HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-26, Page 6IJNCASTER, OMT,
'hese Wonderful Fruit Juice Tablets
Are Winning Friends on Every Side,
Lancaster, Ont,, Sept 16, 1$08
I was a martyr for many years to
that distressing complaint, chronic
!Constipation. I tried many kinds of
pills and medicines without benefit and
consulted physicians, but notching did
rase any real good. Then I began to
take "'fruit-a-tives" and these won-
iderful Iittle fruit tablets entirely cured
At first, I took five tablets a day,
Ibut now I tape only one tablet every
two days. T am now entirely web, and
thanks to "Fruit -a -dives," I give you
_permission to publish this testimonial.
(Madame) Zenopbile Bonneville.
This is only one more link in the
ehain of proof that "Fruit -a -dives"
never fail to cure Constipation or non -
notion of the bowels, 50e a box, or 6
for 6:3.50, or trial box 25c. At dealers
or sent on reeeept of price by Fruit-a-
tives Limited, Ottawa.
If you have anything to say to a mule
say it to his face.
Think only of yourself, and others
will forget yon.
gonatipatlou and Headache.
Mrs, R, Morrow, Braoebridge, Ont,,
writes: "For years I was troubled al-
most oonetantly with constipation and
never got anything to do me the lasting
good that bas been obtained from Dr.
Ohaee'e Kidney -Liver ?,'ills. Not only
have they cured constipation but have
also entirely cured the headaches from
which I used to sutler terribly and have
improved my health in every way,"
And a :woman seldom stops talking
for the purpose of thinking.
Possession is nine points' of the taw,
and the attorney's fee is the tenth.
Don't drag. the Stomach, or atimulate
the .heart or Kidneys. That is wrong.
It is the weak nerves that are Drying out
for help. Vitalize these weak inside
controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's
Restorative, and see how quickly good
health will come to you again. Test it
and see? Sold at Waliey'e Drug Store.
One kind of diplomat is a woman who
can make a roan believe he knowa more
than she doee.
The pleasure a woman gets out of a
good cry has nothing in common with
her sense of humor,
• Diarrhoea Cured,
with diarrhoeaher has s years
tried tevery
inane possible to effect a cure, without
avail," writea3ohn H. Zirkle of Philippi,
W. Va. "He saw Chamberlain's Coiic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy adver-
tised in the Philippi Republican and de-
cided to try it. The result is one bottle
oared hien and he has not suffered with
the disease for eighteen months. Before
taking this remedy be was a constant
sufferer. He is now sound and well,
and although sixty years old, oan do as
much 'Work as a young man." Sold by
A11 Druggists.
The trustees of S. S., No. 4, Colborne,
have re-engaged J. 0. Stothers, of Ash-
field for the fall term
The London Financial Times has been
investigating the world's output of
wine end says it is decreasing.
DR. A. We CHASE'S 0g
is soot ilreet to the amused
parte by the Improved 131ower.
Heals the ulcers, cleats sthe air
sand cpppermanagndy cures
Catarrk and clayy Fever. 13ldwer
free. All dealers, et Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Tomah* a*Q Basle.
Mt', Oarnegle, who was lately in
Faris, has promised $1,000,000 for a
"hero fund" in France, similar to that
already established in England, Soot -
land and the 'United States.
Dendriall and i t ana goSod one, If yon
Were dandruff you have itoh lirt and
the little microbes that are pert and
Veleta/ of dandruff are working per.
eietently night and day and sootier or
later will reach the very MO of your
heir and destroy its vitality.
Then yon'il be betel -.bald to stay_.
fax not Caen the wonderrul rejuvenating
properties in Parisian Sage can grew,
hair after the hair bulb or rept Is
Parleiert Sege ogres dandruff. Walton'
MaEibbon, the draggle' Sells it—reoom-
n eads it eta gtleraiitees it; only' 150
clients a Itette bottle and your money
heck if it Ms to once Dandruff, lf"allin
!Aar end Itching of the Scelp. l!
nteresting Paragraphs frorn our Eullang6s
On July let fifty-six new poetofiices 1
were opened in Canada, ten were closed
and five offices had their names changed,
A mysterions disease has broken out
among the cattle on James Dickson' a
farm near CarnpbelIerofd, and three
have died.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid -
nye, bladder and urinary organs only.
