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The Wingham Times, 1909-09-23, Page 6
KERNELS FROM THE SAN CTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Ettctitlllgcfti1 A. Rid deeen't like to be called a ilir eutloeti ohs 1sn't. One way to break np a drought is to Set up a Sunday school picnic. b 1 his, William lOcPhail of Campbellville 1 hes been west seerehing in vain for traces of !tie son, S. Gavin, who disap peered foam Lealmedia, after receiving remittance from home. In Agony of Piles. Mr, G W Cornell, with the Shaw Milling 0o„ St. Cetherinee, Ont., Writes: ''For six years I was a victim of itching. protrudint; piles and was iu dreadful agony day and nielit- Dcotors were n SP e n able o �,P t hi nae and wa p I s about ala mite:able as any creature could he. lety druggist acivitied m . to try Dr. phase's Ointment, which I did and ob- tained relief frc m the first box and com- plete cure with the second. Tliis oiat• melt would be cheap at fifty dollare a i1ox, in view of what it did for me." If a man know all about you and is still your friend, he'll do to tie to. Many a man thinks he is justified in rocking the boat on the ea of matri- mony. .Rest Treatment: for a 3;urn, If for no other resent, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. Is allays the pain almost instantly, awl nnleas the injury is a severe ons, heels the parts without leaving a scar. This salve; is also un- equaled for chapped halide, sore nipples and diseases of the ekin. Price, 25 (lents. For sale by all druggists. The most enjoyable features of a vcoation are in looking forward to it and baok to it, The Alberta & Great Waterways Railway will be built from Edmonton to Fort 9toMurray. DR. A. W. CHASE'S n CATARRH CORE .,. Co is sent direct to the diseased e. •� parts by the Improved Slower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower free. All dealers, or Dr.A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. New York, despite its more rigorous climate, is 900 miles :nearer the equator than is the British ctaf,i:al. The late Mr. Henry P,3llatt left an 'estate valued at $250,990.71, chiefly in bonds, stocks and life insurance. Drive Rheumatism out of the Wood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatio Remedy .and see how quickly pain. will depart. Rnb•ons never did reach the real disease. Rheumatism isn't in the skin. It's deep +town --it's constitutional. Getting rid of the pain, is after all, what counts. That is why Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy goes, by word of month from ens to another. And herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It is win. ning defenders everywhere. Tablets or Liquid. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Goderioh Town council has fixed the tax rate for the current year at 25 mills. lift., James Snell, the well known -tock man of Hallett, took over $100 in prizes for his Leicester sheep at the Toronto fair. He also made some good sales. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of An orchard is a neoessity on the farm. It 18 well known says the Philadelphia "Reoord,' that a farm containing an orchard will gel! at a fair price, when farms with no orchards are sacrificed. The buyer always looke for the greatest number of advantages, and if apples, peaches, pears, plums, and the small fruits can be found, instead of only an Apple orchard, the value of the farm will be increased much more than the original omit of the orchard. If the farm is not for sale, the orohard Will be a source of profit to the farmer, CXYGERUTOR THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER INTtl E WORLD. !D. 1. Good brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfests the mouth. 5. Neutralize; the surplus acids of the stomach, 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances. 1. Helps the secretion of the kidneys, 8. Pewees cakuh s concretions. !. Obviates indigestion. 10. A preventative against diteaset of the throat 11. Restores all nervous energy and re. vivedt the mound forces. THE OXYGENATOR CO. O e' Rib tel Street, Termite, Oni. SOLD Et ALT, DRUGGrSTS, 1 1 s A man nerved Mitchell fell from a train. near North Bay with his infant son in hie arms, and the boy's thigh was broken. His father bad to walk to North Bay, carrying the child. The Kincardine merchants have ob- tained a collector for their bad accounts end he was to begin work on Sept, 15. He is to prepare lista for the guidance of the merebants in giving credit, ..a,. let `1t Cr* `3r$, M .a. . Boars the Tho Kind You nano Agway, Boughs 8lgnatare of Mr. W. W. Pope, K. 0., for twenty ye ars connected with the solicitor's ciiice of the G. T. R., was appointed Secretary to the Hydro-Eleotrie Power Commission. An unsuccessful attempt to wreck a C. P. R, train near Maniwaki, Que., was made last week by