for farm is fair. It is a fit for the home. ted 80 the farm d and published at every person and young, male end it regularly etwop ag a con. t in the Dominion no paid notice Or opinion, and we mend The Sun to Canada. It is one good valve for tl;e le Statesman. Vancouver. Sdatt -, Portland, San Francisco, Los AngelesPan Diego. Reduced one -w eeopfid-olaes colon. let rates in Wee d . y until Ootober 15th, from all a no in Ontario to above and other ��fio Coastesin r via Grand Trunk hallway System. Se - Dare tioketa and further information from any Agent of the Grand Trunk, FALL MILLrtetier.—The MMoes tittle Will have on display, upstairs in Hanna & Oo'e, biose, on Sept. 28rd and follow - in dale, an is -tb•d t pt ate r sok of ran Y al r p Millinery. The ladies of town and vicinity are invited to call. 'Tire ;Mw se LITrnre, WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1909. Read VC keels & Co,'s adv on page 8. Hospital Auxii ry's Thanks. The Ladies' Aux iary of Winghem General Hospital de ire to express their thanks to all who a feted them in con.. neotion with the be net last week, and particularly to thos who took part in the programme, Inc riding the Citizens' Band and the Sal tion Army band, The regular meetin of the Auxiliary will be held in th Connell Chamber on Monday afternoo next, Oot, 4th, at 4,15 o'clock. A la e attendance of members is asked for Read Mins. GREEN'S millinery locals. TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Well Spent oney, The Farmer's Ad mate points out that eighty to one h dred dollars will put an intelligent, t nifty, industrious Ontario farmer's son, with a High school entrance standing. th ough the first year at the Ontario .A ioaitural College, paying all expense including books clothes, board and r Tway fare, provid- ing he is willing t put in some spare time working, at ab ut eight cents an hour, instead of p ying football or hockey. The sopho re expenses come a little higher, one h dred and twenty to a hundred and fo y dollars being a moderate estimate. Of course, some spend more, but they eed not; and the seven mouths' college ear affords a five - months' summer vac tion in whioh to earn money, The old idea, that farmers do not require edno ion has been ex- ploded, and the youn man who takes advantage of present day opportunities will never regret it. Coon WANTED, woman •preferred. Apply at the EXCHANGE HOTEL. At Mrs. Green's, a large and elegant stook of new Fall Millinery now ready for inspection. No trouble to show goods. Canadian For -stern at Church. The annual ohn oh parade of the Oen- adieu Foresters o Wingham took place on Sunday morng last, when over one hundred memhe s assembled at their hall and, marsh Ied by Bro. Jos. J. Kerr, marched in body to the Baptist Church, The p • stor, Rev. W. L Steeves, oonducte the service, and de- livered a sound, p °tical and inspiring sermon, taking it: his test a olanse of the 18th verse o. the 6th ohapter of Paul's first epistle to Timothy :--"Rioh in good works." • e speaker dealt with the words of the motto of the Order, "Liberty, Benevol noe and Concord," in their relation to Ohrietianity, and his words were heartier appreciated and lis- tened to with mar . ed attention by the audience. A solo .y Miss May Moore contributed to the .njoyment of the ser- vice. On re-asse bling at the hall a resolution was seed extending the thanks of the br hren to Rev, W. L. Steeves for the e: •elient discourse and to the officials o the church for their hospitality. THE LATEST in Fall Millinery at reasonable prioea. THE MISSES LITTLE, upstairs in Hanna & Co's. store, FURNITURE FOR SALE.