HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-19, Page 1THE W!NGHAM TIMES.
We carry a floc flue of .Pilate and
Photograrhio Supplies.
Korlaki $10.00 to $25.00.
Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00
No trouble to show the Cameras --
come in and inspect.
A dark room FREE to our custom-
ers. We develop films
Walton McKihbon
Maodonald Blook, Wingham,
A CARNIVAL of cut prices on &Len's,
Women's. Misses' and Children's shoes
at W. J. GREER'S.
You oan have your buttons made to
order from any kind of material at R.
MAXWELL'S tailor shop.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery•
You might as well have tbee
best, We have made arrange-
ments to have regular ship-
and they will be sold at lowest
possible price. Entrust ns
with your orders. They'll
have our best attention.
This is the store where I
we sell eatables to I
You're thinking about vine,
gar now. You may depend
on getting here—only
The Highest Grades
Remember that good Vinegar
is cheapest in the end. We've
Malt, White Wine and
Our Boiled Hams
They are selected with all
possible care, and come only
from the best spice houses,
Send us along your
Any quantity Choice Butter
For all occasions — Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, etc,
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Property l
Mrs. MoItmes has
on John street to 111
Schomberg, who wil
October and will n
Wingham. Mr. Ta!
Mr. Alfred Tay10
Little has sold her 3
street to Mr. J. J, C
transfers were made
& Oosens agency,
sold her residence
Wm. Taylor, of
take possession iti
eve his family to
for is a brother of
of town. Mies
sidence on Minnie
nningham. These
hrough the Ritchie
WANTED -50 acres, near Wingham.—
In the lists of sue
students the name
students of Wingha
omitted. In the
trance May Willie
Donald passed, ,th
honors. In Junior
'Kennedy. and Dick
This brings the race
High School up to 2
Entrance; 15 for Ji
and 14 for Senior
is an excellent shows
from other schools
eseful High School
of four successful
High School were
ormal School En.
son and Mabel Mc -
former securing
atrionlation Greta
Loyd have passed,
for the Wingham
for Normal School
nior Matriculation
atrionlation. This
g when the results
re considered.
WE HAVE made hundreds of feet
happy during our GREAT SHOE SALE,
Salaries •f Officials
We learn from th . official return for
the year 1908 tha several officials of
this county, under •rovinoial authority,
receive remunerati• • from their respeo•
tive offices as foil•ws:—Shorrit Rey-
nolds, $2,039 09, Jnd: a Doyle, as Surra•
gate Judge and Loca Master, $1,286.09.
This, of course does • of include his sal-
ary as county Jud e. 0. Seager, as
Grown Attorney and Clerk of the Peaoe,
$2,153 90, D. Moth veld, Looal Regis-
trar, $4,104.40, Jos ph Griffin, jailor,
$700; his turnkey, $511 and the matron,
WANT1D.—At ono:, an apprentice to
learn the barberin business. Apply
to Jos. MuTorr.
Died in anitoba.
The sad news rea
day night last of th
Reid, wife of Mr,
Griswold, Man.
her 28th year an
Samuel Burchill,
and had a large
will hear of her sn
regret. The roma
for interment, the
yesterday afternoo
of Mr. Bnrobill to
tory. Theibereave
relatives will have
community in their
had here on Satur-
death of Lizzie A.
George Coulter, at
re. Ooulter was in
was a niece of Mr.
of East Wawanosh
irole of friends who
den death with deep
s were brought here
uneral taking place
from the residence
he Wingham ceme•
husband and other
e sympathy of the
machines in knit
work. Clean, s
wages. Apply, T
LIMrrED, Paris,
For work on power
ing mill or on day
ady work and good
The date of the
the Wingham l3
changed from La
August 30th and
grams have been is
the different oln
good ones for the
follows:— Trophy
Morris chairs; 2n
sandwich trays
eooiation—let, fon
tables; and, four
Consolation --let, t
°looks; 2nd, fo
magazine stands.
two Wedgewood a
out glass water
players are lookin
twee of bowlers an
one of the best even
second tournament of
wling Club has been
or Day to Monday,
Hawing days. Pro•
ned and sent out to
The prizes are
different events as
let prize, four
,four hand•painted
fruit dishes. As -
quarter -cut oak card
t glass berry bowie
ur black onyx parlor
r quarter•ont oak
Sootoh doubles -1st,
ad bowls; 2nd, two
bottles. The local
for a large attend.
this promsser to be
of the season,
Read Willis 8a CO.'S adv. on page 8.
