HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-09-23, Page 5Till' W0(541414 TIM ;S, SI PTI:D'IBER 23 11M 1;AST WAWANOSii, Mr. Jaokeon Walker, and daughter of Toronto, paid a flying visit to hie brothers, of the 12th line, for over Sun- day. The Briole Church will hold their anniversary services next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Dungannon will preach morning and evening. An entertain- ment will be held the following Monday evening. 1 The Clothes with 1 a National Reputation , 111111.1.1.11. McGee 8v Campbell OLOTHING AND FURNIBIIINGS. 1 Doctors Fear Tonsilitis Otttbrealr. Hundreds of oases are reported. If your throat ie irritable and sore, gargle it three times daily with Nerviline and water, Then rub the throat and oieeet vigoronaly with Nerviline and put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. Follow these inetruotions closely and you will avoid Tonsilitie, Bronchitis and Throat Trouble of every kind. Hundreds are preventing is emethod and and curing thitr colds eminently satisfactory. Both Nerviline Flinders and Poison's Nerviline inn be had from any dealer, 26o. each. I3LYTn The death marred on Saturday night, September 4th, of Jamea Stewart. of 90 Ellen St , Winnipeg, aged 813. The deceased was bora in Eamsey township, Ont., and went to Winnipeg from Blyth, in 1883, He is survived by a widow, five daughters and one eon:— Mra, Robt, Soott, Dufferin avenue; Mre, McGuire, Regina; Mrs. J. Keys, James Stewart, Vancouver; Mrs, Homer English and Mies Kate Stewart. The funeral took plaoe on Wednesday after- noon, Sept 8th, at 2,30 from the resi- denoe, 90 Ellen St„ to St. James ceme- tery. Mrs, Creighton, of town, is a sister of deceased. He was also an uncle to Robt. Slater by marriage. Mr, Stewart was the village Constable, LISTOWEL. On Friday morning at 5 o'clock the death occurred of Janet Wilson, daugh- ter of the late Robert Wilson, and be- loved 'wife of 131r. John Patch. Mrs. Perch has been ill for the past three months, but her friends hoped for her recovery. She was widely known, and leaves to mourn her lose besides a host of friends, her husband, and two eons, Dr. Peroy and St. Clair, of Hancock, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. R. Cooke, of Fordwioh and Mrs. Springsteen, of Morpeth, Ont. CLINTON. Miss E. Stevens was a Goderioh visit- or this week. Wm. Claff and wife have returned to their home in Detroit. Miss Annie Spence, of Bluevale, is the guest of Miss Jean Ross. Mr Geo. Robertson has returned from an extended visit in the West. Mr, A. Jackson has accepted a posi- tion in a barber shop in Georgetown. It Res Killed Hundreds. Strong purgatives have killed many a good man. Costiveness ie bad—violent cathartics are worse. It bothered with stomach trouble or biliousness, try Dr, Hamilton's Pills. They are so mild you can scarcely feel their action, yet so effective that the entire system is oleans- ed of wastes. Dr. Hamilton's Pills move the bowels gently, they tone the kidneys, assist digestion, clear the skin. For those subject to colds, biliousness, langour there is no better medicine, Try a 25o. box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, J13 MESTOWN. Miss Allie McKelvey, of Toronto, is visiting at home for a few days. Rev. J. O. Pomroy, of Kincardine, visited at John Streohan's last week. He was assisting at the Harvest Home services in Roe's ohnroh. John Hogg, of Aberdeen, Washington Territory, is et hie home in Grey at present. He will remain here till spring. Wm. Hogg has returned to Washington. Ward Caldbiok returned to the West for a short time. He will probably Dome back to Morris to spend the winter. The threshing maohines are again in our midst. Messrs. Cole, Garnies and Dooket are' on their rounds. There machines are all A•1. The temperance workers of the town have launched a local option oampaign. Several from town are attending the CroseleyHunter revival meetings in Blyth. W. B. MoTaggart has gone to To- ronto to pursue his studies at St. An- drew's College. Union prayer meetings are being held under the auspices of the Methodist and Baptist churches-. The union evan- genetics services will begin on the first Sunday in Does n�totor AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Stops railing Flair An Elegant Dressing Destroys Dandruff Makes i-iair Grow Ingredients: Sulphur. mage Glycerin. Alcohol. t Water. Perfume. A hair preparation made from this formula is harmless, yet possesses positive merit. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Consult yourdoctor about these hair problems. .L O. AYES COMPANY, Lowen. 