—Mra. D. Mc- Innes offers for private sale some house- hold furniture, including piano, side- board, pictures, chairs, 000k stove, dish- es, etc. Articles may be seen at real. denoe, John street, any day between 8 a. m, and 8 p. m. Local Ad ertising. Our Peterbero o respondent in this week bas some rem rice to make on the vein toh E e retails of1 loo advertiain a g that are sound a to the point. We would like to see ore a e ' tt ration8 iven to this phase of a grocers brsineea, and to that end in to our friends to give lie their experiono and suggestions, giv- en two grocer(' itt small town --one of them a regular dvertiser in the local 'paper and the o er advertising Spas- modically or not t alI and it is not a diffionit matter t piok the Winner with starting to basin s this method of an. nonnotng Wesel a oandtdate for trade ie the surest, aat 8, and in foot the only way which can b relied upon to attract to himself the at noon of the people he most desires. T e expellee to which he Will be put is m rely nominal compar- ed with the ario t of money he would wMte by sitting own and waiting tor bueineei to oome o hien. Get apaoe in his paper and 1111 t with new copy every day or week, al °an afford. "Tcthing. ro surely ninety es the progressiveness of advertising is able to do, ---Piot the Canadian Gt er. The Wingh • Fair. As we go to preaal (Wednesday) the fall fair is in pro ese. The inside exhibita are of a g• d clava and more numerous than form Steps is giving great bargeins. Don't fail to visit him before Oot. 15. Darkey Hal A At Columbus, Ohi Darkey Hal wort a r ((tamps her as the pao world for 1909. In a% did a mile in 2 0414. Gano, who had never t The purse in this event ain Wins , on Tuesday, soe which justly g queen of the heavy track she beating George afore lost a race. was $5,0 UPSTAIRS GIRL W N • D. — Ratten- bury House, Clinton, • t, High -Class ncert. A high-olaas concert i11 be given in the opera house on riday even . , Oot. 8th, which promise to be : treat for those who attend A .• o . g those who will take part are: Mi Alioe M. Halls, contralto singer, London; Miss Mabel Small, Irish, Soot h and Spanieh dancer; Master Elliott ebb, the boy soprano; Wingham ale quartette; Sandy Drennan, comed n, and Frank Gallagher, soprano. T admission will be 25o. and 35o. ; ohildr 15o. Plan of hall at MoKibbon's drn store. BOY WANTED —Bright o i6e boy to learn the general store bees. Apply to D. M. GORDON. Huron's Fruit The prize list for the 9 ario Horticultural Exhib in Toronto, November 9 published, and ail frit g it worth of examination. of Brant, Huron, Halt Grenville have each g special prizes for plates by their own citizens, th $1.60 for first and $1.00f following are the varied prize the Creentyeef Hur win, Ben Davis, Blenh (Snow), Golden Russett, King, Mann, Spy, and sirable variety. Anyon oompete in these classes munioate with county of Goderioh, and if desiring t the Provineial lista for any write the Secretary, P. Parliament Buildings, Tor xhibit. Annual Ont - ion, to be held h to 13th, is were will find The counties , Leeds and nted $25 for apples shown prioea to be r second. The a which oom- 's lists; Bald- im, ' Fameuse Rhode Island y other de - desiring to should oom- k Lane, at compete in ing named, , Hodgette, nto. Cash paid for spring oh' k i% and fowl at S. PAUL'S stor , lnevale. Bring them every Monday renoon. New DESIGNS in Fall Millinery, up• stairs in Hanna & Oo's. store. THE MISSES LITTLE. A Wonder ul Record. Wingham High school has a record second to none in :•he Provinoe of On- tario. Thirty ex -s dents of the school are leaving for th , cities to attend the higher institutions of learning. This is truly a good reoorfor a school that has only been in eels::noe for three years, and our towing) pie are to be oon- gratnlated on hav ng such an able staff of teachers nn.:r Principal Taylor. The TIMES wish a the former students every moons 1 their future work. The list is as follows:—To Toronto University --Ire••: Davis, Olive Cruick- shank, Tom Ro . Jason, Clifford Pugh, Marjory Gordo , Will Argo, Gertie Orniokshank, - obert McBurney. To Toronto Medioai •ollege—WillMoLean, Arthur MaoKer le, Thos. G. Wilson, Toronto Norma Sohooi-Minnie Rose, Adam Isbister, . na Isbister. School of Praotioal Soienc., Toronto—Fred Sean- drett. Faoulty f Education, Toronto— Everett