They curebaokaohes, weak back, rheurm-
%tiem, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
;ravel, Bright'a disease and all other
3iseases arising from wrong action of the
kielneye and bladder
Aa a rule you can form a fairly
accurate opinion of what your neigh-
bors think of you by what they any of
Young man, marry a homely girl if
you are fond of good bisonite. All a
pretty girl knows about dough is to
spend it.--Ohioage News.
What is Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson of Drnmquin, On-
tario, has been troubled for years with
indigestion, and recommende Obamber•
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as
"the beet medicine I ever used." If
troubled with indigestion or constipation
give them a trial, They are certain to
prove beneficial. They are easy to take
and pleasant in effeot. Price, 25 Dents.
Samples free at all drug stores.
The return of Mr. Delaney, Conserva-
tive, in the Prince, P,E.I , bye -election
leaves the Island Government with a
majority of two.
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Mr, Robert Meighen, President of the
Lake of the Woods Milling Company,
declares that farmers will do better by
holding their wheat.
About twenty new town sites will be
placed on the market in Manitoba with-
in the next two months. The towns
will be manufactured later.
Drive Rheumatism from the blood with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. Tab-
let or Liquid. Sold at Wailey's Drug
The Bank of Commerce estimates the
western wheat crop at 113,979,000 bush-
els, the oat crop at 157,537,000 bushels,
and the barley crap at 24,320,000 bush-
Mr. 0. B. Watts, Secretary' of the
Dominion Millera' Association, gaeetions
the correctness of Mr. Robert Meighen'a
advice to Ontario farmers to hold their
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfeot
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
General Booth, of the Salvation
Army, is suffering from septic poison
of the eye, a conditlon that has neoea.
eitated the abandoning of his religious
crusade in the provinces and his return
to London.
The Single Tax Aaecciation of Toron-
to is circulating a petition for presenta-
tion to the Legislature asking that
municipalities be given the power to
lower the assessment on improvements
and increase it on the land.
Granulated Sore Eyes cured.
"For twenty years I suffered from a
bad case of granulated sore eyes, Bays
Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In
February; 1903, a gentleman asked me
to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought
one box and need about two-thirds of it
and my eyes leave not given me any
trouble since," This salve is for sale by
all druggists.
The population of the pity of New
York is composed of $$2,500,000 people
be the boroughs of Manhattan and the
Bronx, and 1,800,000 in the boroughs
of Brooklyn, Queens, and Richmond,
tasking a total of 4,300,000.
Lata -Liver Pills are the ladies' faeorit
medicine, They euro Constipation, Sick
iieaclaohe, Eilliousness, and Dyspepsia
Without griping, purging or alokening.
A gang of over a dozen men are en-
gaged in constructing A telephone line
for the Bell Telephone Oo„ between
Luoknow and :Dungannon. This will be
great convenience as cottnectioti with
Unit plaoe formerly was made by weir
Of Winghem, Olinton and Goderioh. It
will alio be a more direct line to Gode•
Mr, S. G. Anderton brought in this
Week A curiosity In the tbaps of f cies-
ter bf $e1'lnteen apples attached to one
bench. Fourteen of them are well
formed epeoimens. Never before bane
many! Apples fort,ned Ort the trees of
this district. In .facet. in nanny Okla
chile erre too teeny to develop into Arid.
1 ltIu fruit
. Lnolxn
o n
tl► Sentinel
During the courtship a warren coin
plamcnts a man because of bis master.
fullness, but after marriage oho sees that
be loses et.
A well dressed, unknown svorn"a't, of
about forty y".•era. ocanitt"•rl suicide by
jumping from a ferry boat which was
crossing from Detroit to Windsor.
Bears tee Tho Kind You Have Al4ays naught
The official Canadian Emigration
Society, of Londcr", stats that a great
many Englishmen i.i Brinell Columbia
ana Ontario have regular incomes
running from $20,000 to $25,000 a
Thelma Pritchett, aged five, and
Corbin, aged six, comping
with their parents for the summer at
Wond8riand, a few miles from London,
toppled over the bank and were drown.
Mies .Lillis Schwalm of Chesley was
the succeesfut candidate for the gold
medal offered by Mr. J B. Campbell of
Pinkerton to the student from Bruce
County taking highest marks at the re-
cent Entrance examinations,
Marvellous Healing rowers.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes
sure with one of Dr,
Tablets. The ormulahisoon the 25 centt
box, Ask your Doctor or Druggist
about this formula! Stops womanly
pains, headache, paine anywhere,
oils trite o prove r. oprovevalue of hie HHeadache,efree
Pink Pain Tablets, Sold at Walley's
Deng Store.
