HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-26, Page 4TO ADVERTISERS I A /lobo, of (hango must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. ▪ The oopy for oht nges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted. up to noon. Wednesday of each week. T ESTABLISI1BD 1872 Tut \VIN ilA I TIMES. • d. B.ItfimoT'P.1'rearxanwit AND Pnorriuron T�TiIT E8DAY, A1J UST 26, 1909. CONSERVATIVE PARTY SPLIT. TUE WINOIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 2, 1909 WEAK STOMACH BRINGS MISERY h400eadIIQofg8 (aantticd305, 1(,410!eccesh. eep and lambs, to $5,00. To -day's run was 78 loads, with 1,343 The following aro the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restore Ch°ice $5 25 $5 80 Despondent Sufferers to Itl Upon moat public questions the Con- servative party is hopelessly split. Even on the subject of so called scan- dals there is no unanimity. Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P , and Mr. Borden cou• aider the Ross rifts a. splendid weapon, Col. Worthington, Conservative let P., Mr. Northrup, Oonservative M. P., and others say the rifle is no good. Mr. Foster contends that Sir Wilfred Laur- ier stated that the Grand Trunk Pa- cific could be built for $13,000,000, Ool. Ward, ex Conservative M. P , eve the Prime Minister never said so. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Taylor, Conserva- tive M. P's, want a tariff wall high as Human's gallows. Mr. Cookshutt, ex•Gonservative M. P., and others, say they want "adequate protection." Mr. Borden wants Government ownership of railways. Mr. Haggart, Conserva- tive M, P , says he ie opposed to this view. A number of Conservative mem- bers advocate that during these slack times the Government shall spend money freely. Mr. Foster and Mr. Os- ier, Conservatives, say that the Gov- ernment should not spend a dollar more than is neoeesary. Mr, White, Conservative, wants the Government to embark on the building of the Georg- ian Bay Oanal at an expense of $100,• 000,000. Other Conservatives urge the building of the Trent Canal and sev- eral of them oppose the Newmarket Canal enterprise. Col. Hughes wants millions spent on the 'Trent Canal and his colleagues say the money would be thrown away. Mr. Foster oritioizes the Government for expending money extravagantly, and at the same time advooates a tannel to connect Prince Edward Island with the mainland at stn expense of $15,000,000. The Con- servatives, excepting those from the west, oppose the building of the Na- tional Transcontinental, et the same time they urge the Government to con- struct a railway to Hadson Bay. From this; it will appear that the Conservatives are not together on any subject of public policy. Even upon the so•called scandals they cannot agree. In strong contrast, the Liberal party, carrying out their pre-election prom- ises, passes legislation for the good of the people, with the united support of the party in the House, the firm en- dorsement of the people in the country and without protest from the Opposi- tion in Parliament. Heal. Nothing is eo distressing as a weak stomaoh---the victims of this trouble gaffer from indigestion, biliousness, dlzziuese and frequent headaches. No fold agrees with them -meal time is o time of misery; not a time of pleasure. Relief from this suffering oan be found through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- they never fail to make the weak stomach strong; to banish the distressing headache, biliousness and dizziness, Mrs. C. S. Steeves, of Millsboro, N. B , i9 one of the many who have been cured through the use of these pills. She says: -"I suffer- ed very much from stomach tranble and would often leave the 'table with- out tasting food. I got no relief worth speaking of till I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They gradu- gth s. 1 to all ally restored my health and etre and now I am as well as ever I would earnestly recommend the those who suffer as I did." It is the blood -bad blo the cause of nine -tenths ments from which both men suffer. The giving fluid of the - that is of the ai1- en and wo- n the life- dy. When the blood is bad it i' bound to poison some part of the human system and thus it is that rheumatism, kidney trouble, indigestion, headaohes and baokaohes and a host ot other troubles make their appearance. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills care all these troubles -and they cure them thor- oughly -simply bemuse they fill the veins with rich red blood. The genuine Pills bearing the full name "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People" are sold by all dealers in medioiue or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 45 wards Stockers choice " bulls. Butchers' -- Picked Medium Cows...... Bulls t1ogs- Best Lights..,. Sheep - Export ewes Backs.,,. Gulls........ . Spring Lambs Calves. eaoh ... 