HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-19, Page 6F
°Fruit -at -tires" Cured Him When
Everything Else Failed.
Tiverton, Que., March 17th, 103.
T wish to place on record, Aur the
sake of utlicra who may be suf.oring
tht) some way that 1 suffered, that
rte medicine 1 a•vvr toe%i diol me
IYauea real good as 1`ruit-a-tif'f`s" did.
j nufft.ked for many- Scars with
KFdm y, Trouble, tI•rth bad pain in the
"teak every known kidney remedy
d kidney pill, but nothing gave mo
pfY relief, and I was petting diseour-
tle* d.
1 was advised to try "Fruit -a. -tires"
xand did so—anti this medicine cured
nae when eve.rylhing else failed.
1 used altogether fifteen boxes of
"' rant -a -fives," and from the outset
they gave me relief and I am now
practically well again; no pain, no dis-
tress, and all symptoms of kidney dis-
ease have entirely left me. I am very
thankful to be once more well, and I
Freely make this statement for the
salve of others who may suffer as I
slid. To them, I say try "Fruit-a-tives,"
as they are a grand kidney medicine.
5frc a box,8 A r En CE J. PLACE Y.
.a3t dealers or fromy Fruit a. -t vtrial es
ited. Ottawa..
Soar/etfever is epidemic) at Crown
Point near Hamilton.
Canada will send a team to compete
for the Palma Trophy.
• [lure for Whooping cough.
Mrs, Wm. Bali, Braoebridxe, Ont.,
writes: "My three boys had whooping
cough and we could os nothing to help
them until we used Dr, Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and Turpentine. It arrested
the coughs at once and they kept on iee
proving until they were cnred at the
cost of one dollar. This was not a Iarge
bill for so dangerons and distressing an
Alexander M. Soott, of London, died
last week at the age of 100 years.
In Alberta the 81,000 acres of win.
ter.wheat yielded 23.4 bushels to the
Diarrhoea Cured.
"My father bas for gears been tronb•
led with diarrhoea, and tried every
means possible to effect a onre, without
avail," writesjobn H. Zirkie of Philippi,
W. Va. "He saw Chamberlain's Ooilc,
Chalora and Diarrhoea Remedy adver-
tised in to Philippi Republican and de.
cided to try it. The result is one bottle
oared him and he has not enffered with
the disease for eighteen months. Before
taking this remedy he was a constant
Sufferer. He is now sound and well,
and although sixty years old, can do as
much work as a young man." Sold by
All Druggists.
0, W. Pole, for twenty years in the
Inland Revenue Department at Belle-
ville, is dead.
tae 1C1 Ce .41—
Deere the �The Kind You Ham Always Bought
Henry Cornell Hilihorn, aged sixty-six
years, for many years a resident of Ber-
lin, is dead,
1Iarpellous Healing powers.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes
sure with one of Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets. The formats is on the 25•aent
box, As your Doctor or Druggist
about this formula! Stops womanly
paint, headache, pains anywhere.
Write Witt. for free
trial, to pShoop,
prove of hie $ adaobe, or
Pink Pain Tablets, Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
By a gun explosion in the Japanese
battleship Asahi four men were killed
and five wounded.
The essential
al of
the pine tree has litany b a t successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
oongh nredlaine _-Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
Ieaantee of satisfaction. Price 26
Wm. Bowman, a veteran in rhe ger-
aloe of the Old Great Western Railway,
died last week in London, Ont.
August time, *elle on the teree. But
that vitiate, no ambition feeling can
be easily and quickly altered by taking
what it kffoswn to drugglits everywhere
as Dr. Shoop it Restorative. Within 48
hours after begibning to use the Res -
tomtits, fniprovement will be noticed.
Cif course, full health will not ifn.
medietoly return. The gain, however,
Will barely' folio*. And, beet of
will realize and feel your rtrengti add gi gees
ambition at ireturning.
