HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-26, Page 34 ..,,,............... Western Open to the world. Athletic DaySpeed Monday DOG SHOW THE CREAT Fair LONDON Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 17121111110311111111112211221241121510132111 LIVE Increased Prize List ! Events . Daily 10 18 CAT SHOW STOCK EXXHHIBITION ! MUSIC- 91st Highlanders ; 7th Fusiliers. ATTRACTIONS- Pi cgram Twice Daily ; The Best Ever l Fireworks Each Evening. Special Rates over all Railroads. Take a holiday and visit London's Fair. Prize Lists, Entry Fcrms, Programs and all information from Fcrms, Programs a W. 3. REID, PaESIDEnT. A. M. HUNT, SECRETARY. CATERS RFORITORPID S. LE *rt ret! CaOeMi 1 Pur sty vegetable.or Heat5y Pandora oven, sensitive faster Pandora quicker get expense. a t has a sheet steel r7/70/ ',N r, `; '� //f�xuw=, tn'J t,. ems/' ,� ' -_ ,r,�/%j� �; e ' - f' , ,=%'r / rte'' _` _ _' because steel is more to heat -absorbs it -than cast iron does. oven thus heats -less time required to oven ready for the baking -which also means less fuel - .. .. ... I1 - earls , Y c SALE BY CO. - WINGHAM. J. Make sure your range has a steel and "Pandora" name- plate on the door. at once, to nearest McCiary Agency pick out size desired. r� r ➢l G. STEWART new oven, Go, and CV FOR & (DRSKENNEDY&KENNEDYI r ' h, w + Att ' x_.,1cholic 11 - 9G`a pI ' Located DRS. �-- - ip ;L// `yy �+ $F1�` r ` p �, a• �� 1i� OftS L'Nr1�rR ie _ on ar � -4,,%,\ la Cor. xT` '��;/ ,,--iii,, i C ."' 4, �t i, l I I. i , i?t xnySPL (!- 'a Our Own KENN Michigan r� 1 a %eb 1 1 lsrs 1 \Y , Office Ave., -7i N.y fief a i ` , 1:; . I, .�f , Building. �'YCURED F a i k' ',',,l113 l9^iP1glfi ti n4iC1, CDdb �GIiE�I� amu- i EDY& and , i J I 7 • 171 y° tt jli�l11 i'; 1_.- °? `A, Successors to • DRS. KENNEDY & KERWAN NERVOUS (DEBILITY * Excesses and indiscretions are the cause of nnore sorrow and su5.e:Ing than all other diseases combined We see the victims of vicious habits on every hand• the sallow. pimpled face, dark circled eyes, stooping form, stunted development. bashful mela countenance and timid bearing pco- claim to all the world his folly and tend to blighthise:istenee. Our treatment positive. ly cures a}1 weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of yormer indiscretions restoresthevict m to wbatnature ntenaea - ahealthy and happy man with physical, men • tai and nerve power complete. treated the greats t success all diseases of men and women. It you havb any secret disease that is a worry and a menace to your health consult cid established physicianswho d4mothave to experiment on yon, �vegunranteeto Cure NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD DISEASES, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Consults, tion Fres, If unable to call, write for a question Blank for Home Treatment. KtNNEDY Griswold Si., Detroit, Mich. 7 7 7 i. p I ` E A T N E 25 , Cents T T i A ! . . will pay for 71-1E.TIMES and WEEKLY GLOBE to any address in Canada from. now until y' anuary .fat. 1910. nu; WINGHAU TIMES, AUGUST 26, 1909 DOES ADVERTISING PAY? Fever people realism the enormous ex tent to which advertising hue bee earriod in .A.merica. Take for listene. the eleven largest retail stores in Ne York City, The following table is eel to have been oalrefuily compiled an shows what each store spent in advor- tieing in a single month: The Siegel Cooper Co $82,052.01 John Wanamaker„,, , , , , , , , , 30,273 83 The Simpeon•Crawford Oct,26 406 24 The 14th Street Stgre 25,402 24 R. H Macey & Co,., . , , 21,103 03 Hearn , , ,, ..... 20,42145 Bloomingdale Bros 18,676.28 The AdamieO'Neill Co , 17,499.14 Ehrioh Bros 14,201.23 Saks & Co...... 13,912 97 Rothenberg & 0o 12,48884 These figures afford about as con. vihoing proof of the fact that it pays to advertise as any one could denim. These great retail establishments are not in the habit of spending money for things that do not pay. Every penny of these enormous appropria- tions pay direct returns or it would never have been expended. THE BACON MARKETS. For several months past, owing to the scarcity of hogs and the high prides, the cost of bacon in Great Britain has been excessive, while the prices for hogs pre- clude, both in Canada and Great Britain have puehed to a dangerously high level. Recently live hogs in Toronto were easier, selling from $7.60 to $7 85 per cwt, Hogs in Ireland have been posting liixtythree to sixty.five shillings, while