5 25 5 50 425 4 50 375 400 4 25 4 50 2 75 1 60 5 00 4 25 3 50 3 75 8 00 7 75 0 03M 0 02 3 00 each.. 5 00 003 4 50 3 00 2 00 5 25 450 4 25 4 00 A. E. SMITH BANKER 0 03'. 0 021:; 3 25 6 00 0 06;2 WI-NMHAm. MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Aug. 25th, 1909. Flor r per 1001bs.......... 3 10 to 3 60 Fall Wheat .... 0 95 to 0 95 0 45 to 0 46 0 60 to 0 56 070 to 070 4 Oats, Barley .... ...... Peas Butter dairy ........ 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per dots 0 21 to 0 21 Wood per oord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 8 00 to 9 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 65 to 0 70 Lard .., 0 17 to 0 17 Live Hogs, per cwt. 7 65 to 7 65 WINGUADI, - ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms, Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. VOTERS LIST - 1909 nfunicipality of tho Town of Wingham, County of Ilnron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voter's Lists Ant, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly andat Municipal Elec- tions; and that the said list was first posted up in my office, at Wingham, on the 16th day of August, 1909, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said, list, and if any ommissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to law Dated this 16th day of August. 1909. J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk of Wingham. Britain could have its machine gun and receive the best instruction, the goTern- ment calling together once a year the scattered units for war tactics. I fanny same critics will say: "Well, machine guns did not play a very important part in South Africa. Granted. I don't think they would out much of a figure in the Alps or the Rookies, or the Alle- ghenys, but they would be a splendid asset on the Plains of Abraham, or the prairies of Amertoa, or the fens, fields and vineyards of Europe, or the plains of India. "I trust this will meet with your ap- proval, and that we may have some dis- onssion on the snbjeot at any rate. "Possibly I have appointed too many offioers to each oommand; I think not, but this is a matter that can be chang- ed." TO IMPROVE INFANTRY. The following letter has been written by Lieut. -Colonel Stoneman, late cora• wander of the Thirteenth regiment of Hamilton to the editor of the Canadian Military Gazette: "Dear Sir, -I take the liberty of writ- ing you on a subject that has caused me considerable thought and anxiety. It May not meet your views and it may. It it does, please give it publicity -if not, the waste paper basket. What I want to convey is this, that our present method of regiment formations and tac- tics is entirely too slow and cumbersome and lacks initative and "get there." I do not think we get the best out of our men, our "methods" will not allow it, now that artillery has become so accur- ate and destructive and our rifles eo deadly at ouch long diatanoes. I will illustrate by a eimplo method what I think would strengthen our infantry in every particular. Take an infantry of say, one thousand rifles; with each twenty place the most approved machine gen. Place it under the command of a captain, two lieutenants, two sergeants, and add one single man and one man expert in explosives. For fighting pur- poses, each of these becomes a separate and responsible command; its training to consist largely in the use of its weap- ons, quieknees of action and skill and promptness in attack. Let each unit have a perfect knowledge of an inner Lode of sae:eas or noiseless commands, if it is desirable, so many of these units can be platted under a senior officer. It se.'ms to me you now have a thousand NOTES AND COMMENTS Apple Barrels for Sale. The valve of the total output of min- erals in Alaska since 1880, when mining first began, is given at $148,000,000, of which gold composed $142,000,000; cop- per, $4,100,000; silver $1,500,000; the balance representing the value of the marble, gypsum, tin and coal products. Lord Strathoona, high commissioner for Canada, was a passenger on the Mauretania, whioh arrived at New York from Liverpool and Queenstown. He is 89 years old, but still active and ap- parently in good health. Lord Strath - cons is on hie way to the Paoifio (oast and expects to spend some time in and around Vancouver. If the falling off in the consumption of cigarettes means that boys have had fewer "coffin nails" of late everybody will greatly rejoice. The boy and the cigarette is about the most exasperating "fool" combination that disfigures our streets. It is bad for the, health of the boys, and it is bad for the temper of the spectators -Guelph Mercury. g'The Toronto papers are parrying on a merry campaign in favor of good roads. Before such an agitation oan have much effect in the rural districts, however, a new basis for distributing the Dost must be found, which will meet the condi- tions brought about by the automobiles. These heavy machines, running at a high rate of speed, wear the roads far more than ordinary vehicles, and it is too much to expect the farmers to build and maintain roads for the autos, es- pecially when these "private express trains" prevent so many of them from making as much use as they would like to of the King's highway, At the repent Good Roads Convention this consideration was made the principal ground for asking the Provincial Gov- ernment to increase its grant to county roads to fifty per cent. of the cost. Some more direct method of compel- ling those who mak( nap of the roads to contribute to their up -keep would appear more equitable.