* is r t i lune
a urning, Outside in. of
thornless ,i est first the "'imide nerves'►1 buildings
Interestirig Paragraphs from cur Exc'argcs
August Copier was overcome by gaol
in a well neer Morinville, Alta •, and
died l:store he could be teken out.
Even doctors disagree and when they
do it helps to swell tko population of
cue of the other two places.
Dr. Chase's Dint
mentis a certain
and ed
every form of ,
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and aak f
your neighbors about it. You can use it and t
e�soty�our money back if not satisfied. 00e, at all
7ealers �: EnelANSON B 8TEs & CO., Toren to. j t
Preston Roman Cetbolio ehurch wet'
robbed of a lot of valuable plate, but it
was recovered and the alleged thief ar.
IJoan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
aeye, bladder and urinary organs only.
They ours backaches, weak baok, ream-
etiam, diabetes, Congestion, indamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
eiaeaaes arising from wrong notion of the
aidneya and bladder
Constable Hahner, of Delalmo, N. J
in the absence o'! any police station,
handctffs tramps and chains them over-
night to a large tree. Rhe rotquitoee
are so thick that no hobo satjt•eto-d to
the treatment ever returns.
Thomas Webster, a yonrg .English.
man, ahrut thirty years of age, was
drowned in the River Speed at Guelph
while °banging seats in a h.,rtt. Hie
wife and child, unaonsoious of his un.
irately end are on their way out from
be old land to join him in Canada.
Bears Signature
he The Kind YOU lia�o hva�s Bought
Heavy declines in freigbt train.) on
the Canadian canals are shown by fig-
ures of the season's operations. To June
30 the deohne totals 1,182,102 tons, in.
eluding St. Lawrence casuals, 77,560;
Welland, 63,903, and Ottawa, a"0,740
A gigantic steel plant 10 to be estab.
lished in Mexico City with French and
American capitalists wig control $$50,-
000 000.
Wm. Boyer of the Montreal House,
Wallaceburg, was fined $200 as a third
offence for selling liquor during pro-
hibited hours.
Granulated Sore Eyes Cured
"For twenty years I suffered from a
bad case of granulated sore eyes, says
Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In
February, 1963, a gentleman asked me
to try Chamberlain's Salve, I bought
one box and need about two-thirds of it
and my eyes have not given me any
trouble singe." This salve is for sale by
all druggists,
Manitoba has sold Provincial boucle
carrying 4 per Cent. interest at par,
This is the best sale yet made by that
The empire style of dress continua
popular, and is Pertioularly appro.
priate to the figure of the slight or
young girl.
Don't drug the Stomach, or stimulate
the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong.
It is the weak nerves that are Drying out
for help. Vitalize these weak inside
controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's
Restorative, and see how quickly good
health will come to yon again. Test it
and see? Sold at WaIley's Drug Store.
Of thirty samples of nursery milk
taken in St. Pancras last year nine
contained more than 100,000,000 bacteria
per cubic centimetre and one had 8,-
Who says the cost of living is on
the increase? In the report upon On-
tario gaols just issued to average
coot per day for each prisoner is put
at 23 cents whereas in 1907 it was 27
A Faithful Friend.
"I have used Chamberlain's Oolio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it
was first introduced to the Publio in
1872, and have not known one instance
wbere a cure was not speedily effected by
its use. I have been a traveler for eigh-
teen years, and never start out on a trip
without this, my faithful friend," says
H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter.
When a man has used a remedy for
thirty-five years he knows its value and
le competent to speak of it. For sale by
All Druggists, 1111
A number of gold bricks to to
weight of 2,400 pounds were last
week conveyed from Fairbanks, AI.
asks to the atsay office at Seattie.
They were sent by mail and passed
through the post offices with other mail
The footprints of Dyspepsia have been
directly traced to the Stomach nerves.
When these "inside nerves" fail, indi-
geotion and stomach distress must sure-
ly result. For this, drugging every-
where are supplying a presoription
known as Dr, Shoop's Restorative.
First, these tiny inside Stomach, Heart
and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas
belching, Heart palpitation or failing
Kidneys follow, Don't drug the Stom-
soh or e.