Wingharn's all Fair.
An effort is bein made to make
Wingham's Pall fair, o be held on Sep-
tember 28th and 20t , better than any
previous fairs. Tb committees are
working on a list of attractions, which
will be announced in the course of a
few days. Parties d siring copies of the
prize list can have same by calling at
the TIbMES office.
"Great Lake$ Steamship Service."
The above is the title 01 % very at-
traotivo and neatly gotten•ttp folder,
leaned by the Oanadian Paoiflo Rail-
way, whtoh giver full particulars of the
Company's excellent steamship iervioee
on the great lakes. Parties going 50 the
West should enquire regard3ng the lake
and rail route. Mr. J. 11. Beemer, the
local agent, or any agent of the. O. P.
R., will be pleased td supply patrons
with one of these folders and giro any
dei1r,pd fnfornfation.
Fine 150 acre farm for sole nes:
Wingham. Easy terms.
The annual pioni
branch of the Wom
at Mr. John T. 0
wauosh, on Thnrs
was very well att
baseball gave the
good deal of am
served in the woo
voted the afternoon
Hearty thanks was
Currie for their ma
of the Wingham
n's Institute, held
rie's in East Wet.
ay afternoon last
rded. A game of
en and women a
sement. Tea was
s and all present
veru pleasant one,
iven Mr. and Mrs
y kindnesses.
BUTTER and EGGS. --Bring along your
Produce, Highest pride paid in ex-
change for Boots and Shoes,
The Canadian
nounce a homeseek
West on August
siring may travel
Owen Sound to Fo
extra each way, r
boat included.
beautiful month in
aoifio Railway su-
re' excursion to the
th, Parties so de -
y lake route from
William for $8 50
eals and berth on
ugust is a most
hioh to make this
Farm loans.—RITCI3IE & OosENs,'
The voters' li
Wingham for 10
and first posted in t
Monday last. The
tains a total of 89
than last year, div
1, 507; part 2, 2
number of persona
jurors is 385. Re
who are entitled to
see that their ria
list. The last day
be made will be Se
Voters' List,
is for the town of
9 have been printed
e clerk's office on
list this year oon-
voters, eight more
ed as follows:—Part
4; (part 3, 150. The
ualified to aerve as
idents of Wingham
vote will do well to
s are planed on the
n which appeale oan
tember 15th.
be paid by Septe
ing us will kind]
counts due us must
or let. Parties ow -
call and settle by that
R. AwDE.
Mies Sarah
Emerson stree
daughter of t
many years a r
married on Th
Luke's Pro.
Marie, Ont., to
son, of Toledo
was performed
Brooke, of the D
and Mrs, Jackso
after October 1
here will join wi
ing oongratulati
d at the Soo.
L Snell, of 809
, Saginaw, Mioh„ and
late John Snell, for
ident of Wingham was
raday, 12th inst., in St.
thedral at • Sault Ste
r. Homo Hardy Jack
Ohio, The ceremony
y Rev. Henry Arthur
ease of AIgoma. Mr.
will reside in Detroit
t. Many old friends
h the TIDE$ in extend -
Dr. Nelson T
Toronto, will b
Wingham, all d
for eoneultatio
Nose and Thro
't, of 408 Spadina ave.,
at the Queen's Hotel,
y, Friday, August 20th,
in diseaset of Eye, Ear,
t. Glasses fitted.
Good Price fo
That it pays to raise
stock was clearly shows
Mr. John Woods of Tui
heifers at $105 00. Th
high-grade quality an
D, Robertson, who chi
Toronto market.
the very best
last week when
nberry sold two
heifers were of
were sold to Mr,
ped them to the
2 houses to rent.—R1.TciIIE & COSENS.
TRUNEs and VALISES,—Big stook at
lowest prices. W. J. GREER,
The estern Fair.
The manage lent of the Western Fair
of 1909 are gi ing special attention' to
the Stook Department and stook ex-
hibits this year! When tho Prize List
VMS in oonrse of preparation additions
were made •herever possible. New
sections were: planed in the Horse De-
partment for "Farmers only," while
handsome pr zee were else given for
"Tandems" a d "Four-in«hands." Sev-
en Hundred r Aare was added to the
Speed money, 'which should bring out
the feat ones In the Cattle Depart.
ment $600 00 •as been added tO the
Shorthorn Cies atone, while substantial
inoreases have b : en made to other Class-
es. In the She:p and Swine Depart -
monis adjuetinen ■ have been made and
ohangee where ne•eseary, making a first -
aloes fiat through. • t, and etookm0n will
find that they wil be well looked atter
if they come to L • ndon this year. 1`te•
meMber the da —Sept. 1018. Prins
lists and all tutor %tion will be prompt•
ly given oiY applio time to the Seoretary,
A. M. Butit, Lon • n, Ontario.
Horses for Gale.