planing a rail aerose the track and covering it with stones and woes. The engineer noticed it just in time to stop the train. Good for 131bousuess, "I took two of Chamberlain's Stool- aoh and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per Dent. better than I have for weeks, says J. J. Firestone of AIlegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine artiole for bilioneneas." For sale by all druggists, Samples free. It has juet been made knotn that the late Mrs. Mary Snow, of Hartford, Connecticut, Jane in her will bequeathed $10,000 for the support of two tiny pet dogs, Ieaving only $2,000 to her hus- band. Doane Kidney PIIIs aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organa only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, hulamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder The Kansas lover runs not over trench to lyric rhapsodies, but be is original. One wrote to his sweetheart: "I would rather listen to you chewing of your gum than hear Caruso sing," A coroner's jury has decided that the shooting of Stella Willoughby by her father near Norwood some time since, was accidental, and that the death of the father which occurred directly after- wards was due to shock. SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medicine() Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones np the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired weary feeling so prevalent in the spring A Dutch waiter at Niagara Falls, while drunk, was driving a cab furious. ly towards the bank of the river, when the animal was stopped by Chief of Po- lice Kimmins. Had it gone a few yards further horse and man would have been killed. BEWAI.i,E OF OINTMENTS FOR. CA TARRII TRAT CONTAIN IIiERCt7R.A. as mercury will surely destroy the sence of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the m>xoons surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip- tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall'e Catarrh Cure, manufactured b - F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, O., con tains no mercury, and is taken inter nally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial free. boStoled by drnggiete. Pride 750 per Take Hall's Family Pills for consti. potion. 06. A noiseless typewriter is announced from Vienna, where it will shortly appear on the market. The inventor claims that 50 of them in a room to- gether will not make a sound loud enough to be heard above a converse - tion. The eseentiall lung -healing sulfa g Principal of the pinetree ee has final! benana separated and refined ao perfely cough medicine --Dr. Wood's Norwa& Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of eatisfaotion. Pride 25 oente. The Pnblio School Beard of Galt has been disonesing the desirability of sono tins€ins the echoel aavinge bank syre tem, which has been in operation in that town for some ten years, and liar decided to retain it. Accompanying the decision, however, is a regaert for more loyal rapport to the eoheme on the part of the teachers, who are also requested to give short talks to the pupils on the Wisdom of caving their pennies and plAoing them in the banks. Distress in t Stornact' liul:dretis of 11)(4=110 of Settles Of Nerviline Used Every Year for Olivine' Cramps, Diarrhoea, and Stomach. Disotrcters. Deadly cramps-- rh+ sywptoruo aro not to be miauskt�a. tin :dozily and without warning the p^+tient euperienc a such agony in the stomach as to teeatort the ccutrteeaiice and reuse hire to cry aloud tar h -lo Then ii is that the wonderful Letter power of Nerviline sill make itself felt it shitsquo so quick. . 0" ly. you would t �iti.k it wos made 4877 to cure (tramps, and cramps wily, "Loot snmuter I weB ellioiien with a fri tutu! attack of °ramps. I feared the pain iu my stem aoh would kill me. "My eyes bulged out and the veins. in my forehead stood out like unipoords cries o camcametomy assistanceneighbor, , ndin a mment or two handed me half a teaspooufut of Nerviline in eweetrneti water abseiled"It seemed es if an angel had abseiled away the pain. Li ten seconds I was well. Nerviline heti a wonderful name in this looality, teed is considered best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, store- aoh and bowel disorders I urge all my friends to nee Nerviline "MANLEY M. LEGARDE, WNo home is, safe or oan nffordburgto miss vi the manifold advantages of barg Ner.. viline on hand in case of accident o'r emergent sickness, 25o. per bottle, five for I. All dealers, or The Catarreo- zone Company, Kingston, Ont, A Walkerton lady in her burry t start for church, hastily, took from he wardrobe what she supposed to be he dolman, threw it aver her arm and o arriving at church laid it on the back o the seat when she discovered that she had—her husband's trousers, At Teeswater, on Wednesday of last