That is twrong a Strethengthen theart orere tidneail-
ing nerves with Dr. Shoop'sltestorative:
It IN the nerves, not the organs that are
calling for help. Within 48 haus after
starting the Restorative treatment, you
will realize the #tarn. A test will tell.
Sold at Walley's Drag Store.
Saskatchewan, Canada, is the title of
an admirable booklet just Weed by the
Department of Agriculture of Saakatthe
clan. 1* gives en exhar<Itive Survey of
the development and the ?esonraes of
the province, And will :prate highly nae.
fol *u those oontemplating settllbg there.
There Are many sorting and indlietrial
o farm lite, at Well as Mutts -
Any fine schools And pablie
in the thriving towns of the
There ire chapters Oil work
et, homesteading and many'
Bots. The bbgkletmay' bet On
ee from the B'ttalrateheereu
Minister of ,.liriottIture, Regina.
then the Heart and Kidneys protlnoe.
will a fail. 8*renkthen these
with Dr. Shdopet
'r R. l wag
t�tasaatire eye ho
w gaiokly health will oilier rubj
ebe yc'ears. . Sol4 at Walley'i Drug tsined tr
What is ,gest for Iudlgestion?
Mr, A. Robinson of Drnmquin, On-
eario, has been troubled for years with
indigestion, and recommends Membr-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets es
"the best medicine I ever used." If
troubled with indigestion or constipation
give them a trial. They are oertsiu to
prove beneficial. They are easy to take
and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents.
Samples free at all drug stores.
The wool clip of Alberta is estimated
this year at 400,000 lbs. The fleeces are
lighter than last year, owing to the
character of last winter. The best bid
so far received is 13F o., and there is a
possibility that the wool will go to Boston
buyers, even in the face of a duty of
110. per Ib.
4hronio Diarrhoea Relieved,
Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the Unit.
ed States Express Oo., Chicago, writes,
Our General Superintendent, Mr.
11aain's CoI ora d me a tt
Cholera andf Diarrhoea
Remedy some tune ago to check an at-
tack of the old cbronio diarrhoea. I
have used it since that time and oared
been sick. am an on odierwho sed wth
Rutherford B. Hayes and William Mo.
Sisley four years in the 23rd Ohio Regi-
o diarrhoea" hoea and "which this remuent edystops t oat
once. For sale by All Druggists.
Shackleton, who was so near
discoveringthe South nth
e has accepted
an invitation to deliver Pole,
a�series of lea -
titres in Canada and the United States.
His trip towards the South Pole left him
with a debt of nearly $70,000 and he in-
tends to pay it Off in this way.
Drive Rheumatism from the blood with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. Tab.
let or Liquid. Sold at Walley'a Drug
Standard 011 chemists deolare they
have disoovered a process whereby they
can make butter as a by-product of
Crude petroleum, If reports are true,
plans have been prepared and contracts
soon will be let for putting up a big
butter -making plant ae a new depart -
went of the Standard Oil works in Bay,
ohne, New Jersey.
Cela aS'1' Cy TL, r.A..
Beers the ilia Kind You HaveAte, waayyss Bri
Menatere ,,%%
of l• e
P, B. McNamara, Canadian Trade
Commissioner at Manchester, says that
owing to the scarcity of hogs in Great
Britain the pride of bacon has been
rushed to a dangerous level. Hogs in
Ireland were on the 15th Juiy coating
62 ahIllings to 65 shillings, And certain
brands of Irish bacon were selling at
16 2.7o to 16 5.7o per lb. Danish and
Canadian were selling at the same date
at 15 6.7o and 15c respectively.
Or Is Every flood Meal Followed
By Discomfort?
So certain are we that "Little
Digesters" will care Indigestion every
tune—for every person—for YOU—that
we will give you your money baric
without a word if they fail.
Von can enjoy a good, hearty meal
of wholesome food three times a day,
if you take a tablet after each meal.