choice brands of Irish bacon have sold For seventy-six to seventy eight shillings.. Danish bacon has sold for seventy. These excessive prices have reduced consumption by thirty to forty per cent. The apparent important factor in sus- taining abnormal prices is the small shipments from Uuited States ports. Wholesale bacon firms in Great Britain are endeavoring to meet the demand by importiug hogs from China. Trial ship- ments have been received, and have proved so encouraging that it is probable large importations will be made in the near futnre. Many Canadian swine -raisers who kept up their supply of bacon bogs, notwithstanding the temporary drop in price that occurred a year or two ago, have been able recently to take full advantage of the abnormal high prioes. They bad faith in their convio- tions, and did not hesitate to contend that Large profits would accrue to the men who ooatinned in business. That they have proved their contention and realized their expectations is evident. The bacon industry of Canada is one of our important agricultural assets, It cost no considerable effort to gain for Canadian bacon a reputation in British markets, Oar product at one time stood aeeond only to that of Denmark. We should have held our position by pro- ducing boon of the highest quality and supply; but instead, many thousands of our farmers allowed a temporary decline in prices to drive them out of the busi- noes. Now they are rushing into the business with all speed. They will re- ain in a few months.some of their lost groand; but it will cost probably years ofitime and a large sum of money before the farmers of this country have recov- ered for their hog products the enviable reputation and assured position in the I of the motherland they enjoyed a few years ago. --Toronto Globe. ONE THING LACKING. hen dad goes fishiu' we prepare o listen with the clomeat care o all his efforts to desoribe he marvels of the finny tribe, e'1l hear with wonder and dismay f big ones lust all got away, Pere always complimenein' dad bout the fish he almost had. ike some great chieftain of his race Vho has been following the obese, Then he cornea home by one apd all, re's net with many a welcome oalI; nd soon upon the board is spread he meal -potatoes, meat and bread; Te have all things that taste could wish xoepting one -there is no fish, THE BABY'S FIRST SMILE. There's many a pleasure we meet with in life, Of joys there is many a thrill; There are transports that come in the midst of the strife, ' When the noise of the oonfiiot is still. Sit there's naught in this world so won. d'ronely sweet, From Greenland's white snows to the Nile, here's nothing so heavenly, puro and complete As dear little bfby'I drat smile. The Icrier's first kiee-rove know it hi fine; its memory Will haunt us for aye; hough the flowers may fade and the etarI may decline, Its rapture will never decay. Yet not fbr a moment can we compare What may hive a titioture of Mille, n an Eden of bloSsoniI le fragrant and fair, With an innocent baby's firilt .mile. Ari angel, porhapt, Is it beautiful tight, But an Angel we ney'er have seen, nd tar, far a*irsiiy oh the regions of light With their daitystair'od luleadOwi M green; at wear* content when here **behold Enonnibered with bordello the whit*. glesm lr:om 'thee 0117 Whoa, I$reet, are Of gold, Ina street little baby's first mile.George W. Crafts, in Chicago Inter. Oxen. ' da Everybody d Zein-Buk Let. it,, and comfort, Drrrrrises aril:TalkLittle 14 now admits best for these. give YOU ease W ,. and Stares everywhere , , Profitable Reading. M. A. James, of ties Bawruanville Statesman, a Close and oritioai obrserver, writes iu his paper: -Farm weeklies ere altogether too numerous in Ontario Few farmers will eubeoribti for more than one agricultural piper, and from a jonrnalistio standpoint the outlook 1§ not fall of promise. Our mitigation with farmers gives ns the impression that they are not regulsr and ex ensive r•eat'- ern of farm papers as a class. Scarcity of help has mach to do with this regret. table condition. The live local news papers will hold the lively interest of the whole family, and during the sum - mar months it is the only publication that is regularly and thoroughly read. The women folk and childreu may read the story page of the provincial weekly, but the paper as a whole is not read. The big weekly paper in summer mouths often goes unread for want of time on the