11>ut ,,,. ,, , 4•••••••••••+•••••••••••••• A CHANGE OF STORES A CHANGE OF PRICES *••o♦••s+*e44`4Ns♦♦♦•4 + + } reat Rem AN INVITATION Miss Reynolds requests the pleasure of your presence at her exhibit of Exclusive Fall Millinery which has been planned for Thursday, Sept. 23rd and following days. w HiTECHURUH. The apple packers are busy here. Grain is Doming to the elevator in con- siderable quantities these days, The plasterers have finished the base- ment of the church. It is now ready for the carpenters. Mr. H. Rintoul, Sr., is improving fast; he was able to take a trip to Wingham on Saturday last. Mr. J, McDonald, general agent for the Peter Hamilton Oo., Peterborough, was here on business this week. around Mr. Finley, late pastor of Methodist ohnroh, and Mrs. Fluley, now of Era - Pills has proved by hundreds of cures bre, were calling on friends this week, that it builds up the blood to a .oint Mr. H. D. Henderson, who met with that enables it to east ont thee: •oisone through the regular channel: of exore- a painful accident some time sgo, is tion—the bowels, the kid,:ya and the recovering nicely, his hand is about skin. When this is don: the rhenma- healed up. tiem is permanently oar. , , and as long as Mr. J. Holmes has the foundation the blood is kept p re and rich the rom rheumatism. laid for his chopping mill, on the lot I Mr. Thomaeient will be f 0 Mc :, Ri hibncto, N. B., opposite his store and is digging a well RHEUMATISM DRIVEN FROM THE BLOOD A Remedy Which Assists Nature Make a Cure Which is Perma- nant as This Case Proves. Every sufferer from rheumatism wants to be cured and to stay cured. The prospect of the frequent return of the trouble is not attractive to anytody who has gone through one 'siege. Most treatments aim simply to "keep down" the rheumatic poisons in the blood. The tonio treatment by Dr. Williams' Pink BELGRAVE. The people of this dietriot last week heard with regret of the death of Chris- tina Stonehonse, wife of Mr. Thos. M. Russell. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Richard Stonehenge of this village and had been residing at Saginaw, Mich. She had not been In good health for some time and name over to visit with her sister at Exeter. Last week her trouble became more serious and she was taken to the London hoepttal where an operation was performed and Mrs. Russell passed away Thursday evening, The remains were brought here on Fri- day and the funeral t000k plane on Monday afternoon to Brandon ceme- tery. Service was held in the Methodist Churoh, oondnoted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Oook, assisted by Rev. Mr. Fer- guson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The bereaved relatives will have the sympathy of the community. alongside; the building is to be cement. It is to be rue by gas made on the plane. The machinery and everything is up- to-date. Mr. John Sperling met with an ac- cident on Saturday, at the station, while standing near the cattle pen; the cattle broke out and in trying to esoape dan- ger he tell bank injuring hie shoulder and right arm. It is very painful but hope for a speedy recovery. Do Your Ears Ring? This is the beginning of Chronic Ca- tarrh. If not checked, the result is deafness. A simple remedy that many physicians advise is to slowly inhale "Oatarrhozone" a few times each day. The soothing vapor of Catarrhozoue oures the Catarrhal condition and hear- ing improves at once. Head noises, buzzing ears are cured. For Catarrhal deafness, throat, nose and lung oatarrh there is probably no remedy so efficient. aSalel We are removing from store now occupied, to the Beaver Block. Everthing here must be sold regardless of cost or re- gular price, as we purpose restarting with an entirely new and natty stock. The are , Bargains Bins ever `+ } + PRICES ALL GONETO SMASH IN } 4 O 4 + 4 + s s •+ • + + heard of in Wingham s + % RINGS, BRACELETS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, • • r• * AR}E, ALL KINDS OF • ♦ PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, AND : ,+.► FANCY GOODS. N .♦ LOCKETS, SILVERW FANCY JEWELERY, CHINAWARE, WALL we BRUSSELS. Miss Verne Walker left last week for Toronto to take a course in the Ladies' College. Mr, W. J. Stewart, of Parkhill spent part of hie holidays at his home in town. We are sorry to report that Mr. W. H. Kerr is still in very poor health. We hope he may soon be fully restored to good health. , .♦ ale R KNOX. + ♦+ says—"Permit .