HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-26, Page 1THE WINGHAM "TIMES. VOL XXXVI1[, -NQ, 1959, WING -HMIs ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1909, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CAMERAS KODAKS and BROWNIES We carry a fine ;rue of Films and Photographic Snppliee. K daks $10.00 to $25.00. Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00 No trouble to show the Cameras— come in and inspect. A dark room FREE to our custom- ers. We develop films. Walton MCKin011 THE ORUCCIST Macdonald Block, Wingham, C. N. Griffin GENERAL •AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Croy* Insurance laaaata Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. There is a great demand for farm laborers in Manitoba, the majority of those having gone up proceeding to Saskatchewan. 19000 THE COLLEGE OF QUALITY Over one thousand stn - dents enrolled by our chain last year. It pays to at- tend a link of this great Chain, for "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH." The demand for our grad. nates is THREE TIMES the supply. Other schools engage oar graduates as teachers. A special conree for teachers. Graduates of two years ago are now earning $2,000 per annum. Three Oonrses,—OOMMER- OIAL, STENOGRAPHY and TELEGRAPHY. Fall term opens Aug. 30 Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE G1iU. SPOTTUA", Principal CHRISTIE'S GROCERY HERE FOR Spices AND Vinegar PRONE 69 FLOWERS ERS For all occasions — Parties, Weddings, Fonerals, eto. Wingham Greenhouses FRANCIS STREET - PIIQNE 101. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Bowling Next Monday wi of the Wingham The secretary h word from a nu towns and there number of bowler our nament. I be the opening day cowling tournament. s already received ber of the different emboss to be a large here next week. Farm Ioans.—RITCIEE & COSENS. Cheap Reading Matter. The TIMES has completed arrange- ments for a cheap balance of the year clubbing rate which enables us to send the TIMES and Weekly Globe to any address in Canada to the let of January, 1910, for 25 cents, Send in your name early to the TIMES office. TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at lowest prices, W. J. GREER. Wingham The Directors Agricultural Soolet; good list of attraol fall fair to be hel and 29th and are ales conoert in the oper ing of September 2 able tootive full p issue. Fail Fair. f the Tnrnberry are arranging for a lone for Wingham'a on September 28th f arranging for a good house on the even- th. We hope to be tienlars in our next Highest prioe paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. Everybody Sho d Visit Canada's Greatest Exhibition. On account of t - Canadian National the G nd Trunk Railway Exhibition,a y System will issue r urn ticketa-at single fare to Toronto fro ... , all statip#ls in On- tario, west of Cor. wall b�tad Ottawa, August 28th to trite er llth, in - elusive. Good ret t rni .g from Toronto on or before Se• , ti ber 14th, 1909. Special low rate a..nrsions will be run its on attain dates,giving a11 points g g patrons of the Gra d Trunk an oppor- tunity of visiting T ronto at very small cost. Don't fail to .all on nearest Grand Truuk Agent for f. 1 particulars. Observation Co partment Sleeping The 0. P. R. daily between Mo the Glen series of meet sleeping "Glen Atha" en are elegantly fitte less be appreciate road. The Mont put on ehortly; t Glenn series, ha and three comp berth and stand privelege of nein without extra aha ars. ave put into service treal and Vancouver observation compart- ars, "Glenannan," Glen Bow." These up, and will doubt - by patrons of the ries of cars will be ese differ from the ng a drawing room tmonts. Holders of d sleepers have the the observation oars ge. Begin at There is no othe at the beginning. to learn a business, low down. Many take in thinking t a humble position is an acknowledg But the higher a the lower the fon The roaster of a b from the bottom t lege graduate wh on overalls and go or machine shops, chance than if he that this would b the Bottom, place to begin than If yon are starting on cannot start too oys make the mis- t the aoceptanoe of t a very small salary ment of inferiolrity. nilding is to reach, ation meet be laid. sings must know it the top. The ool- is not afraid to pat to work in factories stands a far better drew back, fearing an admission that his education was failure. Don't be afraid to begin .t the beginning.