week, Miss Ida Griffiths, of that town, was married to Ur, Charles Quinn of Guelph. The marriage took place at the home of her brother in-law, Mr. AIex Watson, Both bride and groom were unattended and Rev. R. S. Baker officiated. It's a pity when siok ones drag the stom- ach or stimulate the Eleart and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak Stomach means weak Stomaoh nerves, always. And this is also true of the Heart and Kidneys. The weak nerves are instead ,crying out for help. This explains why 1x13 1k1 T11443, Sf+:t'Tk,biB1ii; 23r !!1109 The Swedish state railways, by way of exporitneut, will take over the work ing for a rear of the largo n4ajen junk Peat deposits in North Sweden. Shoal. the .result be es satisfactory as is ex- pected it is anderatood that the state railways intend to go in for peat pro- duction an a large scale in the North of Sweden. The British railways in ;907 are re.. - ported to have had a total length of A. 23,101 miles, Should Wiilism Oawrse was sent to jail at Windsor for oonterept of court in fail. ing to comply with an order of the oourt to pay his first wife's funeral expenses, The poultrymen of Oonneotiont through their aesoolation, were, says Rural New Yorker, able to get a "Fresh egg" bill through the Legislature, The bill compels all dealers to sell eggs for what they are, A placard must be put into every receptacle which contains eggs for sale, stating whether the eggs are front cold storage or whether they ere preserved eggs, as the case may be, The orjeot of the bill is to prevent the sale of the storage or preserved eggs as "fresh laid." Pink Pain Tablets. ---Dr. Shoop's—stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Forma. la on 25o. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it's tine, Sold et Walley's Drug Store, The railway oommission has Issued an order that all railways must before Jan, 1, 19t1, erect and maintain on each side of their right of way, fences mini- mum height of four feet, six inches, and oattle guards on eaoh side of the high- way. The width of approaches to rural railway cros Ings must be twenty feet road surface on Conoeseioes and main roads, and sixteen feet on bash roads. Swing gates are also to be maintained at farm crossings, clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tab- et—called Preventios—is being dispens- d by druggists everywhere. In few ours, Preventive are said to break any old—completely. And Preventics, be- g safe and find for h ldren. No tQuinine re very axative, othing harsh nor siokening. Box of 48 25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. 13ecre the Thr Kind You flans Always Boa ARtnre When an African chief of the Nigerian tribes is ready to begin harvesting end requires extra assistance he gets some of hie tribesmen drumming. They beat a huge kettledrum made of ekin 8tretohed on a calabash and a small side drum, The Sound of the drumming parries a great diatomite and laborers come in from all dlreotions. THE LAD1Es' FAVORITE. Lexa-Liver Pills ore the ladies' favorit tnedioine, They pure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. The scratching of an industrious hen under the porch of the' house of Wm. M. Skinner, of Lakewood, N. J, recent- ly brought to light solea thousands of dollars' worth of jewelry stolen from the Skinner reeidrnce last April. It is thought the thief was afraid to attempt the sale of the jewelry for fear of appre- hension and bid the loot under the A porch. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly e loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough b o Remedy. And it is so thoroughly harm- ° lees, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use o° r nothing else, even for very young babies. r The wholesome green leaves and tender n it I stems of a lung healing moantainone t 1Shoop's Cough Remedy, It caime rho cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial membranes, No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to inj ere or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's, Aooept no other. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The gold frames of pictures or mir- rors, if they are not so far gone as to require regilding, may be cleaned by jut a simple washing with spirite of wine or oil of turpentine. Take a small sponge and leaving wet it in either of these liquids, wring it thoroughly and apply. The gilt ehonld not be wined afterwards in order to dry it; leave it to dry of itself. give the curative properties to Dr. .E'1 ai'Za'C111 . Z.E8►.. Sloop's Restorative is promptly Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ail- r 8ignatere m encs. The Restotative reaches out for the aotnal cause of these ailments—the failing "inside nerves." Anyway test the Restorative 48 hours. IC won't cure so soon as the t, but you will surely know that help . is coming. Sold at Walley's Drug Stora. Next year the taxes of Wiarton will be gathered in during the months of Jane, July and August when the rate- payers, according to the Canadian are better fixed financially, and are not devoting their attention to the laying aside of funds to pay for the winter's fuel. For a Sprained .Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the time usually re- quired, by applying Chamberlain's Lini- ment freely, and giving it absolute rest, For sale by all druggists. Four men in a small launch went aground on a reef in the Niagara River less than a mile from the cataract, and remained there aII night. Only the ab. 90anee of wind saved the party from be- ing swept over the Falls. When rescued they were in a state of oollapse, The Rev, Mr. Dozen had not gained the golden opinions of his congregation, who were unanimous in asserting that he was foolish and conceited, He con- sidered himself greatly prosecuted, and meeting an old German friend in the street one day, began to retail his Woes ending up by saying, "And the church- warden actually called me a perfeot ass. My cloth prevents me from resenting insults, but I think I shall refer to it in the pulpit next Sunday. What would you advise?" "Mine friend," replied the German soothingly, "I know not but I tick dat ail you can do vitt pe yonst to bray for them, ae usual." HE ENJOYS HiS MEALS NOW For He Keeps a "Little Digester" Handy Mr. Giussco, of Toronto, wrote is 011 May reth last: Taos CAS.TIItAR MJ;DZCINn Co., Dear Sirs, 509 Church St., Toronto. other box of Y ur would Digesters". All the members of my fatuity have been using them and have obtained the most antis= factory results. I congratulate you on your success in putting up a tablet for the cure of Indigestion. I suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me. Nothing gave ice relief, until I was persuaded totry •'Little Digesters". Now I never suffer from Indigestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to eat, because I know a "Little Diges- ter" after each mealwill digest my food. I recommend them to all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and would further say that you may publish the *bore if you Irish. I know there are thousands of people suffering front Indigceetion who will be glad to know there is a safe and mutt cure for theta, Yours very truly, (Stood) R. S. GI.ASSCO. "U the Digesters" Lost as cents tit Mdruggists, or by mail frons Coleman edicine Co., Toronto, ' 25' of The Owen Sound Sun reports the death of Joe Ootnrio, a French half- breed of that town. Ooturlo always said that he was born in 1785, and would therefor be 124 years at his death. He was six feet and four in. tall, stout in proportion; and remark- able for his physical strength. With allhis strength and a great love of sport he was a peaceful nand law-abiding man. A Travelling Man's Experience. "I must tell you my experience on an East bound O. R. & N. R. R. train from Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known traveling man. "I was in the smoking depart- ment with some other traveling ;nen when one of them went out into the coach and came baok and said, 'There is a woman sink nnto death in the oar,' I at once got up and went out, found her very ill with oramp colic; her hands and arms were drawn np so you could not like look 011 straighten them, heran withd e.Two or death- like ladies were working with her and giving her whiskey. I went to my snit case and Colo, ot Cholera band Dittle arrhoea Remedy (I never travel without it), ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, geared some water into it and stirred it with a pen - oil; then I had quite a time to get the ladies to Iet me give it to her, bat I suc- ceeded. I could at woe see the effect and I worked with her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dose. By this time we were al- most into Lee leave the train. I granave the bottle where I wto the husband to be used in case another dose ehonld be needed, but by the time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the oar." For sale by all druggists, Brnoe County farmers have been buying Manitoulin cattle during the Iast few weeks. 11 appears that grasshop- pers have destroyed most of the pasture and fodder crops on the Ietand and the cattle are being ptirohaaed inaoh below the usual prices. It is said that many herds on the Island have been browning, and when brought to plenteous Bruce pastures, hardly knew enough to eat grace, but kept looking up at the sky for them. A commercial traveller on hie way to Toronto from Owen Sound tells a good story of a man tip in that "dry" town, who got a oiroelar stating that for e2 a oertain wholesale firm in a distant locality Would send him a keg of hard stuff. He sent thti bank note and smacked his lips in anticipation. In due time the keg came, but instead of being filled with old rye malt or Dorn juioe, it was filled with scrap iron, and wad a000mpanied by it letter stating that if that warn't bard enough they'd send hint a keg of epikee at the noel rates, It was fan to see the Owen Sbunder going around pitying to kiek himself for being "Old" at his own prlee. Roy 3 'OU cannot buy flour 0.