HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-19, Page 44 TO ADVERTISERS lsro%ioa of obangea t be felt at this Office not Iater than. Saturday noon. 'The dopy :for ohangee must be left not later than Monday evening. Ua mai advertisements accepted up to noon 'Wednesday of eaole week Me'fiestudelutia 18? t TILE WINDHAM TIMES. Ii.1tlLi,1OTT, PARI isnlrn Axo PRorRI Mtn THURSDAY, AUGU;1' 19, 19(:9. NOTI S AND CQMMENTS While all busiaesa is being done with as idea of Pat liament owning on November 4sli, it is mote probable that the 18th. of that mor.ttt will be the more likely date of the epening of the next session. There have been abottt a, hundred rural sued delivery routes established in Canada since the inauguration of the system last autumn, The majority of them are in Ontario and Manitoba. The demand for free rural mail routes is less active in Quebec and the Maritime Provfnoes than in other parts of Canada. The foreign element predominates in Ohie go which has a population of 2,573,835, The native born Americans number 699,554; Germans, 563,705, There are about a quarter of a million of Irish, and the remainder consists of Poles, Swedes, Russians, Bohemians, Chinese and people of thirty or more other nationalities Immigration to Canada is again on the increase, and the growth in arrivals from the United States is especially heavy. It was sixty thousand last year, rind promising to exceed aeventy.five thousand this year. During June, 20,• 869 persona entered Canada, 5,233 more than during the previous June, an in. crease of thirty-three per cent. The man who gives himself over en- tirely to pessimism is likely to become hardened and sour, an affliction to him - sell and a nuisance to the neighborhood. The wends:deemed man takes in the whole picture, the sunshine as well as the shadows, He rejoices at times and is glad of the opportunity for rejoicing; but he does not close his eyes or harden his heart to the saddening realities of lite. He takes the world aa he finds it, but tries to make it a little better, not entirely satisfied with his success nor yet despairing at his failure. -Wood - stook Sentinel -Review. There are frequent paragraphs in the daily papers regarding a combine of Dement manufacturers. The object is to eeoure uniform prices, and the com- bine was advertised at first as needing $20,000,000 to buy up all the factories -a sum since increased to $30,000,000. The more water the more profit to the brok- ers who are trying to engineer the deal. Should the combine be carried ant, its promoters may count upon it the farm• era of the Dominion will make a united. demand to have the duty on foreign made oementa removed. Cement has become an essential. - Huntingdon Gleaner. Canada's trade is booming again, and at the present rate of growth will soon reach the high-water mark of a eon* of years ago. The total trade of the Dominion during the first four months of the present fiscal year, which is to the end of July, approached the two hundred million mark, totalling $191,- 919,204. Of this $111,791,842 was mer - anodise entered for consumption, a gain of $29,377,301. Dutiable goods were entered to the amount of $66,028.• 887, a gain of $13810,834, and free goods were valued at $45,762 945, a gain of $8,566.467. Duty was collected to the amount of $17.855,948, an increase of $3633,440, Exports of domestic pro- duce totalled $73,398,595, a gain of $6,193,585. A newly apointed Scottish minister on itis first Sunday of ofdoe had reason to complain of the poorness of the col- lection. ',Mon," replied one of the elders, "they are close --vera close. But." confidentially, "the avid meenis- ter he put three or four saxpences into the plate hisses' just to gie them a start. Of comes he took the saxpenees awa' with him afterwards." The new minis• ter tried the sumo plan, bet the next Sunday he again had to report a dismal faflttre. The total collection was not only snlull batt he was grieved to find that his own eixpentee were missing. "Yo may be a better preacher than the %old meenister," exclaimed the eider, 'but if ye had half the hrowledge a' tbo I world, and o' qer sin Hoek in particu:ar, ye'd ha' done what he did an' glued the aazpenc^_e to the plate."-Dnndee Adver- titer. A very important gaeation for the home Geverarllent is whet it means to do with the offered colonial Mete] noughts. It ie now abnnc;antiy ekes, that these offers wero Heade under a! templet) nli8.11)3te'1euDlon of no fa3ta. i 2 Cxlla3a knew alt' t r T. tint Atis .ral,+a . . end New l iF r. t ,:rerten. 