-Orillia Paoket. We always have on hand a good stock of apple barrels which will be scld at reasonable prices. Ap- ply at Salt Block Office. THINK IT OVER The column on page 8 with the above heading, gives some good matter on patronizing home in- dustry. Read it over. We do not ask you to lase our flour unless it is as good as the best, but it has been proven that there is none better. Oar prices are right. MANITOBA FLOUR Five lilies $3.25 BLENDED Gold Star $2.95 ONTARIO Pastry $2,80 All kinds of course Feed and Cereals kept in stock..a;;y;.;,,, BREAD Oar Bread is becoming more prominent every day. Try a loaf and we will not worry about the next loaf you want. Goods delivered promptly. Frank RI Howson Successor to A. J. NIOIIOLL8 Phone 145. ANACIIAN'I ?AC1TIC.s DOMINION BANK GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING New Telephone Directory The Bell T1ephone Co of Canada is about to issue a HEAD OFFIOE : TORONTO. Toronto EXHIBITION Special Rates and Trains and Trains FROM WINGHAM Toronto and Return $2.70 Special excursion days, August 31st. Sept. 2nd, 7th and Oth. Tickets good to return until Tuesday, Sept. Ask agent for free copy of OrProIAL PRO- GRAMME and TIME TABLE, giving f1111 de- tails sAWingservice. J. H. BEEMERgaut,ham Toronto and Return $3.65 DAILY Saturday, Aug. 23 TO Saturday, Sept. 11 INCLUSIVE Capital paid up, $3,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,291,000 Total Assets, °ler 50,000,000 ININCHAM BRANCH. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY For the DISTRICT OF WESTERN ONTARIO, including men ten times more destructive and powerful for attack, and twenty -fico nnora impregnable in defenoe. Now th tit Britain is spending so many million pounds on 1)Oeadnoughts and other marine defences, it emus to me that in. Mead of tryiug to increase oar number of men for t°:e army, it wori.d be wince sad e¢lertear to piano t'Wlitt fl:e Lao in the x r•r;r,�.(�rer hcabibl� coattli��io,i that nlle. wan. As to cast, I believe that every 1 "shire" in 13titsi l woulr.? Oatilt its own ritttial regiment, rand t3`► it el:eo0411p' itith,iut cost to the geivernment. To y mind this system leas alis tht:r adra*i• Eveey vi::mese d :l hati?e:2 Gua t 5 a WINGHA.1VI Fall Terra from CENTRAL Si Sept. 1st CEN ig'RAL £TR&TrORC).. ONT. After tweuty•two years of solid work we have become the largest. best and most suooessfnl practioal training sohool in Western Ontario with no superior in Canada. Three departments - Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We assist graduates to positions as well as give a most thorough train- ing. Get our free oatalogue at once. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, she United States and Europe. SA.VICNG'S DEPART KENT -Int ere s aliowad on deposits of $1 and upwards M. J, TORRANCE, Manager ft. Vanstone, Solicitor, Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes of street ad dresses, or for duplicate entries, should be handed in AT ONCE TO L. BINKLEY Looa1 Manager. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Aug. 24 ---City Cattle Mar- ket. --Business was fairy active, and prices steady in tho butcher market to- day. Tho demand, tie usual, was keen• est for choice butcher cattle, but these cpm ^aro aratively scarce, and bnyere r p 'ere forced to be content with the best available, and a good deal of the stnsf olfosina thceo days is a poor beet at that. 'There was a good run, and, quality considered, prices more on the whcafo slightly farmer than last week. l.;slmrt---A few loads Of expert cattle Were canting, the clioieest going as ilie;ll a i o;l 00, an:1 tac3.iiwtn light at $4.50 • Royal Grocery 4. 4. .1.TRY4. 4• 4. 4. 4. MAi 6OLM 8 i • With your next order for 4. t Choice Teas 3 4.Coffees 4.4. d• AND 4. 4. • Groceries 4. they have no equal, • Fresh Vegetables always 4 -on hand. 4. . 4. 4- Call and see our display of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, d •r es an ToilSt Fancyy China d• 4. 4. *They are worth looking at . ,t, «.J. Malcolm* PrtidueeTaken. Phone 54. LABOR DAY Return tickets at Bingle fare bet- ween all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich.; Nia- gara 1 going Sept. 3,Buffalo,4. 