We offer for Halle a number of heavy
draught enures, 2, 8 and 4 yearn cid.
LOTT be STURDY, Winghtsm,
Fall Fair Dates.
Wingham, Sept. 28.20.
Toronto, Aug, 30 -Sept. 13th.
London, Sept. 10-18.
Atwood, Sept. 28 29.
Brussels, Sept. 30.Oet. 1.
Blyth, Cot. 5 6.
Dungannon, Oot, 7.8.
Gerrie, Oat, 2.
Goderich, Sept. 28, 29, 30.
'Kincardine, Sept. 22
Lucknow, Sept. 23 24,
Listowel, Sept. 21-22.
Tiverton, Oot. 5.
Teeswater, Oot. 5 6.
Walkerton, Sept. 16.17.
Ripley, Sept. 28-29.
tion for a number of boarders, High
School or Business college students.
Mets. T. J. ELLIOTT, Shuter street,
The Pringle
The by-law providii
of $4,000 at 4 per Dent
Pringle for a term o
voted on by the ratepi
on Monday, August
necessary for us to
of this by-law. Mr.
gone on and has hi
almost completed an
machinery and in a
dustry will again be
the ratepayers are a
the $4,000 to Mr, P
at 4 per cent int
transaction wy11f 00
some $20 or $25 pe
we keep a good in
town water, elect
taxes. As the by-
three.fifths vote it
every vote should
ber the date of
August 30th.
By Law.
for the loaning
nterest to W. D.
ten years will be
yere of Wingham,
30th, It is not
o into the details
riogle has already
tannery building
l is putting in the
few weeks this in-
n full awing. All
ed to do is to loan
ingle for ten years
est. All that this
the town will be
year and in return
stry that will use
io light and pay
w will require a
is important that
e polled. Remem-
oting is Monday,
Five Successful Years.
For almost five years the Wingham
Business College bas been training
young ladies and gentlemen for Busi-
ness Life. Ex•Students are to be found
holding leading positions throughput
Canada and United States Many
young ladies, who had not en passed
the Entranoe, hay earn $600 00, the
first year and score , after a few years'
experience, are ea •ng from $900 00 to
$1500.00. Any interested one, by writ-
ing to the College, will receive fall in-
formation as to why other colleges en-
gage our graduates as teaohers, also the
advantage of being a graduate of Can-
ada's Greatest chain of High-grade
Actual Business Sohools• Any young
lady can learn stenography in six
months and save enough from her earn-
ings of the next six months to pay for
her oonrse. Every graduate sten-
ographer is guaranteed a good position
within ten days of graduation. The
college reopens August 80th. Students
who cannot attend may earn while they
learn, by means of Mail Oonrees.
Wingham has fi
Our townspeople 1
bowlers. The rin
0. Dallas, B. 0
and A, M. Ora'
Seagram tropb
tournament on
last week. In
Wingham rink
famous Abbott
of the Laboti tr
by a score of
finale the Wi
Carrick 01 Ber
and in the fin
rink of Stratfor
The players r
day and the t
four shields th
have been On
ford's window
bring home th
meat where
entered And th
with otir to
Labor Day
The Citizens' 13
mittee at work err
sports for Labor
tember 6th. The c
be the best held in
years and will be
Park, Bills and pro
early next week giv
fall particulars will
issue. Keep Monday
a good day's sport in
nd bas a good oon'
aging a program of
ay—Monday, Sep-
lebration promises to
Wingham in recent
held on the Town
rams will be issued
g particulars and
e given in our next
Sept. Oth, clear for
ome Trophy.
r proud bowlers and
e proud of the four
composed of Messrs.
okrane, A. E. Porter
ford, as skip, won the
at Berlin bowling
Wednesday evening of
he fourth round the
was up againat the
ink of London, winners
play and came ont ahead
18 to 16. In the semi-
gham rink won from
'n by a score of 23 to 9
a won fiom Mo0ardy'a
by a score of 22 to 14.