Glenn, Gertie 'Troy, Ernest Wiley, Elgin 0 rue, Normal School, London --Jean M Tavish. Normal Sohooi ra f rd—Lizzi• M St t a sees Russell Mao. 0 Xenia, Finlay ' eid, Clayton Proctor, Alberta Goble, Normal Sohaol, Cal- gary—Tennyson Glanville, Ray Staok- hoose. Model School, Durham— Pauline Melon: , Ruby Clegg, Irene Clegg, PRICES ARE SLAUGHTERED — Goods must be told. See oar wive. R. KNox. Ladies, bee the right up-to-date new Fall Millinery, and selling at the lowest possible prioea at MRs, GREEN'S. Mies Shorts, of London, head milliner. Fall Fair pates. R1yth, Cot. 5 6, Dungannon, Oot. Gerrie, Oot. 2, Tiverton, Oot, 5, TeeeeWater, 00t, 5.8, "IN'zcTus"---the name ot the highest grade Shoes :made for men. A look Will banwie°e you. See them at W. fir. 4 sEEuls. The Ho One of the mo in Wingbam in banquet held in Thursday evenin banquet was a given by the Can Co. and was and Ladies' Auxiliary wards of els bund the excellent men intended oream wheat baskets, pi onit, and butter, with whipped ore Laren's cheese, oream, Hayler's o tea or coffee. As known Shredded Triscuit were se variety ot forms. quet there was an eluding solos by E. Estelle Grifnn, McDonald. A d and Verna Moor by Mra, Steevea, Moore, Alice and "Three young ma was a very pleaai well rendered. T number of young tion of Miss Hong ed and is always a Wingham and the representativ Wheat Co. who b gnet,gave an addr which was intere emphasized the Shredded Wheat. P. P. made an e members of the be heartily oong amass of the ba Wheat Co, are thanks.of our to such an exoellen hospital. Mr. with the writer, mouths attendin and that the one he had ever atte will no doubt b hereafter in amounted to $2 ital Banquet. enooesefnl events held eoent yearn was the the skating rink on of last weak. The complimentary one, ditto Shredded Wheat the direction of the f the hospital. Up - ed people partook of provided, and which hioken in shredded les, cold ham, tris - ell -o fruit sandwiches triaonita and Mac- hredded wheat ice 000late triaouit and ill be seen the well - Wheat Biscuit and ved up in a great Following the ban- xoellent program, in - r. Geo. Cline, Miss and Master Obarlea t by Misaea Hazel , instrumental solo, trio by Misses May milie Mann, entitled dens of Lea," This g number and was o May Pole, by a iris, ander the direo- ton was well reoeiv- popular number with nos, Mr. J. Hewitt, of the Shredded d oharge of the ban se on "Natural Food" ing and in which be wholesomeness of A, H. Musgrove, M. elient chairman. The adies' Aaxiliary are to elated on the great quet and the Shredded deserving the hearty nspeople in providing banquet gratis to the ewitt, in conversation aid he had been for banquets of this kind here was the best that dad. Shredded Wheat a more popular food ingham. The proceeds 0 Remember Thursday, Oel 28th, the date of the grapis, eoyta'( of Dickens' "Ohristmas Caro Mr. .E S. Wil- liamson of Tor. He is coming under the auspices of the Epworth League. PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND The regular me: Andrew's Obnroh, 21st of Sept. The in the Preabyte church, Pine Riv: North Kinloss. It ton and Whiteohur tied. Reports on Young People's Soo by Mr. West an Bremner reported augmented charge a re -arrangement district angmenta quired. Dr. Gray lege Building Fun ing and a Commit Tait, MoKerrol a apeotor Chisholm Smith and Mr. G oo-operate with A resolution of sy behalf of Rev. A. on Sabbath, Se• mother, The standing pointed as follow Messrs. Moyer, their elders. H Parte, West, elders. Augmen ner, Edmison ani People's Societie Radford, Moyer Messrs. West 1' ere. Sabbath So MoKerrel, Perris and Infirm Min ran, MoRee, 1 Ohnroh Life an McLean, McRae tomatio Giving—T� raison, Moyer and illation of Stnden Porde and their el Perrin, Miller, Mo ere Moral and S Mollerrol, Perris Evangelism—Mees nan,.Ferguson end Arrangetnente w duotton of Rev. R. pastoral charge o Langetde on the th of Ootober at 8 p. M. Mar, Clerk. 