Most Chinese are IDR, abort for-
swearing Oriental drugs and quackery.
Many of them live here for years be-
fore they oan be tempted to sample
Occidental medioines, and some of
them live and die without making the
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For the quarter ending March 31 the
population of Australia increased by -
over 20,000. The increase was great-
est in Victoria, whose gain was 6,946,
and Queensland comes a close second
with 6,215. In Qaeensland the increase
comprises nearly twice as many males
as females,
The footprints of Dyspepsia have been
directly traced to the Stomach nerves.
When these "inside nerves" fail, indi-
notion and stomaoh distress must sure-
ly result. For this, druggists every-
where are supplying a presdription
known as Dr,
Fi st,these tiny inside Stomach, Heart
and Kidney nerves fail, Then gas
belobing, Heart palpitation or failing
Kidneys follow. Don't drag the Stom-
ach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
That is wrong. Strengthen these fail-
ing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
It is the nerves, not the organs that are
calling g
Within p W In
starting the Restorative treatment, ayter
will realize the gain. A teat will tell.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
One day a white man purchased a
fine turkey from a colored gentleman on
the assurance that it was a domestic
bird, home -fed. Next time they met he
said: "Look here, Sam, you guaran-
teed that turkey I bought to be a do-
mestic bird," "Yes, Bah," grinned
Sam, "s0 it was," "Why, Sam," re-
eumed the buyer, "I found bird shot all
through it, How do you explain that?"
Sam grinned more darkly than ever as
he replied: "Well, to tell the trnf,
Bah, dem shots was meant for me,"
They Help Your Stomach Out
And Save Yore a World of
A stomach that cannot digest a good
Meal is certainly a sore trial. It has
been responsible for almost everything
in the way of human ,misery, sip to
The ttouble in most eases is that the
stomach and other digestive organs
lack vigor. Not enough of the juices
necessary to digestion are secreted, nor
doee the stomach work up the food
The worst of it is that • there ie not
sufficient nourishfnent taken out of the
fond to restore the systrrn's vigor, and
the trouble goes from bad to .verse.
The stomach needs help.
"Liexactly. the Digester*" meet theineed
earl meal will ensure rfect di atter
perfet:t digiest3b .
plaided, of leans, that the food it
good and wholesome.
"Little Digextet r" ate guaranteed
te tie* ylrNr ii 'nfun d. and VOyspepsiaor
from Col M•
tt.A.St at your o,Toronto,
Tut: W1NlxktAl TIMES, AUGUST 26, 1:l0
Gas Distended
His Stomach
Causes Palpitation. and Prevented
Sleep. When Health Was
Gone, Cnre Followed Use of
"My beet wish will be," writes Harry
P. Pollard, a well known boot and shoe
traveller of Hartford, "that everyane
with a bad stomach may learn es I did,
before its too late, that Nerviline is the
one remedy to cure, Why, I was to
mighty bad ah .pc, tor digo cion was all
wrong. and every night 1 would waken
with a
a start •"
Testimonial J find my heart
my stomaoh press-
ing against my heart. When I started
to use Nerviline I got better mighty fast.
It bi certainly a grand remedy for the
travelling man, keeps your stomach in
order, Dares cramps, prevents lumbago
or rheumatism, breaks up colds and sore
tbroat—in foot there hasn't boon au
ache or pain inside or outside, for the
nest two years that I haven't oared with
Nerviline Do you wonder I recom-
mend it?"
For general household use Nerviline
bas not qui ; it will care the noises and
alltueLts of the entire family— refuse
anything but Nerviline, 25o, per bottle,
Ave for $1 00, all dealers or The Catarrh -
ozone Co., Kingston, Out.
damping Hire a
threshing mach-
ine, This w a e
caused by gas an
Mother—Just run upstairs, Tommy,
and fetch baby's nightgown. Tommy
—Don't want to. Mothers -Oh, well, if
you're going to be unkind to your new
little sister she'll just put on her wings
and fly bank to heaven. Tommy—Then
let her pat on her wings and get her
epairlve,} 1tMEDTCYNE.
As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring
.As a countryman was sowing his field
two London backs happened to be riding
by. One of them, thinking to make fun
of the old jay (as they ssyled him), call-
ed out to him, "Well, honest country-
man, it ie you that sow, but ite we that
reap the fruit!" "Mayhap it may be
so, master," bawled the countryman:
"I am sowing hemp!"