turned home On Thurs-
ophy, together with the
t go to the four players,
xhibition in Mr. Craw -
It is a great honor to
best prize in a tourna•
ver eighty rinka were
T1taEs tom join heartily
nepebyle in extending
50 our four anooeseful
Highest price paid or hides and poul
try at T. Fells' butoh •hem,
Gate Si
A large number
have gate signs givi
the number of the 1
This is a most comme
Not everyone who
country knows the
ere of the farms. In
proportion do not.
venienoe to the str
name of the ocoupa
eaoh farm. It is
and shows a oert
comfort and oonv
The signs are i
farmer sl'ould have
Farm Lab
to Manitoba, 5
$10 going, 31
attraotivo roti
Trunk Agent f
variation arra
peg, dates, on
er's Excursio) Via
Duluth and ort
aka h an and Alberta.
re ing. This le the
e. Ask nearest '(Grand
partionlort as to trona-
embnta beyond Winn'.
Wont, eto.
f farmers now
their name and
t and concession•
dable movement.
ives through the
ames of the own -
fact, a very large
t is a great oon•
nger to find the
t upon the gate of
sign of enterprise
in regard for the
nienoe of others.
expensive. Every
Selections for
The following a
memorization for t
trance Examinatio
New Ontario IV
ren's Song, p, 1
p, 395; The Priva
389; The First S
Autumn Woods, p.
p. 196; The Maple,
AIaddin, p. 247; D
on What bath Be
Memorian"; Myste
net), p. 394; On Hie
p. 393; The Harp
Tara's Helie, p. 17
o the seleotions for
e High School En -
taken from the
ender ;—The Child.
Vitai Lampada,
o of the Buffs, p
ring Day, p. 17;
03; To the Cuckoo,
141; Heat, p. 128;
at thou Look Book
? p 289 from "In
ions Night (Son.
lindnees (Sonnet),
hat Once through
; Recessional, p.
How Indians W •re Tricked.
In hie "Conspiracy of Pontiac," the
historian Markman to is how Pennsyl-
vania white men took advantage of the
Indians in a land dial. The Indians
oontraoted to sell a c:rtain tract Oland,
the western bound
measured by the dis
walk in one day. Th
underetood that this
a man could cove
through the forest—
knew what was undo
came to measure this
out a road through
men espeoiaily tra
As a result, this bo
times as long as th
while technically
"a day's journey.'
y of which was
noe a man could
Indians, of course
meant the distance
while walking
nd the white men
stood. When they
line the white men
the forest and bad
ned to walk fast,
ndary was several
Indians intended,
t could be palled
The Military Dia
at the Oanadian
Toronto, will ha
real intereat this y
the kind previouel
ado. In such o0
toria Cross and w
corps will be arra
Royal Canadian
Toronto, against
Horse Artillery e
The rivalry betwe
keen, so muoh so t
anxious to mix thi,
single stick in th
the permission of
tained. However,
yet decided. So
knocks would not
others are incline
competition wont
something too mac
s, Corps.
lay and Tournament
ational Exhibition,
e more features of
ar than anything of
attempted in Can-
etitions as the Vico
etling on horseback,
d against corps, the
ragoons stationed at
the Royal Canadian
atoned at Kingston.
n these corps is very
at the men are also
ge up a bit with the
Balaolava Melee, if
o officers eon be ob-
the officers have not
e think a few hard
ort the men, while
to think that the
resolve itself into
like actual warfare.
Robinson M .
The following fro
water News refer
Mann wedding, bri.
oolmmns last wee •
excited much inte
oocurred at Alpha
the home of Mr. an.
on Tuesday at high
marriage of their on
Merle, to Mr. A. M.
of the local Bank
R. Smith Baker o
pair standing in the
drawingroom whit
ferns and palms.
guests were present
of the bride and gra
given away by her
attended. She o.
shower boquet of ro
valley, and wore a ti
sae satin with yok
Her only ornament
pearl necklace, a gi
The wedding march
Libby His000ks,
the groom a prett
very pretty effect
by the room being •
ed by electricity.
and Mrs. Robinso
Toronto. They wi
weeks on a trip do •
visiting New Yor
Oath- return. Tb
dress was of navy e;
to match. On t
Mrs. Robinson wil.
—The numerous f
Young will be pie
is now nicely reoo7
netts. f4
—H. T. Thome
the Economical
Berlin, for their p
claim for damage
house, through th
Rttehie & Comas,
lends of Mr. Leslie
ed to hear that he
ering from his i11 -
n, Belmore, thanks
ire Insurance Co.,
mpt settlement of
y lightning to his
it agents, Metiers.
Little fourteen.