• = to bear testimony to the worth of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a cure for acute rheumatism. My son, Frederick, was subject to this painful troublefor a period of eight or ten years, and during this time periodical attacks would regularly oc• our. His last attack was a most se- vere one and the pains were exornciat- ing in the extreme, shooting through the body to such an extent that even the approach of any person would cause him to ory out with fear, and he bad rest neither night or day. Oar family dootor, a man of skill and experience, applied many remedies without avail, and could give no encouragement other than that the warmer weather then approaching might prove beneficial. Just at this time we noticed where some person similarly afflicted had been oured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to try them. He kept on using the Pills, each succeeding box showing improvement, until he had taken ten boxes, when all pains and aches had completely disappeared, and although mode of life is tbat of a fisherman, and consequently exposed to both wet and cold, he has had no return of any of the symptoms whatever. The cure is com- plete, and is entirely due to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." Yon can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or they will be sent by mail at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LESSENED PRODUCTION. (OUEitICB. A happy event took plane Wednesday of last week at the residence of Mrs. Vanstone, her youngest daughter, Mar- garet Delphlne, becoming the bride of Edgar Bertram Hale, of town. Rev. R. W. Millyard, pastor of Viotoria Street Methodist Ohnroh, performed the cere- mony, and the wedding maroh was play- ed by DeLemme Millyard. The bride wore a travelling suit and carried a bouquet of roses and maiden hair f erns. The happy couple were unattended and stood before a huge bank of flowers. The bride was given away by her broth- er, A. E. Vanstone, of Gorrie. After the ceremony the guests, to the number of about forty, sat down to the festive board, those from out of town being as follows:—Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Holmeeville; Mrs. Potter, cousin of the bride, of Saskatchewan; Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Vanstone, of Gerrie, and Mies Heddle, of Benniller, Messrs. Cameron and Moore, dry goods merchants. with whom the bride held a reeponsible pool• tion, presented her with a handsome cabinet of silverware, and the employes of the tvheelroom of the Goderich wheel rigs factory, of whioh the groom was foreman, presented a chair. W. G. Shaw, wife and two children, of Spokane, Wash., are here on a month's visit at the home of Mrs, James Shaw. Miss Doty of London, has been en- gaged by the Methodist Sunday School to give instruction to large class who will present an entertainment here on the evening of September 27111. The marriage of Mist; Nora, daughter of Dr. W. S. and Mrs. Holmes, to Mr. A. B. Macdonald, barrister, of Oran - brook, B. O., took plaoe in St. John's ohnroh here on Wednesday, Sept, 22nd, Barrister MaoDonald is a former well known Brneselsite, Your Nerves Are 'Weak, You sleep badly, appetite is variable. You. eat but gain no strength, Morning tiredness makes you wish night would oome. When night oomes refreshing sleep is hard to obtain. You're run down, your blood is thin and watery, your .nerves have grown weak, the thought of effort wearies yon. You need Ferrezene; it makes blood,—red, strong blood. An appetite? You'll eat everything and digest it ton. Strength? That's what plenty of food gives, Fer• rezone gives hope, vigor, vim, ender. ante. Use Forrozono and got eating Roenite ate quick—core is lasting. All dealers in 50o boxes. Several Methodist dietriot meetings have passed resolutions regretting the ♦ granting of a Chapter to the Motropoli. • �y GOODS. ♦, tan Racing' Association, and calling for Opposite Qticon's hotel. A PLEASURE 'PO SHOW' • an amendment to the criminal Doris ++.0+4..+.+t6t+:4.�'t#f+1+++.1.+++ i+4Ati:0:*e.4.0440+.44O4:4+4+b':t govi;witih ra` e Baa°2a t;oasllDling, New Idea Patterns lee THE LEADING STORE 1 1 1 b New Idea ilawxztnea 5e LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN NEW Fall and Winter Coats JUST ARRIVED You are cordially invited to inspect our complete stock of NEW FALL and WINTER COATS. Never before have we shown such a large range of READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. We handle only the best makes of Coats and Skirts anti our prices are in keeping with low prices in all other Departments. t'{ DRESS GOODS. We carry a very large stock of Dress Materials, the new weaves and colorings are here for your inspection. Don't buy your Fall Dress until you see our stock. We can save you money. 