3izReadyow "Little Digesters" cured
"Par two years 1 suffered with Tedi-
$exon, and obtained no relief from
anything I took, including several
prescriptions from prominentphysidians.
ItVer7 meal was followed by acute pain
until I feared to eat, consequently
became run down for lack of nourish -
meat. "Little Digesters" were record -
mewed to me by A friend and I tried
them with remarkable eesulta, two
boxes completely curing me. It is three
ruonths afire I toots any, and I have
tot suffered a plain, no natter hew
heartily t eat. I world certainly recta*.
mend heat to anybody aufferin
g with
bl'erge.tiott." (.S i€d) B. THOD3t
ear Yorkeilk Ave., Termite,. All a Sprit
Jane it, 7
"Lithe "
r, tsar' hit
led it
OM arts rtbrn Aa
Ide�diE� m by omit from Cotern+rtt the blood
for os rents a box. off *aortae
"x'I;LN WINO-11AAt TIMES, 4.T'GI,TST 19, 1909
No Liniment
Like "Nerviline"
Fifty Years' Use Proves it The
Strongest, Safest, Uest.
1,000,000 BOTTLES SOLD
"Nervi -
Hue" le due mtoled thesmong fact that its isAvetimes stronger, three times more pr,
tratir, more pain relieving than any
other liniment,
thtou hat thisomeans!! used
proof is not possible that Nerviline is a
trusty liraimLut a, household remedy
upon which mothers oan depend in case
of accident or sudden siokneas. Scarcely
an ache or pain that Nerviline won't
oar—among the hundreds of ailments
for which it Is guaranteed are the fol-
the purest and otors will temoatahealingthat oantiaep io
drugs are used in Nerviline—that's why
it is 00 se, for
the baby are well asfor nthe 1parent. family u11 yon
haven't tried Nervifine, do so now—
your neighbors are almost aure to know
of its rnenifoid merits and uses.
Refuse any substitute for Nerviline.
Fold the world over in large 25o. bottles,
five for $1 00, all dealers, or The Oa.
tartht'zone Co., Kingston, Ont.
Plans of far•reaohing importance are
on foot in Texas looking to the employ-
ment of convicts A Targe cotton mill
is to be established, to be run by water
power and operated by the prison in-
habitants and the Rush ' penitentiary
pipe works and iron furnace are soon to
be re. opened on a large scale The new
state railroad, from Rusk to Palestine, a
distance of thirty miles, is nearing com-
pletion and will be run by convict labor,
If the cotton mill venture is a success,
other mills will be established by the
Lone Star state, and all its convicts will
have something to do which will snake
them self-supporting instead of a bur-
den on the taxpayers.
vThey cue are
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
withntrt griping, purging or sickening.
Albert Kneeshaw, youngest non of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw, Glade-
rioh,died Thursday at the age of twenty
years, The yotu g man had been work-
ing at Doty's engine works, but a few
months since was obliged to • give up
work on account Of his health, a fatal
lung weakness having attacked his con-
at he
is a senior pa tneryofthesfirm ofoath hF. 3.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, that said firm will pay the sum of
and cannot
be cued by thecase of usee Catarrh
frHall's Oatarrh
Sworn to befoFRANK nd subscribed �in
my presence, this 60h day of December,
A. D. 1886,
WomaHall's Catarrh Cure is taken and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, Send
for testimonials free.
F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by alt Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Faintly Pills for constipa-
A Friend to Women.
What most women
them strong and healthy, require
nd to restore
good complexion and a well rounded
form such asIniore
dedd omthe system bythenee of Dr. °heath; Nerve Food, Head-
ache, indigeation and the weakness and
irregularities whioh accompany exhanst-
ed nerves noon dibappear when this
great restorative treatment is need.
The Ontario Government has decided
to offer for sale by public tender smile
remaining portions of the Gillies Limit.