1. ing was held in St. Wingham, on the e are five vaoanoies — Walton, White' , Molesworth and expected that Wal- •!• will soon be set- : ome Missions and eties were rendered Mr. Radford. Mr. • the revision of the It is hoped that by the charges in that on may not be re• agent for Knox Col. , addressed the meet- ee consisting of Revs, d McLean, and In - Mr. MoKagne, Mr. ut, was appointed to r. Gray in the work. pathy was passed in . Wishart, who was 8. 10, bereft of his II I • ommittees were ap. :—Foreign Missions arrin, Radford and me Missions ---Messrs. Miller and their ation—Messrs. Prem. their eiders. Young -- Messrs. Ferguson, nd elders,Statistics— , rrie Radford and eld- cools—Messrs. Wishart, and their elders. Aged tere—Meesra. MoLen- oKerrol and elders. Work --Messrs, Tait, nd their elders, Sys - ears. Molierrel, Ed - their elders. Exam- a--Measre. Edmison, re. Remits --Messrs. ennen and their eid• cal Reform --Messrs. and their elders. MoLeen, Moten heir elders. e made for the in- oEabhern into the Whiteohuroh and i gheet rice id for Wei H e and n1• g Pa ��it r Int T.1?`'elle butcher shop. try b WAr ren.—A good new zilch abw. Apply at Tnlrs6 office. CHUR H NOTES. The Bishop o the Rev, A. H. to be Incumben4 Edward. Rev, John Molesworth, w pastorate of Di Presbyterian 0' last, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Huron has appointed Rhodes, of Teeawater, of the parish of Point urnett, B. .A., late of s indnoted into the Chester and Crumlin arohee on Thursday Miss Edna I. Cuyler and Miss Ethel Sperling, both or Whitechurch, purpose taking the Deadness course at Toronto with a view o better preparation for aotive service a the church of their choice. The annual deaconry of Glencoe on 0 0. E, Jenkins, paper on "Hig onferenoe of the Arch- ondon will be held at tober 6th and 7th. Rev. f Wingham, will read a er Orltioism." The Bible O1 es in connection with St. Andrew's Pres terian Church will be reorganized n xt Sunday afternoon. All the young p ople of the church are requested to att nd the meeting which commences at 2 0 o'clock. The annual h vest thanksgiving ser- vices will be hal ; in St. Paul's Church on Sunday next Ootober 3rd, oonduoted by the rector, R:v. 0. E, Jenkins, On Monday avenin: 4th, the harvest supper will be held. T a will be served in the school room fro• 6 to 8 o'clock, and a good programm is being prepared, The .public will be oo' dially welcomed. Sunday last as Rally Day in the Methodist Stin.:y School of Wingham, At the nenai ho • r of service, 2.30 p, m., the school ease ed in the auditorium of the church, . ere an interesting pro- gramme of add eases was given. On the platform w h the superintendent, Mr. F. Buohana , were Rev, Dr. Rut- ledge, pastor of •. a Church, and Mr. T. Hall. Dr. W. J Price, Mr. W. T. Hall, Mr. Hurry Gree. and Mr. J. W. Ansley in short address s dealt with the various phases of the w•rk of the school, while Rev. Dr, Rntle-:e in a few happy re- marks perform --d the interesting oere- mony of prese • ting a banner to Mrs. Mo$ie's olaas for the highest average attendance. he services were very interesting thr. • ghont. Rev, Geor : e McLennan, a former pastor of Pinkerton Presbyterian Chnroh, also • f Underwood and Centre Brune, died - t Caledonia, Prinoe Ed- ward Island, •n Sept. 4th. The remains were brough to Pinkerton for inter- ment. Deoe sed was 73 years of age As a atnden . missionary he labored dnrtng summ:,r vacations from 1861 to 1863 in the th ti young village of Har- riaten. After raduating in 1864 he re- ceived a oall an was indnoted as pastor of Guthrie con rogation in that place. He remained t ere eleven years, and then was calla to Underwood, where he ministered for a similar period. Oamlachie was hie next charge, and from there he re urned to Bruce 0o., in response to a cal from Pinkerton, where he was for five ears. You can have your buttons made to order from any kind of material at R. MiAxweee's tailor shop. Night Classes. Ambitions young people o wish to "learn while they earn," may do so by attending