Brash, who Ii' es i
week toyed from dr
dog. The baby had
barrel and partially e
The dog, tugging at i
fug and barking, but
first paid to it. It
louder than ever and
ing about discovered
Use rib Was pulled
deniotistratione Of j
out go his alarm had
n Wedding.
last week's Tees -
to the Robinson-
r y recorded in these
:-- An event that
:st in local oirolee
. dge, Brownlee St.,
Mrs. R. J. Mann,
oon. This was the
r daughter, Minnie
obinson, manager
Y Hamilton, Rev.
oieted, the bridal
ow window of the
was banked with
About thirty-five
all near relations
m. The bride was
ther, and was un-
ried a beautiful
es and Iillies of the
van of ivory Ouch -
of bebe Irish lam
as a diamond and
t from the groom.
a played by Mise
.he received from
pearl crescent. A
a given the whole
arkened, and light-
fter luncheon Mr,
took the train for
spend a couple of
n the St. Lawrence,
and Boston before
bride's travelling
ffeta with violet hat
it return Mr. and
reside on Brownlee
IF YOU don't buy Shoes now, you're a
loser. Clearing Shoe Sale at
ntns-old Catherine
London, WAS last
wning by a collie
Wien into a min-
i* to the gtound.
chain, WAS Whin.,
AttOntion wits at
ontinued barking
o Child, The lit -
out and the dog'is
y Were OA latranti•
Independent Ord
Last week the an
Grand Encampment
of Ontario of the I.
in Ottawa. The ver
the Order to be in
dition" The Enoam
membership of over
increasing. A new
went was organized
Quebec last year
members from On
Secretary, J. B. Ki
treated in his report
order in 1880, wh
Lodge met in Ottaw
now. Then it had
members. The ye
been one of great
respect. The mem
creased, the benefi
reigned supreme,
bright and promis
the dead was a leng
were many who h
sit previous session
The new membera
ed 5,723 and the
and withdrawn
net gain was 1,75
the year amounte
an average of $3
total relief from
order in Ontario
826.33. J. T. Ho
the Oddfellows'
ported that the
was $1,653.13, a
inmate of 45?•
trial coat in th
the property
productive. T
the time had
Lodge should
suitable home
not being asap
was recommen
tax of twenty
levied on the
der thronghou
pian has been
where homes
the per oapi
Dente t0 two
teen inmate,
adults and t
of the appeal
delved up to
from aubordi
Rebekah lodg
of Oddfellows
al meeting of the
and Grand Lodge
0. 0. F. was held
ous reports showed
a flourishing con.
eat branch has a
000 and is steadily
Grand Enorsmp-
n the Provinoe of
Observation C
daily between M
the Glen series of
Mont sleeping
"Glen Atha" an
are elegantly fitte
less be appreciate
road. The Mont
put on shortly;
talent'. Holders of
d deepere have the
mpartment Sleeping
have put into service
observation comport -
Glen tow." These
up, and will doubt-
patroni of the
ries of eAra will be
Gee differ from the
and three °Comp
berth Ond 'bend
privelege of
Without ettri. oh
is the theme vvhich we bring to
your notice at this time.
Some wise man has said, " My
son, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding."
The wise man to day says, "Get
a new suit or overcoat, and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town,
where you know what you are
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor made." That would be
wisdom ; that would be under-
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerat-
ing to say they are the nicest line
we have had for some time, and,
at prices corresponding with the
qualities shown.
Space will not allow us to go
into detail, but
and ean make them any style
desired. We are dealing in
strong staternents, but will back
it up, that we have yet to find the
style of garment we cannot dupli-
cate, And althoug-h plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Department is
filled with the newest and best
for Spring and Summer in all
have also added a
first class line of Jewelry.
Tailor and Furnisher
Foil- Men Who Care.
-."IgamiThe ilmemaiLeading Shoe Store
If the saving of a neat little
SUM of Shoe Money is an object
to you, come right to our Slane
Sale and save it !
Never mind how many Shoes
you have on band—"Shoes are
Shoes," always.
There's plenty of weather
ahead for the sort of Shoes We
are selling, and another pair or
two, at our present prices, Will
be a splendid investment.
Shoe yourself and every memi-
ber of the Family, from Baby
to Grandfather.
No "job lots " in this sale—
bat siMple, unrestricted clean
up of all the Footwear wehaVe
on band. A great MOneatallaY.
ing opportunity.
Fall Shoes win soOn b.: here
that's the why or tba 8ten.
W J. Greer