— Exchange. Five Succ ssful Years. For almost five years the Wingham Busting! College bah been training young ladies and gentlemen for Bold- ness Life. Ex -St dents are to be found holding leading °anions throughout Canada and U ited States. Many young ladies, wh had not even passed the Entrance, ha a earned $600 00, the first year and scot a, after a few years' experience, are ea ning froin $900,00 to $1500.00. Any in rested one, by Writ. Ing to the cones , will reoeive full in- formation as to by other colleges en. gage our graduate m teachers, also the advantage of bei a graduate of Oen. ado's Greatest hath of High-grade Aetna! Bnsiners eboolh, Any young lady oan learn etenography in slit menthe and save enough from ber earn. inge of the nem six months to pay for mane, rre, Eery graduate sten- ographer is glia nteed a good position 1 within ton d of amination. The college re•opene tweet 80th, Students who cannot it d may earn while they learn, by mean f Mail Oourser, Read Willis & Co.'s adv, on page 8. Public Meeting of Ratepayers. A public meeting of t e ratepayers of Wingham will be hel in the Oounoil Chamber thia (Thurs ay) evening at 8 o'olock to arrange fo the getting out of the vote on the Pr important that every led and we hope to s anon of the ratepay tonight, ogle by-law. It is ote should be pol- e good represent- s at the meeting 2 houses to rent.— ITCn•IE & COSENS. County Coun A special meati County Council w yesterday, called b eider the question anteeing the water the Town of Olinto out of the ordinar County Connell b anteed any deben towns of the Count son why the rat ahould be given an ratepayers of Wi paid their way and of Clinton is to -de financially than W Timothy for fall KING'S. 11 at Clinton. g of the Huron s held at Olinton the Warden to oan- the County guar- orke debeutnres of This is rather'hn prooedure as the a never yet guar - res for the otber and we see no roe - payers of Clinton apeoial favors. The ham have always e believe the town in a better position ngham. ng at GEO. E. Tax Noti Every season payments to be ratepayers of Wi mined that fall at band, when 0 on his rounds notices. The tote the roll is $21,710. $2,35639 is for For the oonvenie can be paid into banks of the tow allowed as follow before September and one half pe 15th of Septemb discount of cue October 15th discount of one November 15th and after 16th cent. is added. ., es Delivered rings its work and ade and this week the gham were again re- nd winter are close lector Griffin started delivering the tax amount of taxes on 9 and of this amount looal improvements. . .,e of ratepayers taxes y of the chartered and reductions are : —Taxes paid on or 15th, a discount of one cent; paid between rand October 15th, a ger cent; paid betweeu nd November 15th, a half per cent. After .o discount ie allowed, .f Deoember five per • WANTED -50 acres, near Wingham.— RITCHIE & COSENS. The Pringle By Law. The bylaw providin for the loan of $4,000 to Mr. W. D. tingle for a term of ten years will b voted on by the ratepayers of Wingb m next Monday at the following places:—Ward 1, at J. J. Fryfogle's implemen shop; Ward 2, at the Advance office; Ward 3, at the Clerk's office; Wad 4, at the Park house. This by -la should receive the hearty support of a ry ratepayer. The town is keeping an i dnstry in the town at a very small cos . Mr, Pringle pays 4 per cent and the i kereat and prinoipal is divided into eqn I annual payments. The town will be ble to sell the de- bentures at 434 pe Dent so the Dost to the town will be ) ery trifling, and in addition the town Will receive a revenue from taxes, wat Pringle will soot ready for bueines filled bis part of tb up to the ratepay Vote and work Monday. fir and light. Mr, have his tannery and at he has fol - o agreement it is now re to do their part. ✓ the bylaw next Farm Lab • rers tor West. Last Thursday was the date of the first farm labor s' excursion that left Wingham for t Weet. A epactal train left the Win,ham 0. P. R. station at 8 o'olook a. in. • nd thirty-five tiokets were sold here as follows:—Gilbert Forgie, W. H. • Itken, Jae. Anderson, Mies Nellie Ande eon, John W. Shoe - bottom, Peter „ itobell, ]lits. Peter Mitchell, Mr. Jo • n Mol ague, Miss K. Baxter. Miss Mar 0. Heath, Roy Cope- land, W. L. S••ith, Peter Linklater, Mise Elizabeth Kelly, Galv, Bryce, Alfred Haelem, has. Hopper, Robt. H, Ogram, John Monne, Harvey Watson, Mrr. Harvey 'Mignon, Robt. Ohaniney, Prank Thempeo i, Joseph Yeo, Joseph Stylet, Wm. Syler, Andrew Shields, D. Falconer, M r Bessie Walsh, Percy D. McLean, M s Sate Allison, Satyr O.frgenen, Geo, heater Walker, Harry Porton, Mims P noes Forton. Sixty. five paseengers fr m Kincardine, Ripley and Luoknow w e transferred from the G. T. R. to th 0. P. R., tneking a