"I have need hChamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it
was first introduced to the Public in
1872, andshave not known one instance
where a Dare woe not speedily effected by
its use. I have been a traveler for eigh.
teen years, and never start out an a trip
without this, my faithful friend," says
H. S. Niohola of Oakland, Ind. Ter.
When a man bas used a remedy for
thirty-five years he knows its valve and
is competent to sl,eak of it: For sale by
All Druggists,
Henry Tiohborne answered the final
summons at his home, St. Patrick's
street, Goderioh, on Saturday, Aug.
14th, after an illness which started last
winter. He had been confined to bed
since the latter part of May, and some
time since he was operated upon. Gan•
grate had set in, and a leg was removed
with the hope of saving Mr. Tiohborne'e
life. but the operation had been too long'
Bears the ��The Kind You Have Always Boium
An old resident of Goderioh, in the
person of Mies Elizabeth Stewart, died
Thursday, Aug. 12th, at her home on
East street after an illness of a few
days, the immediate cause of her death
being heart failure. Miss Stewart was
of Scottish parentage, her father bee
ing the late David Stewart,' but since
she *as quite a young girt she had
lived in Goderioh, following the oo.
oupation of dressmaking. She vette
sixty-three years of age and always
lived alone.
August time, tells on the nerves. Bat
that spiritless, no ambition feeling oan
be easily and quickly altered by taking
what is knon toas Dr. Shoeg a Resdtroravery
tive. gistaeW thin 48
hours after beginning to use the Res-
torative, improvement will be noticed.
Of" course, full health will not im-
medietoly return. The gain, however,
will surely follow. And beat of all, you
twill realize and feel your strength and
ambition as it is returuing. Outside in-
fluences depress first the "inside nerves"
then the Stomach, Heart and Kidneys
will initially fail. Strengthen these
failing nerves with Dr, Shoop" Res-
torative and eee how quickly health will
be yours again. Sold at Whitey's Drng
Flies are known to be amongst the
most active propagators of dleease that
exist: Prom their oontaot With dlsear-
ed and deoaaed matter they are able to
spread contagion and putrefaction
wherever they go. They should be
most rigidly e:tolnded from every place
*hero artistes of hntnan food aro kept.
There is another reason that makes
their presence nndeeirable, There it
nothing that annoys and disgusts
customer' like is swarm 011 files in a
shop. It suggertt dirt, oarelessnest and
ineffloienoy, and no one can tell the far.
teething effects of the impression made
Upon there who +some to the place.
Patient, peralbtent effort Will keep down
the nniranoe and the "eternalvigilfneort
whiolris the prioe Of a clean, flatlet yK
free shop is Well Worth /that it mat.
'"1 hops, Jennie, that you have given
the matter sexism 000eideratlon?" said
lady to a servant girl who had "given
natio" because elle was to be married
that day two weeks, "Ole, I have,
ma'am," was the vermin reply. "1
have been to two fartune•tellera and a
clairvoyant, and looked in a sign book,
and dreamed on a look of his hair, and
been to one of these asterologers and to
a aneejaw, and they all ray go ahead,
ma'am. I ain't one to marry reoklese
A bug burrowed its way iuto the arm
of Nora Becker, a 10•year-old girl, of
New Salem, Pa„ so deep that the girl
had to be placed under the influence of
an anaeatbio for its removal by an
operation. The girl's attention was
attracted by an irritation at the spot
when the ineeot was only about half
way under the skin, and with a pair of
aoiseors she ont off the exposed part of
its body. The head and forleg, she be-
lieves, kept on burrowing, with the
pain inoreasing, until the operation for
Ito removal became necessary,
The right spirit to ehow in the face
of misfortune was that displayed by a
Missouri farmer who lost $50,000 worth
of (rope and other property by the
recent foode. A friend discovered him
an a restaurant eating his breakfast
cheerfully. "Yes," he said, "the flood's
pretty bad, pretty bad. But I was out
in any wheat field last night and gigged
two of the finest fish I ever saw. Brown-
ed in a little cornmeal they certainly
tasted good for breakfast this morning.
If there's anything I like it's fresh fish,
Finest breakfast I've had in a year."