The conditions of sale include payment
of a 10 per Dent. royalty on all return'
at the month of the mine. The prop,
arty inoludet same thirty Gore' lying
immediately ninth of Nipiseing mine
Ana part Lake, while Other portions of
the limit offered comprises 850 acres di-
vided into twenty parcels. On April
415, 1900, Premier `;Whitney Stated in
the House that he considered it the duty
of the Government not to dispose of that
silver bearing ]end but to keep it and
develop it for the benefit of the people
Of the Provinoe. xt it not stated why.
the poi#ox then decided on hie bean
ArEINO flab tO ti't114.
g medioinoe Eurdook Blood
s no equal. It tones rap the
d remotes all impurities from
iing ee prrevald t untie that
g it.
Who is it always whoops 'er up
To make the village grow,
And never lets a ahanae stip by
Hie civic) horn to blow?
The editor!
Be brags in every weekly sheet
About the town we love
And even smuts St, Peter's plaeo
He heard of up above.
The editor!
Our town Is far the nioeet place
And when it onus to sphere,
The piece to equal is here?
The editor!
Prom morn 'til night, year in year out
13e lauds ns to the cities
And then, some day, be takes a Cold
And lays him down and dies—
The editor!
And as he sleeps the sleep of death
The natives, as of yore,
Send all their printing out of town
Just as they did before!
The editor!
The thnnderatorm now has
rumbles aoroas the sunny fa
midsummer heavens. Some
lowers the temperature and ill
with freshness. Almost inva
pricks the nerves of your lit
and maiden aunt. 11 splinters
.flagpole, it demolishes the
steeple, it burns the farmer's ba
all thio does not prevent the
storm from being the moat awe -
phenomenon which nature o
shows to man. The city
sourrying impotently through
of masonry, does not have more
hint of the true grandeur. On
be upon a hilltop or on a broad
realize the omnipotence of the
The air is sultry. Great white "t
heads" pinnacle the heavens
clouds bully upon the horizon.
are laced with lightning, The
oan be heard at their bowling on
mountain peaks. The sun is o
The atom rushes onward. A gip
Dopper tinge marks its Centre.
broods over the Iake's unrippled
Suddenly comes a blast of win
from the puffing oheeks of a
Then Iike a marching white wate
the rain, It pelts upon the lak
the drops seem to rebound. The
der has ceased its rumbling.
oomes with the lightning in a tre
like the tering of a sail. Thu
storm mounts to its oresedo, ste
wanes, dwindles and fades --r
away across the country -side. Th
creeps out. The heavens shine
fresher bine. The universe is pn
If all this be not majesty, there is
in Nature. --Collier's.
is day. It
oe of the
times it
Is the air
riably it
Ile sister
the oity
rn. But
e should
lake to
A hash
d as if
e until
than -
Now it
ble rip
s the
e sun
The Delineator for September.
When a magazine finds someone who
can testify to an experience that is really
novel, it accomplishes what is almost
Impossible in this day of strenuous Liv-
ing and much writing, In its Septem-
ber number, The Delineator presents an
article by Alma V, Lafferty, the only
woman member of the Colorado Legis-
lature "Being a Woman Legislator"
is a frank confession of difficulties en-
countered and obstacles overoou , Mrs.
Lafferty tells what she accomplished
and she does not omit to record her fail-
ures. What she says will be read with
special interest by all who are interested
in soolai reforms. Another remarkable
feature of this number of The Delinea-
tor is a symposium on "What My Chil-
dren Mean to Me" by Madame Sohn-
mann•Heink, the famous singer; Mre.
McCormick, daughter of John D. Rocke-
feller; and Mrs, Frederick Sohoff, who
hag been long identified with the Con-
gress of Mothers. "The loves of Ellis
Island" are charmingly sketched by
Mabel Potter Daggett in a series of de-
Iiglatful oharecter studies. "Cold Iron,"
the first of a series of short stories by
Rudvard Kipling, leads the fiction for
the month. It is beautifully illustrated
by Frank Craig and Frederick Dorr
Steele. "Jock," by J. J. Bell, is anoth-
er short story of exquisite quality. "The
Power and Glory," the aerial by Gtraoe
MetoGowan Cooke, develops into one of
the moot human of recent novels. Of
course. the tall fashions are reviewed
comprehensively; the pages of illttstrit-
tion #n color are especially ataractiv
"The Oommeroiai Value of Clothes"
Clara E. Simoox tells the Inclines
woman many important facts about per
a onality. Edouard La Fontaine de
scribes the ooatnuiee that he sees on the
Rue de Is Paix at Trouville, and Helen
Berkeley -Loyd reviews the modes en
The hard work of bread -making
should be done in the flour mill—not
in the kitchen.
