HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-19, Page 5tin wave-1141XL 'RUMS, AUGUST 19 19Uv t The new fall samples Iand styles are here, they are the finest range we have shown. IMcGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS, BELAIORE. Mrs. Will King and little son, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., are guests at the home of Mrs. Thomas Baker for a few days and in returning home will visit in Auburn. To Cure Toothache. Search over the whole globe and you'll not find the equal of Nerviline An aching tooth it relieves at once. Fill the cavity with batting dipped in Nerviline and rub the gums with Ner- viline also. If the face is swollen and sore, bathe with Nerviline and then bind on a hot flannel. This can't fail because Nerviline kills the pain outright, Just as good for earache, neuralgia or stiff neck. A 25o. bottle of Nerviline cures the aches of the whole family, Try it. WHITnCLICRO 3. School re -opened on Monday. Mr. Frank Henry had a good sample of wheat off his 45 acre field. The yield was 800 bushels. Mr. Samuel Peddle received a telegram .on Sunday, informing him that his son, Mr. Henry Peddle was seriously ill at Melfort, Sask. A. message 0n Tuesday gave the information that there was no Improvement and Mr. Peddle left at once for Melfort. BAST WASVANOSH. Miss Annie Foran has retuned to Buffalo after spending her holidays at her parental home. The Trustees of S, 5, No, 7 have had gravel welke put in leading to the two eutranoee of the new school. Milton Naylor did the work. Adam Robertson, of the 10th line, is having a new gasoline engine installed to pump the water from ids artesian well, 1.86ei feet deep. The engine is so plaoed that it can be used for sawing wood, also for running the puiper and other maohinery. Baaine are being put in the stables whioh will provide a oonstant supply of water for his stook, Mr Robertson is an up-to-date farmer and believes in having everything con- venient. Proved Beyond Doubt. The disappointed victims of poor Ca- tarrh remedies should read the state- ment of J. R. Smith, of Lake Stream, N. 13. In Oatarrhozone he found an absolute entre and says: "Last winter my little girl of eight oaught gold which lodged in her ears in the form of Ca- tarrh. She became sick and cleaf and nothing helped. By inhaling Catarrh - ozone she got relief and gradually the ,discharge went away. She was otlred perfectly of Catarrh. Personally I can zeoommend Oatarrhozone for coughs and throat irritation, its a wonderful medicine." Sold everywhere, 25e. and X1,00. You reel Blue as indigo. You are sleepless—no energy—bad digestion—irritable nerves—everything seems wrong. You're getting worse, Stop it to -day, end your misery by building up with Ferrozone. It's a food tonin—supphes nutriment and building materiel—gives weak organs and ex- hausted nerves the strength they re- quire. With Ferrozone von eat more, digest more, get fatter, Vitality courses through your veins, the feeling of youth predominates, vim, strength and health. return for good. Nothing rejuvenates and restores so quickly and permanent- ly as FerIozone, You'll try it to -day, 500. at all dealers. GREY. Township Council will meet next Monday. Wm. Hogg, 4th line, is not very well we are sory to hear but hope he will soon regain his health. John Hogg, who has been in Washington State for about 4 years, has come home to run the farm on account ot his father's illness. Martha, second daughter of Robert and Mary J. Menarey, 9th non., died Tuesday, Angnst 10th, of a combination of ailments, chief of which was acute indigestion and heart trouble, She had been in failing health for some months but was able to get to Brussels on July 12th and was only confined to bed for a few days. Mile Menarey was in her 35th year and was most highly esteemed by relatives and friends. She was con - scions nearly to the last. On, Wedneaday, Jnler 21st, a pretty wedding took place at the home Of Mrs. Peter Backers when Miss Aggie Jane Carr, formerly of Grey, was united in marriage to Dave Haire, of Edmonton. The bride entered the parlor with her brother. Mies Tess Haire, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, while Walter Emptie acted as groomsman. Rev. Robt, Pearson, also formerly of Grey, tied the knot, whi3h made them man and wife. /MORRIS. F. MoOutcheon has improved the outward appearance of his residence by a new goat of paint. Miss Priscilla Manning spout the Old Home week in Palmerston with her sister, Mrs. Herb. Cunningham. The new bank barn of Jas. Maxwell, 6th line, has been completed by J. Petah and is now ready for the har- vest. Mies Ethel Watson left last week to take a position in a large milinery estab- lishment in London. We wish her success. TEES WATER, Word was received in town Tuesday .evening, Aug. 10th, of the death, whish 000nrred that afternoon, at her home near Oak Lake, Man., of Mrs. Andrew Johnston, a sister of Mfrs. Arohibald .Gillies. Mrs. Johnston was well known here as Annie McKinnon, she having Sosisted in the Post Office for several yenta before her marriage. For a =tu- ber of years she had suffered from tub- orotiiosig of the akin, but this disease bad been arrested, and she was enjoying good health until Sunday, Ang, let, When she suffered an atteok of appendi- oitis. A. physician was galled and the trouble apparently passed away, but re -appeared On 'Wednesday, and in spite of the doctors proved fatal on the date mentioned. Mrs. Gflliee was notified of her sister's Serious condition and leaving f On Thursday and arrivedtime to toe her alive. leeeased WAS about 47 years Of ago and ieavee, besides her husband, it daughter sixteen oaf of age and two 00118, the youngest of which is between three and four. JAMS TOW1ti. Mrs, B. Hayden, of Fergus is visiting at her son's, Nelson Hayden, and line, Grey. Mr, H. R. Brewer, of Brussels, had charge of the service in Victoria Hall on Sunday evening last. Miss Aggie Forrest of Moorefield is visiting friends on 1st and 2nd lines of Morris. Master Aladine Holt is suf7eriug with a sore arm, having been atnug by black hornets. . Mr, C, Skinn is assisting Ur. W. Jewitt with hie gravelling oontraot on boundary line met.. Mrs. Job Xing is not enjoying the beat of health at present. There was quite a rain and hail storm grossed the Beaton of the country a mile east of Jamestown on Monday last, The rain was much needed although the hail did ooasiderable harm to the °rope. James Jackson, 9th line, lost a good brood mare, She was allowed out on the roadside to get game grass and got on the 0. P. R. over the cattle guard at the sideroad. A train came along and caught her on the farm of Thos. Deegan and it was only the work of an instant before the beast was killed. Dr. E. T. Lounebury, wife and little daughter, also the doctor's sister, Mrs, Crowley, his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lonna - bury, and his brother, all of Philadel- phia, are welcome visitors at the home of Mrs, Lounbury'a parents, T, and Mrs. Scott, 2nd line. We are sorry to state that John, 5th son of Gilbert McCallum, an old rest, dont of the 7th line, departed this life on July 7th, at his home in Forest, Man„ aged 36 years. He had been ill for some little time. Mr. McCallum is survived by a wife and one daughter, He went West about 12 years ago and was an honest industrines man whose demise will be regretted. BLYTH There are a number of applicants for the Postmastership of the village. Mr. F. Anderson attended the meet- ing of the Grand Lodge, I. 0, 0. F. in Ottawa last week. James R, Forsythe, and his two sons, of Ottawa, are at present visiting hie sister here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Brigdin, of Tor- onto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilford last week. Messrs. Colin and John McArthur left last week for a trip to the Old Country, sailing from Montreal on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Besse, who have been in the West for the past few weeks, have returned home, feeling the benefit of the trip. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Beeee, of Berlin, who were looking after the business during their son's absence, returned to their home last week. Tho Ailments of Women. If the girls and women who suffer with what'they think is`"Female Trou- ble" would look to their kidneys, they'll soon find the source of their ill -health, The kidneys are closely allied with the female organs, and if the vitality of the kidneys is interfered with, great suffer- ing moors. There is no better medicins than Dr. Hamilton's Pills, --they stimu- late and strengthen the kidneys, assist other organs to do Nature's work, oleanee the system and thereby maintain perfect health. Great benefit and per- tain cure is guaranteed for all women who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, The Oxford flour mills at Norwioh and the Hocken Lumber Company's mill near Parry Sound were burned. The Ontario Government is cancer Iing the licenses of those holders who have three couviotion8 reoorded against them. ONLY to stake your baby strong and well• A fifty -tent bottle of $C.OTT'S EMULSION wilt *bongo x sickly baby to a plump, romping child in mauler as well as in winter. Only on. tent a clay ---drink of it --and in, 416 Web as cream. Geta small beide new, All ihol3Cista THE rzzTAN0APD or"Hf woaLr r3TtVSSELs. ,Tames O'Neil, a form r G. T. R. agent here, now of Pittson, I'a., was a weloome visitor in town for a few days. David Hogg has been seriously 111 during the past week with peritonitis, He is sornewhat improved at present. Mrs. W. A. MoEwau and daughter, Mies Geraldine, of Thessalon, Algoma, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. John Leckie. F. S, Soria and S. Wilton were at Ottawa last week attending the Odd - fellows Grand bodge. The farmer was a000mpenied by his daughter, D21se Mildred. John Galbraith and Geo, Keys have arrived home from the West after an absence ot three weeks, each having disposed of his oar load of horses, NEWS NOTES. John MoVioar of Galt was killed on the electric railway. The steamer Glengarry struck the bridge at Lachine and Bank. Hall paused a lot of damage to fruit and standing graiu in Grimsby district . Lieut. Morris, of Bowmanville, one of the Bigley winners, was presented with e gold medal by his fellow-oitizena. Another rioh strike of gold is reported in the eastern part of Halifax county, at Mesgher's Grant, near Musquodoboit. While boating on the Red River, near Selkirk, with her husband, Mrs. Berry, of Winnipeg, was drowned. Mr. Barry was rearmed, Mr. Walter R. Nasay, who was As- eiataut Inspector of Pablia Libraries, has been appointed iuspeotor, to succeed the late Mr. Leavitt. Victor Milvilie, the eleven -year-old son of H. A. Milville, 102 Oarlaw Avenue, Toronto, was drowned in the surf at the Woodbine. ETHEL. This community was sadly surprised Thursday evening, August 6th, when the sad story was told that Robert J. McKelvey, an old and well-known resident of this locality, had dropped dead. He and M. Henry were hitching tip a colt and were proceeding to the Presbyterian church grounds to have room, Mr. McKelvey leading the horse when the can came. He was dead when Mr. Henry got to his side. The aubjeot of this notioe was born in the township of Vaughan 52 years ago and came to Ethel when 2 years of age and has lived here continuously. A- bout 25 years ago he was united in marriage to Mise Bella Lamont, who survives. They had no family. De- ceased, who had not been in real robust health for 10 or 12 years, sold his farm owing to a heart weakness and lived a retired life. Thursday forenoon of last week fire broke out in the apartments of Mre. Walker, in commotion with the Thomp- son block and it spread so quickly that in a few minutes the whole upstairs was ablaze. The alarm was soon given and the men and women assembling worked like young Trogans, so that the fire was confined to the one building which fell a prey to the flames, Mr. Thomp. son's large stook of dry goods, groceries, clothing, &o. valued at about $10,500 was destroyed. He has an insurance of $7,000. Mre. Walker had no insur- ance, Dr. Blair, whose home and ofiioe webs in the same block, lost his furni- ture, library, &o., and had no insurance. Mr. Thompeon's furniture was saved. The store belonged to Dr, Ferguson and was insured. It was built about 85 years ago and efilargeck and improv- ed since. Telegrams were sent to Listowel and Brussels for help and the fire brigade and engine oame from the former plane, a epeeist train being se - oared from Palmerston. Brussels engine was taken to the depot but a flat car could not be got Bo it had to be taken back. J. W. Pollard's blacksmith shop sad other adjacent buildings were saved by the closest shave, plenty of water being available pine wet quilts, Ooneiderable pro- tection was also afforded by the Shade trees. Fire is supposed to have started in a clothes closet, where Mrs. Walker had gone to get some article and lighted a match to get it. Lottie Gillson, aged 12 yearn, was drowned in Campbell's Mill Pond, Ridgetown, having slipped in from the bank while she was playing. The heavy gale and rainstorm which swept °vet Windsor auction Sunday night and Monday left a trail 01 serious property loeae9 in its wake. From all tr come re orte of tion° 0 f the Cann e neo y p buildings unroofed, windmills and chim- neys blown Over, and grain laid fiat on the ground. On the Detroit River the wind recoiled a velocity of 48 bailee an hour. Frederick Hansen, a machinist of Stratford has taken out a patent for an aeroplane which, according to the opin- ion of experts will be a Booms. The Provincial Government has awarded contracts for the construction of seven miles of roadway east from Matheson and nine miles north from Ooohrane. Wireless messages from New York are interoepted almost daily by the sta- tion at the top of the Eiffel tower, Paris. Occasionally some are picked up from Canada as well. Hon. Wm. Pugsley has intimated that he favors developing a waterway to Ed - `mouton from Winnipeg, via the Seise katohewan River, which he says could be done at a small oost. It is said that the Prinoe ot Weise will go to South Africa for the pur- p0B5 of opening the first Parliament of the Federation formed by the union of the British South African colonies, A mail bag stolen from the Railway depot at Brighton, Jane 2nd, was found on the Johnston farm, about a mile east of the town. The bag had been cut in two and most of the letters open- ed. "FORGET IT." fFxohenge "If you know of a skeleton bidden away, In a closet or garret end kept from the day In the dark and you know that its sad- den display Would canoe grief and sorrow and life- long dismay: It's a pretty good plan to forget it " "If you know of a thing Chet would darken the joy Of a man or a woman, a girl or a buy, That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloIt's a pretty good plan to forget it," THE WIDOW M OgOUGALI.. [D.M, MoKenzie iu Soottish A,mericsn.1 When I heard that my friend John Mae- dougall was dead, I galled on his widow, her sorrow to share; She was making the tea, and she wept as she said, "Now, Mister Macpherson, just draw in your chair." Then I said I would come with my truck and would stay To help the poor widow the wolf for to scare, And I mind at the table how sweet she would say, "Now, Mister Maopherson, just draw in your chair." We spoke of Macdougall, whose spirit - was Sed, Of his death so untimely, and virtues eo rare, But Flora would smile through her tears as she said, "Now, Dngald, my dear, will yon draw in your chair." They was countless the tears for Mao- dongall we shed, But perhaps it was good that himeelf was not there, For sometimes at night when the table was spread, It was "Dugald, my darling, just draw in your °hair." So myself said to Flora, "I'm thinking, my dear, We have cried for Maodougell enough and to spare; Macdougall is dead, but Maopherson is here"— And I hung up my hat, and I drew in my chair. Dr. R. K. Dio0lung, for the past two years head of the physics department of Mount Allison University, in Sackville, N. 13 , has aooepted nn appointment to the physics staff of the University, at Manitoba in Winnipeg. The Grand Trunk Pacific has made en agreement whereby a line is to bo con- atruoted to Emerson, Mau., Where con- nections will be made with the North. Ern Pacific, over which running rights will bo secured into the Twin Cities. HOT WEATHER MONTHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN. If you want to keep your children rosy, healthy and full of lite during the hot weather months give them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine prevents deadly sum- mer complaints by oleensueg the oto mnoh and bowels; or it cures the trou- ble promptly if it oomes on unexpeot• edly. The mother who keeps this Medi- cine on hand may feel as safe as if she had a doctor in the home. Mrs. 0. 0. Roe, Georgetown, Ont., says:— "I can heartily recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a great help to baby during the hot summer months. I have used them for summer troubles and am mnoh pleased with the result." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. A band of Chinese smugglers, using a deserted inland ten miles down the De- troit river from Windsor, as a base of ifto 1 U Operations, is be surdhave been e broken up by the capture of three young Detroit men and two Chinamen in Len - Sing last week. The Canadian old age pension system, it seems, fa turning out to be a great success. Those for whose particular ben - fit it was designed, are freely taking advantage of its provisions, In .seven months $205,000 has been taken in from people who want to take this method of meeting a rainy day. .A. trial Sight of the Baddick-Mo0urdy flying machine took plane at Petawa we camp last week. After fiyipg a short distance the machine fell backwards to the ground, the oause of the trouble lying in the fact that the engine was plaoed too far aft. The ship was not very seriously damaged, and the oper- ators escaped nnhart, but it will be ne°eeBary to take the Draft book to Bad - dick, N. S., for repairs. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS. 20,000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. New[LI ea, STORE ns THE LEADING 1 1 M 1:1-1. E. ISARD & CO. 1.01011•INIMplIMMIONSIMINM1.10.1 .0.0141116.11001101 New ;idea Magazin.eal 50 Three Days fiore ISARD'S BIG SALE Thursday, Friday and Salurday Positively Ending Saturday Night, August 21st Owing to the very busy time, harvesting, etc., some have expressed a wish that we continue the Sale a little longer. We have decided to extend the time THREE DAYS MORE, that all may have a chance to share in the BARGAINS Move quick ! Remember, Saturday will be the last day ! ! CLEAN SWEEP SALE. To meet the demand for fatal laborers I in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. speoial second class excursione will be run by the Canadian Pacific Railway I from all Ontario stations. Cost of one- way tioket to Winnipeg is $10 00, and from Winnipeg to points where laborers contract to work they will be carried without charge. After at least one month's work in the harvest field, a ticket back to Ontario scatting point will be isaued et $18 00. Tickets are only good on Farm Laborers' special trains. Tickets will also be issued to women, but no half -rate for children. Leaving dates of excnreione are as follows:--- Angnst 19th and Sept, 7th from all stations in the territory between Torcri- to -Sudbury line and Toronto -Sarnia line so' the Grand Trunk. August 23rd and Sept. 7th, from all 0. P. and G. T. R, stations on Torun 0 l`ninia line awl south thereof (in Camp da) and all stati0ro in Ontario on M. C., I P. M. and T. II & l7 Rys August 27th. and Sept, 10th, from all stations east of Toronto -North clay lme, J to and bectneinp Ii tti;>raten, also stations en 0. 0. atui? B. of *:? Rye. and statiot:s en X P. moth of It For the bi eee eaeursions in August • weal trains -aill be rot from all points on the 0. P. R. If you are in any doubt e.9 to date of enenroion from your dis- trict apply to LteOl 0. P, it. agent, who will also furnish times of special trails, or write to R. L. Thompson. District 1 Psoaongee Agent, C. P. 1,., Toronto. baring the motith of Jane too i,,L cis• kaming and Northern Ontario Minoan earned nearly $132,000 from operation,on , and as the operating expenses were $73,- 048, this left over $;iS,0fl0 net revenue, or at the rate of $60(1,600 for the year, or equivalent to nearly five Cor Cent on Capitalization of $1.1,000,000. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR S t o . s ragging air Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, qufnin, sodium chlorid, capsicis, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor if this is not so. Follow his advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. AYER'S ti1AIR VIGOR Does not Color the Flair ...... ,,,..,...J. O. Arica OoacalZir, imw011, ?Ants. John Boeckner of Milverton fell out of a rig while driving and broke his book, Fire at Cobourg paused a lose of sixty thousand dollars. At Little Britain ten buildings were burned and the lose is $30.000. A promenade collapsed at the St. Aga - the, Quebec, regatta, and five hundred people dropped through to a floating dock, fifty of them being thrown into the water. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. The Canada Chemical Company of London hes been absorbed by the Nichols Chemical Oompany of Mont- real. After October 1st Montreal consumers will get their electricity for ten cents a killowatt, instead of fifteen cents al at present. The grand total sum which court proceedings have poet the Thaw family ever sinos the killing of Stanford White, on Jane 2, 1906, is estimated at Sa00 000. rea 7 aeneeennea 1 nee -Made --Made in Canadaa e i$ put up in rolls containing nails, tin caps and cement. All you need in addition is a hammer. This is only one of the many conveniences of R UBEROID ROOFING. It is fire -resisting and weatherproof. 16 years on the roofs prove its durability, RUl3EROID is the original and standard smooth surfaced roofing. Write for samples and prices. Call at office rlfld see samples taken from a roof, luring bt°(: n iii use for the pits l t� years, and still in gond condition. rade Mark Registered Jr A. McLesn 80LE AGENT FOR WINGIiAMt AND DISTRICT. 1,11010flat+'s'+t".lknlMlt