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is a senior partner of the firm of Ir, J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, that said firm will pay the cam of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and stibeoribed in
my presenoe, this 6th day of December,
A, D. 1886,
'simer PLIC.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ism
Ttaken iinternal.
Iy, and ants direotl,, on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Famiiy Pills for oonetipa-
The many friends of Lillian L. Butt
were indeed surprised to hear of her
death on Saturday, August 141h, at St,
Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, after an
illness of about three weeks, of typhoid
fever. Deceased was the eldest dough.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt, of the Base
Line, Goderioh Tp., her age being 23
years, 4 months and 18 days. Mise Batt
had for the past couple of years been
taking up the profession of nurse at
Chatham, and oontracted the fever
thereat. She was doing nicely, but a
relapse set in and human power was un-
able to save her life.
Nor Baby's Skin Trouble.
There are times in the life of nearly
every obild when Dr. Ohaee'a Ointment
proves itself a blessing. The tender
akin chafes and is irritated by the cloth-
ing. Oftentimes baby eczema develops
from this very cause, In a dozen ways
Dr. Chase's Ointment oan be used to
Booth and heal the skin and prevent
suffering of the little one. No treat -
went is so well united for this purpose
and none is so entirely satisfaotory,
A Dirty Tongue.
A great oraeade is going on in Toronto
against the frequent use of foul and
filthy talk. A prominent Clergyman
speaking recently against the evila of
the time says: --"The crying sin of our
fair country is cursing and swearing.
It is heard everywhere in the factory, in
the store, as well as on the street. Any
man with a spark of manhood should
avoid it. The man who rays he cannot
break himself off the habit is both
cowardly to himrelf and untruthful.
One has only to mingle with the groups
of young mien and boys orowding on
public thoroughfares to realize how tar
the filthy tongue is becoming a national
evil. We do not believe that the onus
of stemming the torrent of profanity
should be left entirely to preachers, al-
though they eau do much by their in-
fluence and getting with the hops,
showing an active interest in their
games and sports, oats., to make the
habit unpopular. With parents rests a
responsibility they should not shirk,
and while recognizing the danger 01
encouraging the too free use ut the law,
A few so1ntery examples made of foul
mouthed talkers on the public( streets
World have,t wholesome Of trot.
uhreate 1M1arrhoea Itelteved,
Mr, Edward E. Henry, with the trait.
ed States ,Express Oo., Chicago, Writes,
"Our General Superintendent, Mr.
Qnlok, banded nee a bottle of Ohafnber.
loin's °olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy some time ago to ebeok aft at,
teak of the old ohronio diarrhoea. I
bare used it anted that time and Oared'
malty oil sur •tr"ain *he have been 'sbok,
I am ata old Soldier who 'erred With
Rutherford B. Hayett and William Ito.:
Kenley fonr years in the 23rd Ohio Real. t
mens, and bate no ailment except cbron•
to dlrrrhoea, Which this remedy utope at
owe." rot hecto by All Druggtste.
The best Canadian wheat, the most
modern mills, and the most skilled.
millers, all combine to give
those baking qualities which make it
the choice of discriminating housewives
everywhere. Give Royal Household a
fair trial .and you will never go back to
other brands. Your grocer will get it
for you if you insist.
O II'vih Four Mins Co., Malted, Montreal.
Local History of the early 80s.
from the "Times" fyles.
(From the Tn,xEs of Aug. 23, 1889,) went to Listowel on Friday last to am.pate in the firemen's tournament at that
plane. Although our boys had hardly
any praotioe, they succeeded in taking •
second plane, competing against Kimseydine, Seafortb and Walkerton teams.
The time made was—Kincardine, 4S
seconds; Wingham, 58,34; Seaforth, 54.
An adjourned meeting of the council
was held on Tuesday evening. Present
---The mayor and oannaiilra, Metiers.
Neelands, Homnth, Sperling, Smyth,
Cline, Brockenshire, Holmes, Agnew
Hill, 'Williams.
Tenders for the erection of the town
hall were opened as follows:
W. J. Deyell, Wingham $10,800
John Lyons, Seafortb,.,9,823
John Forster, Wingham.. , .. .., 11,062
Bamford Bros„ Listowel .. 10,775
Jacob Large, Listowel 10,002
John Slay, Listowel 10,815
H. Kerr, Wingham 9,2B2
Ma. Kerr afterwards withdrew his
tender, which left Mr. Lyons the lowest •
l Mr, John Hanna has bad a very fine
plate glass front put in his store.