total of 100 passe era from Wingham station, When th epeeist train left Balton there were vee 1000 prsmengere on board, inking 1111 yery large con• dugout of Ontario people who will spend the next two. Ontbe in the West. .Ways to Hur ' Fight on the street Oppose improvests. Vote against the eFtablisbment of in- dnstries. Mistrust public m Ran the town dow • to strangers. Go to some other t wn to trade. Refuse to advertise in your paper. Do not invest a oe 1; lay out your money somewhere els Be particular to di:,redit the motive of public spirited men Lem/thou your face when a stranger speaks of locating in y'tir town, If a man Wants to b y your property ask him two prices for it. Ti he wants other , operty interfere and discourage him. Refnee to Roe the me it in any schemo that does not exactly b nefit you. Run down your new papers. Run down your offio:rs, Run down everythi..- and everybody but Number One. Wingham Fine 150 -acre farm for sale near Wingham, Easy terms. RITCHIE & COSENS. Miller -Bennet A happy event took of Mr. S. Bennett on noon of last week wh Mary Elsie, youngest and Mrs. Thos, Benn. was joined in wedlock Miller, of Detroit, T was played by Miss and little Carrie Hinge ring -bearer. The cer formed by Rev. Geo. minater. The groo pianist was a brooch the ringbearer, a lock to the bride a br000. The bride was dres chiffon silk, trim d'esprit, and her was of brown ohiff white hat. A b. presents indioated wishes. After an dinner, Mr, and Mrs 3 30 train for their h 11 Wedding. lane at the home ednesday after - n his neioe, Miss daughter of Mr, tt, of this town, ith Mr. Geo. D. wedding march eanetta Simpson on made a pretty :nanny was per- i ewett, of West - s gift to the a with pearls, to t and chain, and set with pearls. ed in pale green .ed with point ravelling costume n broadoloth, with ndaome array of esteem and kind excellent wedding Miller left by the me.ixl Detroit. •' Great Lakes St The above is the tractive and neatly issued by the Oana way, which gives fnI Company's excellent on the great lakes, 1 West should enquire and rail route. Mr, local agent, or any R., will be pleased with one of these f� desired information. unship Service." title of a very at - gotten -up folder, Tian Pacific Rail - particulars of the steamship service °arties going to the egarding the lake H. Beamer, the gent of the 0. P. to supply patrons dere and give any BUTTER and Eads.—Bring along your Produce. Highest price paid in ex- change for Boots and Shoes, W. J. GREER. Inspector of R gistry Offices. Several import's t recommendations for Provincial a ending legislation are eubmitted to he Government in the annual report o Mr. Don. Guthrie. which was issued at the Parliament buildings Friday. He reports that 159,844 instrument vete registered in the Provinoe 1 t year, the gross amount of fees ear ed by the Regis- trars being $237,152, and the net fees $110,837. The Insp otos recommends larger fees for Regis rays and ohanges in law to verity sire atures is also re- commended. For H ron bounty the total number of reg titrations for 1907 was 4,210 and for 1 08, 3,640, and the fees for 1008 ante ted to $3,987,85. The different inst�nments registered during 1908 were a follows:—Deeds, 1,108; mortgagee, 933; discharge of mortgage, 888; wi is, 232; leases, 22, The gross revenue o the Huron registry office for 1906 was 1$5,917 30; 1907, $5,- 917.35; 1908, $5,069 60. The deputy registrar reoeived for his services in 1908, $766.67. The' net amount received by Registrar war in 1906, $2,589.30; 1907, $2,740.29; 1908, $2,379.96. The aggregate atnonlet of the mortgages registered in the county in 1908 was $1,471,293 03. Pall Fair Dates. Wingham, Sap 28.29. Toronto, Aug. 0 -Sept, 13th. London, Sept. 1 -18. Atwood, Sept. 29, Brnrrele, $opd 0.Oet. 1. Blyth, Clot. 6 Dungannon, Oot 7-8. Gerrie, Oot. 2. Goderioh, Sept. 28, 29, 80. Kincardine, Sept. 22.23. I.noknow, Sept, 23.24, Listowel, Sept. 2142. Tiverton, Oot. 6. Temwater, Oat, 6.6, Walkerton, Sept. 10.17, it ipley, Sept, 28-$9, CHURCH NOTES, At a meeting Presbyteriau coag day last week it Rev. Mr. Burnett, pastorate, Rev. T. Hall, of ducted the services Eadies' Presbyterian day last in the tame Rev. W. J. West, Rev. 3, H. Mo0art ed Methodist ministe in Toronto, list we Mr. McCartney was water a number of known to a number Rev. L Perrin, charge of the servio Presbyterian Churn and preaohed two Mr. Perrin will take next Sunday and it pastor, Rev. D. Perri Sunday, September 5 of the Dorohester egation held Tues - as decided to invite f Molesworth, to the the Advance, con- n the Blnevale and Churches ou Stan- ce of the pastor, ey, a