When it is necesuy for you to make bread
by main strength, the miller hasn't done his
part. His flour is not fine enough.
I ��1= Fk 11'
�• fh x,49 'I.
19 :1114111
1 fr
is made from hard Spring wheat—which is
capable of finer grinding than any other wheat
—and milled by a process that insures the finest,.
and most nutritious of flours. Get enough
to try from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Bile,, MOla sal.
An Oriental Blessing.
A. well known represontative from
China, who was a guest at a wedding
in a capital city, was approached after
the ceremony by the best man and
jocularly asked to go over to
young couple and pronounce a par
blessing, The obliging dignitary
plied with pleasure. Placing his 11
on the blushing bride and sha
bridegroom, he said: "May every new
year bless you with a man -child off-
spring until they shall number twenty-
five in all. May these twenty-five man
children offspring present you with
twenty-five times twenty-five grand-
children, and may these grandchil-
But the little bride grew bysterieal
about thls time, and the oriental bless-
ing' was ended amid the laughter of
the guests.—Ladies' Home Journal.
A Cowboy Spider.
"Faking aside," said the nature stu-
"there is in New Zealand a cow-
boy spider. This creature throws a
cell of web like a lasso over its prey's
head, then adds more and more coils
and when the prey is bound band and
foot devours it.
"There is a Borneo spider that In
the spring days plays a fiddle, It is a
common thing for a lovesick spider to
dance before his girl, but this Borneo
boy my drawing his .aria across his
tum produces a sweet, clear note.
Whenever Ile sees a good looking
young lady spider be stops and gives
her a tune, hoping to win her by mu-
sic." --Philadelphia Bulletin.
Miners' Freedom From Cancer.
"Miners never have cancer. In thir-
ty-five years' practice in a mining town
I haven't had a single cancerous pa-
"And to what, doctor, do you impute
this immunity?"
"Miners are singularly cleanly. They
bathe every day. They rarely smoke.
They are a temperate and regular set.
Above all"—
The physiciaii Smiled grimly.
"Miners," he said, "die young. Ca
eer is an old age disease. .And there
really is the reason of the miner's can-
cerous immunity." —Cincinnati En-
Not the Same.
`"Excuse me," he said as he entered
the public library at Pegantic, "but do
you have any social registers here?'
""No, we hasn't," said the librarian,
with considerable hauteur. `"This here
The fruit crop report hinted by the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa,
dated July 31st, says in reference to
the I District No, 2 (including the Lake Hata
ental f on counties) :
corn- Apples -.There has been very little
antis change in the apple prospects for this
akin dietriot duringthe
past month, ether
than that arising from the unusual
"drop." Early varieties are reported
light to medium; fail varieties, medium;
winter varieties, medium to full crop.
Spies and Golden Russets promise a
medium to full crop; Greeninge and
Kings a medium orop; Balwins will
be light to medium.
Pears—Both early and late varieties
are reported light to medium.
Plums will be fairly plentiful in all
seotions with the exception of British
Columbia, wbere the crop is light gen-
Among general notes the bulletin
The aphis has been unusually active
tine year, not only on apples but on
really all other kinds of fruit as well.
It is reported from Ontario, Quebec,
Nova Sootia, Prince Edward Isiend and
British Columbia. The black, green
and woolly speoies all seem prevalent.