1 .aCr losing J, more distant, they had to rely' on brief and therefore reifleeliug eablee, quite serieusly mistook al attiflelsd naval scat& for serious dsuger. Ae wo wish the eoloniet to eoceonr onr extremity,. not ear ;;tarries, it ie tuo drsty of the Government at the conference to lay be. fore the eolonista the aoGual faota, and to leave them perfectly free to withdraw their alters should they wish, We do not ',appose that the colonists will do that, hut they may very well wish to devote their zeal to ether, though allied, objects. It is to our in. tercet not Iess than theirs that they should.-Menehester Guardian Certain, of the Tory papers are allud- ing to the public) expenditure as being greater than it was twelve years ago. These papers cannot realize that Oan- ada is growing. While it is true that the publio expenditure is greater than formerly, it is likewise true that the public) revenue is greater. When the Canadian Pacific owed the Government the sum of $30,000,000, its gross revenno wss nuder $5,000.000 and its ex- penses less than that. Now the gross revenue of the company is $75,000,000 and its expenses large in proportion, but no one would be foolish enough to attack this company for spending mare money than it did thirty years ago, beoauae ft is well known that the rev- enues will stand it. So 11 is with the Government. The revenue is greater, the expenditure is greater, but there is a very comfortable surplus, or differenoe between ordinary expenditure and the revenue. Canada is a greater country than was the case twelve yeara ago, but the Conservative party are not willing to acknowledge this, It is unfortunate for Canada that opponents of the Gov- ernment follow a policy of political ex- pediency rather than of patriotism. A twelve-yearold girl saved a nine- year old companion from drowning at Chippewa. Most of the strikers at Fort William have returned to work, and the military have been withdrawn. The body of an unknown Finlander, with his pookete filled with stones, was found in the river at the Soo. Barrie has passed its third industrial by-law this year and by this one $20,- 000 will be loaned the Barrie Carriage Company without interest for twenty yeara, Mr. William Hall, a 75 -year-old resident of Pilkington, Ont., had his horse which he was driving killed by a Grand Trunk passenger train. Hall was unhurt. Over 125 three•year•old fruit trees in Jos Hornndo's orohard, near Lockport, N. Y., were chopped down, supposedly by a member of the so-called 131aok Hand. From the tracks in the orchard, it is believed that one man did the job. Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Aug. 16. -Union Stook Yards-Butoher cattle prides were 15c to 20o higher at this market to -day than a week ago to -day. Trade was only moderately active, owing to the fact that the drovers were inclined to hold their stock for to -morrow's export mar- ket. For this reason, although there were over 90 oars of oattle in the mar- ket, there was but a Iight offeeing of botcher cattle available for to•day'a market. The result was firmer prioea an a limited amount of trading. Anticipating a good demand for the export trade to -morrow, loads of good butcher cattle were held as shipper's. Cables to -day, however, indicate a little easier prices in the Old Country markets, though a good demand for U. S. markets may more then make up for any possible falling off for the Liverpool market. Spring Iambs were firm at last week's sudden advance. Sheep were steady. Hogs -Market easier and 15o. lower, To -day's run was 90 tetra, with 1,848 head of cattle, 442 sheep and Iambs, 8 hogs and 50 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle• Per 100 lbs. Choice .... ......,., . $5 50 $5 90 Medium 5 25 5 50 Bulls 4 50 4 75 Light . » 3 75 4 00 Cows 4 25 4 50 Feeders- best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 bulls 1 50 2 09 etchers' --- Picked . 5 oo 5 35 Medium 4 25 4 50 Cows ..... .. 3 50 4 25 Bulls 3 75 4 00 Hogs - Best... . 7 85 Lights...... 7 60 Sheep - Export ewes 0 03 0 03 acke0 02tse 0 G2"d galls .. 3 00 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 7 00 7 50 Calves, each 0 03 0 06 t'gINt4FlfAi37t Afaii,IL "n1' REPORTS Wingham, Ang.•leth, 1900. trios r per 1001bs.........,. 3 10 to 3 50 Fall Wheat ....,. ,... 0 95 to 0 95 Unite 0 45 to- O CO Berle to a 55 Yeas . , . 0 80 to 0 80 Butter dairy o.., ,,.. ,.,, 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per dols ,,,,,, 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 11:78., pertori......,,•... 8 onto 000 toed, psrbushel, ,,0 86 to 0 e0 Lard ... 