superannuat- , died at his home , aged 72 years. stationed at Tees - ears ago and was of our readers. Wroxeter, had s in St. Andrew's on Sunday last xcellent sermons. the services again s expected that the , wiIl be home for h. Provincial All the Provinces exhibits is the Prov Canadian Nation year. Each Provi at work on a diepla to its territory, an of British Colum of the prairies fro wan and Manito ducts and miner down to the best o of Nova Scotia will form one of t makes the Fai character, Exhibits, i11 be in line with noes building at the Exhibition this oial Government is that will do justice the gold and fruit ia, the golden grain Alberta, Saskatche- a, the various pro - e of Ontario, right al and farm products d New Brunswick, e many features that truly National.- in Smoot, SHOES —It cyte ranch less, in the end, for tl .alloys' and Girls' School Shoes when they are bought here. W. J. GREER Our Publ' The rural school An exchange boo date says the op full of interest an when a new teao a junior's name is roll for the first sire to make thei should do three th (1) Send the pupa tuelly; (2) get teaoher and incest visit to the sohool ars with the fao one of the beet whether on or off life or whatever seed that "there Schools. re -opened recently. . ingforward to this ning day is always novelty, particularly =r is being installed or placed on the school ime. If parents de. sohool a leader they nge at least, namely: regularly and ponc- cquainted with the ,nally pay a friendly (3) imbue the schol- that an education is .reparations for life, the farm, in business the sphere. Sow the is room at the top." These days will n;ver come back so em- ploy and improvit them as time flies. Western The Dairy Dep Fair this year is a1 est. Surrounded, of the best Dairy tricta of Ontario, that the managena attention to this e contests will take! and afternoon di when in addition t there has been a kindly donated by to the winner in t Grain will be show in bags, therefore form exhibit, and i hibite of Roots, V will be large this y all information on Secretary, General tads. xir, Sept. tO 18 rtment of the Western ttracting special inter - as London is, by one nd Agricultural dis- t is quite in keeping nt should give special titbit. Butter making place each morning ring the exhibition, large prizes offered, beautiful Silver Cup o Windsor Salt Co. e open class. The in boxes instead of eking a more uni- is expeoted the ex- getables and Fruit ar. Prize Lists and application to the ffice, London, On - The Government has let the contract for a new steamer /or the hydrographio survey service. The Molsona Bank bas decided to al- low none of its oleaka to marry unless in receipt of an incpme of twelve hun- dred dollars. At the famous Dalodon Horse Shoe ourve the lett oar,iof ft 0. P. R special harvesters' exourjion train left the traoks. No one ores injured. Of 222 samples cit tea sold for from 15 to 80 (lentil a pound, 52 samples were found to bo below b satisfaotery stand- ard by the Inland( Revenue officers at Ottawa although Ino adulteration war found. LABOR DAY FLEB RAT ID F4. The committee Day celebration in anepicee of the completed arrange grain of sports. will be a game Luoknow and Wi afternoon there wi between , Kincardi baseball 'game bet Wingham; progra Rosmnssen family don; Scotch and I MissEs McDonald as piper. The R acrobats oome to recommended and will be given. A p the baseball team number of runs in the evening a big for which an excel! arranged, The C furnish an abund afternoon and eve ham and oelebrat September 6th. ()barge of the Labor Wind am, under the itlzene' B ted, have eats for a good pro• T . the morning there f baseball between gharn. During the be a lacrosse match e and Wingham; een Lucknow and by the celebrated 1 acrobats, of Lon- ieh dancing by the til D. E. McDonald muesen family of Wingham highly good performance ize will be given to eking the largest he two games. In noert will be ,given t program is being izens' Band will ce of music during ng. Come to Wing - Labor Day—Monday, BOARDERS WANTED — Accommoda- tion for a number of boarders, High School or Business College students, MRs. T. J, ELLIOTT, Shuter street. NORTH HURON TELEPHONE CO. Charter has Ar ved. Organization Meeting Next Week. The oharter for phone Company, from Toronto a shareholders of held in the Conno afternoon Septem for the purpose of Board of Direotor sanctioning the b and transacting a may come before there has been a the charter, the have done consider tine between Win church has been c telephones have bee. church. Work on ohuroh to St. Augu along rapidly and a f work