1 Lx. E. ISARD & co, TURNItERItY. Minutes of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, Sept. 20, Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and Mc- Michael. Kelly--Rutherford--•That the contract of completing the King drain be let to WINGHA August reports received at Ottawa from members of the cow testing as- sociatiocs indicate that in most districts the flow of milk is well up to the aver- age. In some localities there is but a very slight decrease from July yield of milk, so light, that the increasiug rich- ness shows a trifle higher yield of fat. In other localities, unfortunately, there is very marked shrinkage, as much as 120 lb. and even 180 lbmilk per cow less in July. Many dairy farmers have accordingly vowed that next year will not we them caught without any pro- vision for maintaining the flow, but they have determined to provide some soil- ing crop, and if possible build a silo, so as to ensure succulent feed for probable hot spells in July and August, such men are wise. Some dietiiets have as high averages as 8701b milk, and 20 1a. fat i'i naigast. Such wigo dairymen had made provis- ion of suitable feed. Others, less pro- vident, had to be content with a yield of 3801b. milli and 21 ib f ac her LUN. : while hero rand there tee av:r:a yard was down to WO lb. tat itisit; lb, :at. FALL FAIR TUESDAY AND WEDNESAY Septeber 28 and 29, 1909 Wednesday Afternoon, Sept. 29th R. Hoclreridge at $1.25 per rod.—Gd. Saeh men might well copy th o nl.;th� see Tho following Beaman were loosed el their brattier feet -earn who esu:tarty and cheques on Bank of IIeral't. t ocenre b gtthe ceedlarger e i be i '1 . i .tote l en cif nGc issued: --Jelin W. King, ora el anal when t calve are 1)0 ma .3 ill cote. y damages57,t)0; Samtae1Vanstene,gravel $.1.50; Amor. Gofton, ravel' $5.11; E Orvis, gravel $2 70; Mrs. B. Holmes, gravel $0.75; John Sillick, road dick KM; John Mos;;rove, culvert OA); l; Hugh fileKie non, gravelling x.11.:." , Clint. :Atkin, ins acting gicv.'llieta $1 50; Mrs. J. Robinson, gravel517.5.S; Alex, .lof'ate, enlvert Grey beun'1 sty $3.00: Wm. Breckenridge, grtavellin: $15.75; James Paaeoek, gravai 41,1:;; John MoNaughteen, rant termor G Belly—Wlieeler--That this meetiu;; do nOW 0j:earn to meet in the Oltrrk's office, BhIevale, en Monday, Oat. 1n.'), at 10 o'clockk a, in.—Carried. Curried, Jolla i..Liilii ss-, cad consumption Can be cured. Nature alone won't do it, i9, needs holly. ns- the boot; h31p, bttt its ease must be continual in sung., arisen as well as winter. Tito itlaaHalo ecl1 rank. rr ter Get asnialttot:tonow. Alt ;s2s a ra- 7, ,Oris 1e M' }» , 1;`,,f411: Fii 1. .*re us- vuutauut+ur. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. GREEN RACE.—Mile heats; best three in five. Open to horses that have never won public money. Herres to be attaehed t•i four- wheele i ria. Clouei:e1i- r, tore moot be members of Society. Prizes -00, ea, et. FARMERS' HORSE RACE —half mile heats; beet three in five. Horses to be attached to tour -wheeled rice can 1 to t,.• ria a farmer or his son. Competitors to be members of the Society. Peizee—zeil, 16. $4. POTATO RACE.—Competitors to stand to horse. Potatoes to be plaoed 100 yards from the etertinr p lecett, rile tat first rutile, «iasee.onaa and pick np potato, reteouut, rile back to starting point, dismount and pnt potato in pail, and so on with each potato. Horse any eiee. Prizes --$3, 82. DOTJBLI: HITCHING RACE.—Hitchin;; teem to ininaer a et:en. team to walk ,1•iarter mile and go as you please q'iarter mile. Pi'tzea—$3, S'2. DA.a(IND COMPETITION. --Open to liege and ;airs. No entrance fee: Hail pr's I1.eenpipe Yriedt ,1'l . '2 o, lIIt lend lalieg ,• _ ATIILE1ICI CONTESTS.- 'An interestitt feature of this ytar'e fair will be three s, l:' t Canteen ne fttilo,ve. No entr_ine fee: ni.,ii .; broad jump . Ono- mile run le mile run for boys u0 tt'r 11 years... ...... -:; el S 7 BAND `\ bi...17,A1 a ol:oicc l ooean1 of raneie in : roLt C ti t.;t^ la i stat: L °'. hqn pl!pk ?i 's`)L U R 13 YW' tp4 thlTny DC 0HiED - u4ait7�4J,7Jp - E:a 11.,UTA n flto lu .0 UU.iCti ft'�c�o (� �� 11 20th ��`'� • '� --- , kilo i.j iS ti l�.:: it A aaae ceanee Sill lei t_^V049 in tan t.) rat IC aere o o e i f w Wt.4n '_aila,a eiaa.. 'p'taneaert ID IlVi ari,e ttt CA -U130: ert pony, :'Jill 1O 1,)Wils ; wdll-tdi,St,1.t fag i'�u will tai C , I;1: 1 <'r1'i0, ti't� l,Ip?T t aloes c et , 'i +; .e"aft ebb, Gate boy rot:Tato ; a.arl the t at 4 lis, tr4; c c o 71:11. ins A,inai[ ,', t: :ata.l .•.,a', t7ii a 11... of tat Rt MCG:'ibb: 1`8 torus tr1C1t:. H. 11 ELL1O F