night oia e§,t t the Wineham Business Oollege. £oh student is in- structed privately y painstaking, sym. pathetic teachers. Yon may enter no matter what your education. Ask for information. Phones 104 and 86. The Late Willi m Doubleday. After an illness extending over a period of nearly t o years, William Doubleday passed tier to the great majority, at his ome on Josephine street, on Thnrsda last. He waa it native of England, aving been born in Attleborongh, Nor olk County, where he spent the earli r years of his life. Thirty-four sore o he Dame with hie y y wife and family to anada. Remaining for a time at W xotor, he Dame to Wingham nearly twenty-seven years ago, and with th exception of afew months had ever° einee been a con• tinnous resident o the town. His ill- ness, whieh. was if long duration, was borne with Chris Jan patience and for. titnde, The late r. Doubleday was a man of quiet de eerier and qhad been for years amine° d with the Paptiet Ohnroh. Ile was also an admirer of the work of the alvation Army. Be- sides his widow, four eons and one daughter survive. The sone stet—Wm.: H., of Southam ton; Albert d'. and John T., of Hes ler; and Walter, of Winghatn; and a daughter. Mrs. G. Hoist, of 0hea1 . The funeral took plane Sunday aernoon 80 the Wing - ham oemetery, ithe eerrioes being /ton- ducted by Rev. 'W. it. steevea, pastor 01 the .Ra p tist hu o. T'h p r h, a Salvation Array o ' A band too in ani #lt y ed a conte a to p 13 the oeinet. Miss Spading GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kinder. garters. Pupil's prepared for Oonrerva. tory exams„ both in Theory and Pain°, CLASSES OPEN OCTOBER 7th. For information as to rates, tuition, eto,, apply at her home, Minnie street. A. E. SMITH BANKER wxNGtiAai, - ONTARIO. Farmers who w want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer. chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. PER' ONAL. Miss Minnie Mi er was visiting with friends in Brusaele last week. Mise May Davison, of Wroxeter ie visiting with Win • ham friends. Miss Fay Morto , of Toronto, is visit• at the home of Mr and Mrs. J, A. Mor. ton, Dr. Thos. Chis olm, M. P., returned Monday evening from a trip to the West. Miss Cassie H. rris, of Toronto was visiting with '' ingham friends last week. Mrs. W. S. G egow, of St. Thomas, wag a week -end isitor with Mrs, .T. A. Taylor. Mrs. Chas. .:rber and Miss Linn Barber visited wi h Lnoknow friends on Friday last. Miss Olive Or okahankleft lest Sat- urday for Torontwhere she will attend University. Mr. and Mrs. 7.. oe, T. Field have re- turned home fr.m an extended trip through the Wet t.rn provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Be J. Hill returned last week from an a tended visit at Mrs. Hill's former ho •. e in Michigan. Inspector Chi holm, o Kincardine, was calling on .Id friends and renew- ing acquaintance: in town last week, Messrs, W. F. ' anStone and D. Bell have returned h me after an extended trip to Seattle a d other western pointe. Dr. R. 0. and re. Redmond returned home on Tuesda from a several weeks' trip through We tern Canada. The doc- tor attended the eeting of the Medical Association at innipeg. T. 0. Evans, . S„ who has been with John Wi on, V. S. for some months, left on aturday for Toronto, where he will t e a position in the Ontario Veterin y College. OnomhtTLeading Shoe Stare WOMEN'S SHQES FROM THE HEST MAKERS We'reing h wi the o t e newest and best Fall Styles in Women's. Shoes —the sort of Shoes Wonien de light to wear. The leathers are right - — the lasts are right the toe shapes are right. Every Woman that wears our ea .hoes S n sh0 w good looking feet, and comfortable feet, as well. Our Women's Shoes start in at $1.50 and $2.00, and run up to $3.00 or $4.00. At whatever price we sell 1aWoman's. Shoe, We 800 that it is splendid Value for the money — and ottr excellent Shoe Service /insures every Wom- an a perfect fit. W. J. Greer THE SHOE MAN Sole agent:n, astir Sridaitmpr� for Sheet for Women