farms. We are not sure that the present generation does as tench reading of wholesome literature as its anoestors did. Personal observation in the ,homes we visit giver as the impression that very little profitable reading is done in average home, either in town or country and what is done is superficial and aim- less. ABSOLUTE+ SECURITY, +genu e Carter's Little Liver Pillsh Must Bear Signature of 4.00/4e....2e see Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. `leery small and to.ta%:e Mongol* as easy Fat II a `I`NESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. LIVED. FOR4CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKINS FOR*TNECOR�fPLEJiiON wc.e,u�.%��°°.An.e. �rvc{i CATERS RFORITORPID S. LE *rt ret! CaOeMi 1 Pur sty vegetable.or CURE SICK HEADACHE,. . Goldwin Smith in Weekly Sun: It a man were to go about assiduously sowing the seeds of a mortal disease we know what world be thought of him. When a man goes about as- siduously sowing the seeds of hatred between nations," which may lead, and which he apparently is not un- willing should lead t0 war, with all its carnage and destruction, ought the censure on him to be less severe? This, however, it le that is practioaI- ly going on among us, and that seems to be treated in some gnartere as a fine show of Imperial spirit with a prospeot of a glorious spree. Our people generally have too much good sense and feeling to approve incita- tion to war. But the paoifio masses are apt to be passive, while the belli- cose agitators work. If Germany or any other power is guilty of an act of aggression or insult, let it be duly resisted; bet to work up a murderous quarrel between the great nations is surely the part of a madman or a I Rend. Suffered More Than Tongue Can Tell From Liver Trouble. LAO - A lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible afiiietion, as its influence permeates the whole system, causing Biliousness, Heart- burn, Water Brash, Langour, Coated Tongue, Sick Headache, Yellow Eyes, Sallow Complexion, ete. It holds back the bile, whi h is required to move the bowels, and lets it get into the blood instead, thus causing Conatipation. Milburn'e Lata -Liver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly upon the hopers, and will tone, renovate and purify the liver. Mrs. J, C. Westberg Swan River, Man., � writes -"I tuffered for years, more then tongue r ai tell, from liver trouble. l tried several kinds Of tnedicine, but eould Ret no relief until 1 got Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I can.. ►lot praise theta too highly for what they have done for me." Milburn's Laxs.-Liver Pills are 25c. per vis], or 5 for 51,00, at all dealers, or moiled 'direct on receipt ofride by nit T. Milburn Co., Limited` Toronto, Oat. Humor and Philosophy 7%Y DVECitlY M.411/27I PERT PARAGRAPHS. When man is the limit himself he fails to understand when he has reach.. est It so far as other people are cons cerned, You can borrow money and with It buy friends, but they will not always loan you the money to pay it back. w e L .- W E✓ OH lIOW Do you PO -IC C-'Enri1EK NOW Nits Yo L0O3 4 C-' K E IZgIN GH 1 SAS It is bard to improve an op- portunity when the opportunity carries the minus sign before it, The ides of March are in no way connected with the brides of June, although they precede them by eat a short season. Some people think that they are en- tertaining when they are °ply fussy. Not all kind of expensive things are relished by the climber. Being sick, for instance, is expensive. The generality of people are unselfish when their own way is thrust upon them by generous friends. The trouble with most incomes is that they don't come in save for the briefest call. Earning His Pay. The freak legislator Is now in the land. At cooking up law He is taking a hand. On doctors and druggists Or theatey seats, On playing the races Or cleaning the streets. He thinks it his province To regulate speed Of autos and widows And trains and, indeed, All moving arrangements By engine or sail From Hying machines To the waltz of the snail. His hammer he trims For the fellow who treats. For taverns he measures The length of the sheets. At football in s.nger He waves his big stick And tells how the players Tho pigskin shall kick. He spies the old bachelor So happy and free And says to himself, "This should cost him a fee." And so he provides, Though the wtght may have tried And failed in the effort