completed. manent directors ar vale, Belmore and taken over from til This will give the phone Go, control o of telephone line a the new company some fifty acbsorib will be added as re installed. Feeder main line as quick The company has oharter allowing i different townsh Morris, East a Howiak, Culrose, Here's wishing t phone Co. every he North Huron Tele - Limited, has arrived d a meeting of the e company will be Chamber, on Friday er 3rd, at 2.30 o'clock looting a permauent , appointing auditors, -laws of the company y other !trainees that the meeting. While e delay in securing rovieion's e l directors ble work. The new ham and White- mpleted and some installed at White - he line from White - tine is being pushed w weeks will see the s soon as the per - elected the Blne- elgrave lines will be Bell Telephone Go, North Huron Tele - nearly thirty noiles d it is expeoted that will start off with re and many more idly as they oan be will be built into the y as possible this fall, good territory, the to do business in eight ps, viz:— Tnrnberry, d West Wawanosh, Kinloss and Carrick North Huron Tele- nocess. Several Canadian harvesters boned for the West, whit took the route via 011i- oago, were held slat Port Huron by the United States ieigration oiRoiels for the four -dollar lied tax apiece, Somo of the men were re titled passage through the Vatted States ltogether, and Were turned baok by t e immigration in- speotore. A few turned home, hat others went on ver through 0anadian territory, You can have your buttons made to order from any kind of material at R. M AxwELL's tailor shop. Stenographers' Salaries. A little over two years ago, Miss Vira Heywood, of Clinton, after a three months' course, received a position at Revelstoke, at $70 per month, also free transportation, Mlsa Mabel Snell, $75 per month at Calgary, Mr. S. H. White, $110 per month at Winnipeg, The same oan be done for any others attending Wingham Business College. The ooroher's jur • which enquired in- to the death of Mio ael Hall in Norfolk county, found that, death was caused by a shot fired by so It is now believed, was fired by you shooting was aboid o unknown person. ven it the fatal shot Shelley, that the ntaI. AUGUSIT RAIN. [8. E Kiser.] The field had long een brown and dry, The birds had s ly ceased to ting; No olond ships said across the sky, The whole•paro ed world was wither. fug. 1 Then came the wslloon.e Atigust rain, The thnndet'roar, the lightning,a gleam; The water dashe against the pane, The road bees a gushing stream. To -day the mead° A. gleam is on th The road where de Blithe swallows Oates, Thus after hope! Life seem a w dope point, to b And Lill the w I SPRUNG--., Suits Overcoats s all are green, fluttering leaver; t lay thick is clean, chatter 'neath the nese bas Snide e, like Angeet rain hten croft and gluiu with oheet 0101.14. Trousers Etc., 'etc., is the theme which we bring to your notice at this time. Some wise man has said, " My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding," - ' The wise man to day says, "Get a new suit or overcoat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order in your own town, where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine tailor - made." Tbat would be wisdom ; that would be under- standing. Our New Spring Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat- ing to say they are the nicest line we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow us to go into detail, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired, We are dealing in strong statements, but will back it up, that we have yet to find the style of garment we cannot dupli- cate, And although plain, neat ,styles are more in line with strictly high , class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your sty le— WE WILL MAKE IT Our Furnishing Department is filled with the newest and best for Spring and Summer in all lines. We have also added a first class line of Jewelry. CALL IN. Robt Maxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. The Leading Shoe Store School Shoes Our School Shoes are made for comfort and for durability, as well. They are thoroughly all round good School Shoes. Don't see how they e conlri be U made better, even if they cost more, If your children have never worn our School Shoes, test them. Bring back the Shoes, if they are not all we claim for thein and --- Perfectly Satisfactory Boys' School Shoes $1.25,$1.5O to $2.00 Girls' Sohool Shoes *1.23,$41,60 to $1.7, Aoeotding to sine There's nothing startling about these prices — they sound fatailiar-'—the gobdnee8 lies in the Shoes. W. J« Greer