As an example of the serious injury
done by this insect, a correspondent
cited the case of an orchard the fruit of
which usually sells for $1,000, but which
is praotloally worthless as the result of
aphis infestation. Kerosene emui*ion is
a good remedy to ns when the foliage is
out, and it will undoubtedly kill all the
apbis with which it comes in contact,
It is, however, very dimoult to reach
the insects which work on the underside
of the leaves, distorting them so as to
form protective pockets. The lime and,
eulphnr wash applied in to early spring
while the trees are still dormant has
been found to be the moat effective rem -
n" edy, and keeps the inaeot in control by
destroying the eggs, which are at this-
season attached to the twigs.
is het up by steam, and we
e. haln't got nothin' but radlators, and
b we don't allow no aettln' around with
your feet on to them neither, The near.
e est thing we got to a social registry be
this town is the postof tee stove." --Lip.
• pincott's.
• A Reminder.
Mamma --What are you doing with
that string, Lola? Lola (aged five).
Tyln' it on my tenger, mamma, so it I
terget anything I'll be afire to 'member
It.-.-Chleago News.
That experience whteh doer met
make nit better intkes ne worfw.•»
liolanea _, ,
What Parisian Sage did for Ctlas. S.
Baker, it will do for yon. Reed to
"I wee bo bald And suoh a shining
mark for my friends. that I, as a Iatt re.
mart, tried your Perisian Sage (after try.
ins several bottler of the highly adver.
tided and high peed 'o called heir
restorers), and 1 am glad 'ti rax I now
have a heavy growth of new hair. 11 ant
now 44 years old and I have a heavy
growth Of new hair after envying my
shining mark for over seven years. I
gladly recommend Padden Sage to ail
afflicted with baldnere, , Ohm. S.
Baker, 491 Atkin St. Etat, Raohester,
NPer"isiau Sage, the only natnr
restorer, is guaranteed by Walton hair
gibbon to true dandruff', stop !tailing
hair, Arad core itching of the wain, or
back ,
It it the Iodise fatrtNrite
hair drennlaig, beoanse it add* charts sand
la terianoe to the hair. 50 cents at
btattie, .fish '�'Pallot� McKibben about
The world's reoord high jttrup for A
Iiorse le 7 ft. 8 in.
"Great Likes Steamship Service."
The Abo''e is the title of a very At.
*teeth,* and neatly gotten -top folder,
inner by the Canadian Paeifib !tall•
wfOr,'Which gives full partionlart'of the
0ompany'g exoelieiitIteamibip service
oh the great ham Pettiest*** to the
Wong elsould oatfire regard ng the lake
and rail route. .. Z. H. Eeemer,
It,; * be to agent the (I. P.
wlth'one Of folders osy e y
desired itRtyt nuttuu.
President Taft signed the new tariff'
law of the United States last week.
Nearly a score of steamships, which had
been hurrying to New York in order to.
get in before the new tariff law took
effeot, loot the rime by a feta hours and
owners of the goods will be toilers to the
extent of $200,000 in outgoing payment,
Ar the result.
'CNN Not Lie On His Left SW
H.*rt Would Stop.
Hundreds of people go abort their,
daily work on the verge of death, and eget
do not know it. It is only when the
shock conies that the unsuspected weak.
now of the heart is apparent. There is
only one cure, and that is
Try Thsnt aid Is Convinced.
Mr. I'aui Poulf, Caacapedia, tae.;
v'rile—"Abotd five yeara ago I gave up
'.11 hope of ening better 0f heart trouble.
I would nearly choke, and then my
heart would stop beating. I could bot
'lie on nay left side, cad became ea *serrates
iota*** 1 eould hot work A Mend -
e to 'tiy Itilburn's Heirt a N Lave
helots the first box Was take*
almost waa Wail, and the meted bet
completed the euro. I have ,hlviaet3
shiny ethers tat them, and theyhay.
all beers ettred of mens trouble. I
boys aroma to pow for a bet for aaybod
they do not stare." y
arra, s Mort and Nerve Pills ,ears
Iter bat, Or 3 boxes for $1.25, it a ►1i
titwkleur, flit mailed, direct Oft retseipt of
artba Oht T Milburn Co., Limited,,