To cop out a bride. To Cinch Her Triumph. "Am I to consider that as a proposal, Charley?" "Certainly; you beard what I said." "Would you mind putting it in writ- ing?" "Do you doubt my word?" "Oh, no, not as far as I am con- cerned, but I have a box of candy bet on it." A Life Job. 01V TNA KJN CARE of ME SILT" ALL ME LOIVF ANC, ONLY GOT 5" WR INI'LLES AND c N PROVE I'1' Take Care of yourself and you will sure of a life job. Evidence to the Contrary. "1 always say just what I think," said the little pompous man, bis chest swelling out an inch and a half, "Do you really?" "Indeed I do." "Why, Percy, I bad always supposed Pott were a married man." Not His t3ay. "What I'm thinking about Is what will say to my wife when I get limit.' "That doesn't worry me." •"Milybe you have a good story fixed "1 couldn't spring It if I bad. She Will do all of the talking." Pleasing Him. "1 got so angry at Jack last night." "What was the cause?' "1 really don't remember,, In feet it was lard enough tot Me t0 f*, s• cite, but he attrayrl soya 1 Wok 19,7 best wheat t am mad,' Makes It gutsy. Adolfo t 3eur.molal ea Weds kroe at Ili yea sae ant MIX as. 1441.26.4.4wit an afar biro'-� _t 1 1111111•1•4010WOMIONN•1001 .0111•01011110. LONDON, ONTARIO Business & S or't a SUBJECTS Resident and Maar Courses Catalorzucl, Frey J, W We.tervelt, j, W. WOstervelt, Jr„ C.A., Principal, Vico-Principal, IT PAYS eta rt°'k.N'I ``, TN 1y '+w OANADIAN NATI0NAI. EXHIBIT[ON TORONTO August 281h - 1909 September 13th Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. Forty industries in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate at opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Carnp--Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery -Artillery Drive -Musical Ride, etc, Dreadnoughts iR Naval Battle GREAT DOUBLE RILL OF FIREWORKS THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIONS. For all information write Manager J. 0. ORR, City Ball. Toronto. i&lyi Iden in Uniform 00111141141•009444141110841•18041111411001 1 E 11114(1f144®Q9Letl•1,4+44&Ib•i9011444108063d r •• • I °LIT • • 41 • • • • • K • • TE FOR 190$ - 09. to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • •• The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications : • •• • • • ••• • • • ••• • • • • •y • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 3,35 Times and Toronto Daily News,. 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.60 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times Times London Free Press (weekly) Times London Advertiser (weekly) Times Toronto Weekly Sun Times World Wide Times Times and Weekly Witness and and and and and Northern Messenger. and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subeoribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gentleman • Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal �. Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success . ... Time and Hoard's Dairyman .. , Times and McCIure's Magazine Timer and Munsey's Magazine .. • . Times and Viek's Magazine Times and Home Herald . Times and Travel Magazine �- Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... Times and Canadian Pictorial ... .. .. ......... .. • • 4- 2.10 1,85 1.80 1.60 1.80 2 20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 3,25 2.90 1,95 1 85 2,15 2,25 2.60 2,95 1.95 1.55 2 30 1,70 2.30 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.50 1.60 2,60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.75 2.80 1.60 1.60 .I. The above, prices include pottage on Anrerlcen publications to any . address in Canada. It the Trams ii to be sent to an American address, add i• 50 cent. for postage, and where American publications are to be Bent to AmeriOan addreaset a reduction will be made in prim), We could extend this list. if the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, oall at this office. or drop a bard and we will givd you prieea on the paper you want. We club with all the leading newbpapert and magazines. When premiums ire given With any of above papers, subscribers 'brill secure inch premituas when ordering through tea, some Ito Ordering direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to aubboriberiY, and are STRI0TtY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send r`omittenoes by pbttal note, poi$ office or express money order, addreieing • TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAlt, ONTARIO.