$ fine, white, pure and nutritious as Royal House-, hold under any other name. There is no other flour in Canada upon which half so much money is spent to insure perfect purity just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household, � seIu1d Flour is the best --most wholesome— most carefully milled flour to be had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark are on every barrel and sack — a guarantee from the maker to the consumer, Tell your grocer you avast have • Royal Household. as Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Fdontreal.. After an illness of five weeks from heart trouble and dropsy, Walter Mur- -- 1 k l,v L p 1 �. phy, lot 13, con. 13, Hallett, paid YEARS nature's debt early Sunday morning,TC �� (1o tSept, 12th, aged 63 years, 10 moths andC lu,. LoeaI History of the socia 80s. 23 days. He ie survived by his wife, 4 I Items from the "Tunes" Pyles. daughters and a son. Mr. Murphy's earlier years were spent in Kingston locality' coming westward about thirty years ago. He was an industrious, hon- orable man and was a first-class neigh- bor. In addition to farming he had a threshing outfit and was widely known and respected. Is Dr. Chase Your Doctor? For over a generation Dr. Chase has, by means of his famous Receipt Book and great family medicines,been winning the confidence and esteem of the people of this continent. His Kidney -Liver Pills, Ointment, Nerve Food and other medicines have long since proven their exceptional merits and today are to be found in the beat homes everywhere. Why not let Dr. Chase be your doctor. The Naser balloon at the Ottawa Fair struck an electric light wire in making an asoeneion and eeveral men who went to the aesistanoe of the aviator were shocked. Mr. Edward Keating of Belle- ville was killed. The balloon made the asoeneion, and in being brought baok to the grounds Dame in contact with an- other wire and was burned. A GEORGIA GENIUS. Clerk Howell, of Atlanta, tells a good story of a former janitor of the Atlanta Constitution of$oe, who lost his place through over -indulgence in liquor, and who afterward secured a position are an assistant in an automobile garage in that city. "He had been working around the garage as handy man for about six months," said Mr, Howell, "and hap- pening to meet him on the street one day, I asked him how he was getting along in the automobile business." "Fine," said he. "I suppose yon know everything about an automobile now, Tom?" I said to him. "Yes, sir, Mr. Howell, I knows a lot about dem oars, for Poe been working under them ever sine I left the Con- stitution office. But dere is just one thing about dem automobiles dot puz- zles me," said Tom. "What's that?" I asked. "Well, sir, Mr. Howell, I can't get it into my head how they make 'sin go without hitching a horse to 'em." Suffered More Than Tongue Can Tell From Liver Trouble. A lazy, slow or torpid liver is it terrible diction, as its influence permeates the whole system, causing Biliousness, Heart- burn, Water Brash, Langour, Coated Tongue, Sick Headache, Xe11ow Eyes Bellow Complexion, etc. It holds back he bile, which is required to move the ,bowelsand lets it get into the blood Matted, thus causing Constipation. MiIbum's Larva -Liver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, and will tone, renovate and the liver. Mrs. J. C. Westberg River, Man., writes:—"I suffered. lot yeses, more tn tongue can tell, tiomt liver' trouble. I tried several kinds Of medicine, but oould get no relief until I got isat .e rn' t -Liver or w I may. i ve done for Mo." ighly for kAt they itflllber;h'e /aim -Liver Pills are 2.15e. pet vial, or 5 for SIM, All dealers, or nulled direct oa receipt ofride by Ort.T. Ila Co., Liziuteid, Totont°, 1. (From the Timms of Sept.20,1889.) piece at Mr. Charles Lloyd's residence on the evening of the 18th instant. A large number of the friends of Mr, John Buchanan and his estimable wife as- sembled to present hint with a beautiful Silver Service and Mrs. Buchanan with Beveled silver articles of utility, on the eve of their departure for Toronto, where they intend to make their future home. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. George Sadler has erected a neat cottage on Water street, being the third he has built on that street. A decidedly cold and wet wave has followed the extremely warm weather of the past few weeks. On Wednesday, the first load of wheat this season, was brought on the market by Mr, Jos. Casemore, It was a very good sample and was purchased by Mr. Wm. Clegg for 80 cents per bushel. The west side of the G. T. R. station grounds are being raised, and a gang of men are engaged putting on gravel, which is being brought in by train. Messrs. Wm. and Thos. Moore have the contract of fencing the park. The front fence will be of gas pipe. The carpenters are busy enclosing Mr, Geo. MaKenzie'e hay pressing establish- ment end the building will soon be ready for nee. Mr. M: McDonald, of Ripley, has pur- chased Messrs. Sebastian Bros, barber- ing business. A very interesting ceremony took STEMS Muir.—In Turnberry, on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr, Pobt. Blair; a eon. Cfarey,—In Wingham, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr, Sanford Carey; a daughter. MARRIED. Wilkinson—Brewer, —In Morris, ore. the 11th Inst, by the Rev. J. E. Bowers,. of Toronto, Mr, Wm. Wilkinson to Miss. Elizabeth Ann Brewer, both of Morris.. DEATHS, Shurrle.—In Morris, on the 5th inst, Mr, James D. Sherrie, aged 67 years, 4 months and 10 days. Hodgins. --At Culross, on Aug. 27th, Ralph Hodgins, aged 83 years. WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR How often do we hear that exolama- tion of 8 certain woman's hair or cer- tain man's hair, A prominent scientist and hair special- ist emphatically states, and has proven, that any man or woman can have lux- uriant, lnetrone hair, by using a famous prescription called Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is now made and sold in Canada. Walton MoKibbon, the druggist, is the agent in Wingham and the readers of the TIMES can buy it for only 50 cents a Targe bottle. ianSage will beautify' the thet heir, once dandruff and stop falling hair, and for that reason he sells it under a guarantee to oure or money bank. . If yon cannot obtain Parisian Sage where you live, you can get a bottle for 50 cents from Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont., express °bargee prepaid. OPTIMIST CLUB PHILOSOPHY. God reigns, the union still Iives, ant the sun shines, even though the clouds obaonre it. There are more people dying for the lank of a kind -word, a pat on the bank and a little encouragement, than there are from disease. A smile is potential, magnetic, ant dispels trouble. The man who never makes any mistakes, never makes anything else. Hard -luck stories are like .over -due • notes. "Go bury thy sorrows, the world bath its share." Just smile, Before money was invented some - people were happy. Shake halide a4 though you meant it, -----•� t and smile. A SOCIAL CALL. Nobbbody 0811 Compete the value of a smile; a frown has cost a king- dom. [Detroit Free Press.] In darkness, in light, in sorrow, in blight. lite ° an optiniitt ever and things will come right. Yom cannot pat influence in it glues 0800. When Mrs. Readymoney found it card upon her polished floor. Which Mre. Goldenhair had pushod that afternoon beneath the door, She pinked it np and read the name, then on her fade there crept a grin, And Mrs. Readymoney said: "I'm mighty glad I wasn't in." t.! When Mn. Readymoney went to call on 14 hie. Goldenhair, And she, tuft, left is(tailing pard because she didn't find her there; She Stop S neither sighed CoId1 d ndr $ frowned nbr wore a look to indicate chagrin. y She Merely told her husband thief "I'm To cheek early colds ordripisewith "Prevent -foe" mighty glad elle wasn't iii," mous sure defeat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold, with Proventica Is safor than to let it run and be obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sure, Pre.' ,r Neat time they met she tai-, Ylayraeat" takencestiy-Gatth© sneaezde stages -they bold, but r and fumbled with her tortoise bomb, sad ort these early colds. That's y break, or •+ at s surely better; x was ro sorry tb have bad you call it's why they are called Prevontics. When I Wag not at home; Preventicsaro littlo Candy Cold cures. No thin. • Nor pati I tell you my regret," and here chileten—and no etho°ro nothing, safe too.Nice a for the, you feet she radii dropped her chin, Amy, if you Meese. if you ache all rver, think of "'Upon the afternoon I galled on you And usoveeties. Ptomntness Mufti alstl sa+Ve half Cour . didn't find on in," al sickness. And dont foret our child, it Octets feverishness, nightot day. Herein probe i�►Cbly lies Preeentles' greatest efficiency. Sold in And then both Mra.pldenhair and Mrs, Pr vdnticb°ri the coact, also in 25c boxes of 48 Readymoney told Waist on year druggists giving roil Earth other just how wad they were, their de grief Was more than they could hold; Then eaoh one parted, eaoh obit iniilei , + And later atoll was he bid td say, a hank �' 1 a oovisita that at is ovtir how, and reventicsy� that's* visit anyway." WAX,T. vy,'$ DIG ATOJ�,a,r'" I