5, nd h. Return limit Sept. 8th, 1909. Canadian National Exhibition Very low rates from Wiugham to Toronto and return. $3.65 Aug. 28 to Sept. 11. $2.70 Aug. 31 and Sept. 2, 7 and 9 Return limit Sept. 14. Farm Laborers Excursions 10.00 t GOING ' $18.00 Additional Returning Via Chicago, Duluthand oot from Wing - ham or North Bay, Ang. 19 and Sept. 7. For tickets and further information call on W Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A,, Toronto. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINOIPALS. The People's Popular Store WINGHAM, - ONT, KERR & BIRD AGENTS-"liadies' Home Journal," and "home Journal Patterns." Mid -Summer Sale DRESS MUSLINS. All Dress Muslins at Sacrifice Prices to clear. Must go now at any price. 10c Muslins......,, .08 25c Muslins 18 150 Muslins 11 30c Muslins 3022 20c Muslins 15 40c Muslins LADIES' WHITE WAISTS. New styles, handsome goods, well made, $1.00 Waists for69c to 74c; $1.25 Waists for 98c; $1:50 Waists for 61.15; $1.75 Waists for $1.29; $2.00 Waists for $1.48, $3.00 Waists tor $2.29. Wanted! WOMEN AND GIRLS Wanted as machine operators and for other tactory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us. THE Clinton Knitting Co. SUMMER PARASOLS COLORED AND WHITE. Not many left, but we don't want them. Every one new. $1.25 for 94c; $1.35 for $1.00; $1.50 for $1,12; $2.25 for $1.69, • MEN'S AND BOYS' SUMMER HATS, STRAW, ETC. MUST GO. 25c for 190; 30c for 230; 50c for 38c; 75e for 56e; 60c for 450; $1.00 for 75c. Common Straws, 20e for 15c; 15c for 10c; l0c for 8c. Now for a Big Sale of Quarterly Style Books The new Quarterly Style Books for Fall are now in stock, They are certainly the best yet. 132 pages illustrating the "Ladies' Home Journal Patterns." This number not only gives the newest styles of garments, but also the colors and styles of material to be worn. 132 and as 150 Style 1 L.Pattern 150 850 ` i11111111 ALL FOR 20c. ► 44 Is a is ►DRESS GOODS 4 Ito ii 0. 4 I► . It 4 Limited. C4 Our new Fall Dress Goods have arrived and are i showing some very pretty colors in plain and in stripe, 1 t all -wool Venetian of Ashes of Roses, Wedgw Dod, Browns, i Purple, Green and Blue, with lining to match. In Black i it Serges, aild Grey Broadcloth we have a good range to 4 choose from. CLINTON, ONT. CANADIAN PgCI F -1C. Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $76.20 Return to from WiNGHAM, good going May 2 Return limit Oct. 31st. Liberal stop- overs. Wide choice of routes. Go by the direct Canadian line -see your own country the West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Seattle Exposition and other special attractwith I. H. BEE MER Age, Wingham. ;f. Farm Laborers wanted WORK FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL GOING Q Additional for the Return Ticket EXCURSIONS; '1 P10 TRIPil Sit" under conditions as below. . GOING DATES From 'thrill G.T.R. Toronto ie nrnie, and Can. PaStations on a of Torronto-Sudbury line. From Toronto and all C.P.R. Stations west In Ontario on and south in of n i one ot Grand M.C.R., P.'bf. aRy.. Toronto Fit,'�o to Sarnia, and all Stations From Stations Toronto and cast, includind Sharbot Lake and Kinds - ton. and all Stations In Ontocio west of Renfrew, also stations on C.O. & B. of 0. Rys., and stations on K. & P. mouth of Renfrew. From all Stations Toronto and west, Inctudind Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. From all Stations east of Toronto in Ontario. Aud. 19 AUde 23 .Aud. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 ONE WAY SECOND -CLAS TIC$ETS WILL BE attars TO WINNIPEG ONLY Itpr, �n tvof irmcro a oratedby fani toba ltiknto} ewa n and Alberta Governments, vt'I meet and rug C1 laborers en rate tat Winnipeg, aro twee tp i S >rt'tt in will l « ftttniahr «i nt wtnmpeg to points on Can. Pas, where laborersa nee«« 1 cast of ,,, „ c Jaw, including branehco, and at one cent n mile each way west Dior of in wan and Alberts. A certificate is f« rutdted with tach ticket and this certitleate when executed by farmer n showing that laborerhnn tvnrl:ed thirty days or mere, will be honored from that point for y •yet, I clues ticket back to starting points in Ontario, At S18.00, prior 'to Nov.0th. 1 :OJ 'rickets are good ,«zip• «:n al , t it Tarin Laborers' train+ and will be issued to womea as well as to wen, but will not 1-e w.ued at half fare to ch.:dren. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. adent. or write R. L. THOMPSlrN, H.P.A.. C.r.R.. TORONT( 4 44 4 4 at irt t Children's Dresses 41 • For Children's Dresses we are showing a fine line 0 ® ot Scotch Plaids in different colors. • 4 O .44 ► 4 FOi Ladies' Coats 4144 f P . Call in and iinspect our fall materials for Ladies' 4 Coats, extra good value. 44 4 100 011 4 to >h O Flour and Feed always on hand. Goods delivered ► to to any;part of the town. i. Sugars 1.1 ►, 01 We are selling pure number one Granulated Sugar 3 fully guaranteed, 20 lbs for one dollar, $4.90 by the sack i 4 0-a of too lbs. 4 0. e. ► 4 Pt 4E TN- Am, MILLSI Flour and Feed PHONE B9.�NG IAM, ONT. 44 1 1