0 17 to 0 i17 Livo flogs, per aalrk......, 7 C,; 10 7 G l Notice To Dai T11111 WI tGIIAiia TIMES, UJGUST 19, 1309 Contractors xer;dors will be reeeiv Township of Turnberry vale, up to 3 o'clock p. 116th next, for the eon drain on lots 4 and 5 in sinus of the Township and specifications can Office, Bluevale. JO h the I Y h lrtafto his office in Blue- , ln - , of Monday August dation et the ging a 4th and 6th. cances- f Turnberry, Plans 0 seen at the Clerk's N RitR(IESS, Clerk. STRAY TEER. There came on t e premises of the undersigned, lot 3 concession 10, East Wawarlosle, on or, about June 15th a two-yeax•old red steer. Owner can have same by eying property and paying expenses. JOHN McGEIi, Fordyce 1'. 0. NOTICE 0 CLOSING. We, the undersiguc elicitors of the Town of Wingham, hereby ree to close our offices during the months o July and August as follows :-- On each w k day, with the excep- tion of Saturday, at m , and on Saturday at I p.m. R, VANSTONE, J A. MORTON, DUDLEY tOLMEI. FARM F R SALE. The undersigned concession 1, Onl acres, The terra i is well watered. Ings, situate 41 Possession will b ()baser. FRA here for sale, lot 33, ss, containing 129 now all ingrate and ere are good build - Iles from Wingham, given to snit put. MoCONNELI,, Wingham P. 0. VOTERS LIST - 1909 axunicipality of the Town of SVingbatn, Couuyy of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I • e transmit- ted or delivered to the person • mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontar", Voter's Lists Act, the copies required by id sections to be so transmitted or deliver°, of the list made pursuant to said of : persons appearing by the last revis sse:. ment Roll of the said Municipality to be 'n ' led to vote in the said municipality at El tons for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec- tions; and that the said list was first posted up in my office, at Wingham, an the 16th day of August, 1909, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any ommissrons or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate rroceed- ings to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to law Dated this 16th day of August. 1909. J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk of Wingham. Apple Bare s for S. e.. We always have on hand a good stock of apple barrels which will be sold. • at reasonable prices. Ap- ply at Salt Bloek Office. GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING New Telephone Direct The Bell e ry one Co. of Canada is about to issue a NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY For the DISTRIC7T OF WESTERN ONTARIO, including YY INGHA Orderer for new connections, changes of firm naives, changes of street ad dresses, or for duplicate entries, Should be handed in AT ONCE TO L. BINKLEY Local Manager. • Royal Grocery TRY 'S With your next order for Choice Teas I Coffees AND * • Groceries they have no equal. • Fresh Vegetables always 4. 4 on hand. + w..+..d r:..w.u...,., , . • Call and Bee our display of 4. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, it Toilet Sets and 1 4. Fancy 4. China *H They faro worth looking at ,l, • . • Malcolm • ProsItiee Taken. 1'hane 54. ,I A. E. SMITH BANKER TVZi�CxilfA II, ,ONTAI[(IQ, Farmers who want money to bu horses, cattle, or hogs, to feed for market, Mitt have it on reaeonabie terms.- Notes erms. Notes dfsaonnted for tradesmen, men- ohants or agents, on favorable terms, Loans on real estate at the lowes rates going, BREAD! We want your Bread trade, and are trying to deserve it by making bread that makes you come again. FLOUR Our prices are right, but our Flour is better. We have pure Manitoba FIVE LILIES or blended GOLD STAR Frank R1 Howson Snooeesor to A. J. NIOHOLLS Phone 145. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 50,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interns allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards iif. J, TORRANCE, Manager R. Vanetone, Solicitor, RANO TRUNK Yi$WEM Canailian National Exhibition Very low rates from Wingham to Toronto and return. $3.65 Ang. 28 to Sept, 11. $2.70 Aug. 31 and Sept, 2, 7 and 9 Return limit Sept, 14. Farm Laborers Excursions $10.00 $18.00 GOING Additional Returning Via Chicago, Duluth and Fort Frances or North Bay, from Wing - ham Aug. 19 and Sept. 7. For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. y 1 9 000 ;31t(i >e esedents "n' '44,i--� ,�/IS Over one thousand eta- enrolled by our chain last year, It pays to at- tend a link of tine great chain, for "IN 1:NION THERE STRE:�0Tlt," a The demand for our grad. ' 4 W 7.71 ire .,1 04 0 V x (fates in THRB5I TIMES the supply. Other schools engage our grainates as teaohers. A specialoouree for teaohers. Graduates of two years ago are now earning $2,000 per annum, Three Courses-OoienlER- OTAL, STENOGRAPHY and TELEGRAPHY, w Fall term opens Aug. 30 Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO, SPOTTON, Principal Fall f TFRATrORc,. After twenty-two work we best and training school with no