The new G. T. R. passenger station is
being pushed along rapidly and will be
ready for occupation, it is expected in
the course of three weeks,
Mr, Peter Linklater, with Mr. J. 3.
Anderson, has been seriously indisposed
for the past few days.
Mr. John Clow, formerly of White-
church, and lately of Kingston, Michi-
gan, died at that place on the 9th inet.
Messrs. Hutton & Carr expect to have
their mill in running order in about two
weeks, Mr. R. Whitlow, of Woodstock,
has the contract of putting the rollers
in, and the work is being pushed along
Messrs, A. Roe, W. T. Yates, John
Ball, A. J. Conover and other townsmen
were in Goderioh on Wednesday. The
inaugural meeting of the Goderioh Turf
Club was held that day, and was a grand
Mr. E. 0. Clarke, tailor, has removed
to the Royal block, opposite W. T.
Yates' grocery.
Mr. Neil McGregor met with an soca.
dent while at Mr. T. Bell's faotory last
week by whioh he Iost the end off one of
his fingers.
Mr. 0. E. Williams, agent 0. P. R.
received samples of,wheat, oats, barley,
thimothy and prairie grass from Mr. J.
3, Anderson, Melita, Manitoba, one day
this week. The samples are really
The Wingham hose reel company
Harris. --In
inst., the wife
inst., the wife
Turnberry, on the 10th
of Mr. R. B. Harris; a
Wingham, on the 18th
of Mr. John Hanna; a
Stein.—In East Wawanosh, on the
18th Wet., Ivy Stein, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Stein, aged 1 year
and 9 months.
Moffatt.—In Tnrnberry, on the 18th
inst., Eliza, wife of Geo. Moffatt, aged
49 years.
I As when a traveller, setting forth,
1 is smoked by sudden rain,
And knows not whether to go on
' Or turn him back again—
So I, with hesitating mind.
A way of life do strive to find.
And as a travleller distraught,
Beneath broad -hanging trees,
Seeks for a while from wind and rain
A little sheltered ease—
So I, by questionings opprest.
Seek for some quiet plane to rest,
And as a traveller, knowing not
The storm has long time ceased.
Because the rain hes pierced the leaven,
Believes the storm's inoreased—
So I ih quiet placer find
There is no rest tor troubled mind.
And as the traveller, peering on,
In due time gladly soar
That what he thought was growing storm
Was only rain -drenched trees—
So I my way Of life do find
By tearing shelter far' behind,
--St. John G. Ervine, its The Nation,
Ali unobtrnsire 0hristien oharacter
quietly passed within the veil On Mon-
day morning, Aug. 16th, when Mr.
David- Adams, of Oolborne township,
brought his earthly career to rte end.
Re had reached an advanced age, being
in his eighty«oighth year, and for some
years had been in failing health. In
his death, a long and honorable career is
elided. The late kr. Adana was * native
of Scotland, owning td this oonntry in
T tib u. For a few yefnr he en-
gaged in the clothing business at RAfnil«
eand later renukrod tO wale in badness ter timbers
yowl, and than renmted to 0olborne
totrtud ip.
It is because women as a rule, are so
good, so lovable, indispensable, that
Hien love bocasionally to have their little
flings at the sex in spite of the fact that
women haven't a highly developed eenoe
of humor, or at least of the masouline
variety. Women take this sort of jok-
ing with philosophy, knowing they oan
stand it. Not all the gibes of men their
sarcasm, even their scorn, oan dislodge
them from their true plaoe at the found-
ation of society,
In all alms at headache the first thing
to do is to unload the bowels and thus;
relieve the afiticted organs or tb,e over-
eat! blood vessels of the brain; and at
the isienie time to teetore tone to the
system, re-estabiiah the appetite, pit-.
bot,di�ion and invigorate the entire
slid remove the tones of the trouble and
restore the:eysbem to healthy action and
buoyant vvor.
Mrs. 3. Aapdin Ont., writes:----
"1'ws ettsWW".t a
heta�aohe for several
years sad tried olmcet evtythingwith
out etteulta, uatfl it friend a4linabd mb
fty $aetieck Blood_ Ritter,:. , I two'
bookies, but before I bad finrabeotte I
was aolnplet*y cured. I tam never say
too much for 8.8.8."
Per age at all deslere. Mat tefactrued.
cyano, Out.T. t album Co., Limited,.