superior depertments- Commereial, We assist well as give ing. Get ELLIOTT. Term from Sept. 1st CENRAL orrr,-. years of solid have booms the largest. most suooessful praotioal in Western Ontario in Canada. Three Shorthand and Telegraphy. graduates to positions as a most thorough train- our free catalogue at once. & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Wantedl WOMEN operators other Good steady Clinton Wanted Write AND GIRLS as machine and for factory work. wages and employment. us. THE Knitting Col Limited. CLINTON, ONT, Return 20th avers. direct the attractions. BEE6IER, CANADIAN • Very for Summer to Pacific from to Sept. Return limit Wide Canadian the West, Seattle Agent, PAG1Fic. Low Rate Trip Coast i i $76.20 WINGHAM, good going May 80. Oct. 3181. Liberal stop - choice of routes. Go by the line -see your oWn country the Rocky Dlottntains. Visit Exposition and other special Talk it over with J. H. Wingham. Farm Laborers Wanted WORK FOR XI MEN IM NANlTO.IiA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL GOING Additional for the keturn TicketE7iC1JRSIONS � fi12If'n t 'i �a UP- under conditions as below, GOING DATES Prom Stations north lot line of G.T.R. Toronto tot5ern1a, and Can. Pao. Stafiens on and west of Toronto-Sedbury line. From "Toronto and all C.P.R. Stations west in Onterio on and south of thefts nee es Grand Trunk Ry., Totonto to Sarnia, and ell Stations in Ontario an bi.C.R., P.M. and T.11.811. flys. From Stations Toronto and east, includtntl Sharbof Lake and Hindi - ton. end n11 Stations in Ontario west of Renfrew, also stations on C.O. & Il, of O. Rys., and stations on li. & P. south of Renfrew. Froin all Statism Toronto and west, inctudtt4 Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. From nit Stations east of Toronto in Ontario. CONO.0 I A'S5 T'trettrrs WILL BFI SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONt,'s And. 19 And. 23 And. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 O'ti1F:-'w& ' 5I Representative farrnerYappointed by M alsitel,,, Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, Nall rice , t ,leo � 1 1, r.. u nrnv as f4" f;. C' lea fe' f Fret tr nv °N 'iii n m I La v d it •tit, 1 it tl, ip < nu q topoints nota o gon Cart. r a Pae where aro l aborors hCC ail rnrA t.yt°it ,r t 1 1'tiJ P branches, p r t t r i�clses and g at one cent a nitic each way Neat the ,t inba,[at .,crau and Aitirta. A certihtate, funs -I rd r i t each ticket. and this certificate when excruted by farmer eh ai ig that 1 b,r,'r baa worked thirty days or rare, will be honored it nu that point for a recoil(' c1•1113 this( t, -back to starting point» in Ontario. at S18.00, prior to Nov :'(,ti, i qt's. Tickets ary J i„ d rnly on ci;rrfal Form 7:abnrera' trains and sell be issued to *mak, a4 won es to men, butbutwilli31 n, t sic is3ued at half fare to cui.,i ,. ren, ,For fail pettueulars sea nearest C.P.R, at(ent, or write It. L. TrioMPSON. U.P.A., C.Ti'.R., t'O*ONTO The People's Popular Store '4 WINGHAM, - ONT. KERR& BIRD AGENTS --"Ladies' Home Journal," and "Monis Journal Patterns." Mid Summer Sale DRESS MUSLINS. All Dress Muslins at Sacrifice Prices to clear, Must go now at any price. 10e Muslin3 08 150 Muslins 11 20e Muslins 15 25e Muslins 30e Muslins 40c Mastitis 18 22 30 LADIES' WHITE WAISTS. New styles, handsome goods, well made, $1.00 Waists for 69e to 74e; $L25 Waists for 98c; $1:50 Waists for $1.15; $1.75 Waists for $1.29; $2.00 Waists for $1,48, $3,00 Waists for $2.29. SUMMER PARASOLS COLORED AND WHITE. Not many left, but we don't want theins, Every one new. $1.25 for 94c; $1,35 for $1.00; $1.50 for $1.12; $2.25 for $1.G9. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUMMER HATS, STRAW, ETC. MUST GO. 25c for 190; 30c for 23e; 50e for 38c; 75c for 56e; 60e for 45e; $1.00 for 75c. Common, Straws, 20c for 15e; 15c for 10e; 10c for 8e. Now for a Big Sale of Quarterly Style Books The new Quarterly Style Books for Fall are now in stock. They are certainly the best yet, 132 pages illustrating the "Ladies' Home Journal Patterns." This number not only gives the newest styles of garments, but also the colors and styles of material to be worn. 132 page Style Book worth 20e and a 15e L. B. .1, Pattern 15e 1 ALL FOR 20c. 35e vrirr+rr? vYwVTIITY rrvr'PIMMV y +r��rd��a►�.�l��rrrsv!ew r ►.r Pi SUGAR 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 .4 1 4 i 1 Sugar is higher, but having bought a carload J before the advance we are 4 going to sell it at less than 1 old price. This is guaran. F, teed No. 1 quality. I► 4 4 Especial Preserving Purify Ooarauteed 1 4 4 $4.9O filer lis ' 20 lbs. for ,. $1,00 Goods Delivered to any part of Town. 41 Mt +4t TAW as LLS: l [•`P. 